Oh F&#$, I'm Exalted (Exalted SI)

Well, that is what I get for rushing through the text.

No particular issues, otherwise.

Glad you don't have much an issue otherwise. Sometimes it's easy to overlook small details, but I do like throwing in little hints overall to build up to stuff. I do this in my other SI all the time.
I hoped I could figure this out. Maybe I'd luck out and the stone would let me turn male.
There is indeed a hearthstone that does that.

Just don't use it to power a Deliberative-era fast-attack ship when the exhaust baffles are completely trashed. And yes, I am speaking from experience on this.
Huh. So manse are some sort of pocket dimension area, is it? Where Solar can retreat and/or use as living quarters when not in Creation proper?
Depends of if one is using the advanced Manse rules from the Books of Sorcery, where you can do something like that but need to compromise in other ways. And yes, you can get an absurdly powerful manse by essentially making it underwater stonehenge.
Or is it just a female Exalted MC?
I don't think I've seen any Exalted fanfic that has a male MC, which is kinda strange. I'll put remedying that on my list of things to do. Who knows, I might even get around to it before 2020.
I'll admit I was assuming female character from the start, but that's probably because between the size of Building Faith making it the most of your writing I've read, and that your avatar image is literally of your female SI character, I was just assuming you'd gone that way again.

If I ever did an SI, I'm honestly not sure which way I'd go ... I've played more female characters, online and around the table, than I've played male characters ... and the one Exalted character I've ever played was a fae-blooded or god-blooded (she honestly wasn't sure, and nothing of that but cosmetics survived the Exaltation anyway) Twilight woman from GreatForks ... actually, at that game now that I think about it, everyone was playing a opposite gender character, and my girlfriend was having great fun with her Eclipse caste being all swashbuckling pirate and making all the maidens swoon. :D Ah, fun game ... we basically did Scooby Do to the Mask of Winters and kept stealing Wild Hunts (we were exactly the kind of people that they are talking about when they say "Do not listen to the Anathema, they will corrupt you!")

Well, she seems to be dealing okay with things, but it's good she's got Sandy the Doom-Boulder Dog along to be her voice if sanity (and if this was only the first time I've seen a mage that relied on their familiar for wisdom). At this point I'm assuming she's the current incarnation of the Twilight Queen, which is probably one of the reasons the ghost wants to bang her ... the rest being Goddammit Solars! It would make sense though that if that Temple/Tomb was in the heart of the Queen's old power-base, any manse in the area are going to be hers ... and and any that aren't already looted and reclaimed have to be a) hidden and b) well protected.

I do wonder if somehow the old Queen set things up to induce her next incarnation to happen near here / her. For all people say 'you can mess with exalted shards', that a) hasn't stopped about half of them being re-purposed, and b) don't tell an old, powerful, and probably crazy Twilight what she can and can't do. Going beyond the impossible is her thing.

Not a bad start for the SI though, she now has something of a secure base to park herself in while she tries to figure out what to do.

Thinking about it, the mirrors may be vanity, but are probably geomatic ... in fact I wonder if in day-time, or if you do something to open up the manse, it pulls in sunlight to focus it, because all those mirrors scream of Solar Aspected Essence to me.
There is indeed a hearthstone that does that.
Just don't use it to power a Deliberative-era fast-attack ship when the exhaust baffles are completely trashed. And yes, I am speaking from experience on this.

Ha. Yeah, I know that there's a 2e stone that does that.

Depends of if one is using the advanced Manse rules from the Books of Sorcery, where you can do something like that but need to compromise in other ways. And yes, you can get an absurdly powerful manse by essentially making it underwater stonehenge.

This is more underground, but yeah, I know what you mean.

I don't think I've seen any Exalted fanfic that has a male MC, which is kinda strange. I'll put remedying that on my list of things to do. Who knows, I might even get around to it before 2020.

Huh. Did not know that.

I'll admit I was assuming female character from the start, but that's probably because between the size of Building Faith making it the most of your writing I've read, and that your avatar image is literally of your female SI character, I was just assuming you'd gone that way again.

If I ever did an SI, I'm honestly not sure which way I'd go ... I've played more female characters, online and around the table, than I've played male characters ... and the one Exalted character I've ever played was a fae-blooded or god-blooded (she honestly wasn't sure, and nothing of that but cosmetics survived the Exaltation anyway) Twilight woman from GreatForks ... actually, at that game now that I think about it, everyone was playing a opposite gender character, and my girlfriend was having great fun with her Eclipse caste being all swashbuckling pirate and making all the maidens swoon. :D Ah, fun game ... we basically did Scooby Do to the Mask of Winters and kept stealing Wild Hunts (we were exactly the kind of people that they are talking about when they say "Do not listen to the Anathema, they will corrupt you!")

