An Earthly Ambush (13.2) New




[Sexy] Ranfan:

[Earthling Cooler Force Slave]

Age: 25

PL: 2,550

HP: 75/200

TKI: 25/25

Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)

[Sexy] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally sexy, being unafraid to utilize this sexiness to get what they want.

Not a top-tier one, but still a waifu.

"You alright?" Gray asked, giving the woman a friendly smile.

I should've thought that through. I didn't need to kill that guy.

Despite his thoughts, there was a feeling of satisfaction building within him.

"A-Ah… yeah?" She asked back, staring up at him, a confused look in her eyes.

"Great! You can put those away, y'know? Not that I mind." He said, gesturing to the woman's breasts, which were still out.

"Ah, r-right!" She said, quickly pulling her shirt back up. Gray reached down his hand, grabbing her hand in his as he pulled her to her feet.

"That was unnecessary," Saeko said, walking up behind him.

"Maybe, but I didn't want any witnesses. If he went and told Raditz I was saving the enemy, it would cause some unnecessary trouble."

And… I just wanted to kill someone strong.

The satisfaction he got from killing his fellow Saiyan was worrying, but he couldn't push the feeling away. Even if he was far weaker than Gray, he was still a Saiyan. A member of the warrior race. A conqueror.

And I killed him so easily.

"No witnesses? But I'm a witness!" Saeko teased with a smirk on her face, dragging him from his thoughts.

"Yeah, but are you gonna go snitch to Raditz?" Gray said dismissively.

"Of course not."
"Um…" Ranfan started, shuffling so she was behind Gray, not-so-subtly trying to hide from the view of the other Saiyans, who were mercilessly massacring the soldiers on the hill, "Why did you help me?"

Gray turned around, directing a rugged smile at the woman, "How could I just let such a beautiful woman die? It would be a loss for the entire world!"

Am I smooth or what?

Ranfan turned beet red, a big smile appearing on her face, "R-Really?"

+400 Reputation with Ranfan (For saving her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]

+200 Reputation with Ranfan (For flirting with her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]

What is up with people gaining so much reputation lately? I know I saved your life and all, but damn.

"No," Saeko interrupted, deadpanning at the woman, "What he means is, 'I need to keep someone alive for information and you have big tits, so I picked you.'"

Partially right. She's a waifu, and I'll get more brownie points with Goku for saving her, but yeah, we do need to keep some of them alive to interrogate.

"O-Oh," Ranfan's face blushed slightly as her smile widened.

+200 Reputation with Ranfan (For being attracted to her breasts) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]

What the fuck is going on?

Gray glanced up as the Saiyans were finishing up their massacre, a mountain of corpses lying in the snow.

They must all have been forced to fight. Their backup plan was terrible. Taking the high ground against people who can fly? Firing laser guns at Saiyans? This can't be Cooler's true army.

"I'm Gray, by the way. This is Saeko." Gray said, gesturing toward Saeko as he realized he'd been watching the massacre for a few seconds too long.

"Oh, yeah! I'm Ranfan!" She introduced herself, but a moment later a voice hollered down from the hill.

"What do you mean you didn't leave one?" Asuna's voice rang out, and the small girl looked comical as she glared up at the giant form of Raditz.

+10 HREG for surviving an ambush! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])

+10 EREG for surviving an ambush! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])

+10 INT for fighting smartly! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])

Guess they finished up already.

"Those rats didn't deserve to live! Why should I let one survive when they were so cowardly?!" The large man shouted down at her, his face twisted in irritation.

"Because we need information, you idiot! Our landing zone was attacked! We don't know who they were, or why they did it!" Asuna responded, staring up stubbornly at Raditz, "We don't know what happened to the rest of the Frieza Force soldiers that were supposed to be here! Do you ever think?!"

"Protect them," Gray said simply to Saeko, gesturing to the pile of martial artists as he floated up into the air and flew toward Asuna and Raditz.

"I didn't wanna, so I didn't! Those stupid ants couldn't have told us anything important anyway!" Raditz argued back, his face red as he clearly realized he was in the wrong, but not being willing to admit it.

"We need information! IN-FOR-MAT-ION!" Asuna sounded out the syllables as she jutted her finger at him, "Ever heard of it?"

"Relax," Gray said as he reached the two, "I kept a few alive, so we can get information from them."

"Huh? I said to kill all those rats! Are you disobeying orders from your captain?!" Raditz asked him angrily, too prideful to let the topic go.

Gray pushed down the urge to argue back angrily, his pride flaring up at Raditz's demeaning words.

"It was the martial artists - the fighters," Gray stated, clarifying when he saw Raditz gain a confused look on his face, "They fought back, so they're not cowardly, right? If we had to leave some alive, it should be them, yeah?"

