Of Iron and Magic - Fantasy Civ Quest

[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)
[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)
[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)
[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)
[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)
*cough formalize cough*
[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)
240 - Unknown Prophecy
[X] Formally codify the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)


Cadyl can't help, but feel like she spends her days waiting for the other shoe to drop. The attempts at codifying the traditions and codes that the Arthish people follow has gone well, too well almost.

It took some time to gather up all of the relevant traditions and decide which set of them to follow and from that, it took even more time for the Nobleons and Wiseons to write up several copies of the Royal Laws to be distributed. But that is all that is delaying the project, just time and nothing more.

No setbacks, no trouble and nothing going wrong. The rest of the Kingdom has accepted the laws, partly because the leaders hold their positions with divine legitimacy and partly because everyone uses some variant of the new laws already. The main reaction to the new laws is just the idea that the crown is picking one version to be the main version.

And yet things have not gone entirely perfectly as while the new laws are seeing general usage in the most central lands of the Kingdom, those in the north and west and south continue to use their local variants whilst only occasionally using the Royal Laws. But even that is a thing that will resolve itself naturally with time as the Royal Laws will supplant the local versions as the leadership uses it and that uses trickles downwards.

In fact, the proto-crisis was already resolving itself before it come become a crisis. With the Royal Laws providing a single set of standards to follow, it was already easier for Cadyl to rule over the kingdom from Evalon.

Megaproject Completed!
Mystical Law – The Royal Laws of Arth, these are formally codified traditions laid down by the First Cadyl whilst the Divines still walked amongst the Arthish people. Effects: Reduces the chances of Stability and Legitimacy Loss, +2 Upper Centralization Limit,

With the issue of too much burden on central authority resolved, Cadyl had other matters to deal with. First is that the various leaders of the Divine Cults had come to Cadyl and stated to her their intention to begin settling the Arthish lands as vast swarths of it remained wild and untouched by civilisation.

Regarding this, Cadyl let them be as she has no object to it and even if she did, the Arthish ruler is unsure if she even has the authority or ability to stop them.

The other issue is more concerning. A magical magic sent to them from over the lay lines, a potential warning from the Myrlin, the greatest magic wielder in all of Arth, surpassing even the Divine themselves when it came to spellcasting.

Dwarves fall before the Dragon as the Daughter rallies the Orcs to fight their Demons in the lands of Elves and Faeries.

Almost definitely warning and an ominous one at that even if Cadyl can't make heads or tails of it.

You have 1 Main Action and two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions of the same type will equal a Main Action.

Special: The various Cults within Arth have decided to organise their own expansions. They will found a new Settlement each turn.

[] Build Boat Pens
Built additional boat pens to connect your settlements together.
Sec: +1 Boat Pens, Costs Low Temp Econ, Chance of Innovations,
Main: +2 Boat Pens, Costs Some Temp Econ, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] More Paths
Create more paths to connect your lands together.
Sec: +1 Path, Costs Low Temp Econ,
Main: +2 Paths, Costs Some Temp Econ,

[] Build Shrine
Build a new Shrine to the Divines.
Sec: +1 Mystic, Costs Low Temp Mystic, Costs Low Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: +2 Mystic, Costs Low Temp Mystic, Costs Low Temp Econ, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Build Wall
Construct a new wall around a village to protect it.
Sec: +1 Wooden Wall, Costs Some Temp Econ,
Main: +1 Small Wall, Costs Considerable Temp Econ, Costs Some Temp Mystic,
Double Main: +1 Large Wall, Costs Huge Temp Econ, Costs Some Temp Mystic,

[] Expand Farming
Set up additional farms at a village. While it will cost an initial investment to set up, it will pay off in further generations.
Sec: Increased Econ, Costs Low Temp Econ, -1 Land
Main: Increased Econ, Costs Some Temp Econ, -2 Land

[] Explore New Lands
Send out exploration expeditions to discover new lands.
Sec: Costs Low Temp Econ, New Discoveries,
Main: Cost Some Temp Econ, New Discoveries,
Targets: South, North, East, West, South-West, South-East, North-East, North-West,

[] New Settlement
Invest resources and population into founding a new village.
Main: Costs Some Temp Econ, Costs Low Temp Martial, Costs Low Temp Mystic, Costs Low Temp Tech, +1 Settlement,
Targets: Western Arth, Northern Arth, Eastern Arth, Southern Arth, Core Ava Mountains, Northern Ava Mountains, Eastern Ava Mountains, Southern Ava Mountains, Southern Forest, South-East Grasslands, North-West Lands, Western Forest,

