New Game Plus [The Gamer/Danmachi]

How do Danmachi stats work, anyway?
Each stat value is a a number that equates to a letter rank.

E.g. 0-100 = I rank
101-200 = H rank
201-300 = G rank
900-1000 = S rank

These grow as you utilise that stat, typically while accumulating 'experience' slaying monsters in the Dungeon. In canon, Bell was a speedster so his Agility stat tended to be his highest stat by a considerable margin.

Of course there are special ranks beyond that (SS, SSS) but nobody usually gets them because a) they typically require ridiculously amounts of time and effort to achieve and b) your more likely to have leveled up before you reach that point.

Another thing is that Leveling up reset your stats all to zero, but you retain the same level of capability, your just able to develop further more easily. I heard somewhere that the previous stats then become 'hidden values' and can then affect your future growth...but I may be mistaking that from something I read in a fanfic.

EDIT: Corrections below
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Another thing is that Leveling up reset your stats all to zero, but you retain the same level of capability, your just able to develop further more easily. I heard somewhere that the previous stats then become 'hidden values' and can then affect your future growth...but I may be mistaking that from something I read in a fanfic.

False. Leveling up itself increases your ability by a large but unspecified amount.

There's an entire scene with Bell noticing how his speed is seemingly an entire tier beyond what he had at Level 1 during his first fight as a Level 2 adventurer.

And yes, the whole 'hidden values' thing is from a fanfic. Sage_Of_Eyes' Danmachi/Oregairu fanfic, to be precise.
False. Leveling up itself increases your ability by a large but unspecified amount.

There's an entire scene with Bell noticing how his speed is seemingly an entire tier beyond what he had at Level 1 during his first fight as a Level 2 adventurer.

And yes, the whole 'hidden values' thing is from a fanfic. Sage_Of_Eyes' Danmachi/Oregairu fanfic, to be precise.
Ah, right. Thanks for the correction on both points.
Monsterphilia 4
"Well, I'm off", said Hestia as she was wearing one of her dresses, "don't do anything I wouldn't."

"Will do." I answered while Bell bowed at her, sending her off. She took a few paces away, before stopping.

"Hey Jee-han. I have a question, can you answer me?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Is there something you want or need since arriving here at Orario?" She asked to me in a innocently curious tone.

I pondered the question for a few moments, but I already had the answer in my head. "There's nothing I really want right now that isn't forever out of my reach", I said with a sad smile, "and what I need I can get myself with enough time and effort. If my forays on the dungeon continue being this profitable, I should be able on getting myself started on a proper equipment soon. In fact, I already started gathering special ingredients for my future equipment."

"Truly?" Asked Hestia a bit surprised at my initiative before shaking her head, "when I look at your status it is easy to forget that you are an experienced warrior Jee-han, though it's surprising that you are so well prepared."

"It will take some time to amount to anything", I admitted, "but in some ways I'm fortunate since coming to Orario gave me an unique opportunity."

"Still, is there nothing that you want that's within my power to give you?"

I paused for a moment, thinking about it. A couple of ideas came to mind, but mostly I wanted to test a few things first before committing to anything. I didn't questioned why she was asking those things, mostly because when I arrived I basically ended her immediate money problems, started cleaning up her house and are helping her first child to learn the ropes of the job (even if technically I'm also new to being a professional adventurer on Orario). She didn't looked like a person who enjoyed living at the expense of others, and had a good sense of responsibility if her still working on her job was any indication.

"There might be a couple of things, but it can wait until you finish your business. I'm still getting settled on Orario so if I find anything I will let you know", I said honestly but at seeing the disappointed look on Hestia something came to mind. "Hmm, could you try and find me something that can play music?"

"Music?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah, see if you can find somewhere that sells either a device or magical item that can play multiple types of music on demand. Can you do that for me?"

"I will certainly try", she said with a smile, "as for you Bell please behave and don't do anything reckless since I won't be able to update your status for a little while. Also, try to look forward to my return, you might be surprised~"

"Of course goddess", he said with a smile, "have a nice trip."

Turning, she left us and we were soon alone in front of the Familia headquarters.

"Well, let's get to work. I think we can brave the fifth floor today, perhaps even reach the sixth floor depending on how things go. We might need to confirm with Eina first though."

"But isn't the fifth floor too hard for you right now mister Jee-han? Even with your experience the monsters of the fifth floor can be quite vicious."

I just gave Bell a look.

"Oh." He said before blushing, "right, sorry. What I meant is, do you think you're ready?"

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained is an old saying from my world. I don't plan on taunting the dungeon on my first time at the fifth floor, but instead go at the normal pace and rate of encounter until I can get a proper feel of the floor. If I get confident enough that I can handle it we can start mobbing the place, otherwise we will keep it slow."

"Alright, let's get going then."


The fifth floor there were more Dungeon Lizards running around, which I felt were slightly stronger and faster than the ones I faced until now, and we found two new more creatures. The Frog Shooter and the War Shadow, while the former was a bit of a pushover endurance wise it had reach on him, and the War Shadow was quite difficult to deal with since it posses sharp claws, have a good reach with its limbs and isn't nearly as dumb as the other enemies, cautiously moving around us and trying to surround us for a good shot from one of it's kin.