"Ah! Good thinking, kid!" Raditz said, clapping him on the shoulder, "The cowardly rats shouldn't live, but those who fought with pride and honor should!"

I'm glad you're so easy to manipulate.

"Good job, Gray!" Asuna said, smiling gratefully at him, then turning to Raditz as she tried to appease him after their fiery exchange, "It'll be a hassle to take a bunch with us since we don't even know if there is a stronghold anymore, so you can kill all but one, Captain!"

"No," Gray shot down her statement, "If we only have one, we don't know if they're lying or not. You need multiple. Interrogate them all separately and see if their stories match."

"Woah," Asuna blushed, staring at him with wide eyes, "Where did you learn such wise interrogation tactics, Gray?!"

This is the most obvious shit, Saiyans just aren't very smart. It's not necessary either, probably, but I want them all alive to get in the Z-Fighter's good books as quick as possible.

"Read it in a book, or somethin'," Gray said lazily as he waved her question away.

"It is safe to assume that the Freiza Force on Earth has been completely wiped out," A female voice said, and Gray turned to see Celia floating towards him, not a hint of blood on her Saiyan armor.

"Finally showed up, royal brat?" Raditz scoffed at her, "You missed the whole battle."

"I left planet Vegeta last," Celia explained, "Since I'm here, that means the whole squad landed already. There are 32 remaining out of the initial 51 that landed."

Gray looked around, realizing that the small group of 4 Saiyans that had been here when he arrived was now a much larger crowd.

We lost 19 men to that pathetic ambush attempt?

Gray assumed that most of the men died in the way that Raditz's would've if he and Saeko hadn't arrived - firing Ki blasts wildly as they refused to retreat, being worn down by the barrage of lasers until they didn't have enough energy to survive.

A painful scream rang out, and Celia turned her gaze to the side, staring down the hill, "31 now."

Gray followed her gaze, seeing that she was staring at Saeko, whose sword was embedded in the back of a large Saiyan man.

"Hah?! Is that tagalong killing my men?" Raditz asked, looking more annoyed than angry.

"She wouldn't without reason," Celia said dismissively, "Don't act like you care so much. If you did, you wouldn't have let the other 19 die in the ambush. Even if the lasers were weak, sitting in the middle of an ambush is the peak of idiocy."

"Bastard," Raditz growled at her with a glare, "You weren't even here. That damn ability of yours is annoying."

"First," Celia started, ignoring Raditz, "We need to interrogate the survivors. Me and Gray will do so. The rest of you should go scout those buildings."

Celia gestured her hand toward the scattered buildings that Gray had seen earlier, looking to be 5-6 tall stone structures with a couple hundred feet between them.

"Hmmph," Raditz glared at her, "When did you become the captain? I'll interrogate them, bastard. You can go look at the buildings."
"Stop whining," Celia said calmly, causing Raditz to glare even harder as his face twisted with irritation, "We both know you're just saying that so it doesn't look like I'm ordering you around. We can say that these are suggestions, Captain."

Celia made air quotes as she stressed the word, "My ability will make the interrogations much easier, and you don't want to do that boring stuff anyway. There might be more enemies in the buildings. You'd rather fight them than talk with a bunch of Earthlings, right?"

"You're lucky you're right, brat," Raditz scoffed, turning away as he walked toward the crowd of Saiyans, who were all mingling lazily as they kicked around corpses, looking for any survivors.

"Um, thanks for your help, Gray, Celia!" Asuna said, smiling brightly at them as she turned to go after Raditz, "If we run into anyone, I'll make sure to keep a survivor this time!"

"Damn, am I glad to have you on my side sometimes," Gray said appreciatively to Celia as he watched Asuna and Raditz gather the group of Saiyans.

"You should be," An unusual small smirk forming on her emotionless face, "I'm useful, and you can stare at my ass all day. That's more than the rest of the girls can say."

"They're not useless," Gray said back indignantly as they started floating upwards, flying toward Saeko, "Saeko was the only reason we got out of that ambush, y'know?"

"Yes, I suppose she's useful," Celia said as they approached her. She was standing next to Ranfan, the pile of unconscious martial artists behind her, "But, logically, the rest don't have much value beyond you staring at their bodies."
"That's a lot of value," Gray said simply.

If I gotta battle for my life on the daily, I might as well have some hot babes with me, right? Who cares if Asia isn't much help in battle when she's got a nice bubble butt? It's not like Bulma or Chi-Chi ever helped Vegeta or Goku much in a battle. I think Chi-Chi just complained most of the time when the entire world was in danger.

