Old Conductor, Possessed Anew (Fallout SI)

Maybe use Wilfred as your 'Speaker'? He's able to do human well, and seemed friendly enough.
Thank you all for the support thus far!

welcome back and thank you for writing have a nice day/night

Thank you, and you too!

Damn you Lockheed Martin, your hubris may have doomed us all.

That, or someone failed to do a safety check at the wrong time. Or perhaps a Chinese plane intercepted and damaged it? Regardless of the reason, that bomber certainly didn't make it to China, that's for sure.

Good to see the SI is getting more robots and build his infrastructure and defence

Yup. Plot and Dice willing, this will hopefully continue along well. And I will say, I got a couple good rolls that may have such an effect.

Ive always loved the idea of being a cyborg/robot and theres not many good fallout stories that you have done both makes me very happy 😊 thank you and it is well written as well always helps make it a more enjoyable read

Glad that you like it, and yes I agree. Definitely not enough Fallout stories that do this kind of thing, although thankfully there's at least a couple.

I just wa n say few things :

1: I'm glad you're back! This story is my Fallout fanfiction favorite and I REALLY want see how continue. I hope you don't beckne one of the noisy heroes who want save a kitten at all cost like in others fanfiction. Don't judge me, I like the Hero style, but someone create horrible things in their stories....

2: I recommend to build fast as you can Robots, weapons and a research lab for helping to be ready for the REAL enemies of Fallout: The Enclave and the Brotherhood. And maybe you can research new tech.... Like the Transistors or maybe some new weapons tanks to the alien tech who surely gi d in the Wasteland.

3: there's no need you must worry about the EMP, that is only an Hollywoodian thing about the Robots. Un the reality, like in Fallout, anyone build a military-bot who can be destroy by EMP. The only thing you must worried about a nuclear weapons is their explosion (and is not a little thing).

4: i know the slavery is bad for our society but you must recognize the mankind is back to a medieval age and almost everyone can't have the robots like manpower and even in that case they can't maintain it because their economy and resources can't. So be tollerant with that Meatbags meanwhile you conquest this rotten world ok?

5: I have an idea: why you don't turn a Power Armor into a robot? It will be very helpful with all kind of operations.... Expecially if the Eye-bot like support drone.

P. S. Sorry for my English XD

Nice to hear that this story is your favorite. SI/Conductor me won't be trying to save everyone at the cost of himself, but some risks will be taken at times to help others when he could have stuck back. One such example will be admittedly shown in a chapter or two as he helps these people, but he won't be rushing to help everyone everywhere. May have a situation or two in the future where that kind of thing may happen, but those will possibly serve as good lessons to help bring Conductor back 'down to Earth' so to say. They aren't all powerful after all.

In terms of research, while that could change overall I'm not going to have Conductor be churning out SCIENCE! and such anytime soon. True they'll be capable of modifying, getting upgrades, and perhaps creating new designs and such- but they aren't equipped for researching at all, and their mindset is further proof of this. They'll tinker and look into ideas, but being a researcher isn't what they are. Perhaps though they'll get help in such in the future? Autonomous power armor though is an option to look into, although when Conductor me could implement that remains unknown.

The EMP from a nuclear detonation can still be harmful for my/Conductor's robots. True it won't cripple me with all of them falling apart smoking, but some may still go down in such an action as aged components are hit by the EMP. Plus, the higher concern for me would be my servers and such. After all, those are in essence 'me', and I don't have replacement servers and parts.

As for Slavers, well even so- slavery is slavery. Sure if it's something like people using captured raiders/slavers, or a punishment of a community being in essence a Prison-laborer, then that would be one thing. It'd be another though for me to encounter slavers taking ordinary and innocent people into chains, or situations such as Paradise Falls or the Pitt. I'm not going to judge people differently due to me now being an AI, but something like that would at the least incite stern disapproval.

Maybe use Wilfred as your 'Speaker'? He's able to do human well, and seemed friendly enough.

Mister Handy robots tend to be friendly when not frenzied or made hostile, yeah. Of course, there's the fact to consider that Conductor me, while changed, was still Human himself once. His mind is mostly still like that to.

And that'll include things such as communicating with other living beings, and being social to a degree.

Of course, having robots like Wilfred 'represent' me on other occasions may happen. On the other hand, well different situation aside, pulling a full Mr. House and only communicating 'directly' with any lieutenants may have isn't a welcoming idea. Something in the middle would likely be more wanted by him.
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While emp is not as strong in reality fallout has spesific weapons which use energy to the same effect. Able to destoy power armors and robots with one shot.
Case in point the Pulse gun from FNV.

So it would be prudent to get defences against emp type attacks or it will one hit kill mcs robots and servers.
Interlude 1: Fall of the Taneum
Old Conductor, Possessed Anew

Interlude 1

Pov: Tierna

"We must leave to survive."

That had been the cause of a lot of commotion and arguing a couple weeks ago. This message, delivered by the Seer Starum, was contested by much of the High Council. And honestly, while she believed in the Seer's message, she couldn't blame them.

The Taneum Tribe had been a successful one over the years, having shown their power and ability over others, both tribal and raider, that attempted to oppose them. They weren't even aggressive and warlike, yet their master marksmanship with rifles combined with solid tactics and modern knowledge had seen to their victories.

This had come about due to a group of refugees, escapees of a pillaged town named Thorp, having arrived decades ago. Her parents were among these refugees, with her being born a decade later.

The Taneum had accepted them in, and prospered because of it. New knowledge and information was taken in and accepted, helping to unlock ways and methods of the old world, and a couple surviving guards had helped instruct Taneum Tribals in how to best shoot and pick off targets from hundreds of yards away. They had made the tribe strong, and with that they dealt more and more blows upon long time opponents. Dangerous wildlife were dealt with, the occasional trader was invited in and bartered with, and what few raiders and threats came from the distant highway were defended against, the area avoided by the tribe due to stories of Thorp's downfall among other dangers.

Well now all the success had come back to bite them, as the Taneum had refused to withdraw and flee from their homes. Instead, her fellow tribe members fortified- readied themselves for battle against whatever foe would find them.