It was of course all pointless in the end since they were complete amateurs in fighting, while they had good instincts and reflexes, I dare say high enough that a normal person would be hard pressed against a single one of them, let alone a score of them, they acted closer to video game monsters with predictable patterns. All monsters of that type fought more or less the same, even more so for those that recently came from the walls and don't have any worldly experience in dealing with adventurers.

With that in mind it was easy to memorize their most common attack patterns and after accounting for a small 'noise' of out of pattern attacks, it was almost child's play to kill them all. It took more than one strike to finish them off, but with Bell covering my back I had nothing to fear.

"Raw efficiency can slide in a pinch when you are facing a new enemy, but make sure to observe the enemy attacks and general movements. A rise in the shoulder here, a twist on the hip there, a particular foot they put forward first, all of those are tells the enemy shows you which you can exploit. For now we are dealing with dumb creatures, but it's not too early to start fighting more efficient and trying to minimizing your own tells."

"Understood mister Jee-han!"

In short order we managed to kill a fair amount of enemies with almost no damage to us, and we decided that it was a good opportunity to try our hands at the taunt once more. I still had the potions Miach gave me so if worst came to worst I can stabilize Bell, grab him and make a run for it.

"Alright Bell, let's do this!" I said and we both nodded at the same time.

"Start trying you weakling cave! Can't you even challenge a pair of newbies? You're a failure as a dungeon!"

Just like clockwork the walls started to crack, and from there the telltale thick substance fell on the ground showing the twelve War Shadows, nearly double the amount of enemies we were dealing until now. Since they would take some time to fully get to their normal height I decided to test my newest skill, and I started growling at the enemies.

I didn't even knew I could do that!

Some of the enemies froze after that display and took a step back, and both me and Bell took that opportunity to hack at the War Shadows as they were stunned, and those that still attacked did so with a more sluggish and hesitant method. Only one or two still retaining the usual combat vigor. Suffice to say it was a slaughter.

Good, good, my first combat debuff and it doesn't cost mana!

"Mister Jee-han, you're doing that thing again." Bell said alarmed and I calmed down a bit. No sense in upsetting my companion after all.

"Let's clean up this floor, we have to make a living after all."

Thus the rest of the day passed in a haze of slaughter with both of us killing our fill of enemies like men possessed, and soon I managed to catch up a little with Bell, at least until he gets his next status update. After about eight hours of work we went to Babel and took a shower, ate some dinner before exchanging our money and going back home.

I gave Bell the option to continue training at home more of his skills. While fighting a human is different from fighting a monsters due to several factors, it is still a good way to start improving on his combat ability.

When we sparred for the day I learned that Bell, while crude in his offense and defense, had very good instincts. The kind of thing that you were born with and combined with his natural high speed it made it harder for me to properly hone those instincts of his into a fine edge. Harder but not impossible, as the few bruises he got while we fought attested. Though to be fair if I didn't had Gamer's Body I would had my own share of injuries too.

Afterwards I showed him a few forms for him to practice while I sat down and started meditating on my mana.

It was high enough time for me to start working towards my real specialty, and for that I need to relearn the bread and butter of magic.

Energy Bolt.

If that proved possible, it would open certain possibilities to allow me to keep up with Bell ridiculous advancement in the future.


I ignored Bell suddenly shuddering on the other side of the church grounds and I started to work.

Unlimited Cosmic Power doesn't come easy, after all.
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Monsterphilia 5
As I sat down to meditate I let all worldly distractions fade away, focusing on the feeling I had while using my magical Skill Observe, how each use slowly drained my mana and how those feelings manifested on me. It was more subtle than using magic back at home, though it was possible to discern them.

Fortunately I was used to reaching a deep state of concentration while meditating and I brought the feeling to the forefront of my mind.

A light pinch in my head, as if something was being grabbed behind my eyes just as I use the magical skill. A slight draining sensation as if I had performed some physical effort.

Something was held firmly within me. What was supposed to have the fluidity of water instead feels like a thick tar, difficult to move to the direction I want. Slowly, painfully slowly, I made this tar move, and as it does so it gains more traction and become easier to move until it reaches a breaking point, and my concentration wanes with me opening my eyes.

As I did so I found myself drenched with sweat, the night sky already dark and the faint light coming from the candles inside the church. Standing up I went to our small bathing area we made for us with a frown. If it took so much for me to fail in creating something that I made by sheer accident back then, I wonder how long it would take to make Chunbumoon Breathing Technique or Yun Hon Soul Recovery, two staple skills I relied heavily back then and would really come in handy in the coming days.

Bell also looked beat since I told him to keep at his forms for a while, and once he got bored enough with then to switch into basic physical exercises I showed him then back to the forms. I'm not sure if physical training like that will help improve our status to a noticeable degree, but it's better than him doing nothing and gives me time to do my own thing instead of focusing exclusively on Bell.

