Of Craftsmen and Overpowered Baldies (One Punch Man SI)

So I'm assuming he is out of school here. He spent a week making his own business. That's doing well. The only bit that disliked about it was all the windows. I guess that's fine for an artist showing off his stuff.

I also didn't get the scale of the room. 600m cubed is massive. 60m x 10 m to be 600 sq meters is a good size. I'd have just wished he had a bit more privacy there rather than just the bathroom. Maybe an office or something. Meh, not that important.

I'm amazed that he hasn't been playing with his alchemy yet. He doesn't have to do large-scale stuff. Using it to help create his art would have been enough. Maybe he could have mixed paints or transformed tools with it. Think small discrete changes that are easy to keep in mind and shift things about.

Long term, I don't see him having any issues. He does need to put in a few days of making art a week though. Need to refill those funds.

He'd be fine just going through the motions for the next month or so. In some respects, his art might start selling for much more if he could wait longer or have it posted and sell/auction it at the end of a month or so.

The martial arts is neat and all, but it is one of those things where he has to be in a routine and just do it for a few months. He might get a roll that helps him at that. He'd also have a nice contact with the hero community right there.

I don't really see any need to toss another monster fight in his direction. He is doing his due diligence and improving.

So is he already done with high school or need to take a test or two? I don't really see him needing college. Normally, sure go to college, but with the CF? Nope, just wait and he'd have plenty of knowledge and skills.

How is he doing with his room mates? They are the only other characters we've been introduced to. Will they matter or just fade into the background? May not be determined at the moment?
so you rolled the perk that will let you become a master in the flowing fist style in less than a year.

at the rate you are going, you will be a better martial artist than a crafter.
I mean technically Martial arts are an art, too and people do create martial arts styles, which should count as crafting something.
I meant more this perk
Jack of All Trades (Andromeda) (400CP)
Like Hohne you are a prodigy at learning all fields of science and engineering. Learning what would take geniuses years in weeks. You can push the limits of science and engineering to new heights, but it will still take time to learn everything that is out there.

Capstone Boosted: Master of all - You are now like Seamus Harper and can learn anything that would take geniuses decades to learn in days. You can still learn non-scientific/engineering things in weeks or months instead of years thanks to your impressive learning skills. Given enough time and knowledge there is nothing you can not claim to be greatest in.
But just being Exalted is probably enough to be a fairly decent high tire hero
Hmm, teaching hamon or the spin to bang would be fun, or some artifact to imitate it, going wellnwith the water flow.
He could probably take inspiration from learning under Bang for his artwork as well, be interesting to see how Bang would react to an "artists" interpretation of HIS art.
He's a long way from being able to do something like that, he's just started training after all.
I fully expect a monster attack to happen and scare him enough that he decides to work significantly harder on his fighting ability and alchemy.
was exactly my plan.
I'm amazed that he hasn't been playing with his alchemy yet. He doesn't have to do large-scale stuff. Using it to help create his art would have been enough. Maybe he could have mixed paints or transformed tools with it. Think small discrete changes that are easy to keep in mind and shift things about.
To be honest this was my general plan as well. just with sculptures, and not paint.
With a story that has a random component you can't plan too much, but rather just the big points. Who knows maybe the mc ends up making a new martial art based on Bang's.
The first part is very true, the latter is a long way from happening, at least until I hit a perk that can bypass some requirements, like fighting experience.
Hmm, teaching hamon or the spin to bang would be fun, or some artifact to imitate it, going wellnwith the water flow.
Bang himself is an old person who I can't see being that interested in something like that. Don't forget that he retires from hero duty after subduing Garou.

So, I was writing the chapter and I ended up with another 400 CP perk that completely bamboozled me. Like for fucks sake.
Temple of Solomon (Fate/Legends - Oasis of Fantasy) (400CP)
A place that has long been abandoned or, at least, a replica of the one currently in use. The Temple of Solomon is perhaps the grandest magical workshop ever to be created, one so great that it does not even exist in the mundane world. Sealed away in imaginary number space, it is only accessible to others through highly complex and difficult magical workings, though you can enter your hidden base with nothing but a thought provided you are not blocked by some means. The temple itself is quite large, with the small dimension covering several city blocks of area and the building being the size of a large mansion. Within is almost every one of Solomon's personal notes and research on magecraft and magic, along with a great deal of lore from other famous magicians of his time and from later on as well. The small dimension has been connected to a replica of Solomon's created magical circuits which empower the framework the workshop sits on, serving to provide a immense magical fuel source for any project you might wish to run within this space as you can freely draw on the amount of energy the King of Magic had while alive when you are in here. Finally, death in this realm is not permanent and it is far easier to bring back those who die when it is within this place. For your purposes, this means that dying in this temple will not count as an end to your chain. You may import an existing structure into this role.
* Solomon made the entire modern magic framework that allows for magecraft in fate
He's a long way from being able to do something like that, he's just started training after all.
Well yeah, but there are art pieces that show progression, so he can do pieces showing his initial take on the Water Flowing Rock Smashing Fist and he can gradually progress where as he learns more he can make a newer piece that builds on the old to show what he's learnt until it eventually accumulates into an ultimate piece where he can show his understanding and master of it. He can even sell the lesser pieces and keep the final one for himself as a way to always remind himself that HE learnt and made this piece, it would be a UNIQUE piece that shows his own understanding of the Martial Art.
I can see Silverfang appreciating the input of a truly great artistic soul on the martial art.

