Name: Gear Hitham
Race and Kingdom of origin: A Human from Vale.
Appearance: Gear has very fairly tanned skin, stark white hair, and red eyes. He has very fit musculature, due to what is, and how he uses, his weapons.
Likes wear a dark grey long-sleeved shirt, and red bomber jacket,with black leather gloves, any long pair of trousers or jeans he can find, along with his usual pair of knee-high combat boots and torso armor.
Weapon: Has four of them.
Tukul, his right arm, Musnah, his left arm, and Pecut and Kapak, his legs, left and right respectively.
-His limbs are unique, in that they're not only prosthetics, but can also mechashift into other modes, besides their normal setting.
His arms can change into a long-ranged mode, that only uses Dust, preferrably Lightning, and at a small amount, to power it's attack mechanism. This mechanism sucks in air from his surroundings, and hyper-compresses it, to be fired outwards from his transformed knuckles, that open up to show what looks like gun barrels within them.
They also have a heating mechanism, that allows the hyper-compressed air to be heated to, at most, 105 °C and then fired, though this is optional.
-Both his arms can also change into what amounts to arm-mounted piledrivers.(Think Cyan Pile's weapon from Accel World, but smaller, and connected to his elbow).
This mode also uses hyper-compressed air, to shoot out the piledrivers at maximum speeds of 20 km/s.
His legs are fairly simple comparred to his arms.
Both also use air compression to give him quick bursts of speed.
Pecut and Kapak can also open up panelling at the shin, to expose multiple barrels, that also shoot compressed air.
-Both can also extend spikes from the toes.
-They can also have axe blades extend out of the sides of his lower legs.

But their strongest mode, is arguably, what Gear likes to personally call Overkill Mode.
This mode causes his forearms and hands to become 3 times their normal size, and gains both massive knuckle-barrels, and aforementioned piledrivers on top of his arms.
-Their normal abilities are also increased, allowing him to fire bigger air blasts, and even send out a massive wave of air from his fists.
The heating mechanism now has a limit of 1015°C. Put together, and you get his strongest attack, Api Sengsara, that completely scorches whatever he aims at in a Glorious ray of burning Death.
-His legs from the knee downwards also gain a similar size change, with his feet having a large curved blade in front, and a row of massive, forward-facing, serrated axe blades, protruding from the sides of his lower legs. Pecut and Kapak also give Gear faster, longer, and continous bursts of speed.

Sadly, Overkill Mode can only be used for 5 minutes, as Gear is forced to use their normal mode once more, for 8 hours, in order to rest from the sheer strain it puts on his limbs and body.

Though what the strange eccentric, flambouyant man had forgotten to tell Gear was that his weapons had another ability.
They could swap out limbs, specifically other limbs stored in another dimension, powered by the craziest thing.
Cocoa. That's right that sweet chocolatey goodness, (and badass minigun wielding girl's namesake) was actually a prime fuel source. In fact, one ounce of the stuff could probably power Vale for a million years! Of course, since the inventor of the arms forgot to mention this, Gear has been using sub-optimal fuel for his limbs, thus robbing him of his full potential.(And denying Remnant a new source of perfectly replenishable fuel, but who gives a crap about that?)
Semblance: Soul Stopper-His Semblance allows him to, in essence, shut down another persons' defensive Aura, for a short amount of time.
What this does, is that it lets him fight a person without any Aura to defend them, as long as Gear targets them, or activates it. But, it also has a nasty side affect of turning off his defensive Aura as well, making any fights he has with his Semblance potentially fatal for both parties involved.
If used on Grimm, it only causes complete and utter rage in them, but this can also be a boon, since an angry Grimm is a sloppy Grimm. It also makes them completely confused to boot, so expect epic Grimm vs. Grimm fights.
Dust Access: Has the same access to Dust as any average Huntsman in training, though he does get 3 vials of Dust from home monthly.
Backstory: Growing up in a small town with his Momma, a retired Huntress, Poppa, a baker who owned a rather successful bakery, and his older sister Jewel, Gear Hitham should have had a fairly normal childhood, if not for one fact.
He was born without limbs.
This caused him to be confined to his home, with his only interaction with the outside world being from observing the world from outside the window, watching television( that consisted of a lot of hot-blooded, and magical girl-hey, guys can like this crap too!-anime), and the stories that his Momma and Jewel used to tell him.

And though he had love and affection from his family, Gear still wished that he could be like everyone else, do things for himself without having to rely on others, and maybe, be a Huntsman like his Momma was, and help people. (And kick ass of course.)

His chance came in 3 years ago, in the form of an odd and ecentric looking man, named Leeron, who brought with him a gift.
A new pair of combat prosthetics, designed by the eccentric himself.

And after a lot of begging and pleading with his family, Gear had finally underwent the operation that gave him his new limbs. And after three years of constant training and getting in shape, along with two years in Signal to learn the basics of being a Huntsman, he was finally deemed ready enough to enroll into Beacon. And kick ass.

Would this be okay?
Do I need to change anything?[/spoiler]
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So is this what Gear looks like then? :V
Well, he did have vague, short stumps, but thag was before the operation.
Now he has completely metallic limbs, and the ports for the arms move right into the area where his shoulderblades are.
The ones for the legs cover most of his hips except, well.. um, the 'important bits' you could say.

Edit: After looking through the other sheets I hath come to an epiphany.
Gear does not have enough Crazy Awesome Bullshit.
Thie must be rectified!

2nd Edit:And done!
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Page seven, please. The last I really looked at the IC was when I posted around the top of that page.
Ah, right. You were the very last one to post before everything literally got heated and confusing—partly my fault since I had just had someone get incredibly angry at me on SV (False Rebirth flashbacks abound) for the same kind of thing that happened here as well ('why is the OOC thread on fire')...

Well besides that Cinder was caught in an explosion with lead feet (haha) and @TehChron is in essence not the GM anymore, most of us still playing (I think?) are currently in the morning after traveling to school.
I am still lost at the part where my character just sits on a distant roof and watches the spectacle as he eats popcorn he didn't even buy.
I am still lost at the part where my character just sits on a distant roof and watches the spectacle as he eats popcorn he didn't even buy.
Well obviously, this party's over :V

I expect you could pull time shenanagaii as I had to and spend more time at night if there's something you wanted to do, or just wake up in the morning—either afterwards at home/hotel or on the roof from flying debris CX —your call
Ah, right. You were the very last one to post before everything literally got heated and confusing—partly my fault since I had just had someone get incredibly angry at me on SV (False Rebirth flashbacks abound) for the same kind of thing that happened here as well ('why is the OOC thread on fire')...

Well besides that Cinder was caught in an explosion with lead feet (haha) and @TehChron is in essence not the GM anymore, most of us still playing (I think?) are currently in the morning after traveling to school.
So...we're at Beacon now?