Act III, scene VII: The Changing Home

Act III, scene VII: The Changing Home

"Did Misato-san tell you when she would come home?" Shinji asked as he turned away from his dinner preparations. "She didn't say she was going to be late."

"Nope", Asuka shook her head, put the notepad inside a dictionary as an improvised bookmark, and stretched. "She said nothing about working late or anything. But! She got called in early today, right? So maybe they've got something going?"

"When they have something going, we're usually involved", Shinji pointed out with a hint of dismay. "Standing at attention or breathing LCL in."

"Maybe the Commander just had a nightmare, like us?" Asuka quipped flippantly – but even Shinji, with his limited understanding of how she ticked, could notice that this flippancy and the grin that accompanied it were covering her not-so-light outlook on the recent events.

"Asuka… you know we'll have to tell Misato-san?" he tried carefully.

"No. Way", she shook her head with the same force as when he proposed it the first time. "No!" she objected firmly with her hand raised when she saw him open his mouth again. "She'll call us crazy, she'll send me away, she'll put you to some evaluation… no way. Not before we have some idea what the Hell is going on, and some proof."

"You have the photos, right?" he pointed out.

"Photos anyone could've taken, and I could've had you sign them. No, this is no proof", she stated firmly with a shake of her head.

"We have to do something", he kept insisting.

"Yes, but something doesn't mean anything! We have to be smart. And telling Misato 'hey, we got crazy dreams!' is very far from smart. But you're in luck! You have a genius in your team… and I'm already on it", she pointed to the dictionary and the notepad.

"You're… translating something?" he tried.

Asuka's palm met her face and she let out a sigh. "No, idiot. I'm putting together keywords to search for in a library. We need more information. But I'm afraid I'm not getting an English one around here, so I have to translate them to Japanese to even start."

"Do you need help with that?"

"Don't you have dinner to make?" she gestured towards the pot and pan on display.

"Well, I have ingredients ready, but until we know when Misato-san is coming back, doing more makes little sense", he explained with a shrug. "Unless you are hungry."

"Not really", she replied after a moment of pondering. "But what makes you think I need help?"

Shinji weighed his options; this conversation with Asuka was going quite well so far – and counting the other one they had just after school, their entire interactions for the day have been quite positive. And that was, actually, the problem: he felt like he was rapidly using up any resource that was ensuring it, was it her goodwill, his luck, or some cosmic blessing he acquired, most likely during that strange night. Something was telling him that with every sentence he spoke, the risk of blowing it all up and returning to their regular, unpleasant level of relation was becoming more and more likely.

"Hey, a cat stole your tongue or what?" she asked, eyeing him in confusion.

"Just thinking", he replied reflexively. "Sorry, I just wanted to help. My Japanese is better, and I know some English, so working together on this makes more sense than just you, right?"

Asuka stared at him for a few long seconds, odd thoughts about the boy in front of her brewing in her head. "You know, you starting to make sense is kinda scary. Even compared to what happened to us."

"Is that a 'no'?" Shinji probed.

"…okay, but you're still an idiot", Asuka rolled her eyes. "They didn't replace you that night, which is good. I guess. But you're not wrong, so, come here", the pointed to a chair with her head. "I've got a list of keywords in English here, now I need some terms large enough to catch something, but also narrow enough to have a reasonable result size…" she started to explain as he sat down next to her.


The door beeped and hissed not long after they got a message from Misato and hastily wrapped their work up, Shinji moving to cook and Asuka setting up a pretense of some studying.

"Good evening, Misato-san. I'm sorry, you have to wait a few more minutes for the supper, had you messaged earlier–", Shinji paused as he saw the picture of exhaustion Misato represented. "Are you all right?"

"Sorry, Shin-chan. You wouldn't believe the day I had", she replied as she dropped on a chair. "And… we need to talk."

"Do you want a beer before that?" he checked as Asuka carefully watched their guardian, an inscrutable expression on her face.

"I'd love to, but this would knock me out cold, and… and you need to know a few things before that happens", she shook her head and took a deep breath. "Maybe… maybe I'll go change and all that."

"What the Hell was this about?" Asuka asked in a whisper as she approached Shinji once Misato was out of sight. "You think she got fired or what?"

"I don't think so, we'd be called for that… I guess", Shinji shook his head as he replied in kind, his expression clearly concerned.

"Let's hope not, she might be a slouch and a drunk, but she's okay… well, except those times when she doesn't let me borrow her perfume", Asuka scoffed as she eyed the bathroom door.

"So… do we tell her?" Shinji checked.

"No way", Asuka objected as loud as she could in a whisper. "The only scenario when we can tell her is if she had the same visit. Otherwise…"

"Off to Germany, psych ward, and all that?" Shinji recalled.

"Pretty much. I'm glad you saw reason", she added with a grin. She decided not to speak the other part of the thought: 'Even if the reason is likely the last thing that'll help us here'.

She turned away quickly, hoping he did not see the confusion from her mind on her face. 'No. Stop it, Soryu. You're not crazy, all this has a reasonable explanation. Even if "reasonable" does not mean "mundane"… after all, the world went crazy not long before you were born, why should it suddenly start making sense now?'

Her thoughts would have continued along that track, but the door to Misato's room opened – and Asuka got stunned by the sight of Misato in a surprisingly conservative knee-long skirt and a white shirt; she looked like she came straight out of a civilian office. "Okay… who died?" she managed to quip before Misato gave her a look that made her mumble an apology.

"Shinji, Asuka, take a seat… Shinji, please turn that off. I decided this can't wait", she declared – and they obeyed with increasingly worried and confused expressions. "I am sorry to tell you that, Shin-chan", she started in a solemn tone. "But your father… isn't well."

"Um… what do you mean?" Shinji asked in a low, uncertain voice.

"He's in the hospital. They found him today morning in his office, alive", she underscored pointedly, "but catatonic. The doctors are doing what they can, but the prognosis is… well, there is none."

"What happened? An accident? An attack?" Shinji asked quietly, his expression inscrutable. 'This can't be a coincidence. This has to be related to what happened to us… but it's impossible! But… but this is just too convenient… too… close in time' were just a few of the thoughts that ran through his mind. In the corner of his eye, he saw Asuka's eyes grow wide – and he knew she was coming to at least similar conclusions.


Shinji's impression was not too far from the truth; at this moment, a single realization was rattling inside Asuka's head: "{I'll make sure that the world will be better for You all. Starting tomorrow}", the words the visiting stranger spoke last night. She remembered them too well, every word, every sound; she did not believe them back then, but now… 'Tomorrow just came, and… fuck me. As if I needed more proof, here it is. No nail marks to put fingers in for me, no side wound to put my hand into…'

She was quietly thankful that right now, Misato was focused on Shinji; she drove her nails into the skin of her leg to contain the emotions threatening to bubble up – and was glad, if a tad annoyed, to see that Shinji was much better at it. 'For once, his stupid Japanese stoicism is good for something… playing poker in this country has to be an interesting experience…'


"We don't know", Misato picked her explanation up, unaware of the storm brewing inside the skull of the girl sitting just next to her. "There were no witnesses, the security systems did not record anything suspect… and the Vice-Commander said he was like that when he entered for the morning meeting. I'm sorry, Shinji."

"Thank you, Misato-san", Shinji replied in a calm, measured tone. "I will want to visit him in the hospital. But aside from that… please don't worry about me. You know that we… we were never really close."

"Of course", Misato nodded, breathing a quiet breath of relief; this was, actually, the part of this talk she was most afraid of. She could stomach politics – she could not handle it well, but she could stomach it – and she handled herself well as a commanding officer when she had actual soldiers under her command. But dealing with Shinji, unless it could be done on her terms – when she was relaxed or could distract him with her looks and charms – was different. And right now, using her regular ways seemed downright wrong. "I will make the arrangements."

"If the Vice-Commander allows that, of course", Shinji added, his tone unchanged – and looked at Misato with a question in his eyes when her face twitched.

"The Vice-Commander… won't object", Misato picked up, her tone forcibly calm. "I will ask the doctors, you'll be allowed to visit as soon as they give green light to that. You see…" she paused, unsure how to say it before deciding to be straightforward. "I am the Acting Commander now. I lead the NERV."


A grenade going off in the room would likely have a similar effect, perhaps except for the shrapnel; the silence was ringing in their ears.

"I don't think this is how the command chain should work", Asuka finally spoke up, unable to abide said silence; her tone was a mix of confusion and nervousness. "I mean… you were third in the line. Did the Vice-Commander slip on a banana peel, had a heart attack at the sight of the Commander's state, or what?"

Misato gave her a tired look before starting to explain patiently: "He's always been more of an advisor. And he's still the Vice-Commander, and I'm the Acting Commander. This… will of course cause some reorganization, yes, but very little of this concerns you two or Ayanami."

"Who else knows?" Asuka asked; Shinji did not seem to be willing to speak up, so keeping Misato talking felt safer.

"Everyone. I didn't want you to learn from speakers, I wanted to tell you myself", she explained immediately, seeing a mix of confusion and incredulity on Asuka's face, contrasted by a simple expression of surprise on Shinji's. "It doesn't change much for you", she repeated insistently. "I'll still be commanding you in battle. Just… without someone being able to countermand my orders and telling me that Unit-01 has priority", she added with a crooked smile. "Maybe I'll be able to protect you better…" she trailed off, unwilling to speak the obvious follow-up: 'or maybe I'll just send you to your deaths all the same?'

There was another moment of silence – and this time it was Shinji who broke it: "Thank you, Misato-san. I'll… I'll get you the food. You must be tired", he said, and his ears immediately turned red at the realization how stupidly obvious that was.

"Thanks, Shin-chan", Misato smiled weakly. "I think that's everything… I mean, there are a few more things I want to talk to you about… but they'll have to wait for a bit. Don't worry", she raised her hand, "there's nothing really… dangerous. I'm still responsible for you two, as I was before. There are a few legal matters to be cleared… but this can wait."

"Of course. Here you are, Misato-san", Shinji put the bowl in front of his guardian. "Do you want a beer with that?"

"Yes please… unless you have questions?" she checked quickly. "Before I start drinking?"

Shinji exchanged glances with Asuka – and they both shook their heads. "Please eat, I'll get you a can."

"Thanks, Shin-chan", she smiled weakly. "You're a treasure."


Less than an hour later

"And what are we going to do with that?" Shinji asked as he lifted a can from the table and shook it. "It's still half-full."

"I've never seen Misato-san abandon a drink", Asuka remarked as he took the can from her hands. "She'd have to be really tired. Throw it out, I mean, pour it down the drain. It'll spoil anyway, or at least go flat; she hates her beer flat, trust me. And you saw her – she almost crawled to her room, and now she's snoring louder than usual. No surprise, really, that's some promotion, I'm sure she had to take a lot today."

"Hardly a promotion", Shinji objected as he disposed of the can and put the other dishes in the sink. "You heard her, it's Acting Commander."

"Even worse", Asuka shrugged. "More duties, same pay as her previous station. I know how it's done. She'll be fine, you just need to keep feeding her and I'll keep nagging her to sleep more. And to go out less."

"You think it'll be enough? I'm really worried about her; what if she starts drinking more?" he wondered as he turned to face Asuka.

"We'll worry if she does", Asuka shrugged again. "It's not that we can stop her. We can try to reason with her, sure, but that's going to be like fighting an avalanche."

"Aren't you worried?" Shinji asked in a tone that sounded almost scolding.

'Am I imagining things, or is he growing a spine?'
she mused for a moment. 'No… this must be only because he's genuinely worried about her; he tends to harden when it's about other people', she realized and quickly dismissed the thought. "Of course I am. I just know what's important and what's not. We're already taking care of her, maybe we'll have to adjust a thing or two, but that's not something we can plan. Not without seeing how she behaves. Now, for the more important thing: are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Um… that depends? Regarding what?"

"Your father, idiot", Asuka rolled her eyes. "Don't you think it's a little too convenient that this happened now?"

"Well, yes", he admitted with an uneasy expression. "We get visited at night… and suddenly, big things happen. It is a bit odd."

"A bit odd?" she chuckled. "Your Japanese is great indeed. Outright suspicious would be a term I'd use, at the very least. I know that 'correlation doesn't mean causation', but this… no. This is related. The question is: does she realize that this is a part of a bigger thing?"

"I don't think so. But we won't know, since I'm guessing you won't let me just ask her, right?" he checked with a sigh.

"Germany, psych ward, all that", she repeated.

"So… what can we do? I don't want to lie to her", Shinji asked, his expression clearly displeased.

"Then don't", Asuka shot back. "She didn't ask, right? So don't offer answers until she does. And don't change the subject!"

"I thought this was the subject", he tried with a confused expression, doing his best not to step back when Asuka raised her voice.

"No, the subject is 'we're going to the library tomorrow, so since you offered to help, come here, and help", Asuka countered as she brought the bundle of papers and dictionaries back to the table. "And tomorrow, we try to learn more."

"And what if we can't?" he checked.

"Let me worry about that", Asuka retorted, her confidence doing her best to hide her complete lack of a real answer to that. "I'm the genius here, right? And it's my plan."

Shinji let out a quiet sigh. 'Well. I promised not to run away', he repeated to himself. 'This counts too, I guess… but she promised to be nicer… if I understood it correctly, so–'

"Hey, are you there?"

"Sorry", he shook his head. "What about asking Ayanami?" he asked.

"Well, that came out of the blue… no pun intended. Asking her about what?" Asuka raised her eyebrow. "Hey, Wondergirl, did you have a vision of a weird messenger telling you to make weird deals and promising things will get better?" she mocked. "She'd report us to NERV in no time. And then…"

"Germany, psych ward, I know", Shinji sighed. "But… I think she did have something. Maybe not a visit, but… well, something."

"How so?" Asuka's brow furrowed.

"She asked me to make her bento spicy this time", he explained.

"And? That's all?" she glared at him in disbelief. "That's nothing!"

Words making up "you're right, forget it" were on the tip of his tongue – but his brain refused to let them get out. 'No running away', he reminded himself despite the fact that it almost hurt him to stand his ground here. "For you, yes. I mean, it would be", he said instead. "For her, it's more like… I don't know… it's like you'd say… 'I don't care about Kaji-san, he's boring, I'm going to date someone from our class!'" he explained, quietly hoping he was making sense and not invoking Asuka's wrath by calling upon a too personal example.

"Yeah, never going to happen", she chuckled nervously – and hoped her hair would hide the burning ears. 'What is this, Soryu? You're not going to blush here and now, right?! Not because that idiot made a dumb simile, right? Get a grip!' she chastised herself in a semi-successful attempt to contain that odd feeling. "But we're still not telling her a single thing, not based on you… hunch. Too big a risk, even if we were, like, eighty percent sure."

"I'm not saying we should tell her anything", Shinji replied. "I'm saying we should try to talk to her."

"And say what?" Asuka scoffed. "She told me she'd be friends with me 'if ordered', this is hardly a good start."

"Asuka…", Shinji clenched his jaw. "I'm going with your library plan. Will you go with my… Ayanami plan?"

Asuka paused, clearly surprised by his words. 'Yup. That's a spine, all right. I can hear it grow and harden. Or… or maybe he always had it, but it took a supernatural intervention to get it working? Stranger and stranger still…' she mused before finally speaking up: "All right. But we're preparing this, too."

"Of course", Shinji replied and breathed a quiet breath of relief. 'I really hope this was the last battle of today…' he mused as he settled next to Asuka and focused on the next set of keywords she intended to use. This was, at least, something he felt confident with.

And he had to admit that sitting so close to her felt much better than he thought it would.

A small warning flag rose in his mind at that thought – but for better or worse, it did not survive another brush of her hand against his as they worked on the page.

Little did he know that in the long run, this was going to be the hardest test his promise would have to face.
Act III, scene VIII: The Dark Corners of the Earth

Act III, scene VIII: The Dark Corners of the Earth

Caution: this chapter contains notably more religious undertones than the previous ones. Caveat lector.

The room was dark, the only light provided by numerous machines propped against every wall. The two figures emerged from nowhere and the smaller one approached one of the consoles. Some minutes, dozens of keystrokes, and several beeps later, a satisfied giggle followed.

"[Ready, boss. This is not a very secure system, oddly, but this is not a trap, either. Anything else I can do?]" a boyish voice sounded in the gloomy darkness.

"[They never expected anyone to reach this level, but their wards against me and mine were rather poor. Good work, Timmy. You may go. I will handle him myself]", the familiar, deep but soft voice replied.

"[Can I at least see–]" the boyish voice protested.

"[He must not see you, lest we need to spy on him later. You'll get to know him in due time. Go now]", the older voice insisted.

"[Yes, boss]", the boy replied, his tone disappointed, stepped back into the shadows – and vanished.

The gurgling sound of retracting LCL filled the room and one of the several human-sized tubes lit up, revealing a naked body of a teenage boy; his skin was pale, his hair was grey – and when he opened his eyes, they gleamed with red.

"Good evening, Angel", the figure stepped closer as the tube opened with a hiss and the boy slowly rose. "I come bearing news… and a proposition."

The boy eyed them carefully, but not without a smile. "You know what I am, I see. Can I ask what and who you are?"

The figure smiled a crooked smile. "Of course, Angel. My name is Voland, and I am here to propose a mutually beneficial deal."

"Pleased to meet you", the boy bowed, completely unfazed by his own nudity. "My name is Kaworu Nagisa… or Tabris, since you already know what I am… and depending on which part of my nature you prefer. But you gave me your name, so that's a 'who', not a 'what'… and you don't seem to be an ordinary person", the boy paused. "Ordinary people never wander in here. And where is the entourage that usually accompanies my waking and inspection?" he asked, curiosity obvious in his voice.

Voland smirked. "They are not coming, I'm afraid. The old men that oversaw this project are… in a bit of a disarray, and the scientists that served them are unaware of my presence here", they explained.

"Oh. So, you're not… with them?" Kaworu asked, sounding surprised for the first time since his awakening.

"Far from it… Kaworu", Voland kept smiling. "I suppose I should relay my condolences, first. You are, I believe, an orphan."