Creating a great piece based on the art or the MC's learning experience would make for a wonderful gift to a sensei.
Chapter Five
'Morning, sleepyhead.' Jed's voice woke me up. It took me a few moments to process what he just said. Once I did, I replied with a good morning.

When I looked around the room, I noticed everyone was missing. There was nobody in the room, so I did some stretching exercises I had Jed search from the internet. It took him a minute, but the things he made me do had me groaning in strain and pleasure. I took my bathroom supplies and did my morning routine before padding into the cafeteria. There I saw Charles having an animated discussion with a tall, muscular, black-haired Asian man.

Once I finished getting myself some food, I made my way to the table with the two chatting men, with Charles facing my direction, he noticed me and waved me over, causing the other person to turn towards me. He had a pretty good face, his skin had a light tan, and with him wearing a tight long-sleeved t-shirt, I could see how muscular he was. It contrasted with his younger-looking face with delicate features.

I placed my tray on the table and greeted the unfamiliar face whose identity I was pretty sure of. "You must be Tatsuya, right?"

"Yes, that's me." This was said with a voice attempting and failing at sounding mature. It was pitched lower to simulate a manlier tone. But I ignored that.

"His full name's Tatsuya Eisho." Charles piped helpfully. When he said that, Tatsuya himself didn't react, just continued to eat his food.

"He's on a free day from his training. You should see his training regimen, it's insane."

"I told coach I wanted to get better faster."

"Well, I can understand that part. But isn't it too much? You're working too."

"Coach calculated everything. I gave him my schedule."

"What about emergencies then? Or when there's not much work? Or when there's too much?"

"Coach said I should learn to deal with it. Heroism doesn't mean I would be fighting non-stop. There're slow days and hectic days there, too."

"Makes sense."

I could get a general feel of Tatsuya as a person by now. And it seemed like he's the type to be direct and speak his mind and tried to be more manly in his mannerism and speech. He would pitch his voice lower, speak in masculine terms, and make movements with unnecessary amounts of aggression, in contrast to my brief interaction with George. The latter seemed like he doesn't particularly care for other people, distant and apathetic. Charles himself seemed invested in the lives of the people around him, taking pleasure in knowing them as a person. He was upbeat, cheerful, and willing to help when he could.

"Is the hero exam that hard?" I said this while looking at Tatsuya. He made eye contact with me as he heard my voice.

He grunted before answering my question. "Yes, it is. It had two parts, the physical exam and the written test. Cut off is at seventy percent. Most who pass are C-class who quit after a month or two."

"How about you? How're your scores?"

"Physical is decent, but not good enough."

"How about the written part, then? Why'd they need that anyway, for knowledge of the law and stuff?"

"Essay test, to judge our sense of heroism."

I raised an eyebrow at that, not seeing much of a point. It seemed like an unneeded part of the test. But as I thought about it more, I realized that the Hero Association also needed to maintain its status, so they would choose people whose intentions aren't of the unsavory sort. Hence the written portion, but how would they even make sure people didn't just start faking? They must have a system in place, huh, food for thought.

"Hey, Tatsuya. Just want to tell you that you're in the presence of an artistic genius. Aiden can make wicked drawings."

I stared at Charles at those words, wondering what he was going with it. But then I saw a flash of emotion in Tatsuya's eyes, so fast I couldn't pin it down. Tatsuya shifted his body in my direction. He attempted to conceal his interest with poor results. He seemed eager to listen to what I had to say now.

"I'd need someone to help design my costume when I get my license. Can you help me?"

Taken aback at the direct words thrown my way, I floundered for a response for a bit, before I just said yes. When I did, Tatsuya had this glimmer in his eyes, excitement all but dancing on his face.

"Hey, hey, slow down. You haven't even passed the exam yet and you're already roping him to help with your costume?"

"I see nothing wrong with it. I asked, he agreed. And I will pass that test eventually. I'll keep training for it." Tatsuya said that with conviction laced into every word, he believed he has what it takes to do just that, in time that is. Charles turned to me with a helpless look on his face, I just shrugged at him.

"By the way, Charles, do you have some time today?"

"Yeah, I do. What do you need help with?"

