Now It Ends-A Robert's Rebellion NG

Robert Baratheon is not a happy man.

His betrothed, his lovely Lyanna had been kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen.

The crown fucking prince.

He took his Lyanna, doing God's knows what to her.

And so he has called his banners and sent out letters to as many Lords as he could.

It seemed the Dragonspawn managed to get his hands on one of Roberts letters.

A trial by seven was his answer, for his 'fictitious revenge' in order to soothe Roberts wounded pride.

This made Robert even less happy.

'fictitious revenge'

As if Lyanna went with him willingly!

Oh how Robert was tempted to accept. The chance to get in front of that fucking cunt and plant his hammer firmly in his chest.

But no matter how consumed by fury he was Robert was not stupid.

The men Rhaegar would have taken with him were some of the best fighters in the seven kingdoms. He would have killed some of them before he fell.

But fall he would, if he accepted.

Without saving Lyanna, without killing Rhaegar.

So he sent back a counter offer.

One that would ensure no interruptions.

But raping bastard was too craven to face him one on one.

And Robert was too aware of how a trial by seven would end.

And so his revenge has been delayed, and the men still march.

But Robert Baratheon would have his revenge and his beloved Lyanna returned to him, safe and well.

Many more men would die before this could become a possibility again.

*As it becomes clear Robert chooses mass slaughter and violence over settling his childish desires the old-fashioned way, Rhaegar sees to it that one last letter reaches him in Storm's End*

Lyanna was never yours and she never wanted to be yours.

Well Lord Walder, no evil will come to your son Merett and his wife Darry, as to the other Darrys .... well after the war the Wall will need men and I'm sure that the current Lord Darry would be a great addition there, I can try to get your son to stay with the Darrys castle after the war if you want my Lord, but .... only if you accept my marriage proposal and join the war against the Mad King after the war ends and someone ... more suited to be seated on the Iron Throne, I will do my best to pass the castle of the Darrys to your son Merett, so that sounds like a good deal to you Lord Walder ?.
Hmm, interesting. I can offer my son Geremy.

Several ravens depart from Storms End.

Lord Connington

My grievance is not with you, and i do not wish to make one with you. So i ask that you strike your banners and bend the knee to me.

I don't want to have to kill fellow Stormlanders, not for when we can be killing Targaryens.

What say you, fellow Stormlander?
I will not betray my Prince or the Throne, prepare yourself.
From: Lord Mace Tyrell
To: Tywin Lannister @Darth Invictus

We know you had a, well to put it mildly, falling out with King Aerys. What is your opinion on the current situation?
House Lannister - 282 AC

Name: House Lanniste rof Casterly Rock
Titles: Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West
Seat: Casterly Rock
Lord: Tywin Lannister
Heir: To be determined

Family tree:
  • Tywin Lannister (b.242 AC), Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, married Joanna Lannister (d.273 AC)​
    • Cersei Lannister (b.266 AC), Light of the West, twin of Jaime
    • Jaime Lannister (b.266 AC), twin of Cersei
    • Tyrion Lannister (b.273 AC), Lord Tywins Bane
  • Kevan Lannister (b.244 AC), married Dorna Swyft)
    • Lancel Lannister (b.282 AC)
  • Genna Lannister (b.245 AC), married Emmon Frey
    • Cleos Frey
    • Lyonel Frey
    • Tion Frey
    • Walder Frey (Red Walder)
  • Tygett Lannister (.250 AC)
  • Gerion Lannister (b.255 AC)
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To Prince Rhaegar @Arryn
From: Balon Greyjoy
Well Well Dragon Prince. Apparently your 'abduction' of the Wolf Girl has caused her pack, the Falcon and the Stag to revolt against the Dragon. What would your father say?

Bah, like I care. The Kraken only cares to feed. So the question is, what can the dragon convince the kraken to come to the surface to feed on those who oppose the dragons?
To: Lord Mallister @Ceslas
From: Lord Hoster Tully

Lord Mallister, if it were possible I would like you to leave a well-prepared garrison at Seagard just in case, in wartime precaution is never too much.

