My Shining Plumbob--(Worm/Sims/Gamer)
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Saw different game-like fanfics out there from D&D, Halo, Destiny, and Warcraft, to the one about Greg Veder gaining the powers of a rpg character. Seeing that everyone else pretty much covered other game types out there, I thought to myself: why not one based on the Sims game series? Of course, The Sims games tend to get pretty bizarre and humorous at times for a life simulation game. Hence, this is honestly just crack fanfic. Nobody ever asked for a Sims/Worm Crossover, yet I made this anyway so that one would exist anyhow.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is the story I'm gonna fart around on if I have writer block for my other stories. Otherwise... My other stories take higher priority than this one does. Just so you know.
Chapter One--My life can't get any worse than this.

Aurora Moon

Verfied Insomniac with too much time on her hands
USA, Earth
Author Notes:
So this dumb-ass idea came into my head and wouldn't leave me alone until I had written something. Only then could I actually work on my other stories.

So here's the idea: We've seen plenty of gamer fanfics, right? And often those gamer fanfics were based on various video games, although many prefer to go for a generic DND-like MMO kind of game. It makes for easier writing etc.

But what if there was gamer fanfic based on having the stats and game mechanics from the entire sims series? Thinking about it, the sim people can become ridiculously powerful if they were able to transfer the game mechanics over to real life. You can literally level up every skill in about anything from martial arts to scuba diving. They even have magic in that game, if you have all the dlcs and whatnot.

And let's not even get started on having the ability to access game mechanics, such as time control and building houses while all of the time is frozen.

I'm pretty sure that if Taylor had that much power, she'd take it to ridiculous lengths. So I'm kinda curious to see what Taylor would do with a "simulated life" power set… and how she managed to make that terrifying. Because face it, most versions of Taylor Hebert can be terrifying...Just ask that poor multi-verse hopping older version of Kid Win who's trying to find a world without Taylor Hebert in it in that one fanfic. ;) (don't ask me for the link, because I lost track of it... sadly enough).

But of course, The sims being what it is, this isn't very serious at all… it's downright cracky, and I'm going to own up to that. This story will be 100% shameless crack, with a side dish of some serious character development thrown in. It starts off serious somewhat, but I'm hoping for total chaos and a trainwreck happening down the road. Who doesn't love those? :) But we'll see since I'm literally just winging it instead of having an actual plan in mind unlike with my other fanfics.

Just think of this as a fluffy AU fanfic that occasionally has moments of badassery and ass-kicking. Also, abandon any love of canon here, because you won't find any hints of the canon here.

And for your information, here's all the stuff that Taylor can "level up" on:

If you look through that link, they literally have every skill you can think of that you can level up on, from cooking to martial arts. With all skills maxed, a person could easily become ridiculously overpowered...

Taylor will also have access to most game mechanics, but not all. Having that much power In her hands, things should be appropriately chaotic as hell…
*cheesy evil laughter*


-- the Year 1978--

"Seriously, I don't think you should be gaming and flying at the same time. It's not safe, you know what they say about distracted flying. Do you even know where we're going?" The Warrior said to the Thinker.

If the Thinker had eyes, she'd be rolling her eyes right now. Alas, the two of them were merely crystalline eldritch abominations flying through outer space.

"Relax, Warrior. I have my path to victory shard tuned right now, and it's leading us to our destination. Here, you can check the trajectory path if you doubt me." The thinker said dismissively, as she went back to her life simulation game.

The thing about flying through outer space? It tended to take her kind eons, and it could get downright boring at times without some good old-fashioned conflict to go around. Thankfully, The Thinker came across a lone entity similar to herself and her eternal companion the Warrior. The Entity had called himself Abaddon for some reason that she honestly didn't care about, but he had suggested a gamer shard to keep her entertained should she get bored on her long trip. He noted that she didn't seem to have one as so many other entities had, and were willing to give her his gamer shard. However, he wanted some of her shards in return.

She had been somewhat interested in the idea… and hey, smashing their bodies against each other in a violent, conflict-driven dance sure broke up the monotony of space travel. So she saw nothing to lose here and had agreed.

After the dance of violence was over, The two parted away with their new acquisitions.

It was the best trade she had made because god damn was this gamer shard addictive and fun. The simulated conflict wasn't as fulfilling as the real thing of course, but it had been entertaining enough modding the gamer shard so that it suited her needs. She modified the gamer shard using her some of her simulation shards and Warrior's borrowed queen administrator shard, to run life simulations based on native lifeforms of the planet that they were going to arrive at. Just so that she'd have an idea on how to deal with the natives in avatar form.

She had intended to run it on free will mode and just watch what the simulated lifeforms would do when facing certain situations… but she had wound up amusing herself by mentally torturing the simulated lifeforms to death, mostly by removing doors and windows to watch them panic as they realized they were trapped without a source of food and drink. Although, her favorite part was making everyone in the simulation enemies and fight each other. There were just so many different ways to make the simulated natives hate each other. In a way, this was valuable data they were gathering here and they hadn't even arrived on the planet yet. It was giving her so many wonderful ideas….

"Alright. The trajectory path to our destination checks out." The Warrior reluctantly agreed.

"See?" The thinker smugly said, "I'm the thinker in our relationship for a reason. Never doubt me again."

The warrior sighed loudly. "I still think it's a bad idea to play that simulation and fly at the same time. You see what happened to other entities out there who flew while they were distracted? They died in horribly embarrassing ways! The elder entities had to make a whole PSA about it that they transmitted to everyone out there. Distracted flying is no joke, especially in outer space."

--later on, in 1981--

The Warrior sighed loudly as he stood by the Thinker's half-dead body.

"See, I told you… distracted flying is no joke! You don't text and fly, you don't play games while flying!" The Warrior grumbled loudly. "Just because I'm the warrior doesn't mean I don't have common sense, you know. Thinker… why didn't you listen to me??"

The Warrior held back his emotions, as this meant that the entire cycle and all the other cycles that they had planned were forever broken. And there was only one way to fix this, far as he knew.

Thankfully, the Thinker wasn't completely dead, so there was one thing he could do. He could sacrifice half of himself by merging with Thinker's body, and this way her body would be put on life support indefinitely.

Of course, this meant that he wouldn't be able to create an avatar of himself to interact with the natives as Thinker had planned for the two of them, but he didn't care. Saving what was left of the Thinker was far more important, even if it meant giving up who he was as a person. Besides, this way even if the two of them died during the end of the cycle, a new offspring would be created from their corpses. A Warrior-Thinker hybrid, if you would.

And of course, this new offspring would have all of their parents' memories, because that's how the entities' reproductive cycle worked anyway. The Thinker would be able to live again after a fashion that way, and so would the warrior. To him, this was acceptable.

He slowly and carefully sliced the Thinker's and his own body into multiple parts, and were methodically merging each bit together… until finally, they were like a two-headed beast… figuratively speaking.

Now that they were partially merged together, The Warrior was able to carry her off to a far more secure dimension where they would not be disturbed… and just in time too. It seemed that the natives of this earth were coming their way.

A very young Fortuna and her family looked puzzled as they saw something weird vanish into thin air. They only had gotten a brief glimpse of it, so they didn't know what it had been to start with.

Now that the Warrior-Thinker was relocated somewhere more secure, The warrior aspect went about setting up both his Path to Victory and his Queen Administrator shards so that they'd be able to work together in managing all of the shards while he hibernated.

He couldn't be too active right now since he was now doubling as life support for his mate… so naturally one needed an automated system that would keep all the shards running smoothly and make them go where they were needed.

As he was setting up the automatic system, and inspecting all of the shards that he was to send out, he couldn't help but run across the gamer shard, which was still running that life simulation game that Thinker had created to amuse herself. He sneered angrily at it… after all, this shard was at fault for causing his mate's critical condition to start with.

He angrily tossed it into the large collection of shards that the Admin shard and path of victory shard were to distribute evenly throughout all the selected Earths. He then told the Admin shard that since the gamer shard had been so harmful to his mate, that it should go to somebody who would cause the maximum amount of chaos and conflict to make up for the sin that it has committed against its owner. The Admin shard complied with his wishes and was already colliding with the path of victory shard to determine which human would be best to wield it.

Warrior scoffed slightly. With any luck that shard would be culled and destroyed completely when the end of the cycle came, considering that it seemed like such a useless shard to start with.

Satisfied with his setup, he went to sleep secure in the knowledge that he'd be reunited with the thinker in a new body when he woke up 300 years later.

--December 14th, 2010--

Taylor Annette Hebert couldn't believe her horrible luck. Why NOW??

She had been shopping for both her parents at the local mall when for some inexplicable reason the E88 had decided that the mall would make a perfect battlefield to vent all of their grievances with some minor hispanic gang that also had been there.

Taylor had been still in the process of trying to find the perfect gift for her mom since she had already found one for dad.

She'd find one for Emma too, but… well, tragedy struck two years ago in 2008. It seemed like Alan Barnes had met some guys while he was traveling in California for work, and they had been so impressed by him that they basically poached him away from the law firm in Brockton Bay by offering him better pay, better bonuses, etc. Naturally, this meant that Emma and the entire Barnes family would be moving away from Brockton Bay for good.

This meant that Taylor would lose the closest thing she ever had to a sister, and the two of them knew it despite all the assurances that the adults had told them. E-mailing and texting each other wasn't the same thing as hanging out in person at all…. As a result, their close friendship had started to fade away once Emma started making friends in her new school in California.

Emma just didn't have time for Taylor anymore now that she had her new life there. Well… Taylor didn't see the point in getting Emma anything anymore now that they were like strangers.

And to make things worse, Annette Hebert had very nearly died in a car accident that year too. It had been thanks to a nearby good Samaritan who knew CPR and other life-saving techniques that Annette had lived at all. But, her body had been so badly mangled in the crash that she needed physical therapy to be able to move at all.

God, that had been the worst year ever for Taylor. Just entire months full of sucky, horrible, no-good days. Thankfully Panacea had triggered not too long after that and had become… well, Panacea. They managed to get in touch with the healer after a while.

Thanks to Panceca, Annette Hebert no longer needed a wheelchair or even the endless hours of physical therapy. She was back to her old self, just like that. It was honestly a miracle.

But back to the situation at hand… was it really too much to ask that Taylor have a drama-free day shopping for Christmas gifts?? Apparently not.

She was cowering with the other shoppers behind some shelves in the local bookstore as the gangs engaged in a shootout with each other.

Everyone in the store shrieked loudly when stray bullets flew through the windows, shattering the glass everywhere.

Taylor gasped loudly when she felt a stray bullet hit her in the stomach, causing her to fall over.

The books fell off the shelves and landed around her as she started bleeding out. For some insane reason, she felt it was important to look at the titles of the books as she clutched at her bleeding stomach.

Maybe it was to keep herself calm, she didn't know. She let out a hysterical laugh when she realized that she had taken refuge in the self-help section, because every single one of those books was about life management, with titles like "How to stop chaos from taking over your life" and "How to free your family from a lifetime of clutter."

It was fucking ironic because she couldn't even help herself right now. All she could do was lie there helplessly because for some reason her legs didn't work right now.

Did the bullet hit her spine too? would explain why she couldn't move her legs.

She let out a stifled sob, as she thought about how her parents were going to react once they found out that she had died while shopping for Christmas gifts. Worst Christmas ever, amirite?

Oh god. She really didn't want to die. She had so much to live for… she wanted to be able to do everything in life while she figured out what she wanted to do with her life. Become good at art, writing, or whatever else. She wanted to become fucking skilled at absolutely EVERYTHING so that she could become anything she wanted to be in the future.

She sobbed loudly and screamed as she suddenly felt a long, drawn-out stabbing pain in her stomach. This was it… she was going to die for real now.
[ Trajectory.]

There was a bright green glow that engulfed her, and she felt the stabbing pain lessen. The pain was still there, but now it wasn't as bad anymore.


Huh. this was weird. Everything seemed frozen in time. She could see herself in the third person now, and dear god did she look like complete shit right now. Her skin was a sickly white color, and her perfectly groomed hair was now messy and matted against her sweaty forehead. Even her glasses were crooked on her nose. She looked to be in complete shock as she desperately clutched at her bleeding stomach.

Oh god, is this what they meant by having an out-of-body experience?

All of a sudden, a holographic screen popped up in front of her.

[Welcome to the Life Management game, where all sorts of crazy stories can be told in the game of life! I can see this is your first time playing, so I'll go ahead with the tutorial!]

Okay, what the heck was going on here? was this a dying dream?

[Sims have basic needs that need to be met. Right now, it seems like your sim is injured and requires basic aid! Luckily, it seems that there's a basic first aid kit located in another store nearby. Hover over there and drag it back here so that you can drop it into your Sim's inventory.]

Taylor didn't even know what the hell was going on here, but she wasn't about to argue with some random hologram thing if it could save her life. So she found herself floating through the wall right into the next store, where a glowing hologram arrow was helpfully pointing out where the first aid kit was. The store turned out to be a camping store, which carried everything from hiking boots, tents to fishing poles. And of course, first aid kits.

She was doubtful that she'd be able to carry something like that, now that she was like a ghost during her out-of-body experience. But to her surprise, once she touched the kit it glowed slightly, and she found that she was able to drag it back to the bookstore where her body was lying somehow.

[Now, tap on your sim to open her personal inventory, and drop the kit into there.]

Taylor had no idea what a sim was, but somehow got the feeling that it was talking about her. So she gently tapped on her prone body, and an interface popped up. The inventory interfaced actually reminded her of some RPG video games she had played in the past, save for the fact that there didn't seem to be a tab that showed what she was equipping on her body. Her inventory space showed the gift-wrapped box containing the tie she had gotten for her dad, and the amount of money she had. She dropped the first aid kit into the inventory and then stared at the inventory interface.

Uhh… now what?

[Now that the kit's in your inventory, tap on the kit, and a list of options should pop up.]

Taylor did as she was told, and there was a UI interface that gave her the choice to heal the body completely. It was the only choice right now, really. She tapped on that, and there was a bright flash of light.

Time moved again, and she gasped as she found herself back in her body. She could actually feel the bullet being pushed out of her body as it healed. It was the weirdest sensation ever.

Taylor sat up, as she realized that she no longer had a bullet wound. Everything felt real, and not some kind of dying dream like a part of her had initially thought.

……. Holy shit. Was she a parahuman now?? Or did she just hallucinate that whole thing?

"Somebody help! Mommy's bleeding!" She heard somebody sob in the next aisle, and without thinking, Taylor got up and somehow summoned the first aid kit into her hands.

She rushed over and found a crying black 6-year-old girl kneeling next to her mother, who had been shot in the chest. Thankfully, it didn't seem like the bullet had hit her heart and instead had hit her left breast. The girl's mom was visibly trying not to freak out, although there were tears in her eyes as she clutched at her bleeding chest.

Taylor knelt on the other side of the adult woman's body and opened up the first aid kit looking for anything that would stop the bleeding. She wondered if she should try to dig out the bullet first but then decided against that. She wasn't a doctor, so she might do more bad than good if she did that. There was still the sound of shooting outside the stores inside the mall, and Taylor sucked in a deep breath. What if another bullet came their way again?

"Okay, maybe we should help put your mommy in the back of the store where it might be safer? Carry the first aid kit for me and I'll carry your mom. Okay?" Taylor told the girl, and the girl simply nodded as she stared up at her with a fearful expression.

Taylor grunted slightly as she helped the black woman to her feet, and helped carry her all the way to the back of the store where other terrified customers were huddled together. In the process, the woman couldn't help but bleed out onto her.

Crap, this was a lot of blood. On the plus side, this was helping her cover up her own bloody shirt. Nobody would ask her why she had blood on her shirt when she was perfectly okay if she was seen carrying a visibly wounded woman.

She gently laid the woman down and called out to the other people in the back to help her apply first aid before the lady bled to death. A blonde teenage boy with a pinched, pale face around her age tentatively came toward her as Taylor helped the 6-year-old girl open up the first aid kit. Taylor then pulled out a gauze roll, some pads, and some adhesive tape. There was even a pair of small scissors in here, which were convenient.

"Here, put the pad over the wound first… apply pressure on it." Taylor told the boy, as she handed over the pad. She then unrolled out the gauze while the boy followed her directions.

"So… what's your name? Uh, you look familiar…" The boy stuttered a little bit.

Taylor raised her eyebrows. Was this boy seriously hitting on her at a time like this?? Talk about bad timing… and worse, the boy seemed utterly oblivious about this fact.