"I found a studio, and I wanted to ask if you could help me with shopping for art supplies, for real this time and not some wild goose chase."

He chuckled softly at that, before nodding at me. We finished our meal in relative silence, Charles made small talk with both Tatsuya and me. When we finished our food, all of us went back to the room and took out bathing supplies, once finished Charles and I bid Tatsuya good bye.

When Charles saw the studio, he whistled in appreciation at its sheer size, saying that I must have some savings to afford this. I told him the reason I could, and when I did, he expressed worry about the logical way people have avoided the area. I informed him that this is the best I could get right now, I still needed funds to live in the future and this is my starting point, he relented after that.

We set up the various easels, paints, pencils, sculpting tools, etc. on various sides of the building. Once done, I treated him to a meal at a restaurant near the area, before thanking him and sending him back to the dorm. Now alone I faced a blank easel with a prepared canvas already in place, as I inspected the scattered paints near me and visualized what I'm going to make, a thought hit me.

"Hey Jed?"


"Can you arrange the paperwork so that I can legally sell my artworks?"

'Sure, I'll even make a website and get you a courier service. Just give me a few days to get everything ready, we'll need to get the actual paperwork done and sign agreements with a lawyer after all.'

"We're going to sell this online?" I asked him with some surprise.

'Of course. The internet is a nifty place, good for exposure and quick selling. Easy money. Don't worry about it, I'll take care of things, just focus on making art.'

"Thanks Jed, you're a lifesaver."

'I'm your companion, of course I am.' He said that with such a smug tone I couldn't help but shake my head.

I turned back towards the blank canvas, as I picked up a paintbrush, I lost myself in the creative process. My mind's blank but focused on my current task. My brush moved with intention and purpose, bringing layer after layer of detail, blending colors. Sweeping, dabbing, curving, flicking, went my arm as I brandished my brush to bring an idea to reality. In the process of breathing life into the blank canvas, I swapped brushes and palettes, exchanging them for others of varying fineness and new clean ones, respectively.

Satisfied with my work, I inspected it with a critical eye. The painting was that of an eagle spreading its wings in the middle of a meadow. The grass followed invisible zephyrs of air twisting and turning it in chaotic patterns, dried leaves floated about in scattered formation that made the unseen wind visible. Sunlight peeked through the eagle's wings, casting it in a golden glow that made it seem greater. The very center of the piece was dominated by the intense golden gaze of the avian, giving the entire work a sense of foreboding, of scrutiny that no mere bird or wild animal could possibly possess.

Again, the quality of my work astounded me, making me marvel at what supernatural talent looks like. It was unbelievable that what was sitting in front of me was something a person made in the span of four hours. I shook those thoughts away and debated whether to paint once more of if I should sculpt. I eventually decided to just continue panting for now, sculpting can be done tomorrow, and as such, I set aside the finished painting and readied another easel for use.

I once more lost myself in the creative process, the world around me faded from my perception, still there but not as important as what I'm doing. My entire mind focused on the reds, golds, browns, and greens I layered on top of one another. My concentration was broken by a notification from Jed, Charles was asking if he and Tatsuya could come watch me paint due to curiosity, I gave my permission and had Jed relay it, not willing to stop what I was doing.

It was sometime later that I was peripherally aware of the door opening and voices sounding inside the studio, I ignored it all. Just like how I ignored a sharp intake of breath from somewhere to my right, as well as the resulting excited chatter. I was too absorbed at adding details to the golden chrysanthemum I was painting to pay them attention. I noticed that for sometime now that there's been silence, and the presence of two people behind me, but I paid it no mind, still focused on my work.

Time passed, but there weren't any words exchanged behind me, nor did I spare them any attention. I put finishing touches into the glistening golden chrysanthemum with smatterings dew drops and layered with a light amount of fog. With my work done I turned to the spectators for the past hour.

"Holy shit dude! I knew you were talented in art, but hot damn! Those two look amazing, better than amazing, really!" Charles said those with his characteristic enthusiasm.

"It's true, I've never seen such talent before. They look beautiful." Even Tatsuya said that with unconcealed awe in his voice. "Watching you work was something else. I enjoyed myself."

He smiled at me, a small bashful one. "Honestly, I'm not sure if I should ask for help with my costume anymore."

I shrugged at him. "Not really seeing any reason why I shouldn't."

He pointed at the two art pieces inside the studio. "When Charles said you were talented, I wasn't expecting this level of talent. I just thought that I could get a decent sketch that could be used as a reference."

Charles started to gently nudge Tatsuya's side a teasing smirk plastered on his face. "Heh, maybe you should have asked him to show you that drawing first so you could get an idea of just what you were asking for."

But Tatsuya just stared at him with incomprehension. "What drawing?"