"Mister Jee-han, you're back. I was getting worried since you were sitting outside for hours. If I may ask, what were you doing?" Asked Bell while coming with two plates of the local dish. We need to buy a stove and stop buying so much take out, but for now it should do.

"I was meditating and trying to unlock a new magical skill, a simple attack skill to use at range."

"I heard it's hard to learn magic." Said Bell while taking a bite of his food. "While I have the magic trait that only means I will eventually learn one spell, but until then it sits uselessly on my status. I'm a bit jealous that you can use magic already mister Jee-han."

"If you want I can teach you how it's done after I get it down. It shouldn't take too long since it's literally the most basic spell created from my world, but we will see how it works here."

"Now that would be nice, having magic I mean. Throwing fire, healing with a touch, even flying! That would be incredible..."

Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about Bell. When I finally learned how to fly I was really excited by it, and when I noticed that many land bound enemies were powerless to deal with me I crackled with glee. I let out a wistful sigh at the memories before digging in on the dish, some kind of sausage with vegetables.

I miss rice and soy sauce.


The next day we were early to go to the dungeon, and once more Bell stopped at the Hostess of Fertility, getting a home made lunch for himself from Syr. I waved at Ryuu as she passed to which she silently acknowledged us before once more throwing ourselves at the meat grinder that is the dungeon.

This time we decided to go to the sixth floor since the enemies were roughly the same as the fifth floor, except that no more dungeon lizards appeared. With the two main enemies being the Frog Shooter and the War Shadow we had nothing to fear since we were already used to dealing with them, and after testing out that on average their abilities where the same from the upper floor I resumed using taunt to increase our encounter rate.

The only thing worth of note from that encounter was that it took a long time to harvest the magic stones of every monster, though I noticed that any monsters I had inflicted a certain degree of damage would also instantly dissipate into dark smoke when killed, which would come in handy in the future.

After that as customary we went to the guild to exchange our earnings for the day, and we meet with Eina there. "Miss Eina", Bell said excitedly to our adviser, "look how much we made today!"

She smiled at Bell, before nodding. "That's wonderful Bell. You two aren't pushing things too hard, are you?"

"Actually progress is being slower than I hoped", I admitted to Eina and Bell looked at me like I had grown a second head, "because Bell is also there we take some time to gather all the magic stones, so even with an increased encounter rate it is mitigated by the fact that we spend a good time just carving up the monsters."

She nodded, already quickly accepting my, and thus Bell's, situation. "Perhaps you two might be interested into a supporter?"

"Supporter?" Both me and Bell said in stereo.

"A supporter is often an adventurer that tags along and helps the party by doing more supporting role, like carrying potions, magic stones, drop items and other equipment the party might need. If you two insist", at that word she glared at both me and Bell and we tried to act innocent, "on calling up a truly horrendous amount of enemies to yourselves, then having a supporter to help you clean up your battles might be to your interest."

"Hmm, splitting the loot three ways might lower our profit, on the other hand with us more focused on fighting we can deal with more enemies per minute, and thus getting more money out of the situation. Actually, it might work. We just need to find a supporter that's willing to help us since we end up being swarmed in monsters once we get things going", I said and Eina gave a mock glare to me which I ignored for now, "how does hiring a supporter works?"

She held her glare for a few more moments before sighing. "As your adviser I can look around to see which supporters are looking for groups", I snickered at her choice of words but didn't comment, making her raise an eyebrow at my antics, "but I will be busy tomorrow during the last day of Monsterphilia and there will be the clean up, so you two will need to wait two days for me to get back to you with a couple of good supporter candidates. But!" She said, holding our attention, "I want you two to promise me not to go deeper into the dungeon yet. Knowing you two you would probably try to do something really reckless like going to the seventh floor."

"Don't worry miss Eina, we stopped at the sixth floor. Besides, our Goddess isn't updating my status yet so I know it will be harder to reach those floors."

"Sixth floor already", she muttered while looking at the bag of money Bell was carrying. "I don't know if I should be happy at your quick advancement or annoyed that you two are blatantly ignoring my advise and getting into deeper floors after only so many days in the dungeon."

"How about be happily annoyed?" I helpfully supplied getting another glare from Eina. "Just a thought."

"If you want to go to deeper floors, you better stockpile on better equipment and plenty of supplies, like potions and such."

Bell nodded, "I was thinking on buying something new for myself soon, and we are always stock pilling potions bought by the Miach Familia."

"That's good", she said with a relieved tone, "though if you can wait a bit, I would want to show you a good place to buy new equipment", she paused for a moment before turning to me, "you too Jee-han. While you are earning quite a bit of money alongside Bell, it's better not to expend it all at once on equipment since high quality ones can be very expensive."

I grimaced, "I saw the prices on some of the stores." At eight hundred thousand vali those things are scrapping the bottom tier on a MMORPG usual price list range since they are usually on the one million to forty million gold pieces depending on their rarity. Right now both me and Bell were beginners, despite what some might think with our earnings, and such expensive equipment are still beyond our reach right now. Yet I found it lacking in granularity since the price shot up from the four thousand vali from my sword I got from the guild instead of finding a place with more reasonable prices. "Do you know somewhere that sells equipment at reasonable prices?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. If you two promise not to do anything reckless while I'm busy with Monsterphilia then I will show you two the stores."

