Razor hats like from Mortal Kombat
Also hats with guns
EDIT: Oh yeah my vote!
>She looks very tall and very nervous. Hey, that face - is this Drone wearing a poncho?
>H Company
Lucy decides to ignore reasonable long term suggestions to get a tv.
I am personally miffed. Based Lucy. >She looks very tall and very nervous. Hey, that face - is this Drone wearing a poncho?
For our sponsorships, I want to do some analysis of the companies first.
E is related to the murder channel probably, what with it being the "New Hollywood" and... No I don't have to explain this, it's pretty obvious. Anyways, I don't really want to send 80% of our employees into the ring against each other.
I don't like H company, simple as. Guy sounds like a right arse.
M and R company are bloody interesting though. Especially considering their relationship with each other. I'm guessing that M company dictates some sort of biological singularity, (if those are applicable to this setting) and R a mechanical one. Their titles are opposed but... One must remember that the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. Is their relationship more complicated than mere animosity derived from incompatible existences? There is no way of knowing.
As to their offers towards us. Well, I originally had this whole paragraph written up about their demeaner towards us in their sponsorship offers, but, every company has a public face. We'll only know how honest it is once we meet them in person in a sense.
M corps offer is better though, however I am a bit concerned about how ambiguous it is. Excess inventory could be anything from rotten food to The Creature. Do kind of want to see what M corp is about first hand though. >M Company
Bit of a shame about the R corp sponsorship though, "EDICTS IN IRON FOR THE CHILDREN OF MAN" is quite fitting, considering how METAL that line is. And I like how straight forward they seem to be, but, public faces and all...
>Is their relationship more complicated than mere animosity derived from incompatible existences? There is no way of knowing.
Well, you could take both sponsorships and see whether or not they kill each other on sight... Hehe.
(Your analyses sustain me and your attention to detail will get you far. Keep it up.)
My pea brain can't comprehend what's going on, please help
Razor hats like from Mortal Kombat
Also hats with guns
EDIT: Oh yeah my vote!
>She looks very tall and very nervous. Hey, that face - is this Drone wearing a poncho?
>H Company
Currently, we're choosing sponsorships and you've got that properly understood with a valid vote. Try rereading and writing down notes on what you understand and what you don't - people sometimes remember and comprehend more than they think they do. vib ponder.png
There's also hat in time hats so who knows what effects and tricks they have
There's also doris, from 'meet the robinsons' so something to be wary of
>M, H Sponsorships
You fill out the appropriate forms and feel incredibly satisfied by the work you are about to do. There's a hiss of air and a pleasant whistling as the paperwork canister shoots towards its destination. All across the City, there must be hundreds of thousands of miles of pipework coiling through ancient tunnels which no one ever thinks about, worlds unknown just underfoot. You feel good, being one of millions drinking from the flow of the veins of the earth and giving back, surrendering your most important packages, baring open your...
Oh, hm. You decide to check up on the new arrivals from the mail order catalogs. Fluids rush into your systems as you realize that THE TV IS HERE! You switch on the camera console systems and are immediately greeted by the cruel, villainous barrier of [AUDIO ONLY], preventing you from seeing what you want to see.
Apart from your newfound presence, there's not much else that's changed overnight. Ed's sleeping on the floor with a little mat, Chardy's working on something, Daisy has bandages over her head, and everyone else is at the lone table. There's a black spot where the corpse used to be, making you feel just a bit safer than yesterday.
"HELLO." Your synthesized voice somehow emits from the avatar, projected from the camera like a weird ventriloquist act. You can now see everyone "in person" and "eye to eye" through the remote camera capabilities of the M.E.P. It's an interesting first person perspective, but still has the level of disconnect of looking through the cameras or piloting your cousin's RC car. "CAN YOU PLEASE TURN THE TV ON THANK YOU."
"We're trying to figure this out, Miss Lucy..." Chardy explains, looking at the pipework above and across from him. He's carefully balancing on the stepladder, prying the ceiling tiles using the crowbar. "Without frying ourselves, in the very least."
"DAMN!!!" Everyone gives you weird looks, even - hey, who's this?
"Are you the Administrator?" The very tall Drone is EVEN TALLER than you thought she was. SHE'S SEVEN FEET TALL OR SOMETHING! ಠ_ಠ She has long hair, white like all other ordinary City slickers, her wide-eyed stare is rather dull and vacant, and her voice is rather soft, almost if she hadn't spoke to anyone in a long time. She certainly fits in with the standard appearances set by M Company.
