NationStates: The Glorious Land of Spacebattles

The Issue

Central Authority has been hit with the worst drought in a hundred years; as a result thirsty citizens and a growing number of brown lawns are pleading for a government response.


Also ""You think too small," sighs Foreign Secretary Tobias Rubin, between sips from a sparkling bottle of gourmet dihydrogen monoxide. "Central Authority may be short on water, but the rest of Glorious Land Of Spacebattles has water to spare! Why not just import the water from abroad? Sure, it'll cost money, but what's worth more to the people of Central Authority, a little tax money or their most basic physical needs? Our neighbors wouldn't dream of cutting off the water, right?"

You've met our neighbors right?

Rochelle McGuffin, a noted anarchist, is appalled at the whole debate. "Relief fund? Giving money?! Now the government has to choose which social class to favor, and here's the big punch line, there is no right choice! We need to do away with the relief fund altogether, slash taxes and leave the people and businesses to rebuild without government meddling. Yes, there will be some 'I don't have any money' sob stories. Boo-freaking-hoo. It's not the government's job to bail them out because they failed to prepare." I Like the way you think Lady!
I'm liberal democratic socialists. I used to be a left wing utopia, but I did some sensible things like damn rivers and allow animal experimentation and I shifted to a New York Time Democracy (AKA Corporate Sham Democracy) somehow. The had to do as many lefty choices as possible even when they made no sense to overthrow the corporations that do not exist.
I just picked all the choices that a limited government power and gave people more freedom. (And also increased military spending...every chance I got).

"cyber-crime and tin-foil hat sales are both increasing at record rates". Is there an award for "most paranoid" because my citizenry seems to be gunning for it.
So apparently my "Liberal" government is "Effectively ruled by the Ministry of Defence" and yet my government is not totalitarian in the slightest. Also my economy dropped two points, so I'm back down to thriving, hopefully my decision to allow porn and graphic violence one daytime television will boost it back up
Nope it raised by one point. Now do I cut environmental legislation (like I actually have any left) for plastic bags or empower digital distribution? I'm worried that digital distribution will hurt my employment though
Well, if you are working on your economy, I would probably go for cutting the legislation as it means greater economic prosperity for the nation as a whole.
The various branches of The Griffon Imperium's military brought their budget petitions to your attention and, as usual, they are all asking for widespread increases over the rest of the military departments.
The Debate

  1. "Clearly the army requires the greatest increase in funds this year," says Field Marshal Maria Cheswick. "After all, wars were never won by air or sea and in this dangerous world we must be able to protect the interests of The Griffon Imperium. Currently our men get hand-me-down weapons, rations I wouldn't feed a pig - the army is increasingly looking like a bad career option and we can't have that. If we're going to get recruits, we need more funding to support our brave lads in their duty."
  2. "Hah! It's the Navy who needs the money, mate," says Grand Admiral Cooper Falopian. "The army and the police forces can protect us domestically, but can they protect us from having our foreign trade cut off? Can they protect us from terrorists and pirates? How are the soldiers going to get to the enemy's borders? Swim? I think not. Fund us, the Navy, the true protectors of The Griffon Imperium!"
  3. "Despite the statements of my colleagues," says Georgina Eliot, Marshal of the Air Force. "The Air Force requires more money than these men playing around with boats. We are increasingly seeing terrorists taking to the air, and more ships or guns are not going to stop that. Our people will only be safe when the Air Force has the power it needs to defend us - and for that we need more funding and more government support for industries geared towards the development of new aircraft."
  4. "You're all thinking too small!" exclaims Violet Dimitrov, an avid Star Wars fan. "What we need is more research into the possibilities of space weapons! Big laser cannon and satellites with complete annihilation power! And cool spaceships! Boom! Rat-a-tata! Bang! Bang! It'll be expensive, sure, but think of the power! THE POWER!"
    This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
  5. "It's simply not good enough!" wails John Eagle, the Minister of Defence. "It's not about the money - it's the manpower. Not enough people by far are signing up! All we seem to be getting nowadays are drunks and people who volunteered for a dare. The current conscription laws need to be either more strictly enforced or drastically rewritten. What I propose is a universal draft: everyone capable of pulling a trigger should become a part of the Army, Navy or Air Force. Only in this way can we ensure the dominance of The Griffon Imperium in the region."
  6. "The military is a stain on the peace-loving nature of our nation!" cries Kayla Wong, while sporting a Rastafarian hat. "People should be allowed to choose what they do for a living! Conscription is wrong and I don't see why our tax Eagles should go to such a despicable cause! The money should be going to more important places - like our pockets!"
That one tortured me so much. I wanted Star Wars, but it was more Franco-American for island ships. Well, good luck!
Maybe the Maxtopians/Bigtopians could lead a giant assault and wipe out those who're inactive? Also, I'll do it when I get back home from school.
I'm not sure if there is going to be an eventual change in page limits from 200 to something lesser, but it appears that several threads (not all) over 100 pages in the BROB sub-forum have been locked. I am preparing to make a new thread, just in case.