They landed next to Saeko, and Celia looked at Ranfan, then back at Gray, "I'm not surprised in the slightest that this is who you chose to leave alive."
"Hey," Gray said indignantly as he gestured to the pile of martial artists, "I left them alive too, alright? I don't just look for hot girls!"

"Yeah, you only mostly look for hot girls," Saeko said with a smirk.

"You don't have room to be like that right now," Gray said, raising an eyebrow at Saeko, "Why'd you kill that guy?"

Gray gestured to the Saiyan corpse on the ground.

"He was being annoying," Saeko bristled, "He arrived late and missed the fight, so he wanted to kill them."
Saeko pointed towards the pile of unconscious martial artists. Gray nodded approvingly at her.

"Anyway," Celia looked Ranfan in the eyes, "You'll answer some questions, right? I'd rather this not be difficult…"

"Yup!" Ranfan said, the girl giving Celia and friendly smile, then looking at Gray, "You saved me, so I don't mind. Though, can we go somewhere warmer?"

Gray looked at the girl's outfit, which was a pair of long loose-fitting jeans, and a sleeveless black shirt that was tight against her, showing off her large breasts through the thin fabric. Overall, it looked more like beach wear than ice-cold-mountain wear.

"I don't know where…" Gray trailed off, looking around the winter wonderland around them, the only possible source of warmth being the set of buildings, "We could fly off these mountains, but I don't know where more enemies might be, so I'd rather not go in blind."

"We'll go in there," Celia said, pointing towards a spot in the snow a few feet away, "There's something under there. A couple of weak energy sources."

"That's the door we came out of," Ranfan supplied helpfully, "There's heating in there, that'll work!"

They walked over to the trap door in the snow, Saeko easily finding the hidden handle as she opened it. They climbed down a ladder, a gust of warm air blasting into them as they did. Gray glanced around as they reached the bottom, seeing a long tunnel stretching out with various jail cells on each side.

"We were being held here," Ranfan supplied sadly at his look, "We were the backup plan. Our job was to hold someone off long enough for the rest of them to get on the high ground. If any of us lived, they said we would be set free."
"I'll go get the other fighters," Saeko said, turning back to the ladder, "They'll die of frostbite up there. I don't care about any of this stuff anyway."

"You can start without me, Gray," Celia said simply as she started walking down the tunnel, "There's a few energy sources down here. Weak ones. I'll deal with them quickly. Then, I'll go check out the soldier's armor. Scouter-blocking technology is a big deal. Explain everything to me later, please."

Both girls left, leaving Gray and Ranfan standing alone in the tunnel.

"So," Gray said, locking eyes with the woman, "Start from the beginning. Don't leave out anything. Tell me everything you know about the state of this planet."

"Alright," Ranfan sighed, looking up into his eyes, "Have you heard of the Red Ribbon Army?"


Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]

Age: 15

Wallet: 46,150 Coins

Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)

PL: 31,972,700

Available Points: 300

HP: 90,720/91,450

TKI: 179,825/179,825

STR: 315

AGI: 350

END: 290

INT: 455

CHA: 145

LUK: 455

KI: 395

HREG: 206

EREG: 206

Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Frieza! LVL 1]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master],
[Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia]


AN: Thanks for reading, hope y'all enjoyed! Chapter 14 will be out on Wednesday, or you can read it right now on my Patreon! It's more of a setup one, but Chapter 15 is when shit really goes down.

That'll be out one week from now on here, or Wednesday on Patreon, and is going to end up being pretty much 2-3x longer than the usual chapters. (This is also why Patreon is still only 1 chapter ahead atm - that'll be changing to 5 ahead soon, but I've been spending my time writing and rewriting chapter 15 a bunch of times instead of writing ahead.)

Also - recently posted two more stories. One is an SAO fic, and the other is a DXD dungeon gamer fic (both harems). Check them out if that sounds appealing!
The New Earth (14.1) New




"So, like, after the alliance fell apart and all the ugly aliens showed up, it was, like, super scary! Me and Nam got captured by this stupid purple guy!"

This might be hard.

Gray rubbed his temples as he listened to the air-headed girl speak, "Alliance? Can you start from earlier on?"

"Oh! First, I should explain how the planet used to be!" Ranfan said, remembering that Gray was an alien and that she would have to be more detailed.

"Until a few years ago, most of the Earth was under King Furry!" She started to explain,

I forgot his name was King Furry. That has a different meaning now then it did when Toriyama came up with it.

"He's this cute doggy guy! He commanded the Earth's Military, which was officially named the King's Graucamole or something-"

"King's Guard," Gray supplied.

Why do I know more than she does?

"Oh, yeah! That! The five major cities, called East, West, North, South, and Central city, all followed him. Aside from a few small towns here and there, the entire world accepted him as King, except for…"

Ranfan clenched her fist, staring at the floor. The two of them sat a few feet from each other, having sat down in chairs that their former captors had used.

