I was thinking, because they can't read anything, that they might be dreaming. Blasto might be rationalizing that by saying 'radiation poisoning induced aphasia' or whatever. But then the description of the monsters trips...something. I don't know.
Abandoned, dead cars, strange eldritch monsters, a world similar to our own yet oddly different. Yeah, I think I know where they are. The presence of the cars are the big giveaway. Maybe they'll find a computer in one of the buildings that still works.
Whoah. You know something I don't then. Which is odd, considering I'm writing it. What were you thinking?
Did not play or see it enough to really know, but this place kind of reminds me of something from Silent Hill.

edit-except it isn't quiet foggy enough by the way I am reading it....
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More? Ok!

Network 1.4

"This is a terrible plan!" Blasto screamed as their jury-rigged janitor's cart-mobile flew down a hill, rubberized casters spinning madly beneath them.

Defiant did not reply, too consumed in the constant cranking of the pedals and steering the makeshift mechanical rickshaw down Cambridge Street.

The rickshaw consisted mainly of a Janitor's cart, wheels and axles reinforced with whatever was handy, while a frame had been hastily constructed around it from shelving units; the hand pedals were pieces of broom handle wrapped in electrical tape and the main wheels and part of the frame were cannibalized from a wheel-barrow found among some landscaping tools.

The best find was in the buffer machine; the motor was shot, of course, but the parts were still useable. The handle and wiring provided the steering column and brakes, and the buffer plate and motor provided the materials for a flywheel energy storage system.

In the end, the body resembled something like a mine car with delusions of becoming a dune-buggy… with hand pedals. That was how Blasto chose to put it after Defiant showed him the final touches on the frame itself. Defiant chose not to comment but his pride as a Tinker stung a little at the comparison

As he pedaled the hand cranked gears, he groused to himself: 'I'd love to see someone else do better in a dimension lacking anything like sophisticated calibration tools, or access to welding equipment, or an autocad program, or… anything more complicated than a floor buffer motor and zipties!'

His grumblings were cut short as a gaunt figure launched itself from the roof of a car towards Defiant. With long-trained reflexes, Defiant snapped up the piece of rebar he had rested over the handlebars, like a construction worker's jousting lance, using the jagged end to catch the beast in what would have been a sternum. He used the force of the creatures jump as well as his own strength to lever the thing up and over his head in a smooth arc. Its face, a gnarled mass of cancerous and oozing tissue, snapped jagged sharks teeth at his face as the thing sailed by.

With no ceremony, Defiant reseated the lance and kept pedaling.

Moments later, a second creature with a serpentine torso and dozens of limbs undulating against the earth carrying it along like a millipede, slid out between two cars, pacing the rickshaw with a rapid fire clicking as its bone-shod hands slapped against the road.

With a lunge, it glommed onto one of the support struts of the passenger bin with two hands, leaving the appendages still on the road to scrabble frantically to keep up. Its weight created drag, forcing the rickshaw to slow and bank slightly left. The creature managed to snag more and more of its calcified fingers on the frame, pulling itself up closer and closer to the rim of the passenger compartment.

With a lurch, the creature pulled its face up and level with Blasto, spreading an impossibly wide jaw open.

Before Blasto could react, Defiant reached back with one hand and jammed his forearm between the things molars, preventing its jaws from closing. Recovering his wits, Blasto stabbed the thing through the eye with the spear head from Defiant's weapon that had travelled with them.

The thing went limp, hands slipping away from the edge of the rickshaw. Defiant shook his hand free and the beast went tumbling away in their wake.

Defiant clenched his teeth in a fierce grin behind his faceplate; despite the terror, this was exhilarating! No PR meetings, no paperwork, no interviews or news outlets, nothing but sheer skill and ingenuity against an army of mindless monsters.

"You okay?!" Blasto shouted from behind the driver's seat, standing in what was more or less like where spearmen would have stood in a Roman chariot.

"Fine. Eyes on the road behind us," Defiant growled out.

The street ahead of them was clear, and the few cars left in the street were easy enough to weave between. To their left, elevated tracks for the T blocked the view, until Defiant slewed the rickshaw through a sharp left, forcing Blasto to grab the rim of the cart and brace himself.

There was a brief respite as Defiant saw the bulk of the Gilmore Bridge rise up in front of them, clogged in places with abandoned vehicles. Then the howling started again as the forerunners of the pack they had gained some distance from, poured around the corner and through the struts of the overpass, keeping the rickshaw in their sights.

"Ah, fuck! They caught up!" Blasto reached down into the bin at his feet and grabbed what looked like a Pine-Sol bottle full of bright green liquid. Bracing himself with his feet against the insides of the cart, injured ankle screaming at him, Blasto jabbed an epoxy syringe full of catalyst derived from several of the chemicals found in the janitorial supplies into the side of the Pine-Sol bottle. With an overhand toss, he lobbed it at the leading edge of the swarm of creatures pursuing them.

At first nothing happened, but when the bottle popped with an almost muffled report half a dozen of the creatures fell to the ground writhing and screaming. One, it's mouth protruding forward past its lips like an exaggerated muzzle, all exposed muscle and gum, flailed out with multi-segmented limbs coated in finger-nail hooks, catching and tripping its 'fellows' as they ran past it. The ensuing scrum managed to break some of the momentum as various monsters were forced to extract themselves and others stopped to consume any that had fallen and broken in a permanent way.

Blasto readied another aerosolized neurotoxin bottle, hefting it in one hand.

