Non-Entity Isekai: Living in Another World as my Favorite Characters! (Original Isekai)

Chapter 7: The Act of Selling(Throwing) Unneeded Items
Early in the morning, Sally, the owner of the Honeyworks Tavern, is staring at the cat eared girl who is carrying a bunch of cuboid black objects. She said these are charcoals, but she felt dubious because of the perfectly shaped cuboids.

"I hope it helps you. See you later!~" So the girl says, as she hauled off a large sack that seems to contain a lot of things.

She doesn't know where did she get the sack, though she decided not to ask so much.

"... But why charcoal?" She wonders to herself as she looks at the charcoals that has been handed to her by the catgirl.

Nadia feels incredibly confused right now. The Cat Eared Noblewoman is asking where she can sell some stuff. She didn't know where she got each of the stuff on the sack she is carrying right now, but most of the things inside looks incredibly precious.

"If you want to sell all of it, why don't you auction it off? There is an auction house on the western district! As for the gold bars.... just go to the city hall. You can exchange it with money!"

"Oh... so I can't sell these gold bars on this guild?"

"We can, but I think it will be more profitable to you if you go to the city hall. They give more money than the Adventurer's Guild." She knows it sounds like she is indirectly calling this guild poor, but she wanted to help the catgirl as much as possible.

And the government are the one who mostly accepts raw luxuries like gold and silver. So it is more preferable to those establishments than relying on the Adventurer's Guild.

"Okay. Thank you!~"

Nadia wanted to ask her about it, but the girl has quickly left before she can talk to her. She sighs, before shaking her head. The girl always acts like she was in a hurry, and she thinks it might be a slight quirk of the catgirl.

".... Just where did she get that?" Nadia muttered under her breathe. Her brows furrowing for a moment as she thinks about it.

Gordon Hamil is surprised when he heard that the rumored cat eared nobility visited the city hall. It seems like she is looking to sell a bundle of Gold Bars to them with the recommendation of the Adventurer's Guild.

He quickly told his maids to welcome their guest politely while he frantically goes around to change his suit and neaten himself up with the help of his servants. After awhile, he goes to the guestroom where the girl in question is located.

'Beautiful...' He thought to himself as he looks at the neat and youthful appearance of the cat eared person. The symbol of her nobility, her tail that seems to have been carefully groomed is there behind her. Her black hair with some steaks of white in it looks smooth that it seems to shine radiantly on the sunlight reflected on the windows.

He takes a moment to calm himself as the girl stood up and greeted him politely.

"You don't need to be polite. Miss Lize, is it?" With her nod, he continues. "I am the mayor of this Hamil City, a lowly baron family that serves the lord of this region, Gordon Hamil. It is my pleasure to meet an exalted figure like you."

"Eh...? Exalted figure...?" She seems to mutter something under her breathe before she smiled at him. "Anyway... I am here to sell these gold bars here. Your servants took it, saying they will take care of it."

Just after she says that, one of the female servants besides him moves closer to their table and presented a gold bar that reflects the light clearly. It gave a heavy thud as the maid gently put it on the table, before she bowed her head and go to the corner of the room.

He didn't notice Lize gasping in a tone of amazement as she looks at that. He is more busy gawking at the quality of this gold bar in just a single glance.

"This... where did you get this?" He didn't want to sound rude, but he wanted to know just who made this kind of gold bars.

"... It was something I coincidentally found while exploring this city. I can't remember accurately where but it is somewhere on the northern district."

The girl seems unaware, but the way she fidgeted and her eyes always looking up as she is thinking of something. Coupled with the fact that her ears seems to twitch constantly, and her tail to curl around as if shying at the environment, she is incredibly obvious at her lies.

'But.... she might have a reason why she can't tell me about it...' He thought, and decided to give her an out. "I see. I'll ask the soldiers at the garrison to investigate the matter." He have to give her face. He didn't want to make the girl incredibly nervous.

Causing a noble lady from a foreign kingdom, even if they are a runaway, to be scared of them is something they wouldn't do.

She looks like she bought the act, and seems unaware that he is just playing along with her.

'I see... so the rumors about her is true. She might have a sheltered upbringing...' He thought while looking at her with concern.

She might be unaware, but the people of this city are already aware of her presence. It is rare for a beastman to get to this part of this continent. There are some beastmen on this kingdom, but they are long time immigrants of this country, and the very few are even adventurers on the past who decided to settle down here. Lize is the youngest beastman to have ever come here. She is also the only nobility from the Beast Kingdom who decided to settle down on this kingdom.

'Is the war between the Beast Kingdom and the Cantor Empire getting worse? They even let a clueless young lady like her to fend for herself?' He felt a bit depressed at that fact, and hope within his heart that the war doesn't spread to this part of the city.

"Great... so about the gold bars? How much can I get from all of it?" Her face and body movements are very expressive. She is radiating anticipation and excitement as she leans closer to him on the opposite side of the table.

"Ahem. For each of these gold bars, we can give you one hundred gold coins. Will that be fine?"

Her eyes practically shined like stars as she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!~ I accept!~"

He actually felt like he is still underpaying her because those gold bars have an extremely high purity in it even in his non-expert eyes. He have to ask an appraisal specialist for it before he can make further judgements.

Though even if he knows about it's value, he can't really pay more than that. A hundred gold per bar is already pushing their treasury to the limits.

'It's fine. This is to build a good relationship to her!'

"That's great. Then would you look to finalize the deal right now?"

This is a really weird occasion. Normally it is one of the civil officials working for him who will take care of this, though as he saw her as a very important guest, he is the one who is personally taking care of this.

Another servant came with the documents ready. He only needs to sign it, and for her to sign her part on the other side of the document. After awhile, she will be given the payment for those gold bars.

"Thank you. That saves me a lot!" He can see her smiling brightly as she clutches the pouch full of gold coins inside it.

She has brought a total of twenty five gold bars, so he paid 2,500 gold coins at her. That's almost half of their yearly budget for the development of this city. Gordon feels like his heart is being clenched tight as he looks at the girl hugging the large pouch tightly.

He just hid the pain within his heart with a professional smile. There is no need for him to show his true feelings at the noble cat lady.

The girl stood up along with him and the two of them shakes hands. Though she is told him that she has something to do after this so she has to leave right now, which is a bit of a shame. He wanted to at least introduce her to his family. Maybe even make her interested with one of his sons.

"Hehehe! With this much, I can roll the Gacha at least twenty two times!~"

Things are looking up for me after that utter disappointment last night. Selling those gold bars net me a lot of gold coins that I can use to roll the Gacha!