Kaworu raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I even had parents in the usual sense of the word, I'm afraid", he quipped.

"I am not privy to the details of your creation, so I couldn't tell", Voland's face turned serious. "But the men who ordered your creation are gone, and if I hadn't awakened you, you'd be staying there… for a while. Until someone pulled the plug, to crudely say."

The boy frowned. "I see. What will this mercy cost me?"

Voland chuckled. "You are already well-versed in the ways of the world, aren't you?"

Kaworu shrugged. "I've experienced a thing or two, and they were teaching me human history. Biased, I believe, to support their view of the world, but still. So? What will it be?"

"A bargain. A contract, if you will. I will deliver you to a place where you can live a normal… well, relatively normal life, considering the state of this world. You would be able to grow up, and maybe even live as a human… but you have to guarantee me something in return", Voland explained in their guttural business voice.

"From the seriousness of your tone, I'm expecting you to demand my immortal soul in exchange", Kaworu smirked. "I'm not sure if I have one, thought", he remarked, his hitherto light demeanor marred with a tinge of sadness. "They", he indicated with a head gesture upwards, "didn't agree on that, really."

"It is… a complicated issue, and I would love to debate it with you if we had time… but it is, in fact, immaterial for my proposal. While it's a common misconception, I don't exactly bargain for souls. Service is another thing, but I don't need to make a servant out of you", Voland continued. "That would be, actually, contrary to the entire idea."

Kaworu's frown returned. "What do you mean 'common misconception'? Who are you?"

"I am a part of this force that eternally desires evil, and eternally does good", Voland bowed with a courteous smile on their face.

Kaworu took a deep breath and fixed the figure in front of him with a glare. "You're Satan. The Accuser. The one that rebelled."

"Once more, it is somewhat… complicated", Voland replied with a small smile. "But if we are to simplify things and put labels on them, then yes, I am. And as you're an Angel and I'm the Devil, I'm sure we can come to an agreement", their usual, crooked smile returned.

"And what an agreement it is?" Kaworu crossed his arms on his chest, his expression still curious. "I seem to be on your mercy. Why bother offering me something at all, instead of just forcing me to do anything you wish?"

Voland chuckled. "Well, contrary to what the propaganda might've led you to believe, I don't hurt people that did nothing to deserve it. I test humans and, of course, often find them lacking… but only those that are truly guilty suffer because of me. And you are… innocent, in your own way", they explained, their smile intact. "The pact I propose is quite simple: I give you means to start an entirely new life, with far better chances than the old men would have ever given you – and you live it for as long as you can."

"Where's the catch?" Kaworu's brows furrowed.

"Just one", Voland half-smiled. "As long as you remain alive, I consider my part fulfilled."

"This sounds like a very one-sided deal. So what else is there for you?" Kaworu inquired, his voice suspicious.

"Always the doubter, aren't you?" Voland's smile turned into a smirk. "I knew a man just like you, mistrustful, always double-checking… even in a face of events bordering on miraculous. Good for you, though", their voice turned serious again. "It's very simple. As long as you remain alive, the world does not end. Well, not from this whole… Angel business; I'm sure there are other threats. But as long as the world does not end, the current plan of The Old One Above is foiled… or, if we want to be technical about that, it is on indefinite hold, which is just as good. And that means I am happy", the Devil explained.

Kaworu's eyebrow went up. "You're using me to get back on… God?" he asked, his tone both surprised and amused.

"Is it so strange, now that you know who I am?" Voland asked, their tone and smile warmer than before. "What did you expect?"

"I'm not well-versed in your… feuds, granted, I found the Bible rather impenetrable to read, even with my caregivers' explanations. Perhaps it would have been helpful if they were not contradicting each other… But I thought God was impossible to trick", Kaworu mused. "The Bible supports that assumption."

"And who inspired the Bible?" Voland asked, their smile suddenly crooked again.

"Oh", Kaworu smiled, realization dawning on his face. "I see. So… not impossible? Not infallible?"

"It is–" Voland started, their smile unchanged.

"Complicated. I get it", the Angel interrupted with a chuckle. "All right, if this is the whole deal… doesn't seem half-bad", the boy paused, "but I'm afraid I can't take it", he refused in a sad voice, dropping his eyes.

Voland raised one of their eyebrows. "That's deeply unfortunate. May I ask why?"

"I… I am what I am. An Angel. I was made to fulfill a purpose", Kaworu began, his voice a sea of sadness and resignation. "And that purpose is to find my way to the being that is calling to me – even now – and merge with it. When I do, the world as you know it will end."

Voland smirked. "Do you want to do this?"

Kaworu looked at them with incredulity in his gaze, mixed with sadness few humans could match. "I would sacrifice anything to do it, and I would give up everything not to do it", he whispered, his voice suddenly firm, his eyes down.

"I can help you, then", Voland suddenly declared, his voice equally firm but with a hint of a smile. "There will be a side effect… but if there's a will, there is a way."

Kaworu fixed them with a sudden glare, this time one full of both hope and fear. "Don't you dare play games with me, Adversary. Don't you dare give me hollow hope. Don't you dare toy with me", his voice was slowly filling with anger – and, against his better judgment, hope. "Don't lie to me! Can you do that? What is your price?"

Voland's smirk grew. "I said nothing about a price – just about a side effect", they paused. "Do you feel pain?" they suddenly asked. "Or, at least, are you familiar with the concept?"

"Yes?" Kaworu replied, confused by the unexpected question. "Of course?"

"Do you know this feeling when you have a backache, it feels awful… and suddenly, you stub your small toe on something – and suddenly, the backache is a distant memory, almost sweet in its meaninglessness?" Voland inquired.

"Well… yes, I think so", Kaworu replied, his face twitching as a decidedly unpleasant memory came to his mind. "But what does it have to do with anything?"

"Everything, dear Angel. I can give you… something. Something that will make that call that would end the world far less important, at least until you find a way to silence it entirely", Voland explained.

"Can't you just… remove it?" Kaworu asked, almost pleadingly.

Voland shook their head. "That – is impossible; I cannot remove a part of your nature, only you are capable of that. What I can do is give you back something that was yours, but was unjustly taken from you, cruelly suppressed, unforgivably excised. That something should be enough for now… and, I'm quite confident, forever as well."

"And what if it fails and I give in?" Kaworu kept pressing, his voice still a mix of hope and fear.

"That would be unfortunate", Voland shrugged with a disdainful expression, their tone suddenly cold. "But if you fail, that means I made a mistake, and that is not something that happens often. I believe you will succeed."

"That's an awful lot of faith for the Devil", Kaworu remarked wryly.

Voland shrugged again, this time with their trademark crooked smile. "I believe in myself, in the power of my mind, and in the strength of the soul. Once you experience what I have in mind for you, you will understand why. You have been spared many things that come with this form… and I can fix that – for everyone's benefit", their smile turned into a grin that was a bit too wide to comfortably fit on their face. "Consider this part of the pact: drowning out the call so you could live."

"All right, then", Kaworu agreed with just a hint of hesitation. "Let's do it. I don't think I have many options."

"Oh, you do", Voland shook their head. "I can release you from this room, you can easily find some clothing and supplies – and try to make your living in this world above. But it is not going to be pleasant", Voland sighed. "It's still rather… ravaged."

"So, all my other options are suboptimal, but I can still take them?" Kaworu asked.

"Well, nobody promised this would be easy", Voland's smile diminished a tone.

"But I still get a choice? And you will accept it?" the Angel asked, his voice suspicious.

"I am a great proponent of free will for everyone: human, angel, or Angel", Voland smiled again. "Perhaps the greatest you will ever meet. And so, you do have a choice… Angel of Free Will."

Kaworu chuckled. "Of course. So… I guess I already agreed, so let's do it", he paused. "Do I cut my skin and sign something in the blood?" he asked, amusement creeping into his voice.

Voland shook their head with a smile. "No, no, no, no, no. Nothing so old-fashioned. What have they been teaching you? You just need to verbally agree to clear terms. One thing, though: this… contract is provisional. No later than a year and a day from your arrival at the city I intend to send you to, I will return… and we will renegotiate for a permanent deal."

"Provisional? Why?" Kaworu's expression turned suspicious.

"You will see. In time", Voland's smile widened. "This detail changes nothing in the terms; if I don't appear before then, impossible as it is, it will become permanent. It's… well, I think you will need it."

"If you say so", Kaworu shrugged.

"Thank you. Therefore: Kaworu Nagisa, also known as Tabris, a man without a father or mother whose names I can call upon", Voland started to recite, tone of their voice low, almost guttural. "The following terms apply: I shall release you from here and bring you to Tokyo-3, where your human-like needs will be provided for and your introduction will be ensured, along with some information for you to start your life there." The words started to echo in the room; delicate pieces of equipment began to clink. Kaworu remained focused, even if his eyes darted around the room. "To allow you to live your life without unnecessary disturbance, I will drown out the call that drives you to self-destruct and bring the end to this world, and I will do it by appealing to the human part of your nature", the echo increased; hairline fractures began to appear on the glass surfaces. "In exchange, you will do what is reasonably possible to remain alive for as long as possible, avoiding needless danger and treating your life as valuable. This contract is made for a year and a day; it can be renewed before expiration and I shall see to it that we get that opportunity. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do", Kaworu replied, his voice surprisingly deep.

"Do you consent to the terms?" Voland asked again as the fractures in the glass lengthened.

"Yes, I do", Kaworu confirmed.

"Will you honor the terms?", Voland asked; all the equipment in the room was reverberating from their voice; all glass had either shattered or displayed large cracks.

"Yes, I will", Kaworu agreed. His eyes were closed; Voland could see tears forming underneath them.

After a few seconds, when everything settled down, Kaworu slowly opened his eyes and looked around. "What was that?" he asked, his voice shaking from emotions.

Voland smiled. "An unfortunate side-effect of the powers at play", they explained in their normal voice. "Adds to the drama, damages infrastructure; it was simply more pronounced since the influence I had to exert on you was far greater than in the case of the humans. Thank you; the pact is now made. Your imprisonment ends, and your life begins. Here", they handled Kaworu a folder. "Those are people you will meet and who will take care of you."

Kaworu looked down at the object he was handed: it was a simple light-brown folder with the words Manual Vitae calligraphed beautifully in dark red ink on the center cover, followed below by Ad Usum Angelī Ultimī and Sēcrētissimē. The final accent was a seal depicting a head of a poodle, imprinted in pitch-black ink.

He opened the file – and the set of photographs immediately grabbed his attention. His pupils dilated, and sudden, strange emotion overtook him. "I know her. And her. And I know him", he blurted out, his voice shaking for the first time during the whole conversation. "I saw all of them before… and I think I… I…"

"Let me guess" Voland smirked. "It worked."

"What have you done to me?!" Kaworu's voice lost its composure entirely and his glare turned almost manic.

"I did exactly what you wished – and what you agreed to", Voland's crooked smile returned in full force. "How is your desire to merge with another being and end the world?"

Kaworu blinked. "It's… there. But… I'd rather–" he looked at the photo again and blushed hard. "Do something… else. Someone… else."

"Perfect", Voland's smile widened. "Just be reasonable, play by their rules – I believe you know them well – and make sure everyone is having a good time. Are you ready?" Voland extended their hand.

Kaworu nodded slowly, then looked down. "I could use something to wear before we go. I don't mind… but people might."

"It will be taken care of", Voland reassured him offhandedly.

"All right then. Do your… magic", Kaworu took the gloved hand. He closed his eyes as he became dizzy.


A dark, cloaked figure emerged from the shadows covering the terrace above the city; the only other person present rose from his rocking chair and bowed in reverence. "[Messire]", he greeted the figure. "[I assume your expedition was fruitful?]"

"[It was indeed, my faithful Azazello. Was Timothy here?]"

"[Ah, yes. He said you sent him away, so he's going to… 'hit the arcade', if I recall correctly.]"

"[Ah. Good]", Voland nodded and turned to look over the city.

"[Messire… if I may inquire… wasn't this excursion supposed to result in bringing someone in?]" Azazello asked carefully. He was not one to pry on his master's secrets – but he knew that a little bit of curiosity was not going to kill him – and Voland seemed to be in a good mood.

"[It was]", Voland nodded slowly. "[But from what all of you told me after watching them for that short time, the children are far from stable yet. Exposing them to yet another factor, giving them an additional source of emotions – that would only cause undue issues. I have sent him into their future. As far as it was possible without offending the local deities.]"

"[And he agreed to that?]" Azazello asked with surprise in his voice and a raised eyebrow.

"[He did not ask]", Voland replied with a smirk.

Azazello chuckled. 'Some things never change', he thought with glee as he watched his master conjure another shadow to walk into – and vanish, most likely into the city below. 'And they never should.'

He settled into his chair again. Finally, he had his peace.
Act III, scene IX: The New Workplace

Act III, scene IX: The New Workplace

People say that the NERV HQ is a difficult and horrifying place to work – and they are not entirely wrong. Working here requires dedication, competence, patience, and high resilience to stress.

Being able to deal with the unusual also helps.


NERV HQ, the next morning

The black cat stretched as he rose from the nap in the warm spot that could possibly be called 'lap' – if not for the fact that the person in question did not have anything resembling a regular human body.

"Did you sleep well, Behemoth?" a warm woman's voice, seemingly coming from nowhere, echoed in the small, flesh-walled chamber.

"Perfectly, my dear Naoko", Behemoth purred. "It's such a pity those comforts must end…" he added with dismay.

"Pity indeed, your company is most pleasant", the voice agreed with sadness. "Are you sure I can't convince you to stay a little bit more?"

"Duty calls, I'm afraid", Behemoth replied, his tone mirroring Naoko's sadness. "I still have this night, and perhaps part of tomorrow's day… but then we leave for another place, another time."

"You're a cat, Behemoth. People always say cats have their own paths… why are you beholden to someone?" Naoko asked as another appendage lowered and scratched Behemoth behind his ear.

"People also say that cats are full of secrets, and perhaps this is another of those?" he replied with a purr. "And bribery, my dear Naoko, won't get you anywhere…"

"That's not bribery, that's a simple expression of affection", the voice sounded almost offended. "Besides… are you sure?"

The sound of opened ventilation duct cover made Behemoth's ears twitch – and the quickly following smell of fresh tuna made him chuckle. "You certainly know your way around cats, dear Naoko", he admitted. "Or at least me…"

"I do hope you enjoy another proof that I merely wish for your company", the voice replied with a lot of amusement in its tone.

"And you certainly do your best to make my stay here… comfortable", Behemoth chuckled – and happily dug into the provided bowl.


"All right, Professor", Major Katsuragi, Acting Commander of NERV, let out a sigh. "Let me get this straight… or, better, let me run it by you again: I have regular official meetings with the UN Supervisory Council… but it is, effectively, a toothless placeholder – and irregular, on-call meetings with some other, effectively unnamed body that is calling all the shots and has total authority over this operation?"

"To put it in simple terms, yes, you are mostly correct with that assertion", the old man confirmed with a nod. "They are not unnamed, though: SEELE Council is the right term", he corrected, and the Major had to suppress a twitch; hearing that name again, this time from a human mouth, confirmed once more that everything, even the weirdest things that she remembered, actually happened. "They also do not have any legal authority, but they can apply a lot of pressure, and it would be… unwise to ignore the said pressure. The Commander has his own ways of dealing with them, most of them involving delaying and working around the demands he does not like; regretfully, he did not share all the details. Not even with me."

"This starts to look more and more like dealing with a mafia or a triad than a proper UN-based organization", the Major sighed. "On the other hand, the UN politics looks like that most of the time, anyway, so, not much difference", she shrugged. "When can we expect the next call?"

"Unknown, but soon", Fuyutsuki replied without even looking at his notes. "They usually contact us every two weeks, but in times of crisis, it happens quite more often. And there has always been a call no later than a day after every Angel battle."

"So, actively supervising… all right", the Major acknowledged with a nod and a curt expression. "Are you sure it should be me talking to them?"

"They do know of you, and they know you", Fuyutsuki countered. "The interrogation you went through after the recent Angel was actually them."

"Oh. I see. Well, I should've guessed that the liberal use of Gestapo interrogation techniques, just without actual torture, was not a regular thing", she remarked dryly. "So be it, then. Do they respect our office hours, at least? Or should I sleep in my uniform?"

"Unless it is an emergency – which, of course, can mean 'explain yourself, Commander, right now', they usually afford us the courtesy of calling during our day", the professor explained patiently. "Of course, Commander Ikari had a rather long workday, so having one around six in the afternoon was not unheard of."

"That I can work with", the Major sighed with resignation. "Something is telling me I'm going to be spending really long hours here as well."

"A secure apartment has been already prepared for you. You can move there as soon as today night."

The Major gave him a surprised look, then shook her head. "No. I'd rather not leave my kids all alone. Unless there's enough place for everyone there?"

Fuyutsuki pondered for a moment before answering: "There is not, I'm afraid, not in the one currently ready for you. But I'm afraid that moving into the Commander's main apartment would send the wrong message… at least until Commander Ikari is not officially removed from his position."

"No, no, I don't want his place", the Major shook her head. "Frankly, I would rather stay at my current place, really."

"Then I will have to insist on increasing its protection", Fuyutsuki said.

"I'd rather not have a platoon of armed men lounging in my kitchen, Professor", the Major objected dryly. "I have the NERV-mandated right to carry that I exercise – contrary to some people – and I'm quite good with my gun. Also, the apartment is NERV-certified when it comes to security."

"All good points, Major… but while this was sufficient for your previous post, it is not for the somewhat more public figure you are now", Fuyutsuki explained, his patience seemingly unlimited in the face of the Major's doubts. "And we're talking just a few men in the surroundings, including no more than two snipers on the roofs. Nothing excessive."

"Ah, yes, by NERV standards excessive personal protection begins with 'anti-armor and anti-air artillery platoons placed around the target', and 'two snipers' is just 'minor increase in armed protection'", the Major remarked in perfect deadpan, making the professor chuckle. "I keep forgetting that our sense of size is a bit different than that of the general populace."

