Once and Future (WormxFate)

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The Sword in the Stone. The Lady of the Lake. The Holy Grail.

Tales of knights and chivalry that have echoed across the ages, calling to those who dream of a better future. In a land bereft of both honor and hope, can such ideals be reborn? Can the call to knighthood be kindled once more?

Will the King who Once Was, return again?
0.0 - A New Beginning
I woke to a dark room.

It felt as though I had been dreaming. A distant, grassy field. A blue sky in the distance, yet so close I felt as though I could touch it. Already, the details escaped me. A part of me wished to return to sleep again and recapture that scene.

That was impossible though. However much I wished, that scene would not return. To begin with, a dream is something that only happens once and not continuously. Simply closing my eyes would not bring its return.

All was silent except for a soft, rhythmic beeping. I slowly pushed myself to sit up, staring for a moment, first at the heart monitor and then down at the IV that was in my arm. I was in the hospital? Running a hand through my hair, I looked around. How had I gotten here? I couldn't… I couldn't remember. I had been returning home from school. I had heard screaming – and now I was here.

I slowly pushed myself onto my feet, only to have them almost immediately give way underneath me. I clutched to the side of the bed, barely holding myself upright. A shuddering breath ripped through me. So weak.

Clenching a fist, I grabbed the IV stand and used it to support myself as I forced myself back to my feat. I wouldn't allow my own body to defeat me. I limped towards the bathroom, stumbling a few times, but finally making it to where I could stare into the mirror.

An unfamiliar face stared back. I reached out and ran fingers against the mirror and traced unfamiliar lines. Gaunt cheeks and emaciated flesh. It hardly resembled the me from before. Even putting that aside however, there was something off, something strange that I couldn't put my finger on.

It didn't matter. I would figure it out eventually.

The door burst open and a nurse in blue scrubs rushed into the room. Her gaze fell first upon my bed, an expression of shock crossing her face before she finally looked around and spotted me. "You're awake?" She asked, a note of wonder in her voice.

"I am." I stared back at my reflection in the mirror for a brief moment before returning my eyes to the nurse. "I feel as though I've been asleep for some time."

"It's been almost an entire year," the nurse said softly, as though afraid the news would somehow break me. I simply nodded and stepped out of the bathroom to meet her.

A new day had dawned. A new beginning. I would do my best to meet it head on.

Of course, the question remained. Who are you:
[ ] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a dock worker.
- Low starting funds and low renown, but high freedom.
[ ] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a hero.
- Moderate starting funds, high starting renown, comes with expectation of heroic behavior.
[ ] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
- Extra funds per rest period, comes with expectation of good social behavior in your non-cape persona.
[ ] [CHARACTER] (Write-In)

What drives you?
[ ] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
- Increased armor class, max hit points, and healing rate.
[ ] [POWER] To destroy your foes. (Striker)
- Increased melee damage.
[ ] [POWER] To quest far and wide. (Master - Projection/Mover)
- Always have access to a mount.
[ ] [POWER] To lead others to battle. (Trump)
- Empower allies.
[ ] [POWER] To hold court and rule. (Thinker)
- Bonuses to social rolls.
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Rules: Basic Rules
Hello, and welcome to Once and Future. This will be using a variant of the Pendragon tabletop ruleset.

Your main goal is to accumulate Renown as a Parahuman. Note, that Renown is separate from Reputation. Reputation is simply a measure of how the world sees you, whether as a Hero or Villain, and can fluctuate based on your actions. Renown is the fame that you gather for doing great deeds, and doubles as your experience, gaining new perks as you become more famous.

Dice rolls are resolved much like blackjack. You want to score as close to your target threshold as you can without going over it. This means that if you have a score of 10 in Academics and need to take a test, then a dice roll of 1-9 is considered a success, 10 is a critical success, 11-19 is a failure, and 20 is a fumble. By increasing your score, you can increase your chances of success.