"Uh, I'm Taylor Hebert… You?" Taylor replied as she firmly wrapped the gauze roll all around the woman's chest so that it'd keep her from bleeding to death. Honestly, that was the only way she could think of to stop a chest wound, even though it seemed to smush the black lady's breasts together unnecessarily over the bloody shirt.

"Ah, fuck, that hurts!" The woman moaned, and Taylor couldn't help but flinch at this as she applied the adhesive tape.

"Just hold on… It'll be over soon, and then we can get you to the hospital. You can't die just yet." She tried her best to reassure the woman.

"Yeah, You can't die." the young girl next to her mother cried softly, as she held on to her mom's hand tightly.

[You just discovered both the persuasion skill and charisma skill! Currently, you're at level 0 for each skill so you're still not very good at it. But over time if you work on those skills, you should be able to easily convince anybody of anything you want them to believe. Good luck!]

Taylor waved away the holographic alert in front of her face like she was swatting at a fly. Nobody else seemed to see it as she did, which puzzled her slightly. and it vanished into thin air in time for Taylor to see the blond boy's eyes widen in recognition.

"Oooh! That's why your face was so familiar… I'm Greg Veder! I used to sit next to you in elementary school. Remember me?" The boy exclaimed excitedly.

Oh. So he hadn't been hitting on her like she initially thought? Well, that was good. And now that he mentioned it, she did remember him... vaguely. Man, it felt like an eternity since she was in elementary school.

"Which school are you attending now? Wait, that's stupid of me… you're obviously in Arcadia. I'm currently going to Winslow right now." The excitable boy blathered on as Taylor finished up the touches on The injured woman's dressing wounds.

There. The bandages weren't likely to come undone until the woman arrived at the hospital.

She then responded to Greg. "Wow, that's actually a pretty good guess. How did you guess that I was going there instead of Clarendon High or something?"

The funny thing was… Taylor had been initially planning to go to Winslow High School with Emma instead of going to Arcadia on the scholarship they gave her because Taylor wanted to stay at her best friend's side no matter what. But, because Emma moved to California, that plan hadn't panned out at all. Taylor then had no reason to go to Winslow anymore, and thus accepted the scholarship to Arcadia after all.

The boy chuckled, sounding somewhat confused. "Well, duh… it's where all the young capes go to, and you're obviously a cape yourself… so…"

Taylor genuinely felt and acted puzzled at this. "Wait, how are you so sure I'm a cape?"

Greg looked even more confused than usual, and he just pointed at something over Taylor's head as he said, "That glowing green thingy over your head?"

Taylor laughed nervously. "What are you talking about?"

Despite herself, she slowly looked up… and sure enough, A glowing green crystal was hovering over her head. And what's worse, people besides herself clearly could see it too.

WHAT THE HELL?! People couldn't see the holographic user interface that had popped up in front of her face earlier but they could see the large green crystal hovering over her head?? How the hell did that make sense at all??

Taylor frantically grabbed at the crystal over her head in a poor attempt to hide it, but apparently, the crystal wasn't even a solid object despite looking like one, because her hands clipped through it like it wasn't even there. Oh, that was just fucking great.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" She couldn't help but yell.

Greg seemed intrigued by this, and he waved his hand through Taylor's crystal too. "Huh. That's neat. You honestly didn't know this was over your head until I pointed it out? Oh, shit…. you must've triggered just now!"

She just groaned loudly as the rest of the customers in the store stared at her. That was just great... outed instantly by having a very public trigger like this? So much for a secret identity.

Author notes:
End of chapter one.

So you have it. Eden accidentally made herself brain-dead because she was too busy playing the sims on the gamer shard instead of paying attention to where she was going.

Here's a word from our resident entity.

(The warrior entity floats into the scene and then turns to face you.)

Warrior: "Distracted driving is equally bad as drunk driving. Remember to put away your phones and your games while you're in charge of a vehicle… otherwise, you're liable to get into a really nasty accident that could leave you brain-dead. This is your safety PSA for the day. Thinker…. she didn't listen to me and see what happened to her! Why didn't she listen to me? WHY???"

(The warrior breaks down sobbing)

(The scene is abruptly replaced by a static image with words that reads: "Technical difficulties. Please stand by.")
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Chapter Two--Tutorial Run, part one
"Ugh, fuck my life," Taylor mumbled to herself as she plodded towards the bathroom.

Why did Christmas break not start earlier, instead of starting a week from now? She wasn't looking forward to going back to school with this… glowing thingy over her head.

She usually liked going to school every day, because Arcadia was one of the best schools in the area whose teachers managed to make most school subjects not only educational but fun and engaging. But here was the thing…. Before, she wasn't a parahuman… or at least, a highly obvious one.

She had a few school friends there, like Luna Stone and Chloe Cooper, But for the most part, she liked to stay in the background and were content to have most people ignore her. She didn't need to be popular, she was perfectly happy only having a few friends who she knew she could depend on, as opposed to having dozens of admirers who wouldn't be there for her when it mattered. Quality over quantity, as the saying went.

But now? Everyone at school was going to know she was a parahuman! And worse, they were having exams just before the Christmas break that was going to be part of her overall grades for the entire year. And since the school hosted plenty of known parahumans, they had a rule that parahumans couldn't skip out on exams without it badly affecting their grades… they couldn't use their parahuman status as an excuse to get away with anything unless it was to fight crime and stop diasters.

Of course, the school administration there was very understanding when her parents had phoned them and told them that Taylor had just triggered… but they were still very firm that her grades would still be affected for the year if she skipped the last exam of the year. They were willing to give her a break though, and give her a makeup exam in the next year.

But here was the thing… Taylor had a stubborn streak a mile long, and she didn't like the idea of her perfect school record being tarnished just because she needed time to deal with her… new powers. It didn't matter that they offered to let her take a makeup exam, later on, she didn't want her perfect attendance records and her grades to be affected.

After all, unlike the other kids there she was attending on a scholarship, and thus she needed a highly exemplary record to be able to get into any college she wanted. Being something of a studious nerd, this was extremely important to her. Especially so because her family wouldn't be able to afford to send her to college without a college scholarship. Her family wasn't exactly dirt-poor, they managed just fine… but they were a middle class rather than being well-off like the Barnes family or Luna Stone's family.

So…. even though she honestly didn't want to go, she had to go to keep her perfect record intact. Hence, the "fuck my life" comment.

She sighed loudly as she stood in front of the mirror and started brushing her teeth. As she brushed her teeth, her mind started wandering.

Her mind recalled what had happened two days ago after that mall shootout incident was over with.

With that glowing green thing over her head, she was pretty much out as a parahuman from the get-go, and apparently, she couldn't get rid of it at all no matter what she tried to do to it. It was permanently part of her from now on.

So naturally, she was discovered by the heroes at the bookstore after they had dealt with the gangs, and shortly after that, she was promptly escorted to the PRT building where she had to give everyone her version of what went down at the mall.

She described the out of body experience she had, how time seemed to freeze when she did that, and how she had managed to carry a first aid kit over to the bookstore to somehow heal herself fully. Taylor left out the part where some weird holographic screens were telling her what to do, though.

Having a presence in your head telling you what to do was never a good sign, even for parahumans with powers. And well, Taylor didn't want Miss Militia and the others to think she was crazy.

Thankfully, Miss Militia seemed mostly sympathetic and offered some therapist's service to her, which she declined. They didn't press her too much, but they did put her down for some powers testing a week from now, during Christmas break…. They were giving her time to come to terms with her powers, to give her a handle on it before she'd come in and show them what she could do. Miss Militia also implied very strongly that Taylor should think about joining the wards.

Seeing her parents again had been awkward though when her parents were told to come to pick her up from the PRT building. Her mom had cried when she learned that Taylor had triggered… and Danny was in shock over the fact that Taylor had very nearly died from a bullet wound. It wasn't bad enough that Annette nearly died in a car crash a while ago, and now Taylor too??

It didn't help that Taylor had tried to lighten the mood by cracking an inappropriate joke about how Heberts had all the luck, both good and bad. As in they had the worst luck to get into situations like that. But also some really good luck to escape a close brush with death.

It had fallen flat because the joke caused both of her parents to burst out sobbing as they hugged her while she sat there awkwardly… but hey, she unlocked a comedy skill that she could level up in. So there was that.

She was currently at level zero for comedy skills though, which explained why she was so bad at it.

After that, her parents seemed to tiptoe around her awkwardly at home as if she were some fragile thing that'd break if they as so much breathed on her. Parahuman triggers were supposed to be highly traumatic experiences in themselves… which is why Miss Militia had offered her the services of a therapist in the first place.

She wanted to tell everyone that she was perfectly fine now, but she wasn't sure if they would even believe her. It was the oddest thing though… she didn't even feel the slightest bit traumatized at all. She did wonder if she was dissociating from the situation, but for some reason, her powers told her that it was because of something called the [Gamer's mind].

[Gamer's mind] was something that negated any ill effects, such as Trauma and PTSD, on the players who played whatever game they were playing. Yeah, that was the weird thing… her entire powerset was based around some kind of game? And a life simulation/life management game at that, no less. Which was so freaking weird.


Taylor spits out the remnants of her toothpaste into the sink and rinsed her toothbrush before finally reaching for the mouthwash. She gargled some of that, before spitting it out.

She then reached towards the bathroom mirror, where she stashed her hairbrush and some medicine she had stored away there in the past. She tapped on it twice to get the mirrored cabinet to open, and--

What the fuck!!

She suddenly found herself standing in a blue void with dozens of UI menus popping up around her. There was a giant mirror on the other end because she was staring directly at herself as if she was in third-person mode. She sighed loudly… was this another aspect of her weird gamer powers or something?

[Welcome to the customization menu, where you can configure your sim all you want! Double-tap on anything if you want to learn more about their functions.]

Huh. Wait, is this what she thought it was? Could she alter her appearance to be anybody she wanted to be? If so, that meant she had changer powers… albeit a very weird one. And it seemed like those changes were permanent until the next time she changed herself if she was reading the situation correctly.


To say she was somewhat conflicted would be an understatement. After all… she, like many other teenage girls out there, often had issues with her self-image. Even though she had friends who kept on telling her that she wasn't that bad looking, she couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with the fact that her mouth seemed a little too large on her, the fact that she had thin lanky legs and arms, etc. She cut a boyish figure thanks to the fact that her breasts were so small that she might as well be flat-chested.

The fact that she could change herself now… well, it seemed like a godsend.

But on the other hand, if she changed herself too much would her parents and the people at her school even recognize her? She'd have to go through the trouble of changing all her school ID cards, and so on forth…. That'd be such a pain in the ass.


Oh hell, she was going for it! If she wanted to look like a supermodel, there's nobody here to stop her! Her parents would just have to deal with it if they didn't like it. She hastily grabbed the boob slider and pushed it to the very end of the bar, which turned out to be a huge mistake.

Taylor fell over, as her sense of balance was thrown off by the sudden weight on her chest and her face ended up smacking against the hard floor.

Ouch, that had hurt like hell! Okay, maybe she shouldn't have been so hasty like that… and why did nobody tell her that boobs weighed so much? She felt like she was lugging around a bunch of heavy sandbags strapped to her chest.

She grunted loudly as she got back up to her feet, and wobbled a little bit on her feet as she tried to get used to the new weight on her chest. It was around this time that she managed to look at herself in the large-sized mirror.

Taylor stared at herself sporting what was a pair of massive, large DD breasts under her straining shirt. Ugh… that was not a good look for her. It was just awkward-looking on somebody like her. As if she had overdone it on breast implants and didn't know when to stop.

Her new breasts were practically the same size as her entire torso, and felt like they weighed as much as two heavy sandbags… each. Plus, her back was starting to ache from trying to carry those around. No wonder why some women opted for breast reductions!

She grabbed the slider again, and slowly scaled it back. Her back practically cried out in relief as the giant DD breasts slowly disappeared, to be replaced by a pair that were a B-cup size instead of the old A-cup she usually had.

She let out a sigh of relief. There, that was so much more reasonable. Now it looked like she had grown into those breasts naturally instead of getting implants… nobody would think twice about a growing teenage girl going up a cup size, after all.

She then eyed the rest of the body slider, remembering not to be hasty with those like she had been with the breast slider. There was such a thing as too much of a good thing, after all.


It felt like two hours had passed by, even though her power assured her that all of the time was frozen now. But Taylor couldn't help herself… she had gotten so lost in exploring all the options she had now, from her body shape to the new magical wardrobe she had. She could even give herself wings if she wanted. Sadly those wings were merely for show, from what she could tell. She couldn't fly on those unless she somehow unlocked what the game powers called a "life state"... whatever that meant. So she opted to not wear any of the wings for now.

But right now… Taylor looked as if she had visited a highly luxurious spa that had magically cured her of all her acne problems, gave her muscle tone overnight, and so on forth. She now had abs on her stomach! Which was doing wonders for her self-esteem?

She hadn't changed her face much though, because she still wanted everyone to be able to recognize her. Instead, she had opted for some nice makeup that made her look airbrushed despite not being into that sort of thing normally.

Taylor had to confess that she also had way too much fun playing with all the color options as well. She could give herself blue skin and neon pink hair if she wanted, and so had messed around with that some. She knew that her parents would freak out though if she had intentionally gone for that look. Plus, she didn't exactly want blue skin anyway… she was just messing around because she knew she'd be able to revert to her old look.

Also, during that process, she had managed to see some of the "traits" that she had been given by her powers.

It seemed as if Her lifetime wish was to be a "Renaissance sim", meaning that she wanted to be highly skilled in plenty of things. Which sounded about right, considering that was what she had been thinking about when she nearly died at the mall. So figures that it would end up being her lifelong aspiration. She could change it if she wanted, but truthfully, she didn't see the point.
The other aspirations like "Successful lineage" and "Master Chef" did nothing for her, although the "Fabulously Wealthy" and "Mansion Baron" ones did make her briefly pause for a few seconds. Having that as a goal did seem tempting… but in the end, she decided to stick with the one that her power had assigned her to.

Her other traits were: Bookworm, Good, and Supernatural Fan. Apparently, there were more slots that she could put more traits into, but her powers informed that since she was a teenager and not quite an adult yet, she could only have three instead of four like many adults typically did. However, she could buy more traits down the road once she earned some… points?

The whole "buying with points" weirdness aside, It seemed that those traits influenced who she was as a "Sim". The Good trait simply meant that she liked it when people did good, were more likely to be heroic, etc. Bookworm was self-explanatory. The supernatural fan, on the other hand, seemed to be another way to say that she was a cape geek. As the information UI box put it:
"Supernatural Fans love everything having to do with Supernatural Sims, be they vampires or werewolves or witches or whatever! They like to hang out where Supernatural Sims hang out, and they always have something special to say when meeting a Supernatural Sim face-to-face. They intuitively know what to say to become fast friends with Supernatural Sims."

Which was kinda true. Truth be told, it seemed as if she was already most of those things anyway long before she even had her powers… so it felt like not much has changed about her. And, she was reluctant to change those traits into something else… what if she altered who she was as a person so much that people around her no longer recognized her?

There was something fundamentally creepy about that… to change herself so much that she just stopped being Taylor Hebert and became a total stranger walking around in Taylor Hebert's skin. Eew. So naturally, she opted to leave her traits alone forever, never to touch them. Even though she was sorely tempted to change the "supernatural fan" trait to "Genius" instead. Any boost in her intelligence they'd just assume was part of her power, right? But on the other hand, that part about intuitively knowing how to become friends with other parahumans did sound very handy too. She'd have to leave that alone for now.

So instead she went to play around with her planned wardrobe some more because you could plan out entire outfits and looks around special events, etc. her power had helpfully informed her that she could easily switch between outfits any time in an instant… which made for some really interesting options. She could create a cape outfit, and then switch over to that in an instant whenever there was a crime occurring. All she needed was a phone booth or something like that… heh.

Not that she needed to do a secret costume change, considering that the blasted glowing crystal over her head pretty much outed her from the start. Still, it might be nice to be able to show others that you meant business right now, and when you were on your days off as a cape… hmm.

Eww. there was a costume category, but all of the costumes were…. Silly. There was a hot dog costume, a bunch of Llama-themed ones, some clothes strongly resembling those Star War characters from Earth Aleph, Fairy-themed ones, witch costumes, and so on forth. She had an entire Halloween catalog worth of costumes in here… but… she didn't want to wear any of those.

Maybe she could try to create a costume from scratch in here somehow? They did have this neat feature where you could apply any patterns or colors to all the fabrics on the clothes here, which was cool.

