Old School X-Com Roleplay (Now Recruiting Cannon Fodder)

Welcome Solider...

To old school X-COM.

We are doing a New Game....now let's see how badly you wanna die.

I am Commander Striker, and you?

You are the Troops, and as such I take everything you say into consideration from One Warrior To Another.

Some of you are pilots, engineers, scientists, all of whom I listen to, but once there are boots on the ground, you let me do my job.

So....how fucked are we? (Choose your Difficulty.)​
[X] Beginner
[X] No Iron Man

Because Old Xcom is a LOT harder then the new one. Even the Chryssalids. Especially the Chryssalids.
[X] Experienced
[X] No Iron Man

New X-Com is actually harder than Old X-Com. In Oldcom you could mount up in twenty plus soldiers loaded for bear with grenades and just grenade spam everywhere. In Newcom you can't even have more than one Skyranger which severely cuts into tactical ability, you can't properly spam grenades, you can't target cover so that your allies can shoot the enemy, you cant target walls for tactical advantage, and worst of all, where your bullets go after you miss are completely irrelevant.
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[X] Experienced
[X] No Iron Man

New X-Com is actually harder than Old X-Com. In Oldcom you could mount up in twenty plus soldiers loaded for bear with grenades and just grenade spam everywhere. In Newcom you can't even have more than one Skyranger which severely cuts into tactical ability.

I'd say the easier difficulties of NuCom are easier than OldCom, but the higher difficulties are harder. OldCom superhuman is much easier than NuCom impossible.


[X] Experienced
[X] Ironman
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[X] Genius
[X] Ironman

Because we are HARDCORE and not FILTHY CASULS (Spelling error included.)
Beginner, no Ironman it is then.

Don't worry guys, I expect us to totally fuck up somehow and try again. :V

(I haven't played this game in years.)

Like the pic says, select where to have our new base!

(Name of country. Feel free to add specifics, but I maintain right of veto. I personally want to put our base in the ruins of Disneyland, but I realize that's not exactly fair or really strategic.)
Australia it is then.

I need eight people to become Soldiers, and three people to become pilots.

I need the Soldiers to roll a eight sided die, and the pilots to roll a three sided die.
I'll join the Redshirt Brigade.

Edit: Dibs on being the guy who doesn't open doors!
Emral282 threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Soldier Boy Total: 6
6 6
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