To: Lord Paramount Jon Arryn @firepelt123
From: Lord Hoster Tully

Lord Arryn, it is my knowledge that you are looking for a new wife and considering our recent alliance in this war, I would like to offer my daughter Catelyn in marriage to you, would you accept this proposal Lord Arryn ?.
To: Lord Mallister @Ceslas
From: Lord Hoster Tully

Lord Mallister, if it were possible I would like you to leave a well-prepared garrison at Seagard just in case, in wartime precaution is never too much.

To: Lord Paramount Jon Arryn @firepelt123
From: Lord Hoster Tully

Lord Arryn, it is my knowledge that you are looking for a new wife and considering our recent alliance in this war, I would like to offer my daughter Catelyn in marriage to you, would you accept this proposal Lord Arryn ?.
Leave as many men as you want there.

(The Blackfish was seen crushing small iron items in his hands)
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From: Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West
To: All Westerland Houses @Ceslas

Call the banners, prepare to march
To Prince Rhaegar @Arryn
From: Balon Greyjoy
Well Well Dragon Prince. Apparently your 'abduction' of the Wolf Girl has caused her pack, the Falcon and the Stag to revolt against the Dragon. What would your father say?

Bah, like I care. The Kraken only cares to feed. So the question is, what can the dragon convince the kraken to come to the surface to feed on those who oppose the dragons?

OOC: Check your PMs
Having received no messages from the rebel lords aside from Lord Arryn's cryptic letter, Prince Rhaegar sends one last appeal to Riverrun, Winterfell, and the Eyrie before marching north with his forces. @EliudFS1 @King Saul @firepelt123

Stop this madness at once. Each of you have legitimate grievances that needs be addressed, but you will not get justice shedding the blood of your fellow countrymen. Lord Stark and Lord Tully, your banners are marching the wrong way. Every man we slay now will be one less man we can call up in the wars to come. Lord Arryn, I appreciate the response I have received from you, but you need to be more explicit in what you seek from me. I offer each of you a chance to meet me in honest discussion about the state of affairs in the realm. This is your last chance to settle this affair peacefully. If Stark, Arryn, or Tully banners threaten villages, towns, holdfasts, and lords under the protection of the Crown, I as Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, will be honor-bound to defend them.
Having received no messages from the rebel lords aside from Lord Arryn's cryptic letter, Prince Rhaegar sends one last appeal to Riverrun, Winterfell, and the Eyrie before marching north with his forces. @EliudFS1 @King Saul @firepelt123

Stop this madness at once. Each of you have legitimate grievances that needs be addressed, but you will not get justice shedding the blood of your fellow countrymen. Lord Stark and Lord Tully, your banners are marching the wrong way. Every man we slay now will be one less man we can call up in the wars to come. Lord Arryn, I appreciate the response I have received from you, but you need to be more explicit in what you seek from me. I offer each of you a chance to meet me in honest discussion about the state of affairs in the realm. This is your last chance to settle this affair peacefully. If Stark, Arryn, or Tully banners threaten villages, towns, holdfasts, and lords under the protection of the Crown, I as Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, will be honor-bound to defend them.
To: The 'Honorable' Prince Rheagar
From: Eddard Stark of Winterfell.

My Father and brother lie dead by the fire and blood of your father Aerys. My sister lies with you, you claim that she came willingly, yet she is a child and you are a grown man nine years her senior and a married man, and she a promised woman.

I am coming South to meet with you, me and over twenty thousand of my countrymen for peace or war, it matters not. We come for justice and honor. Be it achieved by sword or talk, it doesn't matter. I won't make the same mistake my father and brother did, for we Starks travel in packs.

The North Remembers, Prince Rheagar, and Winter is coming with us.
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To: The 'Honorable' Prince Rheagar
From: Eddard Stark of Winterfell.

My Father and brother lie dead by the fire and blood of your father Aerys. My sister lies with you, you claim that she came willingly, yet she is a child and you are a grown man nine years her senior and a married man, and she a promised woman.

I am coming South to meet with you, me and over twenty thousand of my countrymen for peace or war, it matters not. We come for justice and honor. Be it achieved by sword or talk, it doesn't matter. I won't make the same mistake my father and brother did, for we Starks travel in packs.

The North Remembers, Prince Rheagar, and Winter is coming with us.