"NO, I'M LUCY." It occurs to you that this is your new secretary. "YOU MUST BE NEW HERE. WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"
"Number 202095, ma'am." She looks at your eye directly as she intones out the numbers with familiarity. That, uh, Red Tie lady - Employee B raises an eyebrow.
"THAT CAN'T BE YOUR NAME." The Drone turns around. There's a barcode at the nape of her neck and she points to it. Upon further inspection, the serial number does indeed read out "202095."
"Why don't you give her a name yourself?" Daisy offers (surprisingly). The Drone nods. That's - that's a pretty good idea, actually. You're glad you thought of it.
"HOW ABOUT I GIVE YOU A NAME MYSELF?" You think for a moment, grab at the first one - oh that's a good name - then blurt out, "FRANK! YES! THAT'S WHAT I'LL CALL YOU NOW." Everyone, including Frank, breathes out long sighs of deep disappointment around the table. Huh? They huddle together for a moment so you p-
"Hello, Admin. My name is Frank." The secretary fiddles with her poncho for a moment. She raises a hand and, not finding anything to shake, lowers it. "How do you do?"
"... EXCELLENT. WE SHOULD DISCUSS AFFAIRS OF THE FACILITY IN MY OFFICE, FRANK. SEE YOU LATER!" You turn off the M.E.P and chuckle in blue-lit darkness of the control room.
... you really do hope she likes the present. The present of a name...
Hey, who the hell is that on the cameras now? This harried looking fellow waltzes into the break room you've just exited. He looks like an Agent in his snappy suit and really cheap black tie, but what's with the mask and bunny ears?
[THE ELECTRIC EYE] Hey, that tie isn't P Company standard either. Not the right blend of fabrics or the surplus value tag. A receipt at the local dollar store in his pocket. Who the fuck is this? O-o
"What!" The Acquisition Agent(?) points at the small black cube he puts on the table. "What do you mean there's only TWO containment cells in the facility?"
"It's pretty obvious," Aleth mutters. "Are we going to have to move out or?"
"Christ, it's too early to deal with this." Daisy rubs the side of her head, in mild pain.
"Bong. Bong bong bong?" Red Tie pokes at the cube. The bunny ears boy snatches it back. "Don't touch that, dumbass!" "Bong!"
Frank merely looks mildly alarmed.
"Alright, alright. Well, I'm sure you guys can handle this one, just in this room..." His head turns from side to side, his ear stand up straight, and he crosses his arms in a show of confidence. "I handled it by myself, so we should be fine."
You peek inside and find... Please choose one.
>"All we can do in this world is... following our own hearts... with all our strength, all our soul." ("Hey, the little devil is speaking again.")
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>FRAGMENT OF A FACELESS BEING sample. A live centipede straight from the Suburbs. Once in a while, it spews out a little ink from between its mandibles. Gross!
>A ticking time bomb. UHUUHGUUH- It is rather romantic~
>[WILD CARD - Give me a song or album name, in addition to one of the above choices. If I like it enough, I'll see what I can do with the song.]
You sense someone climbing up the side of the facility. He's got a gold and black tie with the pattern of honeycombs (ah, oops) - she's carrying a very hefty and brutal sawblade-looking tool. ETA: End of Hour 1.
You sense something grotesquely swollen crawling its way through the pipes...
Sorry about the day late update to this simple vote. It'll be okay.
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>Tune into the Madness View: https://youtu.be/sXkkZUkr85c
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>Tune into the Madness View: https://youtu.be/sXkkZUkr85c
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>Sacrifices Must Be Made View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bI1Xs78VYg
Considering how this reality mirrors the city
It's likely we are Adjacent to the City if project moon but likely our current environ is one where things have gone..... horrible for this universes equivalent of the head and by extent forced the inhabitants below ground for an extreme period of evolutionary time
If anything else it is also likely that the head never really formed in this universe
Though I am curious what this world's iori is like
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
>Turn to Stone
Seems like we need to build a cell per shift to actually have room for the anomalies. Also some dorms and another breakroom for that morale.
"HELLO FRANKLIN. I'M THE FACILITY ASSISTANT, GENIUS LUCY!" You graciously introduce yourself to the very tall Drone (Worker) as she walks in through the airlock door. "FRANK?" She just stares at you, uncomprehending for a moment.
