Once and Future (WormxFate)

[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
[X] [Gala] Gossip
[X] [Socialize] The Alcotts
[X] [Cat] Bast
[X] [Equipment] Two-Handed
[X] [Free Time] Make new friends.
[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
[X] [Gala] Indulge in good food.
[X] [Socialize] The Mystery
[X] [Cat] Kay
[X] [Equipment] Two-Handed
[X] [Free Time] Make new friends.

In order:
Research is always a good idea
Hunger is the enemy, plus saber expy of course I'm picking that
Mystery option sounds like it could be interesting
Naming it after Artoria's brother might jog some more memories
It's the style she'd know best instinctively since Excalibur is also two-handed (and again, expy)
She only has like a handful of friends, that girl needs more
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[X] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
[X] [Gala] Flirt
[X] [Socialize] The Dallons
[X] [Cat] Schrodinger
[X] [Equipment] Two-Handed
[X] [Free Time] Go to cooking classes.

My logic is that we can't be miss X forever. Though to be fair, Miss Y pulls it off fairly well. We tend to be going brute/tank so more damage/aggro seems to be a good thing for the build though that does seem like a bit of meta-gaming. No real reason to pick the Dallons other than I can't think of an IC reason not to, and maybe we can drag the useless lesbian take Amy with us, because I think it would be funny. Also, what sort of uncultured swine doesn't name their cat Schrodinger?
As a note, we currently have two ties going on, due to this quest being cross-posted. (It's a pain in the ass to track, I'll tell you what, why do I keep doing this to myself?)

[X] [Heroism] You took that bat hit strangely well. Maybe you should check yourself for powers?
[X] [Heroism] Study your first aid.


[X] [Socialize] The Mystery
[X] [Socialize] The Dallons

are both currently tied.
On a semi-related note, what is the procedure for tie breaks? Also, are you manually counting votes form SB and SV? That seems like a lot of work. I've run a few quests on this site, but SB for whatever reason does not want to give me a registered account.
On a semi-related note, what is the procedure for tie breaks? Also, are you manually counting votes form SB and SV? That seems like a lot of work. I've run a few quests on this site, but SB for whatever reason does not want to give me a registered account.
I run voting tallies for each site, but then have to manually add them together. Its a pain.

As for ties, its basically DM discretion. If its compatible enough and interesting enough, I might include both options. Otherwise, I'll just act as tie breaker.
[X] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
[X] [Gala] Gossip
[X] [Socialize] The Dallons

[X] [Cat] Leo
[X] [Equipment] Two-Handed
[X] [Free Time] Make new friends
1.2 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:
[X] [Heroism] You took that bat hit strangely well. Maybe you should check yourself for powers?
[X] [Gala] Indulge in good food
[X] [Socialize] The Mystery
[X] [Cat] Kay
[X] [Equipment] Two-Handed
[X] [Free Time] (Write-In) Do some introspection, try to figure out where these strange memories and feelings come from.

Hazel eyes met mine. Slowly, I reached out, stroking my thumb along the cat's forehead, listening to it purr in contentment.

After I had vacated the alley, I had swiftly left to meet with Dean elsewhere, only to be surprised when I realized that the cat had followed me the entire way. Clearly, he was a stubborn sort. Regardless, if he wished to be with me so dearly, then I would not deny him. I took him with me.

Needless to say, my parents had not been enthused to discover that I brought a stray home with me. He was friendly enough however, and won them over fairly quickly.


The cat perked his head up, acknowledging the name I had provided him with. A small smile crossed my lips.

"Hello Kay."

I poked a finger to Kay's nose and he turned his head, rubbing a cheek against my finger, before abruptly jumping down from my desk and padding out of the room, apparently finished with me for the moment. A disappointed sound escaped me, but I allowed him his escape unmolested.

Well, as long as he enjoyed his new environment, I hardly had cause to object.

Wandering over to my bed, I allowed myself to collapse into the mass of stuffed animals that I had piled upon its surface. I winced as one dug into my back, shifting to get more comfortable before finally settling in.



I could get used to this. I had many doubts about my previous self's taste from a year past (why was everything in the room pink?), but I could agree with her in this. Surrounded on all sides by fluffy creatures – Truly, there was no greater sense of comfort than this.

Alas, it could not last forever.

Eventually, my phone's alarm sounded. Unfortunately, I had somewhere to be this evening. I had managed to forestall any social events after I had first woken up by claiming health issues, but now that I had been given a clean bill of health, my mother would have her due. It was time that I attended the latest of her galas.

Rousing myself, I sighed and moved to the closet to begin changing into my dress for the evening, only to glance in the mirror and see the dark, misshapen bruise that marred my shoulders. My first choice of dress had an open back. That would not be an option. I would have to find another.

I hovered briefly over a black dress before rejecting it. I knew from experience that black had a tendency to make me look washed out and pale. A white dress went quicker – beautiful, but too much for the size of the event. There would be a certain amount of extravagance, of course, but it was still a relatively minor event all told. There was such a thing as overdoing it. Pink – No. A yellow dress – well, that wasn't so bad, but it perhaps had the opposite problem of the white. Too close to being a sundress, too casual for the gala.

Eventually, I found another blue dress, this one running all the way up to the neck. It was sleeveless and clung a bit too tight on the hips – I would need something new in the future – but it would do for the evening.

As I had once before, my fingers began tying my hair up. It was a style I had never once worn before I had been rendered comatose. I could not recall having seen it within any fashion magazine, nor had any of my friends ever used it. Yet, my hands steadily wove the braid as if it were the most natural thing in the world. As if I had done this every day of my life.

I stopped and closed my eyes, hiding the stranger that stared at me from within the mirror. I allowed my mind to calm, the world falling away until only I was left.

Who was I?

I remembered growing up wealthy and wanting for naught.

I remembered growing up poor, an orphan adopted by my family.

I remembered going shopping at the Boardwalk almost daily.

I remembered when going to market was an event to mark the season, with festivals and games being held in celebration.

I remembered Christmas Eve service, traditional hymns jazzed up by our youth band.

I remembered the lonely tolling of bells and my hand wrapping around the hilt of a sword. Snow dusted the ground and my breath frosted in the air. Outside, the clamor of men rushing to and fro filled the town, but here, in this old churchyard, there was a strange calmness, as if the entire world held its breath.

"You should think this through before you grab that."

A vision was shown. A miserable fate. A miserable death. The failure of a kingdom.

"--No. Many people were smiling. I do not believe it will be a mistake."

The sword was pulled forth.

A sharp gasp escaped me, my throat clenching in sudden dread. Wetness stained my cheeks.

"A miracle has a price. In exchange, you will lose the thing most important to you."

What had that been? I lifted trembling fingers, tracing the outline of my face upon the mirror's glass. What were these memories of a life I had not lived? What had I gained from taking that sword? What had I lost?

Why did my heart feel as if it were tearing in two?

Gamemaster said:
Spiritual vs Worldly
: 15 | 10 = Failure
Wordly: 12 | 10 = Failure

"The Lord is my light and my salvation," I whispered, the prayer and psalm forming upon my lips. "Whom shall I fear?"

A guilty part of myself reminded me that I had not returned to church since that singular service a few weeks ago. Yet, now I called upon God when I needed solace. Rank hypocrisy. Still, I called out all the same.

"Lord, please guide me in this hour. Please – tell me what is happening to me."

Silence answered me.


"Dean! Your hair is a mess!"

"What? No, it's normal."

"Tsk–" Our mother combed at Dean's hair with her fingers, trying to straighten it out to how she liked it. "We're already running late too."

"I hear it's fashionable these days," our father joked.

"Don't you start–"

"It's fine, Mom. Really." Dean cut in.

I cleared my throat, watching how they both jumped as though they had been unaware of my presence up until that point. "Who is hosting tonight's event? I do not believe you told me earlier."

"The Christeners – It's just a minor fundraising thing, getting ready for the election in November, you know." My mother frowned at me and reached out to tug at my dress. "This dress won't do at all, Ellie. It's so plain – What were you thinking?"

My lips tightened, but my father rescued me before I could reply.
"Oh, stop hassling the kids, Helen. Like you said, we're running late. It's not like there's any time to change."

"Fine. I suppose you're right. Are you both ready to go?"

"About that," Dean said, "I was going to drive separately, go pick Vicky up. I invited her to come as my date tonight. Ellie, you're welcome to come with – I know Vicky's missed you."

"I–" The question was, did I want to see her? The last time I had – a memory flashed by, cacophonous noise ringing in my ears. No, I would have to see her eventually either way. I could manage a car ride at the very least. "Very well, Dean."

"Great!" My father chimed in. "We'll meet you there then. Drive safe, alright?"

"Of course," Dean smiled sunnily and we waved our parents off before walking our way down to his BMW. I slid my fingers across the smooth paint, and for a moment, I was seized by a strange impulse to take the wheel myself, certain that I could see us there. I pushed it aside and strapped myself into the passenger seat.

As we pulled out of the driveway, Dean glanced over at me. "Hey. Is everything alright?"

I blinked and looked back at him. "Yes? Why would it not be?"

"No reason. Just… I know we haven't gotten to spend as much time together as I'd like since you've woken up. I've had my work, and you were busy studying to get caught up. You know I'm here for you if you need me though, right?"

"I know," I said, a feeling of warmth spreading in my chest. "Thank you, Dean."

We spent the next few streets in companionable silence, broken only by the music on the radio. I turned to the window, watching the city go by. After a time, I asked, "Is it just Victoria joining us? Or will her family be coming as well?"

"She mentioned she might try to bring Amy along, get her out of the house."

"Amy never was the most social person."

"She wasn't, but…" Dean grimaced and scratched at her cheek. "She became something of a shut-in after the incident at the mall. Wouldn't leave her room except to go to school."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

Dean looked over at me, meeting my gaze. "Guilt, I would assume."

If she had not spoken up. If she had not made the robber lash out against her. If she had simply allowed the injustice in front of her to continue for the sake of safety. If and if and if – I may not have been rendered comatose.

"Ridiculous." The thought had occurred to me more than once since I had awoken. I rejected it as I had every other time. "She is not at fault."

Dean glanced away. "Emotions like that aren't always logical, Ellie. Sometimes, even if someone knows intellectually that it's wrong, they'll still run away or hide or even lash out."

What could I say against that?

I mulled over the problem, still not coming to any sort of solution by the time we pulled into the cul-de-sac where the Dallon household sat. It was a two-story home with a well-kept lawn, next to a series of near identical homes. Nice, certainly, if nowhere near so large as ours.

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 2 | 3 = Success

Dean circled the car to open my door for me, and I stepped out, only to pause. I felt eyes upon me. I looked up and caught sight of brown hair through one of the windows. Amy. Once she realized I had spotted her, she quickly withdrew, the curtains falling to hide her from me.

So. It was to be like that then.

I strode up to the front door and knocked, Dean hurrying in my wake. Carol Dallon answered the door.

Victoria's mother was a severe looking woman, with a sharp jaw, a narrow nose, and her hair cut into a short bob. Her perpetual frown, at least every time that I had met her, did nothing to soften that impression. She spared me a glance before glaring at Dean. "Hello Ellie. Dean."

"Hey," Dean said, giving a bright smile in response. It had to be intentional. There was no way he was actually oblivious to the way Mrs. Dallon was looking at him.

"I'll let Vicky know you're here," Mrs. Dallon said shortly. "You know the rules?"

"No hanky-panky and I promise I'll have her back by ten."

"Good. Ellie, glad to see you back on your feet."

"Thank you. I am glad to be back upon them."

Mrs. Dallon walked upstairs and Victoria came flying down naught a minute later. Literally flying; her feet did not touch the staircase. Unlike me, she had overdressed for the occasion. A beautiful white dress hugged her body, the shimmering fabric cascading down like waves. Her hair caught the light, her smile brightened the room.

"Ellie!" She smiled widened and she rushed in to wrap her arms around me. I stiffened at the sudden contact, before slowly relaxing, returning the hug. "I'd heard from Dean, but it's so good to see you again."

"Yes. I am glad you are doing well, Victoria."

"Victoria? Since when do you call me by my full name like that?"

"Is it an issue?" I asked, frowning.

"No. Of course not. Just…" She looked at my brother. I couldn't see what gesture he made in return, but her hug tightened ever so slightly before letting go. "Well, come on, let's get going."

We walked back to the car and I moved into the rear seat, allowing Victoria the front to sit with Dean. As the car pulled out of the driveway, I shot one final look at the house and the face lurking in the upstairs window.


Party said:
The Party is Medium sized and will last for three rounds.

Appeal: 2 | 14 = Success
>You are Popular. Gain 1 Geniality per round.

Round 1
>Popular: Geniality increases to 1.
Election Season
You find yourself involved in a conversation about the upcoming elections.
Politics: 12 | 1 (+1 Geniality) = Failure
>You fail to follow the conversation. No effect.

Round 2
>Popular: Geniality increases to 2.
You find yourself caught in conversation with a lady who talks incessantly.
Etiquette: 5 | 7 (+2 Geniality) = Success
>You politely excuse yourself and slip away. Geniality increases to 3.

Round 3
>Popular: Geniality increases to 4.
Regale the Host
You are asked to entertain the host with a story.
Orate: 15 | 6 (+4 Geniality) = Failure
>The host is unimpressed. No effect

Indulgent: 18 | 10 = Failure
Constitution: 8 | 14 = Success
>You are sick to your stomach, but you do not throw up.

"Dean! Victoria! I'm glad you both could make it. And Ellie, of course. It's been awhile since I saw you at one of these."

"It has been some time since I was able to," I answered. "Thank you for having me, Rory."

"Not at all." Rory Christner, the mayor's son, was a tall, broad-shouldered young man. He grinned and reached out to pat Dean on the shoulder. "Come on in."

Thus, did the night begin. We went to Rory's father first, and I was made to endure a conversation about the upcoming elections and who they thought would win. I managed to understand that he was confident in his own chances, but that there was a good chance the incumbent sheriff would be losing his position. At some point, I felt my attention start to drift before I managed to excuse myself.

Unfortunately, a friend of my mother's ambushed me after that. It was all the usual platitudes. How happy she was to see me, how big I had gotten. I'm not sure she even realized I had been injured until recently. She asked how I was doing in school and if I was dating any boys.

I gave her a tight smile. "I am sorry. However, I really must use the restroom."

"Oh, alright. Do take care, dear."

"Thank you."

I managed to escape all of two steps before my mother came looking for me. "Ellie, there you are. I was just telling Rory here all about how well you were doing getting caught up for school. Tell him about how hard you've been studying."

I glanced at Rory, who mostly looked uncomfortable for me and as though he didn't want to be there. "I don't think there is much to tell. I did well enough for Arcadia's placement test. Excuse me, I really need to sit down."

Extricating myself from unwanted conversation once again, I finally managed to flee and sit down at a table, rubbing at the bridge of my nose. It was strange. I had enjoyed these parties in the past. Now they just felt tedious. Well, if I was to be trapped here, I could at least enjoy the food. I began stacking my plate with cheese and salami.

"Well, someone certainly has an appetite."

"It has been a long evening," I said blandly, not pausing in my consumption as I glanced at the unfamiliar voice. A young girl, perhaps about my age, sat across from me. She had tied her long, strawberry-blonde hair back with a ribbon in a way that seemed as if it were meant to draw attention to her piercing blue eyes. "I do not believe we have met."

"We haven't." She smiled and I tilted my head. There was a faint accent to her words, trained almost to no longer be there. "I'm Erin Archelot."

"Elaine Stansfield."

Erin giggled. "I know. A lot of people have been talking about your miraculous awakening, you know?"

"Is that why you are here then? To confirm the rumors?"

"Of course not," Erin said, shaking her head. "We're both going to be attending Arcadia in the fall. I was hoping we could be friends."

Gamemaster said:
Trusting vs Suspicious
: 9 | 10 = Success
Suspicious: 17 | 10 = Failure

"I do not see why not," I said, reaching for a piece of salami, only to find I had eaten the entire tray. I frowned and began on the lemon bars instead. "We will be in the same year together then?"

Erin clapped her hands together. "We will! And I'm glad to hear it. I was there last year too, but didn't really manage to connect with many people. Everyone seems intimidated for some reason."

"I cannot imagine why. You seem likeable enough."

"Well, who knows? My Mom was a bit famous way back when, but that was years ago."

I raised an eyebrow curiously. "Oh? What for?"

"I guess she was a famous singer back in the day?" Erin shrugged. "She's more on the production side of things nowadays though. She's here at the party, if you want to meet her."

"Perhaps another time," I said, taking a slice of cake. "Were you planning to follow in her footsteps then? Become a singer yourself?"

"I'm sure she would like me to, but no. It's a bit too much spotlight for me. I prefer to stay a bit more behind the scenes."

"Understandable. I am sure being gawked at like that must be unpleasant."

"Hmm, well, something like that, I suppose." She smiled pleasantly and took a cookie for herself.

"What is it that you do want to do with yourself, in that case?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Maybe I'll become a wizard, like that guy over in Chicago."


"You know, Myrddin?" Erin stared at me a moment and must have realized that I did not know who she was speaking about. "Wow, you must really not watch the news or anything. He's pretty famous. Not Triumvirate tier or anything, but still."

"I have never been particularly interested in parahuman culture," I demurred, though something about the name tickled at my mind. "I do not imagine that wizardry is the easiest of vocations to enter."

"No, I suppose it isn't," Erin said with a faint smile. "I suppose I'll just have to keep thinking about it then."

I arched an eyebrow, but she simply stayed silent, nibbling on her cookie until the moment had passed.

Then I was simply left with awkward silence, not sure how to advance the conversation once more. It was almost a relief when Dean came over to inform me that he and Vicky were leaving.

"I suppose that is my call for the evening. It was a pleasure meeting you, Erin. Hopefully, I can do so again soon."

Erin smiled brightly at me. "Yeah, I hope so too. Maybe we can hang out sometime before school starts."

"I would like that," I said simply and returned her smile before turning away.

Gamemaster said:
Geniality: 4
>Gain 4 Glory.

The night had been long. Soon, the morning would come, and with it my plans for a new day. During my fight in the alley, I had taken our three grown men. I had taken a hit across the back with a bat and kept fighting. However I looked at it, that was not normal. Something was odd with me – not just my mind, but my body as well.

It was time I found out what it was.

Gamemaster said:
You heal naturally. Hit Points: 30/32

Moving sucks. The end.

I'm not really happy with the latter half of this chapter, but I was tired of hanging onto it and wanted to push it out, so here we go. The vote of Dallons vs Mystery was pretty close, so I wound up giving a bit of both. The investigate your powers bit is pushed back to next time, but will be included in more detail.

Not happy with how the Feast rules worked in converting to a quest format. I think I'll probably scrap them and run something a bit simpler for future occasions.

I have decided to rename Renown to Glory. This is what it originally was in Pendragon. I had changed it to better suit cape life, where fame is important, but I'm shifting that because of the next point – I have also decided to allow for the collection of Glory in your private life. You won't earn as much as you would through combat, but this way you're not limited to only combat as a collection source.

It is June of 2010.

Choose someone to spend time with:
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Sports
>You could use the exercise.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work.
[ ] [Activity] Summer Classes
>You may have gotten into Arcadia, but it wouldn't hurt to get caught up more.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Religion
>Visit churches to try and find a new one.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose a way to advance yourself as a hero.
[ ] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
>You can't just be X forever.
[ ] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[ ] [Heroism] Study your first aid.
>You might need to treat injured people in the future.
[ ] [Heroism] Look for trouble.
>You're not a hero if you aren't actually going out and saving people, right?
[ ] [Heroism] (Write-In)
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Activity] Summer Classes

>You may have gotten into Arcadia, but it wouldn't hurt to get caught up more.
[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Activity] Sports
[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
So maybe this was asked before on one of the other sites, but will we ever be able to improve our powers because currently we seem to be on the lower end of Brutes, considering that we still took damage from a baseball bat. Even if it's less then we would normally. So will there be a way to improve powers or will it just be stat, and Skill increases from here on out.

Nevermind I found a comment from earlier where you answered this
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[X] [Social] Erin Archelot
[X] [Activity] Sports
[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.

We do tend to be going for a brute, so sports makes sense, as does learning about parahumans. Given that we don't know Vicky from Eve, and we just promised to be frieds with Erin, I think we should try her first. Also, let's not ignore the blatant plothook OC from the author.
Voting will close in 48 hours. The Activity and Heroism votes are both very close, so get your votes in now.
1.3 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Activity] Sports
[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans

My fist slammed into foam. I followed it up with a flurry of blows, exerting as much strength as I could. The self-defense class I had signed up for did not focus on fighting and instead concentrated on methods to escape and run away. That did not mean we hadn't learned the basics. Enough that I knew how to throw a punch at least.

The punching bag rocked back a scant few inches. I think it was safe to say that I did not have any sort of super strength.

I let out a sigh and used the back of my arm to wipe sweat from my brow. I had already tried a few other tests just to see if I had any physical enhancements. I measured how high I could jump, how much weight I could lift, how fast I could run. Our home's personal gym did not lack for equipment.

The only thing left was to test my durability.

I picked up a thin sewing needle from where I had left it nearby. The prospect of injuring myself was not a particularly appealing one, but this seemed the easiest way. I drew my lips tight and pressed the point against the pad of my finger. There was a moment of resistance before blood began welling up. Nothing that could not be explained by my hesitance and the needle not being quite sharp enough.

Many people were smiling.

It did not matter. I did not need powers to try and save people. It was reckless, perhaps, but… I could envision the task ahead. That which I could envision, I could make reality. There was already someone close to home who I could help, after all.


"Thank you for having me."

"Hey, I'm happy to have you," Victoria said, smiling brightly. "Can I get you anything? Snacks, a drink?"

"No, I do not require anything," I replied, glancing around the Dallons' living room. It was quite a bit smaller than our own, but it was still nice. Family photos lined the walls, the furniture was well-made, a large TV hung on the far wall. It was only on a second examination that the oddities began to stand out.

The doors had reinforced frames and heavy-duty locks. Thick curtains lined each of the windows, ready to be drawn and hide the inhabitants from the outside. A security system was primed and needed a code imputed every time the door was opened. This was a home of people who expected danger.

"Oh, okay. Well, make yourself at home. I was a little surprised that you asked to come over – I don't usually see you unless Dean brings you along. Are you doing okay, by the way?"

"I am doing as well as could be expected, I suppose. There has certainly been some need to adjust, both physically and mentally, but I have been doing my best to manage it."

"Well, if you need anything, let me know, okay? Homework advice, making friends, hanging boys from trees – whatever you need, Big Sis Vicky is on the case." She grinned brightly and winked at me, patting her bicep.

A smile played about my lips. "Well, perhaps I shall take you up on that at some point."

Victoria put a hand over her mouth and faked a gasp. "A month awake and you're already getting back into the dating pool? Who's the lucky boy?"

"Who said anything about a boy?"

"Lucky girl?"

"Yes, though not in the sense that you are thinking." I let my smile fade, the humor of the moment fading. "I was hoping to speak with Amy."

Victoria froze, her feet slowly lowering to the ground. "Really? I mean, that's great if so, I just didn't think the two of you ever got along much."

"We have not in the past. Regardless, I would like to change that."

Victoria studied me, her gaze inscrutable, before she finally nodded, tilting her head towards the stairs. "Alright, follow me. I'll try and draw her out for you."

I followed behind her, my shoes sinking into the plush carpet as I silently followed behind her. We passed Victoria's room first, her door hanging open to expose it. Passing by, I spotted a desk with a laptop sitting open and a large bookshelf with several trophies decorating it. Victoria stopped at the next door and knocked.

"Amy? You awake?" she asked, her voice soft. Hesitant.

"What is it?" A muffled voice replied.

"Could you come out? Elaine's here."

"Just tell her I'm asleep."

"Amy, it's three in the afternoon."

"Then tell her I'm not here."

"Amy, she wants to talk with you. Just come down for a bit?"

"Well, maybe I don't want to talk with her!" Amy snapped. "Just… just leave me alone, Vicky."

I pressed my lips tight. My patience with this petulance was growing thin. "Excuse me, Victoria."

"Ellie? What are you–"

My foot slammed into the door. The doors leading outside may have been reinforced, but they had not taken the same precautions here. There was a crack and the latch slipped, the door banging into the wall as it flew open. Inside, Amy sat wrapped almost entirely in a blanket, staring wide-eyed as I came through the door.

"What the hell?! Did you just break into my room? Are you fucking crazy?"

The girl was paler than I remembered, the color drained from her skin from lack of sun, leaving a stark white to contrast with her many freckles. Her brown hair had grown long and tangled, wild from lack of care. And though she wore her blanket as a cloak, it parted enough that I could tell she wasn't wearing much in the way of clothes. A large t-shirt and her underwear. I scowled down at her and she flinched back as I approached.

"Get dressed," I said, my voice as tightly controlled as I could keep it. "Your family may have indulged your cowardice, but I will not. I am taking you outside."

"I'm not going to–"

"Get. Dressed."

Amy glanced to Victoria for a moment before looking back to me. Her jaw worked, trying to say something but unable to produce the words. Finally, she bit out, "Fine. But get out of my room. I'm not going to change with you watching, you creep."

I held her gaze, not looking away until she met my eyes. The pink of anger and embarrassment slowly invaded her cheeks and I waited until it was near a tipping point before I replied, "I shall hold you to your word." With that, I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. It failed to latch properly and began drifting open again.

"Holy hell." Victoria stared at me as though I were a stranger. "Where did that come from, Ellie?"

"...Do you believe that I went too far?"

"A bit," Victoria said dryly. "I won't complain if it works. I will leave you in a tree if you make Amy cry though, okay?"

"Well. Far be it from me to tempt your wrath. You are welcome to come along, if you wish."

"Next time, maybe. I have the feeling the two of you need to have a talk without me acting as third wheel."

"I don't think we need to have a talk, not that anyone asked me," Amy said, stomping out of her room. She'd thrown on a pair of jeans and a hooded jacket despite the summer heat outside. She hadn't bothered combing her hair.

"Your opinion is noted," I said. "However, I am choosing to ignore it in this case. Shall we?" I offered my hand only for Amy to glare at it as though it had personally offended her until I lowered it once more.
"If we must," Amy finally said.

I met Victoria's eyes and she gave me a sympathetic smile. It would seem I had my work cut out for me. "Then let's go." I led the way back downstairs. Dean had not been available to drive me today – I had needed to catch a taxi over here – but there was a bus stop nearby that ran close to where I was intending for us to go.

"Where exactly are we going anyway?" Amy asked. "If it's shopping, I'll save us the time and hard pass now. I get enough of that when Victoria decides she needs to drag me out of the house."

"We are not going shopping."

"Good," Amy said. "Maybe this won't be a completely miserable experience then."

Well, one could dream, I suppose.

A half hour later saw us at a set of batting cages down near the Boardwalk. It was part of a larger facility – there was a laser tag arena, mini-golf, an arcade, and other entertainment for children our age to busy ourselves with. Amy however, had not been happy with my choice.

"Sports? Really? I take it back, this is already worse than shopping. At least then I only have to walk."

"Just hit the ball, Amy."

I followed my own advice, only to whiff the strike as my swing came in a bit too quickly. Amy scowled but followed suit soon after, a satisfying crack echoing through the cage.

"Why did you decide on this anyways? You never struck me as the sports type before."

"I have been attempting to broaden my horizons since I woke up." I swung again, this time managing to catch the edge of the ball. The force didn't transfer properly however, and it simply bounced away. "Besides which, I had the feeling that this conversation would leave the both of us wishing to strike something."

"Well, that's for sure." Amy swung again. Crack. Another ball went sailing back and was caught by the cage's netting.

I shifted my grip. I had never done anything quite like this before, to my memory, yet it still felt somehow familiar. I swung again – the bat hit and the ball went flying upwards before falling back down behind the plate.


"What?" I turned to frown at Amy.

"Widen your stance. Spread your feet apart. Square your shoulders."

I furrowed my brow. "What do you mean?"

Amy huffed and shut her pitching machine off before circling around to my cage. I shut my machine off as well, and she stepped in behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder and another on my back, pushing gently to straighten me. "I mean your stance is all wrong. You look like you're trying to swing a sword around."

Raising an eyebrow, I followed her instruction. "You are better at this than I thought you would be."

"Vicky's main sport was always basketball, but she's dragged me to places like this before. She could probably give you better advice than I could."

I hummed and glanced back at Amy. "She seems like a good sister."

"...Yeah. She is. Better than I deserve."


"Hey!" Amy scowled. "You're not supposed to agree with that!"

"Would you prefer that I give you platitudes instead?" I asked. "Perhaps about how love does not care what you deserve?"

"Ugh. No." Amy shook her head and looked away. "Forget it."

Pausing, I tilted my head back, looking out towards the sky. "I called it a platitude, but that does not make it less true, Amy. Love does not care whether you deserve it or not. Your sister loves you. That will not change. It is simply up to you to live up to that love."

"Easy for you to say," Amy scoffed.

I sighed and set my bat down. "What is it that is eating at you exactly, Amy? My brother thought you were guilty over what happened to me, but that does not seem to be the case."

"Wait, is that what all this has been about? Because of Dean? He had no right to talk about me like that!"

My eyes narrowed. "Amy. He was worried about you. Your sister is worried about you."

"Yeah, well, it's none of their business, Elaine!"

A frustrated sigh escaped me. One step forward and two steps back. "If not with them, then speak to me, Amy. Cease this tantrum and allow me to help you."

"Why do you care, even? It's not like we were ever friends."

"Perhaps not. That need not stay the case, however."

"And what, I'll just become a better person through the power of friendship?"

I stepped forward into Amy's space and drove a finger into her chest. I was shorter than she was, the top of my head only coming up to her nose. I tilted my head back so that I could look her in the eyes. "You think you are not worthy of their love? Fine. Then I will beat you into shape until you resemble an actual functioning human being again."

Amy's eyes widened. "Er, when you say beat me into shape, what does that mean exactly?"

A smile played on my lips. "I suppose that is for me to know and you to discover. To start, we will be making this sort of outing a regular thing. You are not allowed to simply hide away in your room any more. At the very least, you will join me in my self-defense classes so that you are prepared for any future trouble."

"...Fine. I can agree to that. For now."

"Good. Then let us hit a few more balls and I will buy us dessert on the way home. Is that acceptable?"

"Well, that would require you to actually hit anything first," Amy snarked.

"Oh? Those sound like fighting words to me, Amy. Were you looking to make a competition of it?"

"You know I'll crush you, right? You haven't hit a single ball yet."

"Ah, but I have received your instruction and taken it to heart. I am sure my fortunes are ready to shift."

"Well fine," Amy grinned. "If you want to lose that badly. If I win, you have to give me your serving of ice cream after this. I get both, you get none."

I narrowed my eyes. A harsh penalty indeed. "I accept."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Energetic.
Gain a check to Melee.


Nearly two hours later, Amy laid sprawled across the bus seat, groaning softly. "Ugh. I can't believe how competitive you are."

I shifted uneasily and looked away. "Surely it wasn't that bad?"

"We played five games with thirty balls each game." Amy grimaced and looked away. "You sulked when I beat you and asked for another rematch, only to get mad if I tried going easy. Not even stealing your ice cream makes up for this."

"...Perhaps I was a bit overly enthusiastic."

"You don't say," she replied sarcastically.

I looked out the window and watched the city pass by, trying to ignore the heat that was burning my cheeks.

"...Still," Amy said after a moment. "I had fun. Thanks, I guess. Even if you owe me a new door."

"...I will see what I can do to replace it."

Amy laughed, a surprisingly gentle sound for how harsh her voice could usually be. Outside, the world passed by, idyllic as the Bay ever could be. Blue skies stretched as far as I could see, the Sun bright in the sky. A cloud passed and a second sun appeared.


A series of popping sounds came from nearby – gunfire? Amy was starting to raise herself up in response to the noise when the Sun descended and the world disappeared in light. The bus was rolling, my arm wrapped around Amy as I tried to keep us in our seats. A thunderous clap came nearby and the both of us fell down onto what had once been the bus's ceiling.

Gamemaster said:
Elaine Dexterity: 14 | 14 = Critical Success

I let out a slow breath as I slowly sat up. Amy and I were unhurt, thankfully, but I couldn't say the same for the other people on the bus. A quick scan of the vehicle showed people who had broken bones while falling. Others who had fallen on shattered glass and cut themselves. Some were unconscious. Others were groaning in pain.

Across the street I could see men dressed in garish red and green, guns aimed towards the sky. A dreadful roar shook the ground beneath me, dredging up terror from deep within my soul.

There was no time to think. I had to act.

It is June of 2010.

You have been caught in the crossfire of a Parahuman battle. You need to respond and fast.
[ ] [Battle] Attack
You should get rid of those gunmen across the street. It will be difficult to evacuate everyone if it's an active warzone.
[ ] [Battle] Rescue
Start dragging people out of the bus to try and get them to safety. This will take time and be difficult with a battle going on.
[ ] [Battle] Hide
Bunker down inside the bus and hope that help comes soon.
[ ] [Battle] Flee
Get yourself and Amy to safety. The others will have to fend for themselves.
[ ] [Battle] (Write-In)
1.4 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:


"Whu–" Amy stirred on top of me and I gently shifted her to the side. "What happened?"

"A Parahuman battle. We need to pull the people trapped here to safety quickly, before anything else happens."

"I–" Amy slowly pushed herself up and looked around. An explosion sounded off in the distance, the force and noise enough to send the bus rocking once more. "Where is even safe?"

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 6 | 3 = Failure

I drew my lips tight. There was too much noise. I couldn't tell which direction the battle was in, if it was even moving away at all. "I do not know. I know that we cannot afford to stay here, however, and neither can these people."

"So what, we just pick a direction and go?"

"We will not escape far with all of these people – but we can at least get them inside a building and out of the line of fire."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Prudent.

Amy chewed on her lip, her eyes frantically darting around the bus, before finally nodding. "Okay. Okay. We can do this. How do we do this?"

Ducking down to look through the window, I surveyed the area before pointing to a bookshop. "We aim for that building. The heavy shelving should hopefully help stop any bullets that come through the walls. I will begin organizing anyone who is awake and uninjured enough to assist those who are hurt."

Amy nodded again and took a deep breath before rushing to the nearest person. Meanwhile, I scanned the bus. There had been eighteen people onboard prior to our crash. Not including Amy and I, there looked to be three relatively uninjured, with another two who could at least walk under their own power. That meant at least two trips, possibly a third to get everyone, and that's assuming everyone helped.

Gamemaster said:
Heroism: 7 | 16 = Success
Leadership: 20 | 0 (+5 Heroism) = Fumble!
>Gain a check to Leadership.

I stepped out into the aisle and raised my voice. "Everyone who is able – We must move everyone who is injured off the bus and into the nearby buildings swiftly! The longer we stay here, the greater the chance that we are caught in the crossfire!"

"Fuck that!" A man swore. "I'm not waiting around for some Empire goon to put a cap in me! I'm getting out of here!"

"Wait – These people need your help!"

The man ran for the rear door, shoving me aside as he passed by. I hit the ground, the breath blown out of me, more stunned by the act than the actual force behind it. The other two uninjured people, a man and a woman, shared a look before following after him, a bit more slowly. One of them looked down at me as they passed.

"Sorry kid. You mean well, but we just can't risk it. Not with things this bad already."

Slowly picking myself up, I squeezed my hands tight. I could not fault them. They simply wished to keep themselves safe. Still, the taste of bitter disappointment filled my mouth.

"Oh God. What are we going to do?"

I took a deep breath and looked at the woman who had spoken, a woman with a very obviously broken leg. "We will do whatever we are able. My friend and I will begin carrying whoever we can, but we need you to stay calm in the meantime."

The ping of a stray bullet hit the frame of the bus and the woman flinched. "We're going to die, aren't we?"

"No. Not today. Not if I can help it."

The woman broke into tears and I looked away. A part of me wanted to join her, but I could not afford that. Not now. For now, I locked those emotions away and focused on the task at hand. The people who had been knocked unconscious would have to be first. There was no chance that they would be able to drag themselves to safety. Amy could help those who only had broken limbs out of the bus at least. I performed mental triage and moved to grab my first rescuee.

Gamemaster said:
Strength: 9 | 9 = Critical Success
Rescue (2d6+6) = 9+6 / 13 people Rescued prior to interruption.

They were heavy. It wasn't even that big of a person, yet I found my arms straining. I grit my teeth and bore the weight. Then I bore the weight of the next person. And the next. Even those who were twice my size, somehow I managed to walk. A mere eleven people to carry.

The bookstore owner looked a frightened mess when I brought the first person in, but he was quickly ushering me through, helping take people from me once I got them to the door. I finally heard sirens in the distance as I left for the final casualty, though the sounds of explosions had not yet quieted. Extricating them from the wreck, I made it to the door when a thing made of twisted steel tore through the street.

Its passage left the bus a twisted wreck, the gunmen who had been firing from nearby now a mangled heap. The thing stopped, turning to look at me for a moment, before continuing onwards, uninterested in a random civilian. A wolf made of jagged, cruel blades and barbs. Another Parahuman.

This was the face of the conflict in my city. This cruelty. This indifference to the safety and happiness of its people. I shook, overcome with rage and fear and exhaustion all at once. I barely managed to get inside the bookstore before collapsing to the ground, barely able to draw in breath.

"You okay?"

"No. Not particularly." I allowed my breath to slow before opening my eyes to look at Amy. "Is everyone safe?"

"Yeah. I can't believe we managed it." Amy gave me a small grin and punched at my shoulder. "I didn't think you had something like that in you."

Gamemaster said:
Modest: 2 | 10 = Success
Proud: 12 | 10 = Failure
Glory gained for successfully rescuing all wounded = 30

"I just did what I could," I said, glancing away.

"Well, I guess what you could do was more than I thought." Heat suffused my cheeks, but it was a pleasant embarrassment. Amy kept talking, having apparently not noticed. "I already called 911 and left a message with my family. They're busy trying to contain this, but an ambulance should be on its way."

"Good. That's… good. Do we know what caused this?"

"No idea. That bright flash at the beginning though? That was Purity, the Empire's resident Blaster."


Amy gave me a funny look. "Yeah, you know. Shoots beams and stuff. Did you never learn the Parahuman classifications?"

I shrugged. "I was never terribly interested in them before… everything that has happened."

"Well… I suppose the classifications do change quite a bit, the science around it is still evolving, but Blaster's on pretty much all of them. Vicky could tell you more, she's a huge nerd about this sort of stuff."

"What are the others?" I asked.

"Ugh. Give me a sec. How'd it go?" She began singing a small rhyme, "Mover, Shaker, Brute, and Breaker. Master, Tinker, Blaster, and Thinker. Striker, Changer, Trump, and Stranger."

"That's all of them?"

"All of the ones currently in use. Like I said, there's some older ones, or ones that don't get used often any more. Like Shifter or Nuker."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Parahuman Studies.

I hummed thoughtfully and closed my eyes, too tired to truly engage with what she was saying. Darkness soon overtook me.


A scream rent the air. The girl woke with a start, immediately moving to begin donning her armor. Her armor, but not her sword. She had drawn the Sword of Selection earlier that day. Not all had acknowledged it. King Lot had declared that he would never serve someone as young as her as King. Nor had he been alone. Others had left in discontent, murmuring of a child king. Yet, for every one that left, two had vowed their allegiance.

