My Marvelous Hero Agency: A CK2 Hero Quest

Who were the original seven heroes of which Wonder Woman was one?
The original seven of the Justice Society of America (in this universe), which formed in 2005, consisted of Superman (Clark Kent), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Wonder Woman (Dianna of Themyscira/Dianna Prince-Rogers), Ant-Man (Hank Pym), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Namor and The Wasp (Janet van Dyke).

Namor was around the time of WWII with Captain America and Wonder Woman as well, but he doesn't really like the surface world and use to stay in Atlantis.
One wonders about mystic heroes. Thor could just have a Quirk (I had an idea for that) but someone like Dr. Strange or Zatanna would be pretty tricky.
Thor doesn't have a Quirk. He's Asgardian, who aren't human. He, Zatana, Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate and every other magic user in the DCU and Marvel Universe use magic here as well. Magic is like extra coding in creation (I don't remember the exact words Dr. Manhattan used, but that's basically what it is), which a person can use to warp reality to a certain degree. Anyone can learn how to use it, but it can take up to a lifetime or more to actually master it.

Magic is basically a bit like how @King crimson made it in his quest: the manipulation of the fabric of reality to a certain limit.
With Dr. Strange I feel like if you were giving him a quirk it would be something dependent on his hands (maybe a sort of lay on hands instant diagnosis?) that he no longer has use of after his accident (some quirks require five fingers to use so if you cut off a single finger they'd no longer work, I can imagine that his quirk was dependent on fingerprints or something and those got damaged so he can't use them). Really lay into the whole life altering accident thing.

Magic heroes can have quirks (if they are from Earth) it just can't be what makes them magic/gives them their powers.
[X] Plan Buddies, Plot and Building
-[X]Hang out with Danny and Shang-Chi: You met the guys around last year to six months ago and you have hung out a lot as you helped Danny gain his Hero License. You three hung out a lot since then and...why do you even need a reason to spend more time with your friends? Go eat somewhere, watch a movie, just do something fun with them.
-[X] Meet with a former member of The Hand: You after left Kung Long in chase of The Hand in New York, you had found no clues of their activities in the city and it drives you nuts. However, you found out about a former member of The Hand who is currently in hiding and they have contacted you, desiring to make contact to help your quest to take The Hand down for good, once and for all. You don't trust this person, knowing they could set you up. However this was the best way to find any clues.
-[X]Practice and train your skills: You want to keep yourself in shape, and practicing everyday is important to do so. It doesn't have to be intense, it just has to be enough so that you don't get rusty.
[X] Information Gathering
-[X] Hit the club
-[X] Meet with a former member of The Hand
-[X] Look for clues around Chinatown as to any plans Fu Manchu is making
I'm thinking about closing the votes, but I'll wait 2 hours for some others to vote. Then I'll close the votes. The result update will be updated most likely on Friday.
Turn 1 Result Phase Part 1
Turn 1 results phase part 1- Heroes For Hire:

These pasts few months have been excellent for Heroes For Hire. You had an incredible success in some areas and you are really, really, really glad that you asked Danny and Shang for help. You've truly upgraded your office in terms of appearance and might have gotten some new work that will pay quite well because of how much people are interested in you right now.

[ ] Patrol an area: Harlem
15 DC
71+17 (Power Man's Martial stat)= 88
Astounding Success
You loved it when you knew that the home and soul of the neighborhood was safe and sound. For the last three months you have been going every street, every alleyway and every little crack in Harlem to make sure no crime is taking place. You had managed to find several small gangs of punks that were fighting each over using their Quirks, so you stopped the fighting and reprimanded their behavior.

"You have no shame?! Think about your families before going to kill one another! We're brothers, every last one of us! Treat each other as such!" you told them before taking them to the police. It took a long lecture from your heart, but you tried your best to convince them them to stop forming gangs and help their elder to make a better, more caring community.
When you took them to the police, you asked them to be lenient with the boys since they can be better people.

Aside from that you managed to find several people who were smuggling the Trigger drug into the streets of Harlem, as well as shit like Crystal Meth, Cocaine and all that garbage. You brought them to the police for interrogation and from there you managed to find more dealers, mediators. Eventually you didn't see a single crime being committed in the open, and for now criminals know not to do any crimes in the open while you are around.

Now you just have to flush out the bigger organizations.
Result: The streets of Harlem are clean of crime. Harlem cannot be patrolled for the next 3 turns. Intrigue options unlocked.

