Old Republic Era MMO quest (Star Wars)

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You are creator of new Star Wars MMO in 2006.
Turn 1
Wake up James, welcome to the new world of 2006, where you now have a project of incredible scale hanging on you.

Wait, I forgot to introduce myself? James. James Ohlem. One of BioWare's veterans helped develop the games that made the company a name. KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights. And these are just the games in which you were in a leadership position.

Your company has long wanted to create an MMO, especially since you even had a studio for this task, in Austin. You have explored a wide variety of options about which universe to use for this purpose. The upcoming Mass Effect was not bad, but the open problem was that it could lead to conflict with the planned trilogy. Forgotten Realms was too complex a topic to create such a product, since no one would give you unlimited freedom. In the end, you settled on Star Wars and the era of the Old Republic, which has already made a name for your company.

It seemed like the best option. Events are so far removed from films that there are hardly any questions about intellectual property and contradictions of the canon. Just recently, the prequel trilogy films had shoots, which has revived interest in this Saga. In addition, in the released game dilogy, you just had a clue for the further development of events. In the end, LucasArts turned out to be quite interested in this project.

Why exactly the Old Republic and not the era of the Clone Wars or the Galactic Civil War? It's simple - you have much more freedom of choice. And besides, the universe itself is much different from the era of films. In the film, the Galactic Republic is the undisputed cultural hegemon, it has long digested and subjugated any other cultures that were in the Galaxy, in addition to the Hutts, that will still retain their independence. By that time, any threats had already been reduced to complete insignificance. At that time, however, many impressive forces were hiding on the outskirts of the Galaxy.

The Mandalorians were not yet scattered across the galaxy as mercenaries, but an imposing force that threatened the entire Republic with their crusades. Coruscant itself was not at that time the unambiguous capital of the Republic and it had its opponents trying to challenge its influence, for example, Alsakan. Even the Sith and Jedi were not practically the only adepts of the Force who were present at that time, at that time there were much more diverse cults - Jal Shey, Zeison Sha and many others. All these questions are present at the moment simply as references to the distant past, purely titles and footnotes in chronology, which we can develop as we see fit.

But, of course, we must not forget about the fact that at the same time we are in a difficult situation, since our potential audience is divided into two, or even three large groups. These are film fans who do not know that there is something outside of these films and who want kinship with them, who want to see a similar world. These are fans of the game series who want to see the continuation and conclusion of Revan's story first and foremost. Finally, these are Expanded Universe fans who are hard to understand, and who might prefer to plunge into the post-Endor era.

We've been given some guidance on how this product should be. First of all, he must be a competitor to WoW and follow its formula for success, namely, a game with a confrontation between the two sides of the conflict, with a moderate focus on PvP, in fact, going back to the Everquest formula for success. Going back to where KOTOR 2 ended, we can see that we have at least one guaranteed side to the conflict - the Galactic Republic, seriously weakened by the events of these two games, but still holding its ground. And on the other side there is a threat of some True Sith, about which Kreia warns the Exile. Two sides of the conflict, classic for this setting - the Light and Dark sides of the Force, which are in eternal confrontation.

However, before proceeding directly to the development of the gaming setting, we need to decide on the time frame. The events of the second part end at 3950 before the Battle of Yavin. And accordingly, the question arises - how much has time progressed since the previous update? This is an important question for two reasons at once. On the one hand, by choosing a shorter period, we can use characters already familiar to the players, which will be quite good options. On the other hand, we can just not use them, but postpone events for a longer period in the future, in order to be able to show more fundamental changes in the world.

Choose one option:
[] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[] - 50 years. A much longer period, which leaves only the Jedi, for example, Juhani or Atton Rand, as possible characters participating in the events of the game.
[] - 200 years. An even longer period, which with a guarantee does not leave a single character who will survive these events. Except, perhaps, Zaalbar, due to the enormous lifespan of the Wookiees, as well as droids.
[] - Write-in your option.

The second issue that should be considered is the True Sith themselves, who represent one of the parties to the conflict. Throughout the existence of the Expanded Universe, we have had a wide variety of Sith with a wide variety of states. There are the Empires of Palpatine and Revan, which are a tracing paper from Nazi Germany, this aggressive and imperialist state, where everyone is just cogs in a huge state machine. There is, however, the complete opposite of this, much closer to our era than Palpatine. Namely - the Sith Empire on Korriban, under the rule of Naga Sadow with its pseudo-Egyptian style and deified kings-priests, ancient despotism with bloody sacrifices. And finally, the third and last version of the Sith that is present in this era is the power of Exar Kun, which is not so much an established state as enemies of the Republic that have appeared over many centuries, connected by a common enemy rather than common interests. Either way, the True Sith will have a significant impact here, but in what form?