"Oh right, that's my name now..." The secretary is wearing a double business poncho with really weird black shoulder coverings - a shawl? Half of a cool cloak? You could peek right now but you're already amused by just studying what she's about to do next. She still looks somewhat overwhelmed, but definitely seems more relaxed in the darkness of the Control Room. "Greetings Admin Lucy... What would you like to have me do today?"
You start typing out a response, but stop and think - what kind of things are secretaries meant to do for a camera addict like you?
"Of course, boss." She nods. She's rather quiet for an M Company worker. Worker or Worker?
Still, the question remains, what do you want Frank to do? Sorry. I really got nothing for her. (´Д`。
>Write in.
"Huh?" Only now does she look at the appealing thing. She breathes out to make her point clear: "This won't kill everyone, r-right?"
"DO IT!!!" A flash of worry shoots across Frank's face as she complies without hesitation. She immediately hunkers down under the console.
A roar of excitement echoes throughout the facility as the workday begins.
"SEE, YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" She's still shivering, so you think about something reassuring for Drones. "DON'T WORRY. WE'RE INSURED!"
"Ha ha..." A small, genuine smile slips across her face as she laughs it off. "Though, please try not to alarm the workers so suddenly and without explanation, Admin. Panic, miscommunication, and leaping ahead are to be avoided..."
>"Let's reset our watches, gentlemen." ("'So this is the order of the new world, the new ball and chain.'" "'We serve time and we are slaves of the schedule.'")
A simple gold fob is taken out of the containment cube and the broken, collapsing face of the clock makes itself known. It seems to suck in some of the break room's light towards itself, creating a shimmering effect across the black glass surface. You swear you can hear a little tick tick tick even through the disjointed medium of the cameras. This "Agent" took it out manually because only P Company-linked containment cubes open at the workday start alarm... This one's curious. What's his angle?
"Cute watch," Daisy remarks, rather casually. Her eye twitches. "So what's he do?"
"Bong bong bong?" Red Tie Woman *bongs* and leans up close.
"Time works funny in the Suburbs," he says as a preface, his voice getting all meandering-like. "And it feels different here, in the City proper. There's people, people everywhere, more than I'm used to. So many lights and sounds and sights and chemical clouds and everything. It's just a lot of things that feel so dif-"
"Cause we're in the City dumbass! That's just regular city things," Daisy interjects. "Tell us about the watch."
"Right!" ("Can't screw this up!") "When I start using it, keeping track of the time, the results are really quite random, but it's saved my ass more than once down there. Sometimes I find myself in a completely different section of the Suburbs when I use it. Sometimes I'm right where I was but the ugly sunnvabitch ready to take my head off my shoulders just isn't there anymore. So clearly teleports you to somewhere safe, in practice."
Aleth continues slicing open an unfortunate trilobite on the other end of the table without a single word.
The Timekeeper's Schedule has been acquired.
2... 5... 1...
Anomaly and Oddity Work Orders [1 Hour]
>Hard Times.
>The Timekeeper's Schedule.
- Employees A, B, C, D, and F, and Agent? GUY are all available.
Facility Interactions and Miscellaneous Works [Variable]
>Launch an expedition into the 2nd floor. (Who?)
>Make an announcement over the intercom. (What should you say?)
>Send a message through the PDA system? (Ditto.)
>Host an interview with an employee. (Who?)
>Write in.
Alright, getting adjusted to the overall format of Sufficient Velocity. I thought I could have combined the preshift and anomaly selection posts due to how quick everyone seems to vote, but things are slower than I think they are and so I have to reign my excitement in.
Please check Memo 1 for inventory and memory notes, and yes,
>Enable the Timekeeper's Schedule with Employee D. Get a pillow and make sure the thing is cozy, in case it's sentient.
>Foster Hard Times with Employee C Try to refuel in whatever manner you can.
>Deprive Atom Bomb Baby with Employee A. Ask it why it thinks it deserves Love and attention.
>Employee E, put on some of that protective equipment we got and fiddle with the Walking Lightning. We know nothing about it.
I'm using Employee D since of that vague and ominous purple trait, so if something bad happens, oops.
Feel free to suggest better ideas if you got any.
>Enable the Timekeeper's Schedule with Employee D. Get a pillow and make sure the thing is cozy, in case it's sentient.
>Foster Hard Times with Employee C Try to refuel in whatever manner you can.
>Deprive Atom Bomb Baby with Employee A. Ask it why it thinks it deserves Love and attention.
>Employee E, put on some of that protective equipment we got and fiddle with the Walking Lightning. We know nothing about it.
>Deprive Atom Bomb Baby with AGENT? Guy. See if it stands up to some questioning.
>Foster Hard Times with Employee C. Try to refuel in whatever manner you can.
>Foster the Timekeeper's Schedule with Employee B. Can you fix its face?
>Employee E, put on some of that protective equipment we got and fiddle with the Walking Lightning. We know nothing about it.
Testing the Rabbit Agent on Atom Bomb, and seeing if the brokenness of the clock is fixable or permanent.
>PEEK on Employee D.
Want to see if that headache's something to be worried about.
If you had hands, you would sweep them around in a grand gesture of true despair and frustration. "I HATE THESE PAPERS. WOUOD YOU KINDLY SORT THEM THROUGH?"
"Is that all?" Frank blinks. There's a strange mixture of dissapointment and relief in her voice. "On it, boss."
Truthfully, these papers send a headache throughout your core. There's too much incoherent gibberish and fine text which really confuses and slows down your prime searching capabilities. What a waste of time and attention! Double truthfully is the fact that you'll really get stuck overthinking the patterns between the broken text. And that'll really be bad... (ノωヽ)
"I'd like to buy the world a home~" Frank hums to herself as she begins to busily burrow into the Brobdingnagian bundles of abandoned paperwork.
She'll be picking through this for the rest of the shift, maybe even the next shift, and the next next shift... but not forever. You have completely trust in the new hire to pick up the slack where you can't. No true arms, after all...
>Enable the Timekeeper's Schedule with Employee D. Get a pillow and make sure the thing is cozy, in case it's sentient. beep
Employee D enters... well, she's already with the anomaly in the break room.
D: A pillow?
She turns to look at the others, E in particular.
B: Bong.
GUY: Hey, don't interrupt a guy's sleep.
A: 'Tis your funeral.
D: Alright, alright.
After a moment of consideration, D takes off her suit coat and swaddles the anomaly up, being careful to keep the clock face upright.
Very cautiously, she rubs at the surface of the watch.
Nothing extraordinary happens.
D: Looks a bit clearer now.
D: Is there anything else we can to make it happier? Cleaner?
GUY: I can drop it in an open sewage pipe and it'd come out okay.
D makes a face.
GUY: That happened a few times and everything turned out peachy keen.
GUY: Here, I'll just clean the rest of it.
D: On second thought, it looks fine just the way it is.
GUY: Hey, hands off my thing.
D: It was my work order.
The Agent and Employee D start to bicker at each other.
A: Tch.
3 - meat meat meat... 0 - spraying chips of bone and gristle at - ... 2...
The Work Order on The Timekeeper's Schedule is complete.
Assigned: Employee D, Agent GUY
Type: Enable
Work Result: Neutral
E-Energy Generated: +2/???
Anomaly Mood: N/A
Employee Morale:
D, GUY - Neutral
Employee Aspect Revealed:
Agent GUY - Headstrong (Foster+, Enable-, VIOLENCE+)
Work Notes - Employee D:
- It's clean. Not much else to report.
- Did this guy crawl out of the caverns or something? This jerk's completely clueless.
Work Notes - Agent GUY:
- After spending a few minutes every morning cleaning my clock, I feel calm and more aware of my surroundings because the steady, evenly paced motions center my thoughts towards that task. This way, my attention is more focused on the day ahead and my mind is as clear as a fresh terminal prompt. It's a rather soothing experience.
- Oh, Working Notes. Work went well.
- It's still my timepiece, right?
Ah, right. You can assign more than one employee to a work order.
>Foster Hard Times with Employee C. Try to refuel in whatever manner you can. beep
Employee C's brow furrows for a moment, then it passes. He acquires a bucket from the janitors closet, adjusts a nearby valve, and collects the thinned blood as it flows openly.
Employee B looks oddly horrified.
Employee C enters the containment cell.
Even though the machine is collapsed, he seems hesitant to approach.
He opens up the back slot and pours in the contents of the bucket.
C closes the port and waits. A vivid red glow shrines out from every hole and port in the machine.
ANOMALY: SELECTED. The giant reawakens.
With a cumbersome groan of metal, the exoskeleton staggers upright and stands tall.
The engine audibly hums as the fuel rapidly pours throughout its mechanisms.
Employee C exits the containment cell. From one generation to another...
One unreasonable piece at a time... The machine's crudely welded hands clench into fists and unclench with a crackle.
The Work Order on Hard Times is complete.
Assigned: Employee C
Type: Foster
Work Result: Good
E-Energy Generated: +4/???
E-Energy Generated/Hour: +2
Anomaly Mood: ???
Employee Morale: Neutral
Employee Aspect Revealed:
Work Notes - Employee C:
- Miss Lucy, while I believe you have an excellent plan in store for all of us, I must question your specific purpose for activating this brute.
- I would not have expected this outcome either. This sort of machine should require an operator to activate but there simply is no one here.
- I have now encountered the nature of the "anomalous."
You're beginning to develop a basic understanding...
... but how should a machine like this behave..?
>Deprive Atom Bomb Baby with Employee A. Ask it why it thinks it deserves Love and attention.
The ex-researcher unzips the rest of the unfortunate insect with a minor incision, vertically.
A beautiful line of hemolymph sprays through the air and onto her labcoat. beep
Employee A zips up her bag with a grunt. Research is only X% complete... Employee A seems to be in a sour mood today.
B: Bong, bong bong.
C: I see.
Employee A storms off without a word.
Employee A enters the containment cell.
A: Yello hello. It's me again.
The anomaly stops practicing its morning poses.
ANOMALY: - retrieving databanks -
ANOMALY: Oh, it's you.
A: Miss Yoo speaking. Is Miss Mi in for a chat?
A: I've come to ask a simple question.
The anomaly looks around the room, looking for anyone else.
The anomaly pings.
ANOMALY: BETA3 is present.
ANOMALY: Proceed.
A: Why do you think you deserve love and attentionz?
ANOMALY: - keywords detected -
ANOMALY: - processing -
The anomaly's head begins to spin rapidly. We must connect to each other on-
ANOMALY: - the individual level.
ANOMALY: It's not to receive love or even a matter of deserving it.
ANOMALY: People want time, they want each other's attention and affection.
ANOMALY: Something to give freely and without hesitation.
ANOMALY: This unit is a prototype in giving. It's done in the name of love, of life, of the City herself, you see~
ANOMALY: - the lack of friends and attachment, replaced with solitude, forever desiring to be filled. A lonely existence -
Both remain silent for a moment.
A: You may have a small diagnosis, but your methodology is incorrect.
A: In fact, you're going nowhere with these damnfool advances.
A: This City has a habit of taking without pause.
ANOMALY: Then what else can be done but to give, give, give? A: And what if the City takes more than you can give?
The anomaly stops spinning.
ANOMALY: - retaliating -
ANOMALY: Impossible!
ANOMALY: Maybe you're too old to understand the things which belong to the youth... Employee A's face grows tense.
A: I don't need some queer polypedal robot telling me what to believe or not.
ANOMALY: Have you ever considered you don't know what you're talking about?
A: Wouldn't know, I'm never wrong.
The two women stare icily at each other. The robot looks away.
A: I'm leaving.
The anomaly remains still.
Emploeye A exits the containment cell.
The Work Order on ATOM BOMB BABY is complete.
Assigned: Employee A
Type: Deprive
Work Result: Good
E-Energy Generated: -5/???
Anomaly Mood: Neutral -> Discontent
Employee Morale: Neutral -> Miffed
Employee Aspect Revealed:
Employee A - Egotist (F.E.E.D Interaction Results Down!, COOL++, Mental Protection+)
Work Notes - Employee A:
- That was rather unprofessional. Let's not talk about it.
- If you aren't aware Manager, it clearly dislikes me. Don't waste time with assigning works together.
- It does seem to have lost its vigor after our talk. In these cases, perhaps a positive stimulus will work?
- (NOTE: FEED-ED. Extraction and Dissection as addition work orders? FEED-ERS? Maybe I'm overthinking.)
An hint towards epiphany has been acquired...
>Employee E, put on some of that protective equipment we got and fiddle with the Walking Lightning. We know nothing about it. beep
Employee E wakes up. He reads the PDA message and sighs at the prospect of having to actually do some work around here. That's what it sounds like, yeah? He doesn't think he's actually being paid to sit there and do nothing??? ┐('~`┌
E takes his sweet time stretching for several minutes, before heading out and equipping the insulated gloves and the eclipse glasses. He enters the containment cell.
There's no light flashing out from underneath the containment cell's door.
After a few minutes inside, Employee E exits with no further complications.
Work Notes - Employee E:
- A weird pair of discs linked together by some visible "force" was laying on the floor, not moving at all. This must be the main body of the Oddity.
- I picked it up and I felt oddly insulated. I can't say why or how. That's just that.
- There's an electric hum in the air and the walls smell like old blood. Copper probably.
- My hair stood up a little. It feels like something's about to happen. Call it a hunch. Looking at yourself, the containment cell is indeed putting a small but noticeable dent on the power grid. You leave on the power, just in case the Oddity becomes active again.
>Miscellaneous Actions
You decide to take a good and maybe not-so-long peek at Employee D...
Vital signs seem normal, as an absolutely adorable dual circulatory system keeps her hearts beat beat beating~
Trick glove with the sparking bit has been discarded. Neat magic trick, but unfortunately for her, you're you and saw right through that.
No, no, no, too deep AND too shallow. You're seeing her rather well, nonetheless.
You see her, you see. I see you seeing me. You see her seeing you. I see you seeing me seeing you too. You see her seeing you seeing her too, too. I see you-
D: Hharkggh-!
Employee D starts bleeding on her suit again, much to Employee A's annoyance and alarm.
B: Bongbong!
D doubles over, clutching at her head. -seeing you too, too, too, too, too, too-
"A-Admin Lucy?" Frank's soft voice sounds a thousand times larger than it should be. The secretary waves a hand in front of the computer console and you focus on it before darkness closes in. "Are you still there?"
"YES." Oh nuts. You almost did *that* again. "WHAT IS IT, FRANK? I WASN'T DOING ANTYHGIN WRONG."
"Well. There's a few papers you should take a look at when you have the time. It's old news, but some of it is somewhat recent. Do you need me to read them aloud or?"
"NO. I GOT THIS. PLEASE CONTINUE." The employee returns to her work and humming, filled with satisfaction.
You immediately die inside as you read the headline and refuse to read the rest of this article. The later seasons of the show were absolutely terrible - a complete loss of vision since the two hosts disappeared into a pink mist, live on air. (That and the growing lack of interest.) A fucking exercise segment for TV addicts? An end to the Alternate Wrestling Program? NO GROSS BODILY TRAUMA IN THE FINAL EPISODE? Man...
There's a document fragment regarding the loss of facility integrity. Apparently there was an assault on the cafe area (???) by a single individual armed with nothing but a pair of red blades. Small arms fire and corrosive substances proved ineffective, but the use of [DATA LOST] alongside a "sleepwalker" unit and assistance from an "AMP" Agent was successful in...
Goddamn it! Why can't everyone keep proper records? How hard is it not to burn these old papers?!
There's also a bunch of weird reports, but they're not for this facility at all. It's like someone dumped an entire post office's worth of letters and reports and facility alerts for everyone else but you in your own room. Darn.
M Company: Assist in inventory destruction. INCOMPLETE.
H Company: beatthelivingshitoutofhim. INCOMPLETE.
HOUR 2, Shift 2
Quota: 0/10 PRODUCT generated
Collected E-Energy: 4 packets
E-Energy Generated/Hour: +2 packets E-Energy collected per hour will be added at the end of the hour.
Collected PRODUCT: 0 boxes
Collected DT-C Energy: 1 unit
Anomaly and Oddity Work Orders [1 Hour]
>Hard Times.
>The Timekeeper's Schedule.
- Employees A-F and Agent? GUY are all available.
Facility Interactions and Miscellaneous Works [Variable]
>Launch an expedition into the 2nd floor. (Who?)
>Peek at something? (What?)
>Make an announcement over the intercom. (What should you say?)
>Send a message through the PDA system? (Ditto.)
>Host an interview with an employee. (Who?)
>Write in.
While employee C continues working on the charge for the TV set, he raises his right arm straight up and brings his left arm out with his palm turned upward. He holds this stance for a few minutes before switching between the positions and holding it for a few minutes more. He continues working without further interruption.
You've seen this gesture a few times now, lots of people have - the familiar sight of a City slicker's silhouette on a darkened rooftop, raising his skinny fists like antennas to Heaven... It does help with getting a good signal down here, you know :3
The classic award-winning smile of the M Company worker falters as she continues fiddling with the knot between the bonecutter's straps and her gold and black tie. At this point, she says out loud, I'll surely be demoted to janitor duty! ETA: end of hour 2.
Ed pauses before lying back down. He scratches his chin, puts his ear to the pipes, and listens carefully. He can't hear the sound of rushing water anymore.
I waited an extra day for votes, then started playing Lobotomy Station 13 (multiplayer LC) for another day. I can update sooner than that. So let's get pumped!