"Ahh, we didn't tell you about that, huh? I forgot." Charles blushed as he said that, an apologetic smile replacing the earlier smirk. Tatsuya just stared at him blandly, not saying anything.

"His oversight aside," I got an indignant yelp from Charles. "How high do you think your chances are, at passing that is?"

A grimace spread through Tatsuya's face, before he reluctantly said. "About 80 percent? It was the physical part that ruins me. If there isn't anyone really strong, I can get in now."

"Huh, then I'll help make your costume if you do."

"You will? But," he pointed to the general direction of my two finished works, a helpless look across his face. "are you sure? I don't think I can pay for it."

"Eh, no worries. Take it as a gift from a new roomie."

"Hey, what about me then? I helped you already, and I get nothing?"

"I fed you," My response was immediate and dry. "But you can have the giant." Elation was practically spelled across his forehead when I said that.

I shook my head at his antics, we talked for a bit more, mostly about the incoming careers of both Tatsuya and I. Charles' genuine concern and happiness at our prospects was endearing, he's a good person. As we were got back to the dorms and settled to sleep, Jed suddenly spoke to me.

'Hey Aiden.'


'I explored the net to see the best way to make your business. I think making a social media account, and then posting videos if you painting might be the fastest way to start. What do you say? Want to do it?'

I recalled the various videos I once watched, of people flaunting their artistic prowess to gather attention and advertise their products. I can see how that might be the best way to do this, so I agreed.
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I need feedback.

How's my writing? is it entertaining? Is the pacing too fast, too slow?

Is my writing style engaging? I'm using Grammarly Premium and according to that my writing is very clear, very engaging, and the delivery is just right. But this is a program.
I like it mostly, the MC is interesting. However with the lack of conversation and only MC talking about those conversations, it makes the reader feel removed from the story. Without seeing character interactions it makes it hard to be engaged in the story. At this point it has mostly been missing interaction with people at the dojo for the most recent chapter. It would be less noticable skipping interactions if you presented the scene when MC was asking information. At this point it reads like a diary entry story. Those can be fine, but turns into a slog the longer the story goes on.

That is the only thing I can think of that I noticed. With more character interaction this story would be a lot of fun. My opinion on what makes Celestial Forge stories majorly enjoyable is watching the MC make/dp cool things and seeing other characters react to the aforementioned cool things. The first part is covered quite well, hope to see the later in upcoming chapters.
For my personal taste there's too much prep and time jumping.

What is the MC's relationship with Silverfang and his fellow student? How do they respond to the MC's relentless focus and drive? Are they aware of his career as an artist?

At the moment those two are the most consistent relationship in his life and we're skipping weeks of time.

I feel like if the focus character isn't actively doing something other than their daily routine something should be happening to them to disrupt that or force them to be active.

Unfortunately the mental resilience power removes the conflict the MC might have attaining the power he seeks, no trauma or fatigue to drive him to do something other than work endlessly.
He doesn't get bored or try to do something to avoid pain, just drive on relentlessly.

TLDR I think you are missing character interactions and a sense of conflict.
More interactions please, just talking, prepping and building up tends to become boring fast IMO.
I need feedback.

How's my writing? is it entertaining? Is the pacing too fast, too slow?

Is my writing style engaging? I'm using Grammarly Premium and according to that my writing is very clear, very engaging, and the delivery is just right. But this is a program.
Honestly, I like you're writing style. I like the fact that you don't needlessly make things wordy. While a bit fast, I do understand the fact the rolls you're getting prevent you from really writing out the thought process. Maybe show the influence the art perk has on magic and alcehemy. One of the cooler things that the celestial forge is the effect the perks have on every day or random things. Allows a lot of room for creativity. Also maybe add the perks added at the end of the chapter as a spoiler. I don't really care about it, but I know for some it's a big thing.
I like your story a lot, but you have made the classical mistake of just having the mc tell us what is happening and what he is doing, that is not so bad, but please more showing us what he is doing instead of him just rambling on and on. In my opinion the best stories find a good middle ground between the two. Your character also needs to make more contact with other people, he is basically becoming a recluse that just trains and crafts without much contact with the outside world, just because he can do it without negative mental problems doesn't mean he should. He definitely neeeds a friend or two he can trust and confide in.
Feeling a certain disconnect with the MC for how he is approaching his training

Apathy is never a good thought to associate with your own characters
You had started off with the folks in the hospital room, then the lawyer's place, then the roommates. Any of those people could have been connections and relationships building. Friendships or whatnot.

I can understand the folks from the hospital not keeping in contact with him. They seemed friendly, but unless he made the effort to leave contact info and all that and keep contact, they would fade out of his life.

The lawyer's office stuff was mainly business and paperwork. Depending on if he needed to go through them for all the other stuff? Well, they had a chance to show up and interact with him.