That's hilarious. And yeah, Building Faith's huge. Still getting bigger too.

Well, she seems to be dealing okay with things, but it's good she's got Sandy the Doom-Boulder Dog along to be her voice if sanity (and if this was only the first time I've seen a mage that relied on their familiar for wisdom). At this point I'm assuming she's the current incarnation of the Twilight Queen, which is probably one of the reasons the ghost wants to bang her ... the rest being Goddammit Solars! It would make sense though that if that Temple/Tomb was in the heart of the Queen's old power-base, any manse in the area are going to be hers ... and and any that aren't already looted and reclaimed have to be a) hidden and b) well protected.

Well, that's definitely something that's a pretty good theory. I won't say how accurate it is, but it's a good theory.

I do wonder if somehow the old Queen set things up to induce her next incarnation to happen near here / her. For all people say 'you can mess with exalted shards', that a) hasn't stopped about half of them being re-purposed, and b) don't tell an old, powerful, and probably crazy Twilight what she can and can't do. Going beyond the impossible is her thing.

True enough. It's possible, though I doubt she expected me.

Not a bad start for the SI though, she now has something of a secure base to park herself in while she tries to figure out what to do.

Thinking about it, the mirrors may be vanity, but are probably geomatic ... in fact I wonder if in day-time, or if you do something to open up the manse, it pulls in sunlight to focus it, because all those mirrors scream of Solar Aspected Essence to me.

Something of the like. The infinite hall illusion is interesting too.
The GM was fine with trying to do 'social attacks' (not that we bothered with the actual social combat system because 2nd ed) in the middle of combat ... so this lead to shenanigans. Also the (pretty damn close to incorruptible) earth caste leader of that team was willing to work with 'that bunch of annoying anathema' to get a shot at an even worse anatema. (The Mask of Winters has a talent for pissing off everyone).
True enough. It's possible, though I doubt she expected me.
Yeah well, when you start trying to do Mad Science to Your Own Goddam Shard, you have to expect some glitches.

Hell, a plot-point in the game I was in that one of the Deathlords (not an existing one, the GM used one of the 'empty slots' for this) was in fact my character's previous shard-incarnation. He was after my character to get some things done, because Solar Ego being what it is (even when you're dead) he needed a Twilight for this and OBVIOUSLY only his shard could be up to the job. He never quite did a FOOLS, I WILL SHOW THEM ALL or NONE OF YOU CAN UNDERSTAND MY GENIUS rant, but he was on the edge of it. Heh, first 3 dice social stunt I ever saw in that game was my girlfriend's character driving him into a frothing rage when he was meeting up with the party in a context where he couldn't just smite us. (He was a Deathlord, we were a circle of starting Solars, yes, he could totally smash us like a bug).
Something of the like. The infinite hall illusion is interesting too.
It's always fun to make manses fit a specific theme, I mean geomancy and symbolic links are literally how they work, and you get to be creative. Our GM was ... honestly terrible at the rules, but great at style, theme, NPCs, and storytelling, and that's better than the other way around.
The GM was fine with trying to do 'social attacks' (not that we bothered with the actual social combat system because 2nd ed) in the middle of combat ... so this lead to shenanigans. Also the (pretty damn close to incorruptible) earth caste leader of that team was willing to work with 'that bunch of annoying anathema' to get a shot at an even worse anatema. (The Mask of Winters has a talent for pissing off everyone).

Still hilarious. For the purposes of this fic, I'm basing social combat off 3e's version only with narrative fiat. Basically I'm not worrying exactly about the mechanics, but I'm keeping them in mind as I write.

Yeah well, when you start trying to do Mad Science to Your Own Goddam Shard, you have to expect some glitches.

Yep. This is absolutely true.

Hell, a plot-point in the game I was in that one of the Deathlords (not an existing one, the GM used one of the 'empty slots' for this) was in fact my character's previous shard-incarnation. He was after my character to get some things done, because Solar Ego being what it is (even when you're dead) he needed a Twilight for this and OBVIOUSLY only his shard could be up to the job. He never quite did a FOOLS, I WILL SHOW THEM ALL or NONE OF YOU CAN UNDERSTAND MY GENIUS rant, but he was on the edge of it. Heh, first 3 dice social stunt I ever saw in that game was my girlfriend's character driving him into a frothing rage when he was meeting up with the party in a context where he couldn't just smite us. (He was a Deathlord, we were a circle of starting Solars, yes, he could totally smash us like a bug).