Time spent is divided into two phases. An activity phase, where you attempt to influence the world in some fashion, and a rest phase, where you take the experience of your actions and attempt to learn from them. Note, that as skills increase, it becomes increasingly difficult to increase them further.
Rules: Traits and Characteristics
Your abilities in this quest are governed by a number of traits and characteristics. Five Characteristics quantify every character's physical qualities.

Size: Measures a character's relative height and weight compared to others. Governs health and how hard you are to knock down.
Dexterity: Measures a character's agility and nimbleness. DEX keeps a character upright or mounted when there is a possibility of knockdown in combat.
Strength: Measures a character's physical power and their ability to exert force or pressure on an object.
Constitution: Measures health and vitality.
Appeal: Measures the character's natural charm, presence, and physical attractiveness.

The Derived Characteristics are: Knockdown (SIZ), Major Wound (CON), Weapon Damage (STR + SIZ/6), Brawling Damage (STR + SIZ/6), Healing Rate (CON/5), Movement Rate ([STR + SIZ/2] + 5), Total Hit Points (SIZ + CON), and Unconscious (Total HP/4).

Traits represent a character's personality. They define a character's feelings and govern behavior. The combined total for a trait pair is always equal to twenty. An increase to Energetic, for example, will cause an equal decrease to Lazy and vice versa.
Chaste/Lustful: This Trait pair measures a range of attitudes concerning carnal pleasure and romantic fidelity. It is important to note that failure at a Chaste roll or success at a Lustful roll does not denote an action but a feeling.
Energetic/Lazy: This Trait pair measures a range of feelings and behaviors related to activity and inactivity.
Forgiving/Vengeful: Some parahumans consider Revenge the accepted pathway to justice. Forgiving/Vengeful measures the range of these powerful emotions.
Generous/Selfish: This Trait pair measures willingness to share or not share with others.
Honest/Deceitful: This Trait pair measures a person's subjective view of the truth and how much they are willing to bend it towards their own needs.
Just/Arbitrary: This Trait pair measures a character's subjective view of fairness.
Merciful/Cruel: This Trait pair measures a character's innate sense (or lack) of regard for their fellows.
Modest/Proud: This Trait pair measures how much a person thinks of themselves in comparison with everyone else.
Prudent/Reckless: This Trait pair measures how much a person thinks before acting.
Spiritual/Worldly: This Trait pair measures a character's attitude toward and faith in the unseen world. Worldly should not be conflated with Indulgent. A Worldly character need not seek excessive pleasures, instead taking a more moderate approach to life.
Temperate/Indulgent: This Trait pair measures a character's appetite for good food, drink, and other vices.
Trusting/Suspicious: This Trait pair measures the level of faith a person places in the motivations and intentions of others.
Valorous/Cowardly: This Trait pair measures how brave and audacious a character may be during times of extreme duress.

Passions are strongly held values and beliefs. These can range from Loyalty to one's companions, to a Love for one's family. In a situation where it is appropriate, (for example, the Love for your family can be invoked if they are directly threatened), the character may invoke a passion to attempt to gain a bonus to their rolls. You can have a maximum of 40 points spread across various passions in each passion category.
Reputation: A category unto itself, you desire to protect your reputation when it is on the line.
Fidelity: Whether allegiance to friends, allies, or organizations, this passion represents personal loyalty.
Fervor: Whether Love or Hate, this passion is an expression of intense feeling.
Adoration: This represents extreme devotion to a person or religion. This goes beyond simple love or fealty into something more akin to awe.
Civility: A respect for the laws of the land, the belief that certain rules should be upheld. This could speak to a respect for Heroism, or simply the enforcement of the Unwritten Rules.