On cultural differences. Usually, wills and all that isn't set up until you actually think that you are about to die. Folks like his parents generally just don't think about things like that. You could have had him just curious and research. Anyone above 20 or in any sort of relationship was expected to file wills here. The reason, monster attacks, and no one felt that it was safe to wait until old age. Better to have a system where their stuff was going where they wanted it rather than the government meddle and all that.

I'm disappointed with the roommates. You did great at introducing them the first time.
Then less than a few days later they don't matter and 2-3 weeks and they are out of his life. We don't have any interactions about that just a minor one-sentence blurb.

I'm not sure why he felt such a connection to those faceless millions from A-City. If he was stuck in worm, he'd have end bringers that did the same sort of scale or worse. The only real difference is him seeing it in the news and locally important to him. Why? Why does he feel threatened or felt safer previously?

If Monsters attack only cities, the solution is obvious. Move out of the city.

We need some dojo interaction. They are his only social contacts now. We don't know how they really feel about the guy. The other student may be resentful. Master Bang might be secretly thrilled that he has found a potential heir. The kid just needs to live long enough to develop properly, and he'd be set.

We just aren't seeing that sort of social interaction.

About my only annoyance in this chapter is him stopping his trip to the dojo to play in his new magic temple. Nothing in there that couldn't have waited for his time with Master Bang to be finished with.

O.k. MC is a paying client and doesn't have to show up at every lesson, but it just felt rude.

Also the dropping of alchemy for magic. Sighs. It feels like his heart wasn't ever actually in learning alchemy in the first place. Now that he has an excuse, he can forget he knows that skill while he focuses on magic. He has to actually start from less than basics with magic though.

My other complaint is that the time frame seemed rather short. It might have needed a week or two of him just getting a handle on the size of the temple and the basics of the library. That place is utterly massive. Him just jumping into getting magic circuits that quickly? Way, way too fast.

He might have also run into translation issues. None of the resources there would be in any modern language. That'd slow him down as he would need to pick up new languages before he could even read any of the books/scrolls.
I'm mostly looking forward to seeing the ripples he has on canon. And I'm really hoping he and Child Emperor do a collab or something.

Or he makes stuff that'll make the heroes, especially the lower ranked ones more effective.

Mumen Rider's certainly noble and heroic. Now all he needs is actually fighting ability for example.

Use the crafters and inventors as force multipliers like it should be.
Chapter Six
'Morning sleepy head.'

Jed's voice was comforting as I inched my way into the land of the living. Greeting him a good morning as well, I surveyed the room, Tatsuya was sound asleep under me, George and Charles were both gone. I padded into the bathroom to do my morning routines and made my way into the cafeteria. I didn't see them there either, so they must be at work already.

After I finished eating, I made my way into the studio. Once I opened its door, a mote jumped from a cluster and siphoned the star's energy. Once ignited, I was now the owner of a replica of the Temple of Solomon, the man who, upon his death was heralded as the king of magecraft. It had the total knowledge he accumulated in his life, and with his title that was immense. I could access it in two ways, the key I held or by willing myself into it. I just willed myself in.

"Holy shit." Those words escape me in an awed breath, whispered to my surroundings.

"Language, young man, but yeah. This is impressive."

"No shit Sherlock. This place is beautiful, completely unlike the skulls' cramped and almost dilapidated room."

"In their defense they can't do much in the way of architecture and repair."

I nodded. "Point"

The sight that greeted me was majestic. Two floating islands: one a lot larger than the other and bare of anything besides polished stone floors, the other was an expanse of open space with a single building, the floor was polished light brown marble; they were suspended above a sea of clouds, up above in the clear blue sky, a ring of light provided illumination.

On the smaller island, I could see a majestic building of white marble it had golden accents adding to the sense of grandeur it all but screamed into the world. It stood atop a set of pyramidal steps, had marble pillars of the same color as the floor around its perimeter, a golden dome sitting on top, as well as massive twin doors of metal with carvings too far to see.

Willing myself into the smaller island, I ascended its stairs, as I stood in front of the door, I could make out a complicated set of circles and triangles which had many configurations: right way up, upside down, pointed to the left or right, or even overlapping. They had lines of unknown script weaving inside and outside, curving and following the lines of the patterns. It was beautiful, and knowing who owned this place, probably a magic barrier of some sort.

"Hey Jed." before I could even say my question Jed had already answered me.

"No, I can't read or interpret them, most likely because they didn't exist in this world." I raised an eyebrow at his words, before relenting at them, I came from outside of this reality after all.

"When we get out, I can access the internet to cross-reference them to known languages. Now hurry up! I want to see the rest of it." The sheer amount of urgency in his voiced amused me.

"Oh? I never thought you'd be this interested in things like this."

"What do you mean? I'm an AI, learning is what we do!"

"Well, this isn't really science. This is bonafide magic."

