You know, I'm okay with this turn of events. Shockingly, inexperience in battle leads to people dying. Although code getting legitimately petrified is kinda bonkers.
Jesus Christ, Taylor. Escalation is not the answer to everything. You're not Skitter. You're Blue (name pending). On another note: What the hell can kill Shen Long and how fucked are they?
that would be King Piccolo, so yea a lot fucked
He's bad, though not worst possible situation. Mini-Nilbog + Brute/Blaster/Mover combination. There are plenty of Capes who could take him out, especially with teamwork. The army will probably cause more havoc than KP himself, even with his city-nuking blasts.

Hopefully Taylor will make a very, very good wish instead of just reactively saying something like, 'bring back everyone who was killed, petrified, or frozen today'. Preferably something like, 'Give me the power to bring back people who are killed, petrified, frozen, etc.'

On the bright side, if he gets killed, maybe we get Piccolo Jr. as an eventual good guy? :lol
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What do you think the various characters from Worm would wish for if they collect the Dragon balls, one year later?
really depends on who makes the wish but mostly it's going to be lots of No more Endbringers/Zion - wish fail till they figure to ask something else
After years of searching Armsmaster has gathered the seven dragonballs. Now he and dragon stand before the mighty Shen Long.

Armsmaster: "Great and mighty Shen Long! I have gathered the Dragon balls and call upon you to grant my wish!"
Shen Long: "And so I shall! But be warned, There are some wishes that are beyond even my power! I can not bring the dead back to life a second time, nor can I make you any less of a dick!"
Armsmaster: "Wait, who would wish for that last one?"
Shen Long: "The last three people who summoned me! It is a very popular wish."
Armsmaster: "But the last person to summon you was..."
Dragon: (Blushes and looks away. Yes, you can see it through the armor.) "Th-that's ridiculous! Why would I waste a wish on such a silly thing!"
Armsmaster: "The lie detector says you did... Mighty Shen Long, I wish for Dragon's panties!"
Dragon: "What!?"
Shen Long: "I can not grant that wish either."
Dragon: (Blushing even brighter) "The tolerances on my armor are extremely tight..."
Armsmaster: "Fine, I wish for the names of every person that called me a dick so I can invent a machine that goes to their house and punches them in the crotch."
Shen Long: "You wish is granted!" (A copy of the Brockton Bay unabridged telephone directory appears before Armsmaster, along with several other tomes of similar thickness)
Armsmaster: "I feel i should have seen this coming..."
Dragon: "Look on the bright side! This is the perfect excuse to build that robot army you've always wanted. Can I be your cyborg general? I'll bring my own uniform."
Armsmaster: "Sorry, I already promised that position to Assault. The position of my evil robot Queen is still open though."
Dragon: "Ooh, I have a uniform for that too!"
After years of searching Armsmaster has gathered the seven dragonballs. Now he and dragon stand before the mighty Shen Long.

Armsmaster: "Great and mighty Shen Long! I have gathered the Dragon balls and call upon you to grant my wish!"
Shen Long: "And so I shall! But be warned, There are some wishes that are beyond even my power! I can not bring the dead back to life a second time, nor can I make you any less of a dick!"
Armsmaster: "Wait, who would wish for that last one?"
Shen Long: "The last three people who summoned me! It is a very popular wish."
Armsmaster: "But the last person to summon you was..."
Dragon: (Blushes and looks away. Yes, you can see it through the armor.) "Th-that's ridiculous! Why would I waste a wish on such a silly thing!"
Armsmaster: "The lie detector says you did... Mighty Shen Long, I wish for Dragon's panties!"
Dragon: "What!?"
Shen Long: "I can not grant that wish either."
Dragon: (Blushing even brighter) "The tolerances on my armor are extremely tight..."
Armsmaster: "Fine, I wish for the names of every person that called me a dick so I can invent a machine that goes to their house and punches them in the crotch."
Shen Long: "You wish is granted!" (A copy of the Brockton Bay unabridged telephone directory appears before Armsmaster, along with several other tomes of similar thickness)
Armsmaster: "I feel i should have seen this coming..."
Dragon: "Look on the bright side! This is the perfect excuse to build that robot army you've always wanted. Can I be your cyborg general? I'll bring my own uniform."
Armsmaster: "Sorry, I already promised that position to Assault. The position of my evil robot Queen is still open though."
Dragon: "Ooh, I have a uniform for that too!"
*Slowly backs away*
Would Shen Ron/Long even be able to wish away End Bringers is they supposedly exist in multiple planes of existence?
Or maybe, if they ask him to get rid of the Endbringers, he'd depower Eidolon. But Shen Long tends to only do what he was asked for.
Who says it is Shenron. It could be the river dragon from spirited away to give Taylor a cureall.
I heard the end of DBZ Kai had Goku and Shen Long go hand in hand to the hereafter together. So if that counts we could get Goku and Dragon Balls.

and the earth was destroyed during the next endbringer battle.
I heard the end of DBZ Kai had Goku and Shen Long go hand in hand to the hereafter together. So if that counts we could get Goku and Dragon Balls.

and the earth was destroyed during the next endbringer battle.
I think that LSauchelli said that he (or she (not like I know)) doesn't acknowledge GT, which that bit of Kai would be based on. So, probably not.

I just don't remember Shen Ron/Long ever dying (or does dispersing after the wish is cast count towards that?).
I think that LSauchelli said that he (or she (not like I know)) doesn't acknowledge GT, which that bit of Kai would be based on. So, probably not.

I just don't remember Shen Ron/Long ever dying (or does dispersing after the wish is cast count towards that?).
I think that one set of Dragonballs is broken at least once, and the destruction of the planet they were on probably also counts.
The Great Dark/Black Dragon from DB/GT. Too good guy wishes or too many bad guy wish the Dragon Balls brake an become unbalanced. If too many good wishes when they brake you get Evil Lesser Dragons.
I heard the end of DBZ Kai had Goku and Shen Long go hand in hand to the hereafter together. So if that counts we could get Goku and Dragon Balls.

and the earth was destroyed during the next endbringer battle.
Shen Long was killed once, by Piccolo Daimaoh after giving him eternal youth.

He also was inaccesible when Piccolo (Jr) was killed by Nappa (he might not have died then, but without Piccolo, there's no Kami, and with no Kami, the dragon balls turn into stones, so that left Shen Long stuck at the Earth's core), when Piccolo fused with Kami, and also when Freeza destroyed Earth.

I think I got all the times when Shen Long "died" (which, is only once on-screen and maybe a few by reason of his creator being gone).

The Great Dark/Black Dragon from DB/GT. Too good guy wishes or too many bad guy wish the Dragon Balls brake an become unbalanced. If too many good wishes when they brake you get Evil Lesser Dragons.
This is the original Shen Long from Dragon Ball. I don't really like GT all that much, so don't hold your breath waiting for the evil Shen Longs that can only be defeated by "SSJ4".
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