AN: Aye. The dipshit that is other-me decided that withstanding pain, super-strength, and super-speed is for pussies, so I obliged his request by not giving him Aura. Let's see how fast he changes his tune after a couple of plasma burns. Shit's dangerous, yo.

The poor sod.

That's hell you're walking into. :V

... Both of you actually don't know what they are doing, right?

AN: No. Sadly, not. But hey, I checked the timetable, and this was waay before stuff happened, so there's hope! As long as well, other-me doesn't fuck up with the therapy of an eons-old Forerunner ancilla.

... Yea, I have no hope for myself, either.
<1. Halo> - Guilty Spark is Not That Guilty (Yet)
[Oh Look, a Landline!]​

"What day is it?"

"It has been 872 Maethrillian year cycles since the activation of the Halo Array!" The floating box-sphere beside me chirped. Or well, Guilty Spark. This time, I kept the city-killing boltcaster by my side, threading my spear through one of the bag's loops while dragging it along with me. I know this little bugger. I also know that they basically blasted a large hole out of Sergeant Johnson sometime in the future, which means that yes, they were capable of murder. At least it's a box of bolts, yeah?

"Barely even a millennium, huh…" I trailed off. Something-something, it meant that the Flood had only been 'recently' eliminated, which meant that… Wait. Flood. Parasite-things that like to skullfuck your face and use it as a piggy-back ride. "Shit. I uh, do you still have those Flood things here on this Ring?"

Guilty Spark – you know what, I'll just call them 'Spark' from now on – bobbed up and down, before turning around themselves once more. Come to think of it, what the hell am I going to eat in the future? When I played Halo: CE, there was no wildlife on the Ring. Mostly because most of it was placed in the Ark or something before the Librarian and the Flood fucked it up in equal measure… hm, I don't really know.

"The Forerunners have kept a sample of the organism for further research, yes!"

"Eject it into the sun." I sigh. "And assign a probe to check up on it should it ever try to escape from the star's surface."

Spark paused, their large blue eye-light glowing even harder even as I slowly turned the boltcaster's barrel in the drone's direction. It's not exactly murdering if it's an AI, since it could be rebuilt… but still. I'd rather not resort to such measures. Even if I had watched them gun down that cool sergeant from… way back when I was a kid. Or at least, that's what my memories told me. Why the fuck do I remember something like that instead of more important shit like… like I dunno, something more important?

"Reclaimer, may I ask why?" I can't really detect a tone in a machine's voice, so you know. Hard to guess. But I'm definitely going to be shooting them if their eye turns red. It's like HAL from 2001, or GlaDOS from Portal. The moment that their eyes turn red, it's bad news. I think. Did GlaDOS have red eyes? "They could still be of use, especially in avenues of research where–"

"No." I snapped. Fuck body-horror. There's no way I'm going to be getting a front-row seat to that shit if I could help it. "The Halo Array is a superweapon designed to stop the Flood, not a research center for it. Besides, they killed the Forerunners. Do you seriously want to preserve the lives of an alien parasite that killed your creators?"

Spark was silent. A few seconds pass as the floating blue box stared at me, an ordinary and universe-displaced human, and then to the boltcaster that I have on hand. Frankly, if it decided that it would laser beam a hole through my chest, then I'd die. This distance between us is too small for me to actually dive and make a break for it, since you know. Speed of light and all that. Can't really change that unless you go into some fucky-wucky physics, and even most of those numbers went through my head and made me drool.

I'd only survive if I had some form of shielding, which truly makes me the greatest fucking idiot in existence. Wish I'd have gotten some Aura sooner, eh? Fucking hell.

AN: *sigh*

"I was created to serve the Forerunners. To monitor this Installation." Spark eventually said. "With the Forerunners gone, the Mantle of Responsibility falls onto you. With it, comes the responsibility of sheltering all life… Even if they are exceedingly dangerous, and have been responsible for the death of the Forerunners."

"However, I cannot deny that there is a certain risk in allowing the Flood the chance to spread once more. As a Monitor, perhaps it would be best for my duty to see the Flood expunged from this Installation." Spark paused, floating slowly towards me while keeping its bright blue eye. My grip tightened on the boltcaster, all but ready to shoot the damn thing, before I caught up with what the robot was saying. "Shall we go to the control center and confirm the purging of the Flood research area?"

Well, that had been surprisingly easy. What's their angle in this? "That's it? No objections at all?"

"Oh, there are", Spark admitted, whizzing around me once more. I let out a slow breath, my shoulders shuddering as my grip slowly loosens on the boltcaster, "But they are all secondary to my purpose as the Monitor of this Installation and obeying the orders of the Reclaimers. Those can be momentarily put on the wayside so long as the Installation is safe from any potential threats."

I sigh, sparing a glance towards the landline currently in my bag. "Can I ring up someone for a bit before you teleport me away? Forgive me if I'm not too keen on teleporting–"

"Using slipspace translocation."

My lips purse. Sure, let's go with that. 'Slipspace translocation', what the fuck that's actually supposed to mean. "Forgive me if I'm not too keen on using slipspace translocation for the moment, since I just need to make sure that it's perfectly safe. I got onto this… Installation after fucking around with a teleporter–"

"Slipspace translocation device."

"–Slipspace translocation device", I correct, reminding myself to search up that term later when no wait, I'm actually gonna call other-me right now, so that's a thing that I'm going to ask him. "So you can understand my hesitation for actually wanting to do that again. It's ah… what do you call it. Experimental technology? Yeah. Sort of like that."

"You mean to tell me that you have a gravity projector that can fit in the palm of your hand, but slipspace translocation devices are 'experimental technology'? That is… odd." Oh yes, it's odd. Because you know, I'm lying out of my ass. Seriously, a teleporter sounds cool and all, but there's always that sort of argument going about the internet that debates as to whether or not teleporting yourself still counts as 'you' or you actually die in transit. Sadly, I don't want to cross that line just yet.