"The Red Ribbon Army?" Gray asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Yeah," She sighed, the bimbo girl's face turning serious for a moment, "I don't know how long they've been around. I remember when I was a kid, my parents mentioned them, so it's been at least a decade. For a while, they were spoken about as a legend, with some people saying that even the King's Guard couldn't take them down."

"But, really," She continued, looking up and locking eyes with Gray, "They weren't very strong, for a while at least. They were a private army owned by a rich guy called Commander Red. They were mostly full of outdated military equipment, and wouldn't be able to hold a candle to the King's Guard. But, that changed when they hired a scientist named Dr. Gero."

The man who created the Androids. I don't like where this is heading. Please don't make me fight Cell already, you shitty game.

"He started creating robots that could rival tanks. Then, they evolved to the point where they could shrug off tank missiles like they were nothing," The purple-haired woman continued, "They were so powerful that the Red Ribbon Army could do whatever they wanted. They started invading villages and towns, looking for the dragon balls."
"The dragon balls?" Gray asked, faking confusion so that the woman would elaborate.

This world is so fucked already, I need to confirm information whenever I can. King Vegeta said they could grant any wish, but I'd like to make sure they're the same dragon balls I know from the show.

"Um, the dragon balls," Ranfan's face looked a bit more hesitant as she spoke, "I've never seen them, but they're supposedly a group of balls that can be gathered to summon a huge dragon! The legend says that the dragon can grant any wish. I've never seen them used, but I've heard Muten Roshi, an old martial arts guy, say that the legend is real!"

Gray nodded, and the girl continued, "I don't know how the Red Ribbon Army knew they were real, but they invaded a bunch of villages and towns looking for them. The King tried to ignore them but finally did something when they invaded East City. He tried to retake the city but was beaten pretty badly. So, he looked toward martial artists for help."

Another change already. In the show, Goku started fighting them after they went into a village he was in and destroyed a jungle. After that, they pretty much just fought with Goku repeatedly over the dragon balls, I think? Did he not have them in this world?

"We created a group called the 'Protectors of Earth'," Ranfan continued, ignorant of the thoughts speeding through Gray's head, "We were sponsored by King Furry to defeat the Red Ribbon Army. The group was made entirely of people from the World Martial Arts Tournament and top-ranked martial arts schools."

Ranfan giggled cutely as she continued speaking, a sparkle lighting in her eye, "It was funny, being on the same team as the people I used to compete against, but it was fun! Our group was more than enough for the Red Ribbon Army, and they were steadily being snuffed out, until…"

Her smile dropped again, "Demon King Pickle."


"Picke?" Gray repeated his thought out loud incredulously.

"Yeah! He was big, green, and nasty! Krillin said he used to be a normal pickle but became evil when someone left him on their counter for too long!" Ranfan said, her face deadly serious.

"Do you mean Piccolo? I've, uh, heard the name before, somewhere?" Gray made a lame excuse as to why he knew Piccolo's name was, in fact, not pickle.

"Oh! Yeah, that's him!" Ranfan said, nodding excitedly at his words, "We were on the verge of wiping out the army when he showed up. I wasn't there, so I only knew what Nam told me about it. He said Pickle showed up looking like an old-green alien, but was way stronger than everyone else, taking out both martial artists and Red Ribbon Army forces alike as he stole the army's dragon balls. After that, he went and killed King Furry, making himself the new King. Poor doggy… Oh, and I don't know if this is true or not, but Muten Roshi said he used the dragon balls to make himself young again at some point."

Okay, different route, but same result. King Piccolo is young again.

"After that, the world became scary for a while," Ranfan bristled at her own words, "It was awful! Gross dragons and monsters walking around everywhere, destroying stuff! They even ruined my favorite clothing store in Central City!"

"Oh, how terrible…" Gray did his best to fake look supportive as Ranfan puffed her cheeks out cutely, lamenting on her favorite store being destroyed.

Right, she's been at least trying to be serious until now, but this is still Ranfan. Her whole character in the show was being sexy and flirty to win matches. She's a total airhead.

"It was!" Ranfan huffed again, "Anyway, it didn't last that long, but it got even worse after that! More ugly aliens! You guys- well, not you. If they had been a bunch of cute guys I would've been fine with it, but it was a bunch of freaky aliens that followed the same guy as you - the Freezer!."

"Frieza," Gray corrected, nodding at her, "Yeah, that would've been the Frieza Force. It's made up of a bunch of different races. I'm a Saiyan, we look a lot more Earthling-like."