"Deal. Now I think we will be off, unless Bell wants to talk with you some more?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks for all your hard work miss Eina."

"Then take care Bell, Jee-han. See you in a few days."

With those last parting words we headed back to our home and back to more training, with sparring, exercises, form training and meditation. Not much advancement was done today, though I think I managed to edge a few seconds more of coaxing my mana to act, though you never know with the way my meditation works.

Still, we had a good day going and earned quite a bit of money. Perhaps we can take the day off tomorrow and visit Monsterphilia? I probably had to run that by Bell since he's quite excited at being able to fight against so many monsters, but I'm sure he will like the opportunity to visit the festival since he isn't a local.

Perhaps we will ever run into Hestia during that time, who knows?
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...and then Freya proceeds to be a bitch.
Business as usual then.

When Jee-han figures out that she is pulling the strings on some of the shadier coincidences around Bell he will be both pissed off and relieved.

Pissed off because some crazy whore is fucking up with his friends, relieved because someone trying to fuck up with him and his friends while unpleasant is familiar grounds, and in his opinion the huge, impersonal and possibly apocalyptic dungeon sets him on edge.
Though, to be fair, I've heard arguments that, while she is a manipulative and greedy bitch, that's actually a perfect representation of what most gods/goddesses would do in her situation. Her collecting a harem is even representative of what she did in "heaven", just instead of picking warriors for Ragnarok, now she picks em for her harem collection.

Most (historical) pantheons be absolute assholes, yo. Bell and Jee-Han seriously lucked out with Hestia.
I kinda want to know if there will be Korean Gods around would be funny if Jee Han expected someone insanely serious/frightening. Cue This World's Equivalent of Biggest Otaku

Monsterphilia 6
Next day started early as usual, with both of us going to the Dungeon when we were interrupted by a voice calling us.

"Hey nya~ can you please come here nya~?"

Looking back it was one of the girls from the Hostess of Fertility pub calling at us. After we both greeted her she handled to Bell a small coin purse.

"What I want is for you to handle the coin purse to that careless Syr nya."

... come again?

"I'm sorry?" Asked Bell as confused as me from her request, when Ryuu came to greet us.

"Anya, that's not enough of an explanation." Ryuu said while holding a basket with some white sheets in it. "Mister Jee-han and Bell are confused."

"Ryuu's so dumb nya~, of course he knows that I want him to deliver to Syr her wallet since she went to view the Monsterphilia fair."

"That's the situation", finished Ryuu, "of course, Syr isn't skipping but instead she is using one of her vacation days to visit the fair."

"Hmm... must be really busy in the pub with all the possible tourists coming in and out", I mused, "did either of you went to the earlier days of the fair?"

"I didn't nya~"

"I have no interest in going."

"Pity", I said with a fake dejected sigh, "I would really have liked to see you two in something other than the pub uniform." I finished with a grin to the two of them.

Arnya the cat girl just put her hand in her mouth and giggled which considering the small amount of experience I had, thanks master Loli, was translated into 'polite, cute equivalent of an eye roll'. As expected from the lousy pick up line I performed.

As for Ryuu she didn't visibly react much, other than silently narrow her eyes slightly enough that if you were paying attention you could see it, but if you missed the opportunity you might confuse that with her natural eye shape. Which basically meant she was onto me. Gee woman, can't you take a joke or a light, harmless flirting? it's not like I'm ogling at either her or her friends breasts or anything.

This time the sigh was more tired. "Well, we can certainly do that", I answered which Bell nodded. "I was meaning to look at the festival since it started and I have some expending money anyway. Do any of you have anything to recommend to see there as locals?"

"The food stands are nice nya~, and the coliseum is always an spectacle nya, too bad you need tickets to watch it nya."

"If you're into it, there are specialty items that are released only during this festival", said Ryuu which perked my inner Gamers collector OCD, "figurines, booklets and autographed picture copies of famous adventurers are also sold if you know where to look."

At this Bell perked up, looking at Ryuu. "Does that means that Aiz Wallenstein might have an autographed picture?"

"While possible, it's unlikely. She doesn't seen the type to advertise herself like that, and Loki Familia isn't hurting for money for her to try and make such a contract. If you find some of them they are likely made without her consent and painted from memory while any autographed would be fakes, though the guild makes sure to take off those illegal goods before they can tarnish the reputation of the adventurer."

Ah, merchandising and pirated goods, that little bit of trans universal commonality that warms my heart.

"We will keep that in mind", I was about to say my farewells and turn around when a thought ocured to me. "Would you want something from the fair?" I said in the general direction of both of the women in front of us, to address both of them at the same time without calling their names. "As a thanks for the heads up", and to Ryuu as a peace offering. Hopefully she doesn't take that wrong.

"If you want to give me something I want the figurine of Siegfried nya~!" Said Arnya almost immediately and I nodded.

"It's not necessary to give us anything", replied evenly Ryuu, looking impatient if the way she keeps looking sideways and to Arnya was any indication.