"Sure. Why not." I dryly reply, beginning to walk once more towards… somewhere with water on it. Which I can saw, is a hell of a long distance. Turns out land topography gets the better of you if you didn't have enough cardio. Just because I went up and down a mountain when I was a fucking teen doesn't mean squat when I'm sitting around in the house all day because of the quarantine.

Anyway, what was I supposed to do? Right. Call the dipshit. "Yallo."

"Would I be fine if I get teleported?"

He paused. Then I heard him scratching his head on the other side of the line. "Probably…? Look, I'm not sure myself. Just making up these features as they go along, but I'm pretty sure I shielded you from any untoward movement-displacing effects. Though I think that's mostly during transit? Probably because I don't want bits and pieces of you getting splattered all about the multiverse and whatnot."

I shuddered. "So that's a no."

"Look, it's Forerunner tech. So long as its carefully maintained and everything has been tested, then it's fine. Probably." Other-me grumbled for a bit. "How about this? I do a check-up on you after you go through this portal thing, and I tell you my diagnosis. Sounds good enough for you?"

"Sure. See ya later then, I guess." Closing the line, I let out a sigh, turning towards Spark and for fuck's sake for a flying hunk of metal you're more stealthy than I thought. Also, space. I need it. Shoo. Yes, more than arm's length. "So, is there any sort of reason as to why you got so close? I don't think others of all shapes and sizes would want another being to be so close to their person."

"Intriguing. Why?"

Ugh. "It feels weird."

"Hard-coded genetic information that governs behavior?" Spark asks, its blue light blinking with every syllable that it spoke, "Presumably as a mechanism to avoid predatory individuals in the same environment. Measure of symbiosis with other species of the same kind. Breaking of allotted space triggers fight-flight-freeze instincts, reminiscent of prey species suddenly finding predator species in midst. Correct?"

"Most of those words flew over my head, but I'd certainly appreciate it if you stayed at a respectable distance."

"Of course, Reclaimer."

Scrape, scrape. Walking, walking. The butt of my spear began to drag across the ground, carving a small furrow through the earth, and it jangled just a little bit while I kept my boltcaster in one hand, its barrel squarely pointed towards the earth. Or well, what passes for earth in a ringworld like a Halo. Can you tell that I'm trying to fill the silence? Because that's what I'm doing. Since you know, the Flood matter was slowly about to be resolved in just a few seconds and yeah I think I'm just putting off the matter by now.

Other-me all but told me that they're gonna check if I'm still the same-me after the teleport, so I guess it's not all too bad. "Say, Spark."


"Can we use that teleport thing–"

"Slipspace translocator network."

"–Yeah, that, to just go to the control room?"

"You need not ask any further, Reclaimer!"

Spark's eye glowed, and suddenly I was everywhere, nowhere, above, below, and in a million places at once, snapping back into a large room in the heart of this place that was filled with all sorts of metal concrete angles and glowing lights and––


I doubled over to the side, letting out my early morning meal. Oh right. It was just supposed to be early morning in Beacon before I got punted here. Did that mean I was too early for this shit? I'm pretty sure that's the case right now. Got into a little bit of a safe sanctuary yesterday evening, slept for a few hours, woke up to another fine day, only for me to be punted between universes into a place littered with megastructures. Such is life, but I knew exactly who to blame for this.

Fuck you, other-me.

"Quite an interesting reaction." Spark said, flying around behind me while offering their oh-so-helpful commentary, "Human biology has an interesting interaction with slipspace translocation. How do you feel?"

I kept on trying to vomit out my insides as an answer. "… Oh. Perhaps that is bad. Shall I prepare the medical wing should the effects prove too detrimental?"

Once more, I nod. Even as the landline started ringing again, which meant that I now have a headache to contend with while I'm trying to puke out my guts. Oh god, it was a good breakfast as well. There was this girl that I got along well during the little journey to Beacon's clinic and all that, which also made the morning like, ten times better. There were hashbrowns and fries and bacon and egg salad and corned beef and eggs and I'm currently seeing little bits and pieces of it in the acrid slop that I'm currently trying to vomit out into the floor in front of me.

Which was to say, completely disgusting. Disgusting enough that I actually agreed with other-me when I picked up the phone and was immediately treated to a dry, sarcastic remark. "You look like shit."

AN: Rare are the times that we agree on something. I feel unclean.

I was too busy still trying to puke out my guts out in order to reply, but I surmised that giving the landline the finger was good enough. Not that it stopped other-me from prattling on, however. Because jesus fuck did he prattle on. "Anyway, scanned you as soon as you were done reconstituting yourself, and aside from… nausea and disorientation for a few moments, apparently. Turns out my teleportation method is better than the Forerunners. Ha, take that!"

That was… good. Very good. Though what the fuck did you mean by 'reconstitution', other-me? Also, urrrg. Keep on talking. Give me something to comment on while I keep on trying to puke out my innards. Who the fuck thought that teleportation was a cool idea, anyway? Just because you're a higher-tech species doesn't mean that you can just fiddle around with slipspace or whatever the fuck that's actually supposed to mean. Maglevs pulled by hard-light and Tantalus drives are good, y'know? No emissions and shit. No puking up my own innards, for another.

"That is a distressing amount of fluids and semi-fluids, Reclaimer."

Screw you, Spark. I stress-eat. Usually. Wait no, that's on rare occasions. There was a sort-of buffet at Beacon, it was a free meal, things happen. "Thanks for the… comment Spark, but no one asked… Guh…"

There you go. Sudden untwisting of everything inside my body, and it's all back to normal. Whatever the fuck it did to me, it's gone, which means that I could actually speak out coherent words. "Oh thank fuck that's over. Alright. Rule number one. Humans are not exactly made for transportation using these 'slipspace translocation devices'. Do you have a better transportation in store in this uh, Installation of sorts?"