Choose one option:
[] - Imperialists. Somewhere outside of known space, there could be a large and powerful Empire with the resources to face the Republic. The basis of her power, oddly enough, is not so much Force and Sith as large armies, a navy and a bureaucratic machine capable of crushing any resistance to itself.
[] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[] - Allies. Here, the True Sith are nothing more than the inspirers of the alliance between the various dark cults that have appeared on the territory of the Republic. This image is much more like a cross between warlords and the Confederation of Independent Systems, if instead of corporations it was dominated by various sects.
[] - Write-in your option

And finally, we still have a second significant side of the conflict, namely the Galactic Republic. Against the background of the confrontation between the Sith and the Galactic Republic, it is she who is the positive side in this conflict, at least nominally. Although it is worth recognizing that her good intentions are limited by her own incompetence, corruption and spinelessness. In the prequel trilogy, the Galactic Republic represents the Roman Republic as it was shortly before the establishment of the Empire. Too huge and too weak to rule the country, rotting under its own weight, with elites completely out of touch with reality.

On the other hand, we can imagine the Republic as an analogue of the United States of America, which is the New Republic. At least in the ideal view of the fighters for a democracy faced with a brutal reality. And against the backdrop of a mess in which Palpatine's Empire was not so terrible.

The third option is rather a natural outflow from the conflict itself. Namely, does the republic have to be a democracy? She is in the middle of a full-blown conflict with the Sith, not long after a series of conflicts with them. Under such conditions, it is likely that it will soon turn into a presidential dictatorship with great military authority.

Choose one option:
[] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
[] - Naive democracy. The Galactic Republic emerged from a period of crisis with the restriction of rights and freedoms, hitting a completely opposite part - total democracy, too slow to resolve operational issues in a war of galactic proportions, and unwilling to give up part of the freedoms in wartime.
[] - Stalwart Dictatorship In this view, the Galactic Republic is not much different from part of the interpretation of the Sith Empire. Military on the streets, fighting any supporters of peace with the enemy, the atmosphere of the Cold War. Its enemy is not so much a reluctance to fight as an excessive desire to pursue every shadow and be sure to find the culprit, even if they are not really there.
[] - Write-in your option
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Imperialists. Somewhere outside of known space, there could be a large and powerful Empire with the resources to face the Republic. The basis of her power, oddly enough, is not so much Force and Sith as large armies, a navy and a bureaucratic machine capable of crushing any resistance to itself.
[X] - Stalwart Dictatorship In this view, the Galactic Republic is not much different from part of the interpretation of the Sith Empire. Military on the streets, fighting any supporters of peace with the enemy, the atmosphere of the Cold War. Its enemy is not so much a reluctance to fight as an excessive desire to pursue every shadow and be sure to find the culprit, even if they are not really there.
[X] - 50 years. A much longer period, which leaves only the Jedi, for example, Juhani or Atton Rand, as possible characters participating in the events of the game.
[X] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[X] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Imperialists. Somewhere outside of known space, there could be a large and powerful Empire with the resources to face the Republic. The basis of her power, oddly enough, is not so much Force and Sith as large armies, a navy and a bureaucratic machine capable of crushing any resistance to itself.
[X] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[X] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Imperialists. Somewhere outside of known space, there could be a large and powerful Empire with the resources to face the Republic. The basis of her power, oddly enough, is not so much Force and Sith as large armies, a navy and a bureaucratic machine capable of crushing any resistance to itself.
[X] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Imperialists. Somewhere outside of known space, there could be a large and powerful Empire with the resources to face the Republic. The basis of her power, oddly enough, is not so much Force and Sith as large armies, a navy and a bureaucratic machine capable of crushing any resistance to itself.
[X] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
[x] - 50 years. A much longer period, which leaves only the Jedi, for example, Juhani or Atton Rand, as possible characters participating in the events of the game.

Enough time to distance from canon and give yourself creative freedom while keeping some ties for fan service. Cameos can only get you so far, and different interpretation can land you in hot water with hardcore fans... who are probably a lot more knowlegeable about lore than an average developer, and a lot more touchy when it gets altered retroactively. Follow the success of WoW, not its mistakes.

