[X] Lightning & Energy

[X] Continue with the same plan(Plan:Stress Testing)
[X] Lightning

[X] Continue with the same plan(Plan:Stress Testing)
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This probably means the limits of elemental spells are more varied than they seem, rather than just being purely limited to one aspect.

Fire can probably create spells linked to : Purity, Impurity, Destruction and Renewal.

So, what you're saying is... we can literally cleanse by fire our enemies. Man, I love the idea of Izuku generating a huge fuck-off fireball, people freaking out at the miniature sun he's about to throw- only for everything and everyone around to be healed to 100%
[X] Lightning

[X] Continue with the same plan(Plan:Stress Testing)

Might be a good idea to keep away from complex elements seeing as we only have 30 mana and we don't know the either the dangers or the amount of time needed to train it
Ability points allow the user to immediately activate a new branch of magic.
Not to mention that judging by the wording we can also learn paths and elements ourselves without spending points, so it might be a good idea save some for an element we might have trouble with in the future.
Registration Troubles: Part 5
Okay, so lightning was a definite winner with 5 votes, and, whilst the intention was for each one to be an accumulation of votes for which won, because the other option requires two steps, energy takes second place with 2 votes.


92: Epic Class Items
An item has too have a quality above 50 to appear, otherwise, it's broken. The form the item appears in are further randomised for each category.



Number: 4



Number: 3



Number: 3



Number: 3



Number: 0



Number: 2



Number: 1



Number: 1



Number: 5



Number: 1



Number: 1

...What the Fuck?​

The problem was, whatever you unlock right now had to be explained away as part of a quirk. You really didn't know how intense this Ancestral Seas' classification levels were, you doubted it would be as bad as the White Seal that All Mights' quirk was designated under... as well as almost everything else about him. So the more connected your magic seemed, the better.

That meant elemental magics would probably be best for you, especially ones that could be related with fire. Fire, in essence, was the release of heat, and heat was a type of energy. That meant… you quickly tap the elemental tab, bringing up the screen labelled complex.

There it was, staring straight back at you. Energy. A single word, but probably the easiest one to pass of as part of a connected quirk. You press on the floating screen, specifically on that word.

| Character | Inventory | Skills | Magic | Index |

Ability Points: 2
Ability points allow the user to immediately activate a new branch of magic.
| Elemental | Invocation | Ritual |
| Basic | Advanced | Complex |​

「 Use an ability point to activate this Magic?

Yes No


You slowly move your hand towards the screen, muscles tense as you nervously stair at the screen. You tightly shut your eyes as you press down yes, waiting for something to happen.

You stand like that for a minute, bracing yourself for any possibility. Slowly, you open your eyes as you glance at the screen, noticing the option block had disappeared. Looking over the floating screen, the only difference you could see was that the number of ability points had gone down.

Well that was a little... anticlimactic. You honestly didn't know what you expected, but the option of nothing hadn't been on your mind. Well, you had another point left, and the more time you had to learn how to use these magics, the better.

Since you already had energy, another magic in the same stream would be best. Flicking through the tabs, two more options present themselves to you, lightning and light. You try to decide between the two, scraping together everything you know about them.

Both lightning and light were both types of energy, lightning being a natural electric discharge, where as light was electro-magnetic. That meant that either one could easily be explained by an energy quirk if needs be, so the deciding factor would be something else. Light was classified as advanced, whereas lightning was basic.

As much as you would love to get both, you could only take one more, for now at least. You switch over to the basic tab, pressing down on word and confirming. Sadly, from a practical view lightning was the better option, its classification as basic making you think it would, hopefully, be easier to comprehend and use.

Stepping back, you force the screen to fade away, moving your mind over to how you wanted to use the rest of your time. A bright light catches your eye, causing you to snap back to reality. Across both your arms, the symbols were beginning to emit a pure white glow, making them easy to see through your shirt.

The light only continues to intensify, reaching an apex as your arms are covered in light before pulsing outwards, blinding you. You snap your eyes shut, bringing an arm up to try and rub away the spots in your vision.

The rattling of chains caught your attention, forcing you to cautiously open your eyes. You find yourself on your hands and knees, the abyss black floor cold beneath your fingers. Trying to rise to your feet, you notice a weight trying to pull you back to the floor, the sound of metal scraping across the ground echoing. Looking around, you can easily see over a dozen separate lengths of chain wrapped around different parts of your body.

