Looking for Trouble
Disclaimer: This is solely a not-for-profit fan activity and does not intend to infringe on copyrights held by Time Warner, DC Comics, Bloomsbury et al, and JK Rowling. Any characters that are original to this work remain the property of the author.

A/N: The Myriad of Possibilities Series primarily uses the background from the Harry Potter books but some elements and scenes have been borrowed from other sources – including the movies, Pottermore and my own headcanon – that will be covered where they fit into the narrative. The timeline of the DC Comics elements borrows heavily from Young Justice (2011) and may adapt elements and characters from the comics and several additional other media instalments – including but not limited to Smallville (2001) and Superman and Lois (2021) – and relocates events of Young Justice to the Eighties and early Nineties rather than the New Tens and Twenties as screened and includes several 'legacy' and original characters as a result. Any other recognisable characters belong to their copyright holders.

A/N: Thanks to Jon and 6f5e4d for their help on this chapter.

The Watchtower.
November 23, 04:41 EST.

"Recognized, Power Girl B-Four-One."

"Anissa!" exclaimed Linda, skipping over to the Zeta Tube and hugging her friend. "Ready for your big mission?"

Anissa smiled and shrugged, her blond wig swishing from the motion. "Is anyone?"

"Good point," Linda admitted.

"Can I have everyone's attention?!" said Artemis from behind them.

The two girls turned towards the woman's voice and moved closer to where she stood with Dick, Tim, Roy and M'gann. "A few days ago, Henri Hitobito aka the Tattooed Man, escaped from a prisoner transfer from the US Penitentiary in Atwater to Belle Reve," she began. "During questioning, his fellow convicts mentioned that he was planning on getting revenge on anyone associated with his conviction."

That's going to be a pretty long list…
Linda thought.

"The initial working assumption of the fugitive taskforce was that he would go after the closest targets — the judge, the prosecutor, his public defender, the arresting officers — in San Francisco and several of the Justice League Reserves have already been tasked with protecting them," Artemis continued. "The Outsiders will be covering the members of the jury who are still resident in the area. However, given that there has been no activity in the Bay Area so the taskforce has decided that he may be going after one or more of the five of the jurors are on vacation elsewhere in the United States for Thanksgiving."

She paused for a point to let that sink in. "We'll be protecting them. I'll be leading Alpha Squad to Seattle to protect Phoebe Tapia, Violet, Stephanie, you're with me; Roy, Eddie, Linda… you're Beta, your protectee is Winston W. Rudd, he's in Rye, New York…"

November 24, 21:23 EST.

Linda pushed herself against the remnants of a wooden fence, dragging herself to feet, her head ringing and the splinters biting into her skin. Her thoughts reeled as she scanned the field of battle trying to figure out what to do next.

"Pathetic!" mocked the Tattooed Man, his voice a sneer that dripped with arrogance. In the dim light, his inked tattoos writhed on his skin, each telling a tale of conquests and power. "You think you can stop me? I've taken on Green Lantern and won!" His laughter echoed through the wreckage, a chilling reminder of their dire predicament.

(Anyone got any ideas?) groaned Roy as he tried to get his laser cannon back online, his expression was a mixture of fury and disbelief at the destruction that the villain had wrought in mere moments.

Eddie coughed, smoke curling around his mouth, (Not me, I can barely breathe thanks to that extinguisher spray that he nailed me with…)

Extinguish… Linda echoed, the germ of an idea coming to her. (Roy, is your taser working?)

(None of the weapons in my arm are working,) Roy replied. (I've got a grenade, but he'll probably block it.)

(Not if my plan works,) Linda promised.

Roy grunted, abandoning his repairs and moving his other hand to his belt. (Ready.)

(On my mark…) said Linda, as she staggered to her feet, fighting past the pain and marshalling the last reserves of energy that pulsed within her. "Verwirrender Chaosausbruch!"

A slight shimmering pulse eliminated from the girl and surged towards their foe, washing over him seconds later.

(Got him!) Linda declared as his expression shifted from aggressive arrogance to confusion as the spell took effect, weaving its way through the patterns of his mind.

Roy seeing his opening, activated his taser grenade, eyes narrowing in determination and tossed it overhand, the grenade crackling to life as it sailed through the air with unerring accuracy.

The villain screamed as the device crackled into life on contact, sending powerful jolts of electricity through his muscular body, causing him to drop his weapons and fall to his knees and then the ground.

21:30 EST.

The villain was beginning to stir as a convoy of police vehicles hurtled onto the street, sirens blaring and lights flashing. "Chaos-Energieschock," Linda murmured as their contacts stepped out of the lead SUV and wandered over to them.

He tensed momentarily, then slumped down again.

"Wow," exclaimed Agent Futz as he took in the scene. "This place looks like a warzone."

"Heh, they won, didn't they?" pointed out his partner. "Pretty good work for kids, given who he's taken down before."

"Thanks, I guess," muttered Arsenal, crossing his arms and frowning. "We're not playing games h you know."

Linda crossed to her team-mate and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's not make a scene, okay?" she asked him in a placating tone. "We did what we had to do…"

"And we won," Eddie added. "That's what matters, doesn't it?"

Roy frowned, but nodded and relaxed, stepping back so that Agent Nuck was able to cuff Tattooed Man, attach an inhibitor collar and activate it. "There, that should keep him quiet," declared the veteran DEO agent, then motioned for a couple of local officers to come forward and take him into custody.

"Let's go," said Linda as ambulances and fire apparatus joined the throng clogged the quiet suburb street. "They've got things under control now."

Roy nodded, and after saying goodbye to the federal agents, he led them to a quiet spot to await pick-up.

November 25.
11:16 CST.

Linda's eyes cracked open, squinting in the morning light that streamed through her thin curtains, then she pulled the covers up over her head.

"Linda!" called her aunt, drawing her attention to her door, "We're going to be late for Thanksgiving dinner at the farm!"

