NIGHTWATCH: (The Cold War Supernatural Agency You Always Wanted)

Here the current votes
Adhoc vote count started by Caneythekid on Dec 28, 2021 at 2:07 PM, finished with 23 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] A place for everything
    [X] Plan: Worse on at face value, to hopeful better.
    --[X]Send in Vernon Landry and IVANS
    ---[X] Emergency level case. Deal with it as needed. Allowed use of Local assets and past links.
    --[X]Send in Nikita and Jarheads
    ---[X] KGB has as not yet reaching needed to stamp out, change there minds. And if doesn't work, allowed to do so yourselves.
    --[X]Send in Christoph Preis and CIVILIANS
    ---[X] CIVILIANS are to act as face, while Christoph is there for know how and experience in dealing with such things.
    [X] National Deployments
    --[X]Send in Nikita and CIVILIANS
    --[X] Send in Christoph Reis and IVANS
    --[X] Send in Vernon Landry and Jarheads
A question for @Dapperlad1 looking at another one of the plans. Are we more SCP foundation or GoC? Basically, are we the guys who have to murder the supernatural or is there room for compromise? Like say can we just ship the Werewolf to a farm somewhere in upstate Newyork and let them frolic their days away?
A question for @Dapperlad1 looking at another one of the plans. Are we more SCP foundation or GoC? Basically, are we the guys who have to murder the supernatural or is there room for compromise? Like say can we just ship the Werewolf to a farm somewhere in upstate Newyork and let them frolic their days away?
The [BOARD] demands you stop Strangeness, or face consequences. How you do that is your own business. Though more accurately, it's the business of those on the ground.
The [BOARD] demands you stop Strangeness, or face consequences. How you do that is your own business. Though more accurately, it's the business of those on the ground.

You know the ways that some world are [EMPHASED] somewhat reminds of how the [BOARD] CONTROL commucates which leads to some interesting [IMPACATIONS].
He has talked about Cultist Simulator in relation before. Might be the link there.

Well placing Emphasise on [NOUNS] seems to be a prevalent trope in newer urban fantasy works (especially it's a [UNCOVENTUANL] settings instead of the typical werewolf vs vampire affair and/or government vs mythos cultist.)
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on Dec 29, 2021 at 7:24 PM, finished with 36 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] A place for everything
    [X] Plan: Worse on at face value, to hopeful better.
    --[X]Send in Vernon Landry and Jarheads
    ---[X] Emergency level case. Deal with it as needed. Allowed use of Local assets and past links.
    --[X]Send in Nikita and IVANS
    ---[X] KGB has as not yet reaching needed to stamp out, change there minds. And if doesn't work, allowed to do so yourselves.
    --[X]Send in Christoph Preis and CIVILIANS
    ---[X] CIVILIANS are to act as face, while Christoph is there for know how and experience in dealing with such things.
    [X] National Deployments
    --[X]Send in Nikita and CIVILIANS
    --[X] Send in Christoph Reis and IVANS
    --[X]Send in Vernon Landry and Jarheads

New tally here.

A place for everything is leading while Plan: Worse on at face value, to hopeful better. Is close.
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Plan: Worse on at face value, to hopeful better.
--[X]Send in Vernon Landry and Jarheads
---[X] Emergency level case. Deal with it as needed. Allowed use of Local assets and past links.
--[X]Send in Nikita and IVANS
---[X] KGB has as not yet reaching needed to stamp out, change there minds. And if doesn't work, allowed to do so yourselves.
--[X]Send in Christoph Preis and CIVILIANS
---[X] CIVILIANS are to act as face, while Christoph is there for know how and experience in dealing with such things.

Definitely gonna like this quest, basically running our own version of I guess the SCP Foundation. Judging by the vague mission of stopping "Strageness" maybe some have to be eliminated, contained/studied or even potentially find ways to benefit us…in some strange capacity.
Turn 1 (Operation Phase)
Pulling the intercom microphone nearer, you proceed to give out orders.

"CIVILIANS, OPEL GREEN is yours, quiet and quick. Nikita, Christoph, you are destined for Vladivostok, CHARIOT TRACKS is yours. Landry, IVANS, handle SWAMP KNIFE now. I want it done fast."

Then you return the phone to its holder, feeling a rumbling in your throat forming from too much conversation after much too little. Pulling the typewriter to you and waiting for the reports from your ground operatives.


The CIVILIANS are sent out, taking advantage of local transport methods to achieve full infiltration. This is a slow method but has no real risks associated with it. Trains and cars transport them into the countryside and they regroup quickly, being the only Americans in the area.