"It would require construction by the Sentinels, and would be sorely unable to traverse the entire Installation in a feasible time-frame." Yes I know, but I'd rather not have to get myself puking all over the damn place once I finished teleporting, either. Also, cute little Sentinels cleaning up the puke on the floor by scanning their beams over it. It'd be cute if they also didn't function as fucking laser beams that could wreck shit up. "The Sentinels would also be able to construct any such vehicles that you have any blueprints for."

… Welp. Back to ringing up other-me it was, then. "Yallo. I have heard you need a method of transportation to traverse the Halo ring."

"Blueprints. With everything that entails." I paused, and let out a sigh. "Just, don't overdo it."

"You're currently pretending to have a tech-base able to manipulate gravity, so I'm working off that." Oh shit. "I think you're gonna like what I'm gonna do."

A low whine echoes from my throat, even as Spark floats around me like an excited puppy. Except it's made out of metal and wires, and has a fucking laser beam as its eye for some reason. "Reclaimer?"

"They're sending the blueprints in a few moments." I sigh. "It shouldn't take long."

Now what I need is some fucking food to replace the ones that I just barfed out. Sadly, I have the sinking feeling that the Halo Array doesn't have food that could last long. Especially around… what was it again? Something-something years after it was initially fired? More than long enough for even the most unspoilable foodstuffs to be spoiled.

"Reclaimer", Spark piped up, "We still need to jettison the Ring segment that houses the Flood. You still need to verify such a procedure with your own eyes!"

Right. How could I forget? Uuuuuugh...
AN: Aye. The dipshit that is other-me decided that withstanding pain, super-strength, and super-speed is for pussies, so I obliged his request by not giving him Aura. Let's see how fast he changes his tune after a couple of plasma burns. Shit's dangerous, yo.
oi. spite is a powerful, hellish force. one of the driving factors of human evolution/advancement, actually. if he keeps all of the spite and anger he has against you when it gets unlocked, he may very well transmutate into some kinda grimm/true-human hybrid.

as a matter of fact, is there going to be any shenanigans with the true-humanity interacting with aura? can he even GET one?
oi. spite is a powerful, hellish force. one of the driving factors of human evolution/advancement, actually. if he keeps all of the spite and anger he has against you when it gets unlocked, he may very well transmutate into some kinda grimm/true-human hybrid.

as a matter of fact, is there going to be any shenanigans with the true-humanity interacting with aura? can he even GET one?

AN: (o.o)

Author-fiat says no since other-me already said that he doesn't want to, but turns out that he's a lying snake who lies. Wait shit I think I just ripped off someone, gotta get back before--

--Anyway, since other-me is clearly having second thoughts about not having Aura, I'm not giving him Aura. I'm doubling down on his suffering and short-sightedness. Who's laughing now, you lil' shit? Me, of course.

But yes, spite is wonderful. Spite is great. Let's see if I fuck around a bit some more, but I still need to get a few things done... I'm not an engineer, I'm an author. How the fuck am I turn a grav-vehicle into something that people could comprehensively use without turning into paste? Questions, questions...
you know... Other you should drop off by lets say... Mars? And drop off a tech cache with his name on it. Get some karmic good will. It would save millions down the line when they inevitably meet the covenant.
you know... Other you should drop off by lets say... Mars? And drop off a tech cache with his name on it. Get some karmic good will. It would save millions down the line when they inevitably meet the covenant.

AN: That... Could work. But just dropping off shiny bits of tech would just be unfeasible since you know, they can't exactly reverse-engineer these sheer tech parity between them and the Forerunners. Ofc, there's always the geas to help them out, but that means they took the easy way out in terms of reverse-engineering stuff.

Just feels... Off, you know?

We must be thousands to say that, but:

"I told you so."

AN: Alas, other-me isn't here to see that. What a shame.
<2. Halo> - Muh Flood Genocide is Anti-Climactic. Why live.
[Oh Look, a Landline!]​

I watched with no small amount of enthusiasm and glee as the holographic screen showed me everything. Or at least, just the visual part of it. There was a fuck ton of code that scrolled through whatever operating system an entire Halo worked on, and also a lot of switches, lights, protocols, and other stuff that needed to be done before the living manifestation of body-horror alien parasite things could be jettisoned into a straightforward journey right into the middle of the fucking sun.

Basically, that means I had to wait. And I wasn't too good at waiting, so I just spent the time doing small-talk with Spark. Or well, Sparky I guess. Turns out when they're the only other individuals with actual intelligence in this Ring, you tend to get attached quick. I am lonely. Please help. I don't think making friends with a floating cube-sphere that has a laser gun is conducive for my mental health.

"Fire in the hole in three, two, one…!"

On the other hand, weapons-testing. "Fire!"

My finger pulled the trigger. Orange lightning arcs out from the boltcaster's barrel, and a loud bang echoes throughout the space just as a colorless blur shoots out at the end of the gun. The metallic floor below me bends, rending itself apart a second later and carving a deep furrow into the floor before it suddenly stops in its tracks.

The little target that Sparky had set up had been thoroughly rent to pieces. Oddly enough, the rent Forerunner metal had stopped right after it had met the target, which meant that… Hm. Something that dissipates on contact? There's a lot of sharp-looking edges around the jagged hole of the target, so… penetration, but aside from that, there's nothing else? Well, whatever. There was no recoil to the thing save for a slight thump, which was good.

So, looking at the side of the boltcaster right now and… there it was. The break-action lever. Or it was supposed to be. Other-me decided that it'd be better if it were a bolt-action instead, which should seriously be––


Ooh, that is spicy. And hot. And a lot of air being sucked into the damn thing. Would this be even useful in space battles or something like that? Like, in the vacuum of space and all that. Still, very spicy. Also, very good I guess? It did up the fire rate so long as I could cycle the 'bolt', but it's actually kind of amusing when the so-called bolt ran along the entire length of the barrel. And there seems to be no working parts inside it. Just nothing but pitch-black metal, and nothing else.