"Which makes it even more interesting! Besides, this isn't just some random wizard with wishy-washy mumbo jumbo. It's the research of the Wise King, the King of Magecraft. Think of just how much knowledge it has inside its walls." The longing in his voice prompted me to continue my exploration.

The doors opened even with just a light push, revealing a grand antechamber. I craned my neck upwards and saw the paintings of various angles doing a myriad of things. Some were blowing trumpets, some played with fluffy bundles of clouds, some shone golden rays towards places unknown. The walls of the antechamber itself were bare, besides the white marble and gold highlights. At the end was another set of twin doors made of the same metal as the first, the magic circle here was even more intricate. I didn't even bother trying to study the dizzying details besides allowing Jed to catalogue it for future dissection.

As I stepped into the threshold of the building proper, I couldn't help the but whisper. "That's a lot of books."

In contrast, Jed exclaimed. "All the books and scrolls you need to learn everything Solomon knew!"

I shook my head, sighing. "Will I even be able to finish these things? There's so much. I doubt even Solomon read every single book and scroll here."

I walked into the center area, bathed by the soft golden light shining down from the dome up above. A sweep of my gaze around me just cemented the mix of dread and anticipation welling inside me.

Rows upon columns of bookshelves reaching the floors' ceiling were neatly arranged, even the very walls were just floor to ceiling bookshelves. All contained an assortment of books, tomes, scrolls, and even tablets of stone and clay. The same scene was repeated on the second and third-floor I could spy from my spot. The golden domes light was shared by all levels of the building in thirds of a circle with scattered tables for reading.

"Don't worry, I'll record anything you read in here and remind you so you don't forget things."

My response was dry and flat. "Gee, thanks. I still need to read them in the first place."

"I'll speed things up!" Was his cheerful reply.

As my eyes rove at the surrounding sight, a huff of breath escaped my lips as I regarded this place. "King of Magecraft, huh. Think I'd be able to catch up to him?"

"You would, you have the intellect necessary for it, maybe enough to surpass and become his replacement. The culmination of his wisdom, this is the sum of his life's knowledge. People would have killed to even have just a portion of what you have now. I think that if any magicians were to see this in its entirety, they might just die happy, then resurrect themselves to learn as much as they possibly could."

I continued to the last set of twin doors with the same carving as the one before it, Jed confirmed it. What awaited me on the other side was another a view of the lower but larger island, in its middle was a golden upraised dais, all along the ground was a mind bogglingly complex magic circle. The circle absolutely covered the entire place, the only thing not touched was the dais.

As I willed myself to reach the dais itself, I spun in place, trying to make out any detail I could parse and falling short. The only thing I could understand was how precise and calculated every single line, circle, triangle, and letterings were. But I noticed something, the dais' position was strategic, it was at the dead center of this entire dimension.

I let my gaze wander around the ground of where I stood. I can't even imagine how complex this magic circle around me actually is. It might be an amplifier of magic rituals, with how large it was, probably several city-blocks in size, the upraised dais was big enough to be around a few tens of meters in diameter, with a marking denoting its center.

Again, the larger island was bare, besides that utterly grand magic circle it had. So I willed myself back into the library. Once there, I inspected a table that was noticeably different from the others. It had a transparent crystal ball sitting in its middle, touching it made an interface pop up.

"Huh, a magical search engine."

There were various sections, sub-sections, cross-reference points, etc. It was a highly reactive and intuitive display. Jed was beside himself with joy at how we can streamline our learning process. But as we were browsing this database, I found a section containing techniques and philosophy related to alchemy. It made me remember my own alchemical talents, which I had completely forgotten due to everything that has happened.

"Do you think I should look at them first?"

"Can't hurt to try. You already have a built-in library and hard-wired instinct for performing and studying alchemy. But maybe there's some difference between what Solomon's people are practicing and whatever reality your talents came from?"

"Makes sense. By the way, why'd you never remind me of it? Alchemy I mean, it completely slipped my mind before this."

"Didn't really think it was that important? I mean, you already have a lot on your plate. No need to add another that can be set aside for the meantime. The most volatile part of your brand of alchemy is the understanding of the structure of the base materials and end product. You have me, that's a none-issue."

His words were logical, so I didn't dispute them, just returned to browsing the database. I located the various books and scrolls about the basics and principles of King Solomon's brand of Alchemy. Once done with my selection, the interface blinked out of existence, and a glowing arrowhead appeared on top of the crystal ball. Moving my head made the arrow follow my view, and still point in the same direction it was initially pointing at.

I padded after the directions as dictated, and as I picked up the book it highlighted with a soft glow. Another arrow appeared as I touched the book and I sighed.

"Heh, getting tired of the old school books and scrolls already? You haven't even started reading yet!"

"Digital media is more convenient. Just a single device with everything I need."

