'New!" I'm Gonna Vortex World This Bitch! an SMT RP

Shinjuku Medical Center, Tokyo
Familiar names, a feast to be had

I hum, Milrah hovering close to me. "Yes..?" I ask. Her tone's one of familiarity but.. Bleh. I don't trust her summon.

Case in point Milrah was starting at Flonne, not-so-subtly sizing the angel up, which I pouted at obviously frustrated.

Now I'm not sure what to say next. Maybe introduce myself? As I'm about to speak up...

Once the light faded, I laughed. "Ares, go examine the girl's body, see if you can find out what killed her, should be no problem for a God of War."

Hearing two of the girls talking, I stroll over. Eyeing up the corpses being dragged in by Ni's newest occult bride, the strange hunger from the dream echoing onto my waking form as usual. "Nice to have the old band back together, reckon any of the others got dragged in?"

Old band? "Uh, which one are you?" I ask.

Your mind opens up the concept of that duality and within the recesses of Xehu, a small mote of flame forms within your palms. AGI skill has been acquired.

Your demon reports that body was mangled however the most obvious cause of death was a quick bit to the neck.
Sol Walsh
Shunjuku Medical center
Oh Hai everyone!
"So that Happened!" I thought as I looked at the carnage. The whole of us basically turned a semi pristine hospital lobby into something out of low budget but highly imaginative slasher film. I mean Momonofu basically cleaved several demons in two and I swear he was locking competitive with that Setanta over there. But with that over maybe we can end this apocalypse early? Er... Probably not.

"Well, until you see black lightning nuke everything outside here, nope but we're running short on time for it anyway."

"Welp someone is looking out for me." I think as I happen to listen in that conversation. "Hey Momonofu, let's go meet several of my friends in person." All I get is a grunt in response

"I can anwser that, in two responses." I say as I but in. "One, this, as in all this." I gesture to the room around me. "Not my fault. And two, remind me to hit Nihilo with a magazine for rushing into to demon summoner controlled hospital. I get that he's got a shoggoth but still." I hold my hand towards the three. "Atma er... Sol really. Seriously regretting my screen name right about now all things considered."


I sigh and grin. "Well today just got even more interesting... Also Atma, yeah, your screen name is just.. tempting fate in the worst way at this point." I hum. "Sense Nihilo and you are here..." I point to the girl. "Ube? And I'm hoping the Sirius look-a-like is Xal." I grin and Milrah looks confused.

"Eeyup, I'm Ube, but call me Rae," I reply. Yay, it's really her, Arkos!

Huh? Xal? Could that one be truly him?

Grinning, I nod. "Got it in one. Not exactly my first choice of world to visit, but at least the ROB got my form as close as they could."

Turning to the damned fire lord, I roll my eyes. "You, on the other hand, don't burn one of my bodies to ash because of a pissing contest, you dick, it hurts like a motherfucker. I don't have a role in the greater SMTverse, but if the Personaverse gets rolled up in this..."

Listening to Ares' report, I frown. "Damn, she must've had too much magatsuchi for the demons to ignore... see if you can find a security room behind the desk, I really want to see the CCTV of this place..."

That Bleach RP reference? Really? Looks like the one who roleplayed Unohana that time just won't live it down.

SMT? ...Goodness, that's not a nice world to be in. Not with dangerous demons everywhere, angels being nasty, and the Lord not being the one I believe in, and misery all around. Flonne seems nice enough though.

"Yeah tell me about it." I say while trying to force out a chuckle. I look at the demon and fill in the blank. "We all know each other so... yeah."

"I don't think I ever... Okay yeah I fucked up there but you do realize how much more monumentally screwed we'd all be if that were to happen right?I mean do you want to be caught in the crossfire of a pissing contest between Izanami and Lucifer or Yaldy boi? Listen though we got bigger problems. That elevator is to my knowledge the only way down to Hikawa and before the defecation hit the oscillation, it helpfully chimed off that an access key is required. Now, I don't see any other real doors on this floor, but we can maybe find something upstairs, and then there's the second problem." I say before nudging a dead msira with my foot and raising my voice so that everyone can hear me but not to the point were I was shouting.

"Excuse me everyone, I just want to point something out quick before anything else. I don't honestly know how many people have experienced this all before but congrats we all got BROBed into SMT Classic. So demons, angels, and everything in between. If you knew about that all then hey that's just fine, If not... Listen I'm no demonologist but I have played DMC and these demons are an issue cause they're from DMC which they shouldn't but hey that just means a certain demon hunter might... try to kill us all in the future so yeah... this is a thing now. If anyone else wants to add their two cents before the apocalypse or call me an ass hat, you know go all out."

I turn to @Xalgeon and ask. "Can you think of any way to get Nihilo out of his own personal paradise bubble? I think we can use his brand of well Nihilo-ness for good."

@Swarmingu @jerry larry @Floom @ForgottonFuture @madderbatter @Nihilo @Xalgeon @UbeOne @Noob5674 @BlackCat-055 @kinigget

"Uh, can you guys explain what I should know about here?" I ask. I dunno much about this place, and what I don't know might stab me in the back. A momentary image of dimensional quakes in another world comes to mind.

looking at the shellfish from hell, I hum. "Like I said; waifus and the occult are some of the few things he takes seriously, the only way to get him out of there would be to cook one of these demons, but hospitals aren't exactly known for their five star meals unless japanese hospitals are radically different to british ones, if they are, I want a fucking refund..."