There was an urgency in Lana's tone that made Linda groan softly, curling deeper into the warmth of her sheets. With a reluctant sigh, she finally peeled herself out of bed, shivering in the cool air. Her muscles were stiff and painful, but she managed to stagger to the door and open it. Grappling with the remnants of sleep and fatigue, she hopped off her bed and padded across the cold wooden floor. The air hung heavy with the scent of pine from the Christmas tree they had set up in anticipation of the upcoming holiday season.

"You look like you've been through a war zone," her aunt quipped as she hobbled past her, concern sharpening her features.

"No, just a tough mission," Linda mumbled, barely processing her aunt's words as she stumbled into the bathroom. The warm shower was her salvation, and as the water cascaded over her, the tension in her muscles slowly melted away. The faint scent of peppermint from the shampoo filled her senses.

Far sooner than she wanted, Linda got out of the shower and dried off, then took a couple of Motrin and dressed in a t-shirt and leggings, feeling slightly more human but still drained.

A beep of a car horn told her that she needed to hurry up, so she went down the stairs as quickly as she could manage and grabbed her puffer jacket and sneakers from the floor, slipping them on with the deftness of regular practice.

As she finally made her way outside, the brisk air hit her like a slap to the face. The sky was vivid blue, punctuated by the white of fluffy clouds drifting lazily by.

Her aunt was already behind the wheel, the car's engine humming comfortably. "There's my sleepyhead!" she said cheerily, igniting a faint smile on Linda's lips.

The warmth of the car enveloped her instantly as she got in, Melo barked excitedly from the backseat of the car, his tail wagging like a flag in the wind, drawing a smile from her.

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired and bit stiff," Linda replied, brushing it off with a wave of her hand. "Nothing I haven't managed with dozens of times."

Her aunt turned to concentrate on the drive as she pulled out into the main road.

The familiar drive didn't take that long, and they were soon pulling into the farmyard. The warm aroma of turkey wafted through the air from the ranch house, mingling with the fragrance of fresh pies cooling on the windowsill, that was a balm to Linda's exhausted body.

As she stepped out, Melo bounded out too, tail wagging furiously and darted into the yard, chasing the scattering leaves as they danced across the yard. As she continued to watch her dog play, Linda heard a familiar mechanical whirring sound from the barn and seconds later two familiar figures stepped out of the building. A dark-skinned curly-haired girl in a hooded jacket and leggings and a tall, bald man in a suit and polo-neck.

"Traya!" Linda exclaimed, rushing over to her friend as fast as her aching legs could carry her. The two girls embraced, bringing a warmth to the coldness around Linda.

"Are you okay?" Traya asked as they broke apart, her long, curly hair swaying as she stepped back. "You look tired."

"I'll be fine," Linda assured her with a sigh. "I've been on duty with the Team for the last days and got in a fight with the Tattooed Man back East."

"That was you?!" said Traya, impressed. "From what I've heard he's pretty hardcore."

"He is," Linda agreed as the two girls linked arms and heading towards the farmhouse. "The street where we were fighting got pretty torn up, and I've got the bruises to prove it."

"Regardless, you and your squad did well," said Traya's father from behind them in his usual even, emotionless tone. "Compensation will be provided to victims from the usual sources."

Linda felt herself relax a bit more at that, she'd heard rumours of a compensation program for victim of meta-crime but this was the first time that she'd been invested in knowing whether the rumours were true.

"Hi, Wolf," Traya said as they approached the porch.

The great beast raised his head for a moment to look at them, then accepted pats and woofed a quiet greeting to Melo as she setting down next to him.

The great wooden front door swung open, revealing Grandma in a flour-dusted apron, her white hair curling adorably at the ends. "There you are, darlings! Come in, come in!" she exclaimed, enveloping them in a warm embrace. Linda absorbed the comfort for a moment, allowing herself to forget about her aching body.

Inside, the house felt alive, filled with lively banter and the fragrant scent of roasted turkey, pies and caramelized vegetables. Grandpa sat in the far corner, his deep chuckle mixing with the laughter of the younger Kents. Uncle Clark, tall and strong with a quiet strength that gave Linda comfort trying to distract his son, Jonny, who was trying to get at the cranberry sauce with the dubious assistance of verdant-skinned Garfield Logan, currently in the form of a housecat. Grandma and Aunt Lana had joined Aunt Lois at the stove to finish up the cooking while Conner, M'gann and M'ree were setting the table, their light-hearted chatter weaving through the warm atmosphere.

"Linda!" exclaimed Jonny, dropping down from the counter and darting toward her, arms stretched wide for a hug. She knelt down, wrapping him in her arms. "You'll never guess what I learned today!"

"What?" she asked, half-smiling, half-wincing as Jonny's exuberance jolted her bruises.

"I learned how to make homemade biscuits! You can help me decorate them later!" he beamed, his innocent enthusiasm contagious.

"Sure thing, little man," she replied, trying to mimic his excitement despite feeling a bit weary. She released him a moment later and both girls moved over to the nearest sofa and Jonny broke off to play with a toy spaceship that his father had picked up on his last visit to Rann. M'ree abandoned her table-laying a moment later and joined them.

Linda was just settling into the sofa, letting the quiet buzz of M'ree and Traya highly technical conversation flow over her and sighing as the well-worn fabric curved around her tired body, when a flash of vibrant yellow light caught her attention through the large front windows. She tensed, but almost immediately relaxed as her mind registered the familiar feel of Zatanna's mind and a less familiar but paternal one that was almost certainly her father.

This guess was confirmed a moment later when Forager opened the door to admit the two sorcerers. "Is there room for two more?" Giovanni asked, his voice questioning but with a hint of warmth as he stepped inside.

"Zatanna Zatara is part of this hive," intoned the New Genesisian Bug as he helped take their coats before hanging them up, "and Giovanni Zatara is part of Zatanna Zatara's hive." His quirks were met with laughter, adding to the lightness in the air.