It doesn't need to be specifically platinum coins to do 11 spins. I only need the equivalent amount of money to roll it. In this case, a thousand gold coins!

Do you want to spend 1,000 Gold Coins on the Common Gacha?

Look! Even the Gacha agrees with my theory!

I declined the prompt. Anything I will get will surely manifest around me, and it is still morning. I am walking in the middle of the streets, and it is crowded, so it's obvious why I don't want to roll for now.

"... The owners of the Honeyworks Tavern might become suspicious if I kept having random items inside my room. I think I should look for a permanent residence..."

That's right. Learning more about my abilities seems to have changed my plans moving forward. I was planning to stay at that tavern for a long time, but with the fact that I don't have any pocket dimensions like an inventory or item box, I will have to find a home for myself so I can store any items that I get from my Gacha.

".... After auctioning this items, I should look for a house. I'll ask Nadia again and let her recommend me a place to look for a suitable house!"

With that plan in my mind, I hastened my steps to get to the auction house that Nadia told me. She even gave me a paper detailing where it is, and also it's address in case I somehow don't know about it.

I hope I get a lot of money with these other items too!~

Wald's Treasury is one of the largest auction house operating on the western district of Hamil City. Large companies and the guild branches of this city are in partnership with the auction house. This is because the owner of this auction house is a respectable retired veteran adventurer.

The name of the owner is Wald. He has retired from his adventuring days five years ago, and has started this business. With his connections from his twenty years of adventuring, he managed to acquire reliable workers and staffs, along with the partnership of the guilds and large companies of this city.

He is doing this to support his family who were also working on the auction house as a manager or host.

There are some auction house other than this, but his is more trusted than the others. So most people visits his auction house when it opens. Usually he always gets a lot of visitors on their weekly openings.

"So the rumored cat eared nobility visited us to auction something?"

And so, Wald, a thirty something years old guy, finds himself a surprise in the form of a new rising star of this city. That being the newbie adventurer called Lize. A beastman nobility if his sources are right.

"Yes. She just gave us something really good. Would you like to see the products, or greet her first?" It is wife, Hilma, who answered him.

"Okay. I'll check the products. You can entertain our guest while I look into it."

With that he stood up, while his wife smiled at him and muttered something about him being surprised. He thinks she is just exaggerating. He has seen a lot of things since his adventuring days. He thinks barely anything can surprise him anymore.

Oh how wrong he is....!

"What is this!?"

When he arrives at the room where the products in question are located, his eyes are immediately pulled by the vibrant lotus flower planted on an ancient-looking ceramic pot.

Then he looks at the others and gasps as his eyes are particularly pulled by the shiny coppery spear leaning on the side of the wall. He immediately pushed the workers wrapping it up and takes it out, much to the surprise of his men.

"This is...!?"

When he was an adventurer, he mainly uses a spear, so he is very confident when it comes to appraising lances and spears. He knows whether a spear is cheaply made or a masterpiece by just touching or seeing it.

And the one he is touching right now has this same feeling as that one certain weapon his old acquaintance has. A weapon that can slay a dragon. It has been his dream from a long time ago to wield a legendary weapon like this and fight against a dragon.

Touching this spear seems to have relit a passion that has been long buried within his heart.

"Wrap this up."


He heard them gawking in surprised at his order, but he simply repeated it.

"Wrap this up and put this in my room. I will talk to the noble lady right now."

"Uhmm... are we not going to auction this off?"

He glared at the bald man who asked that. He seems unfamiliar, so he thinks he is a newbie.

"Listen. This kind of item appears once in a lifetime. I will be the biggest fool if I let something like this go!" His eyes narrowed sharply. "I won't let this opportunity go! Do you understand?"

".... Y-yes Boss! We'll do it right away!"

They quickly moved around and wrap the coppery spear carefully. Seeing that he nodded approvingly before deciding to move to meet the noble lady.

He didn't bother knocking on the door. Simply opening it much to the surprise of his wife who seems to be in the middle of talking to the cat eared girl. The girl in question is surprisingly troubled. As if she don't know what she will be doing right now.

He thinks he saw her gazing at him and sighing in relief, though he doesn't know why. He can see on the table that they have served tea and cheesecakes on them.

"What is it, Dear?" He notices the slight tinge of irritation on his wife's tone. Likely because he has interrupted their conversation.

But that spear is more important than the chattering of women.

So before they can react, he quickly did what he has planned to do.



The two ladies gawked in surprised as he kowtowed to the ground with his head pressing on the floor.

"Please sell your spear to me! I will pay whatever price you want!"

Silence. Lize seems to be speechless at his sincerity.

Okay, this is it for now. See you later everyone!~

Also, thank you for the helpful advice. I will try and watch it now and see if I can learn something!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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Chapter 8: Buying a House
Okay, this is surprising. This guy just suddenly came barging into this room and begging me to sell the Dragon Spire to him.

"For now... why don't we take a seat?"

Thankfully he stood up with my suggestion and we came back sitting. The beautiful woman and this uncle-looking guy are husband and wife. He introduces himself as Wald. The owner of this auction house.

"Once again, I implore you to please sell that spear to me. I am willing to pay any price you offer!" He lowered his head that it almost hits the table. His wife gawking at him.

"Dear, What are you doing!?"

"I really wanted that spear! I don't want to imagine anyone else using something as good as that! It will be better in my hands!"

I see. It seems he likes Dragon Spire so much. Well, I really don't care so long as I sold it to someone. It's not like I needed it anyway.

"Yes. How about a thousand gold for it?"

His eyes shined at my suggestion. "Yes! I'll gladly accept!"

"Great! Then about the other items...?"

"We will take care of it! From today onwards, you will be our special guest! Feel free to always visit us!"

This is great! Now I can just go here whenever I got something unneeded!

The two of us shook hands, ignoring his wife who is looking at me intently. I would prefer to leave now than talk to her. She has been constantly talking about mundane things that doesn't interest me like fashion, fine dining, and beauty secrets.

I was startled when he suddenly barged in. I shrunk back, surprised at his audacity to walk in on a lady in her own room. Fortunately he came at the right time. His timing gave me respite from the constant barrage of his wife's constant changes of topics.

"Then, if that is all, I will be leaving now..."

"Oh, are you not going to stay for a bit? I still have a lot of things to share, like that beautiful--"

"We can talk about it next time Madame. Thank you for hosting me, and I hope we meet again..." Quickly I turned around after giving them a smile.