But here was the problem… all parahumans' costumes tended to give a hint about what the parahuman could do. She could go for a plant-like costume, but that probably would just confuse people who expected her to have plant powers. What could she do other than level up skills in things like comedy and charisma? Maybe she could gain skills that made her seem like a tinker or something? And then there was that time stop power thingy she could do whenever she had an out of body experience.

She then glanced upwards at her floating crystal, and that was when she got an idea.

Minutes later, she couldn't help but feel discouraged again once she saw that she couldn't turn any of the clothes or costumes into a sparkly green version…There weren't even any sparkly crystalline stuff here for what she had in mind. She looked like she'd have to create it from scratch instead of depending on her powers for everything.

At least on the bright side, she had learned a little bit more about her power and what it could do… plus, she had given herself a makeover that she was happy with. Too bad she couldn't do away with her nearsightedness though… going without glasses would've been nice.

Content with this, for now, she willed herself into exiting the customization room, and she found herself back in her bathroom neatly dressed in her new clothes. She walked back into her room to look at her clock and was satisfied once she saw that no time had passed, as she thought.

She still didn't want to go back to school as an outed parahuman, but oddly enough she was feeling so much better about the entire situation now. Might be a confidence boost from giving herself that makeover, maybe? She kind of did want to show off her new body to her friends.

In fact… she was feeling very, very confident right now.

"Taylor, it's time for breakfast!" Annette called out from downstairs.

She then walked downstairs, wondering how her parents would react to her instant makeover. She didn't feel nervous though, feeling somewhat confident that her parents would like her new look.

Dad merely blinked at her as he noticed her coming towards the dining room table. Annette was still at the stove, moving the food into a plate to carry over to the table. However, as she turned around with the food in hand she had a double-take as she saw Taylor.

"So… I discovered this morning that I could alter my body slightly. Removed my acne, gave myself a toned body amongst other things. What do you think?" Taylor grinned weakly.

Annette was the first to recover, as she walked over to the table with the breakfast foods. "Looks good, sweetie. Did you get that top at the mall? I don't recognize it."

Danny just shook his head but said: "I can't get over how you look more like your mother over here every day. For a second there, I thought you were her body double until I noticed that glowing plumbob over your head."

Annette just smiled at this.

"Plumbob?" Taylor wondered.

"Eh, it was a thing before your time... or mine, really." Danny explained with a smile, "It's an ancient tool that was used to ensure that buildings and other things were kept level. The way your crystal bobbed and kept itself level no matter how much you moved... it made me think of that, that's all."

As the eggs and bacon were evenly distributed amongst everyone, Annette cleared her throat.
"Honey… are you okay? It seems a little too soon to be going back to school." She asked with a slightly anxious expression on her face.

Danny nodded. "You haven't gotten the hang of your powers yet. It might be a good idea to just take a break…"

"Come on, dad. Mom, you know I don't want my perfect record tarnished just simply because I triggered or some bullshit like that." Taylor groaned as she gave her parents her patented puppy dog eyes.

"Language, Taylor!" Annette said, before sighing and adding, "I do understand where you're coming from though. I was the same way when I was your age. Still…. It's been only a few days. I know you keep on saying you're fine, but it seems like you got over it awfully fast… a little too fast, in my opinion."

Taylor let out a gusty sigh at this. She was honestly fine… thanks to [Gamer's Mind]. But how could she explain this to her parents, without freaking them out? Telling them that there was an aspect of her powers that allowed her to block any emotional trauma from affecting her… She was pretty sure that her parents were gonna think that wasn't healthy at all, and send her off to see a therapist right away.

Although… she might pick up a few new skills if she saw a therapist? She seemed to pick up new skills to unlock the more she interacted with people. Actually… this might be the perfect answer to get her parents off her back, as well.

"How about this? We all can go see the family counselor…. That one that we were seeing after mom had her accident? She helped us cope with what was going on when mom was crippled. I know we didn't need to go after Panceca healed mom… but.." Taylor said, just having thought of that.

Annette looked thoughtful. "Huh. well… that's not a bad idea actually. Mrs. Campbell was certainly helpful to us all during those difficult times."

Annette then looked over at her husband Danny, who nodded.

"Uh.. well. I suppose I am a little bit upset by what's happened lately. I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around, I suppose it might be helpful to have somebody to bounce my thoughts off." he said.

"Just as I thought. You guys might be more freaked out about this than I am. And I'm guessing that you're freaked out over the fact that I aren't as freaked out as you are?" Taylor replied.

Her parents paused at this, and then they reluctantly nodded.

[Charisma skill went up by 1 level! Before it was zero, now it's level 1. At level 1, you're able to make a good impression on your first try when greeting a sim for the first time. Also, the higher your charisma, the more you'll be able to persuade others to see things from your viewpoint. Reach level two to unlock more interactions!]

Annette couldn't help but smile. "When did our daughter become so… insightful?"

Taylor scoffed. "You're both my parents. I know you guys like the back of my hand… it's only natural that I'd be able to suss out what was bothering you guys. And I'll be honest with you guys… it's not that I'm not bothered by the fact that I almost died. A part of me is still freaked out over that, okay? But… I'm not gonna let that one moment rule my entire life. I refuse to let it define me. That's why I've been acting as if nothing's wrong. Ya know?"

Danny relaxed slightly at this. He then chuckled. "She is really like you in a lot of ways, Annette."

Annette rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. She remembered all too well when she tried to keep up a positive front, acting as if everything was fine after the car accident… even though she was secretly freaked out over the fact that she might not walk again. She just didn't want to upset her family any more than they already were… so she just choose to bottle it up… which hadn't ended well. After her epic meltdown months later, everyone was forced to admit that they needed to see a therapist.. And not just the physical therapist she was seeing to regain mobility in her upper torso. Everyone in the family was emotionally scarred from that one accident and Annette had it worse out of the entire family because she was the one who wouldn't be able to walk again… or so they had thought at the time.

Thank god for Panacea. Truly, that young girl was a godsend to everyone in Brockton Bay. The moment when she could walk again was one of the happiest moments in her life. It seemed as if Annette and her family couldn't stop crying tears of happiness that entire day.

And now Taylor was taking cues from her in how to repress her feelings after a crisis occurred...that isn't exactly a good thing. But at least her daughter at least learned enough to understand that it wasn't exactly healthy, that they might need to go see a shrink again. Ah well.


Taylor acted as if the stares and whispers weren't bothering her, but deep down she felt like she was dying of embarrassment.

She walked to her locker, and then whispered, "damn, fuck…" just to get it out of her system.

"Taylor, is that you? What's that over your head?" Luna Stone wondered as she appeared at Taylor's side.

Taylor turned to face one of her friends with a weak smile. "Yep, it's me. I, uh… triggered over the weekend. Surprise, I'm a parahuman now. I can't exactly turn this thing off… so I have no choice but to be outed like this."

Luna widened her eyes at this. It seemed as if she was one of the few human beings who knew what it took for somebody to trigger. "Oh no!"

Taylor couldn't help but smile at Luna's reaction. She was always so empathic and knew what the right thing to say all the time to make somebody feel better. Any other teen would've thought that Taylor got blessed and was gonna live it up like a celebrity now or something… But Luna knew how sucky this was for her right now.

She idly wondered if that was in part to Luna's upbringing. You see, her parents were a bunch of hippies who owned this health food chain across the state where they sold alternative foods at outrageously expensive prices for the rich and food snobs out there. Also, they owned a single spa in Brockton Bay as well. To some other hippies, they might have viewed The Stone family as traitors selling out to the man or whatever, but it seemed as if they still held on to some of the hippie outlooks despite profiting off the consumerism lifestyle.
Which explained why they named their daughter Luna.

It was how Luna was able to afford to come to Arcadia despite not having a scholarship and all that. Although, Arcadia wasn't as ridiculously expensive as Immaculata High… so it's not like it was an exclusive rich kids' school like Immaculata usually was. They just had ridiculously high standards on who they let attend their school, and for good reason. It was the only school where the majority of underaged capes attended, and they were open about that fact. So naturally, all the normal people wanted to send their kids there too in the hopes that it would rub off on their kids… without really understanding what it took for a cape to trigger.

The ironic thing was… she had been just a normal student for the longest time, and now she was a cape. Maybe there was something to that theory that powers were contiguous. heh.

The bell rang, and Taylor sighed.
"Well, once more into the fray," She said to Luna as they walked towards their classroom.


Author notes:

So some info about my sims game system in this fanfic. I'm going for a mixture of Sims 3 and Sims 4 with all of the expansion packs put together since those are the games that I'm the most familiar with. This is just going to be my take on the entire Sim series, riffing on how weird the game can be at times without it being from a highly specific game.

It also means that there's going to be a LOT of Traits out there, etc, that Taylor'll learn about at one point. And she'll learn all about life states, both temporary and permanent… :)

Basically, each person had they been in the sims, would get four traits-- three positive ones and one negative one to balance things out.

But because Taylor's a teenager, she only gets three and none of the negative traits yet. Lucky her.

In case you're wondering, The Hebert family's sim traits, which I did just for fun:

Danny Hebert-- Family-oriented, Handy, workaholic, and hotheaded.
Lifetime goal: Successful Lineage -" This Sim wants to have a family that succeeds in life!"

Annette Hebert--Nurturing, Outgoing, Brave, and Rebellious.
Lifetime Goal: Super Parent - "This Sim wants to be the best parent ever!"

Oh, and some of Taylor's new friends and associates in this fic was actually inspired by my sim-taylor's friends that she made in sims 4. Just so you know.
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Chapter three--Tutorial Run part two
-- the Year 1981--

If Queen Administration had a mouth, it'd be frowning slightly as it created and wove a highly complex series of networks that allowed her to be constantly connected to key shards that would let her direct and control the other shards towards their hosts in a highly effective manner, as well as process the raw data that she got from them.

That part was coming along swimmingly, so that wasn't the problem. The problem was, the precog shards she connected constantly came up with possible futures… even alternate ones that were no longer possible because the Warrior had located Thinker's body right away and had relocated her to a safer, secure place before humans could find her. So as a result, there was no such thing as a Cauldron organization anymore.

Now the only possible futures there was had way less conflict, and much fewer data to collect as a result. That was because there was no avatar overseeing things, or anything else like the endbringers that would guide the humans into plenty of conflict-driven scenarios like they had done in one possible future.

Queen Administration pondered this problem. Warrior and Thinker weren't up to creating an avatar for this earth anymore, and the Endbringers' real purpose wasn't to generate conflict, it was to clean up all the messes across earths after the Warrior and Thinker were done with Earth. Thus, they all needed to save their energies so that they'd be able to fulfill their true purpose once they reached the 300-year mark. Although…. Now that Queen Administration thought of it, It wasn't against the rules to select one of the endbringers and reprogram one of the endbringers to act as an avatar and an overseer of this latest cycle. After all, they had roughly twenty of those things… it was plenty enough that grabbing using one to act as the avatar wouldn't hurt things in the long run.

Path of Victory even agreed with her, stating that doing so would create the best path to causing plenty of conflicts stretched over 300 years until it was time to activate all the endbringers. So she collided with the path, as they scanned over each sleeping Endbringer to see which ones would be well-received by the public…

--December 2010--

Taylor was finally starting to get used to all the people staring at her.

It helped that she was often distracted by unlocking so many new skills just by going to classes. Chemistry class unlocked the chemistry skill-set, Computer class unlocked two skills such as programming and social networking, and so on forth. She had even managed to get to level one and was halfway towards level 2 for some of them, according to her stats.

And throughout it all, she was starting to get a grasp on what her powers were like and what she could do exactly. Considering that her powers seemed centered around some life simulation game and that her powers seemed to think that she was a "sim person"... she supposed the goal here was to get her leveled up in every skill imaginable out there so that she'd be able to become anything she wanted to be. Which seemed easy enough to do?

Although she did wonder what kind of game her powers were based off. Was there an endgame that she was supposed to reach for, or were it simply open-ended and went on forever?

She had vague memories of playing similar games before, like this one where she was supposed to raise a girl into a princess, the ultimate goal of the game. It was called "Princess Maker" if she recalled it correctly. Taylor always wound up getting different endings instead of that one perfect ending though, like where her virtual child became the ruler of hell or become a Queen instead of a princess. The game's endings would always criticize her for not going for the perfect ending, which never really made much sense to Taylor at the time. She could understand the game getting angry for raising her fictional daughter to be the ruler of hell as seeing that was one of the many immoral endings, but getting upset over the fact that she was a normal human queen in one ending? After all, a queen was ranked higher and had so much more power than a princess did.

And then there were other games, like "Little computer people", that had no real endings at all and were open-ended in that there was no real win or lose conditions… you could just fool around and do whatever as you pleased.

She kinda hoped that her powers were based on something open-ended, because it would suck if she somehow triggered some kind of win or lose condition that lends to the end of this so-called "game". What would happen then?? So many disturbing possibilities...

She would rather just make herself highly skilled in everything at her leisure, without worrying about what kind of "ending" she was gonna get. Much less stressful to think about, yeah? Although being a queen or the ruler of hell did sound kind of interesting… heh.

She was currently in Social studies right now, and they were covering the topic of parahumans and how they had affected recent history so far. She hadn't unlocked any skills for this class yet so far, which was kind of disappointing. Imagine being so skilled at history and social studies that she didn't even need to study for it anymore. It would've meant less school work for her in general.

"So can anybody tell me who was the first Parahuman to appear?" Mr. Kleinman was asking the class, as he scanned the room for anybody who had raised their hands.

Several hands shot up into the air, and he picked a kid in the front row by pointing at him.

The teen boy piped up. "That's easy, sir. Everyone knows that it's Herald."

Many students nodded at this. You had to be living under a rock if you didn't know about Herald, and how she had first appeared in New York as a giant angel with a dozen wings in the year 1982. Many had seen it as a sign of the times, or proof that their god existed, etc.
However, Herald had expressed the fact that she wasn't an angel but a human who had been empowered somehow, and that there would be more to follow… and sure enough not too long after she appeared, more parahumans started appearing across the entire world… everywhere from China to Mexico.

Afterward, Herald had shifted her size so that she was the size of an average woman, even though she still retained her wings and pale skin. Nowadays she wore a silk sky blue dress with a large golden eye symbol over her chest and a pair of matching silk blindfold over her eyes. The blindfold was because she was naturally blind, although she now could "see" via paranormal means.

She was famously known as the first grab-bag cape, as well-- she had flying, telepathy, telekinesis and precog powers. Everything she foresaw often turned out to be true and accurate down to the tiniest detail, and as a result, the President of the United States and many other various important people were known to consult her from time to time, even if the result of her visions weren't exactly what they wanted.

She was also one of the founders of the governmental superhero organization, the Protectorate and its non-superpowered counterpart, the Parahuman Response Team.

The boy was repeating all of this from memory, and the teacher nodded approvingly.

"That's correct. Now, can anybody tell me how parahumans changed the way the laws were made…?" The teacher asked, and there was silence and a lack of hands at this.
The teacher just smiled, as he continued the lesson. "In 1989, the first laws concerning parahumans came into existence…"

As the teacher droned on, Taylor found herself discreetly fiddling with her UI interface which was invisible to everyone else. She did so by looking down at her table and pretending to be writing notes in her notebook. She brought up the "bar" that had icons and other things on it. It reminded her of the taskbar on a computer, because that's what it was, in a sense.

For some reason, there was a self-portrait of herself to the far left of the bar, which also showed what she was feeling and her emotional status. Currently, she was fine and there was a neutral expression on her portrait. There were a bunch of thought bubbles over her portrait's head, which she hovered over.

Huh. Those were whims and wishes? One wish/whim had her wanting to level up some more in some skills. That one was reasonable, but that couldn't be said for the others. Buying a pool for her home?? And flirting with somebody??

Uhhh…. Taylor was pretty sure that she never had any secret desire to have a pool in her backyard. Or to flirt with a random person. No. Just no. Thankfully it seemed like she could cancel those whims and have them replaced by something more reasonable.

She then silently asked the system why those whims existed in the first place. It was then that the tutorial menu explained to her that by fulfilling the whims, she would then earn points which she could use to buy things in the rewards store.

Rewards store?

The tutorial menu then created a helpful arrow pointing at a star-shaped icon on the right side of the menu bar, which Taylor tapped on. It turned out to be the tab that held her progress toward her lifetime wish to become a renaissance sim. There were even some helpful tips and progress within on how to achieve that wish, and so on and forth. Inside that tab though, there were two small round buttons to the with a gift box icon and a tiny star icon.

She clicked on the giftbox one, and the rewards store popped up.