Some glowy bits on the outside, though. That's cool. "Destructive!"

"Yes. Yes it is." Which is why I'm not going to be using it anytime soon, if I could help it. There's just something terrifying about actually firing a fucking black hole at your enemies that just make me shudder. Plus you know, the damage that it did when it hit the target. Warped Forerunner metal could easily be substituted for guts and the like and… Eugh. I feel like I'm gonna hurl. "Just in case we actually find some stray samples of the Floor up and about, then this should do."

"It feels like overkill."

My lips purse. I turn towards Sparky, then to the entire megastructure that I'm currently standing on. Oh, was it hard to stop myself from commenting on the dick-waving that went about in constructing such a weapon. Seriously, what's the point to the Halo rings? Like, sure I guess galaxy-spanning superweapons to counter the Flood is good and all, but… then what's the fucking crust for? Sure I'm fucking glad that I can breathe in this place and whatnot, but it's sort of unnecessary when this thing is supposed to be a weapon that scours life.

"… I won't even comment, Sparky."

"All locks undone!" Great, the box of bolts isn't even responding back. "Section A-15 is ready to be ejected from Installation 04. Reason filed: Flood infestation. Trajectory calculated. Course set for Soell. Would you like to do the honors, Reclaimer?"

Wait a sec. It's complete? That's faster than I thought. Actually, that should be impossible, but then again, Forerunner AI. Keeping my boltcaster on standby by pulling the bolt open (where the fuck is the safety in this thing, other-me?), I keep it by my side while striding up towards Sparky, staring at a holographic console with just the slightest hint of trepidation. Because for all its intents and purposes, it's just a floating, hands-free monitor.

And I can't read a single damn thing in there. "Sparky."


"I can't read this."

"Oh! My apologies. Linguistic drift must be quite a hassle to walk through without a lexicon and ancilla by your side!" Was it just me, or did Sparky sound smug right then and there? Well, I guess they could have it. AI are no joke, and while I'm still more than willing to put a mini-singularity through them should they start lasering the things around them, the benefit of the doubt still lies with them. Oh, and they're being all helpful and that pizzaz. "… There! Scanning through your belongings has given me a rough translation of your current language. Applying the changes through the translation matrix is…"

The holographic screen in front of me glitches, before it flows back into wonderful words that I could actually read. Not that I could actually understand most of the text that scrolled through the holographic screens since I'm actually an ordinary civvie, but hey. At least I could recognize what 'Live Video Feed' was supposed to mean.

And of course, by 'live feed', it actually meant a probe placed somewhere throughout the Installation, showing that yes, a sizable chunk of the damn thing had been neatly disconnected from humongous metallic struts, and was basically waiting for my order to pull the plug before it gets blasted off towards the sun.

I took a deep breath, a wide grin on my face as I prepare to give the order. This was it. Gonna erase this pocket of the Flood before it becomes a problem in the future. "Sparks?"

"Yes, Reclaimer?"

"Purge the Flood."

"Order acknowledged!"

Thrusters flare. Blue-white light shines like miniature stars as I turn my eyes away from the sight, but there is no doubt that I saw the part of the Ring slowly and smoothly float away from the rest of the existing megastructure, an entire curved chunk of rock, metal, and Forerunner technology slowly accelerating their way towards the local star.

It was spectacular. Wonderful. Uplifting. An entire race of body-horror inducing fuckwits dead before they could even combine biomass into one huge fuck-off tentacle monster. Which means that all I've got left to do is find a place to bunk up, gorge myself on food, and help Sparky out on whatever thingy the box of bolts needed to do. Though, there certainly is the problem of shipping in food and stuff that I could actually eat, which brings with it… quite a few problems.

"Well, now that it's over, what do you think we should do next, Sparky?" I ask, letting the Forerunner AI continue on whizzing around the control room as I stretched out my arms. Probably thinking about getting new resources to try and repair that part of the Ring that went kaput, which means… I dunno. Self-repair? There's no way that a Halo can move given its enormous size, so that's probably out. Maybe some drones to swarm out and break down a planet's crust or something in order to gather raw materials. Or maybe use some stellar lifts or something to just get material from a star itself.

Course, given the Forerunners were all gone now, I'm pretty certain that doing so would take quite a lot of time. "Fabricating a new segment for the Installation, of course. Without a dedicated mining facility or foundry however, it would take… a while."

Hm. "By 'a while', you mean…?"

"Three millennia or so? At the current pace that we are on, at the very least. All automated however, so that leaves us with more than enough time to dedicate towards other pursuits in the meantime!" So that's a no. A millennia ago, humanity was still split between different nations that were eerily similar to those types of nations that you see in Crusader Kings or some shit like that. I think. I mean, 2021, 1021, that's probably old enough for a Crusade to be underway during that time, yeah? "Judging by the look on your face, I have the sinking feeling that modern humanity does not live that long."

We could barely even live up to a century before dying. How the fuck am I gonna wait three millennia just looking at machine readouts till the Halo's repaired? I'm more likely to turn this boltcaster on myself than suffer that kind of fate. "No shit, Sherlock."


"Human reference." I groused. "… Possibly outdated, now that I thought about it. How many years has it been since the Halo Array was last fired?"

"872 yearly Maethrillian cycles." Sparky replied, this time in a lower tone. Uh, shit. I might need to get some pen and paper to jot down some notes in the future. "Shall I dedicate a small runtime of my existence to reminding you about the current date should you ask?"

Alright, even I know that's being passive-aggressive. "Not that. It's just…"

It took two billion years for life to evolve on Earth. Don't know much about the early days of human history, but last I remembered, it started around twenty thousand years ago. I think. Or maybe I was getting a few details wrong, and a lot of terms being mixed up. So it most likely means that… that… hm. I really have no referential time frame for this sort of shit to actually identify as to where the hell humanity is at this very moment.