[x] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.

Let's be honest, getting to play with cool powers and red lightsabers is why most people would flock under the banners of the Dark Side. No one imagines themselves a stormtrooper, and even being in command of a regiment is a dubious honor if there isn't anyone to breathe mission objectives heavily in your ear through the mask. Give the players the experience where the number of the Sith is at its peak and the Force is the core of their strategy.

[x] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
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[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[X] - Stalwart Dictatorship In this view, the Galactic Republic is not much different from part of the interpretation of the Sith Empire. Military on the streets, fighting any supporters of peace with the enemy, the atmosphere of the Cold War. Its enemy is not so much a reluctance to fight as an excessive desire to pursue every shadow and be sure to find the culprit, even if they are not really there.
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[X] - Stalwart Dictatorship In this view, the Galactic Republic is not much different from part of the interpretation of the Sith Empire. Military on the streets, fighting any supporters of peace with the enemy, the atmosphere of the Cold War. Its enemy is not so much a reluctance to fight as an excessive desire to pursue every shadow and be sure to find the culprit, even if they are not really there.
Time to end vote, which I forgot to open. ))

So, as I see, this option won:

[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[x] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.
Karlov threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: 20 years (-10) Total: 19
1 1 18 18
Karlov threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Priests (-10) Total: 68
28 28 40 40
Karlov threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Roman Republic (+10) Total: 73
43 43 30 30
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Turn 2 - Revan and Exile
[X] - 20 years. This is already quite a long time, but at the same time, all the heroes who participated in the game events can still be present here, remaining active participants in the conflict.
[X] - Priests. It's the same Sith Empire, but instead of countless legions of stormtroopers, there are powerful Sith who rely on their knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force, sufficient to make the most powerful of them stronger than the Jedi.
[x] - Roman Republic. The Galactic Republic, or rather its capital planets, frankly did not notice the entire crisis they had to face. Therefore, the main enemy of the Republic is its own incompetence and the unwillingness of those in power for nothing but further decadence.

First of all, we determined the time of action - two decades after the battle for Telos IV and the Citadel station. At this time, almost all the characters of both game parts will remain alive and act, but their fate is more likely a derivative of the actions of Revan and the Exile. This time of action already allows us to make some changes in comparison with what was originally. For example, the Republic has relatively recovered from the war, or at least was able to maintain at least some of its positions, compared to what it was in KOTOR 2, where it was threatened with collapse for several months. But it was simply impossible to completely heal all the wounds, and therefore it is only a shadow of its former glory.

The Republic at the time of the action is a disgusting, rotten regime. A regime where worlds such as Anaxes or Kuat are dominated by luxury, while the inhabitants of the Outer Rim are literally starving. It was this that largely determined the future defeat of the Republic and the establishment of the status quo. Many of the Outer Rim systems simply sided with the Sith, considering them the lesser evil. Yes, they would exploit them, but they hoped that they would at least give them order and safety.

On the other hand, the Sith are hardly better, as they represent a much more primitive form of state. This is not early capitalism with enslaving treaties, not feudalism with serfdom, not even later slavery with freedmen. This is the most barbaric and savage form of the slave empire, where there are only two social lifts - the army and the priesthood. And these ways of rising from the bottom of the Sith are united by the warriors gifted with the Force and who are at the very top of this social ladder.

At least that was our original idea. We thought it would appeal to both fans who expect to see Revan himself and LucasArts. And if the former do not know anything about this yet, the latter turned out to be by no means happy. To be precise, they are not happy with a small time interval. Of course, this does not harm other studio projects in any way, but they expressed in a rather harsh form the fact that the short deadline limits us in possible options for action. In addition, the individual features of the setting are also a problem. Namely, the fact that in just a couple of decades a global Sith power appears out of nowhere, achieving equality in power with the Republic. And this is where for a thousand years Naga Sadow was unable to defeat the Republic, even with the surprise factor that allowed him to attack right into the heart of the Galactic Republic.

However, so far we have defined too few things to be able to fully appreciate the setting. But it's time to define another question. Namely - who were Revan and the Exile and which side of the Force they adhered to. This is an extremely important question, as it can radically change the plot of this story.