Skills are a way of measuring actions that the character can attempt to do in the quest.
Social Skills
Awareness: The general sense of things around you. Used to spot something hidden or notice something out of the ordinary.
Intrigue is the Skill of learning secrets, whether by gossip or eavesdropping. It is the Skill of learning a secret by knowing whom, when, what, and how to ask. It is the Skill of sifting truth from lies.
Etiquette: Courtesy is knowledge of the culture, laws, and customs. This includes things involved in cape culture.
First Aid: First Aid is immediate medical assistance.
Leadership: Your ability to lead a team. This includes general team direction, as well as resolving interpersonal team conflict.
Orate: Orate is the verbal Skill that can influence another person or group, stir emotions, or change minds. It may be argumentative, persuasive, coaxing, or cajoling, depending upon the need.
Recognize: The Recognize Skill represents the ability to single out other capes. It is a relatively small group of people. You can use the Recognize Skill to remember a cape's identity to recall the details of their reputations.
Hunting: The Hunting skill can serve for tracking enemies or setting up traps.
Stealth: A skill that measures your ability to remain unseen, or simply unnoticed.
Flirting: Flirting is a Skill that uses a combination of words, tones, expressions, movements, gestures, and attitudes to communicate charm. Its main use is to gain someone's interest, though it may also be a source of flattery.
Fashion: A skill governing your ability to put together an outfit. Costumes are important to capes, an important first step in gathering Renown.
Academics: Your general ability with schoolwork and other studies.
Finance: Ability to handle finances and business.
Politics: Knowledge of current politics and laws. Can be applied to knowledge of things such as NEPEA-5, as well as local gang territories.
Science: Science is the knowledge of higher tier science, whether physics, biology, or chemistry.
Technology: Technology governs skill with computers and other machinery.
Religion: This Skill quantifies how much a character knows about the beliefs, rites, sacred calendar, and practices of a particular religion. The Religion Skill does not represent faith.
Parahuman Studies: A measure of the current knowledge of Parahuman Science. Includes things such as power classifications, cluster triggers, and how certain trigger events can shape powers.

Combat Skills
Strategy: Strategy is the knowledge and ability to lead others in and, if alone, survive a large-scale conflict, as well as knowledge of combat in general. It will help you pick out targets weaker than you, and avoid combatants that are stronger than you.
Brawling: Punching, grappling, and knifing someone in the ribs.
Melee: Swords, spears, bats, and other melee combat weapons.
Firearms: Guns, bows, crossbows, and other ranged weapons.
Parahuman Power: A measure of control and inventiveness with your Parahuman power.
Drive: Used to control a vehicle, particularly in combat. You gain a bonus to rolls if you are mounted, attacking an unmounted combatant, but any rolls you make are limited to the maximum allowed by your Drive skill.
Charge: Used when mounted to deliver a vicious charging melee attack.
Rules: Checkmarks
Sometimes, during the course of the quest you will receive a "Check" to a Trait, Passion, or Skill. This represents the potential to learn more and grow. These can come about either through direct action (you go out clothes shopping and gain a check to Fashion) or through Fumbling a roll (you critically fail, but gain a check as you learn from your failure).

These checks won't do anything until you hit your next Rest period, at which point you have the opportunity to grow. If you roll higher than your current threshold, you learn from the experience. If you roll below your threshold, it is too similar to experiences you have already had.

For example, if you gain a check to Just and your current score in Just is 16, then you would need to roll a 17 or higher to increase Just in this manner.

Note, that these are essentially free points. You gain these potential Skill and Trait increases independently of the points that you are able to spend each rest period. So try to look for opportunities to gain checkmarks in useful Skills and Traits.
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[X] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a dock worker.
- Low starting funds and low renown, but high freedom.

I see a Taylor option and I take a Taylor option.

[X] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
- Increased armor class, max hit points, and healing rate.

[X] [POWER] To lead others to battle. (Trump)
- Empower allies.
[X] [POWER] To hold court and rule. (Thinker)
- Bonuses to social rolls.

Either standard hero quest or something similar to kingdom/gang building either one would be fun.

Also will we be able to gain more powers or is what we pick what we get?
[X] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a dock worker.
- Low starting funds and low renown, but high freedom

[X] [POWER] To lead others to battle. (Trump)
- Empower allies.
[X] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a dock worker.
- Low starting funds and low renown, but high freedom

[X] [POWER] To lead others to battle. (Trump)
- Empower allies.
[x] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
- Extra funds per rest period, comes with expectation of good social behavior in your non-cape persona.