And yesterday, that foe had been found. A large army coming from the south, wicked men proudly bearing the skulls of those slain by them, their stores of meat looking unsettling and not like an animal's from a distance. Little was learned about them, only their names by a fleeing person- the Salemites.

The Taneum Army had marched out to oppose them, and indeed from a distance we were able to see that they gave a great fight! However the Salemites were simply too cruel, too numerous. On-par or better weapon wise, and with chems to dull the pain and fear, they decimated the army sent against them.

Only then was the decision made to flee, and even then instead of the organized evacuation it would have been a couple weeks ago, it was a chaotic affair. Only helped by those that had the foresight to prepare, they had started fleeing when the Salemites had appeared.

Now Tierna watched sorrowfully at what was once her home from a distance, those that had managed to escape too nearby. In the far distance her home burned, what warriors remaining fighting alongside those that weren't able to flee in time against the Salemites flooding the settlement. They would fall, yet they fought fiercely- hoping to buy enough time for her and the others to flee.

With tearful eyes they would do so, turning as they and a few separate Taneum groups would split and run- hoping to escape

1 Week Later

It had not been enough.

She along with over two dozen others would listen nervously over their sole radio, listening as they heard one of the other escapee groups fall- their fellows having been caught by surprise by a Salemite attack while exchanging information. They listened as cries of pain, fear, and determination sounded out along with clashes of weapons and guns. Then static as something knocked out their radio.

"...We'll be next."

That statement caused many to whip their heads around to the speaker, one of the few warriors they had left. A couple seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown as he spoke further.

"They're hunting us down, one by one. We confirmed that with Tan-erd's group, just before they got attacked. Two out of five escaped groups ambushed and attacked, three now. We've been picking off Salemite scouts over the past few days, but they may not be scouts. Watchers more like."

"B-but why? Why hunt us like this, and HOW!?" One of the others would shout out, near hysterically before the others shushed her. They were in the wilderness, and while possibly safe such noise can attract unwanted attention.

"We know they surrounded our town, cut it off from people escaping." He grunted out. "What are the odds that at least some noticed those that had already gotten out, timing was close after all. They probably kept an eye on us and watched as we split, and once the main group finished sacking our homes- they pursued. As for why, who knows? Those people are savage Cannibals after all."

"The real question we should be asking though, is what do we do now?"

At the heated conversation broke out, people suggesting or arguing for all kinds of actions- some possible and others improbable. Tierna herself remained quiet, as did a handful of others, wanting to listen or having no ideas of their own. It was looking like the arguments would happen for much longer, until one previously silent voice cut through the crowd.

"South east."

Despite the voice being on the quiet side and singular, it cut through the crowd as all stopped speaking. Turning, they witnessed Seer Starum sit up, the old man wincing a bit as he struggled upwards. A couple others rushed over to help him, the man having been unconscious for much of their exodus. It wasn't surprising either, as he had been caught in an ambush just as they had fled. It wasn't even Salemites either, instead the foes being a flight of Radwasps.

"South east… there lies salvation. There an Orchestrator lays, a band of metal and light commanded before them. A piece of the Ancients." He would pause, shaking as he let out a series of wheezing coughs, before continuing.

"They will save our people. The ruins of the Taneum's Blessing is where they lay."

At that Tierna couldn't help but gasp, and more then a few had that same reaction. Taneum's Blessing was occasionally what the refugee group she had been descended from had come from, so the ruins must mean…

"You mean Thorp, our Seer?" One of the others, an older man from Thorp itself, would ask critically. This drew a couple glances from others, but the Seer would merely nod.

"Yes. Find salvation there, and once the avoided path has been seen, call out. Call and they shall come to save all of you."

As everyone's hopes started to increase, Tierna couldn't help but voice something she had noticed.

"But not you Seer?"

At that everyone quieted, turning to the old man who gave a sad smile.

"Unfortunately so, young Tierna. My body is too weakened from the stings of the Radwasp, and even should I survive that along, I will not be able to move. At least, not fast enough to join you." He would say as he collapses back onto his cot, pain wracking his body as one of the others brought forth a medical pack, withdrawing a syringe only to pause at the Seer's shaking but raised hand.

"N-no child, save it for o-one that will need it." He would gently yet painfully say. Remaining silent, everyone would silently start preparing to move out as one of the others stayed by the Seer at all times, keeping him company and praying.

Finally though the beginnings of the morning light would be seen, and the man would nod to the person who had grabbed the syringe. Nodding sorrowfully, they would grab a few different ingredients from their pack, quickly using the dimming fire and a pan to boil and mix together a concoction.

Soon finished, they would bring the drink to the Seer. Smiling softly, the Seer would shakily take off his necklace, a heirloom of his family, before handing it to the vigilant man. Grasping the cup, with a bit of help he would down it, making a bit of a face as it goes down.

Once empty, he would lay fully down. Eyes already drooping a bit, he would utter once last sentence.

"Let the story of the Taneum live on, my family."

With that, he would close his eyes. The man would silently let a few tears fall as he brings up a simple lighter. Once the old man's breathing stills, he ignites it and lowers it, letting the lower end of the small amount of bedding catch on fire.

By the time the Salemites would arrive hours later, they would see nothing but a charred corpse- unsuitable for their use.

The Next Day

"We're going to have to turn it on." Tierna would say grimly. As second in command of their group, she had been present when she and their leader, Gale, had listened to the reports of their scout, and it didn't paint a good picture.

They had currently reached the Highway, or the 'avoided path' as a few of the more tribal-minded called it. They had started moving southeast, staying just off to the side of it, but a scout sent ahead had returned with bad news.

"Salemites at our front, and likely more at our rear. We may have a bit of time as they organize with one another, but attacking one would slow us down long enough for the other to finish us off, even if we did win." Gale would comment, grimacing as he thought.

That was a big if too, as of the 29 or so left, only 6 had been warriors or hunters before the fall of their people. Another 14 were capable of fighting, but only a few had adequate experience with weapons or fighting. The rest were either too young, too injured, or too important to risk.

"Then we fortify this spot, and wait for whoever may answer to arrive." She would comment. They had all just reached a creak, the old bridge going over it still sturdy enough to go over. In the distance would be the highway, currently empty of anything but wrecks and the occasional skeleton, while in front of them laid a large hill.

