Odd Jobs or Die Quest

[x] Ask Michelle for her support in trying to obtain information from the lab.
[x] Focus on exploring the grounds.
Post 5
[X] Pretend you don't see him, observe his reactions as you move around.
[X] Ask Michelle for her support in trying to obtain information from the lab.
[X] Focus on the staff.

The next day, you went to school again, and this time you actually acted like you were trying to learn things, as in, you went from lecture to lecture and from room to room, getting to know every single one of the teachers.

As already mentioned, the way the school worked left the students with a lot of freedom, so you were able to go from teacher to teacher easily without arousing suspicion. You also kept an eye on the man who had been following you, keeping watch to see if he reacted to any particular part of what you were doing.

And the result was... nothing. It didn't seem like he had any particular feelings about the possibility of you talking to any of the teachers.

And speaking of that... After meeting with all of them, you found four that seemed to be interesting for your current plans.

- The teacher who seemed "off" was called Andrea Barros. You took a look at her and you figured out the reason for that: She's a drug addict. There is some potential for using this information in your favor.

- Colette Souza was another teacher, and you became interested in her after noticing a bruise in her face that had been covered with makeup. That had been done pretty well, but you could notice it. Perhaps it could be nothing, but perhaps there was something about her you could use.

- On the other hand, Ariane Grande was most definitely involved in whatever this was. She kept paying special attention to certain girls in ways that were subtle but you could notice. And upon checking who those girls are, you realized that all of them were from rich families. You could definitely get clues from her.

- Lastly, there was Koren Amarantu. She was the teacher who seemed most out of place, being a "lecturer" that only appeared to give lectures once a week (thankfully, it was the day you were there) and had been seen entering into one of the school buildings and not leaving for a long time.

Apart from that, you also took the time to get acquainted with Roberta Lores, the daughter of your client. She was definitely one of the... "victims"? It was difficult to find a good term given that you still had no idea what was really going on. Still, she was involved. You only met her briefly, but you managed to befriend her easily, and it would be possible to use that to your advantage in some manner.

All in all, your morning had been fruitful, and now it was time to see what you could do in the afternoon.

You called Michelle and set up a meeting with her. You thought your best bet for obtaining any secret information about that lab was getting the help of someone who was an expert in information, and a hacker was definitely a good choice, but you actually had to convince her to help you.

You met in a small cafe, and you got there early. When Michelle saw you, she sat down in the same table and crossed her arms.

"Okay, Camila. I'm here. What did you want my help with?" She spoke in an impatient voice.

Michelle was probably the hardest of your contacts to handle. She was very paranoid and wasn't very cooperative with anything. However, you knew exactly where her limits lay, and how to convince her to give even a tiny bit of help, you just needed to approach the subject in the right way.

"Ah, nothing too unusual." You said casually "I just need to get a bit of the records of a science lab."

"And you say that isn't unusual?" She asked.

"Indeed it is not." You said confidently "There's just a few things that don't match. Like why would a school need high-level science research supplies? What are they doing with it?"

"Research supplies... in a school?" She could not hide her surprise.

"Indeed." You nodded "It's all very secretive, and there are some suspicious things about the school, but there are definitely trucks carrying science supplies secretly entering the school."

Michelle seemed to struggle with herself for a moment, before asking casually "And what exactly is the lab you were talking about?"

You smiled and handed a card of the lab to Michelle. That was her weakness, she was incredibly curious about secret stuff like this.

She handed the card back to you and said "Okay. I'll take a look and see what their security protocols are like, and then I'll send you a message telling you some possible strategies.

You thanked her and the two of you went your separate ways.

You would get results for that the next day, but meanwhile, you had an important decision to make.

There were possibilities in exploring the school during the night, but if you were not careful you could end up arising a lot of suspicion.

With that in mind, would you try to sneak out at night?

[] Yes.
[] No.

Regardless of that, you had to decide what would be your morning plans. And you also needed to take into consideration that you were still being watched, though you could possibly turn that to your advantage. With that in mind, you decided to:

[] Explore the school grounds.
[] Get into a conversation with one of the school guards, trying to pump him for information.
[] Get into a conversation with Roberta, also trying to get information without being suspicious.
-[] Or maybe you want to be a little more daring and directly reference the secrets of the school, then acting based on how she responds?
[] Ask about the medical exam thing. Convince someone to allow you to get an exam, so you can see the place from the inside.
[] Go after one of the teachers (Write-in which one)
-[] Their numbers are easy to find, call them and work your magic through the phone.
--[] Write-in the approach (threatening, mysterious, fearful, etc)
-[] Meet them in person in between classes, try to get information without being suspicious.
--[] Write-in what you want to focus on (medical checkups, rich students, science resources)
-[] Meet them in person and try a more aggressive approach.
--[] Write-in the approach (threatening, mysterious, fearful, etc)

Note: In case you manage to do a good justification of whatever approach you choose, this will garner you better results.
[X] No.

[X] Get into a conversation with Roberta, also trying to get information without being suspicious.

We're still being watched I'm sure.
Okay guys. Considering the lack of response this quest has gotten recently, I have decided to cancel it. However, if anyone has any questions about what were my plans for the quest, you can ask and I'll answer them.
Okay guys. Considering the lack of response this quest has gotten recently, I have decided to cancel it. However, if anyone has any questions about what were my plans for the quest, you can ask and I'll answer them.
Sorry about that. Not every quest goes as want them to be. Hope you fare better in the future.
Sorry. Was waiting for someone else to make an argument for a more proactive approach.

It was a bit more open-ended than I am used to.