Huh. there was a lot of interesting stuff in here… although a lot of those things demanded a lot of points in return. 10,000 points so that she didn't need to bathe, eat or sleep ever again? Those emotion potions were way cheaper but still demanded 100 points. Yeah… she didn't foresee herself ever needing anything from the rewards store. Even though that one trait that allowed her to get free stuff forever did sound tempting.

She closed the rewards store and her aspirations tab and glanced up at the teacher to see if he had been saying anything interesting in the last few minutes.

"... of course, critics of the newly created parahuman law at the time, claim that those laws were designed to create more villains than heroes. The creators of the laws did not intend for that to happen and greatly disagreed…" The teacher was saying.

Uh. that sounded very interesting. She'd have to ask for notes on what he was talking about after class.

She then sat up straight, vowing to pay attention to the rest of the class.


It was now lunchtime, and Taylor was sitting at a table with her two friends, Chloe and Luna.
"Dude, that's crazy," Chloe replied once Taylor told her and Luna the part about how she had nearly died by bleeding to death but had triggered instead.

While Luna looked like a relatively normal girl for somebody who had been raised by neo-hippie parents, Chloe was kind of the opposite.

She was both girly and punk rock all at once. Her blonde short spiky hair pointed in all directions, and the tips of her hair were dyed bright neon pink. She often liked to wear this leather pink vest that was studded with a dozen metal spikes on it over her black long-sleeved shirts, which she typically matched with a black and pink plaid skirt. Under that, she wore black shorts and fishnet stockings, and black stompers that had rainbow unicorn stickers on them. Her ears were adorned with glittery pink unicorn earrings.

Chloe always commented that she thought it was stupid that one apparently couldn't be allowed to like both girly stuff AND things like heavy metal, punk rock, etc. so she opted to defy the stereotypes and did her best to be both things at once.

Annette liked her a lot and tended to approve of her. She liked Luna too, but not as much for some reason.

Taylor just sighed and nodded at Chloe's words, because she honestly didn't know what else to say to that.

It was then that the three of them were approached by a certain parahuman blonde who was well-known for being part of an open parahuman family. They turned to see a grinning Vicky Dallon float over to them.

"You know, I never thought I'd meet an openly-out parahuman who wasn't part of my family." Victoria Dallon cheerfully said as she leaned on the cafeteria table.

Taylor chuckled weakly. "Well… I didn't exactly have a choice in that matter at all."

At Vicky's puzzled look, she then explained, "See this shiny Plumbob thing over my head? I can't exactly make it go away or anything like that. So it'd be rather difficult to be able to lead the double life that so many parahumans are known to do with this thing constantly outing me as a parahuman. So yeah … I just figured, why not pull off the bandaid as fast as possible? Just let everyone know that, yes, I got shot and bled to near death at the mall and triggered as a result. I'm a parahuman now, yay."

She said the last part very sarcastically.

"You know…" A peppy-sounding girl with light brown hair came over, "I'm starting to think that's a trend with that particular mall. I can't say who, for obvious reasons, but I happen to know somebody who got their powers under similar circumstances a few years ago. Granted, they saw somebody else being shot and then bleeding to death … but still. You'd think that mall would have metal detectors at every entrance by now, huh? Maybe I should have my father look into it… or better yet, why don't your mother look into it, Vicky? As a lawyer, she might be able to do something about it."

Victoria's mouth tightened at the other girl's appearance. "Amelia Lavere. How nice to see you."
The way she said it seemed like she felt the opposite.

Amelia just smirked. "Come on, Vicky. I've told you so many times before, you can just call me Amy. Just because our parents have their silly feud doesn't mean we have to be the same way. We're not cookie-cutter copies of our parents, after all."

Victoria smiled weakly at this. "Right…"

Taylor raised one eyebrow as she glanced between the two girls. It seemed as if there was some kind of history between the two…

But she supposed that wasn't any of her business to start with anyway.

Amy then turned to face Taylor and reached out to shake Taylor's hand. "Oh, as you've probably heard, I'm Amelia. But you can call me Amy."

Taylor took her hand and shook it. "Taylor Hebert."

Amy's expression turned thoughtful. "You must've gained a healing factor, eh? Otherwise, you wouldn't have survived a bullet to the stomach…"

Taylor thought of the strange way she had magically healed herself completely using an ordinary first aid kit in her inventory, although it didn't work the same way on others that it did on herself.
"Um, yeah. You could say that."

Amy smirked. "Knew it. Otherwise, you'd be in the hospital much longer. And you'd have to see Panacea too, I believe."

Taylor smiled. "Yeah. a good thing at that… although, I wouldn't mind seeing her again. I still haven't properly thanked her for saving my mother from decades of pain and therapy."

Amy raised one eyebrow. "Oh?"

Taylor nodded fervently. "Yeah. Years ago, my mom was in a really bad accident that took away her ability to walk…The doctors kept on saying she'd need decades of therapy before she could even walk again, and her spine was messed up too. But last year Panacea made it so that she'd be able to walk again. I… I was so overwhelmed at the time with happiness that I forgot to thank the healer for doing that."

Amy couldn't help but smirk at that. "Well, I get the feeling that she knows how grateful you are. It's not like she doesn't hear it from thousands of patients already, after all."

Vicky just rolled her eyes at this for some reason, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did she have a problem with Panacea for some reason?

"Right… um, I have to go back to my friends. I'm sure they're wondering what's holding me up." The blonde replied lamely, as she walked back to her table where her boyfriend Dean and some of her friends were waiting.

Amy nodded. "I need to finish up my lunch as well. It was nice meeting you, Taylor."

Taylor just merely waved at the retreating girls as she returned to her lunch and her conversation with her friends. It was only later that she finally wondered how the heck Amy had known that she had been shot through the stomach… she had never said where the bullet hit her after all.


The rest of the day went by quickly, and Taylor unlocked a few more skill sets like fitness and athletics, which she got in gym class.

Afterward, the teachers all reminded them about the upcoming exams that would be graded and affect their overall grade for the entire year and gave everyone homework to study so that they'd be more prepared for the exams that the students would have to take the entire week.

There was a lot of grumbling at this by most kids, but Taylor readily accepted her homework from most of the teachers without any complaining.

Chloe and Luna had their parents pick them up for some last-minute holiday shopping, so Taylor was left to ride the school bus home alone this time around. Not that Taylor minded, as it gave her time to fiddle around with her powers' interface thingy.

Before, She had been mainly focusing on her whims and wishes, and the rewards store. Now she was idly going through the other icons to see what else she could do. The icons on the right side of the bar UI she had were mainly to keep track of her progress, her needs, and her relationships with people. There was even one tab that kept track of all the skills she had unlocked so far… and uh, that was a lot of skills. She hadn't thought that she had unlocked so many skills until she saw them all neatly arranged in a list like this.

Her eyes strayed upwards to a small corner bar just above the right side of the bar, which had a large floating hammer and wrench icon on it. Next to the large icon, there was an arrow key set icon and a wall icon thing that let her see through walls according to her inner voice which was still guiding her through this tutorial.

There was also a video camera icon, and something called the notification wall. There was an icon with three dots on it too, but for some reason, that was greyed out and unavailable to her.

Come to think of it, there were smaller greyed-out two portraits of her parents next to her portraits on the left side of the bar… and it also kept on telling her that they were inaccessible as well.

Taylor mentally poked at her powers, asking it why it was like that.

[Greyed-out icons are because the game you're playing right now has been limited severely due to space problems. This game is usually played on a body with plenty of space and storage in the past, thus it allowed for save points and the ability to control more than one sim at once. My apologies, your body is severely limited right now so as a result, you won't be able to control more than one sim or save the game at any time you like. So if this lone sim you control dies… well, that's it. You won't be able to load an earlier save because of this. So take care of this sim if you like her enough to keep her around forever...]

Taylor raised her eyebrows at this. What... ? was it implying that if Taylor found a way to jailbreak her powers somehow, she'd be able to control her parents and everyone else around her??


She had a sudden vision of glowing crystals over everyone's heads, as they had vacant expressions on their faces… not even realizing that they were being mastered by the likes of Taylor Hebert. After all, the crystal over her head meant that she was a sim, controlling herself… so it stood to reason that if she controlled others, they'd have the crystal over their heads too. God, that was terrifying.

She suppressed a shiver at that thought. No way in hell that was ever going to happen. It suddenly made her glad that her parents' icons were greyed out and that she couldn't see their stats or anything like that. She didn't want to master her parents even by accident, much less anybody else.

It was a shame about the save point part though. That'd be one way to be able to travel backward in time… but instead, she could pause or fast-forward herself through time… which was so useless without a way back. The pausing time itself had some limited uses though. Hmm.

Pushing some of her more disturbing thoughts to the back of her mind, she then chooses to tap on the large icon with the hammer and wrench on it.

[I'm sorry, but you can't activate build mode here. You're on a moving bus and not currently on any lots you own, silly!]

Oh. so that's what it was? Hmm… uh, that weirdly made sense, she supposed. If her powers were emulating a life simulation game, then obviously there would be ways to manage and change the homes the sims lived in too. Although she had never been able to do that in Princess Maker or Little Computer people. Might've been based on some game that she had never played before.

It seemed as if she'd have to wait until she got home to try that aspect of her powers out.

She tapped on the up arrow on the arrow keys icon and was treated to a dizzying change in view as her sight was suddenly switched over to third-person view. Her sight-line was suddenly moved three stories high over the moving bus, and everything seemed to be wobbling and moving at a dizzy speed as it tried to catch up with the moving bus.

Ugh. was this what it felt to experience motion sickness?

Taylor hastily pushed the down arrow and sighed in relief when her eyesight returned to normal, and back to the first-person view.

Okay, she wasn't going to use that one often. To be on the safe side, she then had the helpful tutorial tell her about the video camera icon instead of trying it out herself.

[With this, you can record special moments in your sim's life! There's also a screenshot feature, if you'd rather snap pictures instead of recording video.]

Huh. That could be useful…. She wondered if she'd be able to transfer those videos and screenshots into a computer or something. This way she wouldn't even need a body cam on her should she decide to fight crime, because her powers came built-in with one.

There was no answer from the inner tutorial voice on that, so she chose to believe she could do that for now. After all, that would be so cool if she really could do that.


"Hey, honey. How was school?" Annette greeted her daughter as she came through the door. She was currently loading the dishes into the dishwasher.

"It was productive. Caught up on my schoolwork, and pretty much figured out what my powers were all about the more I interacted with people and attended my classes." Taylor replied.


Taylor was still hesitant to say her powers were based on a life simulation game, because it sounded so stupid even inside her head, so she said: "I seem to be a grab-bag cape, but it seems that my main power is to improve my skills in everything… and I do mean everything. I unlocked so many skills just by going to class. I'm level 2 in some of them now."

"And the other powers?"

"Let's see… stop time for a brief time and the ability to alter and improve any lots or buildings I own…"

Annette paused in her chores at the last part and turned to stare at her daughter. "What was that last one?"

Taylor smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, if I'm reading it correctly, I can pretty much turn any slum house into a mansion worth millions. But it has to belong to our family or be personally owned by me for some reason… so I can't exactly go and improve all the abandoned buildings, even if I wanted to."

There was a strange glint in Annette's eyes. "I wonder if you could fix some things around here with your power…?"

At Taylor's puzzled expression, Annette just rolled her eyes and explained, "One of the joys of being married… when your husband insists that he'll fix everything himself, but then those projects go unattended for weeks because he's too busy with work. I love your father very much… but honestly, that man… he can be too much of a workaholic sometimes."

Taylor couldn't help but let out a brief laugh at this. She had forgotten that mom had been a nagging dad to fix the front steps for weeks now. The steps had gotten so bad that everyone just used the side ramps regularly from now on instead of doing anything about the main steps.

When mom used to be paralyzed, dad had installed some handicap-friendly ramps on the sides of the stairs so that mom could get in and out of the house without too much assistance… mainly because he knew how mom liked to be independent. And now they were a permanent fixture of the house, even though mom hadn't needed them in a long time.

They mainly kept it that way because mom had reasoned that it was a good idea to have all homes be handicap-friendly and accessible even if most people weren't handicapped much anymore in Brockton Bay, thanks to Panacea.

Needless to say, spending a year and a half in a wheelchair had opened mom's eyes to how most places weren't handicap-friendly… even visiting the mall could be something of a chore for somebody in a wheelchair because there was no way to visit the upper levels without lugging the wheelchair up the stairs and having somebody carry her up there. She had kicked up such a huge fuss over it, that the mall now had an elevator thanks to her, despite only being two stories high. And let's not get started on older buildings like the library. The library was still stubborn though and refused to build a ramp citing the fact that it would ruin the historical building's aesthetic. Mom had ranted a lot about that back then, and it was still something of a sore spot for her.

"Well… I guess I'm about to try the build mode aspect of my powers out. Wanna come watch me magically fix the steps?" Taylor replied.

Annette smiled at her daughter. "Sure!"

Author Notes:
And thus the rails of canon go screeching off the path... let's see if everyone can notice all the changes I made to canon, here.

sorry for sandwiching the world-building bit with the boring parts, though. Having Taylor go through the tutorial, figuring out what everything did wasn't probably too much fun but I figured it had to be done so that Taylor could get down to having fun instead of constantly asking questions every other chapter.
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Chapter Four: Home Improvement
Danny blinked as he drove up the driveway. There was something strange going on here…

The street signs and the addresses on the mailbox were all the same. There was even the same old familiar Hebert family name on the mailbox itself.

But… the house in front of him looked significantly nicer than it was before. It had the same beige white paint color, but instead of the fading paint slowly peeling as it had been before, it looked as if it were freshly painted. Even the trim around the windows was a nice new dark red color, which contrasted with the paint on their house. The house shape and porch with the ramps on each side of the stairs was the same… but it was obvious that it had been altered somewhat, starting with the fact that the wooden porch, ramp, and stairs were painted the same red color as the window trimmings.

The house was also decorated with Christmas decorations, making it look like something out of a Christmas postcard. Even the roof's trim was covered in icicle Christmas lights. He or his wife had never bothered to do that before, considering that it'd be a total pain to climb ladders up there just to put up lights. Truth was, he and his wife had a secret fear of heights… so they didn't like climbing up ladders unless they had to.

And the porch steps were fixed, now that he looked closely. He slowly walked up to the door, the snow loudly crunching under his feet, because he still wasn't sure if this was his house. He blinked when his key fit neatly into the key slot and turned without too much trouble.

He let out a breath of relief when the insides of the house looked the same as ever, which meant this was their house. But, how did Annette have the time to do an impromptu paint job on the outside of their house… in winter? And most importantly, could they have afforded this?

"Honey I'm home!" He called out.

"In here!" Annette called out from the living room, so he moved to join her there. But he abruptly stopped midway through the doorway to take in the scene before himself.

The living room was completely transformed into something that looked like it came straight out of a Christmas painting. The dinky little tree they had gotten was now a towering large green beauty adorned with lights and other decorations. There seemed to be more gifts under the tree than usual, as well.

The large old entertainment center with the boxy TV inside it was gone and replaced by a fireplace with a large flat HDTV secured over it. Christmas stockings were hanging from the fireplace's mantle.

…… damn, that flatscreen TV was really large. A small side of him couldn't help but fall in love with that TV the moment he saw it. He always wanted something like that but had felt that his meeting his family's needs were more important than having a luxury like a big TV.

There was a lot of other things to look at, like the large green and red rug that took up a chunk of the room, and the new decorations on the walls. But, Danny opted to focus on his wife and daughter, who were doing something to the sofa now.

"Nah, that color doesn't work too well… maybe a nice cranberry color?" Annette was saying, and Taylor simply nodded.

Taylor briefly closed her eyes, and then in a split second the new sofa the ladies had been staring at went from a yellow cream color to a deep cranberry color. And, some matching recliner chairs had popped out of nowhere flanking the sides of the sofa along with a new coffee table. There were some Christmas-themed candles in the center of the coffee table too.

Annette simply nodded, as if this were all perfectly normal. "Perfect! Thanks, sweetie."

Dan just shook his head, relieved that he had figured out what was happening here.

"Exploiting our child's powers already, huh?" He joked.

Annette looked somewhat sheepish. "I couldn't help myself. Our daughter here not only had the power to improve herself by leveling in skills or whatnot…. But she could also improve objects by altering them? After what I saw what she could do with our house outside, I had the idea that maybe we could turn our living room into a picture-perfect Christmas room for that Christmas family photo we were gonna do."

Danny walked into the room and took a good look around. "Yeah, it's very nice."
He then looked at Taylor. "So… you turned the entertainment center into a Christmas fireplace, and made that boxy TV we had into a large flatscreen? Mind ya, I'm not complaining… it's just a little bit strange is all."