Grandpa chuckled heartily, his voice booming like distant thunder, as he gestured to the table where most of the gathering had already settled. "Come on, let's get around the table before everything gets cold!"

Just as the bulk of the party had taken their seats, the last trio of guests arrived — Linda's best friend Lucy Cao, her father, and her grandmother — who entered with exasperated expressions, claiming they'd been overwhelmed with 'issues' involving their horses.

"Don't worry about it, Lewis," Grandma assured him as she brought a large dish of mashed potatoes over to the table.

"Yeah, someone either running late, begging off or having to duck out because of an emergency is practically normal around this family," Aunt Lois added, sharing a look with her husband, who returned it with a 'who me' which Linda didn't need even the slightest hint of telepathy to know was fake.

The entire table broke into laughs at that.

December 6, 13:20 GMT.

"Now that you're mastered some simple spells, today we will progress to something a little more fun," said Professor Flitwick once he taken in the homework and settled back onto his stack of books. He drew his wand and pointed it at a large pineapple that lay on an open spot on his desk. "Chorus Ananas!"

A second later, the pineapple stood up on its end and began hopping and dancing around the open space on the desk to claps, giggles and laughs from the students. Flitwick guided it around for a few minutes and that cancelled the spell. "Does anyone have any questions?"

Surprisingly, even Hermione didn't, so Flitwick set the different pairs to work on the spell.

Hank was paired with Lavender that day, and despite her generally gossipy nature she proved to be a capable Charms student, and both were in the half of the students that got the hang of the spell by the time the bell rang.

18:35 GMT.

Hank, Ron and Hermione were finishing up their dinner when Professor McGonagall appeared behind them, carrying a clipboard with a roll of parchment attached to it. "Good evening."

"Good evening, Professor," they replied.

"Are any of you staying at the castle over Christmas?"

None of them were. Ron had grumbled about having to 'put up with his brother Percy for two weeks' – which Hank thought was a little unfair, the seventeen-year-old was a little pompous and officious at times but was a regular and useful contributor to the Babel Club – but had eventually yielded to his parents' entreaties in absence of any solid excuse.

Professor McGonagall frowned slightly. "Mr Potter… as you are leaving, Professor Dumbledore needs to speak to you about your options."

My options?
Hank thought. Well, I guess this is that conversation… "Did he say when, Professor? I've got my language club in about twenty minutes."

"As soon as possible, Mr Lang."

"Would late morning tomorrow – let's say eleven – be acceptable, ma'am?" Hank asked. "I'll have time after History of Magic."

"I believe that would be acceptable," conceded Professor McGonagall, a little reluctantly. "The password is 'Ice Mice'."

"What was that about?" asked Ron, as she moved away.

Hank waited until the professor was a bit further down the table before replying. "I suspect that the headmaster doesn't want me to go back to Smallville."

Ron's face took on a confused expression. "But that's where you live. Why wouldn't you go back?"

"He originally wanted me to be placed with my birth mother's sister, Petunia Dursley, down south because of some 'blood protections' on her house," Hank replied. "I suspect he wants me to return there."

"Professor Dumbledore is very knowledgeable," Hermione reminded him. "Do you think that it's a good idea to ignore his wishes?"

"Ignore him, no," Hank agreed. "But you can only come to the right decisions if you have all the information."

Hermione nodded.

"And based on some of the things that he said to Mera back in November, I think that some of his information is out of date."

"Are you sure?"

"Not yet," Hank replied. "But I expect I'll find out tomorrow."

"Are you sure your information will make a difference?" asked Hermione.

"I think so," Hank said. "I'm not an expert on 'blood protections', but I'm not sure that headmaster is either, and Zatanna has a contact or two who are and they say there are a couple of problems…"

"Such as?"

"First, for best results, she'd have to accept me in, but she refused at the time… even if they could be re-established, they'll never be as strong as they could've been."

"That makes sense," piped up Ron. "I think Bill said something like that when he was studying for his cursebreaker credentials."

Hank nodded, "She also moved out of the house the house she and her husband owned in Surrey a few years ago after they divorced."

"Where does she live now?" asked Ron.

Hank sighed. "That's the biggest problem. According to my information, she now lives in an apartment in London."

"Why's that a problem?" asked Hermione. "You don't like flats?"

"Not particularly," Hank admitted. "But that's not the issue, the apartment is on the second floor. She's renting from the owners of the takeaway below her. According to my source, that means the protections can't be anchored there."

"I think it's possible," said Ron. "Bill talks about putting up protections over their camps all the time…"

"Those are temporary protections," Hank told him. "For the kind of solid, unbreakable protections that you'd need against even a mid-tier sorcerer, my source says you need ownership of the land."

Ron nodded, apparently satisfied.

"What makes you think that 'your source' knows better than the headmaster?" Hermione demanded.

"Professor Dumbledore is intelligent, well-read, and gets around," said Hank. "But he's not a specialist in ancient magic. My source is."

"Really, who?"

"Jason Blood."

"The Jason Blood?" exclaimed Ron. "Merlin's scribe?!"

"That's one story," Hank agreed. "I've heard him described as a high priest, a peasant, a scribe, one of Arthur's knights, the host of a demon… I don't think anyone's entirely sure what the truth is, not even him… But what is known that he's a skilled sorcerer who's been wandering the world causing or preventing disaster since before the founding of Hogwarts."

"Oh," said Hermione, clearly not sure what to say to that.

December 7, 10:25 GMT.

"Nine inches of parchment on the history of cauldron development and the impact on potions innovation," declared Professor Binns in his usual drone as the bell rang for the end of the period.

The class roused themselves from their usual stupor and rushed for the exit.

"I'll see you guys in the Common Room later," Hank told Ron and Hermione as they reached the main staircase. "I've got that meeting with the headmaster to 'discuss my options'."


He held up his hand, "I know… I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, I just hope he gives me and mine the same."

Hermione gave a look that said that she didn't believe him but said nothing.