Silence reigned as I gathered all the books I selected, some of it being on the second floor of the building. So here I am, sitting on a table with various books and scrolls in front of me ready for perusal. But we hit a snag, we couldn't read them. They were written in an ancient language, and with Jed cut off from the internet, he couldn't help me. Hence why I just skimmed everything I could, letting Jed use my eyes to digitize them.

Once he was done, I popped back out into reality. With Jed focusing on translating, I had free time to explore the city. My artworks were still drying and I chose not to make more for the time being.

Z-City was split into zones, the residential zone; the beach zone, which was mostly hotels, resorts, and tourist spots; the mountainous zone bordering Q-City, which was too dangerous to be turned into a tourist spot like the beach; the city proper with office buildings; the entertainment zone with various malls and leisure activities; and the ghost town that was the western tail Z-City and bordered Y and R cities.

The amount of people in the entertainment zone was sparser than I thought, then again, the amount of humans on this planet is less than a third of where I'm from. However, ignoring that, uncomfortable could describe my current emotional state. People around me were pointing and having hushed discussions, mainly about me I reckon. Having a face that puts to shame every single person on the planet meant attention that can't ever be avoided.

Jed informed me that what I'm doing would make the establishment of my business a lot easier due to free publicity that the more social media-oriented people were doing, namely share my photos on the net.

'I'm not even doing anything, Jed. I'm just minding my own business and going about my day.'

'So are they. It's just now you're a part of theirs.'

'Isn't this a breach of privacy?'

'You're in a public area, so no, not really.'

A sigh escaped my lips at his words as I soldiered on. The malls were as expected; the more luxurious variants were few and far in between, where people dressed to the nines roamed, decorated by accessories of decent make, by my standards that is; I ignored the upscale establishments and focused on the regular ones.

My purpose for going to the mall was two-fold; one was to explore the city, and the other was to provide myself a cover story. Bookstores were my destination, I bought chemistry, material science, and metallurgy books. They would provide me with the smokescreen for future projects, displayed so that people won't question my knowledge, or at the very least mitigate them.

The journey back to the studio was filled with a lot more staring as people noticed me, some more than others. It was a relief as I entered my new safe space; I set my purchases aside as I calmed myself from being tense at attention being directed my way. Before this, I was just a random face in the crowd, unremarkable and therefore unnoticed. This experience was outside of my comfort zone, it made me hyperaware of my surroundings. A few minutes later and Jed spoke to me.

'Hey man, you alright?'

I let my attention turn to his voice, and sighed. 'I am now. Are you done with the translation?'

'Yeah. We can go back to the temple for it.'

I heeded his words and willed myself back into the library. Once there, I sat back at the table where the scrolls and books I gathered were. As I opened the very first book, an overlay of the translated words appeared in my vision. The double vision was disorienting, so I just sat the physical media aside and focused on what Jed was projecting in my vision.

A few hours passed with me reading, by the end I understood the basic differences between my brand of alchemy and that of King Solomon's people. The alchemy I can do follows strict rules that can't be bypassed, the alchemy in these scrolls and books were more forgiving, but less potent and permanent.

My alchemy was strictly physical, following the physical laws already in place; such as the law of conservation of mass and energy. The alchemy in these texts could bypass materials constraint to some extent, either using less or more or vice versa; but this came with a reduction in quality of the product that would continue to degrade as time went by.

'The two forms of alchemy have different uses. Your brand would be more useful with preparation, but theirs can be used in more versatile ways.'

"True, but honestly I'm not that interested in the alchemy here. I'll just stick to my own. Why bother learning something I can already do," I sighed at what I just realized. "We just wasted time. Or more like, why didn't you just tell me this?"

'I'm not here to tell you how to go about your journey, that's for you to decide. As your companion, I'm here to provide support: offer advise, ensure your digital presence is protected, analyze and report anomalies, fulfill requests. I was made for you, made to assist you in any way I can so that you have an easier time with what you want to do, never to tell you what you should do.'

I fell silent, mulling over his words. "No one's ever offered me anything like that."

'Hahaha! You've never had a companion AI tailored to your needs. I'll always be on your side, Aiden.'

A person who would never betray me, who will always have my best interest at heart, I can't thank the giant enough. I've had no one who would always be present to support me, and I don't think I'm the only person in that situation. Even your own family can't always be there. But here I have exactly that, an ever-present support system that won't collapse, a constant I would never question. I could feel tears prick my eyes.

Wiping the forming tears away "Do we still have time to read a few more?"

'Unfortunately, we don't. It's already late night, you need to sleep.'

At his words, I exited the temple and made my way back to the dorm. This time Tatsuya and George were gone, and Charles was asleep. After cleaning myself, I laid down to join him in the land of dreams.

'Morning sleepy head.' As is my now usual alarm clock, Jed's voice jarred me back to the land of the living.