First, Revan. Commander of the Republic Forces, Jedi Master, leader, Sith Lord-turned-Jedi. The person is extremely ambiguous, and his fate is also ambiguous. He went to seek the True Sith outside of known space anyway. But what preceded this? Destroyed the Forge, proving his loyalty to the ideals of the Jedi, and then set out on his own, leaving his followers behind? Or did he again become a dark lord of the Sith, but was forced to leave the empire, which, without his presence, fell apart into many fragments, some of which were likely never destroyed?

Choose one option:
[] - Light side. Revan returned to the Jedi, proving his loyalty to the Order's ideals. All satellites are alive, the Republic has destroyed the Star Forge, destroying the weapon of crushing power. A classic good story.
[] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.

Also, we must not forget about the gender of Revan.

Choose one option:
[] - Male
[] - Female

The second character we should consider is the Exile. The figure is equally impressive. One of Revan's closest supporters, who alone returned to the Order after Malachor 5, for which he was denied access to power. And during the massacre of the Jedi started by the Triumvirate, he and his future students turned out to be one of the few who survived these events. Either way, he will crush the Triumvirate. but as far as his side in this conflict is concerned, that is a completely different question.

Choose one option:
[] - Light side. The Exile regained control of the Force, also becoming the forefather of a new Jedi Order, which is slowly rebuilding itself under the control of its companions, while the Exile set out with droids in search of Revan.
[] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.

Well, of course, again, we need to choose what gender the Exile was.

Choose one option:
[] - Male
[] - Female
You might want to use Tasks for the M/F choice, or the tally will be unable to distinguish which vote applies to which character.

[x] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.
[x] [Revan] Male

[x] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.
[x] [Exile] Female
[X] - Light side. Revan returned to the Jedi, proving his loyalty to the Order's ideals. All satellites are alive, the Republic has destroyed the Star Forge, destroying the weapon of crushing power. A classic good story.
[X] - Female
[X] - Light side. The Exile regained control of the Force, also becoming the forefather of a new Jedi Order, which is slowly rebuilding itself under the control of its companions, while the Exile set out with droids in search of Revan.
[X] - Male
[X] - Light side. Revan returned to the Jedi, proving his loyalty to the Order's ideals. All satellites are alive, the Republic has destroyed the Star Forge, destroying the weapon of crushing power. A classic good story.
[X] - Female
[X] - Light side. The Exile regained control of the Force, also becoming the forefather of a new Jedi Order, which is slowly rebuilding itself under the control of its companions, while the Exile set out with droids in search of Revan
[X] - Female
[X] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.

[X] - Male

[X] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.

[X] - Female
[X] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.

[X] - Male

[X] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.

[X] - Female
[X] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.

[X] - Male

[X] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.

[X] - Female
man this is a hard choice. I think it makes the best sense to have both revan and the exile on the same alignment (although technically if they ended up being opposed that could make for some intriguing storylines).

gritty story wise I don't mind the currently leading dark side vote (although the suits might not be happy about it), but to give the light side a shot I'll vote for

[X] - Light side. Revan returned to the Jedi, proving his loyalty to the Order's ideals. All satellites are alive, the Republic has destroyed the Star Forge, destroying the weapon of crushing power. A classic good story.
[X] - Female

because I want my companions to still be around!

female, however if it wins I will not vote for Carth romance. But I've always liked a badass female revan who kicks ass and builds hk-47

[X] - Light side. The Exile regained control of the Force, also becoming the forefather of a new Jedi Order, which is slowly rebuilding itself under the control of its companions, while the Exile set out with droids in search of Revan.
[X] - Male

Err, because I like handmaiden more than that other guy.
[x] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.
[x] [Revan] Male

[x] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.
[x] [Exile] Female

We already have light side Revan and Exile with SWTOR, so I say we go for dark side in this quest.
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Vote closed
Well, dices not good to you. Not as bas, as a first turn, but still... But you open specific vote for next turn.

Scheduled vote count started by Karlov on Dec 25, 2021 at 1:17 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.
Karlov threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Revan (Dark Side) (-5) Total: 38
13 13 25 25
Karlov threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Exile (Dark Side) (0) Total: 40
4 4 36 36
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Turn 3 - Siths
[X] - Dark side. Revan took control of the Sith Empire with the help of Bastila, the droids, and Canderos, although it would eventually fall apart. The largest surviving remnant of it is Rakata Prime, where Bastila Shan herself rules. The only other surviving companion is Kart Onasi, who has returned to the Republic.
[X] - Male (Revan)
[X] - Dark side. The exile retained the Sith academy on Malachor 5, leaving behind his companions who would train a new generation of Sith to fight the True Sith, while he himself went in the footsteps of Revan.
[X] - Female (Exile)

The choices we make revolutionize the gameplay experience, redefining the traditional approach to Star Wars games. Traditionally, it is the good ending that is canonical for Star Wars games, however, we decided to go in the opposite direction, making the main endings the dark ones. Which is pushing us to make more and more changes, departing from the typical patterns for Star Wars.