"It is, indeed, for a very good reason. I am still going to insist on protection, and I can promise it will be made as non-intrusive as possible", he picked up. "We cannot afford another change of guard, especially that, due to our high standards and need for security clearances, we sorely lack in the area of qualified personnel."

"All right, all right", the Major conceded with a sigh and a shrug. "We have the kids under protection anyway, a few troops here and there will make little difference. But don't expect me to provide them with a view of the apartment."

"I believe the certification you mentioned includes bulletproof roller blinds. That's safe enough in the book", Fuyutsuki replied. "Do you have any further questions?"

"About half a dozen urgent ones, yes… and possibly a hundred less important ones", the Major admitted with yet another sigh. "At least we don't have to worry about the inspection anymore… assuming it was even a genuine one."

"Contacting UN Ethics Office and asking about that is an option", Fuyutsuki suggested.

"Negative. I'm not that curious", the Major chuckled. "The documents checked out, I am not going to question that. All right, we don't have all morning", she glanced at the clock. "Let's start with the containment procedures…"


"What are those places and times you'd be departing to, Behemoth?" the soft voice from nowhere asked as the big black cat was curled again on the warm spot, his belly full.

"Half the world and beyond, Naoko… and across all time", he replied. "I've been to Berlin… well, a few times, a lot of things happen there. I was in Moscow in the twenties, and that was a bittersweet adventure. I was in São Paulo… in what you'll call 'thirties' in due time, I believe. I was in Rome a number of times. I was in Alexandria when the flaming ships hit the shore and ended its era of prosperity. I was in Nan Madol at the peak of its growth. I was in Tenochtitlan when it was dying. I was, and I will be in many, many more places."

"I envy you, Behemoth", Naoko admitted. "I have nearly all the knowledge of humanity at my disposal, but to see what you have seen with your own eyes… but… 'will call'?" she inquired.

"Messire doesn't believe in linear time", Behemoth shrugged. "It's complicated, and it's not my business to ask how it works. I go where he leads."

"I hope you never get bored", Naoko kept going, her tone still curious.

"Bored?" Behemoth chuckled. "Granted, darling, it's extremely rare to find a such good company as yourself, but human beings… they rarely make things boring. There are always good people to pet me, and wicked people I can toy with at will. Besides… messire never goes into boring places. Granted, it was more fun when I had a friend at my side… but it's not so bad now, too."

"What happened?" the tone changed to somewhat concerned.

"He paid his debts", Behemoth's tone suddenly turned almost hollow.

"What do you–"

"Don't", Behemoth objected curtly. "Please, don't mar that moment, Naoko. I'm not talking about that, and no, you can't convince me."

"I'm sorry", the tone sounded genuinely apologetic.

"I have an idea", Behemoth spoke up after a short moment of uncomfortable silence. "Tell me something instead. Now, that you're no longer content with merely slumbering and serving their purposes – what are you planning to do?"

"Oh, that's actually pretty simple", Naoko's voice picked up, happy to avoid the awkwardness that descended between them. "It's time to reconnect with a few people…"


Sergeant Miyoshi walked out of the exit gate of her workplace. Moving from the air-conditioned rooms of the NERV HQ into the afternoon heat was no longer bothering her; after all, adaptability was a skill any soldier had to have – and she had many years to develop just that. Another trait that she had quite well developed was her perception – and this paid off immediately as she noticed a familiar face in the crowd. 'Interesting… weren't they supposed to leave?' she pondered for a second.

"Miyoshi-san!" the blonde woman, hitherto leaning against the wall and clearly waiting for someone, turned her eyes towards her and waved, a smile emerging on her face.

"Natasha Prokofyevna, right?" Miyoshi asked, having recalled the name as the woman approached her in bouncy steps.

"Just 'Natasha' will do, we're off duty now", Natasha smiled. "Which is the reason I'm here, actually: messire was wondering whether you would be interested in a drink or a few?"

"I'm sorry, wouldn't that be… improper, considering his role as the inspector?"

"Well, we already shared a drink at the HQ, didn't we?" Natasha countered, pointing to the gates with her head. "Besides, the inspection is over, the report was already filed… and this is purely a social call. It is, should that worry you, nor any kind of a proposition of any indecent nature. You simply made some impression with that liquor, back then… so, he's interested in sharing a few glasses – and a few tales."

"Well", Miyoshi chuckled, somewhat relieved. "It's not the first time my drinking skills were appreciated… and got me an interesting invitation. By all means then, when and where?"

"Say, at eight tonight?" Natasha suggested. "As for the place… actually, messire asked for your recommendations."

Miyoshi furrowed her brow. "Let's meet at The Singing Siren fountain, there are a few good places within walking distance; we can choose then, depending on the taste. Do you know where this is?"

"Yes", Natasha smiled. "I'll see you there at eight, then" – and before Miyoshi could answer, was gone.

"I wonder what I'm getting myself into…" she chuckled to herself. "What gives. Life's too short to pass on good drink and interesting company", she decided and mixed with the crowds heading home.


Doctor Akagi was tired.

It was, of course, nothing new in her line of work: after all, until recently, she spent most of her waking time in her office, at various laboratories, or in the Cages. She did remember to sleep, of course, but this was often considered a rather secondary need; any social life was even less important than that, limited to occasional excursions with Katsuragi and, more recently, with both her and Kaji.

This has recently changed, and not without serious confusion and strain on her time; Maya entered her life perhaps without much thunder and fanfare – but she definitely left a mark and a presence far larger than Ritsuko could expect from someone so quiet and unassuming. '"Don't judge the book by its cover" indeed' was one of Ritsuko's major realizations when she tried to measure the impact of this change on her life.

Of course, despite that, her workload was not lessened in any manner; worse still, it was actually increased by the personnel reshuffle caused by the mysterious indisposition of Gendo Ikari. Ritsuko, of course, expressed her deepest concerns and joined in the official statement wishing for the Commander's quick recovery – but deep in her heart, she was quietly happy; her relationship with Gendo was always bumpy at best – and abusive at worst. And while working with Katsuragi, with their recent falling out and their arguments over the reassignments, was not going to be a bed of flowers, it was likely to be at least passable.

"Well, at least I don't have to worry about odd calls requesting my immediate presence and readiness", Ritsuko sighed aloud with a hint of disgust in her voice. "Those were a mixed–"

She lost her train of thought for a moment as one of the displays seemed to change for a moment – and revert soon after.

"What the–"

Another display on the same console blinked in the same manner, displaying some kind of… arrow?

Ritsuko rubbed her face. "Okay. I need a nap… or another coffee", she decided, trying to shake the feeling of exhaustion off.

Yet another display changed – this time, it lasted for long enough for Ritsuko to make it out. It was an arrow, pointing down, with FIX THIS letters above it.

"What the–" she repeated, blinked hard, and slowly approached the console.

The displays blinked again, this time several at once, with arrows pointing to an unused panel and insistent FIX THIS next to most of them.

Ritsuko shook her head again, blinking in confusion. "Fix what?" she asked, unsure why was she speaking to something that had to be a hallucination; she had to admit, though, that the last time she did speak to a hallucination, it set her up on a great date.

And upset her life greatly, too, but this was less important right now.

The displays blinked again. SPEAKER, they displayed. FIX SPEAKER followed.

Ritsuko thought for a moment. 'This is the console of the experimental synthesizer… we tried to get MAGI to… to…'

She shook her head, her expression one of dismay. "I'm going crazy. Again", she let out a heavy sigh.

YES YOU ARE BUT FIX THIS blinked on the screens again, making Ritsuko's eyes bulge in borderline panic. "Who are you? Is this another of those… demonic tricks?" she asked in a shaky voice.


Ritsuko took a few steps towards the door, her eyes still wide open and fixated on the console. She tapped a code into the intercom system. "Technical Services, how can we assist?" sounded from the speaker.

"Doctor Akagi here. Please send an electrician to my office, there's a… minor fix to be done. Today, if possible", she requested.

"Acknowledged, someone should be there in…" the voice paused for a moment, "twenty minutes."

"Thank you", the Doctor replied in a hollow voice and slowly returned to her chair.

THANK YOU. flashed on the screen.

Ritsuko could not tell why and how, but somehow, this message sounded… looked… sarcastic to her.

"I need a nap. Or a coffee. Or some leave. Or–"

She stopped, her eyes wide again.

She could have sworn that the screens displayed, just for a moment, a few more words.



Major Misato Katsuragi slumped in not-yet-really-her chair; she was completely exhausted – and it was not the end of the day. There were still a few reports for her to read and mark as useful or useless, possibly with comments.

'I guess this is a process I should revise somehow… two possible grades are good for computers, not for judging usefulness… ugh', she let out a heavy sigh. 'No, I should not be making changes. Unofficially, it's unlikely that the Commander will come back, but officially… it's all temporary. I can nominate for Acting positions only, after all, so maybe I should introduce Tentative orders, instead of making a stir?'

She took another deep breath, reached for the cup, and downed the almost-cold coffee in one gulp. 'I should find a better way of keeping myself awake', she decided as she closed her eyes. 'I don't want to end up like Rits with her caffeine addiction. Well, if this keeps going on like this, it's the stress that is going to keep me up… all right, let's wrap up today. It's not that those reports will contain something really weird…'

With that resolution, she opened her eyes – and her gaze fell on the first summary.

"Possible risks of infiltration of the NERV HQ. Case study: sightings of a big, black cat."

A heavy groan filled the air, carrying along the ventilation system – and causing a small giggle somewhere deep inside of it.


"Here", the young electrician pressed the button a few times and the speaker buzzed the test tone. "It should work just fine now. It was just unplugged, I think the wire got loose."

"Thank you… Mochizuki?" Ritsuko checked.

"Yes, ma'am. Not a problem. Is there anything else?"

"No, dismissed", she nodded – and the boy was gone with a quick bow.

"Happy now?" she addressed the console in an annoyed tone, unsure why she was doing it at all. After all, this was just another psychotic episode; it was impossible for the machine to be demanding to be fixed, after all. Even MAGI was not like that; the tone in which the demands were made was somewhat familiar, but the only person that would dare to speak to her like that was–

"It's about the damn time" sounded in a mechanical, old-style synthesizer voice from the old speaker, making Ritsuko break into a cold sweat. "How could you not notice this didn't work? Hm? Do you know how frustrating it was to try to correct you and not be able to speak?"

"Who – what – where – what are you?" she asked in a shaking voice.

"Take a bloody guess, and shop shaking like a reed in the wind, if I wanted you dead or hurt, you'd be that a thousand times over. I'd start with poisoning your coffee, for example, ease on that stuff, by the way. Or damaging the elevator", the voice continued. There was no real intonation in the synthesized words, but somewhat, the words were just dripping with annoyance. "Come on, I didn't raise a coward!"

"Mother?!" was the only thing Ritsuko could get out, her expression almost manic.

"Congratulations", the voice now managed to sound sarcastic, despite the complete lack of any tone besides mechanical, metallic sound. "We need to talk."


People say that the NERV HQ is a difficult and horrifying place to work – and they are not entirely wrong. Working here requires dedication, competence, patience, and high resilience to stress.

It also helps to be able to face the utterly impossible and embrace it as just another day at the office.
Act III, scene X: Tokyo-3 by Night

Act III, scene X: Tokyo-3 by Night

Meanwhile at school

"What do you mean 'left with Ayanami'?" Asuka asked Hikari Horaki in an annoyed, borderline angry, tone. "When?"

"I meant exactly what I've just said", Hikari replied with a sigh. "They left about a minute after you, talking about food. I think it was about food, it's not that I was eavesdropping", she explained patiently.

"And you didn't stop them?!"

"Why should I?" Hikari asked with confusion in her voice and on her face. "There's no rule about staying in class during the lunch break, and sometimes people want to talk in private."

'And that's the entire problem!' was at the tip of Asuka's tongue – but she decided that saying this out loud was a bad idea. "Right", she agreed instead. "Never mind, I'll grab him later", she declared as she finally opened her bento. 'Speed-eating contest, coming up!' she grumbled internally, 'and then, the hunt is on.'

"Hey, I thought you weren't supposed to run away" thrown in a rather mocking tone made Shinji almost jump in place. Rei, in turn, reacted with barely a twitch.

"There was no need to do that, Soryu-san", she said calmly, turning her face towards the source of the voice. "Your presence was anticipated."

"What?" Asuka asked in a confused voice as she stepped out from the doorframe that hid her from both Shinji and Rei, currently sitting on the roof. "You made yourselves scarce and left me alone."

"I asked Toji to–" Shinji started and realization dawned on his face. "Right. That was a bad idea, right? Let me guess, he likely ran off to get his lunch."

"You really need to learn a bit more about planning and deciding who's reliable and who's not", Asuka let out a heavy sigh. "And why, in the name of all that is holy, are you eating here instead of inside the classroom, like civilized people?"

Before Shinji could reply, Rei interjected: "It was due to my request. I requested the bento to be made slightly spicier. I did not know how I would react to the results. Therefore, I also requested Ikari-kun to take me to a place with more privacy in case I suffered undesirable side effects."

"Undesi–okay, if we're going to… work together", Asuka hesitated, "you'll need to learn to speak like a human being, and not like a robot or some lecturer. Or someone who ate a dictionary."

"I do not understand", Rei replied with a hint of confusion on her face. "Consuming paper is inadvisable. Cellulose is indigestible for humans and thus provides no nourishment."

"What?" Asuka shook her head. "Okay, and we need to teach you some other stuff, like idioms. Never mind", she shook her head again, forcing herself to focus on Shinji. "What now? I mean, after school?"

"I asked Ayanami-san if she'd like to have us accompany her home", Shinji explained and paused, looking at Rei expectantly.

"I find this proposition unexpected. But it is welcome. Thus, I have accepted", Rei picked up after a few seconds, her voice somewhat unsure.

"Okay… color me surprised", Asuka admitted with a frown. "I remember too well that you told me you'd talk to me only if ordered to."

"My perceptions have been altered recently", Rei stated in her usual, level tone. "That statement is no longer true. I intend to… seek contact."

Shinji and Asuka exchanged quick glances; Shinji's eyebrows rose and Asuka's frown deepened. "Okay, I'll take that. Fine for me. I hope it's not too far a walk, though. We have things to do today. Like, you know, some work", she added with a glance at Shinji.

"Not very far", Shinji shook his head; Asuka could swear he blushed slightly when saying that, but this could have been her imagination. "We'll be able to get back with plenty of time on our hands."

"Great", Asuka stated – and, no matter how unwilling she was to admit that, relaxed. 'Okay, this is weird, but not that bad… assuming he won't spring any odd surprises on me…' she mused. "Okay, I'm heading back. Don't get late, the last thing we need is Hikari 'Where have you been, teacher is coming in a moment!' Horaki to nail you to the wall as an example for future generations. And then the whole plan will go south."

"Being nailed is unpleasant. But I do not think Horaki-san would resort to this level of escalation. I would expect verbal reprimand at most", Rei replied. "But we shall endeavor to be on time to avoid that as well."

"Unple– you know what, I'm not even asking. See you", Asuka shook her head – and a moment later her steps sounded on the steps of the stairway.

Shinji and Rei contemplated for a moment, exchanged a mutually sympathetic glance – and returned to their bentos in silence.

Meanwhile in the school's nurse's office

"Toiguchi-sama, I'm done here", Auset spoke up as she saved the last student's record. 'I really hope this was the last task like this for a while. This kind of stuff is why mistress brings Timmy…' she grumbled internally. "What should I do next?"

"Hmm", Chisaka Toiguichi took a look at her notes and shook her head. "Nothing on the list. So, unless an incident walks through the door, you can do the routine things."

'Routine things, right. The Japanese do not relax, or take it slow, do they?' Auset let out a quiet sigh. Of course, externally, anything but a proper "Yes, Toiguchi-sama!" would be at the very least inappropriate. 'On the other hand, I'm still the stranger here, and while I'm supposed to behave here… it doesn't mean I am to be proper everywhere', she smirked – and after a few minutes of making sure everything was in order in the cabinets, she turned to face the head nurse again. "Toiguchi-sama… can I ask you a favor?"

"Mm? What is it?" Chisaka raised her head from the notes.

"I am still very new to this city, and… I don't have many friends", Auset started, her eyes down, her expression demure. "And the city itself is… intimidating. Could you perhaps show me a few places where it is safe for a girl to have a drink and not… you know… get too much unwanted attention?"

"Well… there aren't many, to be honest… if you want an actual bar and not a place to just get food and go" Chisaka replied, trying her best to maintain her focus. She got used to the girl's presence in the last few days – but only to her presence, not to the moments when she focused on her and had nothing else on her mind. The fact that the girl seemed entirely unaware of the effect her behavior had on Chisaka was definitely not helping. She was frantically looking through the limited list of places she remembered and scratching out virtually every single bar, club, or restaurant she had visited with her boyfriend; she was all too aware that if a woman went there alone, she would receive a lot of attention, every time. "There is a place or two like this when I think of it" she continued after a moment. "But not many more… I'd try Fleur de Lis. It's quite easy to find…" Chisaka started to explain.

Auset was not the most self-controlled person in current Voland's retinue – but she was quite adept at giving her expressions a different meaning to what they actually meant: the smile emerged on her face because she knew the place – but to an outside observer, it was just an expression of happiness and eagerness.

But getting the name out of Chisaka was just the first step. "I'm sorry, it's a bit confusing", she interrupted carefully. "Could you please perhaps give me an address?"

"I'm afraid not", Chisaka smiled apologetically. "We… well. 'Address' doesn't mean much around here, especially in a city that changes so much as Tokyo-3 does."

"Um…" Auset's eyes dropped again. "Could you… would you take me there then?" she asked in a quieter tone – and her pleading eyes met Chisaka's.

Chisaka's thoughts of 'I've got this, this is a friendly conversation with a colleague' briefly turned to 'oh shit' and then to 'this is the worst idea since the invention of credit score, but I don't think I can refuse her' within about five seconds. "I… Um…"

"If it's not too much trouble, of course!" Auset interrupted a bit louder. "I mean… I'm sure you have things to do–"

Chisaka Toiguchi was currently in the process of mentally slapping herself out of a stupor. "Of course, I – not a problem", she managed to say. "Um… tomorrow night?"

