No good deed... (Worm AU)

Not sure if it's the title, the way you've written the chapters, or maybe just the stuff that could still come up at the worst possible moment, but every single chapter besides maybe the bonus one has made me feel like the floor is about to drop out and things are going to go horribly wrong at any moment.
Not sure if it's the title, the way you've written the chapters, or maybe just the stuff that could still come up at the worst possible moment, but every single chapter besides maybe the bonus one has made me feel like the floor is about to drop out and things are going to go horribly wrong at any moment.
Well, it is Worm... :D
Not sure I like the direction where this sorry is going...
Alright! Looks like Best Mom is on the case!

Did Dragon set this up during the three days or has an unspecified amount of time passed?

Chaps a little short I know, next chap will be longer and will have a POV I believe you've all been looking forward to :)
Crap. It's been so long that I can't remember who we wanted. Other interludes we've already had Assault was in the first chapter, we found out Shadow Stalker developed night terrors to the point of being unwilling to fall asleep, and Emma passed out a bunch and is presumably in a comatose state after her worldview was shattered like the glass it always was. Is it Madison?
Weaver, (as in she weaves illusions.)
Inigo Montoya
you killed my father, prepare to die!
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Annette was born in 1983? Taylor was born in... 2011-15=1996... which would've made Annette 13 when Taylor was born.

Minor correction: Taylor turns 16 in 2011 (her birthday is after the start of canon, pretty sure it's in June), so she was born in 1995 which would have made Annette *12* when Taylor was born (if the typo wasn't caught and corrected).

With the author's correction, Annette was a much more reasonable 22 when Taylor was born. This fits with Annette and Danny meeting in college, which I'm reasonably certain is canon.
Minor correction: Taylor turns 16 in 2011 (her birthday is after the start of canon, pretty sure it's in June), so she was born in 1995 which would have made Annette *12* when Taylor was born (if the typo wasn't caught and corrected).

With the author's correction, Annette was a much more reasonable 22 when Taylor was born. This fits with Annette and Danny meeting in college, which I'm reasonably certain is canon.

Actually we were all wrong, the SB people found out Annette was born in 1969, so she was 26 when she had Taylor. I'll be correcting this soon(ish).
Interlude: Sophia Hess
Interlude: Sophia Hess

"I feel like I'm made of glass."

"Feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty are normal after events like the one that occurred to you."

"Fuck normal then..."

She wiped at her eyes, grateful that the doctor didn't comment on it.

"Ms. Hess."

She blinked and sat up straighter, coming back to the present reality as she became aware of Gladly where he stared at her from the front of the classroom.

"Yeah?" She said, annoyed at having been caught in her distraction.

"Are you feeling alright Ms. Hess?"

She all but sneered at the man. Hating the question, hated how it made her feel, how it reminded her what she felt every moment of the day.

It was bullshit.

Everything had been bullshit.

She hadn't been a real survivor. She had been faking strength.

It was all bullshit.

But it had been safe bullshit. Made her feel secure. Safe. Untouchable.

Most days… she wished she could go back to believing the bullshit.

"She's calling herself Apparition. Like a ghost or something. Working with Dragon in that new base down by the docks."

"Do you feel angry?"

"I'm not. It… it's just weird."

"Weird how?"

"I'm fine." She heard herself answer, feeling weirdly detached from her own body as she did; ignoring the eyes of the other thirty students watching her, dissecting her, making her feel like a dead girl walking.

They had heard the stories, had watched the news. Made up their own narrative to suit the picture they had in their heads.

So far… if the high school gossip was to be believed Taylor had killed Hookwolf, his posse, half the Empire roster, Kaiser... and Emma.

Fucking Emma was gone. Who knew where, she didn't. She had only talked to Emma once since that day.

According to the rumor mill she and Madison were next on the chopping block and with Madison missing class for days at a time, the rumors were only getting worse.

The bitches didn't care that they had helped those who they now turned on. They didn't see the flaws in how they saw the world, how she had before that day.