Most of the chains connected you to different points in the shadows that surrounded you, a small number of chains wrapped around others to bind them together. You try to turn to get a better look catching a glance of flickering red. Your body slowly obeyed as clanking metal sounded out across the expanse.

A pillar of dim fire stood before you, only about equal to you in height. Within the column, some form of shape could be made out, but you couldn't see anything definitive. A loud crack echoed out as your gaze snapped down to two chains in particular, one attached to your bicep, the other your chest.

Unconsciously, you reach out to each chain and grip them firmly, the cracks in each beginning to expand rapidly. You pull back, causing the cracks to widen even further, sparks of electricity beginning to crackle out of one as you do. Finally, the metal shattered, a bolt of lightning and pillar of energy slamming into the ground causing a second flash of light.

Your eyes snap open as you lurch upwards, pulling yourself up from your position splayed out on the sand. "W-what was that?!" You mutter, breathing heavily after that shock to your system. You slowly clamber back to your feet, at first unsteady but quickly gaining back your balance. You grab your phone from your bag, taking a quick look at the time.

"H-half an hour?! B-but how?!" you ask in shock, unable to understand how unlocking those two magics had suddenly knocked you out for half an hour. "I-I really don't have any more time to waste then…" You mutter, preparing yourself to start, "Candle"

The small amount of red flames appeared in your hand, spreading across your palm. You had already decided beforehand to focus on fire magic practice today. First, it would probably be best if you try see how much you could control the flames you create.


You start with something simple, envisioning the small red flames forming into a ball. In response, the fire rapidly shifted, forming a red orb the size of a softball. You shift the image in your mind, causing the ball to collapse into a twirling string of fire floating above your hand.

Seeing the floating strip, a new thought came to mind. Could you force the flame to travel around you. Taking a deep breath you try to move your hand away from the strip, but as soon as you moved, the strip collapsed back into a flame on the palm of your hand. You cut off the flow of magic, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat from your face. This is going to take longer than you thought.

Katsuki growled as he stomped his way down the side alley, his left-hand sparking as his right clutched the copy of Mahabharata he had been given. Turning on his heel, he faced the door that he had stumbled across a week ago and roughly shoved it open.

The room he walked into was fairly large, with jars of different substances stacked on shelves that filled the room, placed alongside boxes and the odd animal skull and skin scattered about. The red eyed blond stomped straight past this oddness, taking a deep breath of the air inside the shop.

The shop reeked of a sweet-smelling incense that filled the air, but other than the smell, you couldn't tell that anything was wrong. Bakugo walked straight towards the back of the store, and the women that seemed content ignoring the approaching teen. The casual disregard only caused the boys scowl to deepen, his rage becoming progressively more unstable.

The thick book was slammed down in front of the women, causing her to turn slightly to look at the seething teen. Raging red, unstably flashing to kaleidoscopic, glared into calm crimson, bordered by obsidian. "Oh, hey ki…" started the women, her voice mellow, before being cut off.

"Cut the crap, you fucking stoner!" Growled the blond, banging his hands on the table, bringing his face right into hers. "You said this fucking thing would help me, and I can't believe I fucking believed you. How the fuck was a book supposed to help me, you lying stoner!" raged the blond, his eyes beginning to flash more rapidly.

The pale skinned woman before him seemed unaffected, slowly shifting to lean back, although whether it was to get more comfortable, or move away from him, Bakugo couldn't tell. "First off kid chill a bit. You're just making it worse for yourself with your raging." Stated the red head, raising a single finger.

A second finger went up, "Second, you finished that thing in a week? Wow, that's impressive." Stated the woman, muttering the last part to herself. The sudden tangent caused Bakugo to growl, his eyes now solidly kaleidoscopic in colour, the very air around him beginning to distort.

A hand suddenly smacked him across the head, causing the air around him to rapidly return to normal, although his eyes remained the same colour. "What did I say about calming down, kid?" Muttered the woman, slowly standing from her seat before turning to walk through a back door not far away.

As she walked, a third finger was raised continuing to speak. "Finally, I needed you to have read that book for what comes next. The things that's actually going to help you? So come on" stated the woman

You sat panting; body covered in sweat as you rested on the beach sand. You'd continued to experiment with your flames until you ran out of energy, which only took about thirty minutes. After that you'd been left with only two options on what to do while your mana recharged.