Gale would simply grunt as everyone trekked upwards, seeing the small but long building before them. What purpose it served in the past is unknown, but now it would serve as their momentary shelter.

"Few spots that would provide cover, but at least the elevation helps. Some solid debris that could be moved up to, and that wrecked vehicle can provide cover on the main path up." She would note as they approach one of their fellows, the older man bringing out their dinged up radio equipment.

"Fredric, you think the radio can reach Thorp from here?" Tierna would ask, catching his attention as Gale laid out the old map they had been using, marking down the hill they were on.

"...It should. Transmitter's a bit damaged, but it should last long enough to be heard. Won't last long though."

"We don't need long, just have to get the message through. Can that be done?" Gale would ask, getting a nod from the man.

"Good, get it set up quickly. Won't matter if the Salemites hear us now, we just need to get it through."

Some minutes later it would be set up, and as the first sightings of Salemites checking their position comes through, Gale would get on the radio.

"This is Warrior Gale, leader of the fleeing Taneum Remnant. We are about to be besieged by Salemites, brutal cannibals that have invaded our lands, and we need assistance."

"We are located at… Watt Canyon Hill. If anyone is listening, please help. They're hunting us, and will kill everyone, including our young."

She would watch as her leader grimaced, ending the transmission and ordering it to be looped. Wouldn't last long, as already a slightly burnt smell was beginning to come from the set.

If they were close enough as confirmed, it would have to be enough.

"Everyone, listen up. We have the transmission going, now we just got to hold out for as long as possible. Delay these savages for as long as possible, and help will arrive. By the Seer's words, we will live on! Now get to your positions, and when the cannibals come, give them hell!"

The message, while short, seems to help reignite the determination in many of our people, and as they disperse he would go to one of the more capable injured together, a makeshift sling showing why he wasn't carrying a rifle.

"Get those not fighting into the building, and keep them safe. Should we be overrun… you and the others know what to do." He says grimly as he hands him a pistol. The man, boy really due to being a teen, would grimmly nod as he accepts the gun- shepherding the others inside.

As this happened, Tierna would let out a sigh as she brought up her lever-action rifle. This would be tough- they were outnumbered, and while many of the Cannibals would have lever-action rifles, hunting rifles, or shotguns like they did, they'd also have assault rifles and submachine guns. Of that, they only had two assault rifles, and one of them was an older one that needed constant maintenance.

With luck though, and perhaps the guidance of the Gods, they would prevail.

An Hour Later

She took her statement back, it was already becoming too much.

They had expected the Salemites to merely start probing and scouting out what they had established first, and indeed they had done that. However, they had begun their attack sooner then expected, and with a ferocity that almost immediately required them to bring up those that had been in reserve. They couldn't pull off anyone guarding the other sides either, as they were busy with the slow but dangerous shootout with the other Salemites surrounding them, keeping them from pushing forward as the main battle was fought.

Already they had lost three people, and another two had become too injured to fight on- their last few diluted stimpacks being reserved to those that would die without them.

They had gotten their due, and well over a couple dozen Salemites had been taken down. However, many of those had been evidently new blood or poorly trained, equipped with only melee weapons or basic weapons. Now though they were pressing the attack with more heavily armed fighters, including three assault rifles pouring fire onto them. And one of their own had finally broken, leaving just one automatic gun of their own.

If a miracle didn't happen soon, then they were-


The yell would just barely occur before Tierna's world was rocked, flying for just a brief moment before she hit the ground. Her ears would ring lightly, and a pain in her arm would cause her to look at it, seeing the fragment of shrapnel embedded within.

Looking up, she'd see the wrecked vehicle that had been used as cover destroyed. It lacking an intact nuclear engine saved them from a radioactive explosion, but as is the three behind it were flat out dead- including Gale.

"Seal the breach, quickly!"

"Gale is down, fight on!"

"Get the wounded back!"

"Find whoever threw that grenade and take them down! That grenade wasn't a normal one, and we can't let them throw another!"

'So that's how they blew it up.' She would dazily think before shaking her head, wincing at the aching pain rising from the action. Trying to ignore it she would pick back up her rifle and return to cover, raising it up-

-only to come face to face with a Salemite.

Yelling in surprise she'd manage to fire first, blood bursting from his chest as he fell back- only to be replaced by two more as others got into close range with the front lines.

Working the lever of her rifle, she would barely get off a second shot as she was forced to fall backwards to avoid a slash from a bayonet, the round wounding one of them in the shoulder. The other would be right on her, a snarl on his face as he raised his rifle up before bringing it down.

Panicking, Tierna would barely block the blade with her rifle, damaging it but stopping the plunge. His strength would be greater though, slowly inching the blade downwards towards her chest.

Around her others would engage in close quarters fighting, drawing blades or wielding shotguns as they fought the engaging Salemites. Even if they won against their foes however, it would just let the others approach. Already she could see others from other areas of their defenses running forward, firing into the attacking mass. While providing some relief, this would no doubt let other Salemites take advantage and charge.

It was over.

They had failed.

They were going to- what?

These thoughts would pause as the pressure lessens. Gazing up, she'd be shocked to see a blade run through the Salemite's chest, the man's eyes comically open. The other, wounded Salemite would be gaping too as something appeared out of thin air, some kind of robot if she remembered the term correctly.

They would not get the chance to respond though as it swung it's other arm, carving open a deep cut into the savage's head and causing them to fall backwards.

New chaos ensued as another one of them decloaked, the two robots surprising both sides as they begun tearing into the savages. They would start to rally and charge the feminine looking robots, only for one of them to suddenly let out a beam of bright red light, a laser that would carve through three cannibals in it's sweep, turning two to ash, as it ended upon a fourth- the person intact but dead.

This would make the other Salemites withdraw in fear, not knowing just what this thing is and fearful of it's abilities. It would be then that she heard the sounds of fighting occurring elsewhere.

Shakily standing up, she'd lean upon a piece of wrecked equipment as she gazes upon the Salemite forces.

And they were being decimated.