[] More Cultural Workshops
Set up new areas for more aesthetical artisans to do their work.
Sec: Increases Temp Culture, Increases Temp Wealth, Increases Temp Mystic, Costs Some Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: Increases Culture, Increases Temp Wealth x2, Costs Considerable Temp Econ, Costs Some Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] More Hunting & Fishing
Sent out more hunters and fishers to gather addition short term food,
Sec: Increases Temp Econ
Main: Increases Temp Econ x3

[] More Technical Workshops
Set up new areas for more technical artisans to do their work.
Sec: Increases Temp Tech, Increases Temp Mystic Costs Some Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: Increases Tech, Costs Considerable Temp Econ, Costs Some Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Study Magic
Look further into the art of magic and uncover more of its secrets.
Sec: Costs Some Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
Main: Costs Considerable Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Study Metal
Study the various metals that the Noble One has given you access to.
Sec: Costs Low Temp Mystic, Costs Low Temp Tech, Chance of Innovation,
Main: Costs Some Temp Mystic, Costs Low Temp Tech, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Survey Lands
Explore and survey your own lands to discover new places of value within them.
Sec: Costs Low Temp Econ, Chance of New Discoveries,
Main: Costs Some Temp Econ, Greater Chance of New Discoveries,

[] Train Cath Wyrs
Train up more Cath Wyrs to protect Arth and wage the Kingdom's wars.
Sec: Increases Temp Martial x2, Costs Low Temp Econ, Costs Low Temp Tech, Chance of Innovation,
Main: Increases Martial, Costs Econ, Costs Some Temp Econ, Costs Low Temp Martial, Costs Low Temp Tech, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Train Mages
Train additional mages to wield magic for the Kingdom.
Sec: Increases Temp Mystic x2, Costs Low Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: Increases Mystic, Costs Econ, Costs Considerable Temp Econ, Costs Some Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,


Kingdom of Arth
Early Ancient Heredity Kingdom
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Reduce Centralization Tolerance by 2 for each additional province.
Heroic King: Uncommon
Idiot King: Uncommon
Regency: Council until King is of age.
Player Actions: 2 Main +1 Secondary per 2 Provinces,
Province Actions: N/A
Admin-Free True Cities: Capital Only
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Econ Damage Resistance per 3 Settlements,

Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: Minor per Dominant,
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimal Centralisation will result in Economic Collapse and a possible Dark Age.
Special: More Economic Authority at Lower Levels will result in an increase in the Minimal Centralisation requirements.

: No Contact with Foreign Lands
Econ: Bountiful Divine Harvest
-Land: 14/25
Martial: Unmatched Warrior-Packs
Mystic: Universal Everyday Magic
Culture: Unified Arthish Culture,
Tech: Experienced Artisans and Specialists
Wealth: More than Enough

Legitimacy: 5/5
Stability: 5/5
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 12

Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are Quadrupled,
Ubiquitous Magic: Econ can be substituted for Mystic for certain options,
Crisis – Overcentralised Administration: The country is too big for the central government to run effectively by itself. Effects Unknown.

Diplomatic Relations
Currently None.

Followers of the Great One (Greateons)
: Gwarlon the Great One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: Death, Leadership, Family
Abilities: Good Leadership (Better Ruler Stats, Increased Legitimacy Cap), Protect Thy Family (Better Stability), Fear Not Death (Less Threatened by Death and Loss of Life),

Followers of the Noble One (Nobleons)
: Evatine the Noble One
Power: 12 (12)
Beliefs: Humanity, Civilisation, Technology,
Abilities: Protectors of Humanity (Bonus to resisting/fighting nonhumans), Bastions of Civilisation (Decreased Infrastructure Costs, Increased Defence of Settlements), Forefront of Technology (Increased Innovation Chance, Additional Innovation Rolls),

Followers of the Mighty One (Mighteons)
: Seryn the Mighty One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: War, Beauty, Femininity,
Abilities: Divine Beauty (Bonus to Diplo, Bonus Diplo Foreign Options), Holy Warriors (Bonus to Martial Actions), Mighty Heroes (Increased Chance of Martial Heroes),

Other Arth Cults
: Various
Power: 10 (10)
Values: Various
Virtues: United Family (Reduced Chance of Stability Loss), Interlinked Society (Increased Overflow Efficiency),