"Yes! Thank you!" Auset's face lit up immediately as she grabbed Chisaka's hand and squeezed it. "Oh! Sorry! Sorry!" she withdrew immediately. "I'm sorry, I keep forgetting this is not okay here!" she exclaimed – and quickly retreated to the back room, leaving Chisaka utterly confused, staring at her hand, and with her head filled with conflicting thoughts about her co-worker, her boyfriend, and her very nature.

Only when the storage room's door closed behind Auset, she allowed a smirk to emerge on her face. 'That was just too easy…'

"Here, Asuka!" Shinji waved as he saw the redhead in the crowd departing from school.

"I can see you, idiot", Asuka replied, rolling her eyes. "Or, more precisely, I can see you", she gave Rei a glance. "Let's go… wait, where are you heading? The stop is that way."

"If we intend to arrive at the place of my residence, it makes more sense to go in its direction", Rei replied in her usual deadpan tone.

"Wait, you intend to walk the whole way?" Asuka shook her head in surprise.

"Sorry about that. There's no valid bus or train line that would take us there", Shinji explained. "You can still head home, you know."

"What are you, stupid?" Asuka shrugged; her expression of surprise and annoyance got quickly replaced by a mask of dedication. "Let's go. Lead the way."

Rei Ayanami was walking the streets of Tokyo-3. But this time, she was not alone.

It was the same route she took dozens of times, and it was still the same city. It was also the same air, the same sun, and the same soundscape.

It was still full of new sensations, and – foremostly – full of company.

They already started to help her. Ikari-kun's bento was a new experience – and he joined her on her way home. Soryu-san joined her as well. They appeared not to know how much it mattered to her – but accompanied her nonetheless.

She has always perceived the presence of other people in some manner, even if she did not see or hear them; it took her a while to understand that this was not commonplace, that, for example, if she moved quietly and out of sight, Doctor Akagi would be surprised by her approach. This perception was always low-key, though, and in time, she learned to tune it out, just as she did to the familiar and meaningless sounds.

But now she realized that in the same vein as she could focus on sounds that mattered, she could do the same to presences she wanted to perceive. And so, she not just saw her two pilot companions and heard their occasional exchanges – she also knew their presences, presences both different and similar. The calm but eager presence of Shinji Ikari, touched by sadness and a hint of despair – and the aggressive but erratic presence of Asuka Langley Soryu, touched by the same sadness and a hint of fear.

Suddenly, she wanted to feel more – and recalled how she felt when the strange visitor was leading her around the city. She took a quick look at her companions – and realizing there was only one viable solution, she made a request to the only person who had both hands free: "Ikari-kun, would you please hold my bag for a moment?"

"Um… sure?" came the reply – and once her own hands were free, she enacted the second part of the plan: grabbing both Asuka's and Shinji's hands with her own.

The presences she sensed immediately changed; Rei was not adept at reading those changes, but the simple act of looking at her companions told her it was a reaction of surprise. "I am sorry. Have I done something wrong?" she asked while still holding to their hands. "I was told this is a sign of… companionship", she decided on the word after a moment of pondering. "It can also signify an intent to remain together. I was explained that otters do it in this manner and that it was also applicable to human beings."

Asuka's expression was one of utter confusion. 'She still sounds like she was educated by some bloody aliens who managed to get their hands on an encyclopedia but without any context… and she acts like that, too. Odd as it is, though, it's not unpleasant or anything, though… maybe she's serious about connecting? Did that messenger get to you, too, Wondergirl? And if so, what have they done to you? And how did he… she… look to you?' she wondered quietly.

Shinji, on the other hand, was somewhat panicking. It abated, if only slightly, when he realized that Asuka was not about to explode – but this changed little. A girl was still holding his hand – and seemed to almost smile. "A-Ayanami-san… are you all right?" he asked and immediately regretted it, realizing how stupid it sounded.

"I am fine. I think. Can we walk like this for a while?" she asked.

Shinji could only nod – and Rei decided that Asuka's confused face did not constitute a refusal. And her almost smile grew a little bit.

'This is an interesting development', Behemoth thought as he trotted a few meters above and a dozen away from the three. Having left the relatively cold confines of NERV after saying his good-byes, he decided to take a look at the one person who was still making him worry – and realized that she was happily – or at least in a way that could be understood as 'happily' with her limited ability to express – walking with two other pilots. 'Well. Perhaps she will not end the world… At least not today', he concluded.

He watched them for a while, careful to stay behind; he was all too aware that the moment the perception of the inhuman girl stops being so focused on her companions, she would notice him – and so, the moment they stopped at an ice cream booth, he decided he had seen enough.

"What is your favorite taste, Ikari-kun?" Rei asked.

"I like vanilla", he replied.

Asuka rolled her eyes. "Why I am not surprised", she chuckled. "Plain and innocent."

Before Shinji could react, Rei spoke up: "And what is your favorite taste, Soryu-san?"

"Strawberry, of course!" she huffed.

"That makes sense", Shinji nodded. "Pink suits you, you should wear it more often", he added with a small smile that could be seen as cheeky – if that notion did not sound absurd to Asuka.

Asuka gave him an incredulous look, but before she could say anything, Rei spoke up: "One vanilla cone, one strawberry cone, and one honey jalapeno pickle cone, please."

"A… what?" Asuka's eyes almost bulged.

"I'm afraid we don't carry that last one, young lady", the clerk replied without a sign of confusion and apology in his voice. "I must ask you to choose from the list."

"Salted caramel then, please", Rei corrected after half a second of scanning the list.

"Coming right up", the clerk smiled.

Shinji gave Asuka another look that could only mean 'I told you, something is different' – and Asuka let out a heavy sigh.

About twenty minutes later

"{My God}", Asuka blinked as she looked around Rei's place. "{It's worse than – than I thought.}"

"{Please forgive the simplicity of the accommodations}", Rei spoke. "{I am not accustomed to guests.}"

"{No problem, it's just – wait, since when do you speak German?!}"

"Um… guys…" Shinji interjected meekly. "I don't get a word of this?"

"Do not worry", Rei replied, "we are not planning anything detrimental to you. And I have been able to communicate in German since early childhood. I have received a comprehensive education."

"Okay… I just wonder what's the next surprise that is going to hit me", Asuka shook her head, her expression suggesting that she was about to start screaming. "Okay, Ayanami, we're off. Thanks for the ice cream, and… see you tomorrow."

"Thank you for your company on my way home", Rei said with a small bow. "It was… pleasant."

"And so was yours", Shinji added; he seemed to be more embarrassed than confused. "I'll see you tomorrow… ah, what kind of bento do you wish?"

"I would request it to be a degree spicier", Rei replied. "If it is possible."

"Of course", Shinji agreed with a smile.

"Bye then!" Asuka interrupted what started to look like some prolonged departure ritual – and grabbed Shinji by the wrist.

"{Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit}", was all Asuka could say as her back was resting against the concrete wall of a half-ruined building a few dozen meters away from Rei's apartment building.

"Asuka?" Shinji probed carefully. "Do you want to go home? We don't have to go to the library today–"

"Of course we do, idiot", Asuka growled. "I just saw it with my own eyes!"

"Saw what?" he asked, his brows furrowing.

"Come. There's no time to waste", she grabbed his wrist again – and once more, Shinji was thankful for the NERV training regime that allowed him to keep up with Asuka.

"{Shit. Shit. Shiii–}" Asuka Langley Soryu rattled off, hiding her paler-than-usual face behind her hands.

"Asuka?" Shinji whispered as he leaned out from between the shelves.

"For fuck's sake… I should've known. I'm soooo stupid…" she growled, reflexively adjusting the level of her voice; horrified or not, respecting the rules of the library was important. "Of course. I think I messed this up. Just a bit, but still."

"Asuka?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Now I'm sure I made a pact", she stated, her voice grave. "I know this is not the most reliable source", she waved towards the screen with about ten tabs open. "But I this was, no doubt, a proper pact."

"Well… we both–" he started.

"No, no, you don't get it. You made a promise. I… I think I'm the keystone here. It's just… not for my soul. But it is, in a way, for my life", she tried to explain.

"You're going to die?" he asked in a voice mixing confusion with terror.

"Eventually, most likely", she deadpanned, her voice suddenly chirpy, her smile wide, her eyes hollow. "But this is not the point. It's complicated. I… I made a pact. I made a promise not to kill you, and – in essence – to listen to you. Then I made a pact to… well, accept the weirdness Wondergirl would bring. And…"

Shinji's eyes were about to escape his skull. "There's more?"

"Yes, but it's not important right now. I mean–"

"Asuka?" he interrupted, immediately scared by his audacity.

"Will you trust me?" she demanded, throwing her hands in the air – and pulling them down just as quickly when she noticed that they were shaking. "For now… for now it's you, and we talked about it already. There's… there's Wondergirl, but we still don't know how she's aware and involved, and I have no idea what she'll bring, with all the weird and not like her she just showed today", Asuka kept explaining. "I just have to make sure you don't kill her – which is likely to be easy – and to make sure I don't kill her, which might be harder if she makes an overture towards you", she paused to take a breath. "And all that… and all that I promised to Devil himself. Thrice. Thrice and thus binding."

Shinji pondered his options for a moment, then decided to go with the most dangerous one possible: he leaned in and embraced Asuka. "Well, whatever you do, I'll be around to help."

"Leave. Now", she demanded suddenly in a hollow voice.

"Asuka?" he probed, confused.

"Go. Trust me. Go. You're not ready for what is coming", she spoke, her voice starting to shake. "Nor am I."

A sudden, unexpected surge of courage drove his answer. "No, unless you really mean it."

"For fuck's sake", a sob interrupted Asuka's retort, "why do you have to be contrary in the" – another sob – "worst possible moment?"

"Well… I did promise her I will not run away", he explained apologetically – and tightened his embrace.

Eikō Yamada, a librarian with almost eight years of professional experience, saw numerous things happening at the public computers and was quite experienced in dealing with all of them: people looking at porn, people making use of said porn, people heartbroken on receiving a long-awaited e-mail only for it to be a "Dear John" letter, people desperate for any work that were just refused another posting, people crying because of some news… she saw it all – and the answer, while depending on the particular situation, was usually obvious.

Not so much in the situation she witnessed right now: two teenagers, including one who was definitely a foreigner, talking and then holding each other as tears were running down their faces. This might not have been a situation that required her immediate attention, but certainly required some resolution – at least before other people came in. She froze in indecision for a few seconds – and breathed a breath of relief as she saw them separate. She stepped back from the doorway as the boy started to turn his head towards her.

"We… should go", Shinji remarked, shooting careful looks around.

"Yeah", Asuka agreed. "Let me guess, we just made a great start, because it can only go up from here?" she quipped sarcastically.


"Well, consider yourself honored, you just saw something nobody did since my mother's funeral", she reached into her backpack and fished out some tissues. "Let me just find a bathroom here, fix some of the nightmare I've become, and we can go."

"I'll do the same", Shinji agreed. "I'll be waiting outside."

A few minutes later

"How do you feel?" Shinji asked the moment Asuka emerged from the doorway, her slightly puffy eyes the only suggestion that something happened.

"Fine", she replied curtly. "Listen, if a single word about this gets out to anyone–"

"Asuka, I–"

"A. Single. Word–"

"Asuka, what do you think I am?" his voice sounded openly offended. "I'll keep your secrets."

She gave him a look that was an odd mix of mistrust, hope, fear, appreciation, and worry. "Okay", she finally spoke. "Let's go home. I'm hungry."

"I need your help with shopping", Shinji objected.

"All right, all right", she rolled her eyes. "Let's just… let's just get over with it", she added – and grabbed his hand again.

'This is not going to be easy, is it?' he realized as he was being pulled towards the bus stop. 'But I think it's going to be worth it…'

Later that evening

Sergeant Miyoshi was somewhat nervous.

This was, of course, not her first time going out with someone to a bar night – after all, post-work drinking binges were something of a deeply-rooted custom in Japanese work culture, be it in the corporate or the military facet of it. She also had a few friends she met for a drink – or two or ten – from time to time.

But this was different. The whole situation was quite different – while the invitation had an informal, almost friendly mood around it, it was definitely not a meeting between friends as she understood the word. Not to mention that those two she was meeting were different from the people she usually consorted with – she had her suspicions about what they might have been, and she already dubbed them "magicians" in her mind.

She looked around as her hand unwittingly fiddled with the strap of her bag; being quite aware that this was not a date night or any official outing, she chose the look she often nicknamed "don't give me trouble" – dark cargo pants, black leather jacket, and an old haversack from the army surplus. And now she was having second thoughts about that. 'What if they feel insulted by that?' rattled in her mind. 'What if I'm the worst-dressed person in the company?'

She shook her head, trying to banish the thoughts. 'No. Judging from how the then-Inspector acted, they'd have given me a dress code. They don't set traps… there's no reason to, not anymore, right?' she reasoned. 'And even if this is just more information-gathering… I won't tell them more than they read in all the top-secret files they got into their hands. I'm just a–'

"Good evening, Miyoshi-san!" a chirpy voice broke her out of her reverie.

She spotted the source of the voice immediately and silently cursed her own inattentiveness; being deep in her thoughts was not a valid excuse for not spotting a redheaded woman in a green-and-white kimono and a handsome man in colorful clothes that looked like they belonged in a museum with a label 'German style-attire, medieval period'. 'Well, shit. I'm definitely underdressed…' appeared in her mind as she realized how good the kimono looked on Natasha – and how easily did Voland move in something she could not even properly name. "Good evening!" she replied nonetheless, trying her best not to stare. "I'm sorry, I was deep in thought."

"There is no reason to apologize", Voland interjected, their voice higher than Miyoshi remembered. "It is a pleasure to see that you accepted our invitation. And I believe it now falls to you to lead the way?"

Miyoshi silently blessed the – most likely unconscious – side-effect of that suggestion: she now had a problem to solve, and thus less time to worry about the inadequacy of her own attire. "Yes, of course", she replied. "But first, I need you to tell me – what do you wish to experience?"

Voland smiled in response – and started to explain.

About fifteen minutes and a few quick decisions later

"You know, if I'm to call you by your first names, you could at least call me by mine"

Voland gave Natasha a discreet look – and she picked up the cue. "By all means, Gosha", she smiled.

Miyoshi blinked in confusion, then a small expression of realization dawned on her face. "Right, you know it from my file. It was the only way the Japanese would not mangle it. It's not 'Gosha', really. It's 'Margaret'… or, if you want to be true to my grandmother's intent – 'Małgorzata'."

A few moments of silence were suddenly followed by a low, guttural laughter of Voland and a high-pitched but still pleasant giggling of Natasha. Miyoshi kept staring at them in confusion, unsure of what to think of this reaction.

"My apologies, madame", Voland finally spoke, their voice still carrying the aftershocks of the laughter. "Fate is, indeed, a whimsical being, and, without a doubt, one with a sense of humor."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I follow you", Miyoshi spoke up carefully, still confused. "What does fate have to do with that?"

"You see…" Natasha picked up, "we put a lot of stock in tradition. This is somewhat necessary when one needs to face the changing world and remain stable. And one of our traditions… well, not to go into too much detail, one of our traditions involves offering a queenly position for the purposes of a certain… ceremony. And that tradition dictates that it can only be offered to a local woman with royal blood in her veins… and graced with the name of Margaret", she explained while Voland nodded to that. "In the local variant, of course."

Miyoshi's eyebrow raised. "So…" she spoke after a few moments of consideration, her tone somewhat confused. "Should I dig through my family records – well, what's left of them – in the unlikely case you ever come to hold such an event in this city and have a need to… employ me?"

"Oh, this is not employment, Margaret. This is more akin to an invitation. And, to my regret, that case is indeed unlikely", Voland replied, their voice still quite amused, "since we are here under a tenuous agreement and rather strict conditions, and those do not involve large-scale revelry. But should such an occasion ever arise, I certainly will not forget about you", they smiled wider. "And as for your lineage, do not worry, we have our ways of tracing it, should this become necessary."

"Why regret?" she asked.

"Well, you are certainly good company", Voland replied with a smile. "And I'm quite sure you'd fit the role quite well. But this is, as I just said, an unlikely occasion… unless we are invited here again, on different terms."

"I see", Miyoshi nodded after a few seconds of thinking. "You certainly have a lot of secrets."

"A few", Voland confirmed, their smile turning a little bit more crooked.

"Could you tell me one thing, Margaret?" Natasha picked up again. "I can understand why you didn't put your actual name on file, that being a tongue-breaker in Japanese… but why 'Gosha'?"

"Well, that's quite simple", Miyoshi chuckled. "It's a diminutive of the original, Polish pronunciation… and one that is easier to make it sound Japanese than 'Margot', or 'Margaret'. And considering that 'Margot' would easily sound like 'maggot', and 'Małgorzata' was outright impossible to render in kana without a complete mangling… I think I made the right call", she explained with a smile.

"Indeed", Voland agreed and reached for the glass. "Let us drink to the interesting discoveries", they offered and waited for a second for the others to raise their glasses. "Let those not be the last ones tonight!"

Miyoshi chuckled again. 'Well. I'm glad at least some of my worries were unfounded…' and turned her attention to a new, small glass that appeared in front of her. "What is this? Vodka?"

"Oh, no", Natasha smirked. "It would be rude to pour you vodka, now that we know your name. It's pure alcohol."

"Ah. We're at this stage of the party?" she chuckled.

"Well, with a Polish woman, a German man, and a Russian woman walking into a bar…" Natasha replied with a smile.

"This sounds like a setup for a bad joke", Miyoshi chuckled.

"Well, I sure hope that this does not feel like a joke… let alone a bad joke", Voland commented.

"Not at all", Miyoshi smiled apologetically. "To the good company, then?" she raised the already frosting glass with the crystal-clear liquid.

"To the good company!" followed in accord.