Robots advanced upon them, these ones more recognizable from one of the few books that had been brought from Thorp. Two Sentry Bots slowly rumbled forward from the direction of the highway, letting loose bursts of lasers and bullets. As she watched, one of them would fire a missile, hitting a Salemite bringing out an odd grenade from a pack, killing him and three nearby cannibals as the rocket also detonated the explosives.

Just a bit further back would be a few flying robots, Mister Gutsies and Eyebots both providing their own support fire with lasers and plasma. Shots would be fired back, and one of the Eyebots would fall to the ground as one of the Mister Gutsies would fall back, it's cursing hearable from here as an arm sparked.

They would last however, and what few Salemites remaining would try to flee- only to be cut down by both the robots and a reinvigorated Taneum defense; rifles joining gatling lasers as the retreating foe was mowed down.

It would be over just a couple minutes later, with the sounds of fighting on the other fronts fading.

The robots would spread out as one, a Mister Gutsy, approached. Her fellow tribals would look on equally hopeful and nervous, glancing at the approaching bot and the pair of feminine robots still among them.

Taking a breath, she'd walk forward, only stumbling a bit. A few would start walking forward to help, only for a raised hand to keep them back. She was their leader now, and she would represent them.

Stopping before the robot, the two would regard each other for a moment. Just as she was about to go to her knees, half out of exhaustion and half out of a plea, the robot would speak.

"Are you this group's leader?" A voice would come out, it surprisingly different from the one she heard from a Mister Gutsy just a few minutes ago.

"...I am. I am Tierna, leader of the last known survivors of the Taneum people. I ask of you, please help us."

The bot would merely hover there, the moment dragging on and causing Tierna to start having doubt. However, she would get an answer.

"I'm called the Conductor, but we can talk in greater detail later. For now, let's get you to safety."
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Chapter 10
Old Conductor, Possessed Anew

Chapter 10

Pov: Conductor

"This is Warrior Gale, leader of the fleeing Taneum Remnant. We are about to be besieged by Salemites, brutal cannibals that have invaded our lands, and we need assistance."

"We are located at… Watt Canyon Hill. If anyone is listening, please help. They're hunting us, and will kill everyone, including our young."

As soon as I had listened to this radio message and confirmed its location I was on the move. Multiple Eyebots would almost immediately leave- heading northwest to establish a chain-link to maintain control over my robots and to get a view of the situation. After all, I needed to know what I would be up against, and to make sure this wasn't a trap. While there was a certain urgency to the message that said it was truthful, I needed to make sure.

Shortly after they left, my robotic forces would be kitted out and organized. Against my desire to stay safe, I would be deploying a lot here. My four functioning Mark 1 Sentry Bots would be heading out, along with my two Assaultrons, nine out of eleven of my Mister Gutsies and all but five of my function Eyebots, the rest either already on the way there or joining this group. Ignoring my 'civilian' robots, this would leave me with 4 standard Protectrons with their laser arms, five Eyebots, two Mister Gutsies, and the slightly-faulty Sentry Bot. It was a bit of a risk, but given that people were potentially at risk and that my current defenses and view of the area was adequate, it was one that I was temporarily willing to make.

After a brief moment, I give the order. The robots start rumbling forth, moving on to the highway. They would keep it a bit slow, but once I got confirmation that the message was genuine, I'd have them make all due haste to the hill.

As I wait for the Eyebots to establish surveillance over the location, I take the moment to check my current salvage stocks- and it was going decently. Basic raw materials such as wood, scrap metal, concrete and such was steadily flowing in from looting down the more damaged structures. Electronics and any machine parts and such were much more slow going, but they were coming in nonetheless.

With these materials, I had begun looking over the inner wall. At the moment this was my first line of defense not counting proactive deployment of robots or turrets, and while it had suffered little damage from either the fall of Thorp or the years afterward, it still wasn't exactly up to code with Military installation or FOB defenses.

Nonetheless it'd be a project of mine to better shore up and fortify it, and the materials I was collecting would help serve to both do that and do any repairs to the buildings I was inhabiting.

Shortly after this check would finish, my Eyebots would finally arrive at the hill. Happy, I would keep them a distance back to try to avoid detection as I spread them out to get a view of what was happening.

It didn't look too good. I could see around five dozen or so people surrounding the hill, trading shots with those on it. Perhaps more were elsewhere, out of view from the Eyebots due to coverage or being blocked by cover or buildings.

It didn't take long to see just who was bad either. A few of the people surrounding the building were adorning skulls, and many had raider-looking outfits- if with a more tribal influence. Regardless, this would be enough to send another command to my bots, who picked up the pace on the highway.

Watching, I would suddenly notice movement near a portion of the lines. The cannibals, Salemites I recall their name was, were amassing on a single front- with over three dozen so far there. I would digitally blink as I note many of them having melee weapons and basic guns; civilian and pipe. They didn't have much in the way of armor either, but surely they weren't-

-and nevermind, they are actually doing a mass charge of the hill. As I watch them start to become mowed down, many of their better armed fellows hanging back and not firing, I'd think on the purpose of this. Despite being seemingly wasteful in terms of lives, it would have a number of advantages. Wearing down the defenders, making them waste ammunition, analyzing what they had available, and making them focus here. Already I can see what reserves they have moving to this portion of the line to help mow down these attackers. It was distasteful, sure, but it wasn't looking to be a mindless charge.

Sure enough, I'd see that as soon as the charge is broken and what few of the attackers withdraw, the others open fire- several longer range or automatic guns laying down suppressive fire on their cover. More Salemites would amass at that location, many of these ones noticeably better armed and armored. While not heavily reinforced, the other fronts have seen a few more Salemites added.

My robots would begin to arrive just as they press the attack, engaging in a pitched battle with the defenders on the Northern front. I would have my Assaultrons go invisible and race up to the Hill as my forces split- two of my Sentry Bots, three Mister Gutsies, and four Eyebots positioning to go through the southern side and clean up the relative few raiders present here while the rest amassed for an assault to the north. They would smash through what few raiders were between the hill and highway before splitting off. The northern force would work on fighting the raiders amassed there while they were busy attacking, while the southern force would deal with what raiders were present there before swinging north- attacking the western side while moving to block the escape route of the Salemite raiders.