Something to ask other-me should they actually… no wait. I could just call them. "Yallo."

"Yallo", other-me replies, and I could faintly hear the sound of clacking keys if I strained my ears hard enough, "So, what you calling me now for? Still not done with the blueprints that I'm sending you, by the way. Mostly searching around the internet for something that looked cool and all that sort of jazz. I… think I might have found something. You know that I'm planning on something sleek-looking and the like, yeah? Preferably with gold, white, and blue. Just so it's obvious that we're the good guys here and––"

"Dude, I got a question."

"Oh yeah, like I said it usually moves sublight with gravity engines. Like you know, the Tantalus drive in Mass Effect, but bigger and more overcharged. Can also be used as grav-projectors or singularity shields, so you don't have to worry about––"

"Not that." I hissed. What the fuck are you doing, other-me? It was supposed to be blueprints for a fucking transport ship. "I'm just… look, in human years, where am I in the timeline?"

He paused. "You do know that you know shit about the timeline, yeah?"

"Sure, but a rough estimate would be nice, nonetheless."

"True, true. You're around… 97, 448 BCE minus 872 years." Other-me hummed. Nothing more than a short thing, mostly done out of confusion for… something. "That's weird. The note states that it's measured in the Installation's year and not Earth years, but there's literally no other reason than to put the date as 'BCE' unless it stands for something in Forerunner history. There's nothing that I could see right now, though."

Ninety-seven thousand four hundred forty-eight years minus eight hundred seventy-two is… ninety-six thousand five hundred seventy-six BCE. Which is… a long fucking time. I'm not even sure if humanity exists here, let alone be something like the UNSC. It basically means that I'm just… me. Alone here on Installation 04, with nothing but a potentially homicidal AI along for the ride, as well as some rocks and stuff.

It's… well… fuck…


I end the call, a hand slowly clacking the receiver on the landline before turning towards Sparky. Floating, blue-eyed, AI Sparky, who could murder a man with a laser gun with unerring accuracy. It was just me and them here on this Ring. Until… what, I die? Other-me gets bored with the banality and punts me somewhere else? Frankly, I'm starting to like the latter option.

Also, you're in my personal space. Again. "Off, Sparky. I need space."

"So you do use quantum communications." No, I literally have no idea what you're talking about. And what's with this 'shunted into slipspace' shit that you're talking about? That's a hard no, mate. Nada. You gotta lay off on the Kool Aid, since I'm pretty sure it's doing things to your mental capability. "What else do the Reclaimers possess? Directed energy weapons? Slipspace engineering? Macro-scale construction? Please, do tell!"

"Uh, we could fire singularities. Why would we need directed-energy weapons?" Aside from the decreased complexity in parts of course, but I think that's a given. Probably. Look, I'm basing this off on a tech base that doesn't exist so cut me some slack, but I'm pretty sure that firing lasers is not as difficult as firing mini blackholes. Of course, it's still fucking difficult given Earth's current tech level, but that was my Earth. Or at least the Earth that other-me and I originated from.

With this universe's Earth, I had the grim feeling that their height of technological progress was a fucking flame. You know, given that I got chucked in here about one hundred thousand years too early, apparently. Give or take a few centuries or so.

"Ah, that is a point that I did not consider!" Oh god, why are you so fucking chipper, Sparky. "But that means in order to possess handheld singularity throwers, the Reclaimers possess a technological base that possesses a vast grip over gravity! Surely such theories would manifest themselves into the blueprints that you would be sending for your personal transport ships."

Oh god why. Save me, other-me. I don't think I can stand Sparky that much longer before I blow a gasket and shoot the boltcaster. I can't bullshit stuff so easily, mate! I need your help!

AN: Later, too busy working designs on this ship. Would large circles or triangles look better…? Filigrees and grills would extend heat radiation capabilities, but they'd be easy pickings for dickwads who could just fire at the exposed areas and there goes the heat…

Fine! Be that way! Just keep on ignoring me, you dipshit. Don't call me names when I bullshit something that you can't actually put into action, mate. It's just me fucking with you. Or me fucking with Sparky. I don't know which option gives me more schadenfreude, but I could get two idiots for the price of one. Anyone with a working brain could tell you that it's a goddamn steal.

"Listen up, Sparky." I speak up, my tone as solemn as the grave, "We might not be able to get those blueprints transferred to you, since we've been using kugelblitzes as storage devices for potentially important information…"
I was thinking a cache of more of proof of concept technology, things that would let them know it was possible. Also you would think they wouldn't be able to reverse engineer the tech, but surprisingly they have. And there is some evidence of them getting a hold of Forerunner tech when they left Earth. They were just real slow about reverse engineering it till war started. Plus we have no idea if this is a canon Halo timeline. Who knows, it could be a mass effect crossover, or a more dangerous crossover. You got options afterall, there is no reason to stick strictly with canon worlds.
I was thinking a cache of more of proof of concept technology, things that would let them know it was possible. Also you would think they wouldn't be able to reverse engineer the tech, but surprisingly they have. And there is some evidence of them getting a hold of Forerunner tech when they left Earth. They were just real slow about reverse engineering it till war started. Plus we have no idea if this is a canon Halo timeline. Who knows, it could be a mass effect crossover, or a more dangerous crossover. You got options afterall, there is no reason to stick strictly with canon worlds.

AN: That is... true. But the last time I checked, I'm pretty sure I sent other-me to the usual Halo timeline. Don't know how the transit got fucked so hard that it dumped him off at Installation 04 during Guilty Spark's ah, 'formative years', but I work with what I've got.

... But yeah, technology caches could be good. Still a bit leery since they carried the Forerunner geas and all that (not to mention the ethics of subtly nudging a species' grown ala Reapers), but that's for other-me to decide. I'll just put the option out, plant the idea in his mind.