Xehu, having a godlike sense of timing, chooses that exact moment to erupt into a deluge of fancy tables, chairs and carved bone cutlery, the first covered in a colossal spread of meats. Every method of cooking under the sun and then some are up for display, from smoked to fried to grilled to stew. Then there's the variety of dishes, no organ has been spared, everything from fried brain to intestine soup.

There's an exceedingly smug Nihilo sitting at the head of the table, a shit eating grin a mile wide plastered on his face while Xehu's humanoid protrusion dutifully stands behind and to the side of him.

"You bunch rang~?" he all but sings, "Come on, come on, sit and tuck in. Nothing of worth has ever been done over an empty stomach."

The aroma gets to me, so much yummy-looking food... even though it's not the kind of meat I'm used to. Yet more supernatural stuff, but still.

"You said she was eating them," I say to Flonne.

The angel sports a sheepish look on her face. "...I stand corrected."

If the apocalypse would indeed be a thing, then I shouldn't let this opportunity pass... and now I feel a tad hungry. I ought to have breakfast. Nihilo saying that it's excellently cooked helps too.

As such, Flonne and I proceed to join in the feast. Hm... it tastes good, actually. "My compliments to the chef."
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Shinjuki Medical Center

From around a corner nearby, Ken just instinctively says out loud, groggily, which everybody hears the kid say,

"Hello?" Which appeared to be the pistol setting off Fenrir, with the large wolf sprinting off from their hiding spot before promptly aiming to duck his head under one of the tables with food on it, then knock it into the air with said food.

Afterward, round up the meat sent flying, freeze into a nice single package, grab and then fucking book it.
Xehu shoots the wolf a very pointed look that speaks of pain if he fucks up the feast, the table he's approaching lowering itself so he can help himself without making a mess. She even takes the liberty of moving a large basket of jerky his way with a few tendrils.

As such, Flonne and I proceed to join in the feast. Hm... it tastes good, actually. "My compliments to the chef."
Xehu visibly preens at the praise, puffing herself up like only a free-form shapeshifter can.

Nihilo's busy praising her cooking in his own way: By stuffing himself and not leaving a single scrap of food in his plate.
"Uh, can you guys explain what I should know about here?" I ask. I dunno much about this place, and what I don't know might stab me in the back. A momentary image of dimensional quakes in another world comes to mind.
Beginning to carve up a nice Demon rump, I try to offer what I know. "Well... I don't know the full details, but the world is about to end and whichever human manages to reach the heart of the unborn world and complete a ritual first gets to remake it in their image and nobody wants YHWH or Lucifer to win, that all right Atma?"

@Atma Warrior
Shinjuki Medical Center

Xehu shoots the wolf a very pointed look that speaks of pain if he fucks up the feast, the table he's approaching lowering itself so he can help himself without making a mess. She even takes the liberty of moving a large basket of jerky his way with a few tendrils.
For the moment that Fenrir sees Xehu give a look of someone who believes themselves high enough to be in the place to discipline himself. He stops moving before letting out a low growl...and that ends up making Ken yawn like he was laying on a massage chair...or bed in this case. It was drowned out by said growl, but Fenrir is reminded he's in this place not for himself, but also for his master.

Snorting out with contempt, Fenrir goes towards the lowered table before laying down and nudging his master awake...who then rolls off with a flop and audible, "Bleh." I find amusement in his constantly falling over in his sleep. Goddamn makes up for his appetite at least.

Speaking of which, Ken proceeds to get up and groggily begins stuffing food down himself. Fenrir, despite the size difference, is only just keeping up in terms of pace. Neither seems to be choking or forcing themselves tho. If Ken had dog ears and a tail, he'd fit right in as a pup violently wagging it's tail right now.
As I was done eating my meat skewer, something occurred to me. I checked my phone and my options... and jackpot. I'd say thank god for chatrooms, but god of SMT is a dick and then some. I excused myself away from the kid under the desk and addressed the other people around me.

"Before we get inevitably split up by the upcoming apocalypse, shouldn't we exchange contact information? Just in case." I asked the bunch around me, showing the app's chatroom for emphasis. I say inevitably only because it seems we can't get into the basement where Forehead was supposed to be doing the Ritual of Doom. I was tempted to have my demons brute-force the elevator open, but I'm willing to look for other options first.
He has the gall to chuckle while he serves himself some fried liver and sirloin steak, replying in his infuriating sing-song tone "Maybe~"

"Still, it wasn't like I wasted my time," he adds, sinking into that familiar halfway point between lucidity and dream logic where his brain works at its peak, grasping the little piece of Truth he has cracked and lighting a little flame over his index finger for a few seconds before dispelling it just as casually, "now was it~?"

Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Hospital
Onwards maybe?

I look at the others and point my finger vaguely around. "Did he just...? You know what, @Xalgeon , I do believe @Nihilo is stealing my thunder... But yeah it's either abject destruction of everything as far as the eye can see or a universe where "1984" is the quivalent to Woodstock. So! I'm gonna go break my horror rules and check out the rest of the hospital... I'll check the stairwell and a little of the forward hallways." I say before hearing @madderbatter and taking some demon meat and popping it in my mouth. It tasted really good actually. "That's something to think about, I mean it's clearly edible and... Oh god! Now I'm really regretting that screen name." I think hastily before immediately taking another piece for myself.