"Yup! You're hot!" She said with a giggle and a wink, then her face turned serious again, "The aliens showed up, and Piccolo got beat by them a few times. Apparently, he gathered the dragon balls again, but they can't be used again right away. I didn't even know the aliens existed, but Piccolo became desperate. They were doing whatever they wanted, with no one able to stop them, as they waited for the dragon balls to recharge after they took them. A weird alliance formed, between Piccolo, the remains of the Red Ribbon Army, and the martial artists that were still willing to fight."

She smiled as she raised her fist, "It was kinda cool! The humans all coming together to fight off the invading aliens!"

"How'd it go?" Gray asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not well," Ranfan deflated, "I couldn't do anything, since those aliens didn't care about my womanly charm at all! The others did better, though! They even beat the first group that came! Then, another group came. They took a lot longer, but eventually, they were taken down too. After that, a bigger and stronger group came, and that's where everything went wrong."

"That group was too strong," Ranfan continued, "But before they could use the balls, another group of aliens showed up. Then another. But, none of these groups were together. They started fighting over the balls, and we were helpless to do anything about it."

Gray nodded, "That would've been Cooler and King Cold's forces. They're Frieza's family members, but they have a family dispute going on right now."

"Yeah! Nam told me about that!" She said, her eyes wide, "It's crazy! I thought we were the only planet, and now we're just a little battleground for a space-war family argument thingy? Crazy! Even crazier, they blew up the West City Mall! I lov-"

"Yeah, crazy," Gray deadpanned as he interrupted her, "So, what happened after they showed up."

"Oh, right! So, the new aliens showed up. They started just fighting everywhere, and we just had to sit back and watch!" Ranfan said, "Then, the Red Ribbon Army made these Androids! I don't know how new phones helped them, but suddenly they could fight back!"

Fuck. Surely she just means Android 8 and shit, right? Android 17 and 18 can't be here already.

"I think the Androids were probably robots, right? Not phones?" Gray deadpanned at her.

"Oh! That would make sense!" She nodded, looking like she was deep in thought for a few seconds, "So, then it was the three alien groups and the Red Ribbon Army fighting for the balls, but then Piccolo met these other two guys - Emperor Pillow and some rabbit guy - and they teamed up to fight back!"

Does she mean… Emperor Pilaf? The little dude from OG Dragon Ball? And the rabbit gangster guy?

"Oh! And while that was going on," Ranfan said, her cheeks puffing out again as she looked annoyed, "There was a different wrinkly green guy named Kami who started training martial artists! They made them, like, way stronger! But! He wouldn't train me, because I was too hot and would distract everyone! Ridiculous, right?!"

"Yeah…" Gray nodded, keeping his face blank.

No, not ridiculous. Your fighting style is centered around flashing your tits and ass to distract your opponent. More importantly, it seems like everyone here is just going to be strong as fuck. Piccolo's alliance will probably be tough, the Red Ribbon Army has androids, and the martial artists are all training with Kami and most likely using the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

"I know, right!" She nodded along with Gray, "Well, since I got left out, I went back to West City. I was at the mall one day - oh, the new one! Capsule Corporation built this new supermall where the old one was, and it had a bunch of new stores! There was-"

Relax, Gray. She's hot. Remember she's hot. Don't get mad.

Ranfan went on a nearly 10-minute escapade about the various new stores in the mall until she finally got to her point, "So, while I was shopping, it got attacked by a bunch of aliens! No one but me and Nam were there - as I was showing him this new store called-"

"You guys got captured?" Gray cut her off quickly, not letting her go on another rant about a clothing store. He couldn't take listening to another clothing-fueled rant.

"Yeah! We tried to stop them, but my techniques didn't work! They kept going on about 'beastiality' but I'm not a beast, so I don't - oh, there's Nam!" Ranfan said, pointing toward the nearby ladder as Saeko climbed down, a large middle-east looking man slung over her shoulder.

"What happened after you got captured?" Gray asked, bringing her back to the topic.

"Oh, yeah! We got captured, but so did a bunch of other guys! They made us slaves, and locked us up down here!" Ranfan said, her face looking far too bright as she talked about being enslaved, "Well, they only brought us here a few weeks ago. I was just making food in the kitchen for a while."

Alright, I got a rough timeline at least. The Red Ribbon Army has androids, King Piccolo is teamed up with Emporer Pilaf and the rabbit gangster, the Earth martial artists are being trained by Kami, and Cooler seems to be trying to kick Frieza off the planet entirely while King Cold is doing who knows what.

"Can you tell me about some of the other martial artists? Like, the strong ones? There's a guy named Goku, right?" Gray asked.

I need more information about how the Z-Fighters are doing.

"Goku?" Ranfan tilted her head at him, "Never heard of him."

Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]

Age: 15

Wallet: 46,150 Coins

Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)

PL: 31,972,700

Available Points: 300

HP: 91,000/91,450

TKI: 179,825/179,825

STR: 315

AGI: 350

END: 290

INT: 455

CHA: 145

LUK: 455

KI: 395

HREG: 206

EREG: 206

Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Frieza! LVL 1]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master],
[Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia]


AN: Wake up babe, new Earth lore just dropped. Bit of a setup chapter but don't worry because soo- OH MY GOSH THE AUTHOR JUST GOT HIT BY A STEEL CHAIR! JR! He's down! He's down! Wait… no don't do it… he's got the author in a choke hold an- OH MY GOSH! HE SLAMMED HIM THROUGH THE TABLE! HE'S DEAD! HE'S DEAD! THE AUTHOR'S DEAD JR! WE JUST WITNESSED A MURDER! Who could've done this- wait, no way! It's…

(Next half of the chapter will be posted later today, or it's already up along with chapter 15 on Patreon ( Also - officially moving up from 1 chapter ahead being posted on Patreon to 3 chapters ahead starting Saturday. Thanks for reading!)
The New Earth (14.2) New






"A little monkey boy?"

"Don't think so?"

"You've never seen a guy with something like this?" Gray asked Ranfan, gesturing to his tail as it unwrapped from around his waist.

"Oh! I have!" Ranfan said, nodding excitedly at him.

Thank fuck, I thought Goku wasn't on Earth for some reason.

"It was a girl! She died with the first group of aliens that came!"

Fuck you random Frieza Force Saiyan girl.

Gray sighed, rubbing his eyes as his mind whirled.

Don't panic, Gray. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation. Maybe Ranfan just doesn't remember the super OP monkey kid running around. Or, maybe Bulma never met him, and he's just out living in the forest somewhere?

Gray stared at his feet, knowing he was coping as he tried to think of where Goku could be.

The most probable reason is that Goku never got sent to Earth. Frieza never destroyed planet Vegeta, so Bardock had no reason to send his son away. This fucks up everything.

Gray hadn't been super-concerned about the state of the Earth, solely because he thought Goku was here.

Goku's this world's fucking main character. Even if Frieza's family is fighting over the Earth, and the Androids are here already, he'd be able to do some shit about it. He could train for a few days in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and keep the planet safe. If he's not here, then the Earth might actually end up being taken over by Cooler or King Cold, or even the fucking Red Ribbon Army if I don't do something. I can't just trust fucking Krillin and Tien and shit to save the planet.

Gray resisted groaning audibly as his problems just increased exponentially. He'd come to Earth with the mindset that he'd play it safe, getting stronger and potentially meeting the Z-Fighters during the 2 months before heading back to finish his recruit training.

Now, I don't know what to do. The Earth might be more fucked than I thought. The martial artists are holding out, but most of the planet is in dangerous hands, and there's no Goku here to do anything. It might be up to me. There's no guarantee that the humans won't be wiped out.

Gray clenched his fist.

What the fuck do I do? Take the waifus and ditch the planet? No, then either Frieza, Cooler, King Cold, or the Red Ribbon Army will have the dragon balls. It'll be hard to beat an immortal Frieza, or any of his family members, and who knows what the Red Ribbon Army will do with them. Commander Red just wanted to be taller in the show, but I can't leave it to chance.

Gray stared down at his fist.

No… there's only one solution. There's only ever been one thing I can do.

A hungry grin appeared on his face. His heart rate increased as a primal urge flowed through him.

I'm a Saiyan. I'll just beat the shit outta everyone.

"Should I know him?" Ranfan asked, her head tilted to the side as she dragged Gray out of his thoughts.

"Ah, nah," Gray shook his head, shaking away his inner thoughts, "I was just wondering. Forget about it."

"Okay!" Ranfan responded, agreeing far easier than Gray thought she would. Gray glanced over to the growing pile of martial artists as Saeko dropped another man down the hole, spotting movement. A large man in a turban crawled out from the pile, standing up quickly and taking a fighting form.

Nam blinked, looking from Ranfan to Gray, then smiled approvingly as he held up a thumbs-up, "Good job, Ranfan! I see your technique worked on him! I was worried after he took me down so quickly!"

"Not really," Ranfan said, frowning at Nam, "He just spared us for information about the planet."

"No, no," Gray waved his hand, not-so-subtly glancing down at her breasts in the tight-fitting sleeveless shirt, "It definitely worked. It worked a lot."

+200 Reputation with Ranfan (For being attracted to her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]

Why is this so easy?

"Wanna get married?" Ranfan asked abruptly smiling cutely at Gray.

