Of Iron and Magic - Fantasy Civ Quest

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This is a continuation of Spirit Quest, starting about two hundred years after that one ended...
220 - The Second Cadyl
Southampton, Great Britain
This is a continuation of Spirit Quest, starting about two hundred years after that one ended. While the events of that quest are the foundation of the Arth Civilisation, this quest will be civ-based over character-based.

Due to an age of posterity, you will have some time to build up and get your footing as you send the Arth down whatever path you want them to before trouble or least important stuff you have to deal with so it doesn't become trouble comes your way sooner or latter.

As a quick summary to those who haven't read Spirit Quest or don't want to, the Arth are a human civ. The main thing is that there is a sub-group of superhuman catgirls created in the image of the War Goddess Seryn called Cath Wyrs, giving normal humans superhuman physical ability and youth at the cost of taking on the Goddess' physical form (which leads to them sharing the same genes). Since then, it has lost most of its martial connotations This has led to weird gender and sexuality beliefs amongst the Arth by most standards in addition to having most of your civ be female with about four women to each men. I mentioned this as I had a couple of people complain/criticise (one of each) to me about this.

Beyond that, there is strong egalitarian and familial beliefs amongst the Arth as seen in their values. There is also universal magic and early iron amongst your people, giving you a strong technological advantages as it is the equivalent of the stone age. Do Not Mistake This For Being The Top Dogs! You might have relatively advanced technology, but your neighbours might have dragons, active gods or hellgates which laugh at your puny technology.

The Arth also have their deities as being important to them and religion are the things currently propping up your civilisation. Religion is tied to leadership, technology, the military and other vital things. This can be both good or bad depending on how the goals of the cults line up with the goals of the players.

I will also be aiming for a story over a game, telling the story of a civ rising over a game which challenges players. There are game mechanics and dice rolls which I will stick to, but they are for simulating reality. Depending player choices and the dice, things might be easy or they might be incredibly difficult. Either is possible and things might happen so it is impossible for the players to 'win' in certain scenarios depending on how you define a win.

Narrative trumps gameplay.

Lastly, I will not include everything in the updates because that is impossible. If you want to know more about the civ or the setting, ask in the thread and I will do my best to give a
proper answer. Mechanics will be explained as you run into them.


Cadyl the Second, Son of Arthyn and Grandson of Cadyl the Great, looks upon the records given her. Firmly in the middle stage of her Second Youth, the leader of the Arth knows enough that she has inherited a well-off kingdom from her grandfather, who like the rest of the older generation, have left this world either by death or voluntarily leaving to one of the spirit realms ruled by the Divine Ones. In the Realm of Mortals, only Myrlin and the Wyrn Armours remain with the latter being mostly silent and the greatest of mages having left Arth to venture south with a handful of loyal followers.

While the kingdom has seen prosperity and the Divine Ones still provide harvest and healing, the cracks are starting to show now that the great leaders of old are leaving this world. While it was manageable under her grandfather's rule, the sheer size of the Kingdom is becoming apparent.

The people of Arth are held together by shared culture and religion with the codified traditions and record keeping making it possible for a single person to govern all of it. Even then, Cadyl's ability to do so is currently stretched to her limits and she has no doubts that it would be easier without such distances between the settlements.

But things are what they are. For almost two hundred cycles, the Kingdom of Arth has not only endured, but seen greatness as people have not gone hunger or known war. Boat pens and paths have been constructed to connect the villages whilst two new settlements have been founded in southern Arth. Magic and iron are an everyday part of life and the followers of the Creative One and the Noble One produce plenty of tools and items in their work places.

When it comes to defence, there more than enough Cath Wyrs with iron weapons to take on any attackers or monsters that come your way and every settlement has a wooden wall with over half having lesser stone walls.

Things are good and Cadyl is confident they will last that way for the rest of her lifetime at the very least.

Still, she has a kingdom to run and the King of the Arth gets to work.


You have one Main Action and two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions of the same type will equal a Main Action.