[x] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
- Increased armor class, max hit points, and healing rate.

[x] [POWER] To quest far and wide. (Master - Projection/Mover)
- Always have access to a mount.

Going for a noblesse oblige thing, or at least a knight errant kinda spirit, is a pretty fitting angle for this, I think.
[X] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
[X] [POWER] To lead others to battle. (Trump)
[X] [POWER] To hold court and rule. (Thinker)

Kings are rich, simple as. Also I don't wanna read another Taylor-quest.
It looks like the votes are leaning massively in one direction. I'm keeping the voting open for an additional 48 hours from the time of this posting, if anyone else wants to chime in or edit their votes, but I think it's fair to get a few thoughts out on the options.

The Daughter of a Dockworker -- As many of you have astutely observed, this is Taylor. I will say that this is not a Taylor who is fresh out of the locker or anything like that. You will be entering with a somewhat different situation than canon if she is chosen. She is also, in some ways, the hardest option to start with with very little starting stats or funds. Still, she's a familiar face and I have a few things to potentially play with here.

The Daughter of a Hero -- The highest bonuses in starting combat stats. There's some interesting tie ins here too; the daughter of a hero compared to Arthur, the adopted son of a knight.

The Rich Heiress -- The only straight up OC on the list (though, you would be able to recognize her family). The strongest in terms of starting social stats, and of course, money is useful all on its own. Buying yourself proper armor / weapons / a mount / etc, all costs money, not to mention if you want to run a team of your own and need to furbish other people.

Another note, as far as making money goes -- As a vigilante, you do, of course have the option of taking money off of gang members you take down. Do note however, that this is considered either theft (if it's the gang member's personal funds) or tampering with evidence (if it's related to a gang's illegal activities). Vigilantes are rarely prosecuted or arrested for this sort of thing, of course, but you could take a hit to your reputation for doing so.
[x] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
- Extra funds per rest period, comes with expectation of good social behavior in your non-cape persona.

[x] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
- Increased armor class, max hit points, and healing rate.

[x] [POWER] To quest far and wide. (Master - Projection/Mover)
- Always have access to a mount.

While i like taylor i think something diffrent would be nice.
Huh. The votes swung hard today. As a reminder, voting closes tomorrow.

Right now, Dockworker's Daughter leads by a single vote over Rich Heiress, so it's anyone's game really.
Hm...to swing or not to swing...

I kind of want to see who the Hero option is, I assume it's one of the New Wave kids, but which one would be interesting, but obviously that one isn't gonna win, so I can either tie the vote or push Taylor further ahead.

...eh, fuck it, let's see someone new.

[X] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.

And for the power...I think we should start with a power that works well without backup, whether we get Taylor or the Heiress, so I'll choose:

[X] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
[X] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
- Increased armor class, max hit points, and healing rate.

[X] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
0.1 - A New Beginning
Voting said:
[X] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
[X] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)

Things did not end there, of course.

Morning arrived, and I sat watching the dawn break. The horizon shone in gleaming gold. Had there been something similar in my dream? I traced my fingers against the window's glass, simply watching the sun rise higher.


A shaky voice came from behind me. Ellie. Elaine. Yes, that was my name. So why did it feel so foreign to me? I turned and smiled at my brother in the doorway.

"Good morning, Dean."

He rushed to wrap his arms around me, tears streaming down his cheeks. I shifted uncomfortably a moment, silently enduring the discomfort of the moment, before wrapping my arms around him in turn. It was strange to see how much difference a single year could make. He had grown so much. I hardly recognized the boy he had been before my accident.

"Where is Mom and Dad?" I asked.

Dean pulled back, a faint frown crossing his face. "Mom is downstairs still, handling the paperwork for your discharge. Dad… was out of town on business when we got the news."

