Nomad: Tale of Doombringer (Warhammer 40K SI)

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The date, fuck if I know. Location, pretty sure it's hell. Objective, survive.

Nomad: Tale of Doombringer Prologue (Warhammer 40K SI)

The date, fuck if I know. Location, pretty sure it's hell. Objective, survive.

A moment of peace, a moment of silence, a moment to sit down and think. Everything that I wanted for the last who knows how long that I spent fighting those ugly creatures. Now if only I had something cold to drink...

Imagine, one day simply waking up in hell or I think it's hell. I can think of no other way to describe it aside from a hellish hellscape, full of hellish creatures. The worst part, killing them all naked for who knows how long, their weird jelly flesh and blood getting in places I don't want to think of. A bath, what I would not give for one.

The first days of my miserable existence were spent running, just endless running for there were no places to hide in sight. A horde of these hellish creatures chased me, never letting up and never getting tired. The funny thing is that I wouldn't get tired either and it freaked me out later but I didn't have time to think about it at that moment. Too busy trying to find a way to get away from the monsters chasing me. I don't think I've ever been more terrified in my life.

Eventually, however, I was lucky enough to shake off the freaking demons chasing me when I ran into a green jungle. I didn't realize at the time that I went from pan and into the fire.

Everything was a shade of sickly green, the air smelled of rot and worse. Strange green globs of, something, crawled all over the place seemingly paying no attention to me. I thought I was safe, yet a giant bloated green worm thing disabused me of that notion. It jumped at me from above and only luck saved me from being crushed by it. I'm not afraid to admit that it was the closest time I came to shitting myself. I ran, I ran and ran until the landscape changed again.

This time, it was the most beautifully haunting and twisted place I ever saw.

The hellscape itself was a shade of pinkish purple, towers with narrow tops were all over the place. At first I rejoiced, for I thought I found civilization, yet as I approached closer to the buildings I finally saw what they were made out of. People, no, to call the pile of flesh I saw people would be incorrect. They were things that once could've been people, intertwined with tentacles and other appendages I refuse to recall. Their screams of pain and moans of pleasure would forever haunt me, as would their faces and writhing of their bodies.

I ran once again, tears of fear and sorrow streaming down my eyes. Have I truly done something so terrible in my life that I deserved to end up as one of those creatures?

And as pattern followed, I stumbled once again at another hellscape. This one was made up of shade of blue, yet it was different. It was a labyrinth and a library in one. However, it hurt to even gaze upon it, for it seemed to be constantly changing, my puny mortal brain unable to keep up. I wanted to charge into that labyrinth, to get to the library and finally get some answers to all my questions. Yet I also knew it was a trap, whatever was happening to me, I would not find the answers I seek in that library. To think other wise was folly.

I turned away and looked around me. Beset on all sides by hellish hellscape and demons. It would not be for a long time yet that I would realized where exactly I was.

AN: This is an AU of my Nomad story, what would happen if Nomad ended up in WH40K instead of WHFB.
Let me guess, you're going ti end up a galactic scale urban myth, popping up like the legion of the damned? That or riding about on Kaldor Drago's pauldrons.
Nomad: Tale of Doombringer Part 1
Day 125?

I dub thee Fred!

Day 127?

Okay, those demons are much tougher than I thought. First battle went much better in my mind. So, sneaking up on them apparently doesn't work. As soon as I am a certain distance from them, they know I'm there and start throwing themselves at me.

Purple ones do it in more ways than one and that scares me more than anything else.

Day 148?

Note to self. Despite the fact that they look like a mix between a dog and a bull, the red ones taste like chicken.

No Fred, you can't have any. It may taste like chicken but I never said I disliked it.

Day 155?

I'm changing, I didn't notice it until now, but I'm much taller. And my face is totally different, at least from what I saw in that red river. Most importantly, a manly beard. I mean, it's so manly a Viking will look at it and cry themselves to sleep.

I was feeling conflicted about getting back home. On one hand internet and on the other a manly beard. Dilemma of the highest order, truly.

Day 162?

Hmm, I encountered some gold looming thingy today. It kept poking me, but I decided to ignore it for now. Only it kept coming back. Every day, it kept poking me. Finally I lost patience and ate the thing. Bad idea.

Oh, to hell with you Fred, heh, you were the one who kept egging me on. So what if it was the most delicious thing around here? It came with too many strings attached.

Apparently, the thing I ate was like a payment of some kind. But it carried a message, something about saving it. And I totally had a location in my mind and the thing kept poking me from inside now.

Ugh, I finally gave in a decided to see what's all the fuss is about.

Day 163?