[] Expand Farming
Set up additional farms at a village. While it will cost an initial investment to set up, it will pay off in further generations.
Sec: +1 Econ, -2 Temp Econ, -1 Land
Main: +2 Econ, -4 Temp Econ, -2 Land

[] New Settlement
Invest resources and population into founding a new village.
Main: -3 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Tech, +1 Settlement,
Targets: Western Arth (3/8), Northern Arth (2/8), Eastern Arth (2/8), Southern Arth (3/8), Core Ava Mountains (2/5), Northern Ava Mountains (0/6), Eastern Ava Mountains (0/6), Southern Ava Mountains (0/6), Southern Forest (0/7), South-East Grasslands (0/8), North-West Lands (0/8), Western Forest (0/7)

[] More Hunting & Fishing
Sent out more hunters and fishers to gather addition short term food,
Sec: +1 Temp Econ
Main: +3 Temp Econ

[] Build Shrine
Build a new Shrine to the Divines.
Sec: +1 Mystic, -3 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
Main: +2 Mystic, -6 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,
Targets: 12/12

[] Build Boat Pens
Built additional boat pens to connect your settlements together.
Sec: +1 Boat Pens, -4 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovations,
Main: +2 Boat Pens, -7 Temp Econ, Greater Chance of Innovation,
Targets: 12/12

[] More Paths
Create more paths to connect your lands together.
Sec: +1 Path, -4 Temp Econ,
Main: +2 Paths, -7 Temp Econ,
Targets: 12/12

[] Build Wall
Construct a new wall around a village to protect it.
Sec: +1 Wooden Wall, -4 Temp Econ,
Main: +1 Small Wall, -8 Temp Econ, -3 Temp Mystic,
Double Main: +1 Large Wall, -12 Temp Econ, -7 Temp Mystic,
Targets: Wooden Wall (12/12), Small Wall (6/12), Large Wall (1/12),

[] Train Cath Wyrs
Train up more Cath Wyrs to protect Arth and wage the Kingdom's wars.
Sec: +2 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Tech, Chance of Innovation,
Main: +1 Martial, -1 Econ, -3 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Tech, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Train Mages
Train additional mages to wield magic for the Kingdom.
Sec: +2 Temp Mystic, -3 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: +1 Mystic, -1 Econ, -6 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] More Technical Workshops
Set up new areas for more technical artisans to do their work.
Sec: +1 Temp Tech, +1 Temp Mystic -4 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: +1 Tech, -8 Temp Econ, -3 Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,
Targets: 7/10

[] More Cultural Workshops
Set up new areas for more aesthetical artisans to do their work.
Sec: +1 Temp Culture, +1 Temp Wealth, +1 Temp Mystic -4 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
Main: +1 Culture, +2 Temp Wealth, -8 Temp Econ, -3 Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,
Targets: 10/10

[] Study Metal
Study the various metals that the Noble One has given you access to.
Sec: -2 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Tech, Chance of Innovation,
Main: -4 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Tech, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Study Magic
Look further into the art of magic and uncover more of its secrets.
Sec: -3 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
Main: -6 Temp Mystic, Greater Chance of Innovation,

[] Explore New Lands
Send out exploration expeditions to discover new lands.
Sec: -2 Temp Econ, New Discoveries,
Main: -4 Temp Econ, New Discoveries,
Targets: South, North, East, West, South-West, South-East, North-East, North-West,

[] Survey Lands
Explore and survey your own lands to discover new places of value within them.
Sec: -2 Temp Econ, Chance of New Discoveries,
Main: -4 Temp Econ, Greater Chance of New Discoveries,


Kingdom of Arth
Early Ancient Heredity Kingdom
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Reduce Centralization Tolerance by 2 for each additional province.
Heroic King: Uncommon
Idiot King: Uncommon
Regency: Council until King is of age.
Player Actions: 2 Main +1 Secondary per 2 Provinces,
Province Actions: N/A
Admin-Free True Cities: Capital Only
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Econ Damage Resistance per 3 Settlements,

Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimal Centralisation will result in Economic Collapse and a possible Dark Age.
Special: More Economic Authority at Lower Levels will result in an increase in the Minimal Centralisation requirements.

: 2/32 (2)
Econ: 20/32 (20)
-Land: 14/25
Martial: 14/32 (14)
Mystic: 12/32 (12)
Culture: 10/32 (10)
Tech: 7/32 (7)
Wealth: 4/32 (4)

Legitimacy: 5/5
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 12

Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are Quadrupled,
Ubiquitous Magic: Econ can be substituted for Mystic for certain options,

Diplomatic Relations
Currently None.