We have to admit that LucasArts was somewhat dubious about our concept, although they did not insist on a change. Their doubts were largely expressed around the fact that in this way we would not leave practically any characters on the side of the Republic besides Carth Onasi. At the same time, his empire got itself almost all the significant characters that have met in the games up to this point, and some of the characters, like Vao or Juhani, are dead.

Nevertheless, this allows us to outline the picture of the development of the Galaxy ahead of the events of the new game much more thoroughly. After the Battle of Rakata Prime, where the Republic fleet was defeated, Revan began to consolidate his Sith empire. However, upon learning of the existence of the True Sith, he destroyed the Star Forge, considering it too dangerous, and traveled into uncharted space to respond to this threat along with a significant part of his own forces. Left as his regent, Bastila Shan did not cope with this task and a significant part of his empire seceded, led by the rebellious Sith, although she managed to keep many significant worlds under her control, for example, Rakata Prime itself.

Neither Bastila Shan, refusing to take the throne in the absence of Revan, nor the Republic had the strength to finally defeat all other rebels - the clans of Mandalorian raiders, Sith warlords, rebel planetary rulers and others. However, there were those who were able to do this - the Triumvirate, which began the hunt for the Jedi, as well as a campaign of terror against the Republic and Empire in the Outer Rim. And they were close to victory at the expense of personal power in the Force on the part of each of the members of this Triumvirate. However, the Exile was able to destroy this Triumvirate, or to be precise, she simply overthrew it, installing her companions at the head of the Sith academy on Malachor 5, and went after Revan. As a result, there were three forces in the Galaxy at once, each of which was already seriously depleted as a result of the conflicts of the last decade.

The republic had huge industrial capacities and manpower reserves of the Nucleus ecumenopolis. Coruscant, Alsakan, Skako, Metellos, Empress Theta - each of these worlds can produce as many ships as the Sith powers. But the Republic lacks the political will to re-engage in a major war. Many influential families of the Republic that have ruled the Founding Worlds since the Republic was created have been completely exterminated over the past sixty years. There was a monstrous concentration of power and a struggle between a few super-influential persons among themselves, together with the separation of the upper strata of the population from the lower strata.

At the same time, the Sith simply did not have the resources to continue the war. They no longer had the Exile or Revan, who would be followed by millions. Likewise, they did not have a Star Forge, the industrial power of which is capable of creating entire fleets. Bastila's battle meditation was powerless if there was no one to control with the help of this very meditation. Likewise, the assassins left behind by the Exile are ways to decapitate the enemy's leadership, create a power vacuum, but are not able to take over worlds.

So the state of the Cold War in the Galaxy was established, which lasted almost twenty years. Of course, there were supporters of the continuation of the conflicts on all sides, seeking to build up the military power of their state, but on both sides they faced an extremely difficult and voluminous task.

Nevertheless, given our decision to make the Dark Side plots canonical endings, maybe we should make it a playable faction, leaving the True Sith as an evil against which both sides of the conflict may be forced to unite?

Choose one option:
[] - True Sith. No, the main option for the Dark Side for players will remain the True Sith, while Revan, the Exile and their companions will act as opponents for the players they will have to defeat.
[] - Empire of Revan. Yes, it might be the best option. In such a case, Revan's power would represent the bad side of the conflict, while the True Sith would be their rivals in the Dark Side.

An equally important issue that we must also consider is the fate of Revan and the Exile, which is closely tied to the threat of the True Sith they went in search of. In fact, it gives us quite a few options to consider. On the one hand, we could reveal all the cards at once, returning Revan as the ruler of his state, Bastila becoming his right hand, and the Exile becoming the leader of the assassins. On the other hand, we could leave Revan and the Exile as key characters for future updates, who can change the balance of power in the Galaxy by their mere appearance.