First, noting down everything you could about the magic so far. You really didn't have much to put down. At most, you'd been able to figure out a couple things about the spell candle. To start, no matter what you tried, you could only manage to get about two handfuls of flame. Furthermore, there seemed to be no end to the shapes you could form, as long as it wasn't too large.

Once that was done, you'd checked the character screen to see your reserves, still showing barely any refill. Still having time to kill, you had decided to start cleaning the beach, keeping an eye open for anything useful. And it was surprising how much stuff fit that criteria, you think, glancing at the vast array of items around you.

You were surrounded by a variety of different things, including a half empty box of ammunition, a surprisingly sturdy compound bow, a slightly chipped nodachi, a simple, if well preserved, tear drop necklace, and even a pistol he couldn't recognise. The most notable find was the motorcycle you were currently leaning against, which looked to be in almost perfect condition.

It took about thirty minuites for you to be fully charged, after which you went back to practicing with your magic, with the only new step being that you'd managed to finally get the flame to not collapse the instant you moved your hand. And so the cycle continued, practicing until he couldn't force anymore, and then working to clear the beach a bit.
You now only had half an hour before you had to head home, and you wanted to finish up a final experiment with the candle spell, manipulating the temperature. You'd stumbled across a way to make the spell's temperature increase on the last spell session, forcing more mana into it once the maximum size was reached, supposedly creating a new spell according to the menu.

"Candle" you muttered, the familiar red flames flickering to life in both hands. Now, came the difficult part as you pushed more mana into the flames, causing the gentle heat of the red flames to increase as they turned orange. However, you didn't stop there as you began to push even more mana into the flames, causing them to turn yellow as the heat became even greater, causing your skin to become somewhat itchy.

The process repeated itself as you finally reach blue, the heat of the flames starting to feel extremely uncomfortable. "T-that's far enough." you stated, cutting off the flow before you lost control of the flame. You stumble slightly as you move, slipping slightly as you did. Looking down, you gasp in surprise at the slightly glassed ground beneath you. It was getting that hot, and you only felt somewhat uncomfortable? How!?

You sigh, turning your head to look over the pile of things you had found. Now, what to do with all of this?

[ ] Store the items at the beach, it'll raise less questions, and anyway, you won't have time to train with any of it until after the quirk registration.

[ ] Take it with you. Leaving it here risks having some of it disappear, plus, you need as much time to fully train to be a hero as possible, you've got months to catch up years worth of work.

{Spell name}
Vote closes Tuesday.
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Damn, 1700 degrees Celsius flame.
Also can't wait till we can say flame on!
Coating izuku fully in fire shouldn't be that hard right?
[X] Take it with you. Leaving it here risks having some of it disappear, plus, you need as much time to fully train to be a hero as possible, you've got months to catch up years worth of work.
[X] Store the items at the beach, it'll raise less questions, and anyway, you won't have time to train with any of it until after the quirk registration.

I don't think taking a random gun home is a smart idea.
[X] Take it with you. Leaving it here risks having some of it disappear, plus, you need as much time to fully train to be a hero as possible, you've got months to catch up years worth of work.
With Lightning/Electricity under our belt we can spells involving: Speed, Power, Divination, Wrath, and Magnetism.

As for the spell anyone have ideas? seeing as it's a bigger hotter candle I was thinking {Torch}
I'm going to step in this time and just say that the spell generally just increases the strength of fire by one stage, for double the mana.
Eg. something that costs 10 at red can be pushed to yellow for a cost of 40(Two stage shift)
[X] Take it with you. Leaving it here risks having some of it disappear, plus, you need as much time to fully train to be a hero as possible, you've got months to catch up years worth of work.
[X] Store the items at the beach, it'll raise less questions, and anyway, you won't have time to train with any of it until after the quirk registration.
i do want to say that if we do store them on the beach that we hide them somewhere only we can find them and otherwise take some of the smaller items to take home like the jewels. we do need to tell Inko about how we found a fully working motercycle at the beach while training
[X] Take it with you. Leaving it here risks having some of it disappear, plus, you need as much time to fully train to be a hero as possible, you've got months to catch up years worth of work.
[X] Take it with you. Leaving it here risks having some of it disappear, plus, you need as much time to fully train to be a hero as possible, you've got months to catch up years worth of work.