Followers of the Great One (Greateons)
: Gwarlon the Great One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: Death, Leadership, Family
Abilities: Good Leadership (Better Ruler Stats, Increased Legitimacy Cap), Protect Thy Family (Better Stability,), Fear Not Death (Less Threatened by Death and Loss of Life),

Followers of the Noble One (Nobleons)
: Evatine the Noble One
Power: 12 (12)
Beliefs: Humanity, Civilisation, Technology,
Abilities: Protectors of Humanity (Bonus to resisting/fighting nonhumans), Bastions of Civilisation (Decreased Infrastructure Costs, Increased Defence of Settlements), Forefront of Technology (Increased Innovation Chance, Additional Innovation Rolls),

Followers of the Mighty One (Mighteons)
: Seryn the Mighty One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: War, Beauty, Femininity,
Abilities: Divine Beauty (Bonus to Diplo, Bonus Diplo Foreign Options), Holy Warriors (Bonus to Martial Actions), Mighty Heroes (Increased Chance of Martial Heroes),

Other Arth Cults
: Various
Power: 10 (10)
Values: Various
Virtues: United Family (Reduced Chance of Stability Loss), Interlinked Society (Increased Overflow Efficiency),




Luxury Trade



Enchanted Items












Strategic Trade

Enchanted Gear


Iron Ore


Iron Goods


Culture Trade







Family is Sacred
Family is something special and unique and all good folk should value their kin. Looking after one's parents, siblings, offspring and other parents should be considered.
Pros: Increased Internal Stability,
Cons: Nepotism,

Valued Freedom
Freedom is a previous thing and every member of the People deserves to have their freedom and their right to choose.
Pros: Increased Egalitarianism, No Slavery,
Cons: Freedom Isn't Cheap, No Slavery,

Faith in the Spirits
The Gods and Goddesses are kind to the People and have always had been and in return, the People show them proper respect.
Pros: Stronger Culture,
Cons: Increased Religious Influence,
Record Legends

Food Production
Divine Harvest
Selective Farming
Animal Domestication

Centralised Government
Divine Right to Rule
Heredity Rule
Systematic Ideograms
Dedicated Messengers
Codified Traditions
Traditional Laws
Standardised Record Keeping

Earth Magic
Air Magic
Void Magic
Ice Magic
Fire Magic
Lightning Magic
Metal Magic
Ether Magic
Water Magic
Darkness Magic
Light Magic
Divine Blessings
Divine Healing
Primitive Enchantment
Divine Enchantment
Basic Magical Theory
Magical Exercise
Magical Messages
Magical Healing

Furs & Hides

Organised Hunting Packs
Flint Spears
Flint Arrowheads
Iron Arrowheads
Iron Spears
Iron Swords
Wooden Round Shields
Wooden Flat Shields
Army Logistics
Tamed Wildcats

Primitive Boats
Northern Arth: 2/8,
Eastern Arth: 2/8,
Western Arth: 3/8,
Southern Arth: 3/10,
Core Ava Mountains: 2/5,
Northern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Eastern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Southern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Southern Forest: 0/7,
South-East Grasslands: 0/8,
North-West Lands: 0/8,
Western Forest: 0/7,
Last edited:
[X][Main] Build Wall
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2

Maxing out the meters~
[X][Main] Build Wall
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2
[X][Main] Build Wall
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2

A new quest aye? Cool. I'm interested to see where this one is going.
[X][Main] Survey Lands
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2

I think building walls is not needed, military might is top dog, air units are our enemy.
Last edited:
Record one: CIV SHEET for first turn
Kingdom of Arth
Early Ancient Heredity Kingdom
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Reduce Centralization Tolerance by 2 for each additional province.
Heroic King: Uncommon
Idiot King: Uncommon
Regency: Council until King is of age.
Player Actions: 2 Main +1 Secondary per 2 Provinces,
Province Actions: N/A
Admin-Free True Cities: Capital Only
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Econ Damage Resistance per 3 Settlements,

Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimal Centralisation will result in Economic Collapse and a possible Dark Age.
Special: More Economic Authority at Lower Levels will result in an increase in the Minimal Centralisation requirements.