"Ice Mice," Hank told the gargoyle guarding the headmaster's office. The statue hopped out of the way and allowed him to step onto the stairs. He climbed slowly, and was just about to knock when a voice echoed from inside the office, telling him to come in. Hank opened the door and scanned the room, he was pleased to see that – other than the Headmaster's phoenix, Fawkes, who trilled a greeting – they were alone.

"Have a seat, Hank," said the headmaster. "I meant to ask before… how are you settling in here? It must be quite an adjustment?"

"I'm good, Professor." Hank assured him, as he sat down and dropped his bag on the floor. "I've done a fair bit of travelling with Mom, or Aunt Lois and Uncle Clark…"

Dumbledore nodded. "I hear you started a club?"

"The Babel Club, sir." Hank confirmed with a nod. "It's a language and culture club. Mostly Gryffindors and a few Ravenclaws now, but I'm hoping to recruit some Hufflepuffs in the new year."

"Have you considered inviting any Slytherins?"

Hank made a face. "I haven't exactly had a good start with that house, sir. I did think about approaching Blaise Zabini. He's not one of Draco's gang and rumour has it he knows a few languages…"

Dumbledore nodded, and Hank thought he saw the hint of smile under his bushy beard. "Do you know why I've asked you here, Hank?"

"Professor McGonagall said you wanted to discuss my options, Professor?" Hank replied, sitting down and dropping his bag on the floor.

The headmaster nodded. "After your parents were murdered, I intended to see to your placement in a suitable environment to allow you to grow up and have a safe, normal childhood."

"Normal is often overrated, sir," observed Hank dryly, then bent down and took a carboard file from his bag. "However, I assume that your intention was to place me with my biological mother's sister…" he opened the file and pretended to check it. "Petunia Dursley – nee Evans – sir?"

"Yes," agreed the Headmaster. "I felt it was the best option to keep you safe and away from your fame."

Hank nodded. "A reasonable goal, Professor. The Muggle authorities also considered that option. In the end, they discarded it."


"Yes sir," Hank confirmed. "Principally due to opposition from Mrs Dursley."

"Interesting…" mused the headmaster. "I originally intended to search for you until I found you and bring you back to your family…"

Hank hissed in annoyance at that comment, but remained silent, a small frown on his face.

"However, once my initial covert investigations proved unsuccessful and my limited sense of matters suggested that you were safe and happy…"

"I assume that you couldn't find me because I was living as a Lang, not a Potter, sir," Hank observed. "And maybe because I was in the States, rather than in Britain."

"That was my conclusion once I found your entry in the Book of Admittance," agreed the headmaster. "However, as that information is now publicly known, I feel that reverting to the original plan would be safer."

Hank sighed. "Zatanna suspected you might, so she had one of the Justice League Reserves and a local investigator conduct a follow-up investigation last month."

"Did they come to any conclusions?"

Hank nodded, indicating the file in his hand.

"I would like to see that information," said the headmaster. Despite the polite phrasing, it was not a request.

"Of course," agreed Hank, closing the file and offering it to the headmaster. "You can have my copy, sir."

"Thank you."

Hank sat in silence while the headmaster leafed through the document. After a moment, he started. "Your cousin is in St Brutus' Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys?"

"Apparently," confirmed Hank. "Although 'incurable' may have unnecessarily harsh in his case. He's making some progress… the staff think that he'll be a productive citizen before his eighteenth birthday."

Dumbledore nodded and returned to the report. Just as the bell rang for the beginning to lunch, the headmaster sighed, closed the file and set it down on his desk. "I will need to do some research of my own to confirm… But the name Jason Blood is known to me, so I doubt I will find anything he missed."

Hank nodded.

"Therefore, it would appear that we have a problem."

"I disagree, sir," said Hank firmly. "I'll be far safer in Smallville than I ever could be with the Dursleys, even with the blood protections."

"But the Death Eaters could get to you there.…"

"Professor, no Death Eater has set foot in the United States since three of them tried to use an illegal Portkey to get there in seventy-two and ended up in the Louisiana Bayou."

"That was never reported."

"Maybe not on this side of the pond, sir," Hank conceded. "But Swampy's a friend of a friend."


"The Swamp Thing," Hank clarified. "The undead plant creature – who may once have been the botanist Alec Holland – that protects some of the more remote parts of the Bayou, sir."

"Interesting," mused the headmaster. "But now that your new identity is known… anything's possible…"

"Anything's possible," Hank agreed. "But that doesn't mean acting as if it will happen is a good idea, or likely to work."

"Still, I would feel better if you had extra protection," pressed the headmaster. "Perhaps Remus Lupin – a friend of your father's – could join you for the holidays? He is a skilled wizard and well acquainted with Death Eater tactics."

"I'll need to check with Mom that it's all right, Professor," Hank replied with a shrug. "But I don't think it'll be a problem. There'll be enough people coming in and out of either Mom or Grandma and Grandpa's over the holiday that one more shouldn't make much of a difference."

"You're expecting a large crowd?"

"At Thanksgiving Dinner, Grandma and Grandpa had about a dozen people, including Zatanna, and her father, Giovanni, both of whom are powerful and experienced sorcerers... and then there's my cousin who is not only a capable apprentice sorcerer, but also has considerable psychic abilities... my cousin-in-law Megan and her uncle, John, are also powerful psychics… and her sister Marie's no slouch either..." Hank replied. "... and if they aren't enough then we can call in many others for help, including the gentleman we mentioned earlier, two Champions of Shazam, the other Hosts of Nabu — including whoever is wearing the Helm that week — and if the problem gets bad enough several graduates of the Atlantean Conservatory of Sorcery and the headmistress of the Conservatory… and then there's the demi-goddesses and the rest of the Amazons who might decide to get involved…"

"I see."