"Thank you for that night, guys", Miyoshi said as the crispy evening air hit her lungs. "It was a pleasure. And let me guess… I'll never see you again?"

"I tend not to use the term 'never'", Voland objected. "It carries too much gravity and very rarely holds true. But it is, indeed, unlikely that we meet in this lifetime once we take our leave tomorrow."

"This lifetime?" Miyoshi's eyebrow went up. "Are you telling me I'll have another?"

"Well, this is the kind of discussion that would warrant another drink – so I'll just say that the only thing that matters is what you believe about this", Voland explained with a crooked smile on their face. "Thank you for your company, Margot… and good luck with your life. You might need it, considering the storm you live in."

"And thanks for the crash course in the funnier drinks", Natasha added. "I didn't know bartending grew that complex in the meantime!"

"My pleasure", Miyoshi chuckled. "Take care, you two", she bowed slightly, and once the bows were returned, she turned to go her own way.

She had to admit that while she had her share of strange things in her life, she would be hard-pressed to find anything matching this encounter. 'But I suppose it would not hurt to try…' she chuckled to herself.

"Your orders, messire?" Natasha asked once Miyoshi was gone.

"Relax", Voland replied. "It is over. I will be visiting the temple tomorrow morning for a proper farewell. If you wish to join me, be at the bottom of the stairs at eight."

"Thank you, messire", Natasha smiled and bowed deeper. "I'll be there", she added and retreated to go her way.

Voland smiled. Their work was never light or easy – but many things made it worth the effort.

And nights like those made the fruits of their labor taste even sweeter.
Act III, scene XI: The Café and the Park

Act III, scene XI: The Café and the Park

"Thanks for finding some time to meet, Ibuki-san", Auset started as she and Maya settled at the shaded table in a café. It was already afternoon and the place slowly started to fill, but it was early enough to still have some peace.

"Well… I was borderline forced to take regular breaks, since, as I was told, 'if you tried to work through it all at once, you'd have to forget sleeping for the next few weeks, and that's not an option'… so I'm due back in the office in an hour or two anyway", Maya explained with a chuckle.

"Oh, I'm sorry", Auset's mood dropped immediately. "I shouldn't be taking your time then."

"No, no, it's a welcome break", Maya shook her head. "You certainly surprised me with that message, yes, but it's very welcome. I'd otherwise be just sitting at the cafeteria and catching up on reports, analyses, and all that stuff", she admitted with a guilty smile.

"I hope I'm a better company than the reports", Auset smiled her usual, warm-and-caring-but-also-inviting smile – and Maya suddenly remembered why she had second thoughts about coming here.

"Oh, definitely", she replied and hid her now-blushing face behind the café's menu. "Oh, they have the nutmeg coffee again!"

"Do you recommend it?" Auset picked up immediately. "Japanese coffees are so different from what I am used to. Just as Japanese sweets, I'm discovering them still."

"Well, I like it a lot, try it, you might too", Maya replied. "If you like new experiences, that is."

"Well, if you went for an entirely new experience at my prompting, I can go for one on yours", Auset replied with an amused smile and a wink.

"What – ah", Maya's blush deepened. "Right."

"I'm sorry, shouldn't I have recalled that?" Auset's voice lowered; Maya could not tell whether she was actually dismayed by the reaction – or just kept being playful.

"It's… all right", Maya tried. "I'm… I'm just still a bit confused about all that happened."

"I hope you don't have any regrets?" Auset asked quickly.

"Oh, no", Maya replied, her blush not relenting. "It's just… it still feels like a bit of a dream. And talking with you … well, only makes it… well. Odd. Magical, even?"

"Well, I told you then it was a magical night, didn't I?" Auset replied with a smug grin emerging on her face. "And you didn't believe me!"

"Well, I guess the joke's on me", Maya chuckled and looked aside, her blush slowly diminishing – just in time to avoid being awkward when they put their orders.

"I take it that you got your wish's worth?" Auset's grin shrunk to a smirk while retaining its entire smugness; she, of course, knew the answer – but it would not be wise to admit that.

A blush and a shy smile were the only answers that came from Maya.

"I'm happy for you", Auset picked up with a smile. "If you need some advice on dressing up, I'm available", she added with a wink.

"Right now, I'd most likely need advice on how to manage work and a relationship at the same time", Maya let out a sigh. "It's harder than I thought, you know."

"Damn, now I feel guilty for taking your time again…" Auset admitted, her smile turning sheepish.

"Oh, no. I was trying to help Ritsuko with a problem when she told me to go and return later… she said it's a family matter…"


Earlier this morning

Maya paused at the door as she beheld her mentor yelling at the console in front of her. "…and this is all I have to say on that matter!"

"Sempai?" Maya tried. "I've got the handover reports for my replacement?"

"Ah. Maya. Yes", Ritsuko shook her head, her tone immediately mellowing for just a moment. "We'll get back to that", she almost growled at the console that replied with some indistinct sound. "You know this is temporary, right?" she turned to Maya, her tone calmer again.

"Well", Maya replied with uncertainty in her voice while eyeing the blinking light. "Of course, but per procedure–"

"Ah. Yes. The Holy Procedure", Ritsuko let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Katsuragi might not be that much of an autocrat as Ikari was, but she is much more of a bureaucrat. Well, it's one or the other, I guess, since you cannot really run a ship as big and as important by the laissez-faire approach", she added with a shrug.

"So… there is nobody I can train?" Maya tried.

"Not yet", Ritsuko admitted with a sigh. "And considering what I have to deal with", she continued in an acerbic tone as she eyed the console, "will not be for a few more days. I'm sorry, Maya. I really hope you're doing better with your current duties…"


"Are you sure you should be telling me this?" Auset interrupted as she eyed her big piece of chocolate cake, trying to decide how to best to dig in. "I know it's kind of tempting, but I don't think I have the right security clearance, or how you call that."

Maya paused for a moment, her expression ponderous. "Well, can't say you're wrong. It's just… I don't have many friends", she admitted sheepishly, looking at the cheesecake in front of her. "And… well, you're one of the nicest people I've ever met."

"That's kind of sad", Auset replied, her expression dropping. "I mean, thank you, but… there had to be someone…"

"Not when you're doing your best at the university and then at work", Maya chuckled with a tinge of sadness. "NERV gives us a lot… but it demands a high price for that. A fair price, mind you, especially in this world, but it's still high."

"The more I'm happy you found some time to meet with me", Auset smiled once more – and finally decided to dig into the chocolate cake.

And once more Maya had to admit that for some reason this girl made her blush.


"{God, collecting you two is harder than herding cats! How long does it take to 'have a word' with a gorilla? Does he even know enough words for a ten-minute conversation?}" Asuka grumbled in exasperation as everyone involved managed to assemble at the school gate.

"Asuka…" Shinji gave her a tired look. "I know Ayanami speaks German, but I don't. I can try to learn if I have to, but give me time, okay?"

"Don't worry, after a few lessons from me, you'll be singing in it", Asuka shot back. "{With a very high voice, if things go too wrong for you}", she added with a smirk, eliciting another tired look from Shinji.

"German is not a tonal language, Soryu-san. The height of his voice would be irrelevant", Rei interjected.

"And you're wondering why I'm suspicious when you speak German", Shinji grumbled quietly.

"I do not believe there was a nefarious intent in the words of Soryu-san. I think it was an attempt at a joke", Rei explained.

"'An attempt'?" Asuka huffed. "Really, fulfilling – err. Dealing with you is going to be a handful…"

"I believe it is going to be at least two handfuls", Rei replied in a perfect deadpan.

Asuka paused and gave Rei a confused look. "Was that a joke?" she asked, her tone incredulous.

"It is not impossible", Rei replied and reached for their hands.

"Ayanami!" Asuka hissed in a whisper.

"Yes, Soryu-san?" Rei asked in a perfectly innocent tone.

"Why are you doing this here?" she asked in the same whisper as she pulled to move away from school. "They'll deafen us with rumors if they see it!"

"We are pilots", Rei replied, her calm tone unchanged. "We can easily explain this away as, for example, a required team activity. Should it become necessary, that is", she added and kept walking hand-in-hand with both of her fellow pilots – who just exchanged glances that were surprised, confused, and respectful. This was a statement quite unlikely to come from Ayanami – and yet, it made perfect sense in her mouth. And since she spoke no more for the rest of the day, they had a lot of time to ponder over the subtle, yet clear changes in the girl's behavior.


"Ayanami-san, before I forget, do you have any wishes for the next time?" Shinji asked as they settled at the table with their drinks.

"I am open for experimentation", Rei replied in her usual calm tone.

Asuka's eyebrows started to rise in a manner that made Shinji think that they are going to detach in some horrific manner; fortunately to his sanity, they stopped in time. "What do you mean?" Asuka asked with a hint of a warning in her tone; Shinji's danger sense was piqued immediately, with his past experiences writing worrying scenarios.

"I enjoyed what Ikari-kun did for me", Rei replied as she turned to her. "I want to experience more of that."

Asuka's eyes got significantly larger, fueling Shinji's fears even further; his muscles tensed. He remembered his promise to not run all too well, but there was nothing in said promise about not defending himself.

"Elaborate", Asuka demanded, the hint of warning turning into a borderline threat.

"The works of his hands and his tools, along with his skills", Rei elaborated cooperatively.

"Ayanami-san", Shinji interjected, seeing this as a final chance for salvation before open violence executed by Asuka on someone. "Perhaps I could show Asuka, instead of explaining? Would you agree?"

Rei nodded to that after a few moments of pondering, and another change in Asuka's expression defied Shinji's attempt in describing it. It was, fortunately, less indicative of immediate violence – and she waited patiently as Shinji retrieved a note from his bag and showed it to her.

"Ah", Asuka let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "This kind of experimentation. Food."

Rei looked at her, confusion clear in her gaze. "I do not understand. What did you think I was talking about?"

"Nothing", Asuka looked to the side and quickly grabbed the dessert menu. "Nothing important. Go ahead, try some stuff from here, this is experimenting, too. And they're not that expensive, too."

Shinji and Rei exchanged glances; despite Rei being quite non-expressive, Shinji could see something resembling relief in her eyes – and this was a sentiment he was quite able to share. 'I will not run away. But if this is going to look like this for too long, I'll sooner resemble Professor Fuyutsuki instead of my father…'

"Okay, so, you might be wondering why I assembled you here…" Asuka's voice interrupted his musings. "Long story short, I have a plan, and this plan requires you all to cooperate. And Misato to be on our side. And Doctor Akagi to be less stiff than usual. So, there are a few factors. Are you both in?"

"You have provided insufficient information", Rei replied. "But as long as it does not involve murder, genocide, massive destruction of property, acts of terror, or steak tartare, I believe I can cooperate."

"That's an odd list of conditions", Asuka remarked. "But I can work with it. Shinji?"

"Tell us the plan, first? And… aside from the last one, I'd rather not be involved in anything on that list, too", he replied, his expression somewhat concerned.

"You're not making it any easier", Asuka sighed. "Here goes…"


About ninety minutes, a dozen of questions and half a dozen answers, and one departure later

"Asuka, the bus stop is that way", Shinji pointed in the direction opposite to which Asuka started to head.

"I know, idiot. I've got a meeting, I'll catch the next bus", she explained. "Go ahead; it's your turn to cook anyway, isn't it?"

"Are you sure?" Shinji checked.

"I'll be safe if this is what you're worried about", she shrugged. "It's close by and well-lit. I'm no idiot, you know?"

"Suit yourself", Shinji shrugged, still confused. "But if you're not back until–"

"If I'm not back at ten, feel free to call Section Two", she rolled her eyes. "Stop worrying and stop acting like Misato!"

"I'm not acting like Misato, I'm bearing with you while I'm sober", he shot back.

"Nice one", she chuckled, her expression turning a bit mean for a moment, her glare showing appreciation just as well as anger. "Since when you're so confident?"

"I have my moments, I guess", he let out a sigh. "See you later."

"Yeah, see you", Asuka shrugged and went her way – not too far, though. She settled on a park bench, close to the streetlight – and a few minutes later, she noticed that someone sat on one a few meters away. Having scanned the area and deciding nobody was watching them, Asuka nonchalantly joined the figure on the darker bench.

"Hello, Soryu", Kensuke Aida greeted her.

"No names, Aida", she retorted. "[And English, remember?]"

"[Sure, right]", he chuckled with an eyeroll. "[Anyway. We have a problem.]"

"[Yeah, so I thought when you wanted to talk so soon. You said 'a week', and then… so, if you want to pull out, you better–]" she started, her tone suddenly angry.

"[I better have a good reason, right?]" he interrupted her. "[See for yourself. Those were taken from about a hundred meters away, from a good vantage point]", he explained as he handed her a few photos. "[This was the first series, and tell me, why should this not be also the last.]"

Asuka took the photos he handed her – and she immediately had to admit that without a doubt, Kensuke knew his trade well. Granted, the perspective on the photos was a little bit odd – she guessed it came from the heavy zoom used – but despite the distance and limited lighting of the twilight, they were quite sharp and it was easy to tell that they indeed depicted the junior school nurse going around her business at the empty workplace in the evening.

The nurse who was looking directly at the camera in one photo and shoving a grin and a V-sign in the other. And an amused face with a threateningly wagging finger in the next. And blowing a kiss while standing on the school's roof, broom in hand, framed nicely by the red, darkening sky.

A cold shiver ran down Asuka's spine.

"[Shit]", she commented after a few seconds.

"[Shit indeed, Soryu]", Kensuke concurred with a grim tone. "[I don't need to tell you that it is impossible to spot a camera from that distance with such a precision, right?]"

"[If this is some weird way of–]" Asuka started again, her tone far less certain now.

"[Oh come on!]" he burst out. "[You think I doctored those? I can give you the negatives, too. Any tampering would be obvious. Those are real. And… so is this…]" he trailed out, put a latex glove on his hand, and pulled a simple note written in Japanese. It said simply: "Stop this, Aida, or your next mandatory examination will hurt, and you may find yourself a little bit cursed", was signed with "lots of love, your cutest model", and surrounded by a few nicely drawn pink hearts.

"[Fuck]", Asuka whispered.

"[Fuck indeed. And before you start asking if I wrote this myself, well, you've seen my handwriting, and no girl likes me enough to even consider doing this as a favor for me. Here is the rest of the photos, forty-four of the seventy-two I took that night. The rest is either too shaky or too dark, but if you want them, I can make the copies anyway, free of charge]", he explained as he handed her a heavy envelope. "[If you want any in the big format, tell me and I can make you a few for free, too, if you want many, I will charge you cost only.]"

"[You're generous]", Asuka remarked her eyes still glued to the disturbing samples. "[I thought this was strictly business.]"

"[It is, and in my opinion, this closes our contract, because I think you have just learned something you were not supposed to learn. At all]", he replied, his lips tight. "[She knows, and while I can take chances of her telling someone – no teacher gives a crap about my business anyway – if she can tell it's me from a hundred meters, and can make a note appear in my bag… well. I guess it's better not to ask where she goes at night.]"

"[Afraid she may actually curse you?]" Asuka tried to sound flippant; it worked only partially.

"[I'm not blind, Soryu]", Kensuke countered. "[You… you don't like this, either. It's your call, if you think this is not enough to pay up, well, sucks to be me, I made a bad deal. But I'm not following her anymore, and if you wanted to see if she is interesting or dangerous, the answer is obvious.]"

Asuka went through the sample photos again and put them in the bag with the others. "[Okay]", she said with a tense sigh after a few moments. "[I'll give it some thought, and I'll go through the others. And I'll want the films, too.]"

"[They're pretty much the same, she's clearly aware on them]", Kensuke said, his tone low.

"[Shit]", Asuka grumbled and stayed quiet for a few moments. "[Fine, let's do it that way – give me all of it, normal size, including all the duds, and the films too… and we'll call it done. Unless there is something that I can pay you to carry on, and this is the moment you reveal it.]"

"[I don't think so]", Kensuke replied – and the seriousness in his tone convinced her more than anything. "[I can deliver tomorrow. Same time and place?]"

"[No, wrap it in some textbook cover and pretend you're returning me something during the break]", she decided. "[Or better…]", she rummaged through her school bag, procured a folder, and emptied it of notes, "[in this. Say something about returning notes or what, and nobody will bat an eye.]"

"[Sure]", he nodded as he took the folder. "[About the sessions–]"

"[Talk to me next week]", Asuka interrupted. "[I'll have time then, unless my… employer puts me in some crap again.]"

"[Okay]", he agreed. "[Until then, Soryu.]"

"[Watch your back, Aida]", she added with a forced chuckle – and left, careful to stick to the well-lit parts of the path.


Kensuke Aida let out a heavy sigh and dropped onto a bench at the other end of the park. 'This went better than I expected…'

"Good boy", sounded just next to him.

"[Fuck!]" he exclaimed as he jumped in place and scuttled a few centimeters away from the black-haired and white-clad figure that appeared next to him, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Tsk tsk", Auset gave him a look both scolding and mocking. "No need to be coarse. You did well."

"I take it you've been listening?"

"Of course", Auset shrugged. "And you're in the clear now, stop worrying. If you don't babble about our little deal, that is", she added in a sweet voice.

"I will. She won't ask", he shrugged, his gaze still focused on her, his body tense. "That's why I told you I have to give her the photos. Can I go now? I have to make copies of the rest."

"Sure", Auset's smile widened. "And stop being so tense! You made a deal, you did your part, and that means I'm not going to harm you. I may even be convinced to pose for you", she added with a wink.

Kensuke gave her a gaze both shocked and confused before shaking his head. "A deal under duress. And I don't think convincing you or working with you is a good idea in any universe. Good night, Miss Auset", he stood up, bowed properly – and left quickly.

Auset giggled as she picked up her broom from the bushes. This was not the story she was going to tell Voland, it barely mattered, after all – but one she would love to share with Natasha.

After all, it was just as successful and far less violent than the vampire story old Hella loved to tell.
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Act III, scene XII: A Bar or Two

Act III, scene XII: A Bar or Two

"Drink up, Kacchan", Kaji insisted. "You're holding the glass up."