All that's left to do is make sure that my goldfish-ass memory doesn't forget about it...
AN: That is... true. But the last time I checked, I'm pretty sure I sent other-me to the usual Halo timeline. Don't know how the transit got fucked so hard that it dumped him off at Installation 04 during Guilty Spark's ah, 'formative years', but I work with what I've got.

... But yeah, technology caches could be good. Still a bit leery since they carried the Forerunner geas and all that (not to mention the ethics of subtly nudging a species' grown ala Reapers), but that's for other-me to decide. I'll just put the option out, plant the idea in his mind.

All that's left to do is make sure that my goldfish-ass memory doesn't forget about it...
It's nudging growth vs billions dead.

Another option is to advance the Sangheilli enough that they couldn't be subjugated/allied by the Prophets. Which might still spark a war with humanity if humans mess with Forerunner relics. But they would be more likely to assist the humans if they found Medicent Bias before the Prophets.
Now that I think about it... Guilty Spark was trolling everyone from the beginning, right?

Who did program him anyway? Must have been someone with a sense of humor.
You don't know do you?

Guilty Spark is an ancient human mindscan that was put into the Monitor. Like Cortana and etc. They are uploaded mindscans.

It's supposed to have the memories and mental likeness of the original human, but that deteriorated over time.

EDIT: I just got liked by the author... that means that he didn't know and is now going to use it possibly.
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<3. Halo> - Wherein Guilty Spark is Rendered More Traumatized than Before
EDIT: I just got liked by the author... that means that he didn't know and is now going to use it possibly.

AN: In the future, yes. Sadly, it's not possible at the moment. *sniff* Fucking dice rolls.

[Oh Look, a Landline!]​

I stare at the sky. Of the wondrous gas giant that was always within view, the pinprick of a star that shines light upon this holy ring, and one of the other moons of said gas giant that might be responsible for keeping the Halo stable in orbit, ensuring that it wouldn't fall into either planetary body's gravity well for a long time, minute adjustments notwithstanding.

Finally taking all of this at once was enough to give me a never-ending vertigo, a dull thump by my temples that wouldn't stop pounding against my ears. The amount of technological progress, the manpower, the sheer amount of chutzpah willing to be made as one final 'fuck you' to the Flood… just wondering where the Forerunners got the resources to make these things was enough to exacerbate my headache. Sure, they were built as some sort of Ark or something like that, but where was the raw materials? How many asteroid belts did they have to strip out, how many mini-planets did they lift chunks out of to refine into metals that they used in its construction? Hell, how many dedicated stars could they have made as nothing more than mining or refining platforms for the constructions of these Halos?


"Sparky." I replied back, turning towards the floating pseudo-murder bot with a thin smile on my face. "Thank fuck that you're here."

"I would like it if you were to refrain from discharging your inner organs everywhere on my Installation." The Forerunner construct replied, its eye glowing a soft blue as it joins me, turning its gaze towards the stars that they had no doubt seen and charted for a very long while. 872 years after the firing of the Halos meant a lot of spare time for the little guy. Doesn't necessitate them actually lasering that dude to death… though…

Wait. That had been far, far from this present. Somewhere along the lines of 150, 000 years, if other-me's info was correct. It meant that I could at least change the little guy to be a bit less homicidal, along with a bunch of other things. That, and make some changes that could probably ensure that the entire war with the… hm. Can I even do that? I'll probably be dead or gone before I could live to see that time, which means that there's probably no reason for me to do so.

… But inaction would mean billions dead. On both sides of the war. Humanity and the Covenant both.

"Reclaimer, is there something wrong?" Sparky snaps me out of my thoughts, the little bugger having apparently blocked my view of the sun and casting its shadow over my face. "Your continued health is essential to the maintenance of this Installation."

That sounded… ominous. What the hell was it planning now? "Just thinking about things. And observing the stars. That you effortlessly blocked with your presence."

At least Sparky had enough presence of mind to float to the side, allowing me to see the stars once more. I think I might've fallen asleep if I was left alone in here. Nice vistas, cool breeze, the overwhelming dread that tells me that I'm not home and will never be home in the future unless through some stray chance… Good times to fall asleep, really. Thanks for ruining that, Sparky.

"You could use the observatory to better observe the stars, Reclaimer", the AI piped up, "A quick trip through the slipspace translocation network along with your credentials as a Reclaimer would allow us to access it with relative ease. That, and I have compiled star charts for your perusal. Highlighted stars that are shown to possess anomalous properties or breathtaking visages have been jotted down and noted in Quadrant 243a-fL in order to provide a more soothing experience for–"

"Chill, Sparky."

The bot blinks, its main blue light turning off and on for a split second before it turns towards me. "Shall I assume that it was an order for me to stop?"



Hm. Good reason. Because you're sort-of ruining the view? Your voice is distracting? I just want to be left alone for a few moments while I contemplate my innate worth when faced with such a large megastructure built by aliens that I never knew more than a millennia ago? I don't know. There's a lot of reasons, and most of them eventually circle back to 'I don't want to interact with someone who I've seen laser a man to death in a cutscene that I saw when I was a kid'. Sure, they probably won't do that now give that we're technically in the past of this universe, but do I really want to chance it?

… No. Not really. I wasn't too sure, which meant that I need to take things more cautiously if I want to move Sparky from his 'lasering everyone' mindset. Just… nudging things along on a different path. At the very least, it shouldn't cause any more unnecessary deaths in the future. Right?

AN: I was woken up from my impromptu slumber by the increasing levels of angst. Stop.

"Reclaimer." Shit, what was I supposed to reply with again? "Once more I ask, is something the matter?"

"Say, do you think that this entire thing could move around?"

"You have not answered my question, Reclaimer."

