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- Raleigh, NC
[X]: Maoist Rebels

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The CPUSA are old school Marxist-Leninists, they still cling to some American patriotism and seek to maintain a more orthodox viewCan you explain the political parties more simply
Also IT LIVES!!!!
MUG survives in the DSA, but is largely split between the party left and the Boston FactionI feel like going for
[]: The Communist Party of New York and Boston
is the best option, if only because my impression is that our urban areas are so utterly dominant compared to the countryside that a rural-led revolution would be quite unstable. The DSA are too reformist, of course, (rip MUG) and while I could be swayed to vote CPUSA, I'd immediately push for supremacy of the Soldiers' Soviets and Student Radicals over the party center.
I was promised downsides- The CPNYB can become overly focused on creating a new world, and start disregarding the lessons and experiences of the old as tainted by reaction
Well, Marx and Lenin are from the old world, and that is quite a lot of history and culture only stored in a few areas
Major issues for the CPNYB include the creation of a new culture untied to the world we came from, and the creation of a new communist theory suited to the world we find ourselves in.