[ ] Hire Support Staff
35 DC
45+13 (Shang-Chi's Diplomacy stat)= 58
Significant Success

It seemed like Shang-Chi did a pretty fine work in finding guys who can help you around the office. Apparently he searched on the yellow pages for instigators, engineers, lawyers and repairmen and managed to meet with several people. Apparently they really liked Shang's calming aura and demeanor and they jumped at the opportunity to work for a Hero Agency. Now you have several more people at your disposal for help with repairing maintaining the damn place and deal with the paperwork.

Result: Gain 11 Support Staff units.

[ ] Meet with another agency
20 DC
Spectacular Success

Sweet Christmas, you did not expect this. You had searched around the Hero Network for every email of every Hero Agency around New York City and sent them an email, hoping that at least one of them would be willing to meet with you.
Man oh man, you did not expect for over a dozen of these agencies to return your emails and request to meet up. Apparently almost every hero in the city heard about your case and seemed very interested to speak with you. However, you could only have so much time to meet with so many people. Maybe one or two would be enough.

Result: Set a Meeting sub vote.

[ ] Send an application for support items
10 DC
Bare Failure

Unfortunately you didn't manage your time well enough to get to actually filling the support items application and the empty sheet just sits on your table for three long months. Well, it's not like you're using support items anyway.

Result: Can try again next turn.

[ ] Buy better equipment
0 DC
77+14 (Iron Fist's Stewardship stat)= 91
Stupendous Success

Damn, you really are glad that you requested Danny to help you with buying some new equipment. The guy literally went and got an incredibly upgraded police radio scanner, which would now allow you to listen to every broadcast the cops send for help, so that you can arrive like any other hero to actual situations at hand. He also bought you an actual damn heater that actually works well. Your office has never felt warmer.
There were some more aesthetic changes that he made thanks to a nice couch, a pretty old TV screen and some new stern chairs. He spent a bit of money, but you actually look like a proper, modern day Hero Agency.

Result: Gained a new police scanner (new Martial actions unlocked) and some new furniture for your leisure. -4,000 dollars.

[ ] Check on the internet for the latest hero news
20 DC
Bare Success

You didn't have a lot of time to really check on the current hero news, but you did read one or two articles on the Daily Bugle Page, but that's about it. There weren't that many that sounded really important, rather more of the usual such as:
"Wonder Woman puts a wrench in Dr. Psycho's plans" or "Mole Man attacks Bludhaven once again, only to be stopped by Nightwing".
It wasn't really interesting and that only included the ones from the U.S.
All in all, not very interesting.

Result: You know about a few fights that took place in the last 3 months.

Social Actions:
[ ] Luke - Hit the club
Rolled 17

You managed to relive some stress from all the work you were doing for your neighborhood by going sometimes to enjoy the clubs. It was obviously very noisy in there, but people seemed to have fun. You have fun and you drank plenty of bottles.

One night you noticed one hell of a woman at the bar who was alone and gave you an inviting look. You went to talk to her and you two seemed to really enjoy talking about your favorite drinks, which hers was scotch, and about football, which she sarcastically joked about how you were probably playing as guard tackle on your highschool team. You two then spend a long time on the dance floor dancing like idiots as you were both completely wasted. The next thing you remembered was waking up in your own bed with a massive hangover. Later on that day you saw a text message on your phone that read:

Hey handsome, had a blast last night. You're a really fun guy to talk to.
Next time we meet expect it to be only about business, hot shot.

You didn't really know what to make about that message, but maybe you'll see her again.

Result: You unofficially met Misty Knight.

[ ] Danny - Meet a former member of The Hand
Rolled 9

Danny didn't want anyone else knowing what he was doing tonight. This was very important to him, the reason he left Kung Long. He wasn't going to get his friends involved in his business until it got to the point that things would go beyond his control. At the moment all he needed were clues to where they were hiding.

That's why he needed to meet this person tonight. He made sure to lie about where he was going. He traveled in the alleyways to make sure nobody saw him. It took a long time until he reached the destination that was set for the meeting. It was in a small part in Manhattan around midnight, so you came in regular clothes that were as dark as possible as to not be seen that well. He had to be cautious, knowing this might well be a trap.

He went to sit on a bench that was in an area filled with trees, just so he could be seen by the one he was supposed to meet with, constantly looking around with his eyes darting in case he came under attack either from The Hand or someone else. He had to be cautious.

He finally noticed someone and turned around with his fist cocked and glowing, only for it to stop inches away from the face of a person with a bandana around most of her face.

"Who are you?" he asked with caution as his body was tense and his Iron Fist was ready to continue it's strike at any moment.

"Are you the Iron Fist?" the woman asked as she spoke with incredible calmness to her voice, managing to remain calm in the face of the glowing fist mere inches away from her face.