It would begin getting worryingly close as they get into position. Ordering the attack, I would watch as some of the Salemites breach the northern defenses- using some kind of high-explosive grenade to do it. Close-quarters combat starts up, and I would see as the other defenses weaken- defenders leaving their posts to assist and emboldening the raiders there. This would in the end help me, leaving the raiders more focused on the attack and some out of cover as my bots roll in. The two Assaultrons decloak and start moving through the battle on the hill, using surprise and the close range to weave through the raiders.

Thankfully the defenders would not fire on my own robots, although they would look on wide-eyed as first the attacking force is destroyed, and then as the main raider body is wiped out. High-risk targets would be focused on, such as those with automatic weapons and the one that had what appeared to be homemade grenades that packed a good punch. Certainly created a large boom when a rocket set it off.

They would try to flee, but not only would it allow for easier targeting for my attacking robots, but it'd also cause them to run into my flanking force from the south- caught between my two groups of robots.

Some minutes later, and I gaze through my robots at the battlefield- victorious. The vast majority of these Salemites are dead, with only about five taken prisoner. One or two could've also run off, but unfortunately I don't have the means to quickly pursue and deal with them.

Losses were thankfully light. One Eyebot was destroyed, and another would be damaged along with a Mister Gutsy. A few other bots would need a bit of maintenance work too. Unfortunate, but not unexpected.

Having my robots assume position around the hill and nearby highway to keep an eye out for more hostiles, I would turn to the present matter at hand. Looking over at the defenders, the Taneum if the radio message was speaking truthfully, I could see that their reactions were certainly mixed and varied.

Shock at the utter ass-whooping I dealt to the Salemites? Yes.

A bit of elation and happiness at not being dead, along with hope? Yes.

Tension and nervousness as they looked at the provenly-lethal robots both nearby and among them? Along with sadness and mourning for the ones that had been killed?

Unfortunately, yes.

Deciding to get this done with immediately, I have one of my Mister Gutsies start floating up. After a moment, one of them would also move out from their lines, stumbling a bit but largely staying upright.

Pegging her as the leader of this group, I would stop before her- looking her over.

She didn't seem to be doing all that well. Her leather and metal armor was pock-marked with blood and tears from the fighting, and a small wound on her head allowed blood to slowly drip down just to the side of her right eye- only somewhat hidden by short brown hair.

Sure, she looked half ready to collapse then and there, but there was a certain steel in her eyes that showed that she would protect these people. She was almost certainly their leader, but just to confirm…

"Are you this group's leader?" My voice would come from the Mister Gutsy. It had surprisingly been not that difficult to get that to work, which I was thankful for. I'd rather not speak with the same voice as the gun-ho robots.

"...I am. I am Tierna, leader of the last known survivors of the Taneum people. I ask of you, please help us."

The last known survivors, huh? Well with these cannibals, it wasn't hard to imagine just what had happened to any survivors not fortunate enough to escape them.

Realistically speaking, I shouldn't be doing this. I've already saved these people, I can just help them on their way with some of the medicine and food I had salvaged in Thorp. Mayhaps a few extra guns too. Caring for these people would just slow me down in some aspects, add extra considerations and burdens.

Yet… it wouldn't effect me as much as it would a normal settlement or group of people, as besides the bees there's no organics already with me taking up food, water, and meds. I was these people's best shot at surviving and recovering, and I had the capability to do so.

It would be an Eyebot that sealed the deal. A few of them were flying over the hill after the fight, and one happened to get a view of the interior of the rather hollow building at the center of the hill. There, it would get a glimpse through a half-broken window and see the people within, kids and injured huddled together while a couple others nervously looked towards the outside- hands on pistols.

I wasn't a cold-hearted and logic machine, not like how Conductor was before I 'woke' up.

And so I had my answer.

"I'm called the Conductor, but we can talk in greater detail later. For now, let's get you to safety."

A/N: Here's a new interlude and chapter. I've decided to post these two at the same time due to the two of them being intertwined with each other, as well as the Chapter itself being a bit short. Enjoy!
Nice chapters.

One correction for you: you keep saying "i would," "it would," etc. 'Would' is future tense. It's not a deal breaker, but it makes some of your sentences clunky and awkward as they flip flop between past and future tenses.
Ok, now you have some meatbags in your domain I want tell you just few things:

1: DON'T TRUST THEM!!!!! never trust of the meatbags.

2: if you really want give some decent house fir your meat-useless-slaves I recommend to build bunkers under the ground..... Like the chambers of a Vault.

In this way you can protect them from any danger from the outside, give good protection from the radiations, have an unlimited amount of space for the expansion and, most importantly, you can concentrate all of the in a place and exterminate easy the meatbags if they rebel against you.

3: for sustain the meatbags I recommend to build aeroponic farms, they are more sophisticated, efficient and they need less water of a hydroponic farm..... Of course you need even meat for them. Don't use the human meat for sustain because it's not good for they're metabolism and conduct to madness, owever you can build a farm for molerat, they more easy to catch, breed and kill but, most importantly, they can live underground with any problem. They are perfect for an underground city!

4: i think it's better build a medic bay and medic lab fast as you can because, believe me or not, you need it! Seriously the meatbags break their body at a ridiculous amount of times!

Last thing: I recommend to build female bot for the infirmary (expecially codsworth type) the meatbags love them when a fenake voice heal their wounds and they be downguarded.... Mhhhh you can use like spies in other cities!

P. S. Sorry for my ORRIBLE English XD
Glad to see some humans getting involved. As a previous poster mentioned, your tenses were flip-flopping like crazy from past to present to future in these updates, with the future tense being particularly jarring. Very distracting, more so because I haven't noticed that in any previous chapters.

I can vividly imagine the scene of robots coming to the rescue; stealth assaultrons would be terrifying to an unprepared group.
While emp is not as strong in reality fallout has spesific weapons which use energy to the same effect. Able to destoy power armors and robots with one shot.
Case in point the Pulse gun from FNV.

So it would be prudent to get defences against emp type attacks or it will one hit kill mcs robots and servers.

It definitely would. Conductor would just need to figure out how best to do that, and in a way that's affordable too.

Nice chapters.

One correction for you: you keep saying "i would," "it would," etc. 'Would' is future tense. It's not a deal breaker, but it makes some of your sentences clunky and awkward as they flip flop between past and future tenses.

