Never Alone (Evangelion) [GOOD END]

Batteries last for three rounds in combat or five minutes outside of combat. This can be upgraded by using a structural upgrade point to put a battery pack inside one of your Eva's wings (fins).
Batteries last for three rounds in combat or five minutes outside of combat. This can be upgraded by using a structural upgrade point to put a battery pack inside one of your Eva's wings (fins).
Shouldn't we have gotten another round to attack then given that we never fired the Pallet Rifle?
Shouldn't we have gotten another round to attack then given that we never fired the Pallet Rifle?
Here are the turn listings.

Turn 1. You moved forward enough to get the Angel inside the range where you could use Neutralize AT Field. This takes a full move.

Turn 2. You augmented your Neutralize AT Field as a half action to bring it down, then, since you can't fire rifles in melee, you used it as an improvised weapon. Aided by All I See are Weapons, you get through its Armor Points and Toughness, then leave the leg on 0 Wounds.

Turn 3. Your Operations Director overrides your Eva's wing storage system to eject a Prog Knife, which is normally a half action, but it's not your half action because of his override. You have two options here, a half action each of aim and attack, or an All Out Attack that leaves you unable to dodge. Since you're about to be out of power anyway, you All Out Attack and deal 15 Critical Damage because you roll a ten and roll again.

End of your turns, the Angel is stunned and immobile for four rounds. At the end of those four rounds, it spends its Fate Point (not burns, important) to heal four wounds to its leg and stands back up.
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End of your turns, the Angel is stunned and immobile for four rounds. At the end of those four rounds, it spends its Fate Point (not burns, important) to heal four wounds to its leg and stands back up.
I'm a little amused that you gave our first opponent the mechanical expression of plot armor.
I move before the Angel can, taking a moment to aim before slamming my Prog Knife down at its black body, sliding through its weakened AT Field like it isn't even there and lodging itself deep in the still-healing flesh of its thigh.

The Angel wobbles but doesn't fall, instead whipping its arm around and slamming its talons into my torso. I jerk backwards to dodge but fail to get enough distance, and I scream in pain as the pitch black things glow red, and then explode with violent energy.

I stumble back, muscles almost refusing to cooperate, and my mind fuzzies up for a moment before snapping back, a little bit clearer. My Synchronization Ratio just jumped up a few points.

Recovering, I swing around again, and the glowing red sphere at the center of its chest takes me by surprise. I should go for the core, but . . .

Angels' cores are tough, and I don't think I can kill it with one hit there.

While the leg, it's already wounded, already open.

I take careful aim, pick my target, and scream my defiance to the heavens as I plunge the knife in, filled to the brim with righteous fury!

The Prog Knife catches at the last second, caught on a suddenly much stronger AT Field than before that expands like a wave, batting me back. When it dissipates, the Angel looks tired.

I'm winning.

The Angel tries to spear me in the chest with what would surely be a fatal wound and I try to dodge, but no- no. I do dodge despite the odds. It's like Fate doesn't want me to die today!

My knife moves in my hand as I close back in and lash out wildly, smashing through the bony growths serving as its armor. Any hit to the core will damage it now.

It attacks again, completely missing me as the restraints on my mouth as I roar victory and attack again for the core!

My knife sinks in, and the core bubbles, swells, and explodes into a flash of white hot light that burns, but doesn't kill me!

The Angel is dead.

I fall silent.

And I wake up in the entry plug some time later, back on emergency power. "Did you just . . ." I ask through the LCL that fills the space.

That was . . .
[] Fucking awesome!
[] Absolutely terrifying!
[] What had to be done.
[] Okay.
[] Not good enough.
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[X] Fucking awesome!

To be clear we are addressing the Eva here right, and did we burn a Fate Point there?
[X] Not good enough.
-[X] Next time, you will be better.

Yes it was fucking awesome, but we survived and won on bullshit luck and a well-timed Berserker. Let's not rely on that. Next time, we win without it.
I've been thinking about what to do with this quest next.

In all honesty, chargen got borked up something fierce. You picked the second-best set of stats, Agility was randomly assigned as a dump stat (a capital crime- that's your Dodge skill). I forgot to give you the 400 exp worth of Advances you should have started with when it would have been easy just to slap a few armor, toughness, and strength upgrades on your Evangelion for you. I even sent you up solo against a Sachiel rip off, an Angel capable of TPKing a three man group if they roll badly.

And you know what?

Through luck and some pretty good voting you managed to pull it off, survive getting Cross Blasted and melee combat for several rounds, and almost contemptuously slap Sachiel down. If you'd had the 50 exp necessary to get a structural upgrade point and buy a battery extension, that would have been the fight right there. You weren't even supposed to win that fight, just hold out until the Ops Director convinced the backup-backup pilot to get in the spare Eva.

I don't think I can manage to set up anything that can trump that, so I'm going to call this a Good End. Is that a thing I can say? Good End- feels a bit strange but I suppose I can live with writing a quest on SV that doesn't end in abysmal failure.

So on looking back at the quest. This was a different kind of beast than I usually run, that's for sure. All by the book, with numbers and rules to check and double check. If it weren't for the AdEva irc channel I'd never have managed it. It was a little odd just writing what the rolls and scenario said to write, and I'm not sure I liked it.

Next project: I don't know right now. If you've got ideas for things you'd like to see me write feel free to chime in.
...Wow. That was... kinda short. At the same time, that was pretty bad-ass.
//sits down and thinks about what we've done
If you wanna try running a PbP of this, I'm willing to be a sacrifice participant.

To hedge bets: PbP is "Play by Post"
Well that's nice, though if you're willing I think everyone here would appreciate another AdEva game.
Krillin Quest? A quest where some scientist/engineer/whatever from an alternate universe gets dumped on some Stargate world (Not Earth. One where they'd encounter the Goa'uld)?