Why is everything on fire?

Day 165?

Okay, well that was interesting. Apparently some kid got in way over his head. Something about pushing too far into spiritual ocean. He basically kept bothering me cause some demon jacked his body while he was away. He needed me to take the demon out and stuff him back in.

At first I admittedly was kind of freaked out, that was some the Excorcist level shit and I didn't want anything to with it. Eventually his begging just got to me. Ugh, so I did what he asked and I thought that it was over with.

But apparently the sneaky little shit thought that telling about me to all of his snotty little friends was just fine. And now every day there is a small bunch of little golden lights that just keep poking me.

Every single day. Just poking me.

So what if I sound angry and bitter Fred?! That shit is annoying as fuck! How tasty those golden things are has nothing to do with it!

Day 176?

So I kept helping those guys, hoping that one day they will ran out of requests or tasty golden things to poke me with. Finally leaving me at peace.

But no, one day I have to save this one guy from being eaten by a giant chicken. Next day I have to beat a demon until it gives up its dirty secrets, like it's name. Why would those guys need the name and why would it not just give it? Oh well, none of my business.

But guess what? Instead of decreasing the amount of requests or running out of tasty golden pokers, they just kept multiplying.

Tell me Fred, does this look like a face of mercy? Does it?! Sorry Fred, I can't take out my frustrations on you. That's not how friends roll.

Also, apparently they weren't kids like I thought. They called themselves living ancestors, whatever that was. Basically they were super short, but who can blame me foe making that mistake.

So what if they had some hair on their face, Fred? I'll have you know that it's not called a beard till they reach at least the level of my manly beard.

Day 180?

Hmm, what should I name you?

Day 181?

So yesterday I stumbled upon those two horses. They were dying, getting eating alive by maggots. So I did what any smart man would do. I took them to that black river I saw and bathed them in it. They came out just fine and dandy. Though they looked a bit bigger and spikier? Oh well, at they're healthy now.

I called those two Ulysses and Achill. They liked it judging by how they kept nipping at me.

Day 196?

Today, a bunch of demons decided to attack my place of living. I did not appreciate that. I demonstrated my displeasure by splitting the wig of the green headed elk thing. Safe to say the demons attacking did not survive my displeasure and promptly became my breakfast.

This was a usual occurrence for me, only it seems that this time I had witness. A white armored humananoid was standing and staring at me while I was plucking one of those blue bird things. Not wanting to be a bad host I reluctantly asked if it wanted some. Thankfully for my stomach, it shook it's head at me.

I proceeded to eat my breakfast but the white armored humanoid just kept writing furiously something in its book while seating not too far from me. Strangely instead of looking tense, it looked relaxed. In fact, it looked downright mellow, if I didn't know better I would've thought it was high.

But it looked kind of familiar. I asked if we met before but it denied that. I asked it to take off the helmet just to make sure and it, she, did. She looked pretty, but that's about it. After looking at her for a moment I went back to food and I swear she looked almost offended when I did it.

Hey, I'll have you know Fred, this is my home/plane/mountain and I can offend whomever I like. Oh, thems fighting words. So what if you don't have hands or legs, those little tentacle things you have count as limbs and you have many of them. Engarde, good sir!

Day 209?

I got the name of the she human thing. She said her name is Thaelil, what an exotic name. She giggle when I told her that for some reason. Ulysses and Achill liked her, so I let her take care of them when I'm not riding them.

Oh, and demon attacks increased lately. Especially those purple demons, they kept screaming and moaning, it hurt my sensitive ears. Sadly for them, I wasn't interested in man. And they still kept coming even though I told them that.

So I kept smiting the fuckers. And they still kept coming. One day Thealil told me that the only way to stop them was to go to the source. Which honestly kind of made sense but I just couldn't be bothered.

Day 226?

It has already been ten days and that wailing won't stop. Even poor little Thealil has been driven to tears. And I'm not too far from going off deep end either.

I haven't had a wink of sleep in the last 10 days, Fred. You don't need sleep, you don't get to tell me to stop being a pussy. So what if I technically don't need it either? It's relaxing, ok?

Day 227?

I snapped.
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Day 165?

Okay, well that was interesting. Apparently some kid got in way over his head. Something about pushing too far into spiritual ocean. He basically kept bothering me cause some demon jacked his body while he was away. He needed me to take the demon out and stuff him back in.

At first I admittedly was kind of freaked out, that was some the Excorcist level shit and I didn't want anything to with it. Eventually his begging just got to me. Ugh, so I did what he asked and I thought that it was over with.