His wife groaned for a moment, but the owner of this place is all smiles as he asked some of the servants to escort me out. With that, my job here is done!

It is time to go back to the guild and ask Nadia for recommendations for a housing agency. What do they call their real estate agency here anyway? Hmm... it doesn't matter!

That afternoon, Biggs is just thinking that it will be another boring day in his office when one of his subordinates entered the room with a frantic motion.

"Big news! The rumored cat eared lady is looking for a permanent residence on this establishment!"

His eyes widened at that. His thoughts freezing for a moment, before his heart races as he quickly stood up. 'This is my chance!' He quickly moves to the guestroom as he formed plans to get closer to the cat girl.

Befriending a cat eared nobility is always a good thing. Cat Eared Tribes are known for their beauty, even if they have the disposition to be lazy. They are one of the highly sought people on the Beast Kingdom, which garners them some respect despite not having a decent fighting strength.

Even if she is a runaway, there are still a lot of benefits to it. If people learned that his company is the one who managed to rent a house to a cat eared nobility, and let her settle here for good, then his name will spread far and wide. The Beast Kingdom might even see him in a good light!

With those thoughts in mind, he entered the room to see that beautiful cat girl. Besides her is a well-known face on the Adventurer's Guild. The veteran receptionist who is known for snubbing every male adventurers proposal to her, regardless of their rank.

"Greetings, my name is Biggs. And you must be the cat eared lady being talked around this city." He walks closer to them as they stood up, presenting his hand at them. "It is nice to meet you two."

"Hello. I am Lize. It is nice to meet you!" She smiles at him as she shakes his offered hand.

"Good afternoon Mr. Biggs. We are here to look for a suitable place of residence for Lize."

They take their respective seats after Nadia says that. Biggs claps his hand, and in a moment a man enters carrying a slightly thin but long leather binded book. He opens it and then flips the pages of the book before he speaks.

"What is your current budget, Ms. Lize?"

"Hmm... it's five hundred gold coins."

He flips through the pages until he stops on a certain rough interior sketch of a mansion, tapping it with his index finger repeatedly as he responded to the cat girl.

"How about this? It has plenty of rooms, and renting it for a whole year only costs 20 gold coins. If you want to buy the house and it's land, then that will total on 450 gold coins."

As he was explaining it, the two girls are looking at the page. Lize is intently glancing around the amount of rooms and the size of them, before she looks up at him.

"Is this the most biggest house available on this place? I can extend my budget up to a thousand gold coins if you have a bigger one..."

Nadia gasps, along with him as they stared at her.

"... Are you planning to live with someone?" It's the only logical solution. 'She can't possibly maintain a house that big alone!'

Though his thoughts are betrayed as she simply answered in confirmation.

"In the future I might find some companions, and I am planning to settle down on this city anyway, so I think a bigger mansion is what I preferred."

Her ears are erect, as she gazes at him with wide and expressive eyes. Her smile is wide, and the way she taps her fingers suggests excitement and impatience.

"Okay..." He flips the pages once more until he got to the page that is almost to the end of the leather binded book. Flipping it to their side. "This is a mansion formerly owned by the grandfather of the current lord of this region. It has a large storage space and a basement, and it is located on the scenic part of the Northern District. There is also a garden and a large bath within it..."

"Great! I want it! How much is it!?"

He blinks his eyes as he stares at the cat girl who is jubilant at the mention of the bath. Then he shook his head, deciding not to think much about it.

"If you want to own it for a lifetime, then you can pay 900 gold coins upfront. The whole land will be yours, and we can immediately call our workers to clean the house so you can start living there on the next day."

"That is wonderful! Please do so!~"

"If that is all, we can start finalizing this purchase and take care of all the relevant procedure."

In the end of their conversation, Lize has paid him 900 gold coins immediately after the documents has been signed. He is honestly surprised when she unhesitatingly paid for it.

He heard from the others that she didn't have any money when she came to this city. 'It seems like she got a lucky encounter...' He mused to himself with a nod.

After she signed and paid for the purchase of a new mansion, he quickly ordered his subordinates to start cleaning the whole mansion. Lize has left the place along with Nadia with a bright smile, so they have to keep her satisfied.

He is glad that Lize is easy to talk to. She is straightforward when it comes to her desires. He hopes that she does business with him next time.

"Big Kitty Sister, are you leaving now?" I noticed the tears slowly forming on the corner of Cocoa's eyes as she clutches the hem of my skirt.

I kneeled down to her height and gently patted her head. "Sorry. It's not like I don't like this tavern. I just felt like living on a spacious place..."

More like I'm looking for a place to store every item I have. It will be bad if people discovered that I'm just manifesting objects left and right.

Cocoa is sad. Though it can't be helped. Even if it's for a short time, she kept trying to play with me. She seems really interested in me, and kept asking whether she can touch my tail or my ears.

Unfortunately I don't want anyone to touch them. It's incredibly sensitive!

"Oh, Lize. So you are going to leave tomorrow?" I looked up to see Sally carrying a plate of smoking meat. The rich meaty aroma causes my stomach to grumble.

"Yes!" I stood up from my kneeling position, before sitting on my chair. She puts the plate of juicy meat on table along with a mug of milk to the side. "So today's dinner is meat?" I reached out and take the fork and knife that is along with the plate of meat.

"Right. It was a rabbit steak. I think you will love it!"

Surprisingly, my fine dining skills are superb. My hands moves with grace as the meat simply parted with the movement of my hands clutching the fork and knife. Slicing them into bit sizes and then munching on one of them. This is delicious!~

"Wow!~ This is so juicy and rich in taste!~"

I can only taste a bit of salt in it, but the taste of the meat and the slight oily juice it spreads on my tongue is so rich. This food is sumptuous.

"I am glad that you find our rabbit steak delectable." She smiled at me before clutching her daughter's hand. "Anyway, you shouldn't bother our customer, Cocoa. Come here..."

"Eh... I want to play with the Big Kitty Sister..."

Sorry, but the way you want to play with my tail and ears, I have to decline.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day I can move out of this tavern. Having a house will make it easier to do Gacha as much as I want. The next auction on Wald's Treasury will happen two days from now, and my auctioned items will be among in that auction. I will get a huge cut of what they can get there, which means more Gacha rolls!

I can't wait!~

And oh... this meat is delicious!~

Gods can see everything on the mortal world. There are times when they can't see something, but most of the time mortals can't escape the sight of the gods.

And so, both major and minor gods descended from the world as they heard that the Wald's Treasury located on the Hamil City is going to show the flower. A flower that has the same essence as the true creator of this world.

A beautiful woman with long pointed ears and long golden hair walks gracefully on the land. Her voluptuous body is so perfect that any mortals will have their eyes stuck on her figure regardless of their gender.

"That flower will be mine." That woman declared in a tone that indicates of certainty.

"Bah! How arrogant you are! The only one allowed to get it is I, the Demon God!" Then a handsome man with his whole skin being extremely darkish violet glares at the woman with a frown.

"The lot of you are deluded! It is us the proud dragons who rightfully owns it!" Another handsome and very tall man grunted as he looks down at the gathered divinities around him. His reptilian eyes glancing around him with a cold expression of his face.

"Silence." A woman who exudes a brilliance on her beautiful visage interrupted with a solemn frown. "We have made an oath not to fight like barbarians. We are here to compete through our wealth who will rightfully claim the prismatic flower."

"Tsk..." The Demon God humphs as he step back from them.

They can't really speak against this being, because this one is known as the Mother of Everything. The one who weaves the cosmos before this world was born.

"Hehehe, are you sure about this decision, Goddess Creatoria?" A man of small stature and carrying a large backpack turned to the woman with a brilliant aura.

They glared at that small man with bitter expressions. Knowing that this man is a great contender to get the flower due to the domain he holds. He is the God of Commerce and Money after all.

"Wealth is not limited to materialistic currency like golds and silvers. We can use everything we own as payment for the flower. It is part of the covenant we have made when coming here, isn't it?"

Her calm and straight answer gave the others some hope about this trip.

"That is right! If mine wealth is not enough, then I can part with my precious plants to get it!" The Elven Goddess, Anastasia, declares.

"I hope to claim the flower with everything I got. So I will sacrifice even the dignity of my faith if I have to!" The Goddess of Light Lumine, a silver haired beauty whose figure seems to illuminate the whole land more than the sunlight itself, mutters under her breathe.

"It is also my hope to get it." Goddess Creatoria said. 'The essence of the True Creator is within that flower... I have to get it!'

All of them desires the flower. All of them have their own reasons why they wanted that.

It is a flower that has endless possibilities. They don't know what it can do, but they still wanted to get it at all costs.

And so they walked with their mortal feet. Their destination is the City of Hamil. All of them has only one thought on their mind. To get it with everything they have!

Short chapter for now. Hope you have fun with this chapter too!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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She's going to have enough money to buy the whole city, or just do one uncommon gacha. Haha.

EDIT: Just realized I got confused between the first character you rolled, and the narrator. It's going to be more confusing once there are multiple characters.
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"I'm grateful that he suddenly barges into this room. I'm overwhelmed at the way she just kept changing topics like there is no tomorrow!"

This could be rewritten better. Example below.

I was startled when he suddenly barged in. I shrunk back, surprised at his audacity to walk in on a lady in her own room.

Segue into him going over topics with the same writing style as my example above.
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Sounds like with the gods and goddesses you're setting up an Apple of Discord scenario. I really hope that Lize doesn't start the next Trojan War.

(Who am I kidding, I do want her to start a war. It'd certainly make things more interesting.)
Chapter 9: Event Incoming
It's afternoon when the people at that housing agency came to tell me that they are done cleaning up my new mansion. When I go outside the tavern I can see a white and beautiful carriage with two white horses on it. They said it was a free service for them.

It took a long time. I woke up early and ate my breakfast. Even done a single quest before coming back to this tavern to eat my lunch. Now that they are here, I can finally say my farewells to the people of this tavern.

"Are you sure you won't take the money back?"

"Yes. Please keep it as a bonus!" First I said my farewell to Sally. We simply exchanged greetings and farewells before I turned to her daughter.

"Muu... I want to play with Big Kitty Sister!"

"Please call me Lize..." I felt uncomfortable as she kept calling Lize like that. I kneeled down to her height and pat her head, even when she is still pouting at me. "Sorry. We can play next time if I drop by..."

Her eyes lit up. "Do you promise?" She leans closer to me, clasping her hands together to her chest.

"Of course." It is shameless of me, but that was a lie. She can play with me, but no way am I letting her touch Lize's ears and tail!

After managing to fool her, I also said my farewell to Sally's husband who mostly takes care of their ale, and Cocoa's sister who was more reserved and respectful than her little sister.

After waving my hands in farewell, the men escorting me led me to the white carriage. Inside is a comfy looking red seat and an interior with curvy gold designs. After I took a seat did they finally move the carriage. Letting me watch the sights of the city behind the windows of this carriage as they drive me to my new home.

This house is big!

The front gate is amazing. The walls are made of red bricks. Within the walls of these estate are grasses that have been neatly trimmed. The paved pathway connects the gate to the large wooden entrance of this mansion. Entering the mansion is a lot more amazing as within are large hallways. The walls are red. The carpets are also red. The windows are very large and the curtains are dark in color.

There is decent looking furniture here. All of it included with my purchase of this mansion, Mr. Biggs told me.

The bathrooms is really amazing. It was pretty large. I think it must have been 30 meters in radius or something?

The whole bathroom is made of smooth stone and a material that I think is marble that can retain water heat well. Mr. Biggs also told me that the bronze lion head structure a bit above the pit-like bathroom can produce warm water, and there is a magical tool that automatically drains the water of this room after it was used for an hour. The absorbed water will gather on some sort of container below this room, which will then lead to the sewers of this city. This is very convenient!

The dining room is very large. It has a long table and a lot of chairs. With the chair on what I consider the front being the biggest one. Most likely the head of the house's seat.

There are many bedrooms, guestrooms, and empty rooms that I will just use as storage rooms. The basement below is as wide as the whole mansion itself above, and the whole basement is empty. So I can put whatever I want in it, or even renovate it to make rooms in it whenever I want. Though I will need money to do that.

Anyway, I chose the master bedroom. It has a really comfortable four-poster bed with translucent curtains around it.

I am satisfied with my purchase of this mansion!


But more than that, I am more excited because finally I can start the Gacha!

It's still morning so there is no need to put Lize to sleep mode. Also the Gacha functions even if I'm not in my Personal Space.

As the Gacha opens, my eyes widened as a new prompt suddenly appears in my eyes.

The First Month Banner will start tomorrow. Within the whole week after the event starts, every quests you completed or special monsters you defeated will give you an Event Ticket that you can use to roll the Event Gacha.

Below are the characters, skins, units, and items that will have a rate-up when the event starts.


I can't believe it! Reading the list below causes me to make an unpleasant noise with Lize's voice!

Still! Two times! Two times rate up!

So long as I managed to accumulate a lot of Event Tickets to roll, it will be guaranteed that I will get an avatar!

"... There is no need to roll right now!"

That's right. If I started rolling right now, there is a chance I might lost my luck for the event starting this tomorrow! I can't afford that!

I have to prepare for that event and gather as much Event Tickets as I can before I roll for something!

Hahahaha! I can't wait!

On the following day, Nadia tilted her head in shock as she heard what their newest member suddenly requested.

"It's fine if I go out and hunt monsters right?" Or so she said.

First thing in the morning and she is already panicking at the declaration of their cat eared adventurer.

"What are you saying!? No way, it's dangerous!"

"It's fine. I have my magic. I can handle myself!"

"No... wait! As you are a Copper Rank adventurer, you have to look for an escort if you want to go outside the city walls. It is for your safety!" 'And for my peace of my mind!' is what she didn't say as she gazes at her with her hands clasped.

"Sorry. I really have to do this! It is fine even if I'm not paid!"

Nadia doesn't know why but the way she is forcing the issue like this. She can't help but feel suspicious.

'But I can't really stop her...'

It isn't really strictly prohibited for newbie adventurers to go outside the city to hunt monsters. Even if they are not going to get paid by the guild as they did it without the appropriate rank and request for it, they can still go somewhere to sell their hard-earned kill on the other place.

It's just an unspoken rule between newbie adventurers not to go outside due to the danger, and also to learn the ways of the adventurer by doing simple and safe request inside the city.

Though Lize is a different case. As they saw her as a nobility from another kingdom even if she is a runaway, they still have to make sure she is safe, or else the Beast Kingdom might throw a tantrum and even think they intentionally harmed her if words comes out to that side.

Nadia racks her brains for any ideas, before she recalls something. 'That's right, there is that...!' Quickly she told Lize to wait before moving inside the employee room and looking through the drawers where most of the neglected requests are located. "There!" After finding the request about it she came back to her counter and put it to Lize. "This one! How about this one!?"

Lize tilted her head for a moment, before her eyes lit up and takes it. "Yes! This will do! And it can also be done by my rank! Thank you so much, Nadia!~" After saying so, she immediately left along with the request parchment.

Nadia still felt nervous, but she can only sigh.

"The sewers are infested with large rats, but they are not that threatening that they were designated as suitable for newbie adventurers. I hope she runs away if things get rough... they are still monsters the same size as a child after all..." She hopes within her heart with another sigh.

There is also another hope within her heart that Lize gives up. She notices that the girl hasn't been accepting trash disposal quest with reasons that she can't handle the smell. The sewers are a lot worse than just the smell of accumulated trashes. If she gives up and continues just doing mundane quests, then she will be happy.

"... I still feel worried..." Nadia muttered under her breathe before looking at her coworkers. '... Right, I can't really leave her alone. She didn't bring any adventurers along with her, so it will be dangerous! The Guildmaster will kill me if he learned that I just let her go and blame me if she got hurt!' With that, she immediately tap the nearest receptionist along with her. "Jen. Can I leave my job to you? I have something important to do!"

The beautiful receptionist she called out blinks her eyes with her mouth slowly widening, though she didn't wait for her response as she quickly go back to the staff room to change out of her uniform.

This is uncommon knowledge, but most receptionist on the Adventurer's Guild are retired adventurers. Nadia is one of those veteran adventurers who decided to settle down and have a slow life of her own.

That also means that she knows her way when it comes to doing quests.

She quickly goes to the guildmaster's office to report to the guildmaster, before following their newest and precious member.

Sorry, I took a rest yesterday and just came back. Short chapter for now...

Also, no, I didn't forget about the auction. I'll show it next chapter...

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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Sorry for no updates. I know what I want to see on the next chapter, but I felt incredibly stumped on what words to use when writing the scene. It just felt like whatever I wrote today is unsatisfactory to me...

Sorry, give me at least until tomorrow. I'll try and update this story...
Sorry for no updates. I know what I want to see on the next chapter, but I felt incredibly stumped on what words to use when writing the scene. It just felt like whatever I wrote today is unsatisfactory to me...

Sorry, give me at least until tomorrow. I'll try and update this story...
Don't worry too much about it, take your time. I'm sure you'll make another great one!
Chapter 10: The God's Auction (Part 1)
At the same time as the protagonist has gone on the sewers, on the Wald's Treasury, many guests arrived. They heard of items never heard before, all being unveiled at the oncoming auction.

Wald saw many familiar faces. Nobles and lords of their own region. Popular merchant heads and veteran adventurers. All of them came to see it. Most of them all lived at the neighboring cities and towns, and some are unknown.

Wald watched the guests who entered his establishment. His gaze glanced at the array of crowds entering the entrance at the high vantage point he has within this room that oversees the lobby and entrance on the lower floor.

He was expecting many of these faces to show up in this event. He made sure to advertised that he will present items never before seen in this region.


He wasn't expecting any people outside the Varott Viscountcy to visit his auction house. So it is a surprise when he finds unfamiliar faces who entered his establishment. These group of unfamiliar faces haven't hid their appearance. Which is why when they entered, the people around gasped after they realized who they were. Or rather, what they were!

"What is a group of varying races doing in this part of the continent!?" Wald exclaimed. His voiced trembled at the sight of these newcomers.

All of them varied on their unique traits. Some had bestial features, other have draconic ones. There are those who have elongated sharp ears, and those short and stout in stature. Most of them are handsome or beautiful. The only thing they have in common is that they have this sense of divine presence around them.

It doesn't matter if they emit malicious otherworldly aura or a sacred and soothing one. This feeling can't be mistaken by anyone who saw them as they entered proudly without a care on the gaze of others.

"Divine beings!?"

Sometimes, entities higher than mortals will descend on the world when something interesting happens. A mortal achieving immortality, an object forming through incredible means, a forbidden love that has succeeded, a being born through impossible means, no matter what it is they will descend if it interests them.

'Then what are they? Spirits? Angels? Evil spirits?'

When beings of higher rank approached a mortal, these mortals will immediately know they are higher rank beings by sight alone. People of the mortal world respects these beings because they were entities who embodies the fundamental concepts of this world. They are the reason every living beings and anything in creation exists in this world.

Regardless of their affiliation, no mortal shall offend them. If they want to fight against these higher entities, it must be done through a proxy. Evil spirits' proxies are demons. Angels proxies are saints. Through them these mortals can fight and claim victory against these entities.

It is a universal law that predated time itself. Humans and every living beings on this world shall give the highest respect to these respectable beings.

And so, Wald immediately left the room and came down to personally greet these entities. It is a great honor that a group of them came to his auction house. That meant he piqued their interests.

Now he wondered what caused them to be interested on his auction house.

"Greetings esteemed guests. This lowly one is the owner of this humble establishment."

"Wald is it?" He nodded as a beautiful silver haired woman who glows radiantly on the room, yet doesn't harm the eyes of those watching responded before she continued. "Don't mind us. Treat us as observers. We're not here to compete with mortals."

"Of course. Please this way."

He doesn't know why but he felt like he quickly understood what they planned. And so, he led them to the seats where the auction will be held, on the very first rows which are the VIP seats.

And as if it was natural, all of these beings sat on their seats. Some being arrogant that they plopped on the chair, like a child would do when they were on their home.

The crowd that has become frozen as the higher beings sat let out the breathe they unnoticeably held since they realized their presence. In fear of offending these esteemed entities, they quickly moved to their seats without following the usual procedures.

There is no way they will let these godly beings wait for them. Mortals are those who wait for miracles, not miracles themselves wait for insignificant mortals.

Wald gulped. His arms shaking as he took the responsibility to start the auction. Normally it will be done by his trusted hosts or his wife, but they can't afford to do that. He must be the one to start it, the owner, to show their sincerity for the presence of these godly beings.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Wald, and today I will present new items never before seen in this region. All of the items that will be presented on today's auction are guaranteed to take your interest. Now let us begin... for our first item--"

Despite feeling nervous, Wald persevered as he gestured for his men to present the items.

And thus, the auction started...

She heard the Demon God tapping their foot on the ground as they impatiently waited for the flower to be unveiled. It's been two hours since the auction started. During those times, some items like a mysterious magical orb or an armor made of pure diamond has been presented and bought by nobles or rich merchants.

The gods and goddesses only observed without speaking. Their disinterest evident even to a casual observer. She has seen the old mortal who owns this establishment panicked even as they try to hide it with a calm expression. She didn't care. She only came here to get the only thing that matters.

"And now... before our final product, let me show you something interesting. We don't know much about it. Our supplier only calls it as the "Youth Berry". Though we think it might interest you, our honored guest. Let me present you this magical berry...!"

In time with Wald raising his hand, one of his men moved. She saw the man carting an item with a single piece of berry. Her eyes narrowed at the interesting sight of the berry, and the mysterious aura it pulsed out.

'Interesting... but it's not what I came here for...' Creatoria shook her head.

"I'll take it!" Without waiting for the veteran adventurer to state the starting price, the Elven Goddess suddenly stood up and spoke. "Five million platinum coins. Is anyone going to compete with me?"

Gasps were heard around, though the gods and goddesses along with her glanced at her with some raising eyebrows. Others smirked, and the few were apathetic. The Elven Goddess doesn't care. She simply stood with a snort.

After the crowds gasped, none has spoken. Those whose hand were raised fell back on their laps, while others whose mouth were open closed. No one would dare to compete against a higher being. To do so is arrogance.

And even if there are those who dares to do so, they aren't capable to reach the amount of money stated. Even nobles of this kingdom only owned thousands or tens of thousands of platinum coins on their treasury. None of the nobles and rich merchants would carry all their wealth. Which meant no one can contest her.

"... Then this Youth Berry has been sold to the person on the fifth seat!"

Claps and the crowds stood as they unanimously congratulated the Elven Goddess. They knew within their heart that silence is not an answer when the Goddess clearly stood up to gloat.

Only the Gods and the Goddesses rolled their eyes or are disinterested. Most of them had their eyes forward. Ignoring the Elven Goddess who reveled at the praises of others.

'How immature. Trying to gloat with a simple showing up of wealth to the mortals. That berry is not that interesting. Even I can create it simply.' She shook her head once more with a frown. 'It doesn't matter. I am sure she got interested on the berry. She might be planning to plant it at her Gardens of Paradise.'

The Elven Goddess is known as the God of Nature. Plants and fruits are one of the domains she has authority with. So long as it has something to do with plants, even something as entry tier in their eyes will piqued the interest of this Goddess.

"Hehehe... are you sure you should be using the wealth of the entire elven race for something insignificant like that? You might suddenly find yourself lacking in money when that item comes?"

"That was nothing, God of Commerce. Those are human wealth, not the true wealth of the elven race. Elves doesn't need the Universal Currency on their own homeland!" The voluptuous divine elf sat with a snort with her arms crossed below her chest.

"I see I see... so you are truly intent on using the wealth of your domain."

"But of course. Even if I fail to claim that thing, I'll still return to my domain with something in my hand. What about you?"

It is now the Demon God who snorted. "Bah! It is I, the Demon God, who will get that item! What you own is nothing compared to mine!"

"Gahahaha! Arrogant I see? But our Dragon Race is the most precious in terms of value! What does your demons has? We have every treasures of the world in our grasps!" The Dragon God countered.

With their words as spark that lits the fire, their other compatriots joined on the argument. The whole auction house became a room of boasting and gloating between gods and goddesses. As if they were on their own realms.

"Silence!" Creatoria had enough. "I apologize. Please continue with the auction." She glared at the gods and goddesses who were now silent with their eyes widened as they stared at her.

She noticed that Wald, the owner of this establishment is shook. He finally recognized just who they were. Though it doesn't matter. "Continue the auction, Mr. Wald." She urged. Forcing the guy to comply.

Countless thoughts are going through the mind of the veteran adventurer, but the words of the Creation Goddess snapped him out of his reverie. He quickly composed himself and resumed the auction.

"I apologized." He turned to the guests. "Then, let us show you our final product. This one is from the same person who supplied the diamond armor, that magical orb, and the mystical berry awhile ago. It is a mysterious flower that she claims to have discovered somewhere in this city. We don't know anything about the plant, but we are sure of one thing." He took a moment with a grunt for some effect. "This flower might be the most precious thing for both magicians and researchers. It is an item that our specialists considers more precious than everything we have presented within the walls of this auction house. I present to you, what our anonymous supplier calls, the "Myriad Heavenly Lotus Flower"!"

As the words left his mouth, his men carted the item in question in front of the stage. On top of the tray on the cart is a flower with seven colors planted on an ancient looking flower pot. The essence it exudes quickly surrounded the atmosphere, and caused the many patrons to feel energized.

Their eyes are stuck on that flower. Quickly recognizing the great importance within that flower.

"I will--" The lord of this region himself tried to speak, but was forced to stop as all the gods and goddesses stood up.

"The whole wealth of humanity of this world!" Without missing a beat, the small figure of the God of Commerce stood straight. Stating that with a chuckle. "By my authority as the God of Commerce and Money, I, Golvester, will pay for that flower with a wealth equivalent to every money humanity owns!"

With his words as the start, the other gods quickly tried to compete with their own ways. Quickly, the whole auction fully turned into a battle between gods and goddesses...

At the same time...

The sewage system of the Hamil City was wide. Not just wide, but it was maze-like. Which is why none dares to venture deeply.

At first there are those who cleaned and maintained the sewers though as the city progressed and prospered, those who worked to maintain it got overwhelmed. In the end they quitted, and none dared to enter.

Later, monsters lurked within the putrid labyrinth below the city. Giant rats. Acidic worms. Large snails. Sewer goblins. It became a dangerous area that civilians were prohibited to enter. It became mandatory for the city garrison to clean up the sewers occasionally.

The numerous entrances to the sewers were closed. Now there are only three left. Nadia came to the nearest one. The eastern entrance to the sewers. One guard stood on the side of the entrance. His grimaced can easily be attributed to the many men from the garrison who hated this post for obvious reasons.

"Hello. I'm a receptionist from the Adventurer's Guild."

The guy looked up at her. "Right. Your Nadia, aren't you?" She nodded. "I heard about you. You're the one my brat gushes everytime we meet. Now I understand why he is smitten with you. So..." He changed his standing position for a bit, raising and rolling his foreleg for a moment before he stood up straight once more. "... what are you doing here?"

"Actually, have you seen a cat eared person with black hair and green eyes. I think she might have come here for the rat extermination quest."

"Oh. That lass? Yeah, she came here but she already left awhile ago. She said something about the smell and going to learn a spell or something! I don't blame her though..." He pinches his nose after he said that.

"Learning a spell?" Nadia became curious.

"Is that all, Miss?"

"Yes. Thank you and I hope you have a good day, Sir."

With that she turned on her feet and left the place.

'Just where is she going to learn a spell I wonder?' Nadia wondered with a raised eyebrow as she walked aimlessly.

Hello, sorry for the late update. I tried changing my writing style after reading a helpful guide for writing... I don't know if it turned out better or not...

I really hope you have fun with this chapter!~

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
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"The whole wealth of humanity of this world!" Without missing a beat, the small figure of the God of Commerce stood straight. Stating that with a chuckle. "By my authority as the God of Commerce and Money, I, Golvester, will pay for that flower with a wealth equivalent to every money humanity owns!"
Okay, this legitimately got me wandering, when he said every money humanity owns, does he mean all wealth(as in assets, produce, and all that jazz) or just the coin currency currently being used? Also if he won, how would his payment work? Will some random nation across the world suddenly find their entire banks empty? Some noblemen suddenly finds all his ornate vases and jewelry suddenly vanishing into thin air?

Man, conceptual beings are scary and confusing.
Okay, this legitimately got me wandering, when he said every money humanity owns, does he mean all wealth(as in assets, produce, and all that jazz) or just the coin currency currently being used? Also if he won, how would his payment work? Will some random nation across the world suddenly find their entire banks empty? Some noblemen suddenly finds all his ornate vases and jewelry suddenly vanishing into thin air?
Yep, all assets, produce, and everything that has value in human society. All of it will be converted into the Universal Currency when he paid for them.

Though that doesn't mean everything will vanish after his payment. He can just create money that has the same value as the whole assets of humanity, because of his authority over it.

EDIT: Expanding on this more because I am very vague with these words and it is misinforming.

Every humans who does commerce are all dedicated to the name of the God of Commerce and Money. This meant that every products that are being traded are all owned by the God of Commerce and Money. By using them as payment, he is surrendering his right on those items. Which meant his protection and blessing for every items that has been traded in his name will lose their blessings.

What this means is it will become free, and people can use them whenever they want without his purview. Items that has been traded by his name can't possibly be cheated like reselling items at a higher price without the permission of the one they bought it with, counterfeiting those very same objects, going against the contract in his name, etc.

People has to trade items in his name once more for it to be considered that he owns it. Which means he will start from the scratch if he ever wins the bid.
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OK, I underestimated just how much those items are going to be bid for. I wonder how much of the bid price Lize will get for her items.
I feel bad for the person who has to decide which of these things is more valuable.

Like, the god of commerce winning the bid would make him lose a lot, yeah, but what would the other party gain, exactly? Would stuff be traded in their name instead? If not, then accepting his offer would just mean messing up the economy, which sounds counterproductive for someone selling something.

So are the offers being judged by how valuable they are to the buyer, or the seller?
So are the offers being judged by how valuable they are to the buyer, or the seller?
He convert what he owns into hard cash. That is what he will pay to the seller. It will depend on what's most valuable at the eyes of the Housemaster (which is Wald in this case) so they are going to entice him with incredible offers.

Offers that are very ridiculous if a human like him heard.
The gods bid more and more fantastic things that are impossible to judge the worth of and start debating about them. Is eternal sunshine more worth than a secret that can change history? How many bottles filled with starlight are equal to the right to veto the next eclipse? A promise to never reincarnate as something less than a mouse is clearly superior to eternal luck at fishing... untill Walt has enough and sells the plant for 10 silver to an old lady who thinks it would look nice in her window.
Chapter 11: The God's Auction (Part 2)
The Feral God, Welfrozzo, knew within his heart that he can't compete against his fellow divinities. The offers they spoke after Golvester's bold declaration shows the gap between him and the high ranking gods who joined on this auction along with them.

Welfrozzo is the sole god of the Beast Kingdom. Highly regarded by the Beastmen as the ideal being, he was worshipped due to being a god who fully symbolized their bestial appearance and their primal strength. They're goal is to achieve the same level of therianthropy as the Feral God.

Normally, it meant he was pretty strong as many worshipped him, though it was far from the truth. Faith might have been a factor for their existence and power, but that was only a factor, not the whole truth. Gods can sustain their existence after being born. There is no need for them to rely on faith to sustain themselves.

There are a few types of gods. Those who were born from belief, those who were worshipped after their death, those who were worshipped while they are alive, and those who were born before concept is a thing. Welfrozzo is the third type of God, a being worshipped after he achieved full lycanthropy.

Though all gods have the same capability. To become strong as they grew older. In terms of their perception, Welfrozzo is one of the youngest gods in their generation. His age can be estimated by three thousand years. That was nothing compared to Golvester who was tens of thousands of years old, or the other high ranking gods who were a lot older than them.

With age obviously comes with power, experience, and wealth. These high ranking gods and goddesses were not lacking in what they can offer.

"I am willing to part with the seed of the World Tree!" Anastasia, the Elven Goddess exclaimed.

"Ignore that plant obsessed sharp ears! By my authority as the True Primordial Dragon God, I will give you the Ancient Dragon King and Ancient Dragon Queen for a lifetime!"

"Bah! Useless, all of you! I will give you half of the world! Choose me mortal!"

'How can I compete against that? The only thing I can promise is gifting them full therianthropy and anything on the Beast Kingdom...' He thought, feeling hopeless.

"I will give the Heaven in exchange for that flower!" Many people froze at the words of the Goddess of Light, Lumine.

"Eternal life! I can gift you eternal life!" He recalled the one who spoke is the True Primogenitor.

"The truth of the universe!" That was the God of Magic, who was also a very high ranking and old entity.

"A whole world!" Even Creatoria, the Mother of Everything, exclaimed. She was competing against the others.

The others briefly turned silent, before they quickly tried to appeal to the Housemaster once more.

"My whole Gardens of Paradise!"

"I will give you authority over Hell!"

"Along with the servitude of the Ancient Dragons, the Dragon Race will give you all of their precious treasures in exchange for that flower!"

"If a single world is not enough, then I will personally turn you into a God!"

The others piped up. Promising ultimate power, boundless knowledge, unlimited wealth, etc. The minor or lower ranking gods like him were no match against these beings.

"Uh... I'm just curious, who is the supplier of this beautiful flower?" It was a minor goddess whom he can't recall that asked that.

The others gods became silent after that. Wald also heard it as he perked up and then turned to the goddess with a respectful bow.

"It was given to us by a female cat beastman named Lize."

'Cat beastman!?' Welfrozzo stood up after processing the words that left the Housemaster. "If I may... I would like to offer that girl my blessing, and the whole Beast Kingdom if she wanted!"

The others just scoffed at his words, but briefly became shocked as the Housemaster brightened up. "Yes! I think Lize will love that!"

The others gasped, their bodies stiffed as they stared in shock at the Housemaster. Though as if trying to ignore their existence, the Housemaster hastily asked the others to wrap the flower and put it behind the stage.

"The twenty seventh seat has taken our last item. Thank you for--"

The old man speaks long, but the gods are still frozen. He didn't want to wait for them and stood up. Then he walked to the back of the stage where he can get the prize he has came here for.

'Great! I am glad it was a Beastman who supplied this one!' His wolfish snout turned into a grin as he walked into the room, where he can get his reward. 'Now I just have to meet this girl and bestow her my blessing! After that, I must make an oracle to the Oracles of my temples to announced them about their new ruler! I am sure she will find it delightful to become the sole ruler of the Beast Kingdom!'

He walked to the room where he can get the flower. He heard a commotion on the stage, but he ignores that. His mind focused on the fact he won a bid against those eminent personages.

I know Lize is incredibly smart when it comes to magic. I just don't know how to use any of her spells that were only mentioned in the game.

I think I can use those default abilities that she usually has on her kit, but the ones she used on the story are really vague. It's why I can't use it.

Then how about learning new magic? Lize is a genius on that part, right?

I would like to finish some request and also defeat some monsters and find those "Special Monsters" that the prompt told me to defeat to get Event Tickets. It's much faster than just doing community services!

It's why, even if no one is really stopping me from leaving the city, I didn't go out. If finding special monsters are hard, then I'll be wasting my time outside the walls of this city. It's much better to do a quest within while hoping that I encountered a special variant.

Though I discovered awhile ago that the sewers is smell incredibly horrible. I can't handle it, so I came to this library to learn a spell. Because Lize is a genius!

And I really hope I can understand the magic of this world.

When I got to the Magician's Guild, they quickly gave me passage to their archives. They still asked me for a fee for staying and reading their books, but otherwise I am free to browse through their catalogue and read anything within.

When I asked if they have a spell for taking off the horrid smell of a place or some sort of cleaning spell, they led me to a shelf which contains basic magic. The magic are easy to use so long as I can comprehend it.

And just as I hoped, I easily managed to understand everything written on it even though it all looks mumbo jumbo at a first glance. Lize's talent and comprehension for magic has been inherited with this avatar. I am really glad that it truly works, or else I won't know what to do next!

It's not just I understand it, I also felt like I can improve upon it. If I do things like this or that, and change this formula and turn this symbol into another one, I think these spells will improve!

I am immersed reading all these basic spells for cleaning, taking off the smell, and anything related so I will have an easier time on the sewers when I suddenly felt something.

What is that? I felt like something weird is in my body? I can't really explain it clearly, it's just that I felt something entered my body...

Foreign influence detected. Would you like to accept it?

Foreign influence? What the hell is that!?

Whatever it is, I won't take it! There is no way I will let some sort of unknown power enter Lize!

Personally, I don't like someone changing anything to my favorite characters. It felt like it was damaging the original image of that character. Even I already felt guilty using Lize's body like this, and not acting like her at all.

The only thing I will accept are official versions of a character. I am fine with them having different outfits or canon changes, but random powerups and other weird changes on a character that were done by some randos? No way!

I felt that it was disrespecting the characters themselves. I don't remember much in my past life, but I think I hate to read fanfictions of my favorite games. That's the impression I am getting to myself as I think more about it.

Anyway, I reject this one!

Rejecting foreign influence... complete!

Now that it was done, time to read a bit more. I have to learn quickly and get to the sewers so I can hunt monsters. I don't care if I have to do it at night. I have to gather a lot of tickets so I can at least get a 5★ avatar!

With that, I turn my attention back at the magical book and turned to the next page.

I actually want to add something in there, like what is happening on another place, but I decided to end this chapter here because I am having a hard time looking for words...

It's already a few days since I uploaded so... sorry for the short and late chapter...

If you want to support me, you can go to my Kofi account here.

Thank you for reading this!~♪
In this case many people will do the same as her when it all says Foreign Influence without more context. Other than that the gods are more likely to get the flower if they offer money instead and be surprised about it.
Well dang, she just casually rejected a blessing from the god of her characters kin.

Wonder if he would take it as an insult? Or perhaps he would be so flabbergasted that he does nothing?
I'm sure that if Lize were to explain that she felt the Beast God's blessing as an unknown "foreign influence," he'd understand.
Rather than the most valuable, I think the auctioneer just took the first thing that wouldn't cause massive problems for everyone.

But still.
How is the auction house supposed to take a cut of that?