This... Well... the word I can use to describe it is awesome. Sounds like you have a fun playgroup and GM.

Sadly, I tend to be ForeverGM since 2009. Ask @Pale Wolf.

It's always fun to make manses fit a specific theme, I mean geomancy and symbolic links are literally how they work, and you get to be creative. Our GM was ... honestly terrible at the rules, but great at style, theme, NPCs, and storytelling, and that's better than the other way around.

Yep! And this particular masked Twilight Queen had a shitton of vanity... while also making some damn good geomancy.
I have a lot of great stories from that game, we had really good players and a great GM. But taking over your threat with me going on about a totally unrelated game is probably not the best. :rolleyes:
It is a particularly long shot even for wild guessing, but did the SI come about because of the old Queen's tampering with the Exaltation? As in, did she try to rewrite the new host's memories with her own and fuck up somehow? The Past Life 5 perk and Amnesia 5 disadvantage being mentioned was suspiciously specific, now that I think about it...
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It is a particularly long shot even for wild guessing, but did the SI come about because of the old Queen's tempering with the Exaltation? As in, did she try to rewrite the new host's memories with her own and fuck up somehow? The Past Life 5 perk and Amnesia 5 disadvantage being mentioned was suspiciously specific, now that I think about it...

Nice and interesting interpretation.:)

Hum... Plausible, but the only existing Tools (canon) in Creation are those that Lytek possess.;)

Mind you, the Neverborn did manage to corrupt Solar shards without those Tools, but they are Primordials. There is also high-level sorcery that do damage or change souls and i also include in it techno-magic devices.:cool:

So plausible, but i don't think so.:whistle:
I'd vaguely noted no gender specifics were being mentioned previously, but that's hardly unusual for First Person narratives, so I'd just figured it would be made clear eventually.

3rd Edition... I should probably get around to reading that sometime.
Nice and interesting interpretation.:)

Hum... Plausible, but the only existing Tools (canon) in Creation are those that Lytek possess.;)

Mind you, the Neverborn did manage to corrupt Solar shards without those Tools, but they are Primordials. There is also high-level sorcery that do damage or change souls and i also include in it techno-magic devices.:cool:

So plausible, but i don't think so.:whistle:

Whether or not it actually happened... is mostly irrelevant. I'm not sure how much the SI will be looking into reasons why it happened.

Now, the major benefit of this manse? Indoor plumbing.
Whether or not it actually happened... is mostly irrelevant. I'm not sure how much the SI will be looking into reasons why it happened.

Now, the major benefit of this manse? Indoor plumbing.

Hot bath and a real toilet...:p

Could make a pretty coin if she designed a non-essence (or not) way to have those.:evil:

I had one player who try (try, the campaign was killed by other players) to instigate a real revolution with modern science.:cry:
Updating pretty fast, Ellf. Not finding working on this and Building Faith concurrently too hard?

Actually, there are moments where I need a bit of a palate cleanser when it comes to Building Faith. Faith's still my priority at least until Wish for Wisdom completes, but I'm writing this (and other projects) in between.

You presume that Ellf is a human being, restricted to human limits.

This isn't the safest presumption.

Hey, I'm probably as human as you or anyone else.

They're an Ellf Right?

What's really funny is that the "Ellf" penname/nickname has nothing to do with any sort of elvish bits. It comes from a shortening of a misspelling of an Andalite's name.
Not teleported by companion, by herself. There's a 3e Twilight Anima ability that costs 10m and 1 wp. It makes the Twilight cease to exist until the next sunset. The Twilight reappears at a place of power within 10 miles of where they disappeared. That can be a demesne, a manse, a crossroad, a city, all at the ST's discretion.

Huh I need to get around to buying and reading through 3e.
Spark 1.5
Meditation, I've determined, is hard. For the layman, meditation is far more than it appears in media. It's much more than sitting cross-legged or in the lotus position, closing your eyes, and saying "Ohmmm..." The idea behind meditation is to block out everything but what you're focusing on, to let it all fall away into nothingness. That's much easier said than done when you're used to having your mind go a mile a minute, and it's even harder when suddenly thrust into a body that isn't your own.

Tepet Fiora, the girl who probably was expecting to one day turn into a Terrestrial Exalted, who one day was probably going to try and bring honor to her clan, now had been subsumed by me. I wasn't sure if she had left behind any boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancees, whatever, but whichever had been left, they weren't mine. I had no right to them, just as I had no right to this body beyond the fact that I was here. Fiora had been special, worthy of Exaltation, but she had become me. What had I done that made me worthy?