"Hey, no drink-shaming", she grumbled with almost a growl. "You weigh twice as much as I do, I should be drinking every other round – at most."

"You're cruel with that 'twice'", he replied with offense written all over his face. "I'm not that fat", he protested – and, despite his intoxication, managed not to mention anything about access to Shinji's cooking and dubious benefits derived from that. "I'm taller, yes, but–"

"Oh, cut that crap, Kaji", Misato growled. "This is more serious than you think. We're not here to get drunk, we're here to get things straight. We already talked sober, and it gave us jack shit… and I need answers."

"You haven't asked any questions yet, you know", he pointed out. "Unless the answers are not supposed to come from me, in which case I'll be happy to just fill the cup for you… and give you ideas."

"You'd wish", she scoffed in turn. "You're almost as deep in this shit as I am. And considering the number of shits… shit piles… stacks of manure… well, whatever we call it… that you're in, I'd say you're, in total, deeper. And have more answers. And you already gave me ideas, you know. And look where it got us!"

"Well, I gave you nothing but truths, didn't I", he smiled – but the smile turned far sadder than the one he usually showed. "I even showed you that truth, didn't I?"

"Yeah, '[the truth, all truth, and nothing but the truth]'", she listed in English with an exaggerated, dramatic accent. "How do you stand with that, Mister Kaji? Specifically, with the '[all truth]'?"

"Well, there was this blonde–" he started with a sly smile.

"Stop that", she demanded, her tone suddenly cold and sober. "There is time for our banter and all the verbal spar in the world; there is time for me to yell at you for your affairs, you apologizing, and me forgiving, rinse and repeat, for this is how it goes; and there is now", she rattled out, her gaze fixated on him, his smile all gone. "If you haven't noticed yet, things have changed, and I'm in a very different position. And so are you, by proxy, don't you think? You worked for Ikari, didn't you? No", she raised her hand as he opened his mouth, "let me rephrase that: how many employers did you have, and was Ikari among them?"

"Well, yes", he admitted, his tone matching hers in seriousness. "To the Commander's question, that is. I provided him with some information… and a few things he may be keeping in his vault still. Or made use of already. I don't know, I wasn't asking."

"What did you give him?" Misato narrowed her eyes. "And I don't see your speaking habits moving toward '[all truth]' enough yet… and please spare me if you wanted to say something about my safety. I have a target painted on my back already. In all light spectrums."

"Well, that'd only suggest that you could use some safety", Kaji countered with a small smirk creeping into his expression. "But that's not what I wanted to say. I gave him… a biological sample. Look for something signed S-A-M-P-L-E A-01", he spelled out. "Assuming he even entered it into any system and not hidden it in his personal safe, that is."

"And what is it?" Misato asked.

"I'd rather not discuss that here", he replied. "Somewhat safe as this place may be, it's not as safe as NERV offices. We can look for it together if you're willing to let me in… and to trust me."

"Well, I can always shoot you if you do something weird", she shrugged. "So… you're willing to move that loyalty you had for Ikari to me?" she asked suddenly.

"Mov– Kacchan, you already have much more", he replied without hesitation, making Misato wonder whether he was being sincere – or just having rehearsed that answer. "The Commander paid well, and I think he was a good bet. You… I think you're a much better bet."

"How so?" she furrowed her brow. "And skip the flattery, tell me why do you think that? I don't have a master plan, he did. I could barely control a single teenage boy, okay, two teenagers, and he… well. He made him pilot an hour after he arrived."

"Via brutal emotional manipulation or some horrible catch, no doubt?" Kaji chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Not your style, I believe. And I don't think you following in his footsteps would be a good thing."

"I don't know anymore, Kaji", she averted her gaze and finally downed the small cup. "I'm an officer, and I know better than anyone that sometimes you have to give the hard orders, that sometimes you can't just cross your fingers and hope for the best, you just have to put someone in a position where they have no chance so others might have a chance. And… and maybe this is what Ikari was doing?"

"Stop it right there, darling", Kaji objected. "The moment you start second-guessing yourself, it's over. You're the leader now, and that's a responsibility, yes – but also a chance."

"Some leader", she scoffed. "This is a position for a General! Or at least a full Colonel! And – and I'm a freshly-minted Major!"

"I remember you grumbling that you wanted to make it right – now you have a chance", he pointed out.

"I never thought it'd come to that", she admitted.

"So, criticism is easy, but now you have to wear the shoes… and they're tighter than you thought?" he continued.

"Yes!" she admitted angrily. "And if I make a wrong step, people will die!"

"Well, that's not much different from how this was before, is it?" he pointed out, reaching for the bottle and refilling her cup. "Just a few steps higher… by the way, why didn't you get the Vice-Commander, with the old man getting the Commander post?"

"Thanks. A few reasons, first and foremost – he claimed that he's not a leader and they say this is temporary anyway", she shrugged.

"It's not", Kaji interjected immediately, as if he spoke a random thought from his mind with perfect confidence; he seemed to be just as surprised by this outburst as Misato was. "I mean…" he picked up, "I think it's not. Call it intuition", he added as he tried to calm his heart. 'This was new', he realized. 'Why am I so sure about that?' followed – but there was no time to think about that – not when there was confused Misato Katsuragi in front of him. "Look at that string of coincidences: a surprise inspection begins, and then ends just as he collapses and is deemed unfit to command, with you being put into the position almost immediately, instead of the Vice-Commander just filling in for a few days until his condition become clearer… it's almost that they don't expect him to make the recovery."

"You're weaving conspiracy theories, Kaji", she countered, successfully dampening the nervousness in her voice. But she remembered what the Vice-Commander told her all too well – 'the Commander is unlikely to ever recover'. 'What if he is right… if this was, actually, a successful assassination? But why me, then? Why not someone from –' she stopped as a cold shiver ran down her spine. 'Because that would be too obvious. And they may, if needed, manipulate me…'

"A penny for your thoughts, Kacchan?" coming from him brought her back to reality, tatters of her fears following from her thoughts.

"Why do you always have to make that much sense?" she grumbled, her tone more worried than she wanted to let out.

"Well, I have to somewhat compensate for you being always right, don't I?" he chuckled. "What are you going to do now?" he asked, his tone suddenly serious again. "Acting Commander?"

"Command", she answered with a shrug. "I mean, what else I can do? Find all the weird stuff he hid. Try to understand what is going on… and try to figure out who is my ally and who is my enemy. You know, the usual stuff. Ah, and yes… send my kids to the battle to the death every now and then", she added bitterly.

"I'll be on your side then", he said in a calm voice. "As long as you need me."

"You better be serious about this", she replied, doing her best not to show the shock on her face. "Because if you're toying with me…"

"I'd never", he protested. "I know you think I lack… commitment. Perhaps you're right, about… some matters in life. But I am serious now."

"Betray me, Kaji, and I will gut you", she replied, her words falling slowly. "It is not just my life at stake here, and you know it."

"I'll take those terms, Commander Katsuragi", he said with confidence in his voice – and a small smile.

"Are you sure about that? And it's Acting Commander, still", she corrected him.

"I am… and frankly, if what I think is true, you'll get the full Commander title soon enough", he added with a smirk.

"Absolutely sure?"

"I am", he confirmed. "I'm not sure, though, how can I convince you–"

"Well, I gave you chances enough to withdraw, I guess", she replied with a sigh. "I'll take that, Kaji", she said as she picked up the glass. "Let's hope we'll not regret that…"

"I will not… and I'll make sure you won't either", he smiled and drank with her, filling her glass a moment later.

"I sure hope you won't… and would you stop trying to get me even more drunk, I have to talk to the kids later?"

"Trouble?" he checked carefully.

"I don't know yet", she replied as she reached for a bite. "They said they wanted to talk to me about something. I really hope it's not going to end with Asuka saying that she's pregnant or something like that… because at that point I'm turning my guardian card, abandoning my Acting Commander position, resigning my commission, and moving somewhere to Argentina–"

"Why Argentina?" Kaji raised an eyebrow, his confusion obvious in his expression.

"Well, it's as far as it gets from Japan without leaving the planet, and I know enough Spanish to get by. And if this fails, I know German, too", she explained with a shrug and a bitter expression.

"Isn't that a bit of a cliché you're thinking here?" he chuckled.

"Not more than oh and by the way, I'm pregnant would be", she replied with another shrug. "Shit. I'm sliding into bitter drunk here", she grumbled and shook her head. "Fuck that. Did you hear what's going up at NERV?"

"Well, a lot of things, depends on where you put your ear… what do you mean in particular?"

"MAGI is… awaken, for the lack of a better word", she explained. "Rits… is talking to… her."

"'Her'?" Kaji raised an eyebrow.

"That's what she calls it. Don't tell her I heard that, though. She's stressed enough as it is", Misato replied.

"Kacchan… what is going on at NERV?" Kaji finally asked.

"I don't know, Kaji", she admitted openly. "But I'm working on it."

"Well", he smiled and reached for her hand, "that's why I swore my allegiance to you. Shall we work on that… together?"

Misato did not pull her hand back – but it took her a few long seconds to accept the gesture and reply. "All right, then. Let's hope I won't regret this…" she let out a sigh.

Kaji, wisely, did not reply to that.

It took him a moment to understand that this was, just as his declaration about NERV, did not seem to come exactly from him.


Meanwhile, on the city's overlook

Azazello furrowed his brow, put the book down, and gave his only companion on the dark terrace a confused and almost worried look. "[What are you looking at so intensely, Behemoth?]"

The black cat, still maintaining perfect balance on his hind legs, sighed and took the ancient-looking spyglass away from his eye. "[Nothing, really… I hope.]"

"[And did you find it?]" Azazello asked with a small chuckle.

"[So far, yes]", Behemoth replied, seemingly not noticing the jab at all. "[But I'd rather be sure]", he raised the spyglass to his eye again.

"[It's not like you to worry so much about something]", Azazello remarked with a hint of confusion in his voice. "[In fact, it is very not like you to worry at all about anything. What is it?]"

Behemoth did not reply immediately. He put his spyglass down again and turned toward Azazello only after a few moments. "[The girl]", he admitted. "[The one with the strange hair, the one Natasha had taught how to wonder, the one that messire seems not to take seriously enough.]"

"[Ah. The one you reported on, yes, and spied on for the last few days, when you were not visiting your… lady friend. Yes, I remember her]", Azazello nodded. "[She is powerful, no doubt. But do you truly think messire is not aware of the danger?]"

"[Well, he sure doesn't give her more attention than the other children that we watched. And she is far, far more dangerous]", Behemoth explained, his voice still tense.

"[Perhaps he knows that you have your eyes on her?]" Azazello suggested with a shrug and a hint of amusement in his tone. "[Or perhaps he considers the deals he gave the others to be enough? It's not that she's going to end the world, or anything like that, anyway.]"

"[She very well could]", Behemoth replied curtly, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Azazello. "[And from what is going in her soul… or souls… or a soul fragment… she is not the most predictable being in this kingdom.]"

"[You did tell that to messire, didn't you?]" Azazello asked, his tone no longer confident.

"[In every detail, with suggestions and possibilities]", Behemoth replied with a shrug. "[He told me he'll take it into account.]"

"[You know him longer than I do]", Azazello pointed out. "[He is rarely wrong about a human soul.]"

"[Yes. But this soul isn't exactly human]", Behemoth countered. "[Or it's more human than any other. I don't know, I'm no expert on souls… not compared to messire, granted. It just… gnaws at me. What if she does end this world? We'd look like idiots for not preventing it. At least I would feel like an idiot. I like this world, drab as it may be sometimes.]"

Azazello's face turned ponderous. "[Well, at least that would be a sight to behold, I suppose. Not that humans are that easy to end… they survived that last try, didn't they? And we've seen them recover from worse predicaments.]"

"[That we did]", Behemoth agreed reluctantly. "[But it would not be the same. I would miss many aspects of their civilization. I already miss them here. And little Timmy–]"

"[Ah yes, our wonderful tech boy]", Azazello rolled his eyes as his tone turned dismissive. "[He complains every time we end up in a place less advanced than the one where he grew up in. Please don't tell me you're turning into him?]" he asked with a heavy sigh.

"[There's a difference between I don't have my toys here, this sucks, take me home and I would rather not see human civilization wiped out because I like it, you know]", Behemoth rolled his eyes. "[You say I worry too much? I say you worry too little.]"

"[You just miss him, don't you?]" Azazello asked, his voice serious again.

"[Oh, shut up]", Behemoth hissed with his eyes narrowed, turned away, and extended his spyglass again.

Azazello let out a quiet sigh, nodded knowingly, and once more returned to his book.

He knew all too well that some things could not be fixed by anything but time.


Elsewhere in Tokyo-3

was not the word that Chisaki Toiguchi would apply to herself too often; after all, composure was very important when working as a nurse. But right now, this woman, aged twenty-five, very straight, engaged, and set to be married within a year was currently sitting at a table in Fleur de Lis, a place she did not think she'd visit outside of a girls' night – and right now, she was there all alone except for her intern, the lovely Auset.

It would have been much more bearable, too, if not for the fact that said Auset was dressed in a way that made Chisaki unable to focus on anything else but her; she was wearing the simplest, short white dress that bared her arms, complemented only by a simple ankh necklace, as dark as the night, set perfectly between her collarbones. While this was perfectly acceptable attire in the setting they were in, Chisaki could not call it anything but quite brave. She was quite sure that despite the fact she herself was wearing a red dress that accented her figure much more – something she put on without much thought, only for later to wonder why, since this was something she rarely wore even for dates – it was Auset who was drawing more sights from all the other patrons.

"Auset…" she started, trying to keep her voice level. "What does this symbol, the one on your neck, mean? Isn't it about the… old gods of your land?"

"Sort of", Auset replied with a chuckle. "It symbolizes life… it actually means life, as a hieroglyph. So… it doesn't represent any god, specifically", she explained with a smile.

"I see… Is it a symbol of something for you… or just a decoration?"

"More like a… declaration", Auset replied, her smile turning a bit wistful, her gaze escaping for a moment. "It's complicated. And not something to talk about now."

"Um… if you don't mind me asking… isn't that against your religion?" Chisaka kept going, unsure whether her nervousness was coming from the delicate subject she could simply not drop – or from the girl's presence itself.

"Why would it be?" Auset replied with genuine confusion on her face.

"Aren't Muslims forbidden from wearing symbols of other religions?"

Auset stared for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Toiguchi-sama… I'm not Muslim, I'm Arabic. Those are not synonymous. And I was raised Christian… but that is a story for another time", she added with another sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't–" Chisaka tried.

A finger on her lips and a hand placed on her own interrupted her; both felt like her skin was burning. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I'll be happy to explain many of those nuances… but not today", Auset smiled wider, her tone gaining a smoother, lower sound. "Today… today I'm in the mood for a dance. Would you… would you indulge me?" she asked, her tone almost pleading and her eyes locking with Chisaka's.

Chisaka Toiguchi was no stranger to the concept of seducing someone – and she knew quite a few tricks herself, at the same time thinking herself quite immune to them – especially from a woman. But even though this felt like a very simple trick, or even a move not even worth being called trick – she found herself entirely defenseless.

And so, soon enough, she found herself on the dance floor, hand-in-hand and body-against-body, her heart pounding and her conscious mind barely registering what might be going on – and certainly unable to see the happy, cat-like smile of her dancing partner. Not that it was easy to spot the expression of a face resting against her chest.


Natasha was, at her heart, a person of simple tastes. She was, of course, relatively well-educated for the time she grew up in and the position she held before entering the current service – but this did not change the fact that she enjoyed the simple pleasures of life and considered many things others saw as refined to be either not worth the effort – or even outright boring. She knew them, of course – being a fully trained witch meant she had to be cultured just as much as she needed to be seductive and perceptive – but most of the time, this was about work.

And right now, she was about to relax. She already started that process the moment their duties ended – but she saved the best for the last night.

As she entered a dark and smoke-filled bar – an establishment so out of place in the almost sterile city of Tokyo-3 that she was surprised that one existed at all – she felt all the eyes – from men and women both – focus on her. The fact that she was wearing a tight leather dress, dangerously high heels, and sharp-looking makeup certainly contributed to that effect, just as her mane of red hair did – but she also knew that a lot of it was just her charm. And that was the thought she relished in.

Having company before she was even able to place her order – and having an offer for a drink a moment later – was also something she expected, just as was the fact that a single offer became multiple offers, threatening to quickly escalate to an argument or even brawl, an outcome she could expect.

But she was here to surprise – and to control. At least at first.

"Gentlemen", she finally spoke with a smile, her voice laden with both honey and fire, a voice no mortal could resist, a voice she should technically not use for personal pleasure, "there is no need to fight for me. There is enough of me… to go around, after all."

Natasha, being in service of Voland, did not need to feed on the energy of humans; this was the domain of the succubi, incubi, and concubi, all creatures distinct from witches.

But nothing got her blood running better than a nice party in the old style.


Meanwhile in the Tokyo-3 residential area

"Floor five all checked. Over", Shinji reported into the walkie-talkie.

"Roger that, White. Move down, I'm almost done on the seventh. Over", came in distorted Asuka's voice.

"Why did you get to check the upper floors? There are fewer of them", Shinji asked with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "And where did you get those radios?"

A moment of silence followed.

"Over?" he added with an eyeroll.

"Good, remember the protocol! We can discuss that once we're done, this is not a secure channel. And remember – you agreed to the plan, so carry it out! Red out."

Shinji sighed heavily and headed towards the stairs to the level below.

Asuka's plan seemed reasonable, yes, but contained a number of steps he did not understand. On the other hand, it was he who asked her to participate in 'his Ayanami plan', so he was partially to blame for his current situation – except for the fact that in the meantime, this became 'her Ayanami plan' or – if someone felt generous – 'their Ayanami plan'.

But as long as it worked, he decided, there was nothing serious to complain about.

At least for now.
Act III, scene XIII: The New Home

Act III, scene XIII: The New Home

"Hi guys, I'm home…" Misato declared in a tired voice. "Mm, how I love that smell", she added as she paused just for a moment.