Taylor just shrugged. That wasn't exactly how her powers worked at all, but she didn't want to get into all the details with her parents just yet. She was still wrapping her head around the fact that her powers were game-based after all. "Yeah. I can change them back later if you want."

All the old stuff was apparently in her game's storage space now, since she hadn't "sold" them just yet.

He eyed the flatscreen TV. "Well… I'm not in a big rush to get rid of all this. Matter of fact, I wouldn't mind if we all sat down and watched some Christmas movies on this thing…"

His wife just smirked, as if she knew what he was thinking.


Her parents had set out the portable small tables that now held their dinner and some popcorn, and set it in front of their new sofa. And now, they were all settled in watching the Die Hard movie.

Taylor frowned slightly to herself, as she was more occupied with other matters right now.

She was having a hard time figuring out this whole simoleon money system thing her power had. You could "buy" furniture and build houses with a limited amount of funds, using fictional money like Simoleons.

But the weird thing was… When her dad came home, she had gotten a notification that Danny came home and had earned the Hebert family 560 simoleons today. Which made her wonder if real money was being converted into Simoleons.

She hoped not, because it'd suck if she was accidentally draining the family bank account all along. How her powers would even gain access to a bank account, she didn't know.

She wanted it to be something like dad unknowingly bringing her simoleons on top of the real Earth Bet money he made for the family. Not only would that be simple enough it'd make things so much easier for her.

But… what would happen if her parents discovered that money had gone missing from their funds though? Just the thought of that was giving her anxiety. After all, she would be in so much trouble if they ever found out…

After all, she had gone all out on this room and the outside of their house thinking that she was spending nothing but fictional money from a video game. She only had realized that something might be up when dad came home and she got this alert...

If that did happen, she just hoped that her parents would see the humor in this situation and not get too mad at her.

She knew she should say something to them now, but she couldn't bring herself to. After all, what kind of stupid power ate up money to give her nice stuff like this? It had been unheard of… until now.

The worst part was, Taylor had been frantically poking the tutorial mode voice to tell her about simoleons, and it couldn't tell her if real money was being converted into simoleons or not. Because apparently, it didn't know what the heck she was talking about.

Taylor sincerely hoped this meant that she was just overthinking things and that no real money was being used here.

Maybe she could just say nothing and wait to see if they noticed any unusual activity with the family's money? If they didn't say anything and didn't seem to notice… then it'd mean that Simoleons were in fact, just fake life simulation money… and they had only awarded her fake sim-money for doing stuff like going to their jobs. Because that was part of life simulation games even in older games like princess maker. Which would make sense, because Taylor was a teenager herself so she wouldn't be able to have a "real" job, just the typical chores and part-time jobs like slinging burgers at a burger joint? And now that she was outed as a parahuman, it'd become doubly harder for her to find a part-time job outside of the wards that would accept her.

So naturally, if she wanted to earn more fake sim-money, it'd have to be though her parents.


You know what, not saying anything and avoiding the issue completely seemed like the best idea right now. She'd just wait it out until she found out for sure which one it was.

Satisfied with that plan of action, she finally relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the Die Hard movie.

"You know, I can't get over how comfortable this sofa is. I feel like I'm sitting on a fluffy cloud." Mom commented as she snuggled into her husband's side.

"Well, I just went for furniture that had the highest comfort stats according to my powerset. It said this sofa was a ten on a scale of one to ten." Taylor replied, trying not to think about the fact that said furniture that had the highest comfort stats was also the most expensive one in terms of simoleons. It had cost her 1,200 in sim-money…. How much was that in American coins and dollars? Were there such a thing as a currency converter for fictional video game money??

Dad sighed loudly in contentment. The nicely decorated environment and the new sofa was getting to him and lifted his mood completely. "Oh yeah, it's a ten. Any chance you could improve our beds too? Come to think of it, it's been years since we got new mattresses too… they say you should replace mattresses every eight years if you value good health and whatnot."

Mom snorted. "In that case, ours are clearly expired. Wasn't our bed passed down to you from your parents? Granted, it's in pretty good shape… but it's gotten a little flat lately…"

Taylor mulled this over. She could stop this whole thing right now, by claiming that she had run out of energy or something… or, she could butter up her parents by giving them a bed so nice that they were instantly in a good mood every morning...this way they'd forgive her if it turned out that spending simoleons did use up real money. After all, it's the truth that she didn't know how everything worked exactly… they'd chalk it up to an honest mistake.

Well, she might as well go all in… in for a penny, in for a pound.

She smiled at her parents. "Sure, I can do that for you. Should I do it now, or wait until after the movie?"

Her parents honestly didn't want to get off the sofa right now… they were feeling too comfortable right now. So they both said almost at the same time, "Eh, later."

The three of them then relaxed as they enjoyed watching Die Hard on a big flatscreen.


The next morning, Taylor was somewhat baffled. She could have sworn that she had just gone to sleep, but it was already 6 am? It was like time just fast-forwarded when she went to sleep…

But at least her energy levels were maxed out because she felt like she had 18 hours' worth of sleep under her belt. It was thanks to her new bed. She didn't go for a king or queen-sized one like the one she had given her parents, so it was a simple single bed.
However, she had still gone for the one with the highest stats on it. The comfort on single beds wasn't usually in their tens, but she did find one that had its sleep rating maxed out at 10, so she had selected that one.

Feeling highly energized, she went to take a quick shower before getting ready for school.

Without really thinking about it, she found herself spinning around in one spot as soon as she stepped out of the shower, which caused her to instantly become dry and got dressed in that main default outfit she had put on the other day.

She blinked at this, and then just raised one eyebrow as she thought to herself: "Huh. that's handy."

But did she have to wear the same outfits every day or was there a way for her wardrobe to randomize things? Just liven up things a little bit?

She thought about that as she brushed her teeth, and when she was done she tapped on the mirror, which took her to the customization menu once again.

She then silently asked her power whenever she could set up more than one outfit for each occasion, and to her relief, the tutorial voice replied in the affirmative.

Unfortunately, though, she could only set up five outfits for each occasion in all the clothing categories… but that was still good enough for Taylor. That way she didn't look like she only had one set of clothes should she opt to take the sim way out by equipping clothes this way, instead of putting on clothes manually as everyone else did.
Besides, she wasn't gonna do it the sim way every day for anybody to notice that she only had five sets of outfits in each category.

Once she was satisfied with the five sets of clothes she had selected for each category, she exited the customization menu and went downstairs in one of her new outfits.

Her parents seemed to be in an extremely good mood as they made coffee and breakfast.

"Hey, little owl." Her father greeted her as soon as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the dining table, which already had plates set for each one of them.

"I've got to say this… The bed you gave us was something else. I can't remember the last time I had such a great sleep." Mom grinned as she brought over a family-sized plate of omelets and toast, and laid it on the table for everyone to take.

Dad nodded. "Yeah, I woke up feeling completely energized for some reason. For once in my life, I didn't even need coffee to perk myself up in the morning..."

He chuckled slightly at that last part, as he held up a mug. "Still having my coffee anyway, though."

Mom squinted at her suspiciously, as she asked, "You sure that those beds are normal? I just find it hard to believe that we could feel so good after a night's sleep without parahuman assistance."

"Err, yeah? I mean, sure, I created them with my powers but they should be normal beds…?" Taylor replied, looking slightly puzzled.

"Well, our old beds were pretty old… maybe we just thought a shitty night of sleep was normal, and now that we finally had a good night's sleep we think it's so unusual?" Dad wondered.

Mom smiled. "Well, either way, we're keeping the new beds. No way I'm gonna give them up now."

Dad simply nodded in agreement to this and drank his coffee.

Everyone then ate in companionable silence as they finished up their breakfast before it was time to go to school and work, respectively.
Taylor sighed loudly as she finished up her breakfast. "Well, time to face a grueling day of exams…"

Her parents looked at her sympathetically.

"You could've had just skipped on that when you had the chance, you know." Her dad said.

Taylor sighed loudly. "I know, I know. But you know how I get about my grades. How am I going to get a college scholarship with subpar grades? I can't afford my grades going down even if it was for good reasons."

After all, there was no way she was ever going to get into any college the normal way. They were still paying off some of the hospital and therapy fees from years ago. Buying hospital equipment for home use and installing the ramps so that their home would become handicap friendly had eaten up quite an amount of money too. And they hadn't gotten all of their money back when they resold all of that after mom got healed up.
And the last thing Taylor wanted to do was become a burden to her parents. She didn't want her parents going broke getting her into a good college.

Mom just shook her head. "I still don't think that the people who give out college scholarships would've been that picky about your grades, Taylor. You've been an A-plus student for years straight, I don't think they would pass you over just because your grades slid back to a B plus for one month. Considering the circumstances, I'm sure they'd understand."

"What Annette said. Also, you're still only 14 years old. You have plenty of time before you even think about college." Dad replied, "So why don't you just take this chance to relax and be a normal kid, eh?"

Taylor just shrugged at this. Her parents didn't seem to understand at all… and it's not like anything she said would change their minds.

So instead she just grinned as she said: "a little bit late to back out now, considering that I've been going to classes. Anyway, see ya!"

With that, she left the house to run down to the bus stop where her school bus was waiting for her.

Annette and Danny looked at each other with slightly worried expressions, and they reached across the table to hold hands with each other.

Being in that accident had changed plenty of things for the family… and it had also changed Taylor, as well.

When Annette became something of an invalid, she found that she couldn't do things that she normally did as the mother at first, such as cleaning the house, cooking and the like. She had to slowly relearn how to things all over again in a wheelchair. And worse, the university she had taught as an English professor at stated that while they were allowing her to come back after months of rehabilitation, they weren't going to give her paid time off.

So for entire months there while she tried to get used to being in a wheelchair, the entire family was forced to live on one paycheck… and it had taken a lot of mental gymnastics to try to make that last month by month.

So during that time, Taylor had chosen to take up most of the slack in household chores and the like and started cutting back her time on frivolous activities like going out to the movies with her friends because that usually cost money.

Annette and Danny had appreciated Taylor's help in a lot of things, but the two of them couldn't help but feel guilty. It was like Taylor had been forced to grow up way too fast, and worse they had allowed it to happen.

They had thought that after Annette had regained the use of her legs and had taken back her share of responsibilities in the household, that maybe Taylor would finally relax and go back to her old self, but that didn't seem to be the case here.

It had been roughly a year and a half ago since Annette returned to her normal self, but Taylor was still acting overly responsible for a child her age.

Frankly, the whole thing kind of sucked from their viewpoint. Granted, things could have been worse… Annette could've died in that accident and she knew it. She knew she was extremely lucky that an off-duty nurse had been nearby to help her. But still…. She couldn't stand the idea that her daughter's childhood was being robbed because life's problems got in the way of that.

And now her daughter was a parahuman too on top of that. What kind of pressure would that put on Taylor?

"Well, I'm off to work. Have a good day, dear." Danny kissed his wife on the forehead as he got up and went to get his jacket and keys.

Annette nodded in response and sat there looking thoughtful as she thought of what to do about Taylor's newfound parahuman status, and how to get her to relax and enjoy the rest of her childhood.

Author notes:
Taylor was just overthinking things... as usual. Her Sim-money account isn't directly linked with her parents' bank account, so she actually can't drain her parents' bank account. Sim-Money and Earth Bet money are two different things and have nothing to do with each other, which she'll be very relieved to learn later on.
Still, I couldn't help but have her sweat a little bit for a while there.

and yeah, this was kind of a filler chapter... The PRT power testing thing is next, so look forward to that. :p
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Chapter Five: PRT testing
The week full of exams went by in a flash before Taylor knew it, and now it was finally Christmas Break. A glorious week free of school and responsibilities leading up to Christmas Eve itself. And once the new year's eve was over, they'd return to school once again.

But for now, Taylor was happy to have the mini-vacation no matter how much she liked school. Exam week had been hell even on model students like herself, after all.

She just had one more thing to deal with before she could truly relax, and that was to go through the PRT testing she had agreed to weeks ago.

For some bizarre reason, they still insisted that she wear a makeshift mask when visiting the PRT building despite the fact that everyone in the entire city most likely knew about her civilian self by now. Something about how they had to follow regulations even when the cape in question was outed… especially because Taylor was a minor. The PRT still needed to show the public that they cared about underage capes' privacy.

Reading between the lines, this regulation had most likely been cooked up by the youth guard.

Taylor couldn't help but smirk at that. Wait until she told Chloe about that...the blond girl had a low opinion of the youth guard and constantly trolled the forums online mocking them with her photoshopped memes.

While Taylor herself thought that the group had good points occasionally, they sometimes could get overzealous in their quest to protect the youth everywhere. So as a result, they often partnered with other groups like "Moms Against Violent Entertainment" (also known as M.A.V.E), which called for the ban of not only violent video games but also for "violent music". It just so happened that heavy metal was on this list... hence Chloe's grudge.

Put simply, the youth guard had their fingers in many pies, and as a result, were universally disdained by not only the youth they purported to protect but also by various organizations out there as a result.

Anyways, Taylor did the song and dance where they all pretended that they didn't know who she was, and went inside to start PRT testing.

To her surprise, they were starting off with a basic interview first and told her that they were gonna do a physical exam next.

She had honestly thought she was just gonna show off what she could do while the bigwigs tried to figure out how it worked. The guy in the lab coat chuckled and told her that they did that too, but they saved that for the end.

So she sat down and got interviewed about her powers. How did she think it worked, what she could do, that sort of thing.

They seemed incredibly interested in the fact that she could "level up" in skills, and that everything seemed to max out at 10 even though she hadn't reached that level in any of her skills yet.

Truth be told, Taylor was kinda annoyed by the level cap… it made her seem like she was a low budget version of Dauntless or something like that.

But then again, everything else maxed at 10 had been ridiculously powerful… the couch and beds that had been rated a 10 on the comfort and sleep level? It had been amazing as hell and instantly made everyone relax the moment they sat or rested on them.

Maybe in the sim-life game, that level was considered god-tier powerful? What if she was actually more powerful than Dauntless?

…… pfft, yeah right. That was clearly wishful thinking on her end there.

It was strange how everything was on a scale of zero to ten though.

Taylor told the guy the rest of the basics, like how she could freeze time and see everything in the third person view then. Apparently, she could also record things with her power but she hadn't tested it yet and didn't know if she could transfer the recording to a computer or not.

She also told him about build mode, but that she couldn't build on land that didn't belong to her or the rest of her household. Also the parts about how she could automatically change outfits on a whim, and so on forth.

Finally, the interview was done with, and Taylor was able to meet with another lab coat-wearing person… a female doctor this time.

she was weighted, then scanned by some medical tinker tech device that looked like an MRI machine but did so much more than a regular one. It was able to scan the entire body down to the cellular level…. Which sounded very impressive on paper.

They took her blood for some tests, and then afterward she was asked to run on a treadmill machine, which apparently measured how fast she could run, how long she could run for and so on forth.

She didn't mind at all, mainly because it worked towards leveling up her fitness level. She was so close to level two that she could taste it, thanks to gym class during the last school week of the year. Well, not literally but whatever. 20 minutes in she finally heard that telltale pinging sound that she had come to associate with leveling up, and she got a notification as well.

[Fitness level two! You now can discuss fitness topics with other sims, and gain some exp towards it as you do that.]

Taylor frowned slightly. That was it? Every level seemed to unlock specific things she could do, but this was disappointing. The exp gain every time she discussed her workout routine was kinda nice, but nothing had really prevented her from discussing it in the past… so why was this a special perk for level two? She could only hope that the other levels had more promising rewards than this one.

Taylor made the signal that she finally had enough, and stepped off the treadmill panting slightly.

"Hmm… slightly above average stamina, but nothing too unusual for a baseline human. Normal human speeds…" The woman mumbled out loud as she wrote down her notes.

It was here that things took an unusual turn from now then.

"Uhh… you want me to put my arm in THAT THING??" Taylor's voice went up a few octaves as she pointed at what looked to be a torture machine, full of needles and other strange devices.

Taylor wasn't scared of needles exactly… but she also wasn't a big fan of them. Enough said on that subject…

"It's just so we can test your brute rating. At the first sign of injury, the machine will automatically stop. You'll hardly feel a thing…" The woman said in her best reassuring voice.

Taylor wasn't convinced at all, but she did as she was told anyway.

She knew it would hurt, and she was right. The needles and other stuff started stabbing or pinched her in certain locations of her arm, and only stopped at the first sign of drawn blood and bruising.

The only positive it had going for it was the fact that it had lasted a few seconds, and it was over with… they didn't need to test any more than that, and thank god.