I nodded, though I would still bring something to her if only as a bribe to see if we can get cool with each other later. I should also stop flirting when in her presence if it makes her either uncomfortable or annoyed, though it's not like my flirting ever went anywhere being more of a light teasing act and joking considering I'm using blatantly bad pickup lines. Heh, you don't survive Sae-young noona training without either becoming a blushing, stuttering mess when she's going all out, or adapting and using her own weapons against her and try to one up her a bit.

Guess I unconsciously try to flirt with females with a penchant to squash me like a bug. Sweet Gaia I can't believe I even made a pass to master Loli once. Granted I was under the Drunk status effect at the time which was one of the few times my mental capacities were impaired, but still I should have know better.

"I will try to get that figurine for you if it's possible, hopefully there's still some being sold. Well, if that's all?"

"Right", said Bell while bowing to the two women, "we will be off then. Thank you for telling me of the pictures."

As we were walking back I turned my head to see Ryuu getting ready to enter the pub when I called out to her. "I will make up to you later miss Ryuu."

With those last parting words, we proceeded to try and find Syr where the Monsterphilia was being held. After a few minutes walking, I decided that I need to address something important to Bell. Hope you appreciate my efforts Hestia.

"Hey Bell?"

"Hm? What is it mister Jee-han?"

"Better not to talk about or show to Hestia the whole Aiz pictures thing."

"What, why?"

"It would be rude. I mean, I doubt Hestia would like to see you looking at Aiz picture and sighing wistfully, not to say doing other things."

"Doing other things?"

"If you don't get it, forget I said anything for the sake of both of our sanity."

"... ooookay?"

Ugh, now I almost taught this innocent boy about hiding his softcore porn stash. I'm a failure as an honorable big brother figure. "Let's just find Syr and enjoy the festival alright?"

He nodded, still a bit confused, but getting more excited as time passed. While I wasn't visibly reacting like him, I also was getting excited to attending Monsterphilia, both as an adventurer and as a tourist. Perhaps I could even bring in someone else alongside me as a date in the future?

Heh, that would be the day, going on a date with someone that didn't misunderstood the situation, isn't forcing herself due to a debt of honor or have an actual idea of what going on a date really means. I guess that happened a grand total of one time with Kim Yoo-Jin when we tried out after she was kidnapped from the whole Great Labyrinth fiasco.

It didn't end well.

"What's up mister Jee-han, you just sounded so tired right now."

"Just remembered my luck with women, or the absolute lack of it. Don't worry, it's business as usual so I'm used to it."

With those last words we resumed walking in silence, and soon we had arrived at the portion of the city where the Monsterphilia festival was being held, and just as I expected it was full of activity. Now, to find Syr and hopefully have a good time relaxing.
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so, question. Does anyone else get the impression that there's like two or three different ways that Ryu could be reacting to the over-the-top flirting? Cause there's the reaction Jee-han thinks she has, the reaction that she's actually shy/tsundere, or... something. *shrugs*

I wonder if that's a sign of a good author, and/or a good representation of an existing character? Cause Jee-Han's skills with the opposite gender is not and probably never will be very good, Gamer status or no. And as I read the Jee-Han/Ryu interactions, I have the niggling feeling that there's more going on in those scenes, than we get from Jee-han's perspective.

But the Jee-Han-only perspective is also a sign/device of the Gamer Manwha, so again, a good representation, I guess?

...I don't know, It's way-too-early, I need to get some sleep. I should make more sense after I get some rest.
so, question. Does anyone else get the impression that there's like two or three different ways that Ryu could be reacting to the over-the-top flirting? Cause there's the reaction Jee-han thinks she has, the reaction that she's actually shy/tsundere, or... something. *shrugs*

I wonder if that's a sign of a good author, and/or a good representation of an existing character? Cause Jee-Han's skills with the opposite gender is not and probably never will be very good, Gamer status or no. And as I read the Jee-Han/Ryu interactions, I have the niggling feeling that there's more going on in those scenes, than we get from Jee-han's perspective.

But the Jee-Han-only perspective is also a sign/device of the Gamer Manwha, so again, a good representation, I guess?

...I don't know, It's way-too-early, I need to get some sleep. I should make more sense after I get some rest.
Ryu seems to be either the late kuudere harem candidate, or a mentor figure.
So, got a scare today by being called to the police station to handle the accident I was in a few months back. The post offices were on strike for a while so I got my letter late and it almost gave me an heart attack when I had missed the hearing by three day.

Fortunately it was just a routine thing and they didn't held it against me.

Because of that update will be later today or tomorrow.
Monsterphilia 7
"Now, where Syr would be?" Bell said while looking around, "any idea mister Jee-han?"

"Perhaps on the coliseum? It's where the main event is being held, after all."

Bell was about to respond when a loud voice came from behind us.

"Bell! Jee-han!"

Turning around we saw Hestia coming towards us. She had a sash around her back meaning she was carrying something, and while she was as perky as usual I could see her slight shaking common to sleep deprivation. I wonder if they have coffee here. That aside I thought quickly and turned to Bell. "Hey Bell, can you give me the coin purse to me?"