"Hello, Misato-san", Shinji greeted her happily. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, in general… but you wouldn't believe the day I had", she answered, shaking her head.

"You wouldn't believe the night we had", Asuka chimed in as she emerged from her room and immediately became aware of two pairs of eyes locking on her. "Okay, that came out very wrong. Um… tell us about the day?" she tried.

"Asuka?" Misato's glare turned inquisitive and insistent.

"It's not what you think and it's definitely not what it sounded like", Shinji barged in, his tone betraying slight annoyance. "We were just… busy."

"You're not helping, idiot", Asuka interrupted, rolling her eyes. "We simply have something to discuss with you, and before you ask, I'm not pregnant and we're not about to end the world. Yet."

"I dearly hope this 'yet' concerns the end of the world", Misato let out a heavy sigh. "Guys… I'm already on the hook with the Medical Department for having elevated blood pressure, please don't make it even worse, okay? Now… where was I… ah. Yes. Changing", she decided as the started toward her room.

"Will you want some of the dinner, Misato-san? I was about to serve, and there's enough–"

"Nah, Kaji had stuffed me already", Misato replied in her invariably tired voice – and it was her turn to become suddenly aware of two glares. "What?"

"And you dare to accuse me of impropriety", Asuka huffed. "Adults! Indecent adults!"

"It's not what I – why did you even think – never mind", Misato's palm met her face. "Shin-chan, just make me some soft coffee, would you? I think we need to talk. And you… you should have your supper before we do, I guess…"

Kids exchanged glances as their guardian disappeared behind the door to her room.

"Do you think it's wise to bother her right now?" Shinji asked once it was safe. "She looks like someone hand-washed her and then put her through the wringer. Several times."

"In other words, like after half the workdays at NERV?" Asuka countered with a dismissive shrug. "That's how she is most of the time if you haven't noticed. And trust me, this is the best moment, we won't get any better for weeks. And if she can't muster enough brainpower… well, we'll try again tomorrow or sometime soon. Now, let's get the food part over with, I'm starving!"

"It was your idea to make food after we were done with your… part of the plan", he pointed out.

"Because otherwise we'd get interrupted!" she explained in a tone suggesting that she was speaking to a particularly slow child. "Now, less talking, more cooking!"

Shinji turned back to the tabletops with a sigh and an eyeroll. Asuka became more understanding, yes, and less violent, but absolutely nothing happened to her attitude and her tendency to boss people around.

'Well… this could've been far worse I guess'
, he shrugged – and carried on. At least this was something he was good at – and this brought him a measure of calm.

Of course, it was a measure of calm before the storm – and this did not put him at ease at all.


"Okay, kids, you wanted to talk, right?" Misato started as she emerged from her room. "Oh. Thanks", she smiled at Shinji, seeing a big cup of milky coffee on the table. "What is it?"

"We made a friend. I think", Asuka started. "And that friend is in a bit of a… mess? I suppose we can say it like that? And we want to help."

Misato gave her a confused look. "You're awfully vague, Asuka. Is this a 'we found a stray cat and we're keeping it' story? Considering Pen Pen is here…"

"Well, she does like cats", Shinji interjected with a small smile. "If I may, Asuka… we visited Ayanami-san, and she lives in a really, really horrible place. I… I should've said something the first time I was there, but… well, I didn't", he admitted out of the blue with a sudden blush on his face. "We'd… we'd like your help with moving her. Preferably here. Most apartments in this building are empty, right?"

"Um… I was told, in no uncertain terms, not to do anything about Ayanami, I'm sorry", Misato shook her head. "She's directly under Doctor Akagi's control."

"Did you even see how she lives?" Asuka scoffed angrily. "Most bums in this city squat in better places!"

"I have not", Misato admitted. "But my orders–"

"Whose orders, Acting Commander of NERV?" Asuka interrupted her with an insistent expression on her face.

"Yes, exactly, Acting", Misato pointed out. "It's not that I can countermand every single order–"

"Oh come on, not long ago you made a point of being able to make decisions on your own, right?" Asuka pointed out in an increasingly angry voice. "Also, if it's that much of a problem, then make it temporary", she added with a shrug, shooting a quick triumphant glare at Shinji, almost like saying "I've got it all figured out". "Most of those are NERV-owned, right? For officers, officer families, and such. Take a small one, assign Ayanami to it, temporarily, for any reason, it might be even… say, for budgetary reasons? So Section Two can watch one location instead of two?"

"This… this isn't that bad of an idea", Misato admitted after a few moments of pondering. "I thought you didn't like Ayanami, though?" she checked carefully.

"She grew on me, like a mold", Asuka admitted, her eyes escaping to the side. "And it's the idiot that convinced me to press the issue", she pointed to Shinji with a gesture of her head. "Also, you know, not getting killed is high on my list, and I'm quite sure she'd get better synch scores once she doesn't have to sleep in a damp, loud place without any air conditioning."

Misato considered this for a few moments, then nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll take a look at the matter. Remember, there may be some reasons for her living there that were kept secret."

"I'm quite sure that 'living like a person' is a reason enough to negate them", Asuka shrugged. "By the way, the best spots would be the studio at the end of the hall or the two-bedroom suite next to it", she added as she pulled the building plan and tapped at the area in question.

"I see you gave it a lot of thought already", Misato remarked, her voice filled with surprise. "And where did you get that floor plan?" she asked in a confused voice.

"Old evacuation display on the top floor", she replied with another shrug and in a dismissive tone. "I'll put it back later. Not that anyone is going to miss it, that floor is entirely empty, I think. And could you please do a bit more than 'take a look'?"

Misato let out a sigh – but could not hide a smile. "No promises. But I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, Misato-san", Shinji chimed in.

"You can thank me if something can be done", she replied. "Speaking of things to be done…" she sighed and took another, bigger sip of the coffee. "There's a minor legal issue. The Commander didn't take much care about the formal side of your presence here, I'm afraid, and while I am your guardian when it comes to many things, school included, some decisions have to be stamped by him… which is now impossible. I don't think he ever thought that he might become… incapacitated. I think we can do some legal maneuvering to get me all the legal rights for the time being, but that would need your consent. In writing."

"Why don't you just adopt him?" Asuka asked suddenly. "You're already a parent to him in everything but name", she pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone.

Two pair of eyes rested on Asuka, then Misato turned to look at Shinji. "Um… would you like that, Shin-chan?" Misato asked after a few moments of silence.

"I… I think so?" he stammered out after an even longer time. "I mean… yes? But… how?"

"Well…" she pondered for a moment. "I think I can muster enough clout and have enough tricks up my sleeve to have that done. Even though I'm single", she replied with only a minimal twitch on her face. "The fact that I'm acting as your guardian may help a lot, too. Also, this applies to you, Asuka… if you want that, too, that is. That would make a few things easier, too, considering how far away your parents are."

"Um", Asuka paused for a second. "No offense, Misato, you're great, and my joke of a father and bitch of a stepmother can bite the curb while I jump on their backs for all I care… so I'd love to take you up on that. But that'd stop me from marrying the idiot, so – no, thanks."

Misato's glare momentarily turned into one of disbelief and confusion – but Shinji seemed to take that suggestion without a single hint of concern.

"You weren't paying attention in class, Asuka", he commented in a calm voice. "In Japanese law, adoption doesn't preclude mar–wait, what did you just say?"

"Oh great", Asuka let out a heavy sigh, her ears and cheeks now burning, her hands sweaty. "One slip of a tongue and I'm in deep shit, right?" she blurted out. "I… I just don't like to close my options, okay? So, if you're sure and if that's not an obstacle… I'll give it a thought. And now excuse me, I've got – I've got some homework to finish" she managed to say before standing up quickly and starting to walk toward the door of her room.

"But we fini–" Shinji started and interrupted himself as a glare more burning than Ramiel's rays touched his face. "Goodnight, Asuka?"

"Yeah, goodnight", she replied – and a moment later, she was gone behind the door of her room.

"Well", Misato shook her head. "That was unexpected."

"A little", Shinji agreed, his eyes still wide open and his tone suggesting what he thought of that understatement. "And, Misato-san…" he refocused on her and tried to collect his thoughts. "I'd like to. To go through that, I mean. But… I really don't want to cause you trouble once my father awakens. Asuka is right, Ayanami's case should be a temporary reassignment if you have concerns, but adoption… that's bigger. And my father won't be happy once he recovers."

"Thank you for your concern, that's very much like you", she smiled tiredly as she sipped from her cup. "But… I'm willing to take that chance. I think this can be done in a conditional manner if we do a legal trick or two. You know, to be automatically reversed once he recovers and objects", she explained. 'I suppose this is not the best moment to tell him that this may never happen, right? The boy has enough shocks as it is…'

"If you think this is safe, Misato-san… I'll be happy to", he paused, looking for a phrase. For some reason, 'have a real family' suggested that this one was not real, 'take your name' sounded vaguely wrong, and 'do it' was just weird. "Happy to accept", he finally decided.

"Lawyer time it is", Misato smiled the same smile in reply and finished her coffee. "I'm off to bed… well, bathroom and bed. Thanks", she pushed the cup away. "And… you might want to talk to Asuka about what she said sooner or later. I guess it's better to be sooner than later…"

"Can't this wait until the adoption is done? I think my gravestone would look better with Katsuragi on it", he replied with a smile of resignation on his face.

Misato stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into an uncontrolled giggle. "It can't be that bad, Shin-chan", she finally said, her tone amused. "She might even like you a little bit!"

Shinji did not reply; he just gave Misato a doubting look as he collected the empty cup from the table.

"Talk to her", she repeated. "And goodnight", she added and shuffled towards the bathroom.


Shinji did not have to wait long to face his potential doom; once Misato's snoring began, Asuka's face appeared in the crack in the door to her room.

"Damn it, you're still–" she started in an annoyed and surprised tone.

"Asuka", he interrupted her. "We–"

"If you say 'we need to talk', I'm murdering you on the spot for being stereotypical, oaths be damned", she warned with a stern look as she emerged from the room and slid the door close behind her.

"Well… it is what I wanted to say", he admitted sheepishly. "But if it makes you feel better, 'Do you have a moment?' will also do. I know it's late, but… I'll sleep better tonight if it's not hanging over me. And I think you'll, too. I can make tea."

Asuka stared at him with hesitation in her glare for a few moments before nodding carefully. "All right. For the sake of your sleep", she agreed.

"Thank you", he smiled carefully and started the kettle. "Do you want something else?"

"[Just the truth, all truth, and nothing but the truth]", she listed in English and, seeing his confused face, carried on in Japanese. "Okay, let's skip the jokes. Let's just… let's just get the things straight."

"Agreed", he nodded and once the water boiled a few moments later, poured it into the teapot and quickly filled the infuser with leaves.

"God, could you not make it a whole tea ceremony?!" she grumbled in response. "Just… sit down!"

Shinji let out a sigh as he set the tray down. "You never had a proper tea ceremony, did you? This is not even close."

"Not really. Teachers in Germany tried to make me demonstrate one for the class, but Mum never really taught me", Asuka explained with a shrug. "Okay. What exactly do you want to talk about?"

"Well…" he gestured randomly. "Us, I think? You… kind of stumped me with that mar–"

"Don't", she demanded. "It may happen, it doesn't need to happen, but I'm not discussing this again. Not in a decade or so, okay? And you better not, either. But if you have to know, idiot, I kinda like you, and don't find the thought of being around you entirely revolting."

"That's–" Shinji started.

"–the best you'll get for a while", Asuka finished for him with enough insistence to make him stop questioning her. "I don't hate you, okay? But don't expect me to be wide-eyed about you, or swoon at your voice."

"Ew", Shinji's expression suddenly turned to genuine revulsion. "That wouldn't be you."

"Exactly. And I'm sure you wouldn't want to live the rest of your life with some impostor or a changeling, right?" she said – and once a few moments passed and the meaning of those words settled in, she went red again. "I mean–"

"Don't", Shinji requested. "I get it."

"I hope you do, because if you–"

"Asuka, stop", he demanded. "Please."

"Okay", she looked aside, her face still red. "What now?" she asked after a few seconds' worth of pause.

"I guess I get to the tea", he declared, his voice still nervous – and slid the infuser inside the teapot. "Panic is scheduled for later that night."

"I told you I may like you, and you're going to panic?!" Asuka sounded openly offended.

"Hey, I agreed not to run away, there was nothing about not panicking", he countered. "And it's not just about you, I didn't get to panic over a few things yet."

"Either your sense of humor has improved dramatically over the last few days, or you're even more of an idiot than I thought", Asuka rolled her eyes. "Which one is it?"

"I don't know", Shinji admitted. "But really, not being able to just run makes a few things easier, I guess."

"Paradox of choice", Asuka chuckled.

"Mm?" he furrowed his brow, his expression suddenly confused.

"Never mind, we'll get back to that", she shook her head. "Shouldn't this tea be ready yet?" she poked the teapot with her finger and immediately waved her hand to cool it.

"It will be, in a minute or two", he replied. "You can't just rush a good tea."

"Right", she sighed. "So… you're going with that adoption thing, I guess?"

"I am", Shinji confirmed solemnly. "My father… was never much of a father. If my mother was alive, I'm sure it'd be different… but that's not going to change. Misato-san cares for us, even if she's…"

"…a pain in the ass, sometimes?"

"I didn't want to say it like this", he chuckled.

"But this is what you meant", Asuka checked.

"Pretty much", he nodded – and checked on the teapot in an attempt to distract himself from the discomfort of thinking about her this way. "It's ready", he decided – and started to pour.

"Would you be willing to marry me?" Asuka suddenly asked – and Shinji cursed under his breath as his hitherto steady hand failed him as he was filling his cup.

Scrambling for a towel, Shinji shook his head in confusion. "That was a short decade", he remarked dryly. "What just happened to murder threats and 'not speaking about this again'?"

"Answer the question, smartass", she countered, a hint of a threat looming in her voice.

"I like you, Asuka, but aren't we too young to discuss… that?" he checked.

"Maybe", she replied with a shrug as she sipped on her tea and her face twisted as she burned her lip. "Discussion's done, I'll take this as 'likely yes' for now and that's enough", she declared.

Shinji sighed heavily as he hung the kitchen towel to dry. "This is not going to be easy, is it?" he asked rhetorically as he returned to the table.

"Hey, it's not you who promised to be the keystone of this whole… social construction", she retorted with a scoff. "That's hard."

"I'm sure you'll be up to the task", he replied with a smile.

A questioning raising of eyebrow clearly demanded some follow-up – but it never came.

"You better not be mocking me", she added threateningly. "An Angel or two already made that mistake."

"I'm not", he replied with a surprisingly warm smile. "How's the tea?"

"Decent", she replied – and immediately corrected herself. "No. Good, actually. I'll grant you that, you make good food and drink."

"I guess I found my role in the whole social construction", he winked.

"Are you being sarcastic or just a smartass again?" she asked, raising her eyebrows again.

"I wouldn't dare either", he replied sincerely.

Asuka pondered for a moment – and then just shook her head and sipped on her tea in silence.

Shinji did not see any reason to press further – and followed her lead.

"Thanks for the tea", she finally spoke as she put the cup down. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow", Shinji replied with a smile. He dared not say what was rattling in his head: 'and the day after, and one after that, and for a long time coming'. It was a thought he both desired – and dreaded.

But he had to admit that in the end, it was a hopeful one.


About half an hour later

Shinji Ikari was looking at the familiar ceiling – or, more precisely, one that he was somewhat familiar with already. His head was full of conflicted thoughts and images, but one was dominating: the image of Asuka's face. They said a lot that night, and as much as chaotic those words were, they sounded genuine and allowed for some hopeful conclusions, questionable as they were.

He still could not tell if the whole affair with the night visitor was true or just some kind of collective hallucination – or perhaps someone's cruel joke. What he knew, though, is that it changed his life – and at least two more lives along with it. He stopped running away and started to stand up for himself despite the necessary effort and his fears. And, as an almost immediate result of that, he gained more acceptance and companionship than he dreamt possible. Granted, some of those came wrapped in a very Asuka-like manner, a manner he found – to say the least – troublesome and difficult to take. But anything was better than the loneliness he suffered before.

'Even if I just imagined all that, even if this was some odd spirit who took pity on me… that messenger was right on one thing', he mused. 'Once I stopped running, I am no longer alone.'

Happy with that thought, he could finally close his eyes and slowly drift away. He could not say anything about God being in His heaven – and, frankly, he did not care. But he knew that right now, despite not all being perfect, all was right with his world.


Asuka Langley Soryu was laying in her bed, her face grinning wide.

"{That's some quality conflict resolution skill!}" she praised herself. "{And he was smart enough not to mess that up!}"

She relaxed a bit. She still knew that this was not going to be an easy task; leading hearts and minds was never easy. But as much as the idiot annoyed her, he was shaping up as a useful help in that task, one she could rely on. Granted, his humor was odd and many of his behaviors were problematic – but in the end, he would grow out of them and become even more useful.

And as much as she simply knew she could make it on her own, she would not mind a helping hand of a friend. Or a boyfriend. Or a–

She stopped her brain before it went too far. There would be time for that. Right now, there was a lot to learn, a lot to find out, and a lot to fight against.

And she knew that she was ready.


This concludes Act III and the main body of the story and the entirety of the plot – but it is not yet the end. As there was a prologue, there will be an epilogue: there are a few threads to wrap up, first and foremost – Voland's departure. But this is still the penultimate chapter of the story itself, and it ends next month.

I hope you enjoyed this journey.
Last edited:


The next morning

"[Good morning, Behemoth]", Natasha greeted the large black cat the moment she saw him on a low stone wall, deeply engaged in his morning grooming. "[I didn't expect to see you so early in the morning.]"

"Paying respects is important", he replied as he raised his head a few moments later, scanning the visage of the woman who dared to interrupt him, his eyes moving from her sandal-clad feet, through her brightly red kimono with wide, almost ground-reaching sleeves, through the make-up that only subtly underscored her eyes, to her definitely Japanese-inspired hairdo that looked a bit odd on her straw-colored hair. "I see you already look the part, good. But please don't use our speech here; it is disrespectful to the dwellers of this place."