The answer, simply, was nothing. This had to be some sort of cosmic mistake, a cruel misfortune placed upon me by some uncaring twist of fate, but I wouldn't… I couldn't let that break me. I might not have been worthy of the Exaltation, but that didn't mean I couldn't become so. While the smart thing to do would be just to try and survive, keep my head low, ignore any injustices that I came across… I couldn't do that. I couldn't let myself give in to bystander syndrome, not when there was something I could actually do to stop things.

Sure, giving myself away as a Solar would probably have the Hunt on me faster than I could say dragonblood, but I couldn't let that stop me. Of course, there were ways to help without that being revealed. I just needed to figure out how to not glow when doing things. In the game, it was simple. You decided you wanted to use motes of essence from your internal pool as opposed to your external pool, but figuring out how that translated into actual use? Fuck if I knew. I couldn't even figure out if I could quantify my motes of essence compared to what I should have. Didn't matter.

What mattered was the manse, I was in. I needed to claim it, and so I forced my focus upon it, using the pedestal that sat in front of me as a guide. Essence flowed through the building, which extended deeper into where I was. It also extended upward, and when activated properly, sunlight could pour into the manse, giving light to every room. I could feel it, each of the systems turning on, attuning themselves to me, just as I, in turn, attuned myself to it. The essence of the world flowed through me, from my head to my toes, and it flowed out, into the very metal that lined the walls, into the stone behind them, and into the waters that glittered with drops. Plants grew, providing fruits, and fresh water flowed.

There was even a room that was clearly some sort of First Age bathroom. It had a proper toilet, a bidet, and a claw-foot bathtub. Oh, that was going to be… Well, it was going to be awkward, but at the least, it would feel nice. I couldn't not keep this body clean, nor could I go without any sort of natural functions just because it happened to be a female body, even if it was strange and new.

I could feel the manse connecting to me and the stone in the pedestal. I could feel it changing the stone, warping its shape to flow better with how the manse was set up, and an idle thought struck me. Whoever had set this manse up… had either been a genius, vain, or both, and given the key for the entry and where I found the stone that became this hearthstone, it had to be the Solar who was entombed where Fiora Exalted into me. A genius of that caliber would have had the ability to choose what her manse's hearthstone did. I vaguely recalled a specific hearthstone… If she really was that vain… No, I hoped it wouldn't be that. I didn't think it would be, but that didn't mean anything to my niggling doubt.

Luckily, the process, once started, seemed to finish quickly, even though I knew I had to have been in meditation for a while. When I opened my eyes, Sandy had… well, she looked like a pile of rocks now, and the stone in the pedestal glowed red, giving off more light than the torches on the wall. My anima had dissipated, leaving only the other lights in the room. I retrieved the hearthstone from the pedestal's slot, and I examined it. It still glowed red, albeit not as brightly as when in the pedestal, and for some reason, it was a faceted square instead of the sphere that I had placed inside. Interesting. Of course, it slotted into Alarune quite easily. I'd need to figure out what that daiklaive's secrets were later.

"Sorry for taking so long, Sandy." I pet the elemental behind what I assumed were her ears and climbed to my feet, sticking Alarune on my belt like my knife and whip. "I think… that daybreak is almost here, and I'm mostly rested. After a quick bath and use of the facilities… we can probably get going."

I made my way to the bathroom that I'd noticed while meditating, and I started filling the tub. The room, like the others was mirrored, but one thing I did note was the lack of an infinite hall effect. It reflected my presence and Sandy's, but all the mirrors showed of the other surfaces were the metallic sheen of a metal that I hadn't really had the chance to mess with. This world had special materials: orichalcum, moonsilver, starmetal, along with uses for jade that far outstripped anything on Earth. I'd have to figure out what I was doing with them first, but I had ideas on what I could make.

Figuring out the bidet after my… well, y'know, was simultaneously embarrassing and just strange, but what really made my day was what happened when I settled into the bath. I'd chosen to purposefully not get a good look at my body as I did so, not really out of respect for its former owner, but more because I just… I wasn't exactly comfortable thinking of myself in that way. As I let my hair down, I leaned back in the tub and looked to the ceiling.

"Of course there's a mirror up there," I said, grumbling as it apparently ignored the water. Fiora wasn't an unattractive woman by any means, but there was something about looking at the body of someone who looked like she could have been my sister. It was weird because I simultaneously thought of this body as mine and hers. "Pleased to meet you Fiora, I'm the one who is in your head. Pretty sure I was a guy before this, but…"

I shrugged and Sandy padded her way over to the edge of the tub, sniffing at the water. She huffed as her nose went in and then she backed away, and I let out a bit of a giggle.

"Not sure water's your thing, girl. Maybe I can get you a water nymph or something to be your friend," I said, leaning back in the tub again. "Honestly, as nice of company as you are and as nice as this place is, I can't exactly stay here forever."

Well, I probably could, if there was a way this place could produce food, but it wouldn't be the same. Humans are social animals, and I craved conversation. I just hoped that whoever I ran into wouldn't try to kill me. I really didn't want to have to fight if I could avoid it. Well… if it was zombies, I could probably fight without issue. I did always want to kill a few zombies. I brushed some of my hair out of my face. Blue hair was just weird.

"Just wish I knew where we are," I said. "Somewhere in the East, probably, but that could be anywhere from the Scavenger Lands to somewhere that I probably didn't want to go ever. The more we avoid the Wyld, the better."

Sandy chuffed in agreement. She cocked her head, and I got the feeling she was asking about explaining her.

"I'm not sure I'll need to explain you. You can disguise yourself as a proper dog pretty well, and if not, I'm pretty sure I can send you away and call you back again. It'd just take a bit of effort. As for where we should go… Probably northwest until we find a river, and then we can follow that until we find a city." A city meant people to talk to, people to blend with. It also meant potential danger and potential people who would want to kill me. Those last two weren't exactly mutually exclusive either. "Kind of wish that Elias had been a bit more agreeable, but he and Fiora must have been pretty… Oh, God, I hope not."

If the two had been that close, and I'd taken over her body… I'd forced him to try and kill someone he cared about a great deal. That was… unacceptable. For the first time, I wished I could remember Firoa's memories in addition to my own. Fucking Immaculates. I'd have to figure out how to deal with them.

"Name's the other tricky bit," I said, staring into the reflection of myself. "Tepet Fiora is effectively dead, but I don't know what to call myself. I'd use the name I was born with, but… I don't know. Could pick an effective name, but I don't want to be all pretentious."

It wasn't exactly something I'd thought to consider before. Eh. Who knew? Maybe by the time I got to an actual city, I'd have something in mind.

I pulled the plug on the tub and closed my eyes. The temperature in the bathroom was comfortable, and I hadn't found any towels yet, so I'd let myself dry naturally. The benefit to this was that I wasn't going to touch myself more than necessary. In the meantime, I'd try to link myself to Alarune, attune it to my essence so that I could figure out its secrets.

After all, once I was dry and dressed, I had work to do and places to walk. I expected we'd be mostly safe as we did so.

After all, I was Exalted, right?
What mattered was the manse, I was in. I needed to claim it, and so I forced my focus upon it, using the pedestal that sat in front
the manse I was
I retrieved the hearthstone from the pedestal's slot, and I examined it.
slot, and examined it.
Must be confusing trying to adapt board-game rules to what is now reality, and attempt to figure out how they work. Wonder if any 'exploit' things used in the game remain applicable? Like all those loophole and cheat-ish things folks figured out for D&D throughout its lifespan.

As for it being filler, I don't really think so. It explained a bit of how the character felt on the situation, their noted uncomfortableness with bodyjacking Fiona and genderswapping, and outlined what she plans on doing next. I didn't know the little rock dog could pass for a normal one, either, nor that is resembled the rocks its made of when napping.
Light chapter, but the bit about watching the essence flow as she linked to the mance was nicely done. That mirror effect must be weird to see ... seeing yourself reflected in the mirror, but nothing else ... wow, that's like extra egotistical. Ah, Solars ...
Uuuuuugg. What annoying angst. If I was in that situation I wouldn't go all "bla bla bla cosmic mistake pity me!"

The logical conclusion would've been "I'm the chosen hero. Fuck yes! I have OBVIOUSLY been placed here for a reason."

Who gives a shit about some random people I've never met? "Oh no I'm wearing someone's face and causing incredible amounts emotional grief / suffering / pain in those people!"

Who gives a fuck? You've been handed literal mojo that gives you the potential to become something BEYOND gods, titans and all existence. I would happily embrace that ten thousand times out of ten thousand.

"Oh no me getting handed cosmic power made someone cry! Buuhuu!"

Ugh. Just be the unrepentant BAD guy for once and enjoy your gains.

Edit: Shallow evil aside, lol, I like what you've written so far.
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