Necromancy War Forge (Riot Quest) (Steam Punk) (Cuthulu) (WW1/WW2)

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It is 1922 and the Nazis in Germany reached beyond their magical grasp. They studied magicks long forbidden and in their lust for war opened a door to that which should not be. What came out of that door was madness inducing monsters with no end to their number, their blood lust, or their forms. Germany was quickly over run and with every passing hour miles more territory fall to them as they end all life they find.

These beings, these outsiders from our reality have to be stopped. Yet the initial battles were beyond disasters. Young mean and women merely looking upon the outsiders could be driven mad. They would often shut down and stop fighting, rush into the horde eagerly, kill themselves or start killing their own allies. Magical protection of the mind is able to avoid this, but such a thing is far from free and has vastly limited the number of soldiers that can be fielded. Tactics shifted to mines and artillery. Snipers with scopes enchanted to protect them from what they see call down fire freely.

It isn't enough, heavy artillery , tanks and planes are doing massive damage but tiny amounts of infantry are not enough. Disposable front line soldiers are needed.

This is where you come in. If the living can not look upon these outsiders, than we shall raise the dead to fight on our behalf. To that end a great academy was built, part factory, part large scale body storage, part R&D and part academy. The War Forge as it is known is where the undead are to be built. An American center with necromancers from all over the world turning their talents into undead soldiers to be sent to every front.


In this riot quest every vote comes with a dice roll. You roll a number of ten sided dice equal to your "Tier" in that area. Your tier is found in the accordion below starting at 1 for Bone, Flesh, and Spirit. The tier will always be represented in the accordion next to the name of that lore. (EG: Bone (1) means you roll 1d10 for any project in that section, but Flesh (3) would mean 3 ten sided dice)

You can vote/roll to do R&D and a few projects are already unlocked for free. A big aspect of the game is instead of a roll/vote you can submit projects. You can for instance say you want to spend your vote/turn/action to try something new, and I will (if your tier is high enough) add it to the project list. Though do give me a little information about what your looking for. I will work with you and give feedback on projects for what is fitting at the moment.

EG: "Hey Zedalb, love the quest, you are so good looking and smart.(Factual) [X] New Project: Hardened Bone. I want to improve the quality of our skeletons so we get paid more for them and use it as a jumping off point for other improvements"

Completing a project cost R&D (Which is generated by players simply voting on the project and rolling the dice for that tier) and Cash.
Cash is earned by selling undead soldiers. (You will get a bonus based on diversity of troops)
First you must unlock a type of undead to create.

Once that is done you will unlock a "Production" Accordion where you can instead spend actions creating undead for the front lines.

Complete projects found below to unlock new necromancy or improve it.
Fell free to suggest projects because after these are done I will not be giving very many more free projects.
T1[Create Skeleton] 0/25 R&D 500$
T1[Unlock T2] 0/50 R&D 10,000$
T1[Create Zombie] 0/25 R&D 500$
T1[Unlock T2] 0/50 R&D 10,000$
T1[Create Ghost] 0/50 R&D 500$
T1[Unlock T2] 0/50 R&D 10,000$
Death Magick(0)
T0[Unlock T1] 0/250 R&D 5000$

Funds from last turn: $0
Automatic Income: 1000$/Turn
Current Funds: 1000$

[] New Project: Write in
[] R&D on : (Insert project here)
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[X] R&D on : T1[Create Zombie]
Sure let's work on Zombies first. I'll probably move on to Ghosts afterwards. Then to see if they can be stuffed into weapons.
Rotekian threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: R&D Total: 9
9 9
I'm thinking I'm going to move onto Skeletons next turn so I can create a skeleton mariachi band...for morale of course
Pft, Imagine wanting anything other than spooky scary skeletons.
[X]R&D on :T1[Create Skeleton]
Easter threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
You could of finished off a project to the acclaim of your peers.
It's a strong choice to go with a meme instead.
I gotta respect it.
Acclaim for helping to create zombies? My good sir that would tank my reputation in the upper crust of the skeleton societies, how would I ever show my face around the spooky ball when I'm known as the zombie lover!