I swear it by the Old Gods and New that you will have justice for your loss. All will be answered, if only you come in peace.

Lord Stark, I know you hold it in your power to convince Riverrun and the Eyrie to heed caution and not instigate a war. I ask you to exercise that power.
Having received no messages from the rebel lords aside from Lord Arryn's cryptic letter, Prince Rhaegar sends one last appeal to Riverrun, Winterfell, and the Eyrie before marching north with his forces. @EliudFS1 @King Saul @firepelt123

Stop this madness at once. Each of you have legitimate grievances that needs be addressed, but you will not get justice shedding the blood of your fellow countrymen. Lord Stark and Lord Tully, your banners are marching the wrong way. Every man we slay now will be one less man we can call up in the wars to come. Lord Arryn, I appreciate the response I have received from you, but you need to be more explicit in what you seek from me. I offer each of you a chance to meet me in honest discussion about the state of affairs in the realm. This is your last chance to settle this affair peacefully. If Stark, Arryn, or Tully banners threaten villages, towns, holdfasts, and lords under the protection of the Crown, I as Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, will be honor-bound to defend them.
Your grace must forgive me. Managing a war leaves little time for letters, and the Eyrie is far behind me now. As far as I'm concerned, such blood has already been shed, Stark and Arryn blood. Your grace, I despise being rude, but do you require me to spell out the deed? The Mad King must be brought down. Not by blood, for that is too quick, but so long as he desecrates the Iron Throne, any agreement your grace, and my fellow lords should reach would be most likely burned.
I would not have you be a kinslayer, or a kingslayer, and dungeons may be to risky, but should you manage to lock him in his chambers, or somehow keep him off the Iron Throne, then we may talk.

I admire you greatly, as a warrior and a leader. I hold trust in your honor, however much your follies have tainted it, but your father has none left. Bring this madness to end, and there will be no more blood and fire.
Raven sent to Pyke, addressed to He Who Sits the Seastone Chair @Deathwing

Lord Reaver of Pyke. I understand your duty toward your people and your traditions far outweigh the ridiculous concepts of duty and honor, that myself and my compatriots strive to uphold, to what end I question now. But, for all my small talk, you are a man of action, for the Kraken waits none for the Falcon.

Lord Quellon Greyjoy, I fear the Lions of Casterly Rock. Lord Hoster's men would be smashed if Tywin wished, Riverrun would be taken, and the Riverlands soon to follow. To fuel my fears further, Lord Tywin has called his banners, so I hear. So very quickly he must have chosen a side, and with no word raven from the Lannisters arriving to the Eyrie, I fear he has chosen the Mad King he once served.
I know you not, nor shall I pretend to, but if the Ironborn are still Ironborn, the iron price must still be paid. Yet, who has more gold than Lord Tywin? If you wish to enrich your people, the bounty of the West may be at your disposal. And while the Lion stalks Rivermen, the Kraken can grab his haunchs. We wish for survival, but you wish for war. So let us have both, Lord Reaver of Pyke.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Ravens dispatched to the Lords of the Crownlands @Ceslas

My lords, you most of all know the cruelty of the Mad King. We all watched in horror, as Duskendale burned. Your smallfolk cry for vengeance. Join us, rid the realm of he who would burn us for doing our duties, for holding our loyalties. Call your banners, and answer in justice with justice.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Raven sent to the Red Keep @Ceslas

Fire and blood, these are my words, and my tidings. My compliments to Lord Connington.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Raven to Sunspear @Ceslas

Much as the when the Northmen venture south meet ill fates, I do believe the Dornishmen will find ill luck pressing northward. Be rest assured, should Prince Rhaegar, or any of his family be captured, I shall do my utmost to ensure they do not come to harm, though the former may be difficult.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Raven sent to Highgarden @EmperorCasey

My lord, Mace, should the Mad King have burned your children alive, I am certain you would have done the same. I understand that love is the death of duty, even though this will spill blood. But the nature of this conflict shall be something to lament about, something told in stories, or songs for generations to come. So where shall the Tyrells smash first? Do they besiege Storm's End? Or are you going to leave that for the Dornishmen? Well then, after the war the Martells will claim the Marches, and, well my imagination shudders to think what could follow. I leave the south to you, my lord. I rue the day we meet in battle, for I shall most certainly lose.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East
To: Lord Mallister @Ceslas
From: Lord Hoster Tully

Lord Mallister, if it were possible I would like you to leave a well-prepared garrison at Seagard just in case, in wartime precaution is never too much.