"What's it to you? Are you the one who agreed to meet with me? Or are you an assassin sent by The Hand?" he asked her as a bit of anger rose to his voice, his own impatience appearing slightly as his body began to shake and a veins bulged on his arm trying to hold himself back.

"I'm the one who contacted you." she said as there was a short moment of silence between the two as Danny's right fist stopped glowing. "I also have a bit of information for you about The Hand." she said as she gave him an old USB Flash Drive. "This doesn't have much but I believe you can find some information on their plans. Unfortunately I know that I'm being tracked right now, so I can't stay any longer." she told Danny before running away as quickly as possible.

Danny was still incredibly suspcitious of the woman, but he still put the USB in the pocket of his jacket before putting on the hoodie of his jacket over his head.

After several minutes of walking away from the meeting, he started hearing footstep across the back, he then immediately hid somewhere that he couldn't be seen, where the cloak of darkness would cover him completely. After several seconds he heard several people grouping around a certain area.

"Are you sure she's supposed to meet the Iron Fist in this park? We can't allow any of them to escape." a man's voice spoke with authority as Danny moved slowly to slip away as quietly as he could from this group of warriors from The Hand. He could probably take them on, and he wanted to, but right now he needed to look at the flash drive first.

While The Hand kept their searching throughout the park, Danny had managed to leave and reach into his appartment a few hours later.

Result: Danny gains a small amount of info on The Hand.

[ ] Shang-Chi - Look for clues around Chinatown as to any plans Fu Manchu is making
Rolled 5

Unfortunately, Shang-Chi was too busy meeting with people for the last three months for him to really focus on finding info about his father's plans.

Result: Shang-Chi doesn't do anything.


Here's is the update, on Friday as I promised. Now I have to rest up and enjoy my day. Everyone enjoy yours as well.
Maybe we oughta hold a collective agency meeting on our premises - order in pizza, do a big meet-and-greet. See when the subvote comes up.
Turn 1 Result Phase Part 2
Turn 1 Result Phase Part 2: Other People



[ ] Build a Secret Base
70 DC
Bare Success

It took him months to find a place like this. A place that was so crapped on by New York City that no one would really want to live. It wasn't a place he knew very well, Harlem was the only place where he grew up in.

Well now he had at least something. The apartment complex he had found was in terrible condition and the homeless people, the poor assholes with bad luck who had nowhere to go, all those people dumped by the system who lived there were suffering and growing angry by the day. He knew that with their help he could remake the building to become a more proper base for him.

It took a month to find the apartment complex in the first place, then weeks to convince the people to help him keep the foundations strong and make sure they all had a roof to sleep under. Then it took another month to help him remake whole apartments to the people's liking. He himself had a large apartment with enough space told pin a giant map of New York to the wall. He was going to use that to organize his plans.

With smart organization choices he managed to make his apartment into the center of his operation to turn Luke Cage's life and dreams into dust. First he would take over all of this complex and make its tenants his minions, then he would amass more power, then he would destroy Luke's vision of Harlem. This could take him years, but he didn't care as long as he would see it succeed.

Result: Willis Stryker/Diamondback has created a base in an apartment complex somewhere in New York City.

[ ] Test Super Soldier Serum for the Government
115 DC
74 (contains Hero Unit bonuses)
Incredible Failure

It was during the end of February that Norman Osborn and Oscorp had tried to test their new attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. It was not finished yet, but it was already on the first stages of animal experimentation.

The scientists had prepared a lab with over 200 lab rats that would have pipes connected to their cages that would release the gas form of their formula into said cages. Everything was set and the machine was ready to be activated.

Norman was optimistic that this new method could potentially be what everyone had been missing throughout all of these years when they tried to replicate the original serum. Sure it wasn't complete yet, but he wanted to believe that he was the one to succeed what many brilliant scientists couldn't do in their entire lifetimes, including the mad genius Lex Luthor.

Mendel Stromm was lest optimistic, thinking that this was going to do absolutely nothing and that this is all but a big waste of time. Of course he wasn't going to say that to his boss out of fear of losing his job...or worse, but he was disappointed that Oscorp was going into so many weapons contracts instead of going into something more like medicine like Wayne Industries, or even focusing on hero items, which was incredibly high demand in today's markets.

They activated the machine that turned the liquid form of the incomplete serum into gas, and it started working slowly but effectively. It took a good, long while before it started to release the green gas into the many cages of the many, many rats in the lab.

Then there was a short circuit about 10 minutes later and the machine stopped working completely. This angered the head of the company as he ordered several engineers to fix the problem, and so they tried.