Initial Investigation
Roll=24 (Success)
Target-70 (Simple Infiltration)

The report comes in after a solid week, bidding you to read and find out what happened to your men.

Initial findings are limited, local police are high strung and agencies swirling around make this even harder than it needs to be. A local warehouse was made into a forward base, we stored excess munitions there. We haven't been able to get access to the corpses but we do know where the murders took place.

Heading there to investigate now. All squad members are still active.

Deeper Investigation
Roll=17 (Success)
Target-25 (Limited Expertise)

The site of the murders was clean, police had already fingerprinted everything. Two squad members were sent to confidence game the police station. They report success and have acquired insight into the bodies. All water was drawn out and replaced with ethanol.
Upon further research, the fingerprints found are of no one on record.

No other information could be gleaned from police records, lack of forensic expertise made it difficult to attain even what we have. Requesting [INVESTIGATORS] on any future deployment.

We have tapped their telephone lines and intend to listen in for disturbances. This is CIVILIAN squad leader signing off.

Final Investigation
Roll=18 (Success)
Target-20 (Lacking Expertise)

Telephone tap brought in results, call intercepted and [AGENT] pretended to be local police. Upon ascertaining anomalous activity, the location was retrieved and the team was equipped to go into the civilian home. The initial call revealed certain aspects, putting into suspicion the Strangeness of the entity. Noted to possibly be invisible.

Upon arrival to local home of interest, residents were found dead, completely dehydrated and infused with ethanol. During investigation of the home, [AGENT] Tobias, then team leader, was instantly dehydrated as an entity appeared behind him.

The entity was then fired upon by the nearby squad, to little effect. Pistol calibre small arms are wholly ineffective on entity at close range. [AGENTS] Gregory and Marcus are dehydrated as the entity moves with speed towards them, physical contact causing the anomalous effect.

Upon lack of effect from small arms, [AGENTS] Peterson and Colin raid kitchen whilst remaining team hold off entity with shots to joints. During this time, [AGENT] Navarro is able to grapple with entities due to gloves, keeping it away. He is dehydrated as well but buys time.

[AGENT] Peterson discovers baking soda containers, opens them and throws them towards the entity, the effect on target is immediate, forcing them away from vulnerable team members. Upon realization of entity vulnerability, substantial efforts are made to immerse the entity in water absorbent materials.

During struggle, no other [AGENTS] are rendered dehydrated, allowing the entity to be completely subdued. Baking soda exposure does not appear lethal, firearms are not lethal. Bringing entity in with bodybag filled with substance. New team lead reporting.


MI5 Alerted due to continuous gunfire. Exercise Caution in future British operations.

Nikita, Christoph Preis

Nikita and Christoph head out using civilian transport measures. Entering Vladivostok as a couple intending to vacation there, they begin their work.

Initial Investigation
Nikita Roll=27 (Success)
Target-75 (Investigatory Genius)
Christoph Roll=35 (Success)
Target-55 (Occultist Knowhow)

The reports take a very long time to come in, well over two months, nearing a third before your desk is graced with them.


Greeting, [DIRECTOR]

The locals do not take kindly to my presence, it is expected. However, the interesting fact is that they do not take kindly to anyone's presence, especially as we near the reported sightings of so-called Strange symbology.

Casual investigation brings to mind Turko-Mongolic script, possibly relating this cult to the sky deity of Tengrism. Assumptions are a fool's gambit however and closer investigation is needed. I will engage in the interrogation of a subject once a plan of capture is worked out. Cooperation with the Slav will bear fruit here.

Until we speak again, [DIRECTOR].


It is good to be back and speaking my home language again, even if the local accent is incredible. Christoph is immediately making the impression I expected him to, harassing locals and being a general menace. I planned for that, however, and made many friends playing peacekeeper after his escapades.

The local cult isn't very well-liked, I have found out they are generally regarded as a menace, annoyingly proselytizing a strange faith. From what I have gathered by listening in, it has a focus on purification for earthly sin by giving everything to the world around you.

Upon working at the preacher, I was able to discover more. They are at least heavily using hallucinogenics. Or engaging in so-called Strangeness. [INVESTIGATOR] Preis put forth a good suggestion, capturing one of them. Unlike his suggestion, we will not beat them over the head and stuff them into a bag. A soft hand usually wins out in these situations.

Capture and Interrogation
Nikita Seduction Roll=32 (Success)
Target-75 (Trained Attraction)
Christoph Interrogation Roll=53 (Success)
Target-80 (I Have My Ways)


A lovely young man by the name of Vasya was the one I got. Tall, relatively handsome and gullible enough to follow an older woman to her home. Speaking of that, I still have my accounts, so I leased a local apartment to use as a base of operations.

