You may wish the edit your dreamsphere idea to only cover the souls of pact creations Jacobplm, or we are going to have an issue with blatant soul theft.
The void is not an afterlife - dreamers go there and then they leave one way or the other. Giving them a choice where to dream is fine, even if the void only draws in the strongest of all the dreamers to begin with.Oh yeah, forgot the Void was a thing.
Eh, how about this, we put in a clause where a person with strong dreams can choose either the Dreamsphere or the Void? That way neither of us step on the others toes and our creations can pick instead.
Because let me tell you that if I find that you're stealing my worshipers with strong dreams in the future me and you are gonna have real issues.
The void is not an afterlife - dreamers go there and then the leave one way or the other. Giving them a choice where to dream is fine, even if the void only draws in the strongest of all the dreamers to begin with.
But that is not the, the issue with your dreamsphere is that it lays a claim to some souls when they die - restrict this to your own pantheon or we have a problem.
The void is a pocketplane or "dimension" where time is weird and strong dreamers can visit for glimpses of the future, past and alternate and potential timelines.Uh, dude, your afterlife is already getting zero souls in it because you, y'know, already left out any and all entry conditions for your afterlife.
1. If the Void isn't a afterlife, I don't see the issue?
2. Okay, so what your telling me is that I can't have a afterlife then.
I was rushed for time. *shrug*Uh, dude, your afterlife is already getting zero souls in it because you, y'know, already left out any and all entry conditions for your afterlife.
Did you really think other players would be ok with you poaching their worshipers for your afterlife?2. Okay, so what your telling me is that I can't have a afterlife then.
The void is a pocketplane or "dimension" where time is weird and strong dreamers can visit for glimpses of the future, past and alternate and potential timelines.
And you are free to have an afterlife - but make it clear that your dreamsphere only lays claim to your own worshipers and that of your pantheon. Because right now it only says dreamers which includes those who are neither.
Did you really think other players would be ok with you poaching their worshipers for your afterlife?
For the record, I'm not actually particularly happy with you drawing off my worshipers into your realm just while they're dreaming. Its too close to a back door into my own people for me to be happy.
By the same token i could bind every magic user to my own afterlife - after all they use magic and so belong to me if no one else snatches them up quicker.1. Litterally no one else has had to limit their afterlife to their own followers.
2. Dude, god of thought. Dreams is literally my domain.
I wasn't poaching anyone's worshipers. The thought hadn't occurred to me until someone else brought it up.
Like seriously, they don't HAVE to go to the dream-sphere. There is nothing preventing them from going to another afterlife if they fulfill the requirements. I'm not going 'strong dreamers absolutelty have to go here when they die'.
Are we in a Pantheon?1. Litterally no one else has had to limit their afterlife to their own followers.
2. Dude, god of thought. Dreams is literally my domain.
I wasn't poaching anyone's worshipers. The thought hadn't occurred to me until someone else brought it up.
Like seriously, they don't HAVE to go to the dream-sphere. There is nothing preventing them from going to another afterlife if they fulfill the requirements. I'm not going 'strong dreamers absolutelty have to go here when they die'.
By the same token I could bind every single being who's lived and died to my afterlife.By the same token i could bind every magic user to my own afterlife - after all they use magic and so belong to me if no one else snatches them up quicker.
I'm not sure why you're so bitter about that. I made an offer, some people liked it and some didn't. Enough people didn't like it that I didn't go through with it.I genuinely don't care if your not happy, considering the 'accords' you tried to pull, and besides which, I don't give a shit about your followers beyond making sure they don't get mindwhammied by whatevers giving the Angels nightmares.
By the same token i could bind every magic user to my own afterlife - after all they use magic and so belong to me if no one else snatches them up quicker.
Seriously is it so hard for you to make a quick edit to restrict it?
Are we in a Pantheon?
Then stay the fuck away from my creations or we're going to have some rather huge problems.
By the same token I could bind every single being who's lived and died to my afterlife.
Given I'm you know, the God of Life and Death.
But I'm not. Because they're not my creations or my worshipers.
I'm not sure why you're so bitter about that. I made an offer, some people liked it and some didn't. Enough people didn't like it that I didn't go through with it.
That's real nice, but if my creations get nightmares I'll solve it myself. Stay the fuck away from my worshipers unless I explicitly ask you in.
I have yet to attack you - what I am doing is informing you of a problem I have with your action, and a reasonable one at that.I considered editing it, until you and FriedIce assumed I was trying to steal your worshipers and attacked me for it.
I edit my posts because its good posting practice, rather than doubleposting.Okay, stop editing your things after you post because its starting to get annoying.
I'm going to step out of this particular argument and let you handle it from here Leoric. I feel like I'm dragging the tone of it down too much.I have yet to attack you - what I am doing is informing you of a problem I have with your action, and a reasonable one at that.
But really, if this is the way you want things to go...
I have yet to attack you - what I am doing is informing you of a problem I have with your action, and a reasonable one at that.
But really, if this is the way you want things to go...
You may wish the edit your dreamsphere idea to only cover the souls of pact creations Jacobplm, or we are going to have an issue with blatant soul theft.
The void is not an afterlife - dreamers go there and then they leave one way or the other. Giving them a choice where to dream is fine, even if the void only draws in the strongest of all the dreamers to begin with.
But that is not the issue, the issue with your dreamsphere is that it lays a claim to some souls when they die - restrict this to your own pantheon or we have a problem.
I edit my posts because its good posting practice, rather than doubleposting.
Because thats what it looks like?Accusing me of trying to steal other peoples followers. Yeah, you did attack me.
Oooor instead of doubleposting, you could just add that stuff the first time you make your argument, and neither edit OR doublepost.
If you have a problem with my posting etiquette, report me.Oooor instead of doubleposting, you could just add that stuff the first time you make your argument, and neither edit OR doublepost.
Because thats what it looks like?
But hey, fuck it - lets just make it a universal damn law that afterlives can only attract the soul of each gods own worshipers and avoid this mess entierly.
If you have a problem with my posting etiquette, report me.
Otherwise, shut the hell up about it.
A question: How important is the stuff that's on the other side of the rift?
The raw chaos energy being radiated by the rift is needed. Everything else can be blocked out.okay.
So what is needed from the rift, and what needs to stay on the other side?
Having all the races clustered relatively close tot he wellspring of unfathomable chaos is probably its own can of worms, Antagonists not withstanding.The raw chaos energy being radiated by the rift is needed. Everything else can be blocked out.