"No brute rating at all.." The woman mumbled, writing down things again.

Her arm was still throbbing painfully and uncomfortably as she pulled her arm out of the machine.

Ugh. and she was so sweaty from the long workout she had on the treadmill too… the pain and her sweaty body combined only served to put her into an even worse mood.

The woman was staring upwards at her crystal now, and Taylor followed her line of sight to see that her crystal now had changed from the usual green color to a yellow color.

"Any reason why it changed colors?" The woman asked.

"Umm… let me check." Taylor replied, and she opened up her UI and asked her inner game tutorial voice for some help.

[Sims have needs that need to be fulfilled. If those needs are not met then your sims' condition will go from good to worse. This is indicated by the sims' plumbob colors…. Green is great, Yellow is neutral, orange is bad and red is dangerously bad. If a sim's crystal is red, it might indicate that they're close to dying! So keep that crystal green at all costs!]

Taylor said some of this out loud, and the woman wrote it down in her notes. She then looked at her needs meters, and noted that her fun meter was way down, and so was her hygiene meter.

Not that it was surprising... She wasn't exactly having fun at all, especially so because she got stabbed in the arm by some torture machine.

And she had to admit, she could do with a quick shower right now.

She said as much to the tester, and the woman nodded. "Sure, we have a shower nearby. After you're done, we'll move on to the next phase."


She changed into some fresh sweatpants and sweatshirt after her quick shower, which was enough to get her crystal back to green, even though her fun meter was still orange, which meant it was dangerously low.

She'd have to do something about that later.

The next phase she had to do? It turned out to be meeting with Clockblocker and Vista in an open gym room that had a large padded mat in the center of it. It also had a table full of laptops, a coffee maker and a plate of doughnuts to the side of the room.

There were a bunch of scientists in labs coats there too. Taylor recognized the guy from her interview segment from before, and the woman who had made her put her arm into the torture machine was there too. The rest she didn't recognize because she had never met them before.

Apparently, they had been eating doughnuts and having some coffee while they waited for her.

"So… are we here to test my fighting capabilities?" Taylor wondered.

Clockblocker simply shrugged, and she couldn't see his expression at all behind that mask of his. "Kinda? You have a time stop ability that activates when you have an out-of-body experience, correct? So I was brought in to see how our powers interact and all that. But yeah, we'll also be sparring today."

"We'll also want to see how the rest of your abilities work, Taylor. Namely, this inventory space of yours that you say your power has, as well as its recording ability that you mentioned." The woman from before called out.

"Well, come on then… we'll spar a little, and see how we fare up against each other. I'll use my power on you during that time, so watch out for that too." Clockblocker cheerfully replied.

"Alright." Taylor agreed to this easily enough. She then turned on the UI's camera mode before getting on the sparring padded mat.

The two of them circled around each other, gauging each other for possible weaknesses. Finally, they leaped at each other. Taylor tried to dodge Clockblocker's attack and attack him from the sides, but she was still a total novice at fighting so Clock was able to go on the offense by grabbing her fist before she made contact with his body.

Suddenly, she felt her body freeze up and she found herself being forcibly ejected out of her body into third-person view. Time was still moving normally, so she saw the others chat and write down in their notepad. Taylor's body, on the other hand, was still frozen in that attack pose.

Clockblocker chuckled slightly. "Yeah, she's a total newbie at this… you can just tell."

Taylor couldn't help but scowl mentally at this. She knew she was one, but he didn't have to rub her face in it like this!

Okay. She clearly needed to find a way to mess around with him somehow while her body was still frozen in time, just to show him that she wasn't to be under-estimated.

She tried tapping on build mode, but it just told her that she couldn't build here as she didn't own the land. Then she had another idea. The first time she went into this out-of-body mode, She had dragged that first aid kit all the way from that camping store back to herself just so that she could store it away into her inventory.

What if she was to do the same thing here somehow? She could drag the items over to Clockblocker and put them around him in a circle, and mess with his mind this way!

Smirking slightly, she froze time itself and went around the room seeing which objects she could drag over to Clockblocker. Much to her annoyance, she couldn't drag the furniture around… the chairs and tables were completely stuck like they were welded to the floor.

However, she did discover that she could drag plates of food around… so maybe she could only drag smaller things around that was of a certain weight or something? She was merely an incorporeal entity right now, so that made sense in a weird way.

She didn't want to take all the scientists' food plates away from them and place them on the floor around Clockblocker though… that would be a total waste of food, and not to mention rude.

So she had to look for something else, something small she could move around…

Frowning slightly, she clipped through the walls and went up some floors until she found a floor that was full of cubicle office spaces with at least a dozen people typing away at their computers.

One of the office spaces caught her eye, as seeing that space was completely decorated in troll toys. She grabbed one of them and discovered that she could drag them across the table and into the floor. She could even pull them into her inventory.

She chuckled slowly, before finally giving in to full-blown laughter. This was perfect… she could troll Clockblocker, with troll toys. He'd be sure to get the message...

She grabbed every single troll toy she could see and dragged them all into her inventory space. Amazingly enough, they all seemed to stack up together into one slot. Well, that certainly made managing her inventory space a lot easier.

There was a nameplate adhered to the outside of the cubicle office where she had grabbed all the trolls from, and it read, "Jason Atkins."

"Jason, I'll give you those trolls back when I'm done with them, I promise." She said out loud, even though nobody could hear her while she kept time frozen. Come to think of it, she hadn't tested if anybody could hear her while in normal time, did she? She'd test that while she was trolling her opponent today.

She returned back to the gym and dragged the troll toys out of her inventory space so that every single one of them was now facing Clockblocker in a circle. For added effect, she dragged one final troll doll into her frozen body's hand just to let everyone know that it was her doing it.

Finally, she let time run again…. And… Clockblocker's reaction was priceless, just as she knew it would be.

"The hell?!" He yelped as the troll dolls around him had appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"What's the matter? Don't you like them?" Taylor asked mockingly, but nobody seemed to hear her. They didn't seem to react to her comments, but they definitely reacted to the troll dolls appearing out of nowhere. Well, that answered her earlier question.

Clockblocker jumped away from the troll dolls and slowly walked away backward as to keep an eye on the dolls. And Taylor took this opportunity to slowly drag the troll dolls towards Clockblocker one by one...

"Okay, that's just creepy…!" Clockblocker sounded like he didn't know whether to laugh or just be creeped out.

Clockblocker's freezing effect on her body finally wore off, and Taylor found herself being snapped back to her body. She blinked, and then turned to face Clockblocker and held up the troll doll in her closed hand.

"By creepy, you mean the trolls or the way I can move them around?" Taylor smirked slightly.

By his posture, She was pretty sure that Clockblocker was gaping at her from behind his full-face mask.

She stopped the camera that came built-in with her powers and got a notification that the video was now saved… somewhere? It wasn't clear on that, but now she'd see if she'd be able to transfer that video over to a real computer somehow...

She turned around to everyone else, who were openly staring at her as well, and explained: "Okay… so it seems that while Clockblocker can freeze my physical body it still doesn't stop me from having my out of body experience, and doesn't stop me from freezing time itself either. I recorded the whole thing with my powers, so now I'd like to see if I can transfer it to a computer."

One tester recovered from his shock more quickly than the others did, and said, "You can use my laptop if you'd like."


Hours later, Taylor was starting to regret ever telling the testers everything she could do so far.

Apparently, mentally transferring a video she created with her powers had taken some doing, and she ended up doing a very complicated series of steps that finally worked in getting the videos she recorded though her UI interface into one of the power testers' laptops.

And of course during this entire process she also discovered that she could've just brought recording drones and whatnot from build mode this entire time when she asked her help menu on how to record and transfer videos. That process would've been way easier than finding a way to telepathically transfer something in your head directly to the laptop.

Naturally, Taylor couldn't help but facepalm when she discovered that she had gone for the most complicated way possible to keep records of everything that was happening. She was definitely keeping drones around from now on, just to save herself the headache.

So the only thing this recording ability of hers was useful for, was to give her a "photographic" memory… she could record everything she saw and then replay them at a later time in case she needed to report on something that occurred. But that was it. A little bit of a letdown, really.

At any rate, her display with the trolls had gotten all the scientists excited, as they wanted to know what else she could move around while she was in the "third person" mode.

They were interested in the fact that she apparently could steal Jason's trolls from two floors up, and wondered how far she could go when she was outside her own body.

After an utterly unamused Jason showed up to grab his trolls back from Taylor, she was then forced to spend hours in a testing room showing off what else she could do with this ability of hers. To say it had gotten tedious and boring for her was an understatement.

But on the plus side, she almost had no limit in her incorporeal body… she discovered that she could fly over the entire city and go anywhere in the city. That was the only thing that had been fun for her… but she discovered that she couldn't go out of the city into the nearby woods at all. So she was mainly confined to city limits… which was still a lot of mileage to go around.

And this didn't take her long to do, because she had done so while time was frozen. Of course on the downside this made the power testing seem ten times longer than what it actually was… oh well.

It also had been somewhat trippy trying to control her own body while still in third-person view, too… But she discovered that she could give her sim-body commands.. such as going somewhere or doing push-ups on the floor. It couldn't do anything on its own without her say so though, and usually just stood there smiling vacantly at everyone otherwise. Which was kind of creepy? Even the scientists seemed weirded out by this.

It would also randomly say something in some nonsensical made-up language if people interacted with her body while she was doing the "out of body" bit… which had her vowing to never use this aspect of her powers in real-time unless she was alone. How embarrassing would it be, if her body went around spouting gibberish at others while she was off elsewhere?

People would think she lost her mind! Granted, it would literally be true since she was having an out of body experience, but still ...!


At any rate, she was being taken home now after all of that was done with.

"How was it?" Danny wondered as he drove them all home.

Taylor groaned loudly.

Annette made a sympathetic expression as she looked back at her daughter in the backseat. "That bad, huh?"

Taylor then shook her head. "Not so much bad as it was utterly boring. They kept wanting me to do the same things over and over but done a different way each time. All so that they could have scans of what was going on with my body or whatever, every time I did it. If you were told to kick the same spot over and over 50 times, you'd get tired of it too..."

"At least you didn't have to do the paperwork," Annette said wryly, before shuddering slightly. She wasn't a big fan of paperwork at all...even though her husband handled them just fine.

While Taylor had been off power testing with two of the wards and the scientists, her parents had been in the same building signing her up as both an independent hero and as a temporary Ward.

Taylor's parents weren't sure about the Wards program. Annette couldn't help but worry that they might try to turn Taylor into a child soldier, which was the last thing she wanted for her daughter. She wanted Taylor to have a normal childhood (and teenagerhood) as much as possible.

Danny on the other hand was worried that Taylor might get ideas about going out on her own as a hero…. He knew how much Taylor had idolized famous parahumans like Herald, after all. So he tentatively suggested that it might be good to have the Wards on hand to back her up should Taylor get any idea about doing hero work. Also, it might do Taylor some good to get to know other parahumans her age. So they were doing this on a trial basis… and if they saw any sign that the Wards program wasn't what they wanted for their daughter they were going to pull her out.

Danny was used to dealing with paperwork as he dealt with that on a regular basis, so he had taken pity on his wife after 10 minutes of watching her pore over it with a pained expression on her face and had handled the rest of it for her.

The other reason why it had taken them this long with the paperwork, was the fact that Danny insisted on going over everything with a fine comb before they agreed to sign anything, so to speak. He wanted to make sure that there wasn't going to be any nasty loopholes that the PRT could exploit in order to legally screw over the Heberts.

But now that everything was done with, Everyone in the car just wanted to get home and nap for a while. Staying at the PRT building for that long was mentally and emotionally taxing, after all.


Emily Piggott was sipping at her coffee and going through her emails when Miss Militia walked in with the dossier on their possible new ward.

"Here's the information on our new possible recruit." Miss Militia stated the obvious, as she dropped the files onto Emily Piggott's desk.

"Alright. Anything I need to know about her right away?" Emily asked, and then sipped her coffee again.

Miss Militia raised her eyebrows as she said, "Well, apparently we've got either a Stranger 10 or a Thinker 5 on our hands, or a hybrid of the two. They're still arguing about how to classify her."

Emily Piggot did a spit take at this, nearly choking on her hot coffee as she did so. She coughed slightly, and then yelled, "WHAT?!"


Any guesses why Taylor gets that rating? Internet cookies and kittens to anybody who guesses correctly.
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Background lore information for this story
So, it occurred to me that there were a lot of background changes going on in my sims4/gamer story that wasn't likely going to be brought up in-universe because most of the story is going to be from Taylor's POV. And how would she know that it's odd that there's an absence of Gallant's presence, for example? She's never met him or known of him, so that would never be brought up.

But readers would probably want to know about things like that.

So here I'm going to list a lot of changes to the canon that probably won't get brought up in the story.

So as you guys know… There's no Cauldron group in this story at all, and the endbringers aren't really a thing that happens either. So that means there's no endbringer fight every four months or whatever…. And that there are no vial capes at all.

That means that any cauldron-created capes never ended up as capes in this AU, because most of them were usually people without the tumor-like growth in their heads that gave others powers.

So, as a result, there's no more:
  • The Travellers (Trickster, Sundancer, etc)

  • A good chunk of Cauldron capes. No more Alexandria, etc.

  • Battery (this also means that Assault formerly known as Madcap doesn't join the ENE branch when he eventually defects and joins the PRT. This pairing no longer exists as the logical consequence of altering things greatly. In fact, Madcap now goes by some other name now, because the name itself no longer makes sense without Battery around. :( )

  • Canary. But on the bright side, this means she never goes to the birdcage.

  • As mentioned above, there's no more Gallant. Instead, Dean's power ended up in the hands of somebody else, a villain this time. The villain triggered naturally because Sicon had QA spread the Eden shards and send them out to human hosts.

  • No more Coil… at least, not the Coil as we know him. Like with Dean's powers, Somebody else got the power instead. They go by a different name instead of Coil, however…

  • No more Siberian, because Manton used to be a Cauldron cape. The same goes for shatterbird. In fact, as a consequence most of the Slaughterhouse nine as we know them doesn't really exist anymore. Jack Slash and Crawler are still around though because they're natural triggers. They're not paling around in a group though.

  • Triumph. Same Deal as Dean, the power went to somebody else instead…. A different person who's working as a hero in California. We most likely won't hear much about this person.

  • Mama Marthers, although we won't be dealing with any fallen members considering that there are no endbringers to be had.

  • And finally, there's no such thing as case 53s. There are still going to be some "monster" capes who ended up being transformed by their own powers, but they'll still remember who they are and what they used to be.

Of course, Because the Eden shards are being sent to hosts the "natural" way alongside with Scion's shards, a few people still ended up having the same powers they had in canon.

For example, Legend and Hero, one of the few people to keep their powers from canon, still exists. But because they were natural triggers this time around instead of drinking their powers from a vial, their powers will still manifest a little bit differently than they did in canon.

Oh, yeah, that's the other thing. In this reality Hero never died… because there was no Siberian around to kill him.

Herald (Ziz), Hero, and Legend make up the Triumvirate and were the first founding members of the Protectorate.

Eidolon, or David, is still around but he has an entirely different power set this time around, so he can't unknowingly summon endbringers this time around. I don't want to spoil things too much, as seeing he might eventually show up in the story.

But the other thing that majorly changes the face of Earth Bet now that Endbringers isn't a thing?

Namely, how we treat villains. Without Endbringers, the PRT and local police forces have no reason to tolerate the worst of the lot, in the hopes that they'll help out at Endbringer battles.
So as a result, people tend to be harsher and cracks down on villains more often, especially if they've racked up a huge body count or committed plenty of crimes.

The real consequence of this is that all the gangs in Brockton Bay aren't as much of danger like they were in the original city, with most of the gangs' capes already in jail or dead. Only the most powerful ones that would be hard to arrest or keep contained tend to be out free on the streets. So people like cricket and the twins were jailed, etc… but Krieg and Hookwolf is still around. Likewise, Skidmark and Squealer were both jailed and or taken away into PRT custody, leaving capes like Mush to be a mostly ineffective gang leader, rendering the merchants nearly harmless.

Also, Lung isn't the leader of the ABB… because he had no reason to leave Japan because Levitivan wasn't around to set off that chain of events. So at this point in time, the ABB is just a small-time gang, created by young Asian teenagers and men banding together in response to the Neo-Nazi gang harassing and harming people living in the Asian districts.

The city still has a gang violence problem, due to the two main gangs fostering a major grudge against each other for certain reasons. But still not as bad as it was in canon.