Choose one option:
[] - Revan and the Exile disappeared for the entire Galaxy, however, unknown ships arrived from outside the known space and began to attack both sides of the conflict, the True Sith. Whatever their fate, Revan and the Outcast failed in their task of containing this threat. The Sith is ruled by the regent Bastila Shan, who has created a whole cult around Revan that has swept her power. They regard Revan as the messiah of their kind, whose return will lead them to victory. (Unlocked as the Sith Empire is a Priest)
[] - A small fleet returned to the famous galaxy, pursued on the heels of a new threat - the Empire of the True Sith. Revan and the Exile failed to destroy the True Sith threat, but were able to return to known space to warn of the threat. After a long absence, Revan stood at the head of his Empire, revered as a living deity who should lead the Sith against their eternal enemy and the weak Republic, leading them to Eternal Glory, and the Exile became his ally. (Unlocked as the Sith Empire is a Priest)
[] - A small fleet returned to the famous galaxy, pursued on the heels of a new threat - the Empire of the True Sith. Revan and the Exile failed to destroy the True Sith threat, but Revan was able to return to known space to warn of the threat. After a long absence, Revan stood at the head of his Empire, revered as a living deity who must lead the Sith against their eternal enemy and the weak Republic, leading them to Eternal Glory. (Unlocked as the Sith Empire is a Priest)
[] - The lone ship returned to the famous galaxy, pursued on the heels of a new threat - the Empire of the True Sith. Revan and the Exile failed to destroy the True Sith threat, but the Exile was able to return to known space to warn of the threat. The details of her meeting with Bastila Shan are not known to anyone, but in the end they announced that only after exterminating this threat, the promised messiah would appear. (Unlocked as the Sith Empire is a Priest)
[] - Write-in your option.

Finally, another interesting question for us - what are the goals of the True Sith, or at least their leadership. We understand the idealistic rhetoric of the Republic, as well as the selfish interests of a significant part of its leadership. We understand Revan's desire to prepare the galaxy to confront the True Sith, for which he began to build an authoritarian empire. But the True Sith represent a new player with new interests. What do they want, if not all of them, then at least their leaders?

Choose one option:
[] - Existential threat. The True Sith are enemies to the existence of the galaxy as such. This is a threat to the entire universe. This is not just evil, this is nothingness, against which even the Empire of Revan is not such a bad option. Their goals are not as important as the colossal price that everyone else will have to pay.
[] - Power and glory. A typical desire to rule the entire universe, to bring their ideology to glory, to prove that the Jedi with their teachings were too weak. As for the accomplices of Revan, they are not Sith, but only fallen Jedi, and not the heirs of their ancient teachings.
[] - Heretics. This variation implies that the True Sith are descended from the Lettow Legions, which existed shortly after the formation of the Republic, separated from galactic civilization twenty thousand years ago. They dedicated themselves to the true goal of the Sith - freedom, including freedom from dogma and limitation, studying a wide variety of traditions of power. To them, ordinary and fallen Jedi are nothing more than dogmatic fanatics of both sides. This does not negate the fact that they themselves sometimes disturb those secrets of the Force that the human mind is not able to cognize.
[] - Write-in your option.
[X] - True Sith. No, the main option for the Dark Side for players will remain the True Sith, while Revan, the Exile and their companions will act as opponents for the players they will have to defeat.

[X] - A small fleet returned to the famous galaxy, pursued on the heels of a new threat - the Empire of the True Sith. Revan and the Exile failed to destroy the True Sith threat, but Revan was able to return to known space to warn of the threat. After a long absence, Revan stood at the head of his Empire, revered as a living deity who must lead the Sith against their eternal enemy and the weak Republic, leading them to Eternal Glory. (Unlocked as the Sith Empire is a Priest)

[X] - Heretics. This variation implies that the True Sith are descended from the Lettow Legions, which existed shortly after the formation of the Republic, separated from galactic civilization twenty thousand years ago. They dedicated themselves to the true goal of the Sith - freedom, including freedom from dogma and limitation, studying a wide variety of traditions of power. To them, ordinary and fallen Jedi are nothing more than dogmatic fanatics of both sides. This does not negate the fact that they themselves sometimes disturb those secrets of the Force that the human mind is not able to cognize.
Revan began to consolidate his Sith empire. However, upon learning of the existence of the True Sith, he destroyed the Star Forge, considering it too dangerous, and traveled into uncharted space to respond to this threat along with a significant part of his own forces.
The fuck!? Are we sure this is Revan? Because that's one dumb move.

Only marginally less dumb than what we've been told dark side ending Revan did in KOTOR 2 because he at least didn't go completely alone here, still...