"Did you spot Syr?"

"Something like that", I said, getting the coin purse before I turned Bell and pushed him towards Hestia.


"Go have fun you two. I will look for Syr alone, it's not like you need two people to look after her and splitting up to search wouldn't have worked really well since the point is to give the coin purse to her."

"But I can't-"

I interrupted Bell with a quick slap to the back of his head, earning a soft 'ouch' from him. "Be a good boy and escort your goddess through the festival, if I remember it right it's also her first time attending it. Go, have a good time, then come back to me when you're done alright?"

"Alright, I guess", he reluctantly said before taking a closer look at Hestia who had a radiant smile on her before she latched on his arm. He had a deep blush as Hestia chest pressed against his arm and he looked between me and her not knowing what to do. I just shooed him away while giving a wink to Hestia who returned a smile at me, before I mingled with the crowd and decided to look for something nice.


Walking around I asked were I could find some of the pictures and figurines where sold. If I were to start looking for Syr might as well start there, right? It didn't take long to find the booths, and lucky for me there wasn't a line or anything on them right at this time. On the other hand, the place was almost empty of merchandise.

"Sorry", said the merchant, "but the Siegfried figurines sold out on the first day, he's a really popular adventurer after all. But if you're interested in figurines, I think I have something in the back", at those last words he sounded quite shifty so I shook my head.

"What about pictures?"

"Oh, I have some of them here", he pointed out some books hanging on the booth, "though I have some of the really good stuff in the back."

Do I look like a shifty individual for him to be trying to pass off the shady merchandise? Is it the eyes? I don't see too many people with asian features, and while compared with Sun-Il I didn't had the thin eyes look I still had thinner eyes than normal people. Or is it how I'm dressed right now? Well, he could always be a shady merchant that's out of the common merchandise and is not trying to pass off the suspicious stuff. Don't they have cops in this town?

Rolling my eyes I picked up a book and started browsing it. There were a couple of images from several adventurers, some male others female, most of them in some kind of heroic pose while others were in either a picture snap shoot or in a profile pose. All of them were autographed though I couldn't read the names. Truth be told, nothing I saw interested me at the moment.

"Ah, I see you are a tricky customer. Perhaps do you want to see our more... exotic collection?"

It could be porn for all I knew, and even thought I don't have Internet anymore to sate some of my baser desires I wasn't in a rush to consume this worlds pornography. I put down the book back in place, when the wind blew and a couple of sheets of pictures from the stand. I went to pick them up, when I noticed a particular picture.

It was of a woman wearing a cape with a flower like hood, wearing a sleeveless shirt and high tights boots and detached arm sleeves, a pair of short swords at her waist and holding a staff on her left hand.

Muttering observe I took a look at what it was.

Adventurer Picture, Old
An old picture of a female adventurer from a now extinct Familia.

Not much information, other than the somewhat useful trivia about her Familia being extinct, but other than that there wasn't anything of note. And yet...

"How much for this one?" I asked the vendor as I gave him the rest of the paper sheets.

"Hmm", he took a look at the picture, seeing that no author had signed it and it didn't had the adventurer signature. Still the paper was a bit old and crumbled at the edges, clearly indicating age. "How about four hundred Valis?"

I mulled over trying to haggle with the man, but decided against it. I took a couple of coins from my inventory surprising the man before I headed off to one of the food stands, when I saw something ahead. There was some kind of white ape jumping and sometimes going above the buildings.

"There's a monster roaming the city!" Said one man coming from the rough direction the monster had appeared, "he's chasing a boy and a little girl with a big chest."

I immediately stopped, and only the effects of Gamer's Mind prevented me from freezing up. "Where did they go?" I asked the man who came running. "I think I know them, they're my friends! Where are they!"

"Ah, I think they went to the Daedalus Street", he said and I took off to where I saw the ape monster going.

In a sense I knew that wishing for someone else to be chased by the ape monster was selfish, even if Bell could at least protect Hestia long enough to run away from harm, but I couldn't help it. While I knew them only for a few days, they had quickly gotten high in my regards, I would even dare say they were my friends while I hopped the reverse where also true.

I prayed to a being that couldn't hear me anymore for strength as I ran and jumped over crates and people towards the Daedalus Street. Hestia had given me the rundown of some of the more notorious districts of the city, the poor district being one of them since she spent some time living there before she meet with Bell and headed to our current home. Once there I tried to listen for the sounds of fighting, or yells and cries of help, or anything that could lead me to them.


Without thinking twice I ran towards the sound until I saw the ape monster's back, running after someone. Looking up I saw a ladder and a plan quickly formed in my mind. Quickly going up on the ladder I started running across the roofs, taking advantage of both the increased agility I had gathered until now and the fact that all roofs were interconnected like this, and in no time I caught up to the ape monster. "Observe"

Race: Ape
Class: Monster

Level: 1

Health: [GREEN]
Mana: [X]

Power C
Endurance C
Agility B
Dexterity F
Magic I

Mentally I tsked, that's a though nut to crack all things considered. With a quick switch to my inventory I put I armor and took my weapon, confirming that I still had all those potions with me. Looking ahead I saw that the monster was about to crush Bell, so I took a run and jumped from the ledge and swung my sword straight into the arm of the Silverback as it rose to strike Bell, careful to aim outside the creature's manacles. The ape monster shrieked loudly in pain as I jumped away from the retaliatory strike of the monster, right where Bell had rolled over for cover.