"Right, I think I can still be reached at the name Atma so there's that." I say as send out open a general lobby on the app chat room feature. "I'm dubbing Earth Restoration Committee or ERC before sending out invites via Discord. "If anyone here hears a shout, that probably means I found a dead body. Abject screaming and hastily given orders? Moar demons moar problems. Enjoy the meal everyone." I say before heading towards the stairwell and almost slipping on the ice as I reached the step. Did I say almost? I meant head over heels and on my ass.

"Master, you should truly watch your step." Momonofu stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I simply raised my middle finger to him and dragged myself back to my feet before stumbling up the stairs.

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Xalgeon @Nihilo @Swarmingu @jerry larry @BlackCat-055 @Floom @Noob5674 @madderbatter

The chatroom is available via a link within your private discord channels. In the chatroom itself Sol's profile Atma is present as well as BoxCat's. How BoxCat's managed to get access without invite is a mystery. Still, the meal is good and filling, and you all seem to feel more at ease with the situation, with actual food in your systems. You can either investiate the rest of he hospital or wait within the lobby.
Fujiwara Yayoi
Tokyo Streets
Damn this mid-day traffic

All Yayoi wanted to do was get that hospital but there were problems with that. Problem 1, Ikari was a terrible driver. He had no real force behind driving and if this were some manga that her nephew would read, then he'd be exacly the kind of man to follow the speedlimits during an end of the world scenario. Problem 2, the traffic. Was it the massacre? Mid-day lunch rush? Whatever it was, i was enough for her o take a drastic measure.

"Ikari!" She shouted to catch his attention.

"Yes, Fujiwara-san?" He asked.

"Keep driving, I'll meet you at the medical center."

"Wait what!?" He asked not really knowing what was happening.

"I'm walking and or running over there." She said while grabbing a handheld camera and an audio recorder. "When the traffic clears, get there as soon as possible, but I'm not missing a scope even if it kills me." She stated before opening the van doors, slipping out and running in the direction of Shinjuku Medical Center.
Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Hospital
Onwards maybe?

I look at the others and point my finger vaguely around. "Did he just...? You know what, @Xalgeon , I do believe @Nihilo is stealing my thunder... But yeah it's either abject destruction of everything as far as the eye can see or a universe where "1984" is the quivalent to Woodstock. So! I'm gonna go break my horror rules and check out the rest of the hospital... I'll check the stairwell and a little of the forward hallways." I say before hearing @madderbatter and taking some demon meat and popping it in my mouth. It tasted really good actually. "That's something to think about, I mean it's clearly edible and... Oh god! Now I'm really regretting that screen name." I think hastily before immediately taking another piece for myself.

"Right, I think I can still be reached at the name Atma so there's that." I say as send out open a general lobby on the app chat room feature. "I'm dubbing Earth Restoration Committee or ERC before sending out invites via Discord. "If anyone here hears a shout, that probably means I found a dead body. Abject screaming and hastily given orders? Moar demons moar problems. Enjoy the meal everyone." I say before heading towards the stairwell and almost slipping on the ice as I reached the step. Did I say almost? I meant head over heels and on my ass.

"Master, you should truly watch your step." Momonofu stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I simply raised my middle finger to him and dragged myself back to my feet before stumbling up the stairs.

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Xalgeon @Nihilo @Swarmingu @jerry larry @BlackCat-055 @Floom @Noob5674 @madderbatter

The chatroom is available via a link within your private discord channels. In the chatroom itself Sol's profile Atma is present as well as BoxCat's. How BoxCat's managed to get access without invite is a mystery. Still, the meal is good and filling, and you all seem to feel more at ease with the situation, with actual food in your systems. You can either investiate the rest of he hospital or wait within the lobby.
Fujiwara Yayoi
Tokyo Streets
Damn this mid-day traffic

All Yayoi wanted to do was get that hospital but there were problems with that. Problem 1, Ikari was a terrible driver. He had no real force behind driving and if this were some manga that her nephew would read, then he'd be exacly the kind of man to follow the speedlimits during an end of the world scenario. Problem 2, the traffic. Was it the massacre? Mid-day lunch rush? Whatever it was, i was enough for her o take a drastic measure.

"Ikari!" She shouted to catch his attention.

"Yes, Fujiwara-san?" He asked.

"Keep driving, I'll meet you at the medical center."

"Wait what!?" He asked not really knowing what was happening.

"I'm walking and or running over there." She said while grabbing a handheld camera and an audio recorder. "When the traffic clears, get there as soon as possible, but I'm not missing a scope even if it kills me." She stated before opening the van doors, slipping out and running in the direction of Shinjuku Medical Center.
He tilted his head as he felt something in his stomach settle and radiate outwards throughout his body, rattling around his head. He sunk into his usual half-asleep haze, getting a closer look at the newcomer in his mind. It spoke of vitality and renewal.

With an idle thought he burnt a small patch of skin off his finger, the pain feeling distant in this state, then let the new piece of Truth manifest, his energy dipping ever so slightly as his flesh went into a frenzy, cells multiplying until his finger was left pristine.

He drew himself back into full lucidity, blinking. A less than sane smile split his face, "Well, well, well, seems like I'll be going on a grand gourmet tour to sample all the skills on offer."
Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Hospital
Onwards maybe?