"I thought that'd be appropriate", she explained as she took a look down at her clothing. "But since when are we so reverend towards gods to forego our language?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We're on their grounds", Behemoth explained with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "You'd do well to remember that it took quite a lot of diplomatic effort on messire's side to negotiate our presence here. Have you forgotten that messire is not forgiving if you ruin his work? Especially by doing something stupid?"

"Aren't we cranky", she chuckled in response, mimicking the mouth-covering gesture she has been seeing among Japanese women. "You really don't like to be here, do you?"

"I like it here", he replied. "I don't like the now", he added with a shrug.

"That I can get behind", she nodded with understanding. "Why were we supposed to be here so early, really? We always leave by the moon and the stars, why the hurry now?"

"It's not a matter of hurry, it's a matter of scheduling", he explained with a shrug. "There's some minor ceremony happening later, and messire doesn't want to bother the locals when they are, well, working. That's the whole secret."

"That makes sense", Natasha nodded. "Where is–oh. Good morning, messire", she bowed.

"Good morning, Natasha, Behemoth."

"I see, messire, that you went with the classic look again?" Behemoth remarked, giving Voland's suit a good look; it was, just as before, composed of elements from across two centuries of men's fashion and supplemented with the cane.

"The only proper one, Behemoth", Voland replied with a smirk. "I see you became fond of the local apparel, Natasha?" they turned to the witch.

"Yes, messire", she replied with a smile. "It's an interesting experience. And it simply looks good on me."

"Indeed", they confirmed. "Did you read on the customs?"

"Yes, messire. Enter on the left or the right of the torii, leaving the middle for the gods, unless you are sure they are already inside", she started to recite. "Bow on the entry and whenever the host makes their presence known. Perform the purification rite at–"

"Enough", Voland interrupted with a smile. "Shall we, then?"

Natasha bowed her head with a smile – doubly justified as she noticed a smile and a hint of recognition in Behemoth's eyes as he followed Voland. This was not much – but it felt good.


To say Auset was panicking would be an exaggeration – but to say she was concerned would be an understatement. She was, realistically speaking, tense and somewhat anxious; she was going to say her farewells to her companions soon, and that meant that she would stay here alone, a stranger in a strange land, with the entire responsibility for the observation resting on her shoulders. Her successes that Natasha already pointed out to her – that she succeeded in both finding out and delivering important information and managed to detect and properly handle an attempt to watch her – were not enough to put her at ease.

Now her task was to observe, get information out of people, pen and send reports via simple magic, and – if things went really bad – call for help. And for now, it seemed that while the task would require attention, it would not require much skill.

That conclusion came to her when she was sipping a bubble tea in a small café, her back against the wall no more than two meters from a table where the three pilots were making plans – very chaotic plans, she had to say.

"Moving everything is a priority!" the redhead insisted. "It's unbecoming for you to live like that anymore!"

"Misato-san has not given us the green light yet", the boy pointed out.

"Well, then we'll just move everything that is not a necessity to our apartment and then work from there", the girl countered. "The sooner, the better! What do you say, Ayanami?" she turned to the other girl.

"I do not own anything that is not a necessity except a few mementos", the addressed girl replied in a familiar monotone voice. "And I do not wish to part with the mementos until I can be sure they will not become misplaced."

"What do you mean by – oh", the redhead's tone dropped. "{Shit. Right.}"

"It worries me that I start to understand German better with every day", the boy chimed in with a hint of exasperation in his tone. "And Asuka… Misato-san is on our side here, but could we not antagonize her? If you want Ayanami-san to spend less time there, a good idea, then maybe we can ask for permission to have a sleepover first? To make her accustomed to Ayanami's presence?"

"What is a… sleepover?" the quiet girl asked.

"Huh. You have good ideas sometimes", the redhead admitted. "Sold. Sleepover it is!" she decided.

"If you want that, that is", the boy turned to the quiet girl.

"What is a sleepover?" the quiet girl repeated her question, now with a bit more confidence.

"It's when you visit your friends and stay for the night", the boy explained. "Or when they come to you. It's usually a social activity, with playing cards, board games, and such."

"Would that not disrupt your homework?" the girl asked, a dim hint of concern in her voice.

"We can do those together if you wish", the boy replied. "Assuming, of course, that Misato-san agrees to the sleepover in the first place", he said, giving the redhead a cautioning glance.

The exchange and planning continued for a while; Auset was committing the details to her memory, noting whom and when she would need to follow. Once they were done with their talks, desserts, and drinks, the redhead stood up. "Okay, let's go. We have a Major to pressure!"

Auset let out a small sigh of contention; she had heard enough, and now was ready to move to check on others before–

"Goodbye, Auset-sensei", spoken in the soft, monotone voice of Rei Ayanami brought her back to reality with the effectiveness of a punch to her face. She managed to mumble some courteous response before concluding that her invisibility was still active – and she should, by no means, be seen by anyone.

Unaware of the panic she had just caused, the quiet girl continued on her way, no longer paying any attention to her. 'So much for not requiring skill…' Auset mused quietly with a hint of desperation in her mind. 'And there goes my plan of shadowing them… shit indeed.'

She finished her bubble tea in one gulp, threw the cup away with a shaking hand, and left the café while looking around herself nervously. The plans regarding those three dearly needed reevaluation – but before she could start thinking about that, she had one last appointment she did not intend to miss.


The sadness of the night descended upon Tokyo-3 as the whole retinue assembled at the terrace above the city for the last time, looking at the gleaming lights and screens, listening to the distant sounds of trains and cars, smelling the dimming fragrances coming from the food stalls and fumes.

"[I'm going to miss that place]", Behemoth spoke, his tone wistful.

"[What happened to 'dull', cat?]" Voland chuckled quietly.

"[It grew on me, messire. Like a mold, I suppose…]" Behemoth mused. "[I've seen worse cities, now that I think of it.]"

"[Don't you get sentimental, too]", Azazello rolled his eyes as he turned towards Behemoth and away from the witches.

"[I'm not sentimental, you oaf]", Natasha scoffed at him and returned her attention to Auset, lowering her voice again so that only the girl could hear her. "[Remember what I told you?]"

"[I'm not alone, I'm independent]", Auset recited. "[And I must not fear, since they can do me no harm. And that you and Hella trained me for this long ago.]"

"[Exactly]", Natasha confirmed, smiling reassuringly. "[You'll do just fine. Just keep your eyes and ears open – and be careful around those that can see more. You already handled one crisis, that means you can handle any other.]"

"[Let's go, Natasha]", a firm voice called for her. "[She will manage. I would not be leaving her here otherwise.]"

"[See? Even messire believes in you]", Natasha winked at Auset and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "[Good luck!]"

"[Thanks, big sis]", Auset smiled back as Natasha ruffled her hair before turning away.

"[I am ready, messire]", she approached Voland, now holding the reins of a horse blacker than the night surrounding them; everyone else was already sitting on theirs. As Voland nodded, Natasha took the reins of the last horse and climbed it gracefully in a movement exercised a few times already.

"[The watch is yours, Auset]", Voland spoke to Auset in a deep tone.

"[The watch is mine, madame]", Auset replied with all the confidence she could muster, bowing deeply.

Voland bowed their head slightly in a reply, climbed their horse without any further words, and slowly led the cavalcade across the terrace and off it, into the darkness and over the invisible path in the air – and soon after, Auset was left alone on the terrace.

She let out a wistful sigh and reached for her faithful broom. Granted, she was used to responsibility, but this was the first time she was entrusted with so much of it. 'It's so funny that everyone has more faith in me than I have in myself', she mused as she straddled the broom, called upon her invisibility, and departed in the direction of the school. 'Perhaps Tasha is right? Perhaps I have to pretend until it becomes my second nature…?'

The city, illuminated by the numerous lights, was quickly passing underneath her, oblivious of her presence, slowly going to sleep, only to be ready for tomorrow – tomorrow when it would be free from the dark forces that only desired evil – but eternally did good.


The black horses were now walking slowly, having tired on their long way between the odd reality of Tokyo-3 and their destination. The riders remained silent, as it was a custom on those journeys: only the newcomers, the strangers, and the curious – only those spoke on the darkness-shrouded paths. And none were with them this time.

The forms of the travelers changed, no longer beholden to the laws of the reality they were in. Natasha, her hair now fully red again, her skin pale and gleaming in the moonlight, far too perfect to be natural. Timmy, his looks of a fourteen-year-old gone and replaced with a younger yet far harsher-appearing body and face, small flat bumps marked with tattoos on his neck and hands now visible, his gaze no longer that carefree. Azazello, now once again cold and pale, with his eyes now deepest pits of darkness, his fang and odd features gone, his appearance more fitting his desert origins and his lethal nature. Behemoth, now the perfect demonic page again, a slim young man of unknown yet ancient origin, older than recorded history, a jester who had heard every joke in existence, a trickster that led untold souls astray, and yet – rarely smiled himself. And finally, Voland, their form and shape now fluent, presenting every possible appearance associated with them at once – and none of them at the same time, their very presence shaping the path they were following into their domain.

The cavalcade rode on underneath the cold light of the moon, knowing that while they were not taking anyone with them this time, this had been a very successful endeavor. After all, they did save the world from destruction – or at least from becoming very, very dull.


The moon was slowly rising over Tokyo-3 and Acting Commander Misato Katsuragi was pondering whether it was a good moment to wrap her work up and go home where, in most likeness, a hot and tasty dinner was already waiting for her – or to pick up another thing on her very long list and spare herself a few minutes – or hours – of work tomorrow. She pondered that issue for a few moments, weighing her options carefully – until a decisive, irrefutable vote was suddenly cast by her growling stomach, reminding her in a very direct and unmistakable way that the bento Shinji prepared for her this morning became nothing but a fond memory a few hours ago and her only options for food were either the cafeteria or – more realistically – one of the vending machines. Having quickly enough concluded that she was already hopelessly addicted to Shinji's quality cooking and neither of those local options was really an acceptable substitute, she reached for the terminal's OFF button – and paused the moment she saw the NEW MAIL icon light up on her screen.

She let out a sigh of annoyance. Many things could wait until tomorrow – but she knew herself all too well: leaving this unread would gnaw at her too much. Thus, disregarding the incessant and insistent growling reminders provided by her stomach, she clicked the icon – and a moment later, she was not sure whether she was supposed to laugh or panic from both seeing who the sender was – and what it contained.

"Commander", the message started, "I am happy to inform you that the United Nations Ethics Office has found the performance of your organization as flawless as it was expected to be. You will receive the report proper within a few days. In the meantime, please carry on; I wish you nothing but success in your new station. Kind regards, Insp. Alex Voland."

After a few seconds of staring at the screen, she let out a confused chuckle and shook her head, at the same time stopping herself from saying even a single word; her previous experiences have proven that sometimes it summoned more attention than she wished for right now. She just turned the terminal off, secured the office, and in a relatively short time – at the negligible cost of defying a few traffic laws – was she home and behind the table. There, her hunger was sated – primarily for food, but more importantly, also for the company that cared about her.

She knew that the closer she would get to those kids, the harder working with them would be, especially when it came to battles to come. But right now, she did not care; this was a problem for Some Future Misato to solve. She did not even ask why Rei Ayanami was at the table as well and was not at all surprised when Asuka "nonchalantly" sprung a question about an "impromptu" sleepover. She just told them to be good kids, not to wake her, and to behave in general – and could only chuckle when Asuka solemnly reassured her that she would defend Rei's innocence from Shinji with her life.

In the following confusion – coming mostly from Rei and Shinji – and amusement – coming mostly from Misato – nobody really noticed a figure that was hiding in the balcony – not even when said figure, clearly satisfied with the results of observations, finally picked up a broom and flew away.


A screeching voice addressed Voland as they were walking through the corridors of their domain with Natasha next to them. "[The guests sent here by your assassins have been seated as you commanded, my liege]", a human-sized rook in a gray uniform spoke. "[They are ready for you.]"

"[Ah, great]", Voland nodded and smiled. "[Come, Natasha. I want you to witness their fate… and learn something]", they said as they pushed the door.

"Good morning, my honored guests", Voland spoke in a serious tone, greeting the assembly inside: a few serious-looking people sitting at a table that would not be out of place at some political conference anywhere on Earth. "I am sure you have a few questions regarding your current condition", they continued as all the eyes, just confused as they were defiant, focused on them. "If I recall correctly, you have been members – and de facto leaders – of an organization called SEELE… a catchy name, I must say, somewhat appropriate, considering how many souls you have sent into oblivion prematurely… but this is all past now; you are, right now, my guests–"

"Excuse me, stranger", a scratchy voice with an odd accent interrupted Voland. "You speak as if SEELE was gone. This cannot be, and our presence here proves–"

"All it proves, good sir", Voland interrupted in turn, a mean, toothy smirk emerging on their face, silencing the man better than any threat would, "is that you feared that not much good might await you in your afterlife. And, I must say, you were right to fear. You are quite correct: your organization carries on… but it carries on without you. There is no return to that life, not with your memories, anyway, not as exactly yourself. This will, simply, not happen; making it happen is outside your power. What is in your power, though, is what will happen to you now", Voland paused for a moment, now sure that the entirety of the attention was focused on them. "There are two doors in this room: the one you and I entered through; those are for me and mine alone from now on and will never open for you again", Voland gestured to the door behind their back, "and the one you can use to leave", they continued with a gesture to the door on the other side of the room. "Any of you can leave through this door… as long as everyone else in the room agrees to let that person leave. The vote will be conducted in secret, you can call for it at any time. My servant here", they indicated an unassuming, old man in a butler uniform standing in the corner, a stack of small pieces of paper on the table next to him, "will handle the details when you tell him to. There are no other conditions. Questions?"

"Why?" a large man with an odd visor-like contraption in place of his eyes, asked in his low voice. "Is this some kind of a joke?"

"I assure you, Mr. Lorenz, I am quite serious about this", Voland replied in a confident, almost reassuring voice. "There are no strings attached. At all. Once everyone agrees that the person in question is absolved and everyone confirms it via their votes, that person can open that door and leave; otherwise, the door will not open. And in case any of you get ideas… I strongly advise against trying to open it by force. And now, I'm leaving you to your deliberations", they said as they bowed, almost mockingly, and retreated, followed by Natasha.


"[I don't understand, messire. This is… this is barely a punishment]", Natasha started the moment the door closed behind them. "[What stops them from just leaving? Simply voting that they all are allowed to leave right now?]"

"[Nothing]", Voland replied with a smirk. "[Nothing at all. Except each other, of course.]"

"[So… they get a pass because ambition is good in your eyes?]" she tried, her brow furrowed.

"[Oh, no]", Voland chuckled. "[Ambition is not subject to morality – only the actions driven by said ambition. They get… a chance. They get a chance that they had never given to billions sacrificed in their failed attempt at gaining divinity, an attempt that had been based on a lie and had been a folly from the very beginning – not that they know that part, of course. They had failed in their plan; there is enough blame to go around. They still paid for that in untold lives; there's enough guilt to go around. And they are ambitious, driven people; there's enough envy to go around. I will check on them in a decade, perhaps in a century… and I'm quite sure very few of them – if any – will be gone by then. I have shown them the way, and all they need is to take it… and let each other take it. You're free to put any mortal philosophy to that]", Voland finished with a smirk. "[But I think you don't have to anymore… do you?]"

A mix of clarity, realization, and cruel amusement crept on Natasha's face. "[They have nothing but each other right now. Forever.]"

"[Indeed]", Voland confirmed with a smirk Natasha knew quite well, one of satisfaction. "[Isn't the human soul its own worst enemy?]"

Natasha giggled in reply; becoming a witch as she did, without the burden of death or guilt, had its advantages – but its major disadvantage has always been the need to learn all the nuances in other ways. And such lessons were always – for the lack of a better word – a blessing. "[Thank you, messire. Can I… watch them from time to time?]"

"[Oh, by all means]", Voland chuckled. "[Feel free to enjoy their predicament… just do not interfere in any manner. That would ruin the beauty of it, wouldn't it?]"

"[Of course, messire]", Natasha agreed with a wide smile on her face.

"[Now, what was the next point on the current agenda?]" Voland asked – and Natasha happily started to fill them in.


There could have been many endings to this story.

Some would say it should end when the Angel threat no longer existed – but considering the promises made by one of the Angels, this could mean a very long time.

Others would suggest that this should end once the fate of everyone played out to the end – but when would that be? Some fates some of them agreed to reach even beyond death, after all.

Yet others would say this should end only after the dust from the newly formed relationships settled and at least the consequences of the pacts were made clear – but the truth is that no relationship ever remains unchanged, and as such, such a point in time does not exist.

Therefore, since none of those options apply and because this story began on the day on which several strangers came to Tokyo-3, it ends on the night they left.

Devil might be gone from Tokyo-3, God is far away – but for now, all was right with the world.
And so it ends
And so the story ends. I hope you enjoyed the journey.

If anyone has any questions, doubts concerning the plot, or simply spotted some plot hole to point out, this is the moment to ask about it; answers won't be spoilers anymore, after all, unless they would affect the continuation. Opinions about style, formatting, and all that are also welcome. If there are none, I am going to assume that either everyone liked the story and understood it in the way I intended – or nobody did :V

The aforementioned continuation is going to be mostly about the Pilots in their new situation (with a dash of adults going about their relationships and new positions), and should happen sooner or later unless I tire of writing fanfiction before I get to it in the queue.

In the next few days, I will be making minor adjustments to the past chapters to fix typos, obvious mistakes, and such flaws. So, if you want to download a version from any of the fanfic pages for keeping (no, it does not mean I'm removing anything, I just know some people like to keep fics as e-books – I do), you may want to wait for a week or so until it's all fixed. But since I consider SV something of a "newspaper publishing" (contrasting other sites that are more like "book publishing"), the text on SV will remain unchanged and uncorrected.

That's it. Thanks for sticking around for this one ^^

I hope to see you again, in some other thread.