"Professor, I feel a great swell of pity for anyone who comes to Smallville looking for trouble," Hank paused for a moment, then looked the headmaster straight in the eye. "Because they'll find it."
"Professor, I feel a great swell of pity for anyone who comes to Smallville looking for trouble," Hank paused for a moment, then looked the headmaster straight in the eye. "Because they'll find it."
Poor schmucks are gonna find out the hard way, lol.

This is a really awesome Harry Potter x Young Justice crossover story so far and I'm enjoying it. I'll be looking forward for more with great interest.
That chapter is likely to be the last "full length" chapter of that story, though I may end up splitting the rest of the content into a regular chapter and at least one "interlude" for flow reasons.

Don't worry though, I fully intend to continue the narrative into 1994, currently under the working title of Betrayal.
New Beginnings
Disclaimer: This is solely a not-for-profit fan activity and does not intend to infringe on copyrights held by Time Warner, DC Comics, Bloomsbury et al, and JK Rowling. Any characters that are original to this work remain the property of the author.

A/N: The Myriad of Possibilities Series primarily uses the background from the Harry Potter books but some elements and scenes have been borrowed from other sources – including the movies, Pottermore and my own headcanon – that will be covered where they fit into the narrative. The timeline of the DC Comics elements borrows heavily from Young Justice (2011) and may adapt elements and characters from the comics and several additional other media instalments – including but not limited to Smallville (2001) and Superman and Lois (2021) – and relocates events of Young Justice to the Eighties and early Nineties rather than the New Tens and Twenties as screened and includes several 'legacy' and original characters as a result. Any other recognisable characters belong to their copyright holders.

A/N: Thanks to Jon and 6f5e4d for their help on this chapter.

Pateley Bridge.
December 7, 16:36 GMT.

"We've not seen you around much lately, Mr Lupin," noted the grocer as he rang up Remus' shopping. "You've not been ill, have you?"

No more than usual, Remus thought to himself. "I'm fine, thanks."

"A job was it then?"

Remus nodded. "A fruit-picking job at an orchard up north. I only got back a couple of days ago."

The grocer nodded, apparently satisfied. "Well, it's good to hear that you're well, Mr Lupin. That'll be five pounds exactly."

Remus thought that was extremely unlikely and considered arguing the point. However, he'd tried and failed before and he could do with saving the money, so he held his tongue and handed over the requested sum without comment.

"Have you been into the sweet shop yet?" asked the grocer as he exchanged the note for Remus' bag.

"Not yet."

"You should. They've got some nice stuff in for Christmas this year."

"I'll think about it," replied Remus, sorely tempted but not if his purse could bear the expense, despite his recent saving.

Riggs Moor,
18:06 GMT.

Remus was just out of sight of the road and debating whether to risk a Wand-Lighting Charm to help him navigate the damp and gloomy night when the area was flooded with light as a swan-sized bird appeared in front of him in a flash of fire. He staggered backwards, dropping his packages and falling on a bit of dry-stone wall. "Fawkes?"

The phoenix hopped over and extended a clawed foot with a note attached. Remus reached down to remove the note. As soon he was free of his burden, Fawkes looked around as if considering his surroundings and then disappeared in another flash.

Remus debated opening the envelope then and there but eventually decided not to and slipped the envelope into a pocket, picked up his packages, and continued his journey towards home.

19:10 GMT.

Remus entered his cottage, unpacked his shopping and then while some food was cooking in the oven, he retrieved the letter and sat down at his table to read it. The note inside was short and to the point:

Dear Remus,

I hope you are well.
As you may be aware, Harry Potter was finally located shortly before the beginning of term. Initially, I hoped to use this to finally place him with his aunt and uncle for his protection, however it turns out that this is no longer a suitable option, so I have reluctantly conceded to him returning to his adoptive home in the United States. Despite Harry's assurances that he will be safe there, I would like to send you there to provide additional protection.

Albus Dumbledore.

Remus folding the letter and tucked it back into its envelope, as he tried to settle his thoughts. That's not going to be easy… and I've a feeling that there's something, maybe even several somethings, that he's not telling me, he decided. But I'll do it. For the headmaster… particularly as it's for Harry too… I'd do anything.

West London,
December 13, 13:06 GMT.

The second letter had come less than a week after the first, requesting that he meet a friend of Harry's new family at a pub called the Time in a Bottle in London for a late lunch.

A faint caress of magic was his first hint that the establishment wasn't the purely Muggle one that he'd been expecting, and his first look at the relatively sparse lunchtime crowd reinforced it. After taking a moment to get over the shock, Remus started to scan the room, looking for the woman he'd been told to meet.

"Looking for someone, guvnor?" asked a voice from off to his right.

Remus turned and regarded the speaker, who wore the traditional white coat and white peaked cap of a Muggle milkman and was standing next to a pair of grey-skinned, violin-playing men and a pair of twins in pink robes with huge, ruffled collars. "Remus Lupin, I have a meeting here?"

The milkman nodded, "You're in the back. Follow me."

Still a little bewildered at the situation, Remus nodded and followed the man in silence, clocking a few other unusual looking patrons like a woman whose modesty was preserved only by a string of balloons, and a botched human-to-crocodile transformation in a tuxedo.

"That's Death Dinosaur," his escort noted, after noticing Remus' gaze. "You're safe in here thanks to the truce magic, but stay away from him normally, he's… testy."

After a moment, they came to a table for two occupied by a young woman with long inky-black hair in a lilac rollneck and a black skirt. A muscular teenage boy with long bleached-blond hair in a black t-shirt and olive cargo trousers stood at her elbow.

"Good morning, Mr Lupin," said the young woman, and favoured him with a smile. "Thanks Milko, I take it from here."

The milkman nodded, and having fulfilled his purpose, left to return to his previous conversation.

"Good morning," repeated Remus, and slipped into the empty seat opposite her with a smile. "You're Zatanna Zatara."

"I am," confirmed the woman with a smile. "But we didn't ask you here to talk about me."

"You want to talk about Harry."