Luxury Trade



Enchanted Items












Strategic Trade

Enchanted Gear


Iron Ore


Iron Goods


Culture Trade







Family is Sacred
Family is something special and unique and all good folk should value their kin. Looking after one's parents, siblings, offspring and other parents should be considered.
Pros: Increased Internal Stability,
Cons: Nepotism,

Valued Freedom
Freedom is a previous thing and every member of the People deserves to have their freedom and their right to choose.
Pros: Increased Egalitarianism, No Slavery,
Cons: Freedom Isn't Cheap, No Slavery,

Faith in the Spirits
The Gods and Goddesses are kind to the People and have always had been and in return, the People show them proper respect.
Pros: Stronger Culture,
Cons: Increased Religious Influence,

Record Legends

Food Production
Divine Harvest
Selective Farming
Animal Domestication

Centralised Government
Divine Right to Rule
Heredity Rule
Systematic Ideograms
Dedicated Messengers
Written Codified Law
Standardised Record Keeping

Earth Magic
Air Magic
Void Magic
Ice Magic
Fire Magic
Lightning Magic
Metal Magic
Ether Magic
Water Magic
Darkness Magic
Light Magic
Divine Blessings
Divine Healing
Primitive Enchantment
Divine Enchantment
Basic Magical Theory
Magical Exercise
Magical Messages
Magical Healing

Furs & Hides

Organised Hunting Packs
Flint Spears
Flint Arrowheads
Iron Arrowheads
Iron Spears
Iron Swords
Wooden Round Shields
Wooden Flat Shields
Army Logistics
Tamed Wildcats

Primitive Boats

Northern Arth: 2/8 Settlements, 2 Technical Workshops, 2 Cultural Workshops, 2 Shrines, 2 Paths, 2 Boat Pens, 1 Wooden Wall, 1 Small Wall,
Eastern Arth: 2/8 Settlements, 2 Technical Workshops, 2 Cultural Workshops, 2 Shrines, 2 Paths, 2 Boat Pens, 1 Wooden Wall, 1 Small Wall,
Western Arth: 3/8 Settlements, 3 Technical Workshops, 3 Cultural Workshops, 3 Shrines, 3 Paths, 3 Boat Pens, 1 Wooden Wall, 2 Small Walls,
Southern Arth: 3/10 Settlements, 1 Technical Workshops, 3 Cultural Workshops, 3 Shrines, 3 Paths, 3 Boat Pens, 3 Wooden Walls,
Core Ava Mountains: 2/5 Settlements, 2 Technical Workshops, 2 Cultural Workshops, 2 Shrines, 2 Paths, 2 Boat Pens, 1 Small Wall, 1 Large Wall,
Northern Ava Mountains: 0/6 Settlements,
Eastern Ava Mountains: 0/6 Settlements,
Southern Ava Mountains: 0/6 Settlements,
Southern Forest: 0/7 Settlements,
South-East Grasslands: 0/8 Settlements,
North-West Lands: 0/8 Settlements,
Western Forest: 0/7 Settlements,
Alright so after a hiatus as I got distracted by other stuff, I realised that main problem I was having with this quest is that it was both too math heavy and I was looking at things in narrative terms. So I have simplified the system so it is less like Yucatan and more like From Stone To The Stars.

Regarding the new costs, I have revamped things so they are slightly different to the older system so the new costs just the old costs renamed. I have also changed the targeting for infrastructure actions so that the built infrastructure is all contained in the provinces spoiler.

That is probably some other changes that I have missed as I have been working on the revamped since I closed the vote.

Edit: I also planned to have the law project take multiple turns and actions, but it didn't work too well under the old system and combine with good rolls and the existing unofficial laws, I decided to have it automatically completed and have a new proto-crisis get brewed for you to deal with instead.
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[Main] Train Cath Wyrs
I am not sure what the message means but it refers to fighting so raising troops might be a good idea.
[sec] Expand Farming
Training troops cost econ, expand farming helps provide the needed econ.
[sec] Build Boat Pens
With a new settlement we should work on keeping it connected to the kingdom
[X][Main]Train Mages
[X][Secondary] Explore New Lands(East)
[X][Secondary] Explore New Lands(South)

Lets find the threats
[X][Main]Train Mages
[sec] Expand Farming
[sec] Build Boat Pens

Train people who can deal with presumably magical problems and built up infrastructure so we can move across our kingdom easily. I went with mages instead of Cath Wyrs because demons and dragons sounds like thigns which are going to require a more esoteric approach.
[X][Main]Train Mages
[X][Secondary] Explore New Lands(East)
[X][Secondary] Explore New Lands(South)