: 2/32 (2)
Econ: 20/32 (20)
-Land: 14/25
Martial: 14/32 (14)
Mystic: 12/32 (6)
Culture: 10/32 (10)
Tech: 7/32 (7)
Wealth: 4/32 (4)

Legitimacy: 5/5
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 12

Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are Quadrupled,
Ubiquitous Magic: Econ can be substituted for Mystic for certain options,

Diplomatic Relations
Currently None.

Followers of the Great One (Greateons)
: Gwarlon the Great One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: Death, Leadership, Family
Abilities: Good Leadership (Better Ruler Stats, Increased Legitimacy Cap), Protect Thy Family (Better Stability,), Fear Not Death (Less Threatened by Death and Loss of Life),

Followers of the Noble One (Nobleons)
: Evatine the Noble One
Power: 12 (12)
Beliefs: Humanity, Civilisation, Technology,
Abilities: Protectors of Humanity (Bonus to resisting/fighting nonhumans), Bastions of Civilisation (Decreased Infrastructure Costs, Increased Defence of Settlements), Forefront of Technology (Increased Innovation Chance, Additional Innovation Rolls),

Followers of the Mighty One (Mighteons)
: Seryn the Mighty One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: War, Beauty, Femininity,
Abilities: Divine Beauty (Bonus to Diplo, Bonus Diplo Foreign Options), Holy Warriors (Bonus to Martial Actions), Mighty Heroes (Increased Chance of Martial Heroes),

Other Arth Cults
: Various
Power: 10 (10)
Values: Various
Virtues: United Family (Reduced Chance of Stability Loss), Interlinked Society (Increased Overflow Efficiency),




Luxury Trade



Enchanted Items












Strategic Trade

Enchanted Gear


Iron Ore


Iron Goods


Culture Trade







Family is Sacred
Family is something special and unique and all good folk should value their kin. Looking after one's parents, siblings, offspring and other parents should be considered.
Pros: Increased Internal Stability,
Cons: Nepotism,

Valued Freedom
Freedom is a previous thing and every member of the People deserves to have their freedom and their right to choose.
Pros: Increased Egalitarianism, No Slavery,
Cons: Freedom Isn't Cheap, No Slavery,

Faith in the Spirits
The Gods and Goddesses are kind to the People and have always had been and in return, the People show them proper respect.
Pros: Stronger Culture,
Cons: Increased Religious Influence,
Record Legends

Food Production
Divine Harvest
Selective Farming
Animal Domestication

Centralised Government
Divine Right to Rule
Heredity Rule
Systematic Ideograms
Dedicated Messengers
Codified Traditions
Traditional Laws
Standardised Record Keeping

Earth Magic
Air Magic
Void Magic
Ice Magic
Fire Magic
Lightning Magic
Metal Magic
Ether Magic
Water Magic
Darkness Magic
Light Magic
Divine Blessings
Divine Healing
Primitive Enchantment
Divine Enchantment
Basic Magical Theory
Magical Exercise
Magical Messages
Magical Healing

Furs & Hides

Organised Hunting Packs
Flint Spears
Flint Arrowheads
Iron Arrowheads
Iron Spears
Iron Swords
Wooden Round Shields
Wooden Flat Shields
Army Logistics
Tamed Wildcats

Primitive Boats
Northern Arth: 2/8,
Eastern Arth: 2/8,
Western Arth: 3/8,
Southern Arth: 3/10,
Core Ava Mountains: 2/5,
Northern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Eastern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Southern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Southern Forest: 0/7,
South-East Grasslands: 0/8,
North-West Lands: 0/8,
Western Forest: 0/7,
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I intend to have the civ sheet as part of each update and so it will be updated with each update. I found find it easier than having to maintain a separate post which I have to continuously update.
THANK-YOU! Number sheets in quests have little use if there isn't a record readers can follow.
What does the number inside the bracket mean?

Just checking, but our civ isn't trading with anyone, and hasn't met a civ not themselves in generations?
What does the number inside the bracket mean?

It is the Temp Stat such as Temp Econ or Temp Martial. At the end of each turn, it regenerates halfway down or down to the Permanent Stat.

Just checking, but our civ isn't trading with anyone, and hasn't met a civ not themselves in generations?