Zatanna made a face. "Yes and no…" she replied. "I'm not part of your world, Mr Lupin… to me, Harry Potter is a modern myth, a legend, maybe even a Destiny… While I know that I'll have to deal with that someday… today isn't that day."

"Then what…?"

"Do you have the photographs and other paperwork we asked you to bring?"

"I do," Remus confirmed, a little confused but sensing that she wanted a moment to collect herself, he extracted a small packet from his jacket and offered it to her.

"Give them to Ewart," Zatanna instructed, indicating the boy at her side. "He can sort you out a passport."

"How?" Remus asked as he handled over the packet.

The boy ignored the question and disappeared into the back with it.

"My interest is in Hank Lang," Zatanna continued. "The little boy that I first met on the second worst day of my life… the little boy who found me crying in a corner who offered me his toy dog – his talisman against nightmares – because hugging it made him feel better… in the young boy who spent interminable hours scouring ancient records trying to help me save my father… who later became my student and over time became the little brother – well littlest in a way – that I've never had."

Remus nodded, he could understand that. "How did you get involved in the first place? As you said, you're not really part of our community."

Zatanna nodded. "The destruction of the house at Godric's Hollow was serious enough that my father and another Justice Leaguer sent to investigate. They retrieved Hank from the ruins of his parents' house and after a ritual to 'find his best guardian' they decided to place him with Lana Lang, an old friend of Superman's and a member of the extended family that took me in after my mother died and my father was… unavailable…"

Remus wasn't sure what to say to that, so sat quietly as she pulled herself back together.

"Now, what do you want for lunch?" she asked, her voice falsely cheerful. "The bill is on us."

December 17, 14:26 CST.

The air in Mrs. Davison's eighth-grade spelling class hung thick with the scent of pine needles and impending holiday cheer as Linda and her friends filed in and took their seats. The chalkboard was adorned with festive snowmen and a meticulously drawn Christmas tree laden with misspelled words – Christmass, reindeer's, jollily – each a target for the day's spelling duel.

Mrs. Davison, a woman whose enthusiasm for Christmas rivalled Santa's himself, clapped her hands together. "Alright, class! Let's get into the Christmas spirit!... Adelia?!"

"Yes, ma'am!" said a honey-blond girl wearing thick glasses as she leapt to her feet.

"Spell cranberry?"

"Cee, ar, a, en, bee, ee, ar, ar, wye."

"Correct," Mrs Davison confirmed. "Well done."

"Suzanne, spell ornament?"

"Oh, ar, en, a, em, en, tee."

"Lucy, spell frankincense?"

"Ef, ar, a, en, kay, ai, en, cee, ee, en, ess, ee."

"Darren, spell cracker."

"Cee, ar, a, cee, kay, ee, ar."

As the rounds progressed, the words grew more challenging. The usual classroom banter faded into hushed anticipation as the competition intensified. One by one, classmates stumbled, their misspelled words adding to the festive chaos on Mrs. Davison's chalkboard until only two students remained standing: Linda and Mark Verheiden, an aspiring football player.

"Mark, spell myrrh."

"Em… u, ar?"

Mrs Davison paused for a moment as the class held their breath in anticipation. She frowned, "I'm sorry, Brad, that's not right."

"Really, are you sure?" he asked, puzzled.

"I'm afraid not," replied the teacher, and turned away and wrote both Mark's attempt and the correct spelling on the chalkboard. Then after giving them a moment to take it in, she turned back to the class and smiled at Linda. "Okay, Linda, if you can get this one right, then you win."

Linda nodded, anticipation building.

"Please spell 'wassail'."

Linda hesitated, the word unfamiliar, its archaic sound hinting at a festive mystery. She closed her eyes, picturing a steaming bowl of spiced cider, the warmth spreading through her. "Double-u, a, ess, ess, a, ai, el."

Mrs Davison paused for a moment, the class held their breath in anticipation. She smiled, "That is correct. You win!"

The class erupted in applause as Mrs Davison presented her with a small, intricately wrapped present as the bell rang for the end of day. "Merry Christmas, everyone!"

15:16 CST.

"You look like you had a good day," observed a familiar voice as the flood of students split up to head home.

Linda glanced around, trying to find the voice, then spotted him, lounging on the bumper of a shiny old Wagoneer. "Lucas, what brings you here?"

"We've finished the 'public areas' up at the resort and I thought you might want a tour?" offered the bald boy, shyly. "If you're not busy?"

"I'm not," Linda admitted hesitantly, glancing at her friends as she moved towards the vehicle.

"They're welcome to come along too," Lucas offered, his confidence returning as he opened the back door.

"Pass," said Tim, shortly, then turned on a heel and headed for the nearest school bus.

Lucy's glaze followed Tim for a moment, then turned back towards Linda and Lucas. "I wouldn't mind a look, but we've got a new client coming at four…"

"You're at Trai Tim Stables… next the Kent place, right?" Rebecca asked from inside the car.

Lucy nodded and murmured agreement. "My father owns it."

"We're on the way, or I can drop you back easily enough after Lucas shown you around."

"Count me in then," Lucy declared, closing the gap and slipping into the back of the car beside Linda.

"So, what were you celebrating when you came out?" Lucas asked curiously as Rachel turned the powerful vehicle into the stream of after-school traffic. "Was it just the holidays?"

"Linda won our grade's Christmas Spelling Bee!" exclaimed Lucy proudly, drawing his glaze to her. "Mrs Davison gave her a present."

"Have you opened it yet?" Lucas inquired, glancing back at Linda.

Linda, blushing at the attention, shook her head and burrowed in her bad for a moment, before extracting the brightly wrapped package. She quickly tore it open, revealing it's contents. "Hot cocoa mix!" she exclaimed. "I love hot cocoa."

"Not bad stuff for cocoa," Lucas opined, then trailed off as if caught up in a memory. "The best hot chocolate I've ever had… I was eight, my mother had to go to New York for some reason and it was Christmas time, so she took me along. We went to this tiny, almost hidden café in Greenwich Village. It was tucked away in a back street, all dark wood and flickering candlelight. The air was thick with the scent of cocoa and something else… something warm and spicy."