My lips thinned. "Of course." More important that she get me home where my injury could no longer be an embarrassment than she actually see me once again.

"Don't worry about it too much, Ellie. I'm here for you. It's good to have you back."

That was true. My brother had always been my most stalwart ally. I still remembered the toy lions he had once carved for me. Except… that could not be right. Dean had never done anything like that. He did not know the slightest thing of whittling, and I had never been so short of toys as to require one so roughly made. Yet, I recalled those lions with more fondness than all the toys I knew awaited me back at home.

"...I am still adjusting somewhat, to be honest. I do not remember all of what happened."

Dean sat down on the edge of the bed, running a hand through his hair. "How much do you remember?"

"We were out shopping, I believe? Together with Victoria and her sister." A playdate of sorts. Let the two siblings keep each other company while Dean could go off and spend time with his girlfriend. It didn't particularly work. Amy refused to leave her sister's side, and had never shown much interest in speaking with me.

Dean's face scrunched up in concern, as though something I had said was niggling at him. Still, he nodded after a moment. "There was a new gang that was trying to muscle into Brockton Bay. Called themselves Chorus. I don't know what they were thinking – if they thought it would give them a reputation, or if they just didn't care about casualties, but they attacked the mall."

It came back to me.

The sharp retort of gunfire broke the chatter of the crowd. The screaming started moments later. Then, silence. Nothing had changed, people were still screaming, still panicking, still pushing and shoving as they attempted to flee, heedless of who they might hurt in the attempt. There simply was no noise. Only one man was allowed sound in this place.

A blonde man wearing an opera mask hopped up onto a fountain, turning to look out over the crowd. "People of Brockton Bay. Do not panic. As long as you cooperate, you will be able to go home safe and sound, if short of a few shiny things. Please take out your wallets, watches, and jewelry. My associates will be around to collect them shortly. Don't try to fight. Don't try to be a hero. That's how people get hurt."

I looked to Vicky. She was a hero right? Glory Girl? She would save us. Except, she was looking at Dean, who shook his head ever so slightly. She tried to say something in response, but no words came. Eventually, her shoulders sunk and she gritted her teeth, resigning herself to what was happening.

Don't be a hero. That's how people get hurt. So she was just going to watch instead?

What use was a hero that didn't do anything when you needed them most?

My ears popped and sound returned to the world in a rush. Complete silence turned into a din, only to be silenced once more as a gun was fired into the air. Three men in masks went from person to person, telling them to give any money or valuables they had on them. And people complied.

Better to give up their things than risk their lives. It was with a bitter expression that Victoria handed over the earrings that Dean had bought her. So too, did Dean hand over his wallet.

Then there was Amy.

"Fuck off. I'm not giving you anything."

There was hardly even a second to stare in shock before the robber backhanded her across the face, sending her reeling to the floor. Vicky didn't wait. She surged forward, wrapping her hand around the man's wrist, a sickening crack following moments later. The man's scream followed, only for silence to envelop the two of them once again, cutting the sound short. And though we couldn't hear anything, I saw Vicky fall to the ground, clutching at her bleeding ears.

The man slowly picked himself up, holding his broken wrist, and kicked Vicky in the ribs. Even though she was Glory Girl, even though she was supposed to be invulnerable to everything, I saw his foot make an impact. Vicky curled up into a ball, still clutching at her ears. Then, the man pulled his gun and pointed it at her.

No. I couldn't allow this. I had to do something. Anything. I lept at the man, grabbing at his wrist, trying anything to get it to point away from Vicky. The man scowled. I wasn't strong like she was. He didn't have any problems fighting me. But he was pissed off and already hurt. He pushed me back and then the world became noise. Screaming, honking, random chatter. The roar of jet engines and train whistles. Dog barking, children laughing. All of it. All at once. Louder than I could handle. My screams joined the chorus.

It distracted him though. However briefly. I saw Vicky push herself to her feet, a murderous expression on her face. A final sound reached me. The sound of gunfire.

Then there was darkness.

"Oh." I took a deep, shuddering breath. "After I was… injured, what happened?"

"Victoria knocked them out. She'll be really happy to know you're okay. She could have been seriously hurt if you hadn't been there, and she's always blamed herself for what happened."

"She should not. The blame lies with the perpetrators."

Dean gave a weak smile and reached out to put his hand over mine. "Are you mad at me, Ellie?"

"No?" I tilted my head, squinting up at him. "Why would I be?"

"I don't know. It's just that you've been so stiff and formal since I got here. And… I didn't really do much to help when you got hurt."

"What could you have done?" I shook my head. "No, I am not angry at you. I suppose I am simply overwhelmed with everything."

"That's understandable. You ready to get out of here then?"

"I am." I took his hand and stood up. My steps were still shaky, but already they were firmer than they had been when I had first woken. "Let's go home."


I stared at my face in the mirror. It had been a few days, the flesh had begun to fill in and I was looking like my old self once again. Yet something still felt off. Why did I feel as though my eyes ought to be green? I frowned, and tied my hair back into a ponytail, getting a feel for how it framed my face. That was… better.

Sighing, I turned away from my examination and moved back to my desk to look over my school books once more. I was a year behind in my studies. If I had any chance of making it into Arcadia High School with Dean, then I would have to study.

Of course, my family didn't lack for money. Even if I didn't pass Arcadia's entrance exam, they could afford to send me to a good school elsewhere. I could prioritize other things. A part of me ached to learn how to defend myself instead. To make sure that if something like the mall ever happened again, that I would be ready for it. Still, to lean so entirely upon my family's influence left a bad taste in my mouth.

I had a month to bring myself up to speed. It was up to me to decide how best to spend that time.

It is May of 2010.

Due to the ideal you have chosen, your Just trait has been set to 16 and certain events that would have happened in canon have been averted. So it is, we have several votes to make. First is school:

[ ] [School] Take the test for Arcadia.
-There will be a check made for if you are successful or not at this.
[ ] [School] Rely on your family connections
[ ] [School] (Write-In)

Second is how to spend your free time:

[ ] [Free Time] Reconnect with your friends
[ ] [Free Time] Spend time with Dean
[ ] [Free Time] Your mother wants to reintroduce you to high society. Go to a gala.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)

Next, we come to our first vote on how to spend experience.

  • You may distribute up to 9 points among your personality traits. No trait may be increased above 15 in this manner. As a reminder, traits work in opposites. An increase in Forgiving leads to a decrease in Vengeful and vice versa.

  • You may distribute up to 8 points among your skills (including Combat Skills). No skill may be increased above 15 in this manner.

This will be structured as Plan voting. Structure it as the following:
[ ] Plan Name
-[ ] [Traits] (Write-in)
-[ ] [Skills] (Write-in)
[X] [School] Take the test for Arcadia.

We've got a very Lawful Good air. It feels out of character to do elsewise.

[X] [Free Time] Reconnect with your friends

Our brother has a life of his own, we should too. High society can wait until we need something from it.

Undecided on the plan for now.
[X] [School] Take the test for Arcadia.
[X] [Free Time] Spend time with Dean

Below is my attempt at a plan for stats:

[X] Good Go-Getter
-[X] [Traits] Energetic 2
-[X] [Traits] Generous 2
-[X] [Traits] Forgiving 2
-[X] [Traits] Chaste 3
-[X] [Skills] Parahuman Studies 3
-[X] [Skills] Melee 3
-[X] [Skills] First Aid 2

Edit: let me know if I need to change anything in order for it to work
2nd Edit: Changed Parahuman Power to Parahuman Studies due to QM advice below.
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What is our parahuman power, out of interest?
Currently people voted for the Brute power, which provides a passive buff to your Armor, Health, and Healing rate. As mentioned earlier in the thread, you may unlock additional powers further on.

I would not recommend sinking points into Parahuman Power as a skill right now, since your current one is a passive buff.