Correct. The first king conquered everyone when he founded the Kingdom of Arth and the Kingdom has has to met any neighbours and will continue to not meet any if it remains focuses internally until their neighbours find them.
[X][Main] Build Wall
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2

Hard to explore or survey without an idea of what we're looking for
@Oshha just to be certain, targets 12/12 = no more boats/paths can be built?

[X][Main] Survey Lands
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2
[X][Main] Survey Lands
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2
Vote closed:
Vote Tally : Original - Fantasy - Of Iron and Magic - Fantasy Civ Quest | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-20]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Main
[X][Main] Survey Lands
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2
No. of Votes: 6
[X][Main] Build Wall
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2
No. of Votes: 4
Total No. of Voters: 10
230 - The Expected Yet Unexpectedly Soon Crisis
[X][Main] Survey Lands
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops
[X][Sec] More Technical Workshops x2


Cadyl growls in frustration as the reports have yet to come in, either by written message or by verbal messenger.

While new forges for the Myrymar and workshops for more-practical minded crafters are being set up as planned and without delay, things are not going so smoothly in other areas.

Oh, the kingdom is going just fine, but not because of Cadyl's running of it. No, her ability to rule the Kingdom of Arth is being stretched to the limit. The granddaughter of Loyal One was aware that she was not as great as her grandfather and she knew how the centralised administrated he left the Kingdom of Arth.

And now that centralisation is coming to ahead. With his sheer skill at leadership, her grandfather had been able to hold the kingdom together and ignore the issue. In fact, Cadyl would be surprised if he even noticed that the problem existed as there was no reason for him to notice the problem.

However, as much as it pains her to admit, Cadyl is a lesser ruler and now her ability to rule the entirely the kingdom is coming to ahead. She had known that she would have to deal with this issue sooner or later or her successor would have to, but she had hoped that it would take more than a handful of years for the problems to begin.

Fortunately for Cadyl, while her grandfather skill had allowed him to not notice this problem and leave it unaddressed, it also gives her enough breathing room as the current form of government should be able to sustain itself without any major issues for some time. Between that and the general culture of the Arth people, the problems will be migrated for a bit as despite the delays and local leadership being forced to take charge.

But that will not last forever. While major problems are a nonissue for now, minor things will build up overtime until the sheer amount of minor problems becomes a major problem.

Fortunately, Cadyl is not without options with which to address this problem before it can escalate.

A simple solution would just be to just reduce the amount of direct power that she and any future holders of her title wield. This could be done by giving more power to local leaders or putting another layer of lesser leaders into the governing structure, reducing the amount of problems and situations that she has to personal address and deal with.

But that could have unpleasant implications regarding her leadership if she was to give up some of her grandfather's achievement with some marking as a sign of her being unfit to rule if she cannot match her legendary predecessor. It goes without saying that would be its own set of problems to deal with.

However, another potential solution has been discovered whilst setting up the new workshops. A prominent Nobleon leader has had the idea of attempting to formally codified the laws and traditions that the Arth people follow and is used by Cadyl and the other leaders to govern.

Established by her grandfather and unofficial and semi-officially followed by all of the Arth villages, it would be easy for Cadyl to play the matter off as enshrining the rules and commands of the first leader of the Arth into government.

The idea would be popular. The Nobleons, the Greateons, the Wiseons and the Justeons would all approve of the idea and the rest of the Arthish people would fall in line behind their leaders.

The only hitch is actually doing the deed and codifying everything properly. That would take a generation or two, but grandfather left everything in place for Cadyl to put things into motion. She just needs to make sure that the law is sorted out before too many small problems add up into a big one.

How does Cadyl deal with the overcentralisation?
[] Give more power to local leaders. (-2 Centralisation)
[] Add another layer of lesser chiefs. (+1 Hierarchy)
[] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)


Kingdom of Arth
Early Ancient Heredity Kingdom
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Reduce Centralization Tolerance by 2 for each additional province.
Heroic King: Uncommon
Idiot King: Uncommon
Regency: Council until King is of age.
Player Actions: 2 Main +1 Secondary per 2 Provinces,
Province Actions: N/A
Admin-Free True Cities: Capital Only
Subordinates: 1
Special: +1 Econ Damage Resistance per 3 Settlements,

Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimal Centralisation will result in Economic Collapse and a possible Dark Age.
Special: More Economic Authority at Lower Levels will result in an increase in the Minimal Centralisation requirements.