A part of her wanted to look for her friend, if she could still call her a friend, another wondered if she might just make it worse.

Whatever had happened to either of them, Sophia doubted Taylor had killed Emma.

It wasn't that she couldn't. Sophia had little doubt Taylor could kill anyone if she wanted. The question wasn't of means, it was of motivation.

Why would she bother?

"It's weird because she…


"It was never like this… never thought it could ever be like this… It's… It's Hebert. She was a doormat. A breathing stepping stool. And now…

"Now she's a powerful Master and working with Dragon."

She held her silence. Feeling herself staring at the ground where she sat, trying to gather her tumultuous emotions into something coherent.

"I used to think… I wanted to break her like glass."

Break her like glass… as if. At this point...after everything, Emma, Sophia, hell the whole high school was beneath Hebert.

"Would you like to see the nurse?"

Gladly asked his question with a voice filled with concern that made her feel a nauseous, loathsome churning in her gut.

She didn't want his goddamn pitty. His or anyone's for that matter.

She just…

She shook her head, not trusting herself to speak much more than another curt "I'm fine" through what felt like tightly grit teeth.

The class couldn't end fast enough.

She made her way through the hallways alone despite the others all around her.

No hangers on, no troupe of giggling sycophants. No Emma, no Madison.

She wasn't sure when she realized it, maybe it was yesterday, or the day before that, but where she was now reminded her of Hebert.

Only real difference was that there was no one keeping her down in her version of the picture.

She shook her head at the thought today, like she had the first time she thought of it.

They weren't anything alike.

She'd fallen apart after what happened to her, both the most recent time, and the first time where she had deluded herself into thinking that she was fine. Taylor had picked herself up and been strong, Taylor had made the fuckers pay for what they did to her, twice over.

She thought once upon a time she could break Taylor like glass. That Hebert was weak and she was strong.

Turns out, that, like everything else in her life, she'd just gotten it backwards.


Well ladies and gents this will be the end of arc 3. For Arc 4 I'm thinking of doing something of a mini timeskip of two or three months. While I certainly could show the entire process of Taylor settling into her new role/life, the fact of the matter is it's kinda been done half to death and devoting 3 arcs to set up, I believe is more than enough. If you all disagree I can do it but that's my opinion atm. Thoughts???

Anyway, now that this is done, I'mma try to go finish the last few pages for LMLS last chapter :)
Oh Taylor's like glass alright.

If you break it, better be prepared to get cut in the process.
Interesting perspective Sophia, wonder if she will want to go see Taylor. What happened to Emma again? She ran away right?
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Damn it Sophia, just apologize already. Admitting you were a terrible person and had no excuse for what you did goes a long way to be, perhaps not forgiven, but for your actions to be accepted. It'll help both you and Taylor move past what happened.

One does not need to be forgiven to be redeemed, rather, one must show remorse and have those past actions be accepted.

Why would she bother?
Taylor had picked herself up and been strong, Taylor had made the fuckers pay for what they did to her, twice over.
It would seem that Sophia considers herself and Taylor to have switched places on the food chain. Sophia isn't wrong with the state she's currently in. Sophia has the revenge part right, but she's assuming that Taylor saw killing Kaiser with her own two hands as stepping on a large hornet.

How would Sophia react if she found out that Taylor fell apart afterwords?

Well ladies and gents this will be the end of arc 3. For Arc 4 I'm thinking of doing something of a mini timeskip of two or three months. While I certainly could show the entire process of Taylor settling into her new role/life, the fact of the matter is it's kinda been done half to death and devoting 3 arcs to set up, I believe is more than enough. If you all disagree I can do it but that's my opinion atm.
I understand and agree that you've done enough of showing Taylor tossing herself into the frying pan that is her new role/life. I worry about how you will show us who Taylor's new friends and acquaintances are and how she got to whatever comfort level she may have with them after two or three months. You'll either explain it, which could be boring depending on how you do so, or you'll use flashbacks at appropriate times, which can be overused from what I understand.