I look at the others and point my finger vaguely around. "Did he just...? You know what, @Xalgeon , I do believe @Nihilo is stealing my thunder... But yeah it's either abject destruction of everything as far as the eye can see or a universe where "1984" is the quivalent to Woodstock. So! I'm gonna go break my horror rules and check out the rest of the hospital... I'll check the stairwell and a little of the forward hallways." I say before hearing @madderbatter and taking some demon meat and popping it in my mouth. It tasted really good actually. "That's something to think about, I mean it's clearly edible and... Oh god! Now I'm really regretting that screen name." I think hastily before immediately taking another piece for myself.

"Right, I think I can still be reached at the name Atma so there's that." I say as send out open a general lobby on the app chat room feature. "I'm dubbing Earth Restoration Committee or ERC before sending out invites via Discord. "If anyone here hears a shout, that probably means I found a dead body. Abject screaming and hastily given orders? Moar demons moar problems. Enjoy the meal everyone." I say before heading towards the stairwell and almost slipping on the ice as I reached the step. Did I say almost? I meant head over heels and on my ass.

"Master, you should truly watch your step." Momonofu stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I simply raised my middle finger to him and dragged myself back to my feet before stumbling up the stairs.

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Xalgeon @Nihilo @Swarmingu @jerry larry @BlackCat-055 @Floom @Noob5674 @madderbatter

The chatroom is available via a link within your private discord channels. In the chatroom itself Sol's profile Atma is present as well as BoxCat's. How BoxCat's managed to get access without invite is a mystery. Still, the meal is good and filling, and you all seem to feel more at ease with the situation, with actual food in your systems. You can either investiate the rest of he hospital or wait within the lobby.
I hum as I look around. "We.. should probably look over the hospital. In case there's anything important in here. I mean, shit's not even really started and there's goddamn demons in here. so something is going the fuck on in here."

Milrah nodded. "A accurate guess Mistress but.. where would we start looking?" The Lilim asked, somewhat hesitantly.

I close my eyes for a moment as I think. "The basement maybe? If I was going to hide something shady or weird, it would probably be in the basement."

He tilted his head as he felt something in his stomach settle and radiate outwards throughout his body, rattling around his head. He sunk into his usual half-asleep haze, getting a closer look at the newcomer in his mind. It spoke of vitality and renewal.

With an idle thought he burnt a small patch of skin off his finger, the pain feeling distant in this state, then let the new piece of Truth manifest, his energy dipping ever so slightly as his flesh went into a frenzy, cells multiplying until his finger was left pristine.

He drew himself back into full lucidity, blinking. A less than sane smile split his face, "Well, well, well, seems like I'll be going on a grand gourmet tour to sample all the skills on offer."
I facepalm. "Damnit Ni..."
Shinjuki Medical Center

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Xalgeon @Nihilo @Swarmingu @jerry larry @BlackCat-055 @Floom @Noob5674 @madderbatter

The chatroom is available via a link within your private discord channels. In the chatroom itself Sol's profile Atma is present as well as BoxCat's. How BoxCat's managed to get access without invite is a mystery. Still, the meal is good and filling, and you all seem to feel more at ease with the situation, with actual food in your systems. You can either investiate the rest of he hospital or wait within the lobby.
Even with everybody finishing their own meal...Ken is still stuffing his face with food. Hell, Fenrir already ate his full a while ago, yet Ken is still just eating. Even with everybody discussing what to do next, he's not really losing his pace.

Eventually, it reaches a point where even Fenrir is done with his appetite (I already am), and proceeds to bite on the collar of his shirt, which prompts Ken to grab an armful of the jerky pieces (An armful for him isn't much) and stuffs a handful in his mouth before Fenrir puts him on his back to go back to investigating those 2 smells of blood.
Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Hospital
Onwards maybe?

I look at the others and point my finger vaguely around. "Did he just...? You know what, @Xalgeon , I do believe @Nihilo is stealing my thunder... But yeah it's either abject destruction of everything as far as the eye can see or a universe where "1984" is the quivalent to Woodstock. So! I'm gonna go break my horror rules and check out the rest of the hospital... I'll check the stairwell and a little of the forward hallways." I say before hearing @madderbatter and taking some demon meat and popping it in my mouth. It tasted really good actually. "That's something to think about, I mean it's clearly edible and... Oh god! Now I'm really regretting that screen name." I think hastily before immediately taking another piece for myself.

"Right, I think I can still be reached at the name Atma so there's that." I say as send out open a general lobby on the app chat room feature. "I'm dubbing Earth Restoration Committee or ERC before sending out invites via Discord. "If anyone here hears a shout, that probably means I found a dead body. Abject screaming and hastily given orders? Moar demons moar problems. Enjoy the meal everyone." I say before heading towards the stairwell and almost slipping on the ice as I reached the step. Did I say almost? I meant head over heels and on my ass.

"Master, you should truly watch your step." Momonofu stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I simply raised my middle finger to him and dragged myself back to my feet before stumbling up the stairs.
Along the way, they slip past Sol, with a hint of a cold breeze left behind them hinting just who was the one responsible for the ice.
I hum as I look around. "We.. should probably look over the hospital. In case there's anything important in here. I mean, shit's not even really started and there's goddamn demons in here. so something is going the fuck on in here."

"I'm going to look for an alternate way to the basement. Fire exits or anything like that. I'll inform the chat of anything interesting." I said to no one in particular. "Anyone wants to join?"

I also intend to look for weapons and supplies. Sure, I have a healer and a fighter with me but I am in need of a weapon in case I get too close and personal with these demons.
I hum as I look around. "We.. should probably look over the hospital. In case there's anything important in here. I mean, shit's not even really started and there's goddamn demons in here. so something is going the fuck on in here."