A quick survey of the room let me know that I'm alone again. Coming back from doing my morning routine, I was met with George fiddling with his phone. He didn't seem inclined to start a conversation, so I ignored him. The trip to the cafeteria was a silent affair with nobody to talk to, not even Jed was starting any.

After I finished my meal, I went back to the room and found the passed-out form of Tatsuya, while George is now asleep as well. Since there's nobody from my dorm to accompany me, I went to the studio. Once there, I willed myself back into the library.

I selected books that dealt with the basics of magecraft: magic circuits and how to open them, mana and od, chants, etc. With Jed doing what he did last time, I was again free to burn some time. I did that by painting a new artwork. By the time I was done and left it to dry, Jed was done with his translation. I could have studied the dead language myself, but Jed's here, so why bother?

The books, scrolls, tomes, and even a clay tablet taught me the fundamentals of what separates a magus from a regular person. The Magic Circuits, pathways of power from the soul, determined at birth it's what allows a person to cast magecraft. I needed to activate it first to progress my studies of Solomon's knowledge. This process is notoriously painful for those who's doing it for the first time, especially so late in life like mine. It was also dangerous with a risk of death, good thing that in this place I can't die.

Jed was vehement that we needed to learn as much as we can about the procedure of opening them before we actually do it, no need to needlessly die if I could avoid it. So that's exactly what I did, searched for more reference and left the translation to Jed. I returned to reality and went back to painting another piece.

By the time I was done with that, it was nighttime, so I ate at a restaurant and went back to the dorm, everyone was there this time. Charles was being his usual self and chattering away at Tatsuya who was listening and responding when he felt necessary, George ignored them. Upon noticing me, Charles immediately included me in their discussion.

"Hey Aiden! We were talking about hero costumes. Apparently, they were usually left to the Hero themselves to get one."

I raised an eyebrow at that, "They don't give you a budget for that? Or some sort of PR person to take care of it?"

Tatsuya shrugged, "Only A-class heroes have dedicated PR officer. B-class has a budget but is smaller than an A-class. C-Class heroes have to make or buy one on their own."

I scrunched my eyebrows together in thought, I mulled over them. The system seemed kind of harsh but understandable, C-classes mostly dealt with muggers, and assisting evacuation of civilians in the case of monster attacks. They also had a high turnover rate, few choose to remain and try to climb the rankings.

"So, the two of you are brainstorming possible hero costumes for Tatsuya, huh? What do you have? Any themes? Type of armor? Color scheme? Where are you going to have it made?"

They both looked shocked at my barrage of questions. Seems like neither of them were at that point yet. I sighed and went to pick up a pencil and paper.

Once done, I raised an eyebrow at Tatsuya. "So?"

"Uhm, ah. I kind of wanted to be seen as a martial artist?

"Hm, mobility then. Thin layers to support movement, can you do sleeveless or short pants?"

"No, I don't."

"Okay then, you'd need some sort of reinforced leather for the vitals like the chest, stomach and back. Armpits would need to be thinner so you don't lose range of motion, shoulder pads aren't needed. Greaves and gauntlets for extra protection with blocking and more force for punches."

The end product I gave him was an uncolored sketch of a person with a similar body type as him, wearing exactly what I just said. I handed it to him, and he took it gingerly. A look of wonder and longing was plastered on his face, he stared at it eyes glazed over. His eyes were glancing at the paper and his own body rapidly.

Charles whistled from his side, having moved there as Tatsuya continued to picture himself wearing what I drew. "Seriously, this is great. The details are incredible, I can see how he'd look like wearing it," He looked at Tatsuya, stared at him dead in the eye and said, "You'd look great."

Tatsuya was all but vibrating with excitement, eyes burning with passion as he gazed at the drawing. "I'll pass the exam. If only to wear this."

Once again, my eyebrow rose. "You realize that you'd need to get the money to buy the materials first, right?"

He gave me a single nod. "I've saved enough to commission a decent one with what I have."
I rewrote chapters 4 and 5. I did that, like, 6 times for each chapter, including 6.

Then gave up. I'm not satisfied with what I made, but I had to concede that this is the best I can do as an author right now. Reading the feedbacks made me realize why I was writing him training in Bang's dojo. I wanted him to meet the main cast as fast as possible, it was rushed because I wanted to get to the juicy bits. I've scrapped that plan, I want to turn him into a magical craftsman since he has Solomons legacy. I realized just how much potential I wasted, Jed and the trio were completely ignored in favor of becoming a martial artist. From now on I'm going to stick to the title.

Feed back is appreciated.
Much better. Like the current direction. This level of character interaction does wonders in explaining and showing how things are in MC's environment / relationships.
I enjoy your story. What i am looking forward to most are his interactions with known characters and how he is planning to become a hero. Keep up the great work.