No good deed... (Worm AU)

And that sound was any respect I had for Purity's choices bleeding away. This is like chaining yourself to a sinking ship that just caught fire. Purity always seemed to have less common sense than damn orange.
Too bad her daughter is already chained to that sinking ship. Sure, she could try to use the bolt cutters to get her free, but it's so much more tempting to accept a deal with the man who has the key, isn't it?
I really hope she doesn't take it. If she does, she's either going to die or she's gonna get caught in the sinking ship that's the Empire along with everyone else and never see Aster again(unless, you know, she somehow breaks out...). And dying seems more likely, 'cause, you know, Worm.

All she has to do is nothing. Kaiser's going to be either dead or in custody soon enough anyway.

All she has to do is nothing. Kaiser's going to be either dead or in custody soon enough anyway.
If he gets taken into custody, there's a good chance they'll take the time to figure out his civilian identity, which will put a lot of scrutiny on her relationship to him.

That said... either way is a risk. One is more sudden, short-term risk, and the other will take time to see what happens.
Too bad her daughter is already chained to that sinking ship. Sure, she could try to use the bolt cutters to get her free, but it's so much more tempting to accept a deal with the man who has the key, isn't it?
To tortuously prolong this metaphor it's more like the man says he has the key and you and your daughter are already in a lifeboat. Or in other words, do nothing and if he gets pushy you have heavy artillery on call.
If he gets taken into custody, there's a good chance they'll take the time to figure out his civilian identity, which will put a lot of scrutiny on her relationship to him.

That said... either way is a risk. One is more sudden, short-term risk, and the other will take time to see what happens.

Actually, as pointed out on SB, there is one course of action open to her that's pretty much guaranteed to go well for her.

Find Kaiser in costume in public, then atomize the bastard.

EDIT: Step 2 is to go as the perfectly normal, totally not a cape, nope nope nope Kayden Anders to the PRT, begging for protection and spinning a tale of how she had lived in fear of him for years, but now that he's dead, she feels safe enough to come forward and ask for protection from her Big Bad Nazi husband's fellow Nazi cohorts.
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To tortuously prolong this metaphor it's more like the man says he has the key and you and your daughter are already in a lifeboat. Or in other words, do nothing and if he gets pushy you have heavy artillery on call.
Kayden and Aster are in a lifeboat. Max is trying to pull himself on board, and he's offering to row if he's helped in. On one hand, the boat will most likely tip if Kayden helps him. On the other hand, Kayden will have a harder time rowing to shore with an overboard Max trying to pull himself on board.

So yes, @Cyclone has the right of it. Kayden should beat Max to death with a metaphorical oar.
Or~ Kayden can grab go to the rescue chopper that is the PRT/Protectorate with Aster and Theo, turn herself in and ask for sanctuary.

EDIT: Sadly though I highly doubt Kayden will do this due to the many years of conditioning Max put her through :(
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Actually, as pointed out on SB, there is one course of action open to her that's pretty much guaranteed to go well for her.

Find Kaiser in costume in public, then atomize the bastard.

Trouble with that will be finding Kaiser in costume in public. He may be an absolute bastard but he's smart enough to lay low for a while after this (probably).
Actually, as pointed out on SB, there is one course of action open to her that's pretty much guaranteed to go well for her.

Find Kaiser in costume in public, then atomize the bastard.
"Kayden, we need you out with us tomorrow afternoon. Can you make it?" "Sure, my sunbathing should be finished by then."
To tortuously prolong this metaphor it's more like the man says he has the key and you and your daughter are already in a lifeboat. Or in other words, do nothing and if he gets pushy you have heavy artillery on call.
Actually its more like the man is handcuffed to your daughter by a long line that is fraying. Its quite possible that it will snap on its own or that you could cut it. Problem is that during the time it takes for that to happen the man could well choose to drag your daughter into the briny depths with him. The chances of him succeeding may or may not be that high, but can you take that chance?

Oh and @LD1449 this chapter isn't thread marked yet.
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Picture a dead horse being beaten with a crowbar.
The horse is a metaphor for metaphors.
The crowbar is a metaphor for a crowbar.
Everything is now covered in spiders.
You are trapped within Taylor's illusion.
This is what happens when you take a metaphor too far.

All she has to do is nothing. Kaiser's going to be either dead or in custody soon enough anyway.
Eh. I wouldn't count the e88 out just yet-they still have more capes than any other single faction, even is they have lost a heavy hitter.
Picture a dead horse being beaten with a crowbar.
The horse is a metaphor for metaphors.
The crowbar is a metaphor for a crowbar.
Everything is now covered in spiders.
You are trapped within Taylor's illusion.
This is what happens when you take a metaphor too far.
Stop! Stop! It's already dead!
Max is a manipulative asshole who has seen Purity throughout a lot of formative years, as disappointing as it is that he managed to talk her into rejoining E88 it's not surprising.

What is interesting is how bad the E88 position must be for him to make that level of offer with presigned paperwork in order to get her to do it.
Max is a manipulative asshole who has seen Purity throughout a lot of formative years, as disappointing as it is that he managed to talk her into rejoining E88 it's not surprising.
I didn't get "join E88" from "slams door in face of offer." I got "turned down offer, and is torn up over it."
The sad thing is....This is Worm.
She'll probably die a couple of days before those three months are over.
To be fair, people who let themselves get recruited by the bad guys, knowing it's a bad idea who then get killed over it is a pretty common story plotline.

It doesn't even have to be the bad guys. "One last job" always ends badly for people who aren't the main character. See Unforgiven.
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Never really understood why anyone could not hate Kayden. Her baby was taken by child protective services for arguably valid reasons and her response was to go around randomly murdering thousands of completely innocent people. Granted, that hasn't happened here yet, but three months is a long time.
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Never really understood why anyone could not hate Kayden. Her baby was taken by child protective services for arguably valid reasons and her response was to go around randomly murdering thousands of completely innocent people. Granted, that hasn't happened here yet, but three months is a long time.
I wouldn't call Coil greasing the wheels of bureaucracy an arguably valid reason, nor would I say that she got a body count in the thousands by blowing up random buildings in a part of town where many are abandoned, save perhaps for squatters. Bakuda didn't even get to a hundred, by what she told Paige on the way to the Birdcage.

People generally don't hate Kayden because she's someone who makes a sincere effort for redemption, but falls short due to a combination of external pressures and her own inadequacies, specifically her short-sightedness.