He paused, vulnerability clear in his eyes for a moment, then took a deep breath, "They made the most incredible hot chocolate. It was…an experience. They called it their 'Signature Winter Indulgence.' It had this thick, dark ganache and a swirl of whipped cream on top, and they sprinkled it with… I think it was cinnamon and maybe a little cayenne pepper? It was rich, decadent… I'd almost call it sinful if I believed in such things…" His expression softened at the memory, a faint smile ghosting his lips.

"Sounds amazing," Lucy said softly. "You never had it again?"

"No," Lucas replied, his smile vanishing, replaced by a quiet sadness. "My father called us back to Edge City that night… and my mother sick only a few weeks later… by the time Christmas rolled around again, she was dead."

A heavy silence descended upon the vehicle, both girls had had their own tragedies so could easily sympathize with the boy.

A moment later, just as they were passing the cemetery, Lucy's phone broke the silence.

She answered, her face falling as she listened. A brief, hushed conversation followed, punctuated by polite but firm apologies. Finally, she hung up, her expression a mixture of disappointment and resignation.

"That was my grandmother," she said softly, with a tinge of regret. "They need me at home. Something came up."

The Wagoneer accelerated a little, pushing them back against their seats for a moment.

"Is it Comet?" Linda asked, concerned. "Can I help?"

"No, he's fine," Lucy replied. "We'd probably know it from here if he wasn't… it's a new horse that we took on this week. Go have your tour and tell me what it's like."

"You're sure?" Linda asked.

"I am," Lucy insisted as Rachel slowed the Wagoneer, pulling gently to a stop at the entrance to the stables. The air hung heavy with the scent of hay and horses as she hopped and ran towards the gate, confidently mounting it and dropping down to the other side almost without breaking stride.

"Who's Comet?" Lucas asked as Rachel accelerated back out into the road. "Is he yours?"

Linda shook her head. "He's one of the geldings at the stables," replied Linda. "He's… testy with most people, but we seem to get on well enough and he's the pony I tend to ride when I'm up here."

15:48 CST.

"Wow," said Linda as she walked into the hotel's reception area. "I saw a bit of it when I came to see you about the bank thing, but you've added to it. I particularly like the logo."

"That's something of a placeholder," Lucas replied as he led her over to the main desk. "At least until I complete Phase Two in the spring."

The receptionist looked up. "Is there something I can help you with, Mr Lowell?"

"Do you have that pass I asked you make up?"

"I think so, sir," replied the woman, and after a few seconds of searching, she produced a small green-and-purple credit-card sized pass in a lanyard and offered to him.

Lucas indicated that Linda should take it, and after a moment, she did. "What's this for?"

"It's a permeant all-access pass to everywhere in this building," Lucas replied.

"What? I can't…" Linda started. "It's too much."

"You saved my life, Linda," countered the older boy, rubbing his bald pate as he marshalled his words. "I owe you more than I can even begin to pay… but this I can do. Unless you don't want it?"

"Thank you."

"Now, let me show you what you get in the gift."

They started with the ground floor, a vibrant space buzzing with the promise of activity: They started in the kitchen, where Chef Louis greeted both warmly, before they moved into the bistro, with its large windows overlooking a heated patio complete with a BBQ pit, smelled of freshly baked bread and coffee. Beyond that, a multi-use hall lay silent, waiting for life to fill it. The racquetball courts were pristine, catching the weak afternoon sunlight coming through their skylights in shimmering reflections. Linda particularly loved the small, heated swimming pool that lay unfilled for now and the hot tub, nestled nearby, promised cozy relaxation, while the changing rooms, complete with a steam room and saunas, were the epitome of luxury for Smallville.

"It's amazing," Linda breathed, marvelling at the scale and the careful attention to detail as they moved towards the main stair.

"I'm aiming for a year-round destination," Lucas confessed, his voice imbued with a quiet pride. "More than just a hotel… but an experience."

"I'd say you're off to a good start," Linda told him as they ascended to the second floor, a quieter haven of twin-bedded en-suite rooms, each tastefully decorated with warm tones and comfortable furnishings.

The third floor was the staff area. Lucas' suite – which opened onto a long, panoramic balcony overlooking the barbecue patio and the rest of the resort with a smaller hot-tube and comfortable lounge chairs – was a lavish affair, a perfect blend of sophisticated practicality and comfortable luxury.

"This is … incredible," she continued. "Is this whole level yours?"

Lucas shook his head. "Just this suite," he replied, indicating doors into his bathroom, bedroom and what appeared to a combination office and computer lab. "Rachel is next door, and there are also rooms for Louis and some of the other staff to stay in if they want to. There are also some storage rooms, but a lot of that will be moving down to the waterside." He drifted over to the balcony and began to point at various spots on the ground. "I'm also planning some bunkhouses and chalets by the water for extra accommodation, a café and bar area, a dive shop and a lifeguard tower. Once the spring thaw hits, we'll start on that."

December 19, 14:16 CST.

"Recognised Lana Lang A-Zero-Three; Recognised Hank Lang A-Zero-Four; Recognised Remus Lupin A-Six-Zero, Recognised Raven B40," announced the Computer as the group materialised inside the Kent barn.

"Well, that was interesting…" noted Remus, as they walked out into the crisp, freezing air. "Probably the smoothest long-distance trip I've ever had. How far have we come?"

"About four thousand, five hundred miles… give or take a few, I think," said Linda as she moved towards the barn doors.

"Wow," Remus said as the barn's heavy wooden doors creaked open, allowing the party to leave the barn.

Before they could fully emerge into the crisp December air, a furry blur erupted from the farmhouse, a whirlwind of white fur and barking fury. The dog charged directly at Remus, teeth bared in a low growl. Remus instinctively tensed, years of ingrained caution surfacing.

