I thought you were dead. Where is the she-wolf?A letter is sent to King's Landing signed by Prince Rhaegar
CC: @Ceslas
I have just received news of the events transpiring in the northern part of Westeros and in the Stormlands. I am making with all due haste to put an end to this uprising as swiftly as any man can.
I humbly advise you and your council to strip Lord Stark and Lord Arryn of their titles as Warden of the North and Warden of the East and grant them to lords loyal to the Crown.
The man who holds these titles will have a far easier time consolidating the forces of our loyal vassals in the Riverlands and in the east, and it serves us little good to have the offices filled by men who are currently engaged in open rebellion. My humble suggestion would be to offer the title of Warden of the North either to Lord Frey or Lord Darry.
The office of Warden of the East could be offered to Lord Connington, who is currently marshaling our forces in the Stormlands as I write this letter. His appointment would potentially make it easier for him to consolidate our forces against Robert in his own Kingdom.
As always, I stand ready to serve our noble and ancient House. The Dragon has survived for nigh 300 years. It shall not perish to a band of rebels.
Your humble servant and loving son,
Rhaegar Targaryen
He was and you were gone for a disturbingly long period of time with your new mistress. I wondered if your horse might have thrown you or you had suffered some other accident.You thought I was dead? Then pray tell, why did you order Lord Stark's execution? I heard it was for threatening my life, no?
Lyanna Stark is with me, though she had to be left behind so I can travel north to deal with the rebellion.
He was and you were gone for a disturbingly long period of time with your new mistress. I wondered if your horse might have thrown you or you had suffered some other accident.
OOC: Read, he really wished that had happened.
(You feel the scorn of the Blackfish as you send off the letter)House Tully-282 AC
Name: House Tully of Riverrun
Head of House: Lord Hoster Tully
Religion: The Faith of the Seven
Seat: Riverrun
Words: Family,Duty,Honor.
Family Three:
.Lord Hoster Tully (b.235 AC),
.Ser Bryden Tully (b.240 AC),
.Catelyn Tully (b.264 AC),
.Lysa Tully (b.266 AC),
.Edmure Tully (b.273 AC)
To: Lord Walder Frey @Ceslas
From: Lord Hoster Tully
Lord Walder, I write proposing a marriage alliance between our Houses, my daughter Lysa for one of your sons, you may even choose which of your sons she will marry, if you accept all that I ask in return, it is the support of your men to help in the war against the Mad King and his loyalist, what do you tell me about this Lord Walder ?
OOC: Aerys has hated Rhaegar ever since a witch prophesied if he had a son with Rhaella then he would with either be or be the forebear of the Prince that Was Promised. So he would maintain he hates Rhaegar more, having hated him before he was born.Thank the Seven, I am not. She is not my mistress either father. Elia can tell you all about what happened. She knew she could have no more children and as you know from my correspondence with Maester Aemon, the Dragon must have three heads.
I make for King's Landing. I've sent ravens of my own calling our banners but I trust the Lords of the Crownlands are mustering their forces?
OOC: At this point, Rhaegar hates his father about as much as he does him, so the feeling is mutual. This would be a lot easier if Aerys slipped on the Iron Throne.
(You feel the scorn of the Blackfish as you send off the letter)
Tempting, tempting, but as I recall I just married my son Merett to Mariya Darry. What is to become of them?
OOC: Aerys has hated Rhaegar ever since a witch prophesied if he had a son with Rhaella then he would with either be or be the forebear of the Prince that Was Promised. So he would maintain he hates Rhaegar more, having hated him before he was born.
IC: My lords obey my call to arms.
(You feel the scorn of the Blackfish as you send off the letter)
Tempting, tempting, but as I recall I just married my son Merett to Mariya Darry. What is to become of them?
From: Rhaegar Targaryen
To:Robert Baratheon
I can tell you're not a fan...and I can't blame you. If those accusations were true, I'd hate myself just as much as you do.
But they aren't. I won't bother with a lengthy letter filled with explanations that you'll just ignore but suffice to say, nothing that you've said it true...aside from the tragic fate which befell Lord Stark and his son, which was not of my doing whatsoever. I know nothing I can say will sooth your wounded pride so I offer you your chance to seek the fictitious revenge you yearn so much for. If you want to settle this personally, I offer you a Trial by Seven, as in the days of old.
Me and my Kingsguard (minus a man), verses you and six other men of your choosing who are willing to stand by you. The location can be a neutral ground acceptable to both parties, with as many Maesters and Septons as either side needs to oversee the affair.
I do not want to face your cronies Rhaegar I want to fight you.
Rhaegar Targaryen I challenge you to a trial by combat. No pretty white cloaks for you to hide behind and no other men to kill you before me.
If you aren't too craven to accept this, then we shall meet at Harrenhal.
You heard my terms. Will your men fight for you and your commanders if they hear you weren't willing to fight for them?
I have no quarrel with you and yet I'm giving you an opportunity to settle whatever imaginary score you have with me. Take it or leave it.
A Raven is sent to wherever Rhaegar was last known, with the falcon of the Arryns stamped upon it.From: Rhaegar Targaryen
To: Lords Stark, Arryn, and Tully
As you all know, I have been away from court for some time. In that time, it appears all of Westeros has gone to Seven Hells.
If you proceed with calling your banners, I promise you it will be slaughter for everyone, slaughter for tens of thousands of good men, women, and children. I beg of each of you in the name of all that is right and decent, call off your banners. No more innocent people have to die.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built. There is much that is left unsaid and much that must be discussed for the present and the generation which will follow us. Let our words do the talking, not our swords.
OOC: I can't allow myself to not at least try to solve this diplomatically.
A Raven is sent to King's Landing, with the falcon of the Arryns stamped upon it.
Your grace, you overestimate. Not all of Westeros, not even half, has gone to Seven Hells, only one man, who I pray to the Seven hasn't burned this letter before it reaches your hands. You know who.
I share none of Lord Baratheon's hatred towards you, but having known him personally, Robert shares little blame in this matter. We have laws, and rules, and the last time one tried to defy the laws of gods and men, dragons danced. He may never forgive you for what you have done, but that does not mean the rest of Westeros lacks in forgiveness.
However, while the lords of Westeros may forgive you, Prince, your father remains the keep issue. While my heart goes out to Ned and Robert, who have lost a sister and a wife to your actions, I had my grandsire burned alive, at your father's behest, while Ned lost his own father, and his brother. Now if you expect me to ignore the murder of my family by blood, and my family by life, your grace is perhaps as foolish as the Mad King, who does not deserve the dignity of a name.
I hold you as the cause for the pain of my family, but the Seven made Humans weak for a reason, the Septans would have me believe. I may not be pious, but my time with Ned and Robert has clearly shown me that youth can make mistakes, and while this is grievous, and deserves punishment, setting afire half of Westeros is not my desire. The Mad King is old enough to show restrain, yet him of all people has committed terrors I, and no doubt yourself, tremble to read about.
So your grace, let there not be war. There are codes against a son ousting his father, that is true, but if you truly believe the Mad King is the father that reared you, then perhaps we must lock you up as well, before our sons come for justice, and receive only fire.
Prince Rhaegar, the blood spilt already is solely on your hands. Don't let your mistakes ruin the realm.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyre, and Warden of the East
OOC: EditedOOC: I presume this wasn't sent to King's Landing...otherwise Jon's just fucked us all. Rhaegar isn't there, but Varys and Aerys are...
A Raven is sent to wherever Rhaegar was last known, with the falcon of the Arryns stamped upon it.
Your grace, you overestimate. Not all of Westeros, not even half, has gone to Seven Hells, only one man, who I pray to the Seven hasn't burned this letter before it reaches your hands. You know who.
I share none of Lord Baratheon's hatred towards you, but having known him personally, Robert shares little blame in this matter. We have laws, and rules, and the last time one tried to defy the laws of gods and men, dragons danced. He may never forgive you for what you have done, but that does not mean the rest of Westeros lacks in forgiveness.
However, while the lords of Westeros may forgive you, Prince, your father remains the keep issue. While my heart goes out to Ned and Robert, who have lost a sister and a wife to your actions, I had my grandsire burned alive, at your father's behest, while Ned lost his own father, and his brother. Now if you expect me to ignore the murder of my family by blood, and my family by life, your grace is perhaps as foolish as the Mad King, who does not deserve the dignity of a name.
I hold you as the cause for the pain of my family, but the Seven made Humans weak for a reason, the Septans would have me believe. I may not be pious, but my time with Ned and Robert has clearly shown me that youth can make mistakes, and while this is grievous, and deserves punishment, setting afire half of Westeros is not my desire. The Mad King is old enough to show restrain, yet him of all people has committed terrors I, and no doubt yourself, tremble to read about.
So your grace, let there not be war. There are codes against a son ousting his father, that is true, but if you truly believe the Mad King is the father that reared you, then perhaps we must lock you up as well, before our sons come for justice, and receive only fire.
Prince Rhaegar, the blood spilt already is solely on your hands. Don't let your mistakes ruin the realm.
-Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Lord of the Eyre, and Warden of the East