Glad to see some humans getting involved. As a previous poster mentioned, your tenses were flip-flopping like crazy from past to present to future in these updates, with the future tense being particularly jarring. Very distracting, more so because I haven't noticed that in any previous chapters.

Yeah, that's completely my bad. I'll admit that one of my bigger weaknesses with this kind of stuff is mixing up past and future tense, and while I have gotten better at it, it's still something that pops up. I'll try to make sure to avoid that in the future though, so thanks for the heads up.

can vividly imagine the scene of robots coming to the rescue; stealth assaultrons would be terrifying to an unprepared group.

Oh yeah definitely. More so since both sides here are tribal and, while having at least some knowledge involving modern technology and such, would still have a good chance at pissing their pants when something like the stealthed Assaultron arrives.

Love the new updates!

Thank you! Glad to be back at this after leaving it alone for a good while.

Ok, now you have some meatbags in your domain I want tell you just few things:

1: DON'T TRUST THEM!!!!! never trust of the meatbags.

2: if you really want give some decent house fir your meat-useless-slaves I recommend to build bunkers under the ground..... Like the chambers of a Vault.

In this way you can protect them from any danger from the outside, give good protection from the radiations, have an unlimited amount of space for the expansion and, most importantly, you can concentrate all of the in a place and exterminate easy the meatbags if they rebel against you.

3: for sustain the meatbags I recommend to build aeroponic farms, they are more sophisticated, efficient and they need less water of a hydroponic farm..... Of course you need even meat for them. Don't use the human meat for sustain because it's not good for they're metabolism and conduct to madness, owever you can build a farm for molerat, they more easy to catch, breed and kill but, most importantly, they can live underground with any problem. They are perfect for an underground city!

4: i think it's better build a medic bay and medic lab fast as you can because, believe me or not, you need it! Seriously the meatbags break their body at a ridiculous amount of times!

Last thing: I recommend to build female bot for the infirmary (expecially codsworth type) the meatbags love them when a fenake voice heal their wounds and they be downguarded.... Mhhhh you can use like spies in other cities!

Unnecessary, he has firmly established his position as a Savior figure. From there, it is simple to transition to a Protector and Provider role. That will near guarantee long term loyalty in the fleshies.

For a immortal being like the mc thats a terrible deal.

Yeah, I mean just look how that turned out for Big E

We'll, you know what they say, "when someone asks if you are a God, you say Yes."

Thankfully for the sanity of many, Conductor will likely not be going the route of 'worship'. That kind of stuff is risky, and is not something that he'll want to be involved in. Of course, if a few people start doing it on their own and continue to do so despite Conductor's protests, well that's a different situation. Thankfully this'll be helped by knowledge, as the Thorp-refugees from decades ago helped the Taneum learn about modern knowledge and information. They know what computers, robots, lasers and such are (although not exactly how to use them), and while an AI like Conductor will be a bit of a leap, it won't be as much with a tribal society that had little contact with technology.

As for providing for them, well unfortunately it has to be kept in mind that Conductor at the moment doesn't have much capability, and in some cases knowledge, in doing such things as hollowing out space underground and making bunkers. Too much effort anyway when Thorp is not a planned long-term home.

Food wise they'll be alright for a while. Aeroponic farming is a good idea, but is something that neither the AI or the tribals will know much if anything of. Perhaps in the future it could be done, but for now it'll just be normal farming and maybe hydroponics in the near-future. As for a medical clinic, well there's already one in Thorp- if left alone for a few decades and partially looted. The recovered medical supplies will help with this though, and while nothing like Auto-Docs may be present it can still be helpful with the current cases.
Emp's and charged particle bursts need some shielding, farady cages and pipe systems can protect most of the MC's thinky-bits. May want to include grounding spikes as well.
Now i think: on Old World Blues (the mod of Hearts of Iron4) exist a faction (My favorite one XD) called Twin Mother....it's pratically the same thing, a tribe of amzoness discover and help an advanced A.I. and they pray like their goddess.

Maybe you can insert this faction and find an ally and a friend in this rotten land.

P.S. sorry for my english XD
I'm hopeful for this story, I hope your SI innovates and makes a ripoff of recon drones from nowadays to help expand your SI's awareness.
Chapter 11
Old Conductor, Possessed Anew

Chapter 11

It took a while to move out, and while these people were exhausted and in some cases impatient, there were some things that needed to be taken care of.

At the end of the battle, 23 of the Taneum were alive out of 29. A further 13 were wounded to some degree or another with something more than bruises or cuts. The condition of those relatively uninjured and mobile wasn't the best either, as they were all emotionally and physically drained. Most of their armor, leather and some metal, was dinged or damaged in some way or another. Many of their weapons, civilian grade for the vast majority, were in need of maintenance, and ammunition was low. Relevant medical supplies were now at almost zero in amount, if due to most of it being applied now that the battle was over and safety was soon incoming.

As the dead and badly injured were loaded up, a basic 'harness' and cart salvaged and attached to one of my Sentry Bots, looting the bodies of the Salemites commenced. Due to my attack, pretty much all of their armor when present was shredded or damaged, and what chems they had had seemingly been used for the attack. Guns however I got lucky at, as many of them remained intact. In all, I and the Taneum managed to collect a dozen hunting rifles and another half dozen shotguns in good condition, along with parts salvaged from worse off ones. Five assault rifles would be added on as well, a mix of AK-Style ones and what looked to be N91's. Pistols would be at 14 in number and varied in type, and finally a wide selection of melee weapons would be grabbed- tomahawks, hatchets, machetes, combat knives, even a military ripper.

Loot, dead, and those unable to walk were put on the cart, and with the Taneum sporting new weapons, we began our trek back to Thorp. As this occurred, my Eyebots scoured the area- blasting the corpses left behind with low-power lasers to fry them and deprive these cannibals of their fallen. They also go about scanning and scouring the area as we leave, making sure to search for anyone watching. They did a good job in this, and actually caught a runner that hadn't gotten far- the man having been wounded and thus having paused to deal with that along with watch what was happening. He was taken down promptly, but that confirmed that at least one managed to escape my assault, meaning that more could have too. Unfortunately, I couldn't stick around and hunt around for any others.