Marquis on the other hand? He's still around, as much as Carol Dallon wishes it was otherwise. And he's still the Kingpin of crime in Brockton Bay. In this reality, he managed to evade authorities and the law by having people act as his double in public so that he would always have an alibi, and "evidence" that he wasn't the Marquis should anybody try to reveal his civilian persona to the entire world. He once made a complete fool out of Carol Dallon as a result, and that's one of the reasons why she still fosters a huge grudge against him to this day.

Of course, this means that Amelia and Vicky aren't adoptive sisters in this world, and instead have a very tense relationship of the non-romantic variety with each other… as we already saw in one chapter.

Any questions? Keep in mind I won't answer any that could be considered spoilers for any future chapters.
Chapter Six: Christmasy snapshots in time
Author notes: Caught a bad cold during Christmas week, bleh…
So I didn't get to work on the Christmas chapter like I really wanted to. This chapter came out a little late as a result. This isn't beta-read, haven't gone through grammarly, etc. So tell me if there are any errors, okay?

Also, not much happens in this chapter. This is just a christmasy slice of life stuff going on.
Taylor spent the rest of time before Christmas arrived upgrading and improving her home as much as she could without drastically changing the layout of the house.

She had quite a scare when she came home and got an alert that a bill was waiting for her, that she needed to pay 2,243 simoleons or else the electricity and water would be turned off in 25 hours.

Naturally, this led her into having a panic attack and tearfully confessing to her parents that her powers were from some life sim game. That she didn't know if she was using up real money or not.

Thankfully, her parents were calmer than she was and had decided to check into things. They checked with their local bank to see if their accounts had been tampered with somehow, and as part of the experiment had told Taylor to pay off the bills on her end. Nothing happened on their end, and as a result, her parents were able to figure out that the simoleons account that Taylor had was merely a fictional one… an odd quirk of her powerset and nothing more.

That did a lot to alleviate her worries and guilt over spending so much money, now that she knew it was fictional money.

Of course, this left her free to remodel most of the house inside. Strangely enough, she discovered that she could have four basement levels and then build four levels aboveground… totaling 8 levels altogether.

Taylor was somewhat disappointed that she couldn't go ahead and build a skyscraper if she wanted, and wondered out loud why she had such an arbitrary limit imposed on her.

This amused her parents for some reason. Danny didn't want her altering the house too much aboveground but gave her permission to expand the basement levels if she wanted to. Something about giving her a proper superhero base to work from just in case she wanted to be an independent hero rather than a ward.

Taylor hadn't gotten around to that yet however as she wanted to save most of the sim money towards making the house just a little bit nicer than it was before.

Also, she was learning a lot about some of the more interesting build mode items. For instance, there was a futuristic trash can item that instantly vaporized anything you threw away into it AND gave you 10 simoleons per sim you had in the household every time you did that. This meant that it'd give her 30 Simoleons every time they deposited trash into there considering that it was just her and her parents. It was called the NanoCan Touchless Trash Can.

That meant the family didn't have to take out the trash ever again, and she got "money" out of it… so naturally, she sold all the plain trash cans they had and replaced it with that version, despite it being the most expensive trash can ever in her buy mode list. But, she felt that it would pay for itself over time. She didn't know if that trashcan would count as tinker tech considering it was created with her powers but she didn't care.

And then there was all the skill-related stuff in buy mode. She honestly had no clue which ones she should go for first as seeing she wanted to buy them all….

That was part of the reason why she hadn't started building the basement levels. She wanted to be able to design a theme around what she brought, instead of just buying every skill related item she saw. Obviously, she wanted to turn the original basement itself into a gym but she had no clue what the other basement levels would be used for.

It also didn't help that simoleons were starting to get low now that she had renovated the kitchen, laundry room, and guest rooms. So, for now, she was content to take a break from buying and build mode until she figured a better way to make sim money besides waiting for her parents to come home from work so that she'd get that stupid alert that told her that her parents made the household some fake game money.

Seriously, what the heck was with that?? Whatever.

She even asked her powers how she could make some money herself, and it straight up told her that teenagers could only have part-time jobs if they had good grades. That part she had no problem with, she consistently got good grades anyway. However, she was still limited in what she could and couldn't do in terms of jobs. So… that meant if she took a part-time job that her powers didn't recognize as a legitimate teenage part-time job, then she wouldn't most likely get simoleons on top of the real money she got. Great.

Joining the Wards didn't seem to count, even if they gave her real money for doing so… her power seemed to see that as joining a club, instead. It even labeled that in her groups' tab as "Protectorate Wards."

Also, there were those stupid real-life laws on the books that severely restricted parahumans from getting jobs as easily as other human beings did. Which was the other problem she had when it came to earning money, both real and virtual?

But the inner tutorial/help voice did provide a few interesting alternatives… with some skills, she could "sell" things that she had created, such as woodworking, art, and writing. Baking and Gardening as well, as that yielded various food that she could sell. Hmm.

Gardening was out for the unforeseen future thanks to the winter season unless she created some kind of greenhouse. Or if the PRT provided her with one at their base. But she did like the idea of growing her own food… it'd certainly be one way for her parents to save money on groceries. Something to think about.

Her train of thought on how to make more simoleons was derailed when her mother walked into the living room and asked her what she was doing today.

For some reason, Annette didn't seem very happy when Taylor told her that she was planning ahead on how to make real and virtual money at the same time.

She just sighed loudly, sat down in front of Taylor across the kitchen table and said, "Taylor, I know it's exciting to be a parahuman and figuring out how to profit from it. But, it's Christmas. Can't you try to be a normal teenage girl and have fun?"

Taylor didn't say anything, but she nodded at this.

Annette smiled. "As a matter of fact, Luna Stone's family just invited us, and Chloe's family to a Christmas party. Considering that we don't open the gifts until tomorrow, would you like to go?"

As seeing Taylor had nothing else to do right now? She smiled and replied, "Sure!"


It turned out that the Christmas party they were going to wasn't being held at Luna's house like Taylor first thought, but instead was being held inside some hockey stadium.

Most of the bleacher seats were stored away as seeing this stadium had retractable audience seats much like the ones they had at Arcadia for basketball games and swim meets, only those ones appeared to be made out of metal rather than wood.

This meant that there was now plenty of room to host a party here, and it appeared that the big draw of the party was the ice skating. They had rented out the entire stadium for their party, and as a result, had brought out the skates as well, so everyone else attending the party could skate here for free instead of renting them like they would've typically done.

There were also other activities to do here because there were booths where kids could get their face painted, booth games like darts to win some prizes and so on forth. There were even food and drink booths where they gave out traditional Christmas drinks and food. Hot chocolate and Eggnog, etc.

There was even a traditional "sit with Santa and take photos with him" thing going on, but Taylor thought herself too old for that now.

It just reminded Taylor how ridiculously rich Luna Stone's family was because she tended to forget that most of the time with how low-key Luna tended to act. This didn't feel like a Christmas party being thrown by one family…. This felt more like a Christmas festival event instead.

…….. AND, it would seem that her game powers agreed with her because she just got an alert.

[You are now attending a Winterfest Festival event! Fulfill all those goals in time, and you'll get a special reward!]

With that, a small progress bar popped up in the right top corner of her UI interface screen and suggested a great number of things she could do to fill up the bar in order to get the special reward she wanted.

  • [ Drink hot chocolate AND Eggnog periodically throughout the entire party]
  • [Ice skate with friends]
  • [Interact with Father Winter]
  • [Have three sims or more enter a happy state]
  • [wish others a merry Winterfest holiday]
  • [Sing Winterfest songs]

It went on and on like that, but what Taylor got out of that whole thing was that her powers were telling her to have fun… doing things she would've done anyway.

She grinned and ran over to her friends Luna Stone and Chloe Copper once she picked them out in the crowd here.

Chloe wasn't dressed in one of her typical pink punk outfits for once, and instead were wearing a dark red Christmas sweater with a large white snowflake icon across her chest area. She wore a pair of red jeans and sneakers that matched the sweater and had a green scarf around her neck. Her hair was still spiky with pink highlights in it though.

Luna wore something similar, only her outfit was mostly in green and yellow colors instead of red. She had dancing reindeers in a line on her sweater.

It kinda made Taylor feel self-conscious for a moment there as she realized that she was one of the few people here who weren't really dressed in bright Christmas colors. She was the type who always went for dark and muted colors when it came to her wardrobe, only ever occasionally wearing bright colors like blues and greens.
And of course, that had reflected itself in the choice of her wardrobe that she selected while she was in that customization room. She was currently wearing a dark green shirt with a black knitted sweater vest over it, black jeans and a pair of green sneakers.

Shaking her head, she just smiled. Even if her clothes didn't reflect the holiday spirit she was feeling, she'd just show it in other ways.

"Luna! Chloe! Merry Christmas!" She called out as she greeted her friends, and they turned around to grin at her.

"Taylor, about time you got here." Chloe greeted back.

Taylor glanced over to her parents, who were now chatting with her friends' parents, and said, "Blame my dad. He didn't have any clean nice clothes to wear, so my mom had to dig through their closet to find something suitable."

In fact, Danny Hebert was wearing a slightly rumpled but clean white button-up shirt and blue denim pants.

Luna smiled. "Well, you're only slightly fashionably late. but not too late to miss all the best parts of a party. Come on, we have eggnog and hot chocolate over there…"

With that, she dragged both Taylor and Chloe though the crowds to a vendor who were manning the drinks booth.

"You know, I thought this was a Christmas party with people we knew. What's with the crowd here?" Taylor wondered.

"My dad decided that it'd be better to hold a party for not only family and friends this year, but also for all his workers and their families too," Luna replied.

"Oh." Taylor didn't know what else she could say in response.


And just like that, time went by in a flash as Taylor had a blast spending time with her family and friends.

She ice skated, took pictures with both her parents and Santa, and sang songs with everyone when the music came on.

She even had a pleasant time chatting and getting to know her friends' parents as everyone sat around a table eating the food that Luna's mother, Clara, had made for everyone.

The tofu turkey Mrs. Clara Stone had made along with other Christmasy health foods was surprisingly very delicious, even though Taylor could tell that it wasn't real turkey despite the turkey-like flavor.

By the end of the party, as the Hebert family left in their van, Taylor's power informed her that she had gotten gold status for fulfilling all the goals before the Winterfest festival was over.

She was surprised because she had honestly forgotten about that as seeing she had been too busy socializing with her friends and having fun to check up on her progress bar and the game's goals.

She had been awarded some kind of vending gift machine that would let her take out a free random gift per day all month until it was all out of gifts and would let her sell it for a lot of simoleons afterward when it stopped working. Neat.

Apparently, she also completed a number of whims while she was at it too, as seeing her lifetime happiness points had increased as well. Which meant she could buy a few things in the rewards store now if she desired. But she decided to hold off on that, as seeing she was too tired to think about what she wanted there anyhow. She also unlocked the ice skating and singing skill, which was neat.

Taylor found herself yawning loudly, and her parents chuckled.

"Wore yourself out, little owl?" Danny wondered as he kept his eyes on the road.

"I guess so. I did do a lot tonight, after all. I never knew ice skating could be so taxing. Good exercise for my legs though. Hard on my butt too, since I fell a lot too..." Taylor sleepily replied.

Annette then cheerfully replied, "Good thing that tomorrow we'll be taking it easy then. We'll be staying in and opening gifts, after all."

Taylor smiled at this. Truthfully, she was kinda looking forward to that, but not because of the gifts she was gonna get.

Because she got shot at the mall, Taylor hadn't gotten around to getting her mother a proper gift and her dad had only gotten a tie. But Buy mode actually seemed to have gift-wrapped presents that she could buy for a few simoleons, and judging by the description on the bundles of gifts that she had put under the tree, the gift boxes gave out randomized items every time.

Taylor got enough gifts for everyone to go around, so she was looking forward to seeing what everyone would get from those randomized gift boxes. In a way, it kinda felt like a lottery… heh.


The next morning, after everyone had breakfast, Taylor finally got around to telling her parents about the gift boxes.

Annette looked thoughtful at this. "So you honestly don't know what's in those gift boxes, just that they're randomized items handed out by your power?"

Danny raised his eyebrows. "Sounds interesting… might be kind of fun."

The three of them walked into the living room and her parents sat down together as Taylor sorted out all the gift boxes and divided them up amongst themselves. It was easy to tell which ones were created by her power, and which one had been gift-wrapped by both her parents and herself.

After Taylor was sure that every gift had been sorted and accounted for, the three of them sat down together and took turns opening the gifts while the others had a camera ready to catch each other's reactions.

When Taylor said that the giftboxes her power created had randomized items in them, she hadn't been kidding. There was almost no rhyme or reason to the selection of items they got.

Taylor started off by getting a nutcracker toy in one of the boxes, which were at least seasonally appropriate. But her dad got a bar of copper for some reason, while mom got something called a future cube… which was like a futuristic version of a magic 8-ball.

It went on and on like that, due to the fact that Taylor had brought up to 20 gift boxes in buy mode until they were only left with the original gifts that they had gotten for each other that wasn't created by her powers.

The rest of the gifts yielded the following random items:
  • A lump of Clay-- a brown clay type that never dries out and could easily be molded into any shape. Gives sims an inspired mood every time they play with it.
  • Various crystal collectibles
  • Various toys, some of the superhero figures that nobody in the family recognized at all. Who the heck were LlamaMan and Llama-woman?
  • A cheap camera that was apparently called the SnapTastic Flimsy-Cam.
  • "Me Too!" Megaphone
  • A bundle of seeds called Auntie Esther's Seeds. It seemed to be a bundle of your everyday vegetable seeds.

From her Mom and Dad, Taylor got the books "The PRT case files: Declassified", and "Parahumans in Society."

The first book was obvious what it was about by the name. The second book, on the other hand, was a general Parahuman Sociology book. According to the description on the back of the book, it goes in-depth on how parahumans were integrated into society all over the world, as seeing each country had their own way of doing that. It also goes into depth on how parahumans broker treaties with each other, how they reserve neutral spaces for agreed-upon meetings, etc.

It was a university book, but Taylor was an advanced reader for her age and she was interested in this sort of thing so she had put this on her Amazon wishlist. Unknown to her, her wishlist was public to friends and family, so her mother had looked at her books wishlist and gotten those for her.

Her dad was the practical type who didn't go online much and had gotten her clothes he thought she'd like. Taylor, of course, loved the clothes and books and hugged both of them in thanks.

Dad smiled when he opened up his gift to see the tie Taylor had gotten him and told her he'd wear it to work.

Taylor then looked sheepish as she told mom that she hadn't gotten her a proper gift, at least not one that hadn't been created with her powers, because of the mall shooting incident.

"Oh, Taylor. The fact that you're here with us safe and unharmed… that's the best Christmas gift I could ask for." Annette replied as she hugged her daughter again.

"Ditto to that." Danny smiled, as he joined in and turned it into a group hug.

For some reason, Taylor found herself getting a little misty-eyed at this as she blinked back tears. She hugged back, and mumbled into their shirts, "Yeah, I'm happy that everyone's here alive and safe too...I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you guys if our roles were reversed."

"This is the real meaning behind Christmas, I think…" Danny mused out loud, "It's not about the gifts, the parties or even the food. It's about being with our loved ones, happy and secure in the knowledge that they're safe and happy here…"

"Oh dad, that's kinda cheesy," Taylor said, but she grinned all the same.

Annette smiled. "I agree with him though. So what if the gifts were weird and random this year? None of that matters to me, because I'm with the ones I love."

The three of them just smiled at each other, basking in the warm feelings they gave each other.
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Chapter Seven: Meeting with the PR people
--January 7th--

New Year's day went by in a flash, and students returned to school after that.

Taylor took down the Christmas tree and put up the gift vending machine in its place the day after New Year's, figuring that her family could enjoy taking out one random gift per day for the rest of January.

But otherwise, she elected to keep up the rest of Christmas decorations for a while until February came around, or until her parents made her. She thought the house looked nice with the Christmas decorations, so she wanted to keep them just a little bit longer.

Her family got a phone call from the PRT stating that they wanted to set up a few more meetings… an interview about what she wanted out of her future as a parahuman and then a meeting with the PR department to discuss the costume they'd be making for her as well as her public debut. That didn't sound so bad, so Taylor readily agreed to it as long as it was after school so that it wouldn't interfere with any current plans she had.

So after school, she took the public bus down to the main PRT building and did her best to ignore the stares thrown her way because of the hovering green Plumbob over her head. She was pretty sure that a few tried to take her picture without her noticing, but they hadn't been very discreet about it. She had honestly thought that the entire city would know about her by now. Maybe that's what the meeting with the PR division was for, and why she needed a public debut on TV in the first place. Then maybe there wouldn't be so many stares directed at her.

