[x] Anzu Kojinsei
[x] Check around it first, and check it out as well
[x] Check around it first, and check it out as well
[x] Arashi Saito
[x] Toga Mori
[x] Go to the shinigami academy straight away. You need answers.

Names should be short and sweet and sound like a Scottish city.
[x] Check around it first, and check it out as well
[X] Shion Takamaki
[x] Anzu Kojinsei
[x] Check around it first, and check it out as well

Suppose bandwagons gonna wagon, and this sounds coolest of the popular ones.

Someone better with languages should've done a chinese name instead though! Like i dunno, Xia Yu or something. Why's ninja Bee get to be unique?
1.3: The City of Wandering Souls
1.3: The City of Wandering Souls

"My name is..." you begin, only to trail off. You can't remember the name you were born with, and you somehow can't see it as fitting you now. "Anzu Kojinsei," you say, after a moment or two of deliberation.

"Where is this academy, anyway? And, um, where am I?" you ask the man, who still looks somewhat stunned. You've only just woken up in this world, after all. All you've seen of it is some rice fields and what's looking increasingly like the final moments of a battle.

"You're in the 48th District of Western Rukongai, and the way-" the man said, but you interrupted him.

"Ah, I'm sorry but what or where is Rukongai?" you ask. You know, instinctually, that this is the world of the dead, and that you are among their number. That, however, doesn't help you make your way amongst your fellow spirits.

The man explains the general nature of Soul Society as he understands it - the Shinigami, or Soul Reapers, and the nobility rule from the gleaming citadel of the Seireitei. Even the richest resident of Rukongai is nothing next to those who reside in there.

Thus, his suggestion of heading towards the Shinigami Academy. It would take anyone with the power needed, and if you could make it there within three weeks you'd arrive in time for this year's intake - and work your way into a place where people were perfectly willing to teach you about those monsters and her weird swords.

You decide not to tell anybody who doesn't need to know about taking a bite out of the Hollow. Unless someone else mentions it first, you're just gonna keep quiet about it. No need to go spilling all your secrets, after all.

The men you'd fought - and in one case killed - had a decent amount of money on them. That and the shortest had some boots that might fit you. You'd normally afford the dead more respect, but you're in a race with a deadline and they had tried to kill you.

"Are you sure you'll be okay here?" you ask the man.

"Heh, I'll be fine. I'll take care of what's left of 'me. Just remember - the road that cuts through the town will take you to the Seireitei eventually if you keep going east," the man replied, waving you goodbye as you start to walk into town in your new boots.

Once there, you buy some supplies with the brigands' money - a heavy cloak, since it was almost winter, some food suitable for the road, and some less threadbare clothes. Your blades get you respect here, too, and no one gives you any trouble as you start towards the East.

The Western Road is one of the four great roads of Rukongai, as you understand it. Each of the roads heads along the centre of their districts, along a route directly East from the centre of the Seireitei. Travellers occasionally pass you, and you them, as you make your way along it. None of them wishes to tangle with such a well armed and spiritually solid traveller like you.

You do not remember much of the world you left behind when you died, but still, you frown at what you see. Merchants travel by horse and cart, or by foot, and buildings look like something more suited to a historical drama than 'real life'.

You realise that half of those thoughts lack supporting understandings of the living world, but you get the gist of it just fine - in the world of the dead, there is still poverty. You frown at that, even as you journey to join those ruling over this place.

If Shinigami could fight the monster you slew, then surely they could enforce order? Or at least, create some kind of police force. Instead, all that ruled this far out was the sword. It did seem better in the inner districts, but even so...

About a week into your journey, you stop at an inn. Most souls do not need to eat, you have been informed, but some still do. You have a voracious hunger, and food is not cheap in Rukongai. Still, the money you took from the criminals looked to be enough to last you the other week or so it would take for you to get to the walls of the Seireitei.

The food is simple, but you're hungry enough not to care about the unskilled cook. It doesn't look likely to lay you down with some horrible disease, so you happily eat your fill of it.

"Say, stranger, where're you headed?" asks a man sitting at a table near yours. He's nursing some kind of alcoholic drink - those are still popular, even with those amongst the dead who did not need to eat.

"To the centre, to take the entrance exam," you say truthfully. He gives you an odd look.

"Really, huh? Think you've got it takes to be one of them?" the man asks you. "That's mighty ambitious of you," he finished.

"Thank you for the conversation, but I must be going," you say. There's something just not quite right about the man, something off about the way he feels. He's too quiet, too nonthreatening.

Sleeping out in the cold on the road to the next town will be rough, but you knew you were in serious danger back there.

Well, you say town - these are all parts of a singular, massive city. You're not sure of the population, but it has to higher than any city in the living world. You've been walking at a pace most souls could only dream of for a week, and you've only covered a quarter of the distance to the centre, going on a perfectly straight route.

Nothing jumps you in the night, and you make it to the gates of the Seireitei without issue. Your swords are concealed beneath your heavy cloak for now, as you realise a slight issue with scoping out the Academey - the massive walls in the way.

Your eyes were drawn to what the man back in the 49th had almost certainly been directing you too, anyway. A massive banner read 'APPLY HERE', with uniformed Shinigami sitting behind desks and standing guard.

If you hadn't been on the lookout, you'd never had spotted it but the man from the inn was there. He wore the uniform of a Shinigami, and wore a sword at his side. He spoke quietly to one of the recruiters, then melted away into the crowd.

[x] Follow the man from the inn. You want to know what's going on here.

[x] Apply for the Academy now. You want to start getting some answers to your personal questions.
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[x] Apply for the Academy now. You want to start getting some answers to your personal questions.
[x] Apply for the Academy now. You want to start getting some answers to your personal questions.