Regardless, I make sure that no one is around to watch as we pull back and began traveling. The trip itself would take about twice as long as my initial sortie from what my brief calculations would show, mostly due to the added on cart and people along with the pace my robots were going- not rushing to respond and whatnot.

By the time they reached the outskirts of Thorp ninety minutes later, I had gotten basic preparations made. Using many of the intact bunks and such from the old guard barracks, I had managed to temporarily outfit four of the classrooms with them- grabbing and putting up curtains in between to allow for privacy. The Clinic also got some focus, as it was intact enough that it could still be used for its original purpose. With a few added beds transported over, the seriously wounded would be able to stay there and recuperate. As for what Salemite prisoners there were, seven of them to be exact, they would be put in one of the empty containers and guarded while they were interrogated and dealt with.

Food, water, and medical supplies were also checked on and brought out- all thankfully present in some amount from leftover stocks from back when Thorp was a proper settlement. It wouldn't last forever, especially the water, but it would do for now.

They came in from the southwest, having followed the highway until diverging off of it and onto a nearby lesser road that led up to Thorp. Passing by the half-decayed outer perimeter fence, they would soon be brought up to and through one of the two gates leading into the inner part of Thorp, where the school, clinic, and fire station were at.

There weren't any looks of awe or amazement, it was still a bunch of occupied and slightly fixed up ruins after all, but I did note relief and curiosity being visible. A couple of the older survivors showed what looked to be recognition too, which was interesting to note.

Shortly we reached the entrance to the school, where I turn to address the Taneum - using the Mister Gutsy that I had used previously.

"Now that we are here, follow me to the clinic. We'll be providing medical supplies and such there before I show everyone to your quarters. Before we continue however, might I know if any of you have medical training or experience?"

At that a bit of quiet conversation happens among the group before a girl, one of those that had been kept in the building, steps forward. A couple others also move forward a bit, if less surely.

"I am a healer, Savior. These other two have other duties, but have at least some knowledge of dealing with wounds from battle or hunting."

Right. Ignoring that title, I proceed to lead them over to the clinic- with a few robots taking the prisoners away to their makeshift prison. Stocked and with additional beds present, I get to work on helping the healer deal with the wounds of those present- if mostly just as a couple extra sets of metallic claws and assisting with getting the correct medical supplies.

The minutes would tick by as people are slowly treated- Stimpacks administered as gauze and medical wrap is applied. By the time half an hour passes, I now lead the majority away- leaving behind three kept back in the clinic.

Heading into the school, we only go a few steps in before I have the leading Mister Gutsy turn to the left, leading the group into the School's cafeteria. Waiting until everyone was inside, through my Mister Gutsy I say my final piece.

"Thank you for your patience everyone. Now, I'm sure that many of you have questions, but those will be answered tomorrow. For now just focus on eating, and once you are finished I'll lead you all to where you'll be sleeping. Should any of you want or need to sleep together or just close by, then I can adjust sleeping accommodations. Welcome to Thorp."

As I finish up, a Protectron comes out from the kitchen area, pushing a cart with a multitude of canned and heated food ready for consumption. The refugees certainly seem to enjoy it despite the age, as they dig in with a gusto.

Things would settle down over the next couple hours as most of the refugees fell asleep, resting in the recovered bunks. The exception to this was the Healer, who had gone back to the clinic to keep an eye on those there, and a couple that were trying to stay awake to keep watch. As I watch them through my robots and cameras, I can't help but wonder as to just how long they've been on the move given how deeply asleep many of them seem to be, but I leave that be for now. I'll be answering questions tomorrow at any rate, so I can ask a few of my own then.

During this time I'm not idle, and I turn my attention towards something that I have that can be quite useful.

Robot customization and experimenting.

Of course, current resources and the reality of my situation means that I won't be customizing everything I have- and some of the possibilities from Automatron are practically impossible! That being said, I did have some options, and I already have a couple ideas in mind.

Eyebots were some of my most useful and plentiful robots around, and while not having much in the way of raw combat power, they more then make up for it in mobility and versatility. It was these frames that I wanted to work with, and fortunately I had a few Eyebot 'bodies' to work with.

As I had the trio of currently derelict Eyebots be brought to me, I que up my building programs. Instantly a part of my awareness is encompassed by a surprisingly detailed yet simple customization program. Selecting what I want, I get to work on getting the designs ironed out in my mind.

The first of them was a model that could help boost my range. Doing so was… relatively simple. I ended up just having to add a couple additional antennas and some new compressed parts and components that could be salvaged, and this all ended up costing both some speed and the onboard laser. However, with this I should be able to extend both radio communication and control range of my bots by a decent factor. After a moment I decide to designate these officially as Eyebot: Beacon Model, or otherwise Beacon-Eyebots or EB-B's. Finished with this, I would get started on a couple Prototypes using the trio of Eyebot wrecks before turning to my other idea.

The second project is to get to work more on a stealth-capable version of the Eyebot. These are more tricky to deal with, and I end up running into more then a few problems in simulation in terms of keeping the robots stealth-capable. After a good several hours worth of digital-tinkering and simulating, I manage to cobble together something that works. Granted to maintain stealth the Eyebot would need to go slow, and furthermore communication range was depleted some as I would need to cut down on the current antennae to make it work.

The issue also comes up in what way to use it, recon or ambush. The latter wouldn't need much if any changing to do, as this model was currently armed, but to get more sensors or more powerful ones in I would need to scrap the laser weapon for more internal space.

A combination of frustration and lack of resources to make much if any of this model would cause me to shelf the Eyebot: Stealth Model, or Stealth-Eyebots/EB-S's for now. It would be something I'd revisit in the future when I had the chance though.

By now it was night, and as the people slept I pulled my partial-focus from the simulations to turn to planning. Unless I discovered a new location, my eventual aim was to take out the raiders in Ellensburg and move there. To do that though I would need lots of 'manpower' to tackle this, and even should I get all my bot wrecks active and refugees into willing and fighting condition, I would still be woefully short. This also wasn't including the tribals, these cannibalistic Salemites, and while they seemed to be generally low tech they still used assault rifles and likely other military-tier weapons. I very much doubted it would be a case of advanced robotic forces cutting down swathes of blindly charging tribals.

That was why I needed to scout around more in earnest, and not only get a lay of the surrounding area but also look for more scavenging opportunities.

And so as the two prototype Beacon-Eyebots were activated and ran system checks, I gather together multiple normal Eyebots and a pair of Mister Handies. My current plan was to send a few parties North and South. The southern two parties would be tasked with scouring the flat southern area, checking over the various scattered buildings and farmland. The northern two would have a slightly different task. One group would scour both sides of the Yakima river and note down what could be found, while a smaller group would be heading up the steep slopes just north of the river- both to get a good look at what's beyond it and to reach the small relay tower up there. With luck I can get that repaired, boosting my control range from Thorp both northward and in general. That would help with both defense from anything approaching from that direction, and in expeditions going further out- such as to the wind farm to the northwest.

Of course, another reason as to why I wanted to go northward was the other encrypted signal I had picked up. It was still encrypted and garbled, but after some hours I had been able to determine that it was coming from up north of me. Going up and above the ridge-line would hopefully help me get a better idea of just where the signal was coming from.

Now, all I had to do was just wait for morning.

A/N: Here's a new chapter for your enjoyment. Didn't feel the best about this one, especially with how I wrote bringing the Taneum in, but nonetheless it's what I stuck to. Next Chapter things will pick up a bit, as Conductor!Me will be getting to work on a couple different things, along with start actually talking with the Taneum and have a 'how the fuck did I miss that' moment. As always, feel free to comment and lend feedback and criticism.
Also, I've been thinking of doing another Fallout Self Insert in something like the same vein as this one. Specifically, I was thinking of having it be a self insert becoming/merging with Isabel Cruz, Fallout 4's Mechanist. Of course, I'm still thinking about how to go about it and whether to have it be a bit AU or not (self-insert into regular Isabel, or have it be a pre-war version of her). A couple other ideas have been tossed around here, including another AI self insert except elsewhere or being self inserted with (Worm) Panacea's powers (and possibly body), but the Mechanist one is what I'm thinking to be the most feasible.

Let me know what you guys think of this.
Also, I've been thinking of doing another Fallout Self Insert in something like the same vein as this one. Specifically, I was thinking of having it be a self insert becoming/merging with Isabel Cruz, Fallout 4's Mechanist. Of course, I'm still thinking about how to go about it and whether to have it be a bit AU or not (self-insert into regular Isabel, or have it be a pre-war version of her). A couple other ideas have been tossed around here, including another AI self insert except elsewhere or being self inserted with (Worm) Panacea's powers (and possibly body), but the Mechanist one is what I'm thinking to be the most feasible.

Let me know what you guys think of this.
This sounds like a cool idea, though what if you put the self insert in her faithful robot companion Sparks.
I've been enjoying your writing a lot so far. Good fallout fics are rare. And that sounds like a cool idea! I would absolutely read it.
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if you're altering eyebots, i wonder if increasing their camera zoom and giving them the ability to glide/soar to keep them up with less power use could be useful?

and as for other Self inserts, the Mechanist one might be interesting, to see how it can differ from Nuclear Metal.

great start so far, I like this story - but: Why would your AI-SI move his core components into a building instead of staying mobile and up-gunning and armoring the train to turn it into an Armored Train - at best with turrets that can also in a pinch serve as AA, because the factions who would either want to possess the AI (say the NCR!) or destroy it (the Brotherhood of Steel!) do have (limited!) aircraft...hell, the Enclave might want the AI, too! (The end goal should however of course be to become independent of train tracks that simply don't lead everywhere, especially in the US, which in RL is a bit lacking rail-infrastructure! Maybe store the hardware on an APC or a Vertibird!)

I also agree with what others wrote: The AI-SI should use the aquired robots who already have a personality to offload some tasks (at least until he learns how to multitask even better)

Also more vehicles should have probably been taken while assaulting the Vehicle-Raiders.

I like the Range-Extender-Eye-Bots (basically a floating repeater! Would love to have some of these in RL!), they just need a bit more armor (so that not every two bit raider with a pistol can take them out!), but I wouldn't go for stealth on the other model!

We know that (at least the duraframe models) Eyebots can carry a heavier load, than just themselves, so a better weapon (Loved the one the Followers give ED-E), a bit of armor-plating and some missiles (say two small racks on either side of the bot, with 3 missiles each!), this way you have a fast raiding unit (hit and run tactics)...maybe give them more speed and lift capability by scrapping some broken Mr. Handies and Gutsies (their thrusters!)...hell, you could even give them some manipulator arms, so that they can at least carry a few things (also left over from broken Mr. Gutsies and Mr. Handies)

Otherwise I love the story - not that I am all that interested in the tribals, would like to hear more about the military base and about interesting salvage locations, like say local RobCo headquarters or Poseidon Energy etc.

PS: If Power Armor is found, stick a robot-brain (not a robo-brain, I mean the CPU etc. of a regular bot...I wouldn't trust Robo-Brains!) inside! I mean there is such a DLC for Fallout 4, so we know it is possible!
PS: If Power Armor is found, stick a robot-brain (not a robo-brain, I mean the CPU etc. of a regular bot...I wouldn't trust Robo-Brains!) inside! I mean there is such a DLC for Fallout 4, so we know it is possible!
To add on to that you don't need arms and legs from another robot to move power armor, there is that one character in Fo4 Proctor Ingram that is a paraplegic (has no legs below the knee... unless you glitch her out of her PA.)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IErgBoKQ-h8
Why would your AI-SI move his core components into a building instead of staying mobile and up-gunning and armoring the train to turn it into an Armored Train - at best with turrets that can also in a pinch serve as AA, because the factions who would either want to possess the AI (say the NCR!) or destroy it (the Brotherhood of Steel!) do have (limited!) aircraft...hell, the Enclave might want the AI, too! (The end goal should however of course be to become independent of train tracks that simply don't lead everywhere, especially in the US, which in RL is a bit lacking rail-infrastructure! Maybe store the hardware on an APC or a Vertibird!)
Maybe the SI didn't think of it, and/or didn't have the necessary supplies?