Vasya spoke to me during the walk, when overcome with desire he could not hold himself back from gentle questioning. His faith is one of unity with something greater than them, by shedding ties to the mortal Earth they too could become greater. What exactly this means is quite vague.

Upon getting Vasya home, the savage you sent along with me went to work. I saw myself out once he truly began. That man is a monster.


Greetings, [DIRECTOR]

Using her liquid wealth, something I was unaware the socialists had, Nikita purchased an apartment. This will serve as an acceptable base of operations, especially with the thick concrete walls the socialists are fond of using.

She informed me of her plan to use the lust of those weaker willed to draw one cultist into our web. I commend her initiative and pragmatism and am proud to work with competent individuals. Upon the arrival of the subject, I set to work.

An initial dispensation of lysergic acid diethylamide, a chemical introduced to me by [INVESTIGATOR] Landry, to settle the subject's mind and make him suggestible. Upon questioning, the subject proved resistant to revealing greater truths of his faith, forcing me to move on to rougher techniques.

After physically beating the subject to weaken his resolve, questioning proved more fruitful, the acquisition of a name, Luka Artemovich, as leader of his faith as well as the location of their compound some kilometres outside the city. After that, I continued interrogation until the subject expired. No further information was gained.

I intend to shatter the cult by infiltrating and assassinating their leaders. To that end, I have petitioned [INVESTIGATOR] Nikita to acquire weapons.

Until we speak again, [DIRECTOR].

Nikita Acquisitions Roll=91 (Failure
Target-35 (Not Their Area)
Christoph Cult-Busting Roll=21 (Success)
Target-25 (Skilled, but Ill-Equipped)


Christoph saw fit to request guns from me. For some reason, he expects me to know where to get them. I made my best efforts to do so, looking into local gangsters and even police. I was unable to get much results, but I managed to purchase a hunting shotgun from a licensed distributor and a tube full of shells.

I could not acquire any more without a hunters license. And even this much will be reported as a sale to the local officials at the end of the month. Christoph's plan better work, whatever it is. He has been tight-lipped about it.


Greetings, [DIRECTOR]

Nikita provided results, though not a very impressive one. A shotgun with just five shells. I will have to make do. I have advised Nikita to not join me, but her stubbornness led to her insisting.

Upon making my way to their compound, a large building in the far eastern wastes of the Soviet Union. It is marked with a symbol that, upon momentary translation, seems to mean something to the effect of "Obey The Below".

Interesting, but ultimately meaningless. I sneak in through the snowbanks, finding a guard outside. I overtook them using a knife I acquired from a soup kitchen. They passed quietly enough. Nikita was horrified by the event and saw fit to follow my instruction, exiting the area.

I was able to continue towards the building, wherein I entered through a side door. The interior of the building was grotesque. Covered in copious amounts of organs that I placed as human. Exploring deeper into the den, I encountered an individual whom charged me with a blade.

After eliminating them, I continued my path, following the noise of smashing meat and cracking bone that began emanating upon the sound of my weapon resounding. The hallway gave way to a room, covered in crunched meat and bone. In the centre of the room sat the Head Priest cutting away at a still living cultist.

He turned to me and spoke a word, it caused a significant migraine to form. Upon later consideration, I believe it was an Aramaic dialect, translating to "Pain". I responded to the aggressive action with a shot from my firearm.

The individual is rendered disabled, allowing me to proceed with an interrogation of the subject. They resisted but eventually broke down once I applied more lysergic acid diethylamide, a wonderful substance. Their God had demanded in dreams and visions that they sacrifice to it, attempting to bring it into the world once suspicion had been aroused by my activity.

The subject then was rendered deceased. In the interest of avoiding suspicion, I acquired fuel from their generator room and began liberally spreading it around the compound. After coating it in a layer and escaping the compound, I lit a match and ignited the line of gasoline.

The compound burned down rather pleasantly, though, from the fact that I had to shoot two attempted escapees, I imagine there were cultists in hidden corners I did not bother to check.

Until we speak again, [DIRECTOR].


I would like to request that I never be assigned with Preis again. His methods are vile, his mannerisms are unpleasant and his racism is unending and repugnant. If I have to bear with him again, we will come to blows.



Vernon Landry, IVANS

The operatives use unorthodox means of travel, moving with an eighteen-wheeler truck for munition and equipment storage.

This report comes in within a few and is rather short, owing to the speed at which the operation was complete. One of them comes in a small tape recorder rather than paper.

