Nier: Unto Dawn

ID: 27G | Pod Unit: 139
Personal Name: Sven, Seven, Seventh
Currently: 27G, 23B. Combat. Narrow Hallway. Commie Bots, Numerous.

First thing to do was give a quick measure of what to expect from these machines, to see if we could hold here or if we need to back off, "I might have a plan, let me test something."

Beginning my assault, I took notes as I fought. The small ones went down quick, expected. Like usual, not much of a problem until there's a bunch of 'em, which there is. Big ones were a different story, while it would be simple to take one out, the amount of small machines made such a task much more difficult. It would likely be better for 27 to focus her fire on the big ones, while I block their path and kill the small ones. We should be moving back while we do so, a fighting retreat, I think it's called.

I quickly relayed my plan to 27 over the comms while holding off the machines as best I could, "... and that's the whole thing, what'dya think?! Wanna try it?!"
"Let's! I'm handing temporary control of my Pod's laser and missile programs to you then! Keep them off of me and I'll snipe the big bastards!" Agreeing, I jumped backward onto a rubble 2.42 meters tall...

... I then braced my legs, shifted my weapon and started charging my railgun into 30% percent shots, powerful enough to damage Engels but not enough to kill them but hey, I'm not fighting those stupid large Bots anyway, for these Goliath Bipeds, a 30% is a guaranteed kill no matter where it hits... <<139! Fire support to 23B granted! Get to it!>>

... Pod 139 did as I told it to and granted 23B fire support priority to the Battle Android... <<Affirmative.>>

... Legs braced, I aimed, not even requiring lock-on, only direct line of sight from my weapon's scope, and fired.

A loud bang sounded off from my weapon's charged barrels as it spewed sparks and its deadly payload of explosive spikes onto a large biped-type. It hit center-mass and exploded in a grenade-size fireball which also took out several smaller biped-types.

Charging again, I aimed at the next large biped-type and fired.

Charge, Aim, Fire.
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