To: Lord Paramount Jon Arryn @firepelt123
From: Lord Hoster Tully

Lord Arryn, it is my knowledge that you are looking for a new wife and considering our recent alliance in this war, I would like to offer my daughter Catelyn in marriage to you, would you accept this proposal Lord Arryn ?.
It will be my honor, though I am sorry to say there shan't be much time for ceremony. I shall depart for Riverrun within a fortnight.
Raven sent to Pyke, addressed to He Who Sits the Seastone Chair @Deathwing

Lord Reaver of Pyke. I understand your duty toward your people and your traditions far outweigh the ridiculous concepts of duty and honor, that myself and my compatriots strive to uphold, to what end I question now. But, for all my small talk, you are a man of action, for the Kraken waits none for the Falcon.

Lord Quellon Greyjoy, I fear the Lions of Casterly Rock. Lord Hoster's men would be smashed if Tywin wished, Riverrun would be taken, and the Riverlands soon to follow. To fuel my fears further, Lord Tywin has called his banners, so I hear. So very quickly he must have chosen a side, and with no word raven from the Lannisters arriving to the Eyrie, I fear he has chosen the Mad King he once served.
I know you not, nor shall I pretend to, but if the Ironborn are still Ironborn, the iron price must still be paid. Yet, who has more gold than Lord Tywin? If you wish to enrich your people, the bounty of the West may be at your disposal. And while the Lion stalks Rivermen, the Kraken can grab his haunchs. We wish for survival, but you wish for war. So let us have both, Lord Reaver of Pyke.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Ravens dispatched to the Lords of the Crownlands @Ceslas

My lords, you most of all know the cruelty of the Mad King. We all watched in horror, as Duskendale burned. Your smallfolk cry for vengeance. Join us, rid the realm of he who would burn us for doing our duties, for holding our loyalties. Call your banners, and answer in justice with justice.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Raven sent to the Red Keep @Ceslas

Fire and blood, these are my words, and my tidings. My compliments to Lord Connington.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Raven to Sunspear @Ceslas

Much as the when the Northmen venture south meet ill fates, I do believe the Dornishmen will find ill luck pressing northward. Be rest assured, should Prince Rhaegar, or any of his family be captured, I shall do my utmost to ensure they do not come to harm, though the former may be difficult.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

Raven sent to Highgarden @EmperorCasey

My lord, Mace, should the Mad King have burned your children alive, I am certain you would have done the same. I understand that love is the death of duty, even though this will spill blood. But the nature of this conflict shall be something to lament about, something told in stories, or songs for generations to come. So where shall the Tyrells smash first? Do they besiege Storm's End? Or are you going to leave that for the Dornishmen? Well then, after the war the Martells will claim the Marches, and, well my imagination shudders to think what could follow. I leave the south to you, my lord. I rue the day we meet in battle, for I shall most certainly lose.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

It will be my honor, though I am sorry to say there shan't be much time for ceremony. I shall depart for Riverrun within a fortnight.
Crownlands: (No Response)
Red Keep: Do not mock me, traitor. Your old bones will feed the pyre as well as any.
Your threats are not amusing though we do thank you for your assurances.
Raven sent to Highgarden @EmperorCasey

My lord, Mace, should the Mad King have burned your children alive, I am certain you would have done the same. I understand that love is the death of duty, even though this will spill blood. But the nature of this conflict shall be something to lament about, something told in stories, or songs for generations to come. So where shall the Tyrells smash first? Do they besiege Storm's End? Or are you going to leave that for the Dornishmen? Well then, after the war the Martells will claim the Marches, and, well my imagination shudders to think what could follow. I leave the south to you, my lord. I rue the day we meet in battle, for I shall most certainly lose.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East

It will be my honor, though I am sorry to say there shan't be much time for ceremony. I shall depart for Riverrun within a fortnight.

From: Lord Mace Tyrell

I am well aware of the feelings I would have if the situation was reversed. However we want to avoid war and death. It is not with a gleeful or eager heart that House Tyrell commits itself to conflict but we swore loyalty to House Targaryen. The Mad King is a situation that can be solved with careful action. A war will only escalate matters and with that iron-headed Robert leading the charge we fear how far he may take it.

I pray that your forces stay their hand and wait rather than march into the field. We do not wish to spill the blood of House Arryn or that of her bannermen. Let us show you that we hope to change this kingdom for the better. Prince Rhaegar wants to avoid this war as much as possible. At least meet with him to discuss the issue in person rather than at the end of a quill or a sword. House Tyrell will not push House Aryn to a position it can not stand on but at least meet with us to discuss the situation before blood is spilled.
Raven sent to Pyke, addressed to He Who Sits the Seastone Chair @Deathwing

Lord Reaver of Pyke. I understand your duty toward your people and your traditions far outweigh the ridiculous concepts of duty and honor, that myself and my compatriots strive to uphold, to what end I question now. But, for all my small talk, you are a man of action, for the Kraken waits none for the Falcon.

Lord Quellon Greyjoy, I fear the Lions of Casterly Rock. Lord Hoster's men would be smashed if Tywin wished, Riverrun would be taken, and the Riverlands soon to follow. To fuel my fears further, Lord Tywin has called his banners, so I hear. So very quickly he must have chosen a side, and with no word raven from the Lannisters arriving to the Eyrie, I fear he has chosen the Mad King he once served.
I know you not, nor shall I pretend to, but if the Ironborn are still Ironborn, the iron price must still be paid. Yet, who has more gold than Lord Tywin? If you wish to enrich your people, the bounty of the West may be at your disposal. And while the Lion stalks Rivermen, the Kraken can grab his haunchs. We wish for survival, but you wish for war. So let us have both, Lord Reaver of Pyke.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyrie, and Warden of the East
The number you have called is not available. Please try another number or house. Are you certain you are not calling the Tully's? They share with the Greyjoys aquatic house symbols after all.
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Running Stags
The first three months of the rebellion features intensive maneuvers by both the Royalists and the Rebels as they tried to position themselves for the coming conflict. Lord Robert Baratheon would strike the first blow as he fell upon the supporters of Jon Connington with the northern half of the Stormlands levy. Separated and slow to assemble it was easy to quickly disperse them with a short series of battles leaving Connington fleeing west with 1,000 men.

Crownlands: -2000 Foot
Stormlands: -500 Foot

Having secured the loyalty of his lords Robert left his brother Stannis in command of half of the Stormlands levy to repel what was seen as an inevitable Dornish assault by raiding and harrying the Dornish forces while he would cut through the Reach towards the Riverlands. His men crossed into the Reach via Summerhall and reached the town of Grassy Vale. In order to punish the Reach for siding with the Dragons Robert ordered the town sacked and for the next few days destruction would reign as the town burned. News of this would eventually spread across the Reach and unite the Reachmen in the Crown's cause. But for now Robert took his men west towards Bitterbridge. Lord Randyll Tarly, who had been tasked with preparing a force to invade the Northern Stormlands received word of the advance to moved his men to intercept, using tales of Grassy Vale to rile his men into a killing frenzy and marching them quickly to catch Robert before he crossed the Mander.

The two forces would meet east of the Mander. Tarly outnumbered the Stormlanders even though some of the levies of the south had not yet arrived. However the Stormlanders were known to be ferocious adversaries and Tarly knew he could not afford to be overconfident. His caution would prove to be well-founded as Robert displayed an impressive degree of skill as a battlefield commander, able to use his men to expertly weaken the charges of the Reachmen and under a weak commander the Reachmen would have lost. However, Tarly was not weak and that day would show he was more than equal to the challenge posed by the Rebellion.

Battle of Bitterbridge:
14,000 Reach Foot
1,000 Crownlands Foot
7,000 Reach Horse
2,000 Stormlands Horse
10,000 Stormlands Foot

Royalist Victory

-4,500 Reach Foot
-1,500 Reach Horse
-200 Crownlands Foot
-900 Stormlands Horse
-4,000 Stormlands Foot

The flat plains allowed Tarly's cavalry to hit the rebels with devastating effect time after time and ultimately Robert would have no choice but to retreat after night finally came. He had his men scatter to make the Reahcmen conclude the army had been dissolved when it was merely to reform further tot he northwest where it would slip towards Stoney Sept. Tarly would wait for his remaining forces and march on Storm's End.

Meanwhile Stannis, like his brother, displayed a great deal of talent as a commander. He drilled his men well, maintained strict discipline and was able to meet the Martell host as it entered in the Marches. Unfortunately there was a mismatch between the tactics commander and the commander. Stannis was a man who favored clear rules and a set piece battle use his men to the fullest. Harrying and harassing an enemy was too improvisational for his organized mindset. With more experience he could have coped but this was his first command and Stannis refused to deviate from the orders he had been given. And he was fighting the Dornish, a people that had written the book on raiding their enemies. Prince Oberyn Martell did not have Stannis's natural talents for organization but maneuvering and raiding fit him like a glove. As a result he was able to strike from directions Stannis did not foresee and gradually drove him out of the Marches finally managing to attack his main force near Grandview.

March Campaign/Battle of Grandview:
6,000 Dornish Horse
14,000 Dornish Foot
2,000 Stormlander Horse
9,500 Stormlander Foot

Royalist Victory

-1,300 Dornish Horse
-4,700 Dornish Foot
-1,400 Stormlands Horse
-6,200 Stormlands Foot

Stannis was able to retreat with the remaining forces towards Storm's End, which would soon be under siege by the Dornish and the Reachmen. In the south, the Royalist cause was secure and rumors circulated that Prince Rhaegar had been spotted at various points in the south speaking to various and sundry people...

Trout against Dragon
However, the Stormlands was a side theater to the main focus of the war: the Riverlands. The Royalists would strike first at the lords of the Southern Riverlands as small forces of Reachmen, loyalist Rivermen, and Cronwlanders sought to keep their levies from rallying to the rebellion. This would be of limited use but it did slightly reduce the forces Lord Tully had at his disposal.

Riverlands: -3000 Foot
Reach: -400 Horse
Crownlands: -1,000 Foot

The first major engagement would take place in the east as Ser Brynden Tully, the notorious Blackfish, led small force to bring the Darrys and Mootons back into line. To he dismay he would find that some of the Crownlands levy had reinforced their positions and the Blackfish decided to attack before more could arrive.

Battle of Darry:
4,000 Riverlands Horse
4,000 Riverlands Foot
3,000 Crownlands Horse
6,000 Crownlands Foot


-700 Riverlands Horse
-1,100 Riverlands Foot
-800 Crownlands Horse
-600 Crownlands Foot

Ultimately, the Blackfish could not land a decisive blow and was forced to withdraw as more Crownlanders arrived along with Mace Tyrell leading a massive host of knights.

At the same time, Lord Hoster Tully decided to move his forces to secure the town of Stoney Sept which had been occupied by a small force under Ser Baelor Hightower as more men arrived from the south. At the sight of over 20,000 men marching against them the Reachmen decided retreat was necessary and the only cause for debate was over whether the Reachmen should raid the Tullys so they could retire with honor. Ultimately, Ser Baelor decided retreat was best, remembering he had endured disgrace before due to a faux pas with the Martells and decided he could it again even on a larger scale in exchange for preserving the army. The army would move east towards the reserves on the Gold Road, a fact that would have interesting implications later on in the campaign. Hoster had secured the southwestern Riverlands and there was no threat to him, especially after he received Robert's remnants but to the bafflement of later observers he did not capitalize on this victory and instead kept his men in Stoney Sept. Considering later events some would wonder if he was trying to hedge his bets in case of a Royalist victory.

What this meant was that when Lord Arryn arrived with the full glory of the Valemen he only had Brynden's remaining forces to assist. A wiser man might have delayed and Lord Arryn was typically a wiser man but the death of his heir and nephew had made him uncharacteristically aggressive and so his men crossed the Trident towards the waiting Crownlands-Reachmen force. Lord Tyrell drew up his cavalry and looked forward to the largest cavalry battle in centuries.

Battle of the Crossroads:
15,000 Reachmen Horse
5,000 Reachmen Foot
2,200 Crownlands Horse
13,400 Crownlands Foot
3,300 Riverlands Horse
2,900 Riverlands Foot
10,000 Vale Horse
14,000 Vale Foot

Royalist Victory

-4,800 Reachmen Horse
-2,400 Reachmen Foot
-700 Crownlands Horse
-4,500 Crownlands Foot
-1,000 Riverlands Horse
-4,200 Vale Horse
-5,600 Vale Foot

Lord Arryn's aggressiveness would prove his undoing. His insistence on fighting Mace Tyrell allowed the Royalists to dictate the place of the engagement giving the Reachmen the opportunity to employ their knights in the one area they were superior to their Vale counterparts: charging on an open plain. In the chaos of the mounted melee Ser Denys Arryn, Lord Arryn's heir after Ser Elbert Arryn, fell amidst the lances of the Reachmen and it was the Blackfish that ultimately called the retreat as Lord Arryn realized the mistake he had made.

Raids on the Waves
While the war was primarily fought on land there were some small naval conflicts. The Royal Navy transported 2,000 men to the Three Sisters and seized them for the Crown. This move was an odd one but it did have the effect of unnerving the Northern lords in the east as they feared a Royalist road on White Harbor. As this occurred the Ironborn launched limited raids on rebels on the behalf of the Crown. 5,000 Reavers would terrorize the northern Riverlands while Euron Greyjoy would attack Bear Island, only to be forced to flee due to his limited force of 500 reavers. The Northern raid had little effect but the Ironborn attacks on the Riverlands had the effect of securing the commitment of the Freys as well as the other Riverlords to the rebellion.

One final event bears noting: 5,000 sellswords landed at Dragonstone according to a contract signed on behalf of Prince Rhaegar.

And Who Are You...

The last events of the first three months of the war would concern the actions of House Lannister. Tywin called his banners at the start of the fighting but did not publicly declare himself one way or another. His men then appeared on the Gold Road bearing Targaryen banners and announcing to anyone who asked that he was going to King's Landing to aid his friend. However on the road he would meet a Targaryen messenger, commanding him to send his men to attack the Rivermen at Stoney Sept. Tywin ordered the Garrison force he left back in the Westerlands to do the task and continued the advance.

Later, upon meeting the Reach's reserves on the Gold Road, he met another messenger who repeated the command. Tywin, with visible exasperation, ordered the Reach forces to attack Stoney Sept while he would accompany them with a small force. Upon meeting Kevan's forces Lord Tywin complained of a stomach ache and secluded himself in his tent, suffering from what his maester called a case of the flux. However, Tygett's forces, comprising of the bulk of the Westerlands levy, split off from the Stoney Sept force, is now advancing on King's Landing, expected to arrive within the next month.

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*Ravens are sent forth to all corners of the realm with the following message*

As heir to the Iron Throne, I do hereby declare Robert of the House Baratheon an outlaw for his part in ordering the sack of the town of Grassy Vale.

The Crown ensures the protection of all villages, cities, and towns of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as all persons and their properties across the realm. Robert's cruel and callous disregard for the long-standing principle of the King's Peace has brought dishonor upon himself and his noble House. His life is forfeit. The man responsible for bringing him to justice will be rewarded as a hero of the Crown deserves.

Rhaegar Targaryen
Prince of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne
A letter is dispatched to Tywin's camp in the Riverlands as well as to Kevan's forces moving into the Crownlands. @Darth Invictus

Lord Tywin Lannister,

Words cannot express my gratitude to your decision to support the Crown in such perilous times. I assure you, this shall not be forgotten. The Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts.

Come, I invite you to join my host. Let us meet in person so that we may discuss what steps needs be taken next to ensure a quick and preferably bloodless conclusion to what has already become an all-too tragic affair.

-Prince Rhaegar

*Word is sent to Targaryen forces across the Crownlands and Riverlands to treat the Lannisters as allies.*
I've got a lot of messages to send. Here's the first batch.




I ask you send your Hand of the King into the field to actually command his armies in your name. If Lord Merryweather refuses, then I beg you appoint a man who is not afraid to pursue the rebels personally. Name me Hand if you wish, or Jon Connington, or Lord Tyrell, Tarly, or Ser Baelor Hightower....all good men who have served the Crown well these past few months. If you reject all of my suggestions, then at least demand Lord Owen pack his bags, don his sword, and actually carry a host out into the field to join with your other loyal vassals in putting an end to this war.

This conflict can only come to a successful conclusion if we take the fight to them.


Lord Varys,

Your little birds know quite a lot. Perhaps you'd be willing to share some of that information with the man working to save the Royal Family from collapsing into the dustbin of history? You oft like to claim you serve the realm. I ask you do just that and give me honest and wise counsel...just as you have my father (even to the point of my own detriment in the past). We have often not seen eye to eye, but our interests align now more than ever. I wish to see an end to this destructive conflict as soon as possible. Your abilities as Master of Whispers can ensure that the realm returns to peace sooner rather than later.


Your Holiness,

Robert Baratheon sacked and burned a town filled with the most devout followers of the Seven. He wages war against the very family that has sworn since the days of the Councilor to uphold the Faith and serve as its stalwart champion and defender. I ask you denounce the rebel Robert Baratheon for his attacks on innocent men and women, and pledge to the faithful men and women of this realm that he will be called to account for his crimes by the good Father above.



Meet me in the Crownlands. Robert has escaped our best efforts to contain him in the Stormlands. Your presence there is futile at this point. Tarly and the Dornish are more than capable of keeping watch over a stationary target and making sure it does not move for the rest of this war. Storm's End is not the prize in all of this. Robert is. I need you here, by my side, to finally put an end to the nonsense.

Your loyal friend,


@Darth Invictus
Ser Jamie,

I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am debating returning to the capital to raise more men for the coming campaign in the Riverlands. I would take you with me but father would almost certainly object. While I remain away, protect my wife and children with your life if necessary. If anything happens to me, I am counting on you to ensure their safety.
I've got a lot of messages to send. Here's the first batch.




I ask you send your Hand of the King into the field to actually command his armies in your name. If Lord Merryweather refuses, then I beg you appoint a man who is not afraid to pursue the rebels personally. Name me Hand if you wish, or Jon Connington, or Lord Tyrell, Tarly, or Ser Baelor Hightower....all good men who have served the Crown well these past few months. If you reject all of my suggestions, then at least demand Lord Owen pack his bags, don his sword, and actually carry a host out into the field to join with your other loyal vassals in putting an end to this war.

This conflict can only come to a successful conclusion if we take the fight to them.


Lord Varys,

Your little birds know quite a lot. Perhaps you'd be willing to share some of that information with the man working to save the Royal Family from collapsing into the dustbin of history? You oft like to claim you serve the realm. I ask you do just that and give me honest and wise counsel...just as you have my father (even to the point of my own detriment in the past). We have often not seen eye to eye, but our interests align now more than ever. I wish to see an end to this destructive conflict as soon as possible. Your abilities as Master of Whispers can ensure that the realm returns to peace sooner rather than later.


Your Holiness,

Robert Baratheon sacked and burned a town filled with the most devout followers of the Seven. He wages war against the very family that has sworn since the days of the Councilor to uphold the Faith and serve as its stalwart champion and defender. I ask you denounce the rebel Robert Baratheon for his attacks on innocent men and women, and pledge to the faithful men and women of this realm that he will be called to account for his crimes by the good Father above.



Meet me in the Crownlands. Robert has escaped our best efforts to contain him in the Stormlands. Your presence there is futile at this point. Tarly and the Dornish are more than capable of keeping watch over a stationary target and making sure it does not move for the rest of this war. Storm's End is not the prize in all of this. Robert is. I need you here, by my side, to finally put an end to the nonsense.

Your loyal friend,


@Darth Invictus
Ser Jamie,

I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am debating returning to the capital to raise more men for the coming campaign in the Riverlands. I would take you with me but father would almost certainly object. While I remain away, protect my wife and children with your life if necessary. If anything happens to me, I am counting on you to ensure their safety.
An Hand is not required to command my armies especially when my current commanders are doing so well. Merryweather will stay right where he is.
You have said much while saying little My Prince. What precisely do you need?
(A decree is issued with limited effect. Many rebels simply believe Aerys coerced it.)
As you command, My Prince.