Question, everybody?
How far should we induct people at our current position? Especially when 'warning bell' wise, it 'may' be wise not to grow
too curious on the fungus. More so since we might be dangerously close to catching a possible 'adversary' if we're not careful.
But that aside, depending on 'what' our possible research could gather... We could turn Robert Grey, into a 'helper', maybe. Same could be said for associates, but care must be taken, in
how we'd induct them, especially when that magical thing called 'madness' strikes.
And we may, or may not want to possibly trace our steps back under the reason/motive of; "may want to exercise a bit", "may want to think by logic, how to avoid being 'covered up' precautiously," and other things.
But to be more serious, we 'could' talk one slot for all, but it'd be better to target one slot per 'person'. With a plan under what aspect/angle we'd want to include them in our curiosities, or interests.
And if we're going to consider 'branching', better to get them curious in some minor different thing, that we might be able to 'cross-reference'. Or alternatively, inquire on possible contacts to be had in say; Japan? (If going by a 'head start' curiousity.)
And of course, though we may have an 'idea', we have little funds right now. That'd likely need to build up for a bit... Unless we can hasten
when that money builds up, through some scheme or such.
EDIT: There's one more thing we 'could' be doing, if going cheaply under our current connections/contacts. And that's either look for another 'possibly useful' contact (to step one. Possibly with a drink.)
To well, 'curry favor' with
Sgt. Mallow. Because if there's nothing else we can do, before making a gamble or guess. May as well cloak ourselves with at least a few more favors; ideally the sort that can interchange with respect and lack of 'interest' by law enforcement.
EDIT: To dodge double posting...
I'll throw some possible highlighted interests in mind here. That may garner clues to curry further favour, say.
Ones Employees
You take time and chat with your newest acquisition. Robert Gray, the undertakers name, is apparently the son of undertakers himself, and was trained extensively in the art of making a cadaver look 'presentable'. A bit ghoulish, but you suppose that no one liked sending their loved ones off looking ugly.
You listen to his woes for a time. They're rather standard: an ill wife, a son who doesn't respect him, etc. Of his many concerns, only one directly is of interest to you: He's interested in purchasing a facility to aid in cremations. He's of the opinion that it would greatly increase the ventures profits.
To be honest, it isn't a bad idea. Something to look into.
Gained idea: Crematoria.
If going cliche; if we have someone who could 'help' (by an assured nudge), the ill wife. Or figure out a social means to curry respect from his son. And other 'ests' (that can be glanced.) Then we'd have a happy helper.
But sadly, that'd be that short term. We'd probably need to have a bit more finance in savings, before we can throw more investment for more profit here.
The first letter sender is the esteemed Doctor Marvins, an expert in the field of the mind, who was currently in charge of one of Brickstons various asylums for the deranged. You learn that he is doing exceedingly well, and you start regularly corresponding with him on various topics. While you had never much been interested in human psychology, it WAS a fairly interesting topic to talk about.
In advance; he 'might' be able to garner some 'mystic' clues from the deranged. Though it'd be more of a rumour gambit on the bad end pile. And probably not something to be too careful of; 'least it be a fate we may share in time.
That aside, depending on how we handle things. We could easily long term, shaft some 'enemies' within an asylum, gain easy therapy on top. And possibly, even a bit of detective work under a 'logic/reason' angle.
Also, we might be able to learn a bit more from chatting with him. Even if it's just about various topics from mental to physical health. It may even indirectly prove a boon to his end, and on our understanding on all aspects human understanding.
The second is one Mr. Litwick. Another associate from back then, he was, last you remembered, studying the venerable field of history. Nowadays, he isn't doing particularly well: He happens to be dealing with some financial troubles, which is making difficult for him to pursue his profession: the study and collection of artifacts of ancient civilizations. Of course, he never says such explicitly, but its easy to infer from his letters.
So, short term. He's in a struggle to pay off his possible dept. If going under an action, 'may' be a good idea to give him an avenue for possible work, if going by Undertaker staffing. But it'd depend on if there's a 'spare helper' needed there.
Medium term, would probably want to figure out how to get his debt sorted out. Before we can start to benefit from his possible mutual interest in the occult. Depending on scale, we might even have a headstart in Japan, and other cultures to venture to. And he 'might' even hold a clue somewhere, on the tongue of the undead, if going a bit more 'off the cuff'.
The third and last is more than a bit surprising: Miss Annabelle. Or, rather, Doctor Annabelle. Doctress Anabelle? How does one refer to a female practitioner of the medical arts?
Regardless, she is doing rather well, making a decent fortune by providing discrete medical assistance to individuals who would rather not let their conditions be known publicly. A fortune she utilizes by funding various charitable causes and movements. You were honestly surprised to learn she had completed her medical degree at all: Brickston University was not a particularly progressive institution. You chalked it up to her parents being wealthy and influential enough to ensure the right hands were greased.
Gained three potential associations!
So, last associate could be pretty damn useful, if befriended right. And depending on aspect, may short term be 'helpful' for Robert Grey, if he has a wife that could benefit from her treatment (though at a possible cost to him, that could be tolerable?)
That, and also discreet, which could be pretty useful in keeping prying eyes peeling us. And a medical interest, that could easily go in sync with our apparent occult research.
Depending on aspects, she might also (at a nudge/push) be able to help out one of our associates short term. Though we'd probably need to term it in such a way that he'd be indebted to her, to help out on some other errands for awhile.
That, and she might also be a possible way to gather more clues on our friends end, on personal issues. When we have say; a family dispute we can't officially get involved in, as we stand right now.