Landry Finding Out Where Roll=31 (Success)
Target-70 (Expert Tracker)
IVANS Keeping Hidden Roll=27 (Failure)
Target-25 (Ten thousand rounds of ammunition)


This thing on? Awesome.

So, started this whole thing off with a big fucking truck, 'cause the IVANS needed something big to move their shit. I have to wonder why we need big fuckoff rockets on a covert mission, but I ain't the [DIRECTOR].

New Orleans is a doll like always, even if I nearly ran off the dirt road twice and almost smashed into a tree in the middle of the main road into the city.

Once I got in there, apparently the weirdness had passed us by, making me have to go to ground for intelligence. The locals had plenty of things to say on the matter, and all of it was bullshit. Apparently, our friends can wipe memories or later them or something.

Anyways, I managed to get police photos after some finagling, the faces of our suspects. Two women that, in my personal opinion, look fantastic. They got arrested for public indecency right around the same time as the whole chaos and murder stopped.

Kicking around the neighbourhoods, I found out where they lived- bar owners apparently and went to their establishment. Nice little place, the worrying bit is that's all I remember from it. Couldn't tell you about the bar at all.

Anyways, got the locale and sent the IVANS off to it, since that's what I guess they are here for. Maybe, I don't know-Alright, Landry out.


The operation began in back of a vehicle. Large transportation model. We managed our equipment, preparing for an engagement in an urban battlefield.

Two days were spent waiting, before the [INVESTIGATOR] reports back with findings. The location was given to us and we were driven to the establishment well after closing hours. The back was opened and the [INVESTIGATOR] informed us of the targets were on the upper floors.

Splitting into two teams of six, we breached the building by picking the downstairs lock. Quietly moving into the top, [AGENT] Alexei reported hearing voices and then had to be restrained quietly when he attempted to pull a hand grenade.

Upon being restrained, he seemed to reacquire sanity and rejoined the squad. Moving upwards through the stairway, we stumbled into the lower floor, missing a man. Following that event, we engaged in defensive positioning, covering as many angles as possible.

IVANS Defensive Work=53 (Failure)
Target-45 (Perceptions are breaking down)

The attempt bore no fruit, seeing us descend into chaos as individuals lost balance, hallucinated and began to fire on one another, four men are killed in the chaos until I managed to reacquire control by a flashbang.

IVANS Pushing Out=17 (Success)
Target-35 (Less and Less of them)

Attempting a breakout, we opened fire upwards into the second story. Eventually burrowing holes through the flooring and revealing the upper story. [AGENT] Sergei attempted to utilize his RPG but was stunned, reporting massive vertigo.

The walls were physically closing in, eventually, someone attempted the use of a grenade, reaching towards their chest to pull the pin rather than be slowly crushed.

However, in doing that, some form of illusion fell through, and we all woke up on the stairs. Quickly recouping ourselves, we rushed up the stairs to find the two individuals currently shimmying out of the window.

Dragging them back inside, we attempted to apply rifle stocks but were suddenly struck by vertigo. Immediately, [AGENTS] fired on the individuals, multiple rounds terminating the targets quickly.

Afterwards, our team, fully healthy, carried the bodies back to the transport vehicle's container before [INVESTIGATOR] Landry proceeded to move.

Report Complete.


These guys seem a little crazy, but their hearts' in the right spot. Shame about the girls though, some sorta magic mind powers apparently.

They seem normal once I inspected, driving away from the city first for safeties sake, no abnormalities on their exterior and I can't get much of an internal look at them. Seems to me that whatever they have-well, had wrong with 'em is internal or something weirder.

The operation was pretty simple to clean up after, the soldiers didn't, thankfully, shoot through the girls. This means that I only had to double back and get the bloodstains out. We should have two disappearances and that's about it on local news.

Anyways, I'll take some time to unwind here, then get back to base. Landry out.

Pulling away from the desk, you think about the results. Taking the information gained here and putting it to use next time will assure your operative's continued success.

You will have to replace the Civilians losses, though. Hopefully, there are more hitmen available. But that's for later, time to collate the results.





Awesome work! Read this, give some reactions and sit tight for the final stage of this turn.
I didn't expect to him to be quite so straightforward and willing to go lone gunman with a single shotgun and a handful of shells- he probably would pair pretty well with the Ivan's if the likely mutual racism/antagonism doesn't get in the way.
I didn't expect to him to be quite so straightforward and willing to go lone gunman with a single shotgun and a handful of shells- he probably would pair pretty well with the Ivan's if the likely mutual racism/antagonism doesn't get in the way.
Nearly two decades on the run as a rogue occultist with Nazi hunting being a favourite pastime of intelligence agencies makes a man…. Strange.