But apparently the sneaky little shit thought that telling about me to all of his snotty little friends was just fine. And now every day there is a small bunch of little golden lights that just keep poking me.

Every single day. Just poking me.

So what if I sound angry and bitter Fred?! That shit is annoying as fuck! How tasty those golden things are has nothing to do with it!

Is that Lorgar? Did he actually find something benign to worship?
Or maybe one of the other Primarchs.

I don't know too much about the squats.
" I Snapped" that's just perfect. Now go punch a god in the face.
From look of thing you sanity's is fine totally FINE,it so FINE it make the That crazy clown cry a River
The silver armored figure is probably an eldar, now that I think about it. Especially since the slanneshi deamons keep popping up. I wonder what exactly she thinls you are. Human, or some bizzare non-chaos warp entity?
The silver armored figure is probably an eldar, now that I think about it. Especially since the slanneshi deamons keep popping up. I wonder what exactly she thinls you are. Human, or some bizzare non-chaos warp entity?
Probably thinks of him as The Human God. She may mistake him for the Emperor finally coming out of the closet and admitting that he is in fact a God.

Would also be funny if the Real Emperor shows up.

"Wait there are two of you??"
Ooooooooooooh myyyyyyyyy.

Well. I'm not sure at all what to think of this.

*sits down to watch the oncoming DOOOOOOOM*
Nomad: Tale of Doombringer Part 2
Grugni, son of Gron POV

Today was probably the biggest and most celebrated day for all Dawi. The living ancestors from all founding planets were gathering on the capital world of Karaz-A-Karak.

They gathered to celebrate the Day of Nomaad. It was almost a millennia since his father, Gron, stumbled upon the venerated one. The ancestor of ancestors. First of of the first. Slayer of slayers. Nomaad, the Doombringer.

His father was peering into the ocean of souls, trying to discover the threat that all living ancestors felt was coming when he was possessed by a foul daemon. Grugni was ready to put down the foul being that wore his father like a meatsuit when a miracle happened. A presence unlike any other descended upon the hall of ancestors and suddenly his father was himself again, his form wholly restored and his powers amplified beyond measure.

Grugni hugged his father like a snotty beardling and cried on his broad chest in relief. Gron let him have that and then he talked of an ancestor that ascended to godhood and who saved him. He talked of Nomaad, the Doombringer.

From that day on the Dawi entered an unprecedented era of prosperity now that living ancestors were able to live for much longer and control their power without fearing the daemons, for they were in shadow of Nomaad. Even traversing space became easier by using Nomaad's immense presence in the spirit ocean as a point of reference for navigation. Even traveling through storms became trivial, as long as the living ancestor aboard the vessel uttered the prayer to Nomaad, the ship and all aboard it would be safe.

Trade increased, bringing more money. This in turn allowed a much larger military and fleets. Which in turn brought more safety. Dawi prospered and they knew that they had Nomaad to thank for it. They did not forget this.

Even though other ancestor gods were still venerated, it was silently agreed upon that Nomaad was the one that answered, making him the central ancestor god. All others received small prayers as lip service.

Every century they would gather and celebrate the Day of Nomaad. On this day, all fighting is to cease and all grudges put aside. Dawi gathered as one people on this day and celebrated the Ancestor of Ancestors.

As the day was coming to a close, all guests departed it was once again time for war. After living ancestors felt a storm of some kind within spirit ocean, it was like a beardling knocked a grobi nest. Dawi were protected, for they were in shadow of Nomaad. But many of their sworn allies were not so fortunate. Grob and Uruk of all kinds were surging from all sides, trying to drown proud Dawi and their allies in oceans of their filthy blood.

Grugni donned his helmet as his wife finished with the last seal on his armor. Large symbols of Nomaad was drawn all over his armor and weapons. It was proven that anything marked with symbol of Nomaad just worked better. They stand in the shadow of Nomaad and he gazes upon them. They will not fail. They will not fall.

For Nomaad! For Doombringer!

Khazukan Kazakit-HA!

Lileath POV

Lileath had to admit, she was stumped. She observed the mysterious warp entity and yet nothing about it made sense.

It looked similar to Aeldari, yet very different at the same time. Lileath knew that the entity before her was not a part of the same court as her. Yet neither did it belong to the court of the foul three. Four, she sadly corrected herself.

This entity's presence in the warp was not a secret to Lileath and her family. For as long as she could remember, her family told her to stay away from the black mountain that was the territory of the mysterious being. Even Kaela Mensha Khaine was reluctant to face the creature and that said a lot. The fact that the war in heaven bent it's way around to stay out of the creature's territory added even more.