"Not happening," A voice rang into the small tunnel-prison hybrid as Celia climbed down the ladder, a suit of armor in her hands.

"You're not taken, are you? I can share!" Ranfan said, confusing Gray as she looked overly worried at the prospect of him being taken.

Why is this girl so into me?

"That's not the problem. Gray loves sharing," Celia said, stressing the word as she walked over to them, "Sharing with every girl he sees, too. The marriage part isn't happening. The Saiyan King can only have one wife, so you'll have to compete for it."

"You're a King?" Ranfan asked, staring at him with wide eyes.

"No, but he will be," Celia hummed, "Or, he'll die before he gets there. Either way, you're not getting married that easily. Gray, come up with me? The rest of the squad will be coming back soon."

Just casually saying I'll kill her Father, huh? Is she being jealous right now?

"That quickly?" Gray asked as he stood up and walked toward the ladder, passing by Nam as he headed to speak with Ranfan, "There must not have been anyone in the buildings."

"No, there were," Celia corrected, "They just weren't very strong. There's only one power level left, so I assume they're interrogating them as we speak."

Gray followed Celia up the ladder into the snowy landscape, silently lamenting about her ass being partially covered by the metal armor she was dragging up behind her. They reached the top as Saeko tossed a final unconscious body past them, leaving just the three of them outside of the tunnel.

"She seems very into you," Saeko said, smirking at Gray.

"Yeah," Gray responded, stretching his arms, "Not sure why."

"You're dense," Celia said simply, "You're her ticket off this dying planet."

"Huh?" Gray asked dumbly.

"She's weak on a planet that's become the battleground between Frieza's family," Celia explained, "She could die at any moment. She thought she was going to die, then you come out of nowhere and save her. After being considered a 'beast,' as most galactic races refer to planetary races, she was probably ecstatic to hear you thought she was attractive. You beat down the other fighters, all of which are stronger than her, and saved her. You're her chance to live safely, either in or off of this hellhole."


I didn't think about that. It's probably terrifying for the humans right now, with their entire planet being taken over and turned into a war ground. They didn't touch on this stuff in the show, because most of the time the humans didn't even know their planet was in danger.

Gray watched as a flock of black dots appeared from the buildings, a crowd of Saiyans flying back toward them with Raditz at the front. He was holding a man in the same metallic suit that the soldiers were wearing, dragging him along with them. Raditz landed in front of the trio, tossing the man roughly into the snow.

"Make sure he's not lying," Raditz said, the statement directed at Celia, then turned back to the man kneeling in the snow, "Tell her what you told me, and we'll let you go."

No, we're not letting him go, stupid. He could be a hostage - though I doubt Cooler will pay anything for him. He could also be a spy. Hell, even a negotiator. He'll have some use.

"Y-Yes sir!" The man said, his voice dripped in fear as he turned to look up at Celia, "I-I'm a huma- or, um, an Earthling, as well as a lieutenant for the Earthling Cooler Earth Stabilization Force Squad."

What a stupid long-ass name. I never thought something could make the Frieza Force sound cool.

"W-We recently pushed the Frieza Force stationed here back to the coast and set up an ambush here to stop reinforcements from arriving." The man finished, his body visibly shaking inside the suit.

"How'd you know we'd be arriving today?" Gray asked.

"They didn't," Celia answered for the man, causing him to look at her in surprise, "They're Earthlings, so they're expendable. They've been waiting here all day every day."

"Y-Yes," The man spoke up, confirming Celia's words, "We were forced to work for Cooler's army after they took over our village."

"Where did you get those suits from?" Celia asked him, gesturing to his scouter-blocking camouflage.

"A higher-up gave them to us. I never learned his name," The man answered.

"He's telling the truth," Celia said simply, "He's also afraid we're going to ask him about classified information because he doesn't know anything. He's just been stationed here with minimal contact with any higher-ups."

"He's got nothing else for us?" Raditz asked the girl.


"S-So, I can go?" The man asked hopefully, looking up at Raditz. Raditz smirked, his grin wide and cruel.

"Yup," He swiped his hand sideways, slicing through the man's neck, "You can go straight to the afterlife! Hahaha!"

This moron is our captain. I have to listen to this moron.

Gray felt an indescribable feeling well up within him. A mixture of annoyance, anger, and shame.

Gray stared at the man's head as it rolled off his body, looking back up at Raditz with narrowed eyes, "That was stupid. He still had some use."

Raditz scoffed in response, ignoring Gray as he turned to the crowd of Saiyans behind him, "The rest of the Frieza Force is at the coastline, directly that way! Let's get going!"

A chorus of agreement rang out as Raditz pointed North.

Whatever. It's not a big deal.

"I'll need a few men to help carry the martial artists," Gray said, turning to Asuna as she stood to the side of Raditz, "There's about 25 of them. I can't carry all of them myself."

I'm strong enough to, but I'd probably end up dropping one on accident. I doubt they'll survive a couple hundred-foot fall.

"What?" Raditz spoke over Asuna before she could respond, his eyebrow raised comically high, "Just kill them. You already interrogated them, right?"

"Ah," Asuna said, looking worried about the argument she could see about to form, "I'll help ou-"

"Just kill them," Raditz reiterated, locking eyes with Gray, a smirk on his face.

"I'm taking them with us. You don't have to help." He responded simply, still trying to be civil despite a strong desire to yell forming in him. He pushed it down, trying to play nice with Raditz.

I'm tired of- no, Don't start something here, Gray. Be smart. He'll kill me.

"No," Raditz said again, glaring at Gray, "I said to kill them. My men aren't going to help carry a bunch of animals to the base. You're not disobeying orders from your captain, right?"

I'm tired of listening to a bunch of dumbas- no, stay calm. Don't let him piss you off.

"Don't be a prick," Gray growled, glaring back at Raditz, "I'll carry them myself, alright?"

"No," Raditz said again, his condescending smirk growing bigger as he stepped toward Gray, "I said to kill them. Your captain said to kill them, so go fucking do it, brat!"

I'm… tired of going against my Saiyan instincts. I know it's stupid. I know I should play it smart. A few human lives aren't worth my own… but…

"And I said," Gray took a step forward, leaving only a few feet between the two Saiyans, "That I won't. You won't either, got it? I'm taking them with us."

It's not about the humans anymore. It's about Raditz.

"You trying to die, kid?" Raditz said through gritted teeth, his face twisting in annoyance, "Why are you so set on keeping those beasts alive?"

The fucking first-floor boss is talking shit to me. The weakest squad captain is ordering me around. I can't take it.

Gray's pride was burning within him like an inferno, the fire being stoked with every verbal altercation. It was urging him. Urging him to fight back. Begging him to not back down. Demanding that he not be a coward. Commanding him to kill the man looking down on him.

"Because I want to. Keep talking like that," Gray grinned widely, his heart beating in his ears as he stared into Raditz's eyes, "And I won't be the one dying here."

This is stupid. So stupid. I could die here. I probably will die here. But…

"C-Calm down, guys," Asuna started to say, holding up her hands in a placating gesture.

I don't care.

"Gray…" Celia said worriedly, reaching over to place a hand on his shoulder.

"This little brat is too disrespectful," Raditz spat out, "You've been pissing me off all day. Saying we should run from the fucking ambushing rats. Letting the fighters live. Complaining that I killed that little fucker earlier. Disobeying my orders. Are you even a Saiyan?!"

I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

Gray raised a clenched fist, adrenaline flowing through him as his grin grew even wider, looking near-maniacal, "I'll show you just how much of a Saiyan I am, captain!"

"Beat his ass, Captain!" A shout came from behind Raditz, encouraging the man who was staring Gray down. The crowd of Saiyan's started forming a circle around them.

"Yeah! Get him!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Let's get some entertainment going!"

"Kill that little fucker, Captain!"

"Tear his limbs off!"

Raditz's own faced morphed from annoyance into a shit-eating grin, staring back at Gray as their eyes were locked.

"Hey, brat."

Raditz clenched his fist, shifting into a fighting stance.

"Don't beg for mercy, because I won't give any!"

Gray clenched his fist, shifting into a fighting stance.

"Same here. When the sun comes down, only one of us will be alive!"


Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]

Age: 15

Wallet: 46,150 Coins

Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)

PL: 31,972,700

Available Points: 300

HP: 91,450/91,450

TKI: 179,825/179,825

STR: 315

AGI: 350

END: 290

INT: 455

CHA: 145

LUK: 455

KI: 395

HREG: 206

EREG: 206

Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Frieza! LVL 1]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master],
[Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia]


OH MY LORD IT'S RADITZ! It was Raditz who killed the author JR! Wait… what's that music?! I know that music! IT'S GRAY! The young Saiyan boy from Planet Vegeta! He's walking down the ramp! Wait… wait… He's challenging Raditz to a no-holds-barred deathmatch at WrestleMania! We're about to witness another murder JR!

Tune in Saturday for the double-length chapter of Gray v. Raditz! (or read right now at - going from 1 chapter ahead to 3 chapters ahead starting Saturday!)
....hoo boy. Here's hoping that [Observe] being able to see someone's PL is a flat value per level or over Gray's, because if it's percentage based from Gray's PL... He could see Kolra's power when man's was about 7x Gray's. And he CAN'T see Raditz's.