But before he could react, Hank was there, kneeling, his voice a soothing counterpoint to the dog's aggression. "Easy, boy," Hank murmured, his hand stroking Melo's head with calm expertise. The dog, initially bristling, slowly relaxed, its tail tentatively wagging as Hank's fingers worked their magic. Within seconds, Melo was nuzzling Hank's hand, the hostility completely forgotten. He then sniffed cautiously at Remus's leg before bounding towards Lana, who scratched him behind the ears with a loving smile.

The scene was strangely comforting to Remus. The easy familiarity between Hank and his dog, the unspoken understanding between Lana and the animal, all felt… right. It was a stark contrast to the wary glances he received back in Britain amongst anyone who even suspected his secret.

A moment later, the two Kents stepped out of the farmhouse and made their way towards the new arrivals. Hank moved towards them and shared hugs before leading towards Remus. "Uncle Remus, this is Jonathan and Martha Kent, my grandparents."

"Mr and Mrs Kent, I…" began Remus.

"Call us Ma and Pa, dear," said the older woman, smiling comfortably and reaching out to hug him. "Our son's old room is all ready for you."

"We're also aware of your… monthly problem," added her husband. "My boys and M'gann are taking some preparations."

Remus stared, speechless. He'd expected polite curiosity, perhaps a veiled concern. Instead, he received an almost casual acceptance of a secret he'd guarded fiercely for years. The Kents' knowledge was unnerving, yet their complete lack of alarm was even more so.

"We're used to unusual people around here, Uncle Remus," Hank told him, putting out an arm to reassure the man.

Linda added, "It's not a big deal here," Linda added. "A lot of us have got our own demons… me included."

Numbly, Remus nodded, accepting the offer of a room in the old farmhouse. He followed the Kents inside, the scent of woodsmoke and baking bread filling his nostrils.

The proffered bedroom was surprisingly comforting; simple, clean, yet imbued with a sense of quiet strength. There was a small oak desk, a bookshelf overflowing with worn books, and a cozy armchair positioned perfectly beside a large window overlooking the farm.

Remus, who had braced himself for awkward questions, or worse, outright rejection, was instead enveloped in an overwhelming sense of belonging. The revelation that the Kents and Langs knew about his lycanthropy, and seemingly accepted it without batting an eyelid, resonated deeper than any simple hospitality could ever have.

December 27, 11:00 CST.

Remus woke with a groan, his mouth burning, feeling like he wanted to vomit. He also had a thumping headache and throbbing muscles, though nowhere near as bad as after the full moon. When he forced his eyes open, the room spun, blazing with light.

"What the..." he groaned again, squinting his eyes against the brightness. "What happened?"

Pa Kent stood above him, a pair of mugs in his hands. "You had a good night, Remus," said the older man with a very evil smile in his voice. "Made history too."

Made history?
Remus thought, a slight feeling of dread sweeping over him. In his situation, notoriety was rarely a good thing. "How…?"

"Have a drink of this," said Pa, offering him one of the mugs and helping him to sit up.

The brew was strong and dark, just as he liked it. After a few sips, his head began to clear a little and he turned his gaze back to the older man who was drinking from his own mug.

Pa lowered his mug. "Don't you worry, Remus. It's not for anything bad. It's actually kinda funny in a way…"


"Yeah, what do you remember about yesterday?"

"Nothing much yesterday morning…" started Remus. "I went out for a walk in the south woods while you were at church…"

Pa nodded. "Around midday you heard some screams…"

Remus nodded. "I ran through the woods and came out by the reservoir."

Pa nodded again.

"A girl was stuck in the water," continued Remus. "Her friends were panicking."

"And you went out there and rescued her… before LCFD turned up. Lieutenant Cushing was very impressed with you, so impressed in fact that he decided that not only could he tolerate you – which is vaguely common for him – but that he actually liked you…" Pa paused and chuckled a little. "Which is unheard of for anyone that doesn't wear a badge!"

"That's what I made history for?!" exclaimed Remus, wincing when his head throbbed, being popular was still strange for him, but to be popular with someone like that… "So, how did that…?"

Pa's expression shifted back to its slightly evil grin, "Well, Kyle has enough self-awareness to know that he doesn't like most folks… so he decided that he had to celebrate this historic occasion by getting two of his buddies – Robbie Alvarez and Mike Birdego, I think – to help you down to the Wild Coyote and well…"

"Get me… very, very drunk," concluded Remus, then after deciding that his mug of tea had cooled enough, he knocked it back.

"Feeling better?"

"A little."

"Martha'll fix you up some brunch," said Pa. "That should complete the cure, particularly for someone like you."

December 31, 16:00 CST.

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the Kent farm. Remus Lupin, his usual anxieties eased by the surprisingly peaceful full moon, hummed a cheerful tune as he helped Martha Kent arrange silverware for New Year's Eve dinner. The air smelled of wood smoke and baking apples, a comforting contrast to the usual tension that clung to him like a second skin. Melo, Hank's Collie, lay sprawled lazily at his feet, tail thumping a gentle rhythm against the worn wooden floor.

The idyllic scene shattered with the arrival of Hank and Linda. The usual boisterous energy that radiated from the teenagers was absent, replaced by a grim silence. Hank's usually messy hair looked even more dishevelled, his glasses askew. Linda's fiery red hair seemed to burn brighter, almost incandescent. Melo whined and got his feet, then began to pace restlessly, his hackles raised.

"What's wrong, dears?" asked Ma, her voice laced with concern.

Hank slumped onto a chair, the usual spring in his step gone. "We got a call from the Watchtower while we were out," he said, his voice flat. "The Strange Happenings Executive contacted them at the request of the Prime Minister's Office."

"There's been an escape," Linda added, her bright green eyes beginning to glow a fiery red, her voice dropping into an ominous, urgent whisper. "Uncle Remus… you need to tell us everything you know... about Sirius Black."

Never the end...