Milrah nodded. "A accurate guess Mistress but.. where would we start looking?" The Lilim asked, somewhat hesitantly.

I close my eyes for a moment as I think. "The basement maybe? If I was going to hide something shady or weird, it would probably be in the basement."
The elevator is still there and there's nothing stopping you from accessing it. Pressing the button marked 'down' though results in something unexpected.

"Access denied, please present proper identification for access." Says an automated voice. Flashing next to the elevator buttons is a small recess with the words, 'Access card'

Looks like you have to find something before ending this, no?


Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Medical Center eastern Annex Floor 2
Cold Shoulder?

Along the way, they slip past Sol, with a hint of a cold breeze left behind them hinting just who was the one responsible for the ice.

"Hey wait!" I shout as the giant wolf plods past me and momonofu.

"Why would you call out to them?" I hear Momonofu ask.

"Because he's a kid and no matter how big that wolf is, he's still just a kid." I respond as I clear the landing for the second floor.

"A noble notion but you must realize that they are responsible for the ice, yes?"

"I... wouldn't be the first time I've slipped on ice, and certainly won't be the last." I shoot back as I open the door. Looking into the hallway, I see the snow doge slip into one of the patient rooms about halfway through the hall on the right of the door. As I walk through, I can see the lobby below and cheekily wave to everyone else below.

"I'm going to look for an alternate way to the basement. Fire exits or anything like that. I'll inform the chat of anything interesting." I said to no one in particular. "Anyone wants to join?"

I also intend to look for weapons and supplies. Sure, I have a healer and a fighter with me but I am in need of a weapon in case I get too close and personal with these demons.

You can see the man who setup the chatroom minutes before ave from the floor above. That maybe a good place to start?


Fenrir leads you into a room with two bodies, both male and both seem to be high school aged. The first, which closer to the door, is relatively intact with several fatal cuts along the body. The most notable thing about it, is the newsboy cap next to him. The other body though is absolutely mangled. Whoever or whatever killed this person had a serious grudge against them. Lying next to their body is small rectangular object. Even in the puddle, the words 'ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS CARD' can be seen.
"I'm going to look for an alternate way to the basement. Fire exits or anything like that. I'll inform the chat of anything interesting." I said to no one in particular. "Anyone wants to join?"

I also intend to look for weapons and supplies. Sure, I have a healer and a fighter with me but I am in need of a weapon in case I get too close and personal with these demons.
He idly joined the chat with a few taps of his fingers, noting the message from Arkos.

Xehu leaned down and whispered to him. A short conversation nobody but them could hear, and the mass of protoplasmic flesh parted, showing an array of dark purple leather armour weaved around what must be bones, coupled with maces and shields of the same. There were enough to outfit the entire group, custom tailored to fit everyone too, apparently Xehu had been busy putting to work all that skin and bones from the myriad of corpses.

He spoke up even as he put on a set of armour that seemed to have gotten the lion's share of the work put into it, "Alright, you bunch gear up if you want, me 'n Xehu will be sticking around here in case anyone, or anything, else comes along."

And with nary a care, he got to work on cracking the Truth of ice by discussing eldritch metaphysics with Xehu.

As far as he was concerned, the others would handle the current matters, he was happy to stick to where he was and expand his toolkit.
The elevator is still there and there's nothing stopping you from accessing it. Pressing the button marked 'down' though results in something unexpected.

"Access denied, please present proper identification for access." Says an automated voice. Flashing next to the elevator buttons is a small recess with the words, 'Access card'

Looks like you have to find something before ending this, no?
He idly joined the chat with a few taps of his fingers, noting the message from Arkos.

Xehu leaned down and whispered to him. A short conversation nobody but them could hear, and the mass of protoplasmic flesh parted, showing an array of dark purple leather armour weaved around what must be bones, coupled with maces and shields of the same. There were enough to outfit the entire group, custom tailored to fit everyone too, apparently Xehu had been busy putting to work all that skin and bones from the myriad of corpses.

He spoke up even as he put on a set of armour that seemed to have gotten the lion's share of the work put into it, "Alright, you bunch gear up if you want, me 'n Xehu will be sticking around here in case anyone, or anything, else comes along."

And with nary a care, he got to work on cracking the Truth of ice by discussing eldritch metaphysics with Xehu.

As far as he was concerned, the others would handle the current matters, he was happy to stick to where he was and expand his toolkit.
I hum as I look over the gear.. "Would it be possible to just bust down the elevator door..? No that would fuck up the elevator itself... Hey. Ni, could your maid use her goo to hijack the door to the elevator?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Milrah looked to the door. "Perhaps someone could use some sort of electricity magic to make the door open..?" She suggested, a option I began to think over.
I hum as I look over the gear.. "Would it be possible to just bust down the elevator door..? No that would fuck up the elevator itself... Hey. Ni, could your maid use her goo to hijack the door to the elevator?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Milrah looked to the door. "Perhaps someone could use some sort of electricity magic to make the door open..?" She suggested, a option I began to think over.
He shook his head, interrupting his discussion for a brief instant, "Nay, I can see from here that it is a digital lock. Besides, it is probably backed by some magic. Try joining some of the guys exploring the building, or learn some tricks from your partner."