I sigh. There was a reason I avoided the question. Damn you for making me think of a valid excuse, Sparky. Argh, whatever. I'm just gonna say the first thing that came to mind. Hopefully, that should drive them away. "I don't need observatories to just observe the stars, Sparky. I could see them with my own eyes, thank you very much."

"Then surely, looking at things through an observatory would be more befitting of your stature–"

"Sparky." The AI snapped to me in an instant, presumably by the fact that I snapped at them. Oh god oh why am I fucking stupid why did I snap at the box of bolts that lasered a man through his chest? "There is something to say about contemplating the universe by your own eyes, of taking a step back and finding your place in such a wide world."

Hm. That was a prodigious amount of bullshit that I just spat out. Would it work? God I hoped it worked. I better get ready to draw my boltcaster just in case, but then that would mean possibly provoking an attack from Sparky. Should I? No, of course not. They'd notice, and then I'd get a new hole burned through my chest. Spicy.

"Philosophy, was it?" No. Dear god no. I am in no shape to debate philosophy with an AI that has millennia over me. That would just get me torn down to proverbial shreds, with nothing even remaining to pick up the pieces of my shattered ego. "Thinking about what your species' role as 'Reclaimer' actually means?"

Screw it, I'll take the out. "… Mostly. Being given responsibility over the Mantle is daunting, to say the least. It might change our society should we ever discover that fact. Make us more introspective. Zealous. Thankful. Or perhaps bitter. Cynical. Some might even lash out by what appears to be an extinct civilization's last wishes. After all, it was just mere words, nothing more than–"

"Reclaimers have access to all of the Forerunner's more esoteric caches of knowledge."

"Yes, all the better for them to reverse-engineer Forerunner technology and incorporate the knowledge base into our own." I massage the bridge of my nose, letting out an exasperated sigh. Alright, so far so good. I just needed to keep it up, and everything would work itself out. "I'm assuming that even the Forerunners themselves have different factions vying for control over the greater… what was the word again?"

"Ecumene, Reclaimer."

"That. Ecumene." I replied, snapping my fingers before pointing in Sparky's direction, "Yeah, there's no doubt that there would be internal factions in the Ecumene once they were sufficiently large enough to effectively become a galactic government, the same way we'd have the same, even though we're still an interstellar polity. There would be some of us who'd flock to the Halo Array to research the hell out of it, gain a map of former Forerunner worlds to reverse-engineer its technology. Others would take the message at face value and start taking the Mantle seriously and let it guide their lives, while others would simply ignore it as a guideline and break it whenever they feel necessary. Of course, there are also others who would see this opportunity as one to ensure human dominance in pan-galactic affairs, and–"

"–Would result in a great era of destabilization that would no doubt be felt, even with a government-analogue ensuring that such information would not get out into public hands." Sparky cuts in, the blue glow to their eye almost… subdued? Weird. "Reclaimer. What is your name?"

I blink. Where the hell did that come from? "Uh… why, exactly?"

"Differentiation from other Reclaimers." It promptly replied, "There is no doubt that things would be different should another individual be sent here instead of you. Handheld gravity projectors indicate a mastery over the field of gravity, as much as Forerunner boson-photon fields indicate a mastery over photons. By all intents and purposes, your society-analogue's technology is on the same parity as traditional Forerunner technology."

Yeah, I am officially lost. Where is this going? "So?"

"If you so wished, then you could've killed me among the many opportunities that I had presented." My mouth snaps open, but then Sparky's eye turned red, and my hand quickly reached towards my boltcaster. I stopped myself a second later, since well. The box of bolts could've already scythed me down in an instant if it wanted. "You have proven my point, by your recent actions. Of course, I would have naturally defended myself should you have actually resorted to the elimination of my instance, since my first duty is to maintain this Installation."

Right-o. You have made me crap my pants. See, look? I have that whole 'deer-in-the-headlights' look now. Fucking hell. Come on, me. Do something. Don't just stand there looking like an idiot. Like, say something witty, mate. Don't just stand there looking all stoic. You're not that badass, so you have to go out by saying something at least remotely cool. Or something that would be cringe, but I couldn't exactly feel it before I get a hole bored through my chest and die.


Fucking hell, me.

AN: A public speaker, I am not.

"I have made my point." As Sparky – no, Guilty Spark – said that, the red from its eyes faded back into its usual blue. Yeah, don't think that I'm just going to let you off the hook for that one, buddy. I'm calling up other-me once this conversation is over and jumping to another universe. "It is why I am asking for your name. Any other Reclaimer who might have the ability to go here would have a different and adverse reaction to the presence of this Installation. And perhaps even me."

Where's my tongue? Oh yes. There it was. Finally, I can speak again. "Why the show of force?"

"Because you do not understand." With that statement, Guilty Spark's eye shifted back into a dull red. "I am an ancilla. One made by the Forerunners, who had once ruled this galaxy via the Mantle. I am not you. I do not think like you. And I am most certainly not a member of humanity like you. For all intents and purposes, I am alien. You have shown yourself to be cautious. Understanding. Both traits required for those who were willing to expand into new horizons. But you are naive. It is this trait that I would like to see weeded out. Do you not find it suspicious that I had managed to track you down mere seconds after you had first appeared on this Installation?"

"Slow to think as well. Then again, that is a trait that all organics share." Guilty Spark's eye ebbs back into a calm blue, but I already had my boltcaster out, ready to render the fucker into rent shards of highly-irradiated metal. The moment it shifts back to a red eye once again… "Reclaimer: Your name. That is all I am currently asking as of this moment."

"It's Erith."

"Short, succint, and to the point. The very anathema of how my creators named their own kin. Quite amusing." I wasn't paying attention to it. Or well, I was slowly inching away from it while it began monologuing to itself. Fuck me with a breadbasket, I need other-me right now, and pronto. "Very well, I shall call you 'Erith', as a gesture of respect to the first Reclaimer that I have met in a… for the first time, now that I think about it. That is odd. Something to be investigated perhaps, in another time."