"Mister Jee-han?" Bell looked surprised at seeing me, "how did you got here?"

I spared a glance towards the kid, noting that he was unarmed. "I followed the trail of destruction. You should leave this to me since you are unarmed."

The monster was growling at me but it wasn't immediately running after us, cautious at seeing someone being able to deal this much damage against it.

"I... I can't! I can't just leave you here to fight against him by yourself!"

Was it pride talking, or something else? No, it can't be pride since Bell as a rule of thumb have a poor opinion of himself, at least when you consider that made startling progress in such a small amount of time and yet he doesn't think it's enough. To be honest with myself his resolve to fight is endearing, but I can't let him fight unarmed and his overall stats aren't that much higher than mine even with the huge boost he got before Hestia went to Monsterphilia.

Still a cornered animal would fight to the dead, and I didn't want Bell to face off against this monster with his bare hands, so I gave him an out.

"Go", I said to him while stepping forwards with my sword poised down and blocking his view with my back, "find a weapon and then come back to help me fight this enemy." I could basically feel his protests but I interrupted him before he could start. "Think of this as a mere tactical retreat while you look for a weapon while I hold him off for you. Just don' take too long, least I end up killing it by myself."

The creature locked down it's gaze with mine and charge. "GO! What are you waiting for, an invitation?" The monster swung it's arms and I had to dodge both the swing from his arm and the chain that followed in it's trail. Rolling inside it's guard under his legs I cut him behind his tight earning another howl of pain before it circled around, trying to kick me which I narrowly avoided by dropping on my back and rolling backwards before running back near the middle of the patio, getting the undivided attention of the silverback on me.

"I will be back!" Said Bell through gritted teeth, "I will definitely come back!"

I thought for a moment he would stay and try to fight anyway with a stick on his hand, but he did the smart thing and ran away and I allowed myself a sigh of relief.


Now, how do I cook this enemy?

It charged on all fours towards me before stopping and slashing both his arms left and right, forcing me to roll under his legs once more and into the creature's back before I managed another slash on it's leg. This time however it didn't howl in pain and instead continued it's assault. The chain hit me and threw me a couple of meters back, making me skip along the ground for a few moments before I rolled with my momentum and using the wall I hit as a trampoline to boost myself to the side just as the monsters came crashing down on me.

With a quick look at my status I confirmed that I was on yellow health, and quickly I took a potion and uncorked it's cap while the monster was far away. I had just enough time to roll back to avoid the chains once more before standing up and taking a good look at my enemy.

I couldn't help it. Something inside me stirred, a feeling I didn't had in a long while.

Excitement, true, unmitigated excitement. The kind of hidden joy I had after I defeated tough enemies like the Zombie Legion for the first time, or when survived an encounter that by any rights I shouldn't had. The kind of elation at having a plan going off without a hitch.

The kind of happiness a player have one encountering a difficult opponent that's both entertaining and hard enough to press you to your limits.

Back when everything started I didn't recognized those feelings, or simply didn't acknowledged them as I thought that was an abnormal thought process, but as the months and years passed I came to accept that part of me, reasoning it was part of what allowed me to gain my powers in the first place. That yearning that life should be as exciting as a video game.

"Ah, ah ah ah ahh, tum dum. Ah, ah ah ah ahh, tum dum", I chanted under my breath, thinking of the soundtrack of an old, if very good game. It also suited the situation really well. The silverback tilted it's head in confusion, before roaring once more and charging at me.

True to gamer fashion, I took my time to decipher the attack patterns of this monster now that I had some breathing room and knew where we stood in terms of power and speed. It was fast, faster than me, but not overwhelmingly so. It's reflexes also were comparatively slower since his large bulk made moving his body a chore.

Still I used two more health potions to heal myself before I was comfortable with attacking once more. I knew that a living being is different from a coded game enemy, but there's only so many ways you can attack someone or something, and an individual have it's own preferences in terms of attacks not to count tells and vices while attacking. Even more so with a creature that fights merely on instinct with little skill. Not only that but I had the advantage of stamina since it takes a lot for me to start getting winded in the first place, and the monster while having a higher endurance than myself it also wasn't infinite, and differently from me it would suffer from each hit I gave it.

When the monster raised it's arm high to crush me I dashed quickly forwards and slashed at it's knee, quickly dodging to the side as the monster brought it's fists down, leaving a few cracks on the floor.

When the creature swing it's arms towards me, I either roll under the chains taking advantage that due to my height it will have to aim high enough to hit my center of mass that it leaves a good enough gap to dodge, or I jump over the attack when it attacks low. I also make sure never to jump over the chain when it initiates the attack with it's left arm since it can quickly use it's right arm to attack me while I'm mid air.