His wisdom delivered, he went back to discussing the principles of consumption in the paradigm of channelled entropy.
Xehu leaned down and whispered to him. A short conversation nobody but them could hear, and the mass of protoplasmic flesh parted, showing an array of dark purple leather armour weaved around what must be bones, coupled with maces and shields of the same. There were enough to outfit the entire group, custom tailored to fit everyone too, apparently Xehu had been busy putting to work all that skin and bones from the myriad of corpses.

He spoke up even as he put on a set of armour that seemed to have gotten the lion's share of the work put into it, "Alright, you bunch gear up if you want, me 'n Xehu will be sticking around here in case anyone, or anything, else comes along."
I gave him a thumbs up and with some help from Setanta I secured one of the smaller sets of armor over my clothes. I then took a mace and did a few experimental swings to get used to its weight. The balance was something to get used to; I was more used to wooden batons more than anything.

I feel like a LARPer. Except this is a real weapon and the stakes are just as real, if not moreso.
Shinjuki Medical Center


Fenrir leads you into a room with two bodies, both male and both seem to be high school aged. The first, which closer to the door, is relatively intact with several fatal cuts along the body. The most notable thing about it, is the newsboy cap next to him. The other body though is absolutely mangled. Whoever or whatever killed this person had a serious grudge against them. Lying next to their body is small rectangular object. Even in the puddle, the words 'ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS CARD' can be seen.
Looking at the two bodies, Fenrir makes sure his master wasn't looking at the gruesome mess. Say what you will about the wolf, he at least made sure his kills were clean when he had the luxury. And it seems like Ken wasn't looking at least...wait a minute.

Fucking- Ehem. Ken wasn't looking...because he fell asleep again. I kid you not, he's back to napping while hugging doggo. Sigh. Anyways, Fenrir doesn't see much to be searched for, but better clean than dirty, so Fenrir lets a chill run into the room, letting it freeze any puddles of blood inside, and possible panicking perhaps whatever did this if it's still in the room.

If nothing happens besides the blood running solid, then Fenrir will just walk in with caution before cracking the access card out of the ice on the ground and just hold it in his mouth.
@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Xalgeon @Nihilo @Swarmingu @jerry larry @BlackCat-055 @Floom @Noob5674 @madderbatter

The chatroom is available via a link within your private discord channels. In the chatroom itself Sol's profile Atma is present as well as BoxCat's. How BoxCat's managed to get access without invite is a mystery. Still, the meal is good and filling, and you all seem to feel more at ease with the situation, with actual food in your systems. You can either investiate the rest of he hospital or wait within the lobby.
I looked at the link before sighing, I pressed the invite link and looked over the text messages, so far I'm like pretty sure they're them from my past life, which was neat, but...I don't know, I feel this something in my chest, something dul yet so hollow, but I'm starting to get mushy and shit, so I just pocketed my phone and tried to bury this weird feelings cause it ain't the time for mushy shit.
He tilted his head as he felt something in his stomach settle and radiate outwards throughout his body, rattling around his head. He sunk into his usual half-asleep haze, getting a closer look at the newcomer in his mind. It spoke of vitality and renewal.

With an idle thought he burnt a small patch of skin off his finger, the pain feeling distant in this state, then let the new piece of Truth manifest, his energy dipping ever so slightly as his flesh went into a frenzy, cells multiplying until his finger was left pristine.

He drew himself back into full lucidity, blinking. A less than sane smile split his face, "Well, well, well, seems like I'll be going on a grand gourmet tour to sample all the skills on offer."
I looked at the regenerating finger of Nihl with a flabbergasted look "what the fuuuck? How did you do th-wait I forgot, you're Nihl so I'm like pretty sure your body-horror or something manifested as a power, would make sense to me"

I looked at Houakri as she gobbled up the roasted dog demon with utter glee, I pointed at her with an annoyed look.

"Go search around for stuff, help with the others, just do something, I'm gonna look around and splitting up will be fine"

Houkari simply shrugged and gave a thumbs up as she continued to eat her gluttonous meal.
Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Medical Center 2nd Floor
Yeet the Canon

The cold of the room gets to me first, the second are the bodies.

"Isamu and... Kashima... Holy fuck! But they're, why are they dead!? One of them is the main protagonist! Does, does Hikawa remember? Did this happen once before...." This went on for several minutes as I ranted aloud about the various what if and could have beens. I was low key flipping out after all. I mean yeah, the 'hero' was dead but that meant that True Demon ending as well as Musubi were averted but it meant.

"The Digital lock and the bodies, Hikawa knew ahead of time and pre-empted them. But I bet he didn't know about us! One widow's peaked demon summoner vs a group of SV'ers on a mission!" I end with a shout. In return I get two blank stares from two unimpressed demons.

Shinjuki Medical Center

Looking at the two bodies, Fenrir makes sure his master wasn't looking at the gruesome mess. Say what you will about the wolf, he at least made sure his kills were clean when he had the luxury. And it seems like Ken wasn't looking at least...wait a minute.

Fucking- Ehem. Ken wasn't looking...because he fell asleep again. I kid you not, he's back to napping while hugging doggo. Sigh. Anyways, Fenrir doesn't see much to be searched for, but better clean than dirty, so Fenrir lets a chill run into the room, letting it freeze any puddles of blood inside, and possible panicking perhaps whatever did this if it's still in the room.

If nothing happens besides the blood running solid, then Fenrir will just walk in with caution before cracking the access card out of the ice on the ground and just hold it in his mouth.