I refuse to believe that Dragon, a.k.a Best Mom, would let Taylor hermit up in the warehouse and not talk to anyone. For one or two weeks, sure, but not two or three months.
'll either explain it, which could be boring depending on how you do so, or you'll use flashbacks at appropriate times, which can be overused from what I understand.

I personally hate flashbacks, and only use them very very very sparingly.

So little danger of that :p
For thousands of years I lay dormant. Who dares wake me from my... Oh. Wait. Wrong planet.

Well, readers and Fans it has finally happened, my home repairs are done, electricity has returned to my corner of the woods after Hurricane Maria, life is beginning to settle down and get back on track and so I am picking up my stories again. I've tried to pick them up again before but always with the caveat that my living situation could change at any given moment going from place to place and staying with the good friends and family that have helped imensely since the hurricane but now that caveat is missing, my situation has stabilized dramatically, so here I am, hoping to pick things up again with not only old projects but maybe one or two newer, shorter ones. Legacy undone is gonna be seeing a few updates in the coming days and No good deed is next on the list to start off its "third" major story arc which should last 8-12 chapters. To do this however I am, as usual going to need the help of a Beta reader, and as such have come to the internet to call one up from the depths of the ether, anyone who wants to volunteer feel free.

Before volunteering know that I am going to need your email address in order to share google docs with you. Also, while grammar corrections are 'good' and helpful, I prefer it more when Beta's aren't afraid to bounce ideas with me. Like say they see a line or a scene they disagree with and actively work/make suggestions to rewrite that scene with me to help make it *better*. Not all suggestions will be accepted of course, but when someone is willing to do it and bounce ideas it can definitely make the story far better in my experience (as such you shouldn't be scared of spoilers)

And lastly that I typically 'wait' a period of around 3 days after sending it to said Beta, before posting, which means you have 'that' amount of time to work on it, if you need more you need to contact me and inform me that you need more time but don't just leave it at silence and expect me to wait a week without a PM from you.

So yeah, I'm back, and the next chapter for this piece is done and the following one is being worked on
For thousands of years I lay dormant. Who dares wake me from my... Oh. Wait. Wrong planet.

Well, readers and Fans it has finally happened, my home repairs are done, electricity has returned to my corner of the woods after Hurricane Maria, life is beginning to settle down and get back on track and so I am picking up my stories again. I've tried to pick them up again before but always with the caveat that my living situation could change at any given moment going from place to place and staying with the good friends and family that have helped imensely since the hurricane but now that caveat is missing, my situation has stabilized dramatically, so here I am, hoping to pick things up again with not only old projects but maybe one or two newer, shorter ones. Legacy undone is gonna be seeing a few updates in the coming days and No good deed is next on the list to start off its "third" major story arc which should last 8-12 chapters. To do this however I am, as usual going to need the help of a Beta reader, and as such have come to the internet to call one up from the depths of the ether, anyone who wants to volunteer feel free.

Before volunteering know that I am going to need your email address in order to share google docs with you. Also, while grammar corrections are 'good' and helpful, I prefer it more when Beta's aren't afraid to bounce ideas with me. Like say they see a line or a scene they disagree with and actively work/make suggestions to rewrite that scene with me to help make it *better*. Not all suggestions will be accepted of course, but when someone is willing to do it and bounce ideas it can definitely make the story far better in my experience (as such you shouldn't be scared of spoilers)

And lastly that I typically 'wait' a period of around 3 days after sending it to said Beta, before posting, which means you have 'that' amount of time to work on it, if you need more you need to contact me and inform me that you need more time but don't just leave it at silence and expect me to wait a week without a PM from you.

So yeah, I'm back, and the next chapter for this piece is done and the following one is being worked on

Wow. It's been so long, that I don't even remember what this story is. Excuse me while I go back and reacquaint myself with your wonderful work. Oh! Congratulations and welcome back! Can't believe I almost forgot to say that.