Slowly but certainly I am wittering the creature's health, going from full to three quarters in five to eight minutes of fighting, then edging to yellow territory once I score a lucky hit on it's inner tight and effectively killing one of it's legs, the one that I had been focusing all this time.

I was starting to make head way to it's left arm to create an entire blind spot and weak point on that side when the creature roared once more, it's red eyes shining brightly before it started beating at it's chest. I quickly took that moment to dash to it before it could do whatever it wanted, aiming at it's other tight. The attack hit on the side of it's knee before I was hit on the side by a much powerful blow than before sending me tumbling on the ground before I caught myself up, using the momentum to dodge the follow up strike from the creature.

It took my second last potion getting back to yellow health before I took a good look at the silverback. It's power and speed had grew considerably, but it's attacks where somewhat more sloopy than before. It was only the quickness of the strikes that managed to catch me once more, but once I have time to adapt to the new attack pattern I will be able to deal with it. Still the situation was getting a bit harder for me since I was running out of potions and the creature was still at high yellow health.

Time for some more strategizing then. I saw that a couple of the magic stone lamps were on the ground after falling from our fight so I quickly raw towards one of them. As predicted the silverback followed me and with a quick and practiced roll I took the lamp and I threw with all my might at it's eyes. The creature howled as it was blinded, and I turned around it to repeatedly stab at the back of it's last good leg and it's kidneys.

My tactic worked and the creature was much slower than before overall, though it still could charge for short periods of time before bringing in it's large fists towards me. Still annoying, but now it was much more manageable than the last time, not only that but it's health bar had dropped to a third of it's total.

Good, I might be able to do this!

Just as I thought that the silverback charged me, jumping high in the air trying to crush me under it's weight. A tactic I knew well enough which I responded by rolling forwards and-


A crushing sound and the sounds of someone landing, and when I realized it I was staring at Bells back turned from me, the silverback landing unceremoniously on the ground with a last, pitiful moan, before dispersing itself into black smoke and leaving it's oversised magic stone and the weapon Bell used to kill the monster.

I blinked once, twice, before standing up and looking at Bell who was breathing hard. He turned back to me with a frown, but that turned to a relieved smile once he saw me unharmed.

"I told you I would come back and help mister Jee-han!"

I slowly nodded, before we both walked towards the fallen magic stone and the weapon on the ground, with Bell picking it up. I used Observe on it once, and I whistled at it's stats. It's base attack and defense values weren't all that good, in fact they were quite bad, but it had a very, very large durability value and in it's description it gave an unnamed bonus to attack and defense depending on the user's strength, which I can only assume it is a large bonus since Bell took off a third of the silverback health with a single strike which was a large chunk even if you account for critical hits, not only that but it was a weapon tied to the Hestia Familia so if anyone outside our Familia were to use it it would only have it's deplorable base attack and defense values.

I also looked at the pop up box that appeared once the silverback had been killed.

Through a special action the skill Sword Mastery was created!
Sword Mastery

A skill to determine one's proficiency with sword type weapons. Skill effectiveness increase with higher user level and higher ??? rank.
Moderate increase to Power and Dexterity when using a sword type weapon.
Low increase to Endurance and Agility when using a sword type weapon.

Of course I get the skill that would have helped me fight off the enemy AFTER I kill the monster. I guess I traded my power giving colorful commentary when I get or use skills for the skill acquisition gaining a liking for the dramatic and ironic.


"You know, when I asked you to come back after finding a weapon I didn't meant for you to make an artifact grade custom weapon." I jokingly said as we walked through the alley as the windows of the houses started to open and see that it was indeed safe once more.

"It was Hestia that gave me this knife", he said while raising it to eye level and the runes inscribed on it shimmered with power, "she made it for me. She said if I believed I could defeat my enemies with it, and with this she would always be at my side."

"Hmm, sounds nice. You should be prepared to take responsibility Bell, in some cultures that might be considered a wedding gift", I said with a teasing tone though only half joking. In the abyss very expensive items might count as a form of courtship gifts, even if the item in question was a weapon. Though I suppose giving expensive, special items would count as courting gifts regardless of being in the Abyss or not.

Bell was beet red and started sputtering a response when we saw Hestia on sitting on her knees, waving at us before she faltered, collapsing on the ground.

"Hestia/Goddess!" We both said at the same time before dashing towards the little goddess.

I don't know what happened, but please Gaia, let her be alright!


Name: Han Jee-han

Power H 122 -> G 201
Endurance H 111 -> H 196
Agility H 117 -> G 209
Dexterity H 135 -> G 215
Magic I 98 -> H 131
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So I get about 60+ likes on a chapter that I didn't do my best and was fairly short, but when I make one bigger chapter that I put more effort into it I get only 20?

I will never understand the people that reads my stories. What are you after? What does entertain you?
So I get about 60+ likes on a chapter that I didn't do my best and was fairly short, but when I make one bigger chapter that I put more effort into it I get only 20?

I will never understand the people that reads my stories. What are you after? What does entertain you?
Personally i sometimes forget to give a like after reading a long chapter.