"Hey, uh... boy?" I wasn't going to try to guess and I just generalized. "Can I have that access card? We all downstairs could really use it." I ask and explain in the nicest tone possible.
Shinjuku Medical Center, Tokyo
Skills and gear

As I was done eating my meat skewer, something occurred to me. I checked my phone and my options... and jackpot. I'd say thank god for chatrooms, but god of SMT is a dick and then some. I excused myself away from the kid under the desk and addressed the other people around me.

"Before we get inevitably split up by the upcoming apocalypse, shouldn't we exchange contact information? Just in case." I asked the bunch around me, showing the app's chatroom for emphasis. I say inevitably only because it seems we can't get into the basement where Forehead was supposed to be doing the Ritual of Doom. I was tempted to have my demons brute-force the elevator open, but I'm willing to look for other options first.

"Good idea," I remark, before doing just that, exchanging phone numbers with the others.

Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Hospital
Onwards maybe?

I look at the others and point my finger vaguely around. "Did he just...? You know what, @Xalgeon , I do believe @Nihilo is stealing my thunder... But yeah it's either abject destruction of everything as far as the eye can see or a universe where "1984" is the quivalent to Woodstock. So! I'm gonna go break my horror rules and check out the rest of the hospital... I'll check the stairwell and a little of the forward hallways." I say before hearing @madderbatter and taking some demon meat and popping it in my mouth. It tasted really good actually. "That's something to think about, I mean it's clearly edible and... Oh god! Now I'm really regretting that screen name." I think hastily before immediately taking another piece for myself.

"Right, I think I can still be reached at the name Atma so there's that." I say as send out open a general lobby on the app chat room feature. "I'm dubbing Earth Restoration Committee or ERC before sending out invites via Discord. "If anyone here hears a shout, that probably means I found a dead body. Abject screaming and hastily given orders? Moar demons moar problems. Enjoy the meal everyone." I say before heading towards the stairwell and almost slipping on the ice as I reached the step. Did I say almost? I meant head over heels and on my ass.

"Master, you should truly watch your step." Momonofu stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I simply raised my middle finger to him and dragged myself back to my feet before stumbling up the stairs.

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Xalgeon @Nihilo @Swarmingu @jerry larry @BlackCat-055 @Floom @Noob5674 @madderbatter

The chatroom is available via a link within your private discord channels. In the chatroom itself Sol's profile Atma is present as well as BoxCat's. How BoxCat's managed to get access without invite is a mystery. Still, the meal is good and filling, and you all seem to feel more at ease with the situation, with actual food in your systems. You can either investiate the rest of he hospital or wait within the lobby.

Checking my Discord shows that invite in question, which I accept. "So, why is the world ending, anyway?"

"I'm going to look for an alternate way to the basement. Fire exits or anything like that. I'll inform the chat of anything interesting." I said to no one in particular. "Anyone wants to join?"

I also intend to look for weapons and supplies. Sure, I have a healer and a fighter with me but I am in need of a weapon in case I get too close and personal with these demons.

"I think I'll stay here a while longer," I answer.

He idly joined the chat with a few taps of his fingers, noting the message from Arkos.

Xehu leaned down and whispered to him. A short conversation nobody but them could hear, and the mass of protoplasmic flesh parted, showing an array of dark purple leather armour weaved around what must be bones, coupled with maces and shields of the same. There were enough to outfit the entire group, custom tailored to fit everyone too, apparently Xehu had been busy putting to work all that skin and bones from the myriad of corpses.

He spoke up even as he put on a set of armour that seemed to have gotten the lion's share of the work put into it, "Alright, you bunch gear up if you want, me 'n Xehu will be sticking around here in case anyone, or anything, else comes along."

And with nary a care, he got to work on cracking the Truth of ice by discussing eldritch metaphysics with Xehu.

As far as he was concerned, the others would handle the current matters, he was happy to stick to where he was and expand his toolkit.

I look at the newly made weapons and armor as I approach them, trying them on. I'm not trained at all on any of them, but self-defense feels priceless in a situation like this. "Thanks," I say, also getting some for Flonne.

I overhear something about getting skills from eating the food. I wonder how that applies to me...

I hum as I look over the gear.. "Would it be possible to just bust down the elevator door..? No that would fuck up the elevator itself... Hey. Ni, could your maid use her goo to hijack the door to the elevator?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Milrah looked to the door. "Perhaps someone could use some sort of electricity magic to make the door open..?" She suggested, a option I began to think over.
He shook his head, interrupting his discussion for a brief instant, "Nay, I can see from here that it is a digital lock. Besides, it is probably backed by some magic. Try joining some of the guys exploring the building, or learn some tricks from your partner."

His wisdom delivered, he went back to discussing the principles of consumption in the paradigm of channelled entropy.

Learning something from my partner? I've seen Nihilo summon balls of fire a while ago. That makes me wonder...

"Am I able to use magic?" I ask my Virtue as she dons the leather armor and carries the mace.

"Yes, Mistress" she answers.

"Could you teach me?"

"I can. Here's how my healing works..."

...It proves to be quite enlightening, and it feels amazing to do it myself.
Shinjuki Medical Center

Sol Walsh
Shinjuku Medical Center 2nd Floor
Yeet the Canon

The cold of the room gets to me first, the second are the bodies.

"Isamu and... Kashima... Holy fuck! But they're, why are they dead!? One of them is the main protagonist! Does, does Hikawa remember? Did this happen once before...." This went on for several minutes as I ranted aloud about the various what if and could have beens. I was low key flipping out after all. I mean yeah, the 'hero' was dead but that meant that True Demon ending as well as Musubi were averted but it meant.

