Needs More Monsters [Dungeon Core]

yeah, the whole bad swords are bad thing is kinda over rated, seriously he should just make spears, they're easy to produce and more effective anyway.
on another note, i really hope he ends up killing his minion's master, cause his minion isn't only his minion now. yeah that came out kinda dumb but i do mean that he's taking this whole "here's a minion whose contracted to someone else, also your that person's slave now." situation with a rather cavalier attitude.
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This is true. It is much harder to mess up a standard pointy stick. Now, an above standard pointy stick is different, but he doesn't need any of those just yet.
it depends, can he make a straight stick with a simple metal point or blade on the top? cause if so that is already a better spear than most in existence right there. he doesn't even really need to make a sharp blade, just a consistent hunk of the same type of metal on the tip and then let whatever minion or adventurer who get's it sand it down the hard way, the great things about spears and most pole-arms is that there isn't a mandatory length (different people like different lengths and styles are the same in that length will vary a lot) he isn't making a bill-hook, a halberd or a particularly styled glaive so complexity is ignorable.
Got through this, and would rather appreciate more if it was in the offing. This is good!
Well, this took longer than it had any right to, especially with how little actual content there is. Had a lot of trouble figuring out where I even wanted this part to go, which caused the length and time spent to suffer. Honestly, if anyone would be interested in helping with beta reading/editing, I would super appreciate it.
I'd be delighted! Here's what I have so far.
It was better than being a wandering monster, hiding in the shadows, searching for an appropriately Dark-aligned victim (or worse, creating Dark-aligned victims), eventually to be slain by a
Incomplete sentence.
So long as it doesn't bring the All I want is...Well, all I'm asking for is that, by the time the fighting starts to heat up, I can trust the brats to hold their own against a couple dire wolves long enough for someone to find me. "
First sentence is incomplete, last one has an extra space after it.
With how it was acting, the graveyard's mana seemed less like a vein of ore and more like an aquifer I'd just tunnelled into.
My impression of the last chapter was that corpses are a one-off power source, whereas this treats the graveyard as a continuous feed. I was confused for a while.
On one hand, I wanted to learn more about this place. About what exactly I should be expecting. While Faryea's boss might've reassured me that I'd be left in relative peace,

On the other hand…
I think something might have happened to the punctuation here? It sounds fine in my head, but i't presented oddly on the page.
After my first attempt assured me I could instantly complete the construction of an object or room by spending 'Divine Essence', I'd thrown the menu window aside in violent disgust (though I didn't know what it exactly was, I could guess).
Dead people? Pay-to-win resources? I'm curious about this.
I forced myself to calm down and approach the problem systematically. After a series of false starts and
Incomplete sentence.
At any point in time, a Dungeon Core may select a specific construct or room improvement and take direct control of its construction, using the 'Assume Control comman.
"comman" is missing a 'd'.
It'd look better in stonework, I thought to myself. I'd smoothed the walls down with my earlier, mana-fueled adjustments adjustments.
"adjustments" is in there twice.
I made a mental note^
For the superscript​ style of footnotes, numbering them is traditional. Otherwise, some variant of asterisks is the standard.
^ Within twenty minutes, I'd completely forgotten about this.
Also, on indefinite-page-length mediums, footnotes typically go directly below the paragraph they're linked to.
but I'm not going to bother looking for it when my personal interfact only seems to react to things I have concrete knowledge of, and when it's also possible there simply isn't.
"Interfact" should be "interface".

Anyway, you have my attention with this. I look forward to reading more of your stuff!
It was better than being a wandering monster, hiding in the shadows, searching for an appropriately Dark-aligned victim (or worse, creating Dark-aligned victims), eventually to be slain by a
this sentence is incomplete

it. So long as it doesn't bring the All I want is...
there is a bit missing

bother looking for it when my personal interfact only seems to

Just found the story, it seems pretty interesting. I hope the dungeon will manage to give the imp a class...

Will be honest, I haven't looked at this in some time, and while I've been messing around with some writing, I haven't had much inspiration for this. Still, the assistance is more than appreciated and I'll get around to fixing up these errors.

Incomplete sentence.
First sentence is incomplete, last one has an extra space after it.
First sentence is deliberately incomplete; it's intended to trail off as the MC corrects himself with the implication of 'okay, it's not all I want, but...'. Extra space is corrected.
My impression of the last chapter was that corpses are a one-off power source, whereas this treats the graveyard as a continuous feed. I was confused for a while.
It's an aquifer in that, unlike a vein of ore, if you tunnel into an aquifer from below, it'll all pour out and flood wherever you're digging from as opposed to a vein of ore which, in theory, should remain in place.
Dead people? Pay-to-win resources? I'm curious about this.
Yeah, far as I can recall, it was a joke about P2W currencies.
Incomplete sentence.
"comman" is missing a 'd'.
"adjustments" is in there twice.
For the superscript​ style of footnotes, numbering them is traditional. Otherwise, some variant of asterisks is the standard.
I believe this was a concession to the overall formating issues; I would write up the original version in Nimble Writer, then post it here and on SB, then eventually post a more thoroughly editted version to Royal Road. I don't remember the exact reason, but using ^ isn't unheard of, far as I remember.
Also, on indefinite-page-length mediums, footnotes typically go directly below the paragraph they're linked to.
I'd usually seen them done after scene breaks and/or in the author's notes. Doing it at the end of the paragraph feels like it'd break the flow of the text, but maybe that's just me.

"Interfact" should be "interface".
this sentence is incomplete
See above
there is a bit missing
See above
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First sentence is deliberately incomplete; it's intended to trail off as the MC corrects himself with the implication of 'okay, it's not all I want, but...'. Extra space is corrected.
Ah. For that... well, ellipses are typical for trailoffs.
A dash (-hey, what's that?!) also works, if you're interrupting yourself.
I'd usually seen them done after scene breaks and/or in the author's notes. Doing it at the end of the paragraph feels like it'd break the flow of the text, but maybe that's just me.
Point. It probably depends on layout, actually.
Will be honest, I haven't looked at this in some time, and while I've been messing around with some writing, I haven't had much inspiration for this.
Do you have an idea for the endgame? Or the next big part of plot? A weird lesson I've learned recently is that skipping over huge sections of story actually works fine, if that's what it takes to write the most entertaining bits.