: 2/32 (2)
Econ: 20/32 (8)
-Land: 14/25
Martial: 14/32 (14)
Mystic: 12/32 (9)
Culture: 10/32 (10)
Tech: 8/32 (7)
Wealth: 4/32 (4)

Legitimacy: 5/5
Stability: 5/5
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 12

Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are Quadrupled,
Ubiquitous Magic: Econ can be substituted for Mystic for certain options,
Crisis – Overcentralised Administration: The country is too big for the central government to run effectively by itself. Effects Unknown.

Diplomatic Relations
Currently None.

Followers of the Great One (Greateons)
: Gwarlon the Great One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: Death, Leadership, Family
Abilities: Good Leadership (Better Ruler Stats, Increased Legitimacy Cap), Protect Thy Family (Better Stability,), Fear Not Death (Less Threatened by Death and Loss of Life),

Followers of the Noble One (Nobleons)
: Evatine the Noble One
Power: 12 (12)
Beliefs: Humanity, Civilisation, Technology,
Abilities: Protectors of Humanity (Bonus to resisting/fighting nonhumans), Bastions of Civilisation (Decreased Infrastructure Costs, Increased Defence of Settlements), Forefront of Technology (Increased Innovation Chance, Additional Innovation Rolls),

Followers of the Mighty One (Mighteons)
: Seryn the Mighty One
Power: 10 (10)
Beliefs: War, Beauty, Femininity,
Abilities: Divine Beauty (Bonus to Diplo, Bonus Diplo Foreign Options), Holy Warriors (Bonus to Martial Actions), Mighty Heroes (Increased Chance of Martial Heroes),

Other Arth Cults
: Various
Power: 10 (10)
Values: Various
Virtues: United Family (Reduced Chance of Stability Loss), Interlinked Society (Increased Overflow Efficiency),




Luxury Trade



Enchanted Items












Strategic Trade

Enchanted Gear


Iron Ore


Iron Goods


Culture Trade







Family is Sacred
Family is something special and unique and all good folk should value their kin. Looking after one's parents, siblings, offspring and other parents should be considered.
Pros: Increased Internal Stability,
Cons: Nepotism,

Valued Freedom
Freedom is a previous thing and every member of the People deserves to have their freedom and their right to choose.
Pros: Increased Egalitarianism, No Slavery,
Cons: Freedom Isn't Cheap, No Slavery,

Faith in the Spirits
The Gods and Goddesses are kind to the People and have always had been and in return, the People show them proper respect.
Pros: Stronger Culture,
Cons: Increased Religious Influence,
Record Legends

Food Production
Divine Harvest
Selective Farming
Animal Domestication

Centralised Government
Divine Right to Rule
Heredity Rule
Systematic Ideograms
Dedicated Messengers
Codified Traditions
Traditional Laws
Standardised Record Keeping

Earth Magic
Air Magic
Void Magic
Ice Magic
Fire Magic
Lightning Magic
Metal Magic
Ether Magic
Water Magic
Darkness Magic
Light Magic
Divine Blessings
Divine Healing
Primitive Enchantment
Divine Enchantment
Basic Magical Theory
Magical Exercise
Magical Messages
Magical Healing

Furs & Hides

Organised Hunting Packs
Flint Spears
Flint Arrowheads
Iron Arrowheads
Iron Spears
Iron Swords
Wooden Round Shields
Wooden Flat Shields
Army Logistics
Tamed Wildcats

Primitive Boats
Northern Arth: 2/8,
Eastern Arth: 2/8,
Western Arth: 3/8,
Southern Arth: 3/10,
Core Ava Mountains: 2/5,
Northern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Eastern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Southern Ava Mountains: 0/6,
Southern Forest: 0/7,
South-East Grasslands: 0/8,
North-West Lands: 0/8,
Western Forest: 0/7,
Can't wait! Hopefully we struck gold :D

You actually struck a crisis between several minor problems going to ahead and the survey revealing how the crown had too much power for a non-Heroic or Genius ruler to handle. Fortunately, between your extra innovation roll from Technical workshops and the traditions and unofficial laws leftover from the previous king have left you has given you an alternate solution.
[X] Formally the traditions and unofficial laws of the Arth. (Starts Megaproject: Mythical Law)