"The Digital lock and the bodies, Hikawa knew ahead of time and pre-empted them. But I bet he didn't know about us! One widow's peaked demon summoner vs a group of SV'ers on a mission!" I end with a shout. In return I get two blank stares from two unimpressed demons.

"Hey, uh... boy?" I wasn't going to try to guess and I just generalized. "Can I have that access card? We all downstairs could really use it." I ask and explain in the nicest tone possible.
Looking at you with some thought on his face, Fenrir just thinks for a second...And proceeds to run and push past Sol before making a break for it. (To be more exact, he's planning to run in a roundabout way downstairs before using it and getting what loots about for himself :V)
I accepted the chat invite before I forgot it existed and picked up one of the smaller shields. I then called my demons (who had apparently gone to the buffet for seconds).

"I'm gonna look around for the fire exit." I told no one in particular. My demons and I then opted to explore the rest of the first floor. If I cannot access the basement through the fire exit, I hope I can find a master key.
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Shinjuku Medical Center, Tokyo
Skills and gear

"Good idea," I remark, before doing just that, exchanging phone numbers with the others.

Checking my Discord shows that invite in question, which I accept. "So, why is the world ending, anyway?"

"I think I'll stay here a while longer," I answer.

I look at the newly made weapons and armor as I approach them, trying them on. I'm not trained at all on any of them, but self-defense feels priceless in a situation like this. "Thanks," I say, also getting some for Flonne.

I overhear something about getting skills from eating the food. I wonder how that applies to me...

Learning something from my partner? I've seen Nihilo summon balls of fire a while ago. That makes me wonder...

"Am I able to use magic?" I ask my Virtue as she dons the leather armor and carries the mace.

"Yes, Mistress" she answers.

"Could you teach me?"

"I can. Here's how my healing works..."

...It proves to be quite enlightening, and it feels amazing to do it myself.
It comes to you like a dream, flashes of memory, thought and ideas that meld together to create a single idea. The word DIA comes to your mind and so you know what it means and what you can do with it. Something else comes through though. It has the implication of attacking but not in specific way, more in a blanketing fashion. A word comes to you like before, this time appearing as MEGIDO.

Shinjuki Medical Center

Looking at you with some thought on his face, Fenrir just thinks for a second...And proceeds to run and push past Sol before making a break for it. (To be more exact, he's planning to run in a roundabout way downstairs before using it and getting what loots about for himself :V)
Sol begins to run after the demon while shouting, "Hey! We need that!.... please don't eat it..."
I accepted the chat invite before I forgot it existed and picked up one of the smaller shields. I then called my demons (who had apparently gone to the buffet for seconds).

"I'm gonna look around for the fire exit." I told no one in particular. My demons and I then opted to explore the rest of the first floor. If I cannot access the basement through the fire exit, I hope I can find a master key.
You then see fenrir bound through the upper part of the hospital with something in it's mouth and Sol trying to chase after it.
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You then see fenrir bound through the upper part of the hospital with something in it's mouth and Sol trying to chase after it.
What the fuck.
There was a brief pause before I made a decision.

"Slow down that Fenrir!" I told Setanta, who nodded and want after the huge-ass hound. Then to the guy chasing it ( @Atma Warrior ): "What's going on?"

Whatever it was in the Fenrir's mouth must be important enough for that guy to chase after it.

Through recent events, culinary delights and speaking with your personal pet demon, a concept begins to form within your mind. It's the idea of an attack, in the sense that it was something that could reasonably hard but never capitalize on the strike. The word came last, Megido.


Fujiwara Yayoi
Shinjuku Medical Center
This reaction brought to yo by the house of the dead 2 voice cast

Panting, a bit sweaty, with the feeling that her tooth really wasn't going to stay lodged in, Yayoi finally made it to the medical center. Yes it had taken ten minutes but she was here! She adjusted her coat, put on her greatest "I'm the biggest bitch in the room face" and walked in only to be met by a sight that shouldn't have existed. The people were there but there were...

"De...d...demons!" She shouted, pointing her finger like a mad woman. Then something clicked, banquet table, bloodstains, the general acceptance...

"By Kami, what did I walk into?" She thought before asking the one question that adequately summed up her thought, "What the hell is going on around here!?"
Shinjuki Medical Center

It comes to you like a dream, flashes of memory, thought and ideas that meld together to create a single idea. The word DIA comes to your mind and so you know what it means and what you can do with it.

Sol begins to run after the demon while shouting, "Hey! We need that!.... please don't eat it..."

You then see fenrir bound through the upper part of the hospital with something in it's mouth and Sol trying to chase after it.
What the fuck.
There was a brief pause before I made a decision.

"Slow down that Fenrir!" I told Setanta, who nodded and want after the huge-ass hound. Then to the guy chasing it ( @Atma Warrior ): "What's going on?"

Whatever it was in the Fenrir's mouth must be important enough for that guy to chase after it.
Being chased down, Fenrir gives little hesitation in forming ice from each step of its run almost similarly to a certain goddess of sunrise and plants.

Unlike that tho, Fenrir's ice slides aren't fading anytime soon, and at one point with a sufficient enough gap built, he heads towards the stairs down, and getting through, proceeds to bombard the way behind him in Mabufula.

If he's successful in his plans, Fenrir will sneak down with quietness and find a hiding place around the elevator to find his opportunity to unlock it with nobody around to claim what's inside.