After years of searching Armsmaster has gathered the seven dragonballs. Now he and dragon stand before the mighty Shen Long.
Armsmaster: "Great and mighty Shen Long! I have gathered the Dragon balls and call upon you to grant my wish!"
Shen Long: "And so I shall! But be warned, There are some wishes that are beyond even my power! I can not bring the dead back to life a second time, nor can I make you any less of a dick!"
Armsmaster: "Wait, who would wish for that last one?"
Shen Long: "The last three people who summoned me! It is a very popular wish."
Armsmaster: "But the last person to summon you was..."
Dragon: (Blushes and looks away. Yes, you can see it through the armor.) "Th-that's ridiculous! Why would I waste a wish on such a silly thing!"
Armsmaster: "The lie detector says you did... Mighty Shen Long, I wish for Dragon's panties!"
Dragon: "What!?"
Shen Long: "I can not grant that wish either."
Dragon: (Blushing even brighter) "The tolerances on my armor are extremely tight..."
Armsmaster: "Fine, I wish for the names of every person that called me a dick so I can invent a machine that goes to their house and punches them in the crotch."
Shen Long: "You wish is granted!" (A copy of the Brockton Bay unabridged telephone directory appears before Armsmaster, along with several other tomes of similar thickness)
Armsmaster: "I feel i should have seen this coming..."
Dragon: "Look on the bright side! This is the perfect excuse to build that robot army you've always wanted. Can I be your cyborg general? I'll bring my own uniform."
Armsmaster: "Sorry, I already promised that position to Assault. The position of my evil robot Queen is still open though."
Dragon: "Ooh, I have a uniform for that too!"