Before the creatures could regroup, Defiant reached down and flipped the switch that engaged the flywheel. The rapidly whirring wheel had increased in rotational velocity by stealing just a little bit of force every time Defiant cranked the pedal; now it transferred that energy to the rickshaws main axles, pushing them forward with enough force to send them briefly zig zagging out of control up the incline. After a moment, Defiant regained control and the rickshaw fairly flew up the hill.

There was another muffled pop from behind them, and more shrieking wails as Blasto continued to wreak havoc with the peripheral nervous systems of their pursuers. He had been doubtful that the monsters would even have a reaction to toxins, even Tinker tweaked ones. Those doubts had been laid to rest.

The approaching monsters receded and cars interposed themselves as the rickshaw quickly reached the apex of the bridge. Once over the hump, the rickshaw began to coast down, gathering speed uncontrollably until Defiant disengaged the flywheel from the drive chain and set it to passively soak up the kinetic energy gained from their downhill rush, bringing their acceleration down to something more manageable.

The lanes ahead of them widened out as they approached the intersection with Rutherford Ave, the rickshaw losing some of the speed gained from the decline of the bridge as the road leveled out. Defiant began using the hand pedals again in earnest, fighting against the road as well as the added drag from the flywheel system.

The roads were difficult to navigate here, with vehicles stopped randomly here and there. Defiant was struggling to maintain momentum as he shifted direction frequently to avoid collisions.

Blasto gripped the edges of his platform until his hands ached, straining to hear anything indicating an incoming attack over the sounds of the grinding of wheels on asphalt or the subtle clinking of the kit-bashed drive chain that Defiant had cobbled together from various bicycles in the office parking lot.

After the incredibly tense Tinkering session in the janitor's closet, made more stressful by the necessity to forage outside in the parking lot for other supplies, being chased by the pack of monsters was almost a relief; at least when they were howling and trying to eat his eyes the monsters were obvious. There, on an otherwise quiet road full of potential hiding places, they could be anywhere.

The exit ramp required a sharp right and a jump over a grassy median divider, and soon they were rounding the curve to arrive at the entrance to U.S.1.

Defiant allowed the flywheel to kill the last of their speed, coming to a slow, ponderous stop in front of the tunnel access to route one. The emergency lighting had long died, leaving an empty blackness in front of them.

"Well, shit." Blasto announced.


"So, I guess we find another way around?" Blasto glanced back the way they had come. A high and shrieking wail carried on the still air.

"No. We're going through."

"Really? Into the tunnel of death?"

Defiant said nothing, but the set of his shoulders and the tilt of his head gave the impression of his namesake.

"Shit... ok.... Let's do this then." Blasto said, doing his best to keep the tremor out of his voice.

Defiant began pedaling slowly, the yawning mouth of the tunnel a black forbidding void ahead of them, cars strewn haphazardly across the lanes like broken teeth. Soon they were nothing more than a speck of color on a backdrop of night.

And the darkness swallowed them whole.
"So, I guess we find another way around?" Blasto glanced back the way they had come. A high and shrieking wail carried on the still air.

"No. We're going through."

"Really? Into the tunnel of death?"

I can see no possible way this can go wrong :D

I know you said this wasn't crossed with anything in particular but so far im getting alot of left4dead, the last of us and res evil vibes... or to put it another way: Run!
Kinda wondering how long this story can go... will it keep going after they escape the twillight zone? And if not, what kind of challenges beside monsters will there be?
An interesting chapter. Liked their "automobile" very much for the originality.
I can see no possible way this can go wrong :D

I know you said this wasn't crossed with anything in particular but so far im getting alot of left4dead, the last of us and res evil vibes... or to put it another way: Run!

"And Lo did the hero's ride their Golfcart of Doom Justice into the Tunnel of Death whilst the monsters raised their golf clubs of menace!"

Blasto: Shouldn't we do something about that half-assed narrator?
Defiant: No, more efficient to let the monsters take care of him.

[Meanwhile Outside the Tunnel of Death]

Monster 1: Well, go on!
Monster 2: I'm not going in there!
Monster 1: Why not?!
Monster 2: ......It's dark.....:cry:
Naga-like monster: Why do I hang out with you idiots again?
Monsters 1&2: *deadpan* John Carpenter.
Naga-like monster:o: *climbs a street light* KEEP HIM AWAY! KEEP HIM AWAY!!

Monster 3: Great, someone get a lasso.....or an ax.
Monster 4: Ya know, I heard there's wild narrators in there.....with voices that'll make you bash your own head in to make the narration stop, a couple of them even sing.
Monster 3:eyeroll:: And this is why I stopped listening to you.

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Defiant clenched his teeth in a fierce grin behind his faceplate; despite the terror, this was exhilarating! No PR meetings, no paperwork, no interviews or news outlets, nothing but sheer skill and ingenuity against an army of mindless monsters.
We don't get to see this often in the Wormverse
Okay, I absolutely love this. It's an great, original concept featuring one of my favorite characters, and I'm very interested to see where you go with it. I mean, presumably there's going to be Blasto being upset, Defiant killing the hell out of a few monsters, and the surroundings being creepy, but aside from that I don't know where this is going and I'm very excited.
Defiant clenched his teeth in a fierce grin behind his faceplate; despite the terror, this was exhilarating! No PR meetings, no paperwork, no interviews or news outlets, nothing but sheer skill and ingenuity against an army of mindless monsters.

Who knew Armsy was an adrenaline junky?