The foul trio constantly sent groups of neverborn to the mountain constantly. Not in hopes of slaying it, but in hopes of keeping it away from their territories by satisfying it's hunger. The tale of how the warp entity once wrecked chaos in the realm of the three in search for food still brought much amusement to the her and her family. Asuryan, in moments when he bothered to pay attention even mentioned how it seemed like trio paid a tribute in order to keep the creature at bay. He forbade anyone from approaching the creature's territory, let it keep it's mountain he said.

Yet, in a moment of desperation she could think of no other place to go. Perhaps it was fear from seeing her family killed and devoured before her. Perhaps it was desperation from not wanting to suffer the same fate as her mother. Lileath made her choice and when the four sent their minions after her, she ran to the black mountain.

When she first laid her eyes upon the warp entity she was frozen with fear. The sheer terror seeped into her very soul and refused to let go. But the eyes, the eyes were the most terrifying thing. Swirling green globes of power beyond measure, countless souls of neverborn pleading for mercy or even destruction. Anything to end their suffering, anything.

Lileath knew her folly then. In her fear addled mind she thought she could talk or even negotiate with the creature. Perhaps, at the very least it would ignore her. Oh, how wrong she was. She realized that while she was trying to run from one predator, it ran into the territory of an even more dangerous one. And while she's sure Slaneesh would've done unspeakable things to her, she was pretty sure she preferred that to whatever the entity before her would do to her for daring to trespass upon its territory.

As she finished that train of thought the creature lunged at her with such speed that even her father could not hope to match. Lileath closed her eyes and prayed that it would be over fast.

Screaming. Sounds of pain and suffering filled with misery.

Yet she felt nothing. So when she opened her eyes to see what was happening, she quickly regretted it. A greater neverborn was shrieking as it was being chewed on. The entity did not even give it the courtesy of killing it before consuming it's prize.

The sounds, oh the sounds as the neverborn were plucked from the ground one by one to be chewed consumed. Their struggling and shrieks of pain not even slowing down the creature. In fact it even seemed to enjoy it.

In a span of a few moments it ate several legions worth of nevetborn. Now she knew why the neverborn and her family called this creature Doombringer.

Lileath knew she should've used the time the creature was feasting to get away yet her very being screamed at her to stay still. If she did, maybe the creature might ignore her. She eventually overcame this and forced herself to take a step away from the Doombringer. It was a mistake.
The being stilled and slowly turned towards her.

It's eyes peered at her very soul, before it slowly brought up the last still struggling greater neverborn up to her face. And then it spoke and her soul barely held together.


The voice was like a blast of force, she felt her very soul shudder as it tries to keep itself together. Lileath felt as if the whole world shook and she wasn't sure how she did not go deaf. But she was very close to cutting her own ears out just to never hear that voice again.

After Lileath got herself somewhat back together she looked up at the Doombringer and the neverborn who looked at her like the last hope. It's eyes conveying that it was willing to become her slave as long as she would save it from the Doombringer. Lileath shook her head and that hope turn into despair as the being retracted it's hand and brought the neverborn to its mouth. Two bites and nothing was left of it.

Lileath was sitting down and writing all of her knowledge into the book she had on her hand. She knew she would not survive for long, even came to terms with it. She had to say, it was quite liberating. But she will leave a tome that will contain a sum of her knowledge behind, in hopes that one of Aeldari will discover it. A last gift.

"wE mEt bEfOrE?"

Lileath shook her head again, absolutely sure that she never met the entity before her. Otherwise she would've never so much as thought about coming here.

"tAkE Off YOUr hElmEt."

She followed the order with utmost haste. She did not know why she was not yet being digested, but she was willing to do anything to not follow the fate of the neverborn.

Doombringer gazed at her face for a moment before seemingly losing interest. She had to say, that offended her a bit. While not as beautiful as her mother, she thought she had her own charm.

It looks like she wasn't going anywhere for a long time.

Nomad POV

Day 228?

Hmm, looking back on it, that wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done.

Day 229?

Make her stop! For the sake of my sanity, make her stop!

Day 230?

She even haunts me in my dreams, is nothing sacred anymore?

Day 231?

Do you hear that, Fred? Exactly! It's silent. No more crying. Now sleep...

Day 232?

Okay, I'm fine now.

That Ashi lady finally stopped her miserable wailing and I can sit down to collect my thoughts.

I know Fred. No, Fred, I'm not going to kill and eat Ashi just because she stopped me from having a good restful sleep for a few days. Don't lie to me about being as miserable as me, you don't even have ears!

Though that little fight took out of me a bit more than I thought it would. Those two bastards were tough, the fat old man especially hit really hard.