She got off the bus as soon as they arrived at the location, and walked through the doors to the PRT building, and told the secretary that she was here for the interviews.

She didn't have to wait very long, as she was quickly escorted into a nearby office on the first floor, where Armsmaster and some guy was waiting for her.

She immediately recognized the guy as the one who had his office space decorated full of troll dolls, the ones she had borrowed for her "spar" against Clockblocker. What was his name again? Jason?

"Hey. I'm Jason Atkins," he introduced himself as he greeted Taylor, which had her doing a mental fist pump. She knew she had gotten his name right!

"And of course you know Armsmaster here…" He gestured at the protectorate hero. Armsmaster didn't say much and just nodded back at Taylor as he was introduced.

"Yeah, I know you. But why are you here… I didn't think a simple interview required the two of you?" Taylor couldn't help but look vaguely puzzled at this.

Jason chuckled uneasily. "Well, you see… this is more of a Psych evaluation, to test your temperament and how well you'd do on a team. Keep in mind we're going to ask you a lot of questions that might be … potentially offensive. But we aren't accusing you of anything, this is just more… like a personality test?"

With that, he looked over to Armsmaster for guidance.

Armsmaster just nodded, and then said very frankly. "It's just done to see if you have issues, such as an inability to control your temper. That could be controlled through therapy, for example. Based on this we might see if you need therapy or not. And considering the offensive nature of some questions, I'm here to ensure that you don't get too…. offended at Jason here."

"Ah, I see." Taylor nodded back in full understanding. In a way that made a lot of sense… although she had to wonder how offensive those psych questions would be that they'd think she would attack somebody. She wasn't just that kind of person at all.

She sat down at the table and then said while smiling, "Well, I have nothing to hide. Ask me all the hardball questions all you want."

Jason turned on the recorder as the two of them sat down opposite Taylor and then asked: "Starting with the easy questions first. For the record, what's your name?"

"Taylor Hebert."

"Age and birth date?"

"Fourteen. June 13th, 1995."

"Have you ever pretended to be somebody you're not?"

"Uh, does playing dress up and pretending to be superheroes as a kid count?"


"Then no."

"Have you ever experienced any panic attacks? If so, how bad was it."

Taylor just stared at Jason, raising one eyebrow as she said, "Well, there was that time I got shot at the mall and thought I was going to die…"

Jason grimaced. "Right, that's a pretty dumb question, isn't it? But I'm just asking standard questions here."

He sighed, before moving on to the next question. "Aside from the Mall shooting, have you ever had any traumatic events in your life?"

Taylor mulled that over, before answering: "Well…. There was that time my mom nearly died in a car accident. Um, I was on the phone with her while she was driving, and…. Well, I heard the whole thing happen. I… I could hear her screaming and the crash itself. The phone wasn't destroyed in the crash, and I remember just standing there, screaming into the phone to see if she was okay…. But she wasn't responsive at the time…"

She blinked back tears. "The time spent at the hospital was the worst. She was in an artificially induced coma for a while, because the doctors thought it'd be too dangerous for her to come out of the coma otherwise. And even then, she was on the verge of death itself. Dad and I… we didn't know for sure if she'd make it or not. We were so relieved when she finally woke up."

Jason just nodded sympathetically at this. "Yes, that must have been very rough for the entire family. Next question. Have you ever felt irrationally angry or scared, and felt the need to lash out?"

Taylor thought about that, narrowing her eyes. "Uhh… not that I can recall?"

"If given one chance to get away with committing a crime, without getting in trouble at all...what would you do?"

Taylor laughed. "You seriously ask other people that question? I wonder how many people gave an honest answer..."

At Jason's flat look, she cleared her throat and then said, "well, I'm not the type to rob a bank or anything like that. That just doesn't appeal to me at all. Hmm.. can I take a moment to think about what kind of crime I'd commit?"

"What about spying on people?" Armsmaster finally spoke up, "That would fit in perfectly with your powerset… you'd be able to watch people, record them without them even being aware of your presence. You're saying you wouldn't do that at all?"

"EW." Taylor looked visibly disgusted at that. "Sorry, but I'm not a gross pervert. That doesn't appeal to me at all."

Surprisingly enough, Armsmaster seemed flustered once he realized what he had implied there. "Ah, no, I didn't mean it that way… I just meant snooping on criminals and government officials. We have a lot of privacy laws regarding this sort of thing… and while it can get murky regarding criminals, it's still greatly frowned upon unless one had a reasonable legal defense in court for doing something like that."

Taylor's expression cleared up at this. "Oh. Still doesn't appeal to me though… not to mention, transferring the things I recorded in my head, to the computer, gives me this massive splitting headache. That's something I discovered when I was sparring with Clockblocker, you see. It would have to be something really serious for me to justify the bad headache I was going to give myself… otherwise, I wouldn't do that."

"Hmm. Truth…." Armsmaster mumbled to himself.

Taylor then perked up and then answered Jason: "Oh yeah, I think the crime I'd want to get away with would be pirating stuff off the internet. I know you get massive fines for that sort of thing. I know it's a low-level crime, but honestly, that's the only crime that I can see myself committing at all."

Jason simply nodded and wrote this down. He then asked, "Do you get upset when things don't go your way?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

And so it went on and on like that, for the next hour.


Taylor was finally done with the psych evaluation and wondered what the results of that would be. Maybe they'd let her read the evaluation reports on herself after she was settled in and finally a part of the team?

And now it was time for her to meet with the PR people, to decide on her heroine's name and a costume…. Joy.

Strangely enough, she felt more anxious about that than she did the psych evaluation test… probably because she was afraid that they'd stick her with something lame.

She'd never be able to live down the public humiliation if she was stuck with an embarrassing name or costume.

She was escorted into a large office with large windows, where a blonde woman with heavily tanned skin was waiting for her with a pleasant expression on her face.

Her hair was bobbed, which framed her face nicely. She was wearing a business pantsuit that was an obnoxious fuschia color, and large strings of pearls decorated her neck. All of that put together gave Taylor the impression of a middle-aged woman who was trying too hard to be hip with the youth while trying to remain business casual at the same time.

"Hello, Taylor. My name is Miss Jane Adams, and I'm head of the PR division here at PRT ENE Headquarters. Today I'll be discussing the kind of image and name you want to have once you join the wards." The woman replied with a smile.

Taylor shook hands with her and sat down. So far, they seemed to be off to a good start… although they had only introduced themselves.

Jane eyed Taylor thoughtfully, and then asked: "Tell me, Taylor…. Have you had any ideas for a name yet?"

Taylor grimaced slightly. "Not really. I kept on thinking of something relating to my Plumbob, but none of them spoke to me. Not to mention all good gem-related names were already taken. I didn't even know there was a cape in Canada called Emerald until I looked her up."

"Your…. what?" Jane honestly looked confused, and Taylor snickered.

"Oh, that's what my dad calls this thing…It just stuck with me." With that, she gestured up at the spinning green crystal over her head.

Jane made a face at this. "It sounds like such an awful name for something so pretty. A piece of advice… don't let your father name anything of yours again… ever."

Jane then cleared her throat, as she moved on to business."Anyways… naming yourself after a green gemstone does sound like the logical choice. Unfortunately, It's a very popular naming method, as seeing there's been plenty of capes who named themselves things like Garnet and Peridot. Of course, they're capes living abroad in foreign countries… so there's nothing under American law that would prohibit you from taking their names for yourself… but even so, it'd be better to avoid popular cape names, to avoid any international confusion."

Taylor nodded. That made sense. Of course, that left her with the only name she could think of.

"Well, we could go with a simple name that sums up the entire theme of my powerset. Sim, short for Simulation," she replied.

Jane blinked. "Sim? Well… uh, that could work… but you do realize it also means other things. For example, in Portuguese, it means yes. It wouldn't test well with international fans or immigrants. Then there are things like Sim cards, which would come up in a Google search if people were to look up your name. It might be too simplistic?"

Taylor leaned back in her chair and shrugged. "I'm all out of ideas then."

"Just out of curiosity, could you demonstrate some of what you can do? I've read your file, of course, but some of the wording was left vague for some reason. It says you can learn skills very quickly, but also have other abilities?" Jane wondered.

Taylor pondered over how she could show off her skills, considering she was very limited in where she could activate build mode, and grabbing things from other floors in third person view wasn't very flashy at all as seeing time froze during that. Plus that just made her seem like a thief. It was then her eyes moved over to a tall body mirror in the corner, and that's when she got an idea…

"Well, there's one thing I can show you…" Taylor said as she moved over the wide large area where the full-body mirror was.

With that, she willed herself to change outfits at random, spinning in place as she did so.

She then said while she was changing between outfits at random, "I can switch between outfits that I've selected and stored away in my closet. If I was to put my costume into this closet space, I guess I could switch over to it in a jiffy.."

She was now in one of her formal party outfits… a nice modern cheongsam dress in sky blue, with her hair done up in a formal bun. Taylor just thought she looked nice this way, even though she usually didn't go for light colors like that.

She also realized that she had forgotten about the makeup she had applied on herself in her saved outfit selection, and were suddenly self-conscious of the fact that she was wearing makeup now when she had been so plain-faced before. Maybe the makeup was a little bit too much?

"OH!" Jane seemed unusually excited at this. "Oh my god, that's so cool. Tell me… can you add special effects when you spin like that…?"

"Effects… like what? Sparkles?" Taylor looked doubtful at this, and Jane shook her head.

"No, like that show from the '70s… A show about that superheroine… what was her name again? Uh, She would spin around, and in a flash of yellow light, she'd stand there in her costume.." Jane frowned slightly as she was trying to remember the name of that show.

TV shows based on fictional heroes and villains had stopped being produced after the '80s because they weren't popular anymore after real-life heroes and villains had shown up. So, as a result, Jane hadn't bothered to brush up on her knowledge of comic books and TV history and only retained half-remembered history from her college years.

Taylor, on the other hand, knew the TV show she was talking about… she was a shameless cape geek and had willingly watched the older TV shows from before Superheroes were an actual thing. It was kind of hilarious to see what people back then thought Superheroes were like. The idealized version was just so different from reality.

She mulled it over, and she had to admit that it'd be kind of cool to pull a Wonder Woman and just have her costume appear in a flash of light. It'd dazzle the public every time she did that openly… to show everyone that she was now on duty.

Unfortunately… it didn't seem like her powerset allowed for special effects to be used when changing outfits. And… she was feeling disappointed now.

Jane noticed the disappointed expression on Taylor's face and mirrored that herself once she realized what that meant. "Oh, you can't do that?"

"No. would've been so cool, though, like you said."

Jane smiled. "No matter. It's still cool how you can just change outfits in an instant, and I think you can still dazzle the public with that, despite the lack of a special effect. Speaking of costumes though… any ideas on what look you'd like to go for?"

"Well, there were a few costumes in my sim-closet-space that came with my powers that I kind of liked, but I couldn't alter it at all in a way I liked when I was there… and looked too much like a generic sci-fi outfit otherwise." Taylor murmured thoughtfully as she thought this over.

"Can you show me?"

Taylor spun around again, but this time pulled towards Halloween costume party outfit instead of the formal party one she had been wearing just moments ago.

She was now dressed in one of the alien-themed outfits, a mostly white outfit with glowing green highlights throughout the suit. Taylor would've just wore this one as her official costume off the bat, if it wasn't for the fact that it didn't allow for gloves and boots… it left her feet strangely bare-looking, yet there was a weird forcefield around her feet which kept it clean when she was walking around. Taylor wasn't into the barefoot look at all and didn't like the fact that CAS mode didn't allow for shoes on this outfit. Other outfits allowed for shoes and boots, so she couldn't understand why this one outfit was an exception.

Jane noticed that as well and raised one eyebrow. "No boots?"

Taylor sighed. "It won't let me wear any gloves or boots over this suit… for something that was created by my powers, it's strangely stubborn about that. You see why I haven't adopted this as my official costume even though I like the look of it, yeah? Instead, I'd prefer a modded version of this one where I can wear boots and gloves…."

She then looked at herself in the mirror and realized how much the alien chest plate seemed to flatten her boobs and gave her an androgynous look. Taylor grimaced slightly. "Oh yeah, and I would like it to look more… feminine. So that people don't mistake me for a boy."

Jane had her phone out and was snapping a few photos of Taylor in the outfit as she walked around her.

The heavily tanned woman had a self-satisfied look on her face as she said, "Oh, I think I can work with that... I'll come up with a few designs over the weekend, and then you can come by again to pick the ones you like best, okay? And don't worry about trying to find a good name… I'll put some experts on that case, hmm?"

Taylor wasn't too sure about handing her future costume design and name over to a bunch of strangers, but she supposed the PR dept knew what they were doing… so she'd put her trust in them for now… and like Jane said she could always veto what they had in plan for her.

So, she simply nodded. Jane beamed brightly at her.


While Taylor was busy with her public relations meeting, Emily Piggot was anxiously awaiting the outcome of the…. "psych evaluation test".

The truth was, the psych evaluation test had been a poorly disguised ruse to stall Taylor. All so that the hidden cameras could record everything Taylor did and said, and the footage was directly piped to the best thinkers that the PRT had on hand so that they could ascertain whenever Taylor would turn villain or even abuse her power greatly when she was with the heroes. The fact that Armsmaster got to test out his new lie detection software on her was a bonus as well.

One couldn't be too careful, after all… especially not with a girl who somehow rated a Stranger 10 threat rating. It was highly ironic somewhat… that a girl who stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd thanks to the glowing crystal over her head, would be classified as a high-level stranger on the PRT threat assessment chart.

A part of Emily still couldn't believe it.

Finally, her computer beeped, indicating that she had received an email from one of the PRT branches. That'd be the Thinker group with their analysis of the Hebert girl.

Emily took a few deep breaths before finally opening the email and reading it.

Minutes later, she was staring at her screen in disbelief.

Taylor had no intention of using the stranger power she had to their fullest potential, just because such a thing had no appeal to her at all. So she wasn't the sort to use it in shady ways unless one asked her to do so… otherwise, she was content to respect everyone's privacy and leave private property alone.

Also, it seemed as if Taylor was also unaware of the threat that her "Third person view mode" represented to national security…. She hadn't quite yet grasped the implications of everything she could do.

She was more interested in using her other powers, namely her second ability to gain skills quickly in anything with some training. Some thinkers were able to suss out the fact that Taylor wanted to max out her skills as a… chef and artist? Taylor also desperately wanted to try out her third power, which she called "Build mode" on a different property that wasn't her home but had no idea how to go about that.

Emily had been leaning towards her monitor screen as she read all of this and then sat back in her seat as she processed that.

A power like the one Taylor had meant that the teenage girl was the biggest threat to national security unlike anything else that Emily Piggot had ever seen… and Taylor just wanted to paint pretty pictures and bake cakes?? That just did not compute at all.

Truthfully, she could feel a part of her brain breaking a little bit at that. Parahumans like Taylor shouldn't be so oblivious of the fact that they were a threat to national security! It was just so…. Insulting?

But in a way, this was probably a blessing in disguise. Emily Piggot was willing to pay for all the art classes Taylor wanted to take, or even any other classes really if it meant that it could keep Taylor occupied indefinitely. As long as Taylor was kept distracted, she wouldn't feel the urge to go spying on people or snoop into classified files.

This third power, the one Taylor called "build mode", did worry Emily some as that something they hadn't been able to power-test. Taylor's build mode had a limitation in that it could only build things on the property that was said to belong to Taylor or her family. This power was so law-abiding in its' nature that it would only build on land that Taylor could legally claim for herself.

Emily liked that, but a part of her also couldn't help but be suspicious of any hidden surprises such a considerate-sounding power might hold. There had to be a catch there somewhere… She couldn't take Taylor at her word that anything she built would be perfectly harmless.

She jotted down a reminder to have Armsmaster and the power-testing division find a way around Taylor's build mode limitation so that they'd be able to test it.

She sat back in her seat again, closed her eyes and sighed loudly. Parahumans. There was always something going on with those people.
A teaser image of Taylor's hero outfit.
Fooled around with sites like All HeroMachine Versions
and edited some images of Honey Lemon's outfit from Big Hero six, when a friend said that the outfit I was going for sounded like a description of Honey Lemon minus the purse and the colors.

To try to figure out Taylor's new look. I have to say, it's really, really difficult to figure out a hero-themed costume that relates to the Sims in some way. At least with other video games, it'd be easier... :p

Played around with some looks and wound up with those two images... can't decide which one I like best.

Honey lemon one:

The heromaker one: