"Hey Eric?" You ask, falling back onto the couch in the living room. "Is it normal for gods and goddesses to talk with other hosts besides their own?"
"Depends on the deity." Eric responds, looking up from his book. "Thor and the rest of the Norse pantheon, with a few exceptions like Loki of course, love to show themselves off. They're also always looking for a fight, challenge, or party too of course… really?" he looks up at the ceiling, no doubt talking to the big guy himself. "Well if that's the case, why do you insist I use that dead meme hammer trick at every party I go to?"
"Hammer trick?" You ask.
A grin spreads across Eric's face as you ask your question. "Well, you know the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies? Thor found he's a massive comic book nerd and begs me to do that one scene from Age of Ultron at every party."
"Thor's into movies?" Considering what you knew about him, that was surprising.
"Yeah, he gets a real kick out of running the joke into the ground" Eric's still grinning like a loon. "I just place it on a table and then find a good spot to watch. What a lot of people don't realize is that it's twice as hard for hosts because not only do they have to check out…
"But so does the person upstairs too…" You finish. "I'm not even going to try then, because I already know one of us would fail."
A pure heart matters little in battle. Athena scolds you, her annoyance with your remark filling your head. Intelligence and cunning is what always carries the war.
"Probably." Eric agrees. "So far, Catherine's the only one who ever managed to lift it besides myself." You nod, remembering both what Bastet told you about her, as well as how you've seen Bastet act. "But as I was saying before I was interrupted, it depends. I imagine Athena doesn't leave you often?" You nod in agreement. "And Bastet…" Eric notices your smile disappear at the mention of her name. "She talked you you last night, didn't she?"
You nod. "Yeah, she told me all about Catherine."
"Figure she would. Catherine considers you a friend, and Bastet's taken looking out for her host a step further than most. It was only a matter of time before Bastet talked to you."
"She also told me to do something that was against both Catherine's and Elizabeth's orders too." You fidget for a moment before confessing. "She wanted me to steal one of Liz's arrows."
Eric remains neutral and impassive as you regale him with what Bastet told you. When you finish, he nods. "Yup. Liz is going to skin you alive once she finds out about this."
"Uh..." Your face flushes from fear and embarrassment. "I kinda already did it. Enrique's making the weapon."
Eric shrugs nonchalantly. "So Liz will skin you alive, then go do the same to Enrique."
Your frown deepens at the thought of getting your friend in trouble. "But on the upside," Eric's grin returns. "I'll have you know the head of an enemy is always a good birthday gift for many gods, and Catherine's is right around the corner..."
"Sure…" You uneasily reply. You hadn't been planning on telling her about what you had done until after Orion was dead. At the same time, she was still probably your best bet at taking him out, and your new weapon would eliminate the one advantage he had over her. "How soon is 'right around the corner', by the way?"
"Tomorrow. Her family should start arriving here soon actually." Eric replied with a smirk as a look of panic spread across your face. "Don't worry about not knowing. Catherine doesn't advertise that fact about her, especially with everything going on now. In fact, I should probably go collect her from the gym right now. You mind joining me?"
You nod, following him to the training center arriving just in time to see Catherine finish off the last of her clay sparring partners. The scowl on her face lightens just a hair as she notices her boyfriend. "Eric, is everything alright?"
"Other than forgetting what day tomorrow is…" Eric's fairly casual, but the way he leads the question is pretty big evidence this is a long-standing sore spot.
Catherine rolls her eyes, already setting up for another round. "Besides a complete waste of time."
"I'd hardly call spending time with your friends and family a waste." Eric replies, walking over to her. "And you always have fun on these little day trips."
"I think we have more pressing issues to deal with than whether or not I'm having fun."
"And that's why you're going." Catching Catherine by surprise, Eric scoops her up in a bridal carry, shouting a command to the training dummies that deactivate them. The three of you begin making your way back to the manor, Catherine's protests dying down as she realized she wasn't getting out of the celebration.
"Can you at least put me down?" She finally relents. "If my brother sees this, I won't hear the end of it for a week."
"Nah, I'll only tease you mercilessly for a day or two." You hear Henry respond as he leans on the doorway, a grin spreading across his face. "So, when's the wedding?"
Catherine manages to flail her way out her boyfriend's arms like a cat that just got dumped in a bathtub, unceremoniously hitting the dirt. "I… we…"
As Catherine's mind sputters to a standstill, you notice a woman walk up behind Henry and put her arms around him. She's impossibly beautiful, with perfectly cut short black hair and just the barest hint of makeup to bring out her Asian features.
Aphrodite. Athena hisses in your brain. You clench your hands, fighting to keep the warrior goddess at bay.
"Stop embarrassing my sister in law." The woman replies with a warm smile. "One shouldn't mock love that even the gods approve of. Catherine, darling. It's been so long." She says, walking over to your group.
"Yuina…" Catherine returns with a grin as the two embrace each other, her brain finally rebooted. "I'm sorry, you three caught me at bad time." She adds, noticing Yuina crinkling her nose. "Give me a couple minutes to clean myself up."
After watching Catherine race into the house with her super speed, the woman turns back to you. "Yuina Mizushima-Sinclair."
"Host of Aphrodite." You add, ignoring another outburst from Athena telling you you all sorts of insults you'd rather not have known and where the goddess of sexuality should be stabbed. "Alexa Myers."
"Host of Athena." Yuina replies. "I hope I'm not causing you to much discomfort with my presence. I know friends of ours have a rather… tumultuous relationship."
"I'm kind of use to that." You reply. "Athena doesn't seem to have many friends among the Olympians. So are you and Henry here for Catherine's birthday?"
"With our daughter Hikari, yes." Yuina replies looking around as the four of you walk back inside and head to the living room. "She should be running around here somewhere. Honestly, Catherine and Liz spoil her too much." You choke back a laugh at that last part.
"I thought it was our job to do that." A freshly showered Catherine replies, dressed in her usual attire of jeans and a t-shirt. Squirming in her arms is a ten-year-old girl, the near spitting image of the woman sitting across from you, save for her sandy brown hair. "Look who I found."
"How did you…"
"Enhanced agility and growing up as the youngest of three siblings." Catherine cuts you off before turning back to her relatives. "Anything exciting happen since I last visited?"
"I beat up a bully at school." Hikari responds with a giggle.
"Broke his arm in fact." Yuina adds, her eyes narrowing on Catherine. "The bully didn't realize someone was teaching Hikari Krav Maga in their free time."
"A little self defense training isn't out of order given who her parents are." Your mentor replies. Giving her niece a smile. "And at her age, I was already learning how to wield a knife. Given what she'll be, my little kitten's behind the curve." With that, Catherine walks out the room with Hikari still in her arms.
Yuina's narrow gaze immediately turns to her husband. "Don't worry, she's only joking." Henry tries to reassure her. Yuina's gaze doesn't waver. "Right," Henry admits, racing after his sister. "Cathy, you were joking about the knives, right?"
[] Follow Catherine and Henry.
[] Stay with Eric and Yuina.