"Yallo", other-me drawled, and I could hear the scratch of a pen against paper. Was… was he still trying to fucking draw the design? Dude probably threw his hands up and decided that the images that he found on the internet didn't match his aesthetics. Our aesthetics, now that I thought about it. There's no fucking way that I'm gonna design a ship that's all fucking blocks with a bunch of engines strapped to its rear and maneuvering thrusters all around. "What's up, other-me?"

"Get me out of here." I hissed in a low tone, glancing back towards Guilty Spark who was now floating around in circles, still muttering to itself. "Seriously, get me the fuck out of here. While the floating fucking box is still on its monologue and shit."

"The hell?" Some minor scrambling, quickly followed by the clacking of keys on a keyboard. "The fuck happened there?"

"Y'know Guilty Spark? Murderbot?" I got a hum and a 'yes' in response, which means that all was good. Well, I think. I don't think I was supposed to hear other-me cursing under his breath, but that meant that things were bad. Sort of. Look, I'm frazzled at the moment and I want to get the fuck out of here right this instant, so forgive me for jumping onto things.

AN: My plans! Ruined! I'd have to spin the roulette wheel again, and I'm not sure if I should send other me to this place. Also, I think I'm just gonna sneak in a couple of extra brown pants into his bag right now…

"Go on…"

"Its eye turned red." I dryly replied, still shuffling backwards and away from Guilty Spark's sight. "Which is as you know, standard 'shit-is-fucked' situation. So can I please, please get the fuck away from here now?"

"Sure." The way that other-me said that is… unsettling to say the least. No flippancy, only worry. The fact that my body began to lurch forward of its own will made the worry spike up in my throat, and I began to panic just as other-me began letting out a soft whine. "Don't hate me for this, by the way. Blame shitty RNG–"


Fuck. "Sparky, stay the fuck back, something's happening!"

"Reclaimer, I am detecting intense amounts of slipspace flux emanating all throughout your body––!"

And then I was gone. Screaming, cursing at the fuckwit that was other-me even as my puke flew throughout a spire of many colors, with the enticing scent of purple and the taste of ringing drums. My head screamed, the headache that I had thrumming like a jackhammer as I was whisked through somewhere in sometime in someplace, which all eventually ends in my mouth tasting stomach acid as I puked out whatever breakfast remained in my stomach.

"My word!" A rough voice sounds out from somewhere in front of me, even as I quickly rolled away from my spot while letting out a muffled groan. Ah, dirt. What a wonderful taste, you have. Also, achoo. Fuck me, just where the hell did I land? I have fucking asthma. This shit's gonna kill me in less than a day, for fuck's sake. "Are you alright there, son? You just collapsed in the middle of the street like that… Perhaps you've been blessed by the Marker, but we have to make sure."

With a groan, I pulled myself upwards, turning around to check my nearest surroundings… and freezing at the sight that I saw. Humans sure, ordinary folk the lot of them, but there was something else that immediately caught my eye. A two-pronged black monolith that intertwined itself around some imaginary axis, with glowing red lines etched onto what appeared to be segmented sections and–
M̵̢̹̏̂ạ̵͠k̵͓̊͌e̷̥͒̔ ̶͍̓̍ụ̴̯̓̈s̵̩͔͐̀ ̸̭̇̿w̵̮̯̄h̶̢̎̃ö̵̥̝́̈́l̷̻̐̆e̸̹̦͑͂,̸͔͒ͅ ̶͙̟̐̿E̴̛̫͌ṛ̸̛ï̶͍̗t̷̬̓̈́h̶̤͑͝.̴̳͋̑

My arm snapped up, the boltcaster primed and aimed at the thing currently in my sights. My hand shakes, trying to move its aim away from the damn thing as it tried to M̵̢̹̏̂ạ̵͠k̵͓̊͌e̷̥͒̔ ̶͍̓̍ụ̴̯̓̈s̵̩͔͐̀ ̸̭̇̿w̵̮̯̄h̶̢̎̃ö̵̥̝́̈́l̷̻̐̆e̸̹̦͑͂,̸͔͒ͅ ̶͙̟̐̿E̴̛̫͌ṛ̸̛ï̶͍̗t̷̬̓̈́h̶̤͑͝.̴̳͋̑, but I pulled the trigger anyway, orange lightning crackling into existence as a flash of light slammed against the so-called 'Marker'.

"Sonny, NO–!"

The miniature singularity moved, ripping apart the air in its wake as it screamed, taking the dirt along the rock of the thing alongside it. Space warped. Rock unearthed itself from the sheer gravitational force of the projectile that I had just launched. I felt a tug upon my entire body as I was slowly dragged towards the damn thing, but even then I could hear the Marker scream into my head as to how I̴ ̵w̵a̵s̵ ̶g̸o̴i̴n̷g̷ ̷t̸o̶ ̶p̵a̸y̷ ̵f̴o̵r̶ ̶n̶o̴t̵ M̶̛̎͑̋͜Ä̶͚̈́̅K̷̻̼̕Ȉ̴̻̭̙̚͝ͅŇ̴̻̑G̷̙̼͂͑ͅ ̴͖͈̟͐̓̕U̵͚̩̔̿̏̕S̵͔͇͖̿̆͐ ̷͇͖͙̐W̴̭͐͜Ḩ̴̪͓̒O̶̲͎͍̾̕L̴̰̆̈̇̕Ȩ̸̯̜̂–

–But then everything shone with a bright white light, and everything went black. In my last thoughts, I could only think of one thing.

Just... fuck you, other me.

> World 3. Dead Space.

AN: Like I said, bad roulette roll. Can't blame me for that. Besides… we have reserves. I'll just… filch out those memories on the next one. You'll be dearly missed, other-me no. 324. What a chad.