The sword had been hung in Saint Paul's Basilica. Proof for all to come and see that the sword had been drawn. The King had been chosen.

And tonight, the very same night that the sword had been drawn, vandals had come to sack Londinium and steal the sword.

She left her lodgings, with not the holy sword but instead one made of common steel in hand. A man covered in painted woad and wielding naught but a knife came screaming out of the night. A twist and a slash and he was cut down.

Even without her holy sword none stood in her way. Pictish knifemen were cut down. Their spears were broken. Their shields shattered. And at the Basilica, she found loyal knights had formed a defensive line, keeping any from taking the sword.

"You have each done well. Tell me your names, that I might know who has served me faithfully this night."

"My Lord, I am Lucan," one youth told her. He was young, and could not have been a knight for long, only recently graduated from squirehood. A firm jaw lent him a dignified appearance however, even in the midst of this bloodshot.

"My Lord, I am Griflet," another said. This one was young – too young to have been knighted yet. He must still be a squire, and yet had fought on anyways.

"My Lord, I am Bedivere," the last said. A handsome face, perhaps a year or two older than herself looked back at her steadfastly, disguising the pain of his severed hand. Yet, even despite the grievous wound that showed hurried signs of wrapping, he had not been slowed in his defense of the sword.

"Rise. I acknowledge each of you as knights of my household. You shall be proud. For each of you have obeyed your king's command."


When I opened my eyes again, a day had passed. Someone had taken me back home while I slept, though I could not remember who. Vivid memories of dreams whirled through my mind as I slowly left my bed.

A slew of messages had filled my phone while I slept.

There were Victoria and Amy, of course, asking me to let them know once I had woken up. Mostly Victoria. Amy had sent a single message and had not bothered since. Victoria it seemed asked every few hours if I was awake yet. More surprising were Chelsea and Megan asking if I was okay and getting worried when I did not respond, and even a singular message from Erin checking on my safety.

I sent a message to all five, letting them know I was well. That accomplished, I left my room.

The house was strangely quiet. No maids here to clean. No gardeners outside taking care of the lawn. No sign of Dean in his room. It made the snatches of overheard conversation stand out all the more as I approached the living room.

"--Need to get out of this city. How many more incidents like this do we need?"

"You know it's not that simple, Helen. Where would we even go? Boston? That's even worse than here, they've got the Teeth running around causing havoc. New York? They have a new villain pop up every other week."

"What if next time she doesn't wake up? Or what if next time it's Dean who's hurt?"

"Look, these things never last that long. We can move up the vacation a bit, get them out of the city until it blows over."

"...Fine. That's fine. Just… how did everything go so wrong in the world?"

"I don't know. Too many selfish people choosing to become villains."

I quietly stepped away, not willing to listen any further. A cold pit had formed in my stomach. It wasn't just that people became villains. It was that not enough people stood up to them in response. Yet, here we were, fleeing in the face of adversity.

There was not much I could do about that. Not at this point. However, I could at least use the opportunity to better myself, and return more prepared for next time.

It is July of 2010.

We have arrived at a rest period.

First is to tally checkmarks.
Checkmarks said:
Energetic: 19 | 13 = Increased by 1
Prudent: 1 | 12 = No Increase
Reckless: 15 | 8 = Increased by 1
Honor: 9 | 15 = No Increase
Leadership: 2 | 0 = Increased by 1
Recognize: 5 | 3 = Increased by 1
Parahuman Studies: 8 | 0 = Increased by 1
Drive: 16 | 1 = Increased by 1
Melee: 2 | 1 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as a Plan, i.e.
[ ] Plan Name Here
-[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.

The next stage is to tally Glory and to receive Glory rewards.
Glory said:
Chapter 1 Glory = 49
Passive Glory: (15 per Famous Trait & Passion (>16) = 30) = 30
Total Glory = 79

No Prestige Rewards awarded this month.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

Remember, if at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.
[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

Now, for our actions going forward into next month.

Your parents are taking you on vacation next month. Elaine technically doesn't have any control over this, but you the readers do.
[ ] [Vacation] New York
[ ] [Vacation] Los Angeles
[ ] [Vacation] France
[ ] [Vacation] England
[ ] [Vacation] Japan
[ ] [Vacation] (Write-In)

While on vacation, what will you focus on doing?
[ ] [Activity] Sightsee
[ ] [Activity] Talk with the locals
[ ] [Activity] Hit the beach
[ ] [Activity] Stick with what your family is doing
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

And finally a free time action. I'm going to leave this one entirely up to write-ins. If I particularly like a specific write-in, I reserve the right to also include it in addition to the write-in that wins the vote.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)
[ ] [Vacation] England
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

-[ ] Travel the land and see all of the oldest Castles and Forts. Traverse old battlefields and visit the Tower of London.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)
-[ ] Take your time and visit the restaurants/food stalls of London, hunger is the enemy! (also you are a total foodie)

This is what I have in mind so far but I am open to everyone's opinion! [Would like a consensus on more of the vote]
I think I'd like to increase our indulgence and decrease our temperance. As far as vacation, I'd say NYC rather than England, but I'm not dead set on it either way. I think I'd have something like this:

[x] Plan Good Food and Good Times
[x] Training: Increase Indulgence/decrease Temperance by 3
[x] Vacatiion: New York
[x] Vacation: Sightsee
[x] Freetime: Cook a fancy meal for the family and eat dinner together
[X] Gotta get good to get Glory
[X] Training: raise melee by 3
[X] Vacation: England
[X] [Activity] (Write-In) Visit old castles, and perhaps a strangely familiar lake.
[X] Freetime: Hit the gym