The bad things began as one of the engineered did a rushed job out of stress and fear of his boss, who ordered things to finish quickly. His rushed job had caused him to actually break something without him noticing, and when the machine was activated again, it erupted from the inside and released the gas throughout the room before the machine was heated up. That caused a large explosion that blew up the entire lab, killing all of the people on the ground floor, burning the hundreds of rants alive and causing insane property damage.

What's more, all of the prototype serum was also destroyed in the blast, meaning the company had to start again from scratch. What's more, Norman Osborn and his assistant Mendel Stromm where injured as well, and it would take them some time in the hospital to recover. This was now a gigantic setback in their contract, something that Norman was fearful of the most.

Result: 24 Oscorp employees dead, 200 lab rats dead, prototype serum destroyed, Norman Osborn and Mendel Stromm moderately injured.


Not much here to offer this time as well. Subvotes might come tomorrow, which will also be a few things. So don't expect so much more.
Result: 24 Oscorp employees dead, 200 lab rats dead, prototype serum destroyed, Norman Osborn and Mendel Stromm moderately injured.

Turns out that you probably should not try to recreate that Serum. A very dangerous object it is. Also, what are the chances that the Serum was just One for All? The powerset between the two is the same.
Turns out that you probably should not try to recreate that Serum. A very dangerous object it is. Also, what are the chances that the Serum was just One for All? The powerset between the two is the same.
One For All is a Quirk, an evolved form of the Meta-Gene that evolved to be activated naturally. The Super Soldier Serum is DNA modification based on science, it is not a Quirk and pushes the human body to it's utmost limits, while One For All stockpiles power.

On a side note, you can now write in Omake's if you wish. There won't really be bonuses for it except for immersion and enjoyment.
Compare And Contrast
An editorial by J. Jonah Jameson.
Many youngsters have being inspired by a certain Masked Menace known as Spider-Man. Well here's the truth folks Spider-Man is not some brave hero but a dangerous vigilante who's too lazy to get his hero license.

Now let me tell you all about a true hero. Luke Cage. He was thrown in prison but he cleaned up his act, applied for a license and is now hard at work cleaning up Harlem.

Tell me which one caused a helicopter to crash into a building. That's right Spider-Man! Spider-Man is a pathologically irresponsible moron who just brings chaos wherever he goes.

But how about Luke Cage a responsible citizen who isn't a walking jinx and blight. Who takes responsibility for his actions.

Guess which one has a insane fanbase. That's right Spider-Man. These "Webheads" will bend over backwards to excuse all of his reckless incompetence. Feeding Spider-Man's malignant narcissism.

Unlike Luke Cage who's does not care about fame of publicity but just desires to help his city.
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That was nice. Obviously the spider hasn't bitten Peter yet, so no Spider-Man. But it was a great effort. I'm still really busy with things, even with the Choronavirus out and about. I still have things I want to write of my own outside of this (my fanfictions mostly, which I'm completely stuck on). Also I'm still thinking on several possible heroes who could have offices in New York for the sub vote phase.
Also I'm still thinking on several possible heroes who could have offices in New York for the sub vote phase.
Well most Marvel heroes operate out of New York so it shouldn't be too hard to find some. Like, I imagine Stark Industries could be funding a hero agency after Tony Stark wanted to do better for the world. As for DC, the only hero I could find that's in New York is Power Girl, and considering her origin, I don't think she'd exist here.

By the way, does the original Human Torch (the android) exist here?
Compare And Contrast
An editorial by J. Jonah Jameson.
Many youngsters have being inspired by a certain Masked Menace known as Spider-Man. Well here's the truth folks Spider-Man is not some brave hero but a dangerous vigilante who's too lazy to get his hero license.

Now let me tell you all about a true hero. Luke Cage. He was thrown in prison but he cleaned up his act, applied for a license and is now hard at work cleaning up Harlem.

Tell me which one caused a helicopter to crash into a building. That's right Spider-Man! Spider-Man is a pathologically irresponsible moron who just brings chaos wherever he goes.

But how about Luke Cage a responsible citizen who isn't a walking jinx and blight. Who takes responsibility for his actions.

Guess which one has a insane fanbase. That's right Spider-Man. These "Webheads" will bend over backwards to excuse all of his reckless incompetence. Feeding Spider-Man's malignant narcissism.

Unlike Luke Cage who's does not care about fame of publicity but just desires to help his city.
Okay, that's so Spidey that I can't stop laughing.

Anyway, in the upcoming days I'm going to finish a chapter of my main fanfiction story, so I might finally get my head around to updating this.

In general, I know I'm not much of a quest-writing guy myself, but every time I do fail, I feel like saying "well done for trying". Even if I will eventually let this quest fall, I'm still grateful for improving over the last time I tried a CK2 quest.