Colors, many of heroism, yield envy and fear. Time passes over passing time. Fear and envy yield, Hero of Many Colors.
Sarus has been running Bridge Four longer than anyone. He has trouble remembering the world before the Plains, and doesn't bother to imagine one after. But when a new bridgeman comes and offers the crew a chance at hope and freedom, Sarus can't help but take it.
Look to the sky, Curumo. All the old prophecies are being fulfilled. The Doors of Night are open, and Odium comes.
Sarus has been running Bridge Four longer than anyone. He has trouble remembering the world before the Plains, and doesn't bother to imagine one after. But when a new bridgeman comes and offers the crew a chance at hope and freedom, Sarus can't help but take it.
Look to the sky, Curumo. All the old prophecies are being fulfilled. The Doors of Night are open, and Odium comes.