So winning plan is Magical Academia, but the concepts are all at a draw with three votes for heroism, analysis and insight. So how would you guys like to break it?
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[X] Analysis

does that help i feel like Izuku going for analasis first feels appropriate
Thanks to Rovos, Analysis wins
Adhoc vote count started by Ars Longinus on Feb 13, 2020 at 3:54 PM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.
    [X] Plan: Magic Academia
    -[X] (Day 1) Beach
    -[X] (day 2) Dante's shop
    -[X] (day 3) Dante's shop
    [X] Analysis
    [X] Insight
    [X] Heroism
    [X] Plan Let's survive those (magical?) animals
    -[X] [Day 1] Beach
    -[X] [Day 2] Dante's Shop
    -[X] [Day 3] Cliff
    [X] Plan Time to Train Body and Powers
    -[X] (Day 1) Beach
    -[X] (Day 2) Cliff
    -[X] (Day 3) Beach again
    -[X] If caught using your 'Quirk' in the beach, don't go there again
    [X] Break down, this.. those words are one of the things you've wanted to hear from someone, anyone! It's all the more that it's coming from her.
    [X] Plan Intro & Magic
    -[X] (Day 1) Cliff
    -[X] (Day 2) Store Area
    -[X] (Day 3) Beach
Registration Troubles: Part 3
Hi guys, apologies for the long wait. So the next couple chapters will be more me writing fully off of your prompts, however, there is something you guys need to know.

During training, for every half an hour you spend on a task adds a d4 bonus to success chance.


You move forward, wrapping your arms around your mother, causing her to freeze up. You feel good… no, that's an understatement. You feel amazing, but how you're feeling right now is secondary to this. The elder Midoriya remained stock still in your arms, confusion halting her movements, although her eyes still shined full of tears.

You're not completely sure what to say to your mother, how do you fix a problem that had been going on for years. "I-it's okay mom… I-I'm so happy to hear you say that! B-but you don't have to be sad!" You mutter, allowing a few of your own tears spill forth as Inko finally responded.

The green haired woman wrapped her own arms around her son, burying her face into your chest as she cried, apologies spilling forth as she did. You just nod along, not sure what to say, so choosing to remain silent.

Eventually, Inko had finished crying and moved to stand up. You let go of her, seeing your mothers wavery smile, and still wet eyes. "T-thanks Izuku dear, I… I really needed that." Inko states, receiving a small smile in return.

You stifle a yawn, still tired from the bad rest that morning. Standing up, you slowly move to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 'I've only got three days to practise, so I need to make the most of it.' You reason as you grab the toothbrush.

He stood in the centre of a catastrophe, the ground cracked and molten, his left arm felt cold, c̸̢̤̣͇̳̙̗͈̪̥̃̉͋̔̈̊͋͠͠ō̶̳͐̾́̌v̵͎̺̺̈̐̽͛̑̂̈̕e̷̤̖͔̯̤̠̅̽̈́͂́̀͋̄͝r̶̡̧̪̦̬̄̄̔͊e̷̤̖͔̯̤̠̅̽̈́͂́̀͋̄͝d̶̛̛̞̫̤͙̯͙͎̳̎̈́̂̕͘,̴̦͉̯̣̱ s̸̪̗̲̹̻͉̆ť̴̨̛͚̗͙͔̜̜̹͚͆͊̍̓͒͝͝͝. Monsters stood beside him, ľ̴̳͙̱͈̗̰̔͆̀͒██i̵̝͇̥͐ͅa̴̲̗̩͕̺̒̾̀̂̓́́̃̒̕͘h̶̦͓̹͚̀͌͛ń̷͇̫͖̗̼̪͕̮̓͐͌͆̋:̴̢̜͓̈́̀͒̀̂̿͘ ██d̶̛̛̞̫̤͙̯͙͎̳̎̈́̂̕͘ a̷̡̛̱̝̳̰͔̭̺̠̿̅͂́̋͠t̴̛̙̗͖͍̙͚͚͈̘͗̋̾̋͘̚ṛ̸̨̡̮̞̹̼̱̩͛͝͠:̴̢̜͓̈́̀͒̀, and others, indistinguishable, their forms blurred and covered in abyssal shadows. Words came from his mouth, scarlet orbs glaring at the ȩ̸͈̘̜͖͎͔͂̍̄̃͂ͅt̵̝͇̬͊̃́̈́̈̄͛̑̚r̵͕͖̺̙͚͗̄͒̈̑̉͊͐͘͝, ō̶̳͐̾́̌t̶̛̫̔̿̏͒͝e̸̱̬̋̍r̴̪̠͌̆̋̍̚͝,███ō̶̳͐̾́̌██ ███ g̴͕̪̭͓͓̘̳͍͓̳̃̈́̐͑̏̑́͌̔̆̚ͅ███

█████ ███████ ███ ████████ ██ ███████

Desolation spread from him, the sky ablaze and the earth liquid beneath his feet, and yet the ȩ̸͈̘̜͖͎͔͂̍̄̃͂ͅt̵̝͇̬͊̃́̈́̈̄͛̑̚r̵͕͖̺̙͚͗̄͒̈̑̉͊͐͘͝, ō̶̳͐̾́̌t̶̛̫̔̿̏͒͝e̸̱̬̋̍r̴̪̠͌̆̋̍̚͝,███ō̶̳͐̾́̌██ ███ g̴͕̪̭͓͓̘̳͍͓̳̃̈́̐͑̏̑́͌̔̆̚ͅ███ monstrosity stood unaffected. A h̶̦͓̹͚̀͌͛a̵͕̽͒̉̌͗̏̽̏͝ͅń̷͇̫͖̗̼̪͕̮̓͐͌͆̋d̶̛̛̞̫̤͙̯͙͎̳̎̈́̂̕͘ ŏ̴̰̣̿̑́̐̎̈́f̸̜̠̑̌͊̏̇ s̵̙̬̮̖̫̜̦̖͑̇͛̃͆̓́̌͊͒͘ṭ̶̢̛̛͈͈͓͆̎̆̉̂͘å̸̬̮͕͋͐̈́ṛ̸̨̡̮̞̹̼̱̩͛͝s̵̺͇̼̽ was raised as a voice spoke. "██████" And the world became gold as fractals burst through the air, causing the very reality to crack and shatter.

Katsuki Bakugo exploded forward from his bed, his body covered in sweat. The blond Bakugo growled, ripping the covers off from on top of him as he rolled off the bed onto his feet. The boy stumbled his way to a mirror, tripping over his own feet in his sleepy haze. Grabbing onto the wall next to the frame, he glared at his reflection.

Prismatic crystalline orbs stared back at him, slowly fading back to his normal red as he continued to glare at his reflection. Bakugo clenched his fist, preparing to lash out but halting. The last time he'd destroyed his mirror his mother had ripped him a new one.

He punched the wall of his room, turning away from the mirror, "Can't these shitty things just stop!?" Growled the blond stumbling back to his bead, or more specifically to the bedside table, where a book sat.

He grabbed the thick book, looking over the cover once more as he did. "The fucking stoner said you'd have some fucking answers! So where are they?" He growled, glaring down at the book.

[ ] The Mahabharata

[ ] The Völsunga Saga

[ ] The Ulster Cycle

You quickly walk through the gates to your school, head bowed and muