Nomad: Tale of Doombringer (Warhammer 40K SI)

Semi-Canon Last Stand At Avalon
(From spacebattles)(didn't make this just ported it)
OMAKE Challenge
(P.s I can't do funny, and I can't write for shit, but I'll try to make it interesting.)

"They are still trying to get in"

Baldur thought as he gazed at the Reinforced Adamantium Blast Doors that lead back the Surface. 100 feet Tall & half that in width, covered from top to bottom in luminescent Glyphs and Runes gave off a Myriad Colors. That made the mind go fuzzy If looked at for too long. Had gone silent

Besides the sounds of the of the Dawi and their Long-Boned Cousins. who, while he watched the Great Doors from his station that oversaw the entire entrance hall.

we're working in perfect union with his kinsmen making Defenses & preparations for the Inevitable assault. The Silence from the outside was Maddening

Just Hours ago, these very Halls echoed with the sounds of war. A Demonic Symphony composed of the Cries of the Damned & Forsaken. As the Daemons laid siege to the Mins'Tarth the great Mountain Fortress of Avalon, the third planet of this System.

Now the Great Halls have gone Silent, yet no one was the fool. Daemons never give up that easily. In this false peace the defenders Followed then war plans for Siege and Demonic Incursions as best they can

Thinking of the past events that lead His people and their proven Allies the fortress filled him with rage. But he was Lord Baldur of the Dawi, Son of Corgoth The Ork's Bane. Lord of Red Mountain Stronghold. The battles he survived outnumber the hairs of his beard. If his rage conquered his reason while so many depended on him he would being more harm the good. So, Baldur's thoughts turned the past so that the silence would not get to him.

Avalon discovered by the Dawi Sixth Exploration Fleet that Baldur himself was apart off almost 2 centuries.

a glowing jewel among stars, with pristine oceans, majestic forests, and Mountains that reached into skies. Overfilling with an overabundance natural resources and a breathable atmosphere, it was a prime target for Colonization. However, it turned out the Dawi where not the only ones that thought so.

A week after the Initial colony was completed, it was discovered that a human colony was already present deep within the deep forests to the west.

At first simple greetings where made and small packs where formed, but for multiple reasons, Tensions flared as unrest assaulted both colonies, but before could Violence have erupted.

They appear, garbed hooded that seemed to be made of the night itself that covered their entire frame, with armed with only a simple tall staff made of a metal that seemed to capture moonlight and contain its Brilliance. They Put a stop to the conflict before blood could be spilt, and negotiated a Peace that benefited all parties

Yes, They, the thought alone brought a grin to Lord Baldur's Scarred face.

It turned out that the Dawi are not the only people that The Nomaad watches over.

They were called Medjay of the Black, Sorcerer Priest trained at Onyx Pyramid in Tizca, the capital city of the planet that human colony hailed from.

Prospero is its name.

From what he remembers the people of the Prospero do not Venerate Nomaad like the Dawi very few of the planets population are aware of the Doombringer's existence the to begin with, only those who are brave or foolish go deep into the "Great Ocean" to search for him. And they refer to Nomad the Doom bringer. By multiple names chief among them being "Lord of The Black Pyramid" or "The Abyssal King" they know it's a mountain, but the people believe that the it was once a Great

Library that housed all they knowledge of creation. But was destroyed Eons ago in Great War and that the Lord was the Pyramids Original Guardian. Who protects it to this day even after it was destroyed. Their evidence for these beliefs were the small numbers of Tomes that can be found around the mountain. Filled with Magic Knowledge and Forgotten Science.

There was a small rumor going around a century ago the Nomaad had Two Beautiful Wives, and Baldur telling the one who gave him this information "only two" but back to the Medjay

The Medjay of the Black are a secretive order that follow the teaching of the Lord. Sponsored by Prospero's lord. Though they are few, that does not make him any dangerous or less important. The Medjay have many responsibilities, seekers of lost and forgotten knowledge, investigators, negotiators, Exorcists, Navigators of the Great Ocean and many more but the most Daunting Demon hunters. Even though most of the Medjay's ways are secret, it is public knowledge that in order to be fully Recognized as a Medjay of the Black, the aspiring Initiate must complete the final test.

The Trial of Ruin

Where the Initiate goes deep into the "Great Ocean" armed only with their Will and there Powers alone, must hunt down Bind Eight Daemons from each of the Dark ones and instead of Killing them. The Initiate must then make a dangerous Pilgrimage to the Black Pyramid.

Overcoming more dangerous obstacles and fend of packs Daemons looking to free their Deamonic brethren, all while resisting the corrupting influence of the Great Ocean and the Daemons they have bounded.

Once there, the Initiate announces their presence at the base of the mountain and waits.

When the "Lord of the Black Pyramid" arrives that off the daemons to him, with single word the Abyssal King not only Destroys the Daemons. the Initiate receives the Kings Blessings Which Grants Not only a Deeper understanding of the Immateruim and Material world, but a complete immunity to Deamonic possession and Malignant mutations, able to see the Currents of the Great Ocean in Vivid detail making F.T.L travel safer and more efficient.

If the Initiate is not completely drained after receiving the Blessing they can ask The Abyssal King if the may read some of the tomes around the mountain. The Situation varies but if allowed the situation studies a tome as quick as possible before his or hers Strength fails. After world they return to the real world, where Medjay are standing by screening the Initiate for the blessing and with a member of the Athanaean Cult ready transcribe the Knowledge that the Initiate May have gleaned from the Books.

After the screening there is a ceremony what presents the Initiate with the Silvermoon staff and the Night Robed welcoming them into the order. Where the uses there powers the benefit their people.

Like the Glyphs and Runes on the Doors of Mins'Tarth is their doing keeping Daemons out and stopping them from getting from anywhere else with the Fortress

Which brings Baldur's mind back to his current predicament, a mouth ago an Ork Pirates assaulted Avalon though they had superior number the ships of the Dawi and Prospero where about to defeat the Ork fleet,

However, the Warboss was a Sore loser and rather the turn tail and flee

Decide to crash his command ship into the planet's surface and Detonate the ships jerry-rigged Warp Drive.

Within moments the planet was covered in a Wrapstorm cutting it off from the rest of the universe, Daemons of all sizes attack everything in sight, slaughtering all in their wake, worse yet they did not belong to the Four, the where something, according to Medjay Daylen, they were the "the Wyld ones" daemons not created by the Four nor do they serve them. Created by Gods that have been Forgotten by time when the Heavens burned.

Lord Baldur hatred continued to grow where it was in danger to boil over once more. Tightening his gripe on his Warhammer Hellbreaker an Heirloom of the Red Mountain Stronghold

Bless by the Great Ancestor himself.

But holding this Sacred weapon did nothing to hold back his rage.

For Two months ago, Lord Baldur became a Grandfather and no....

"Lord Baldur!" A voice called

Startled Baldur quickly turn to his left to face the Hearthguard standing in the doorway leading down to the hall below.

"Aye lad" he said

"Medjay Daylen wishes for you to come to immediately to the Door" The Hearthguard replied

"Aye I'll be there momentarily" Lord Baldur said as he reaches down from the right side of the chair he was sitting and retrieved a Bottle of strong spirits and took long drain

"My lord he said it's very important and ..." Hearthguard began

"lad it will take me 40 minutes alone to Find the underlying cause of the hall since the Daemon Incursion War plans" he said as he stood up sheathing Hellbreaker

"were put into effect" Lord Baldur turned to fully face the Hearthguards pointing the now mostly empty bottles at the guard.

The Lord continue "So unless he wants to come all the way up here, and tell me some Cryptic Grox Shit, he is just going to have...."

Lord Baldur paused as familiar Feeling of displacement began to form around in his presence, suddenly the space sounding him began to shift and with a violent twisting sensation and the world bleed away.

Lord Baldur suddenly founded himself standing in front of Mins'tarth Blast Door, meaning he was teleported 1/4 of a kilometer away.

To his left and right and a far decent distance away, two Medjay's on both sides. pointing their staffs at the Door to maintain the Wards

Even though Lord Baldur himself is an Ancestor closely reaching the twilight of his life, could feel the power and focus coming from the Medjay. So great was their Concentration that, if he did not know better he would have mistaken them for statues. He turns his gaze back to the Blast door.

There was sudden a presence to his left. Do Didn't react because he know who it was.

A tall figure easily reaching 7 feet, wearing a black robed holding a staff materialized.

"It could not wait" Daylen stated his voice carrying that odd echo effect that was present in all Medjay.

"I gathered since you teleported me across my stronghold" Lord Baldur began Pausing to take another sip from the bottle. So, what is it?"

Medjay Daylen paused briefly before

Replying "I received a psychic transmission from orbit. the Dawi and Prospero military lead By Lord Magus have broken through the storm they will be here with the soon"

"By the Green eyes of Penance" exhaled Lord Baldur. Before bargain again "finally so Good news, when can we expect commutation with the..."


The sound was deafening echoing throughout the Great hall

. Lord Baldur

Head quickly snap back to the door as the activities behind him grow more rampant. Hearthguards and Militia preparing for battle. Order were being given, shouts and running boots, machinery coming on, and weapon system coming online, vehicles roared to life, firearm being load and readied, Exo-armor equipped with Neo-Plasma cannons with getting in position, as the Slayerpriests both Dawi and Man formed behind him

There on the Adamantium Door a massive dent could be seen by all, the wards where still percent on the but where flicking the.

The Medjay where showing Obvious signs of strain. As they struggled to maintain the wards.

"Medjay Daylen how long tell the Reinforcements arrive!?" Asked Lord Baldur.

"Within the hour" stated the Medjay

His voice as calm as always, despite the situation.


Louder than the one before, the dent

Grew larger and some of the Wards of the Door shatters like glass. Which was quickly followed by a short scream from one of the Medjay, turning just in time to see her collapses on the ground. Daylen was by her side in an instant. Quickly checking over her and calling over militiamen with a stretcher to take her away. He then proceeded to the reapply the wards to the quickly deforming Blast Doors.

Lord Baldur Drained the last as sprits and tossed the empty bottle to his side where if promptly shattered, and unsheathed Hellbreaker,

The Pound stop, but was replaced by the groaning sounds of the Doors being pull slowly pulled apart

starring his Warhammer Lord Baldur

Whispered a short prayer Before turning to face the Slayerpriests that have gathered there.

His eyes gazed over all of them. Dawi and Human, Man and Woman, Young and Old, New-bloods and Veterans, all different but united by faith, all who stand before him were touched by Great Ancestor. They no longer feared death, they embraced it, but did not seek it out yet confront it like a beloved friend to carry the to the next journey.

Taking a deep breath Lord Baldur call for his anger and rage

But instead of becoming consumed by it, he channeled it into Hellbreaker cause the Warhammer glow with golden light become a weapon of the Righteous

Open his eyes he began to see that some of the chosen weapons of the Slayerpriests began to glow as well

The sound of the Doors became more apparent as another Medjay fell. When he did Demonic laughter, and screaming could be heard.

Lord Baldur began the chant shouting for all in the great hall to hear

"We are the Children of Nomaad!" (Baldur)

The SlayerPriests follows suit.

"The One All Daemon's Fear!!!"


"His scream Cleaved in the Heavens!" (Baldur)

"His Wrath flows through our veins"

(Priest & Militia)

"We are his Hammer in the world of the living!" (Baldur)

"He is our Shepard in the world of the dead!!!" (Everyone)

"Honor those who die in battle!"


"For they stand at the side of the Nomaad!!!" (Everyone)

"The DoomBringer Light is with us"


"Daemons shall not stand before us"


"If we are fated to fall this day"


"On Black Mountain shall we stand waiting for the End"


"And when the End Times spread to every world"


"The Doombringer shall lead us in the Final War"

The light given off by the Slayerspriest weapons burns away the shadows themselves

Lord Baldur turns around and ready for battle

Daylen the last Medjay standing finally collapses. Causing the last ward to fade and Doors begin to open.

Using the last of his strength Daylen teleports the rest of his fellow Medjay out of danger.

The doors open and the Hordes of Daemons Pour in thoroughly only for the light to giving off the weapon burns them.


And the battle last battle for Avalon began.

Meanwhile on Black mountain

"Fred, I didn't do shit, this is not my fault!" told Nomad


"She is fucking crazy!"

"She quite literally jumped into the arms of the living personification of an venereal disease when I showed up to rescue her and after that tried to get grippy with those blue fucking birds, she is obviously not sane, I mean just look at her."

Isha is currently in a fetal position, shaking so horribly to the point that parts of her body sometimes blur out of existence while muttering in a hundred languages at once per second. All the while Lileath is trying her best to comfort her.


"See what I mean Fred"

Isha pauses for a moment and notices you are starring at her. She suddenly begins to scream loudly and cry excessively. those tears (to your disbelief) create a waterfall that flows down the sides of the of your mountain.

The Rushing water gains enough momentum to pick up both of your both horses, much to their displeasure if the loud high pitch neighing is anything to go by. One, you believe they a curse of at you profanely. two, you belief this is the first time they have seen water.

Which said water then precedes to carry them all the way down the mountain side to the bottom. where the waterfall than quickly begins forming a lake around the mountain.


"Damn it Fred that was not my fault!!"


"Well fuck you too then, believe what you want, but I am not responsible for her current state. However, Silver-lining, I own Lakeside Property now."


"No, I don't believe they can swim"
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"We are his Hammer in the world of the living!" (Baldur)

"He is our Shepard in the world of the dead!!!" (Everyone)

The doors open and the Hordes of Daemons Pour in thoroughly only for the light to giving off the weapon burns them.

The Rushing water gains enough momentum to pick up both of your both horses, much to their displeasure if the loud high pitch neighing is anything to go by. One, you believe they a curse of at you profanely. two, you belief this is the first time they have seen water.

"Well fuck you too then, believe what you want, but I am not responsible for her current state. However, Silver-lining, I own Lakeside Property now."
Maximillian is such a classy name. Why I imagine him as a primarch with his bullshit primarch armour, wearing a top hat instead of helmet and having a big cane that can act as a shotgun or a sniper rifle whils also being some sort of melee weapon. I FREAKING LOVE IT! someone please make an omake for this I need it.
Who's caps lock is broken?
Not to mention...
When the "Lord of the Black Pyramid" arrives that off the daemons to him, with single word the Abyssal King not only Destroys the Daemons.
The Pound stop, but was replaced by the groaning sounds of the Doors being pull slowly pulled apart

starring his Warhammer Lord Baldur
There on the Adamantium Door a massive dent could be seen by all, the wards where still percent on the but where flicking the.

Like I'm not going crazy right? These are just some examples but seriously, its like there's a thought or idea and then it rapidly changes to some other thought.

The first isnt actually a complete sentence.

The seocnd kind of makes sense and then its starring the Warhammer named Lord Baldur? What?

And the third, I... Something about percentage and then flicking?

1. You need a proofreader.

And 2. an actual word processer. Word. OpenOffice. Google docs, WPS. Literally anything other than Notepad because it really looks like this was written in Notepad. Oh god I'm having flashbacks to the 90s and left justified fanfics with whitespace and cut off paragraphs.

Edit: damn auto correct
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Nomad: Tale of Doombringer Part 5
Lileath POV

Lileath was perplexed. Lately she was getting more and more prayers directed to her. Some for knowledge, others for insight in their visions, some for fortune in their business ventures and many more prayers for begging for strength to resist the temptation of the warp whilst they slept.

The interesting thing was that most of those prayers didn't come from Eldar. They were not very pious people before and the fall did not do much to change it. No, most of the prayers came from the Doombringer's chosen people. Some also came from humans, though most of them were a bit hesitant and only lately did a considerable number of them started to pray to her.

Yet the thing that perplexed her the most is the title they used when praying to her. The Bride. All those mortals thought that she and her mother were the wives of the Doombringer. While the thought didn't send through her a wave of revulsion, it did make her slightly uncomfortable and ashamed. She couldn't even look Doombringer straight in the eyes, how could she be his wife.

Lileath took a deep breath and decided that she would try harder from now on to look Doombringer in the eyes. In fact, the next time she met him she would meet his eyes and won't turn away!


B-but first she needed to check on a few things. It wasn't like she was afraid or anything!

She peered into the materium and started to observe what is happening.

First, she decided to check on the Eldar. Thought they did not pray much to her, they were still her siblings.

Her heart broke a little more each time she looked at the Eldar. She remembered when she used to look at them and see them for what they could be. Now she looks at them and sees them for what they are.

The Eldar are broken, a pale shadow of what they once were. Split into three major factions and often found in conflict against one another. The Dark Eldar or Drukhari, they are lost and beyond redemption. Even when she and Isha went to them to spread the word of their survival and of the their savior the Doombringer, they rejected them.

The Craftworld Eldar were the opposite of their dark counter parts though no less hearbreaking. They isolated themselves, but still clinged to their perceived superiority over other races. They welcomed her and Isha's survival, but they rejected the Doombringer. Saying that while he might be a god, he wasn't their god and he never would be.

Finally, the siblings who brought her the most joy and hope for the futute. The Exodites, they stayed most true to their roots. A glimpse of glory and majesty that Eldar once represented in the galaxy. Though much degraded technologically, they were culturally and morally superior than their other siblings. Their pride still did not leave them, but they did not let it blind them or lead them astray.

Exodites were the only ones who fully embraced the new pantheon. Perhaps too well some might say. It was not uncommon for many young Eldar to walk the path of Doom Slayer. Accepting the Doombringer as their main patron, they go out into the universe and seek out all those who would dare to serve ruinous powers and harm the innocent. More than once a band of Doom Slayers came to aid of Dawi, Humans and others who needed their help. Doom Slayers were welcomed everywhere that heard of their noble deeds.

Lileath turned her gaze elsewhere. The Dawi, the Doombringer's chosen people. At first she did not understand why he would choose them as his people, as extension of his will in the materium. But the more she looked at them the more she understood what he saw in them. They are strong, stoic and unyielding, just as he is. Yet there is unmistakable softness in their hearts that would not tolerate evil and injustice, same as him.

Under the protection of the Doombringer the Dawi are quickly becoming the strongest empire in the galaxy. Though nowhere near the Eldar empire at its height, they were slowly but surely getting there. Numerous allies answered their call when the horn of war sounded. Many more enjoyed their protection in return for tributes. The Dawi empire was spreading, but she knows that soon they will clash with another empire.

She just hoped that they had what it takes to overcome the Orks, else the whole galaxy will be crushed under their green might.

Day 295

A sad day truly, it seems that some of the dwarfs were kicked out of their home by someone called Grob. So, today I shall write them a letter to express my condolences.

Oh, I can take out one of your pages? Fred, I'm so proud of you. I knew that beyond all those tentacles there was a warm heart.

Out of ink.

Guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Don't forget to remind me to ask one of them fancy looking elders to bring me some more ink.

Now I'll cover it in some of this hide so it won't get damaged. Good, now to give it to someone. I'll give it to Thaelil and Ashi, they can pass it on for me. I'm too busy for this.

Anyway, I wander when the next lunch will arrive. Those demons are running late. Don't tell me I'll have to get off this comfortable seat and go hunt for food.

Bronor Ironfist POV

Ah, the perilous journey through the sea of souls was more than worth seeing the Black Mountain and Nomaad himself. Truly, to be in the presence of the living ancestor, nothing was more soothing.

He still remembers who it felt to be in his presence and be looked upon. It was like he became a snotty beardling once again and his father was looking over him, warm and unyielding. Never had he felt so safe in his life.

As the ancient living ancestor was preparing to depart back to his body, he felt two other presences approach him. They were enormous but not threatening. One felt like a presence of a hug, ever loving and compassionate. Another felt like a blanket, warm and encompassing. Bronor knew what those presences were without looking behind him.

The Mother and The Bride. While it was widely acknowledged that they were not the ancestor gods of Dawi. It was also well known that they were taken in by Nomaad, to keep him company while he stands eternally vigilant over the Black Mountain, guarding the souls of Dawi, those dead and yet to be born.

While all other ancestors abandoned them, only Nomaad remained. If those two can ease his pain and loneliness, Dawi will accept them. They had the respect of Dawi, for what little happiness they will bring to Nomaad. The little boons they granted to those who prayed to them also helped.

Bronor bowed deeply to them in show of respect. Dawi kneel only to Nomaad and no other, not even the High King.

He looked up to them and saw something he did not expect. The Mother was crying red tears as she looked at him and the Bride had a look of compassion. Bronor was confused, but he knew something was wrong.

"What grieves you so, oh wives of Nomaad?"

The Bride was the first to speak.

"We being grave news to you ancient one. The green tide has come upon one of your worlds and consumed it whole. Karak Ungor is now in their hands."

Bronor Ironfist was confused at first, before the words the Bride uttered finally caught up with him. It was as if the Ghal Maraz was used to hit him in the gut. At first disbelieve filled him, he wanted to deny that such a thing could happen. But the look in their eyes and the tone of the Bride's voice told her it was true.

Then rage and righteous fury unlike any before poured from deep within. How dare those Grob? How dare they?!

Before he could react The Mother put a hand on his shoulder and suddenly he regained his clarity of thought.

Bronor took a deep breath and regained his center. He gave a nod of thanks to the goddess before asking her a question.

"Why do you cry Mother? Is it for us?"

The goddess looked him in the eyes before embracing him as one would a beloved son. She gestured towards the Black Mountain, the spot where Nomaad kept his vigil. He sat there looking somewhere in the distance, yet for the first time Bronor saw him bring restless. The Mother spoke in his ear.

"I cry for him, for he cannot. Today the greenskins broke his heart heart and nothing will ever mend it."

The rage and righteous fury were back, reaching ever greater heights.

"Take this, tis a gift from him. Bring it to your High King."

Grugni POV

Grugni Goldcrown was enraged. The living ancestors and slayer priest seethed as well. Dawi lost Karak Ungor, that was unacceptable. To lose a Hold was rare but not unheard of. But those were new holds, established too far for proper aid to reach in time and lacking proper armies of their own. Karak Ungor was one of their oldest Holds, a seat of power from which Dawi could project power and influence over numerous critical systems. Now lost and desecrated by a bunch of damn Grob.

Grugni brought down his fist upon his throne. Unacceptable. He started to form a plan on how to get back the Karak Ungor with his advisors when a living ancestor stalked into the meeting unannounced. While usually such disrespect and breaking of tradition would be beyond pale, the look on the face of the living ancestor told them that it was something of great importance.

Once they found out why the Bronor Ironfist rushed in, they were all stunned.

He brought a book back, one written by Nomaad himself. With awe and reverence it was presented to the High King, to him.

Grugni received the book whilst standing, not daring to do so sitting down and showing such disrespect to an artifact of a living ancestor. With shaking hands Grugni opened the book and peered inside. He froze once he saw what was inside.

Utter silence continued in the meeting before suddenly a cry of grief sounded from Grugni and tears of grief rolled down his eyes. Yet even as his whole body shook he did not let go of the book and continued to read it.

Many present were shocked. What was in the book that it drove the High King into such an emotional state. They could've understood if he was crying from happiness, to receive an artifact of Nomaad himself was an unprecedented honor.

Soon the cries and tears of grief turned into one of rage. The whole Hold shook at the howl of rage that was unleashed by the High King. Eventually Grugni calmed himself and gave the book to his advisors.

With cautious reverence they opened the book. They saw inside perfect runes, only instead of being written in ink they were written in blood. And as each one of them read the words written inside, they finally understood why High King reacted like that.

"Karaz Ungor was taken by Grob. Even as I write this using blood that bleeds from my heart. I declare Grob my mortal enemy, this grudge shall not be striken from this page till the home of Dawi, Karak Ungor, is retaken and sufficient recompense is paid. Till Grob that desecrated it lay dead. This declare I and so it shall be."

Nomaad, the greatest of all ancestors, the Doombringer, wrote this book using the blood from his own heart to show them how grief stricken he is and his rage at what was done to them. All present bawled like beardlings even as their hearts were filled with rage.

When they heard the recounting of how Bronor received the book, their rage and righteous fury surged from within without signs of stopping.

Grugni Goldcrown stood up from his throne and started to speak.

"For making our Ancestor bleed, for forcing him to write this book using his heart's blood and for bringing him such pain... no Dawi shall know peace so long as even one Grob still draws breath. From this day forth I am Ungrim Grudgebeard and I shall be known as such until Karak Ungor is retaken! My children shall be known as such till every Grob that desecrated it dies! My children's children shall be known as such until all Grob are dead!"

Now renamed Ungrim stormed out of the throne room and unto the balcony where an empire wide broadcast took place.

"Arise Dawi! Arise! Sound the horns of war! A grudge has been declared against all Grob by Nomaad. Shall we be found wanting!?"
Of course we need the book and a grudge against all Orks. Got to say I like that doom guy. Hope he is treating those elf women alright.
I still wanna see how the Emperor of Mankind and the Four Chaos "gods" see him

I would think the Emperor would like that it was a human that is kicking chaos's teeth in. And I don't think he would mind the Xenos worshiping Nomad like a god but he would be upset that humans are doing it too. Though I think he may let it slide for the moment like he did for the mars omnissiah religion, as well; Nomad is protecting the humans from the warp. I also can see the emperor be like the only one to treat Nomad like an human/equal and not like a GOD of death

I think the chaos gods being scared shitless of him as well Nomad can permitly 'kill' them
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I also can see the emperor be like the only one to treat Nomad like an human/equal and not like a god of death.

That's what I hope as well. Emperor and Nomaad just having a discussion, where the emperor realises that Nomaad's preceptions are warped. but otherwise it's as if to the two of them are having a conversation between friends about music or something. To everyone else it sounds really profound.
I think the Emprah will pull the same trick he pulled with the Omnissiah. He would probably declare that he is the materium avatar of the Doombringer or something and let the Dawi be part of the Imperium, nominally like the Mechanicus is.

Also, I would like to see how Dawi technology has progressed.
I think the Emprah will pull the same trick he pulled with the Omnissiah. He would probably declare that he is the materium avatar of the Doombringer or something and let the Dawi be part of the Imperium, nominally like the Mechanicus is.

Also, I would like to see how Dawi technology has progressed.
Actually, that only happened after he was put on life support. Before that, the Omnissiah was the only allowed religion and even then in 30k it was more a philosophy than an actual deity. Or that was the common excuse used in 30k on why it did not go against the Imperial truth.

Here, two of the Primarches are being raised by Eldar and Dwarfs as the "Son of the Doombringer" after the said being tried to be intimidating.

Imagine that, without trying he scares gods shitless and he was trying to be scary at that time.
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I hope none of that meeting the Emperor nonsense happens, meeting him will likely change how nomaad see's himself which'll be shit.

The only reason why these Nomad stories work so well (for me at least) is because Nomad doesn't know how badass others see him, so if he finds that out this'll just turn into another op SI fic.
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This is pretty interesting, other than a few grammatical errors it is an enjoyable story. Please, do tell me that this has not been abandoned! Thank you!
Interlude Sons of Nomaad - Part 1 Doomson
Ambrosius Doomson POV

War came to dawi when thrice cursed Grobi dared to desecrate his home, Karak Ungor. Ambrosius was away on an expedition, helping escort a trade fleet when news reached him of what happened to his home.

Righteous fury filled him once the news of what happened reached him. Him and what remained of his kin were ready to take their vessel and go back to Karak Ungor. Each and every last one of them were ready to die Before they could go however, a broadcast from the High King changed their plans.

Ambrosius was there when Ungrim Grudgebeard announced from his balcony that a grudge has been declared by his father against the Grobi who took Karak Ungor. He was there when the High King told all Dawi that the holy book, Dammaz Kron, was written in his father's blood. When he gazed upon Dammaz Kron he could feel his father's grief and fury. Ambrosius knew that if he would just reach out he would be able to feel those emotions as his own. But he knew he wasn't strong enough, he never could be a worthy son to his father.

It wasn't long before the fleets and throngs were gathered on Karaz-A-Karak. Before they set off the High King gathered them all and lifted up the Dammaz Kron. Every Dawi who was there fell to their knees and all started to pray to Nomaad for his blessing. Ambrosius followed the example of his elders, hoping that his father would turn his gaze in his direction and give him strength he lacks. Soon something gave and it was like hot lead was poured into his veins. It was like rage unlike any other burst from within. A shouts of rage and fury resounded from all around him. He saw Ungrim Grudgebeard opening the Dammaz Kron, a visible wave of force erupt from it and then darkness.

Ambrosius does not remember much of what happened after, but when he regained control of himself he knew that he was back in Karak Ungor. Millions of Dawi stood beside him, a slaughter unlike any other just finished taking place. Greenskin corpses that were torn to pieces surrounded them. Not a single one was left alive. The very walls around them were painted red with Grob blood.

Ambrosius took a deep breath, as if a weight that he did not know was there lifted from his shoulders. It was over at last, the grudge has been fulfilled and the last of Grob who desecrated Karak Ungor finally died.

A feeling soon came from deep within his chest. It felt like father and Ambrosius burst into tears of joy. His father did not forget him. Nomaad and his wives still looked upon him with loving gazes he remembered as a babe. As he fell to his knees a warm embrace surrounded him, his mothers showing their love.

He still remembered where he came from. Another being created him, but Ambrosius felt no love for it. No, that being was simply his creator. But Nomaad was his father, Lileath and Isha were his mothers. He still remembered the time he spent on the Black Mountain as the fondest memories he had. Nomaad playing silly games with him. Isha fussing over him and Lileath teaching him things.

Even as a babe he knew his parents loved him and his brother more than anything, but he also knew that they were weak. Just being in the mere presence of their father made them ill. Nomaad was forced to give them away into a mortal world to save their lives, he still remembered his mothers tears. His weakness broke his parents hearts, and he despised his weakness more than anything else. Even now he was still too weak to grasp even a tiny bit of his father's strength without losing his mind. But he will grow stronger, he promised that to himself and to his father. One day he, Ambrosius Doomson, will be strong enough to stand at his father's side.

Soon Ambrosius came back to reality and he felt the mountain shake. Millions of Dawi were stomping and striking the ground with their weapons. Each and every one were chanting the same thing.




Day 298

Those shorties just can't give me a rest can they? Yes, the golden balls are delicious, but that does not mean they can just bother me all day. So, yesterday every time I ate a golden ball I channeled the annoyance I felt back to the source to let them know I did not appreciate their constant interuptions. Even the strangely warm golden silver ball did not escape that fate, despite tasting like hugs.

That seemed to help since I've got a lot less golden balls than usual. Though for some reason Fred just kept cackling like a maniac the whole time since yesterday. I threw him to Ullyses and Achill, that cackling quickly turned into pained groans as the pair playfully chewed on him.

A thought struck me, how are my sons doing? I haven't seen them for a while. They're probably fine, but I have to check on them soon. No, keep yourself together, it's been only a few days. I don't want to seem overbearing.
Omakes and how they can get you more chapter part 2
There will be 3 other interludes after this one, each one expanding the universe a bit.

So in order to give me more motivation I call you dear readers to inspire me with more omakes and other expansion of the lore. They can be related to interludes or expand on what was mentioned before.

Each canon omake will see me give you a chapter within 7 days of it being granted canon status. Any two semi-cannons will enjoy the same reward. And any four non-cannon will do the same.

This offer lasts only for as long as I got free time to do so.
thx for writing it the chapter nice seeing one of the sons he had back in the story
wonder if big e will raise a fuss that nomad adopted two of his kids :D