She was just a normal girl, living in the vast and endless City, dealing with the many petty miseries of modern life and suffering in sympathy with those around her. She could not look away as her parents ground themselves into dust working multiple jobs, as her brother withered away in prison, as friends tore themselves apart over exams, as the world slowly ground itself apart. Until one day, she did not look away but looked up, and saw the Hole in the Sky.
And then she tried to look back down, but now she can't help but see the monsters that prey on people and how little the rituals of modern life can keep them away. Until she sees something that's not a monster, and it offers to teach her what she needs to know...
And then she tried to look back down, but now she can't help but see the monsters that prey on people and how little the rituals of modern life can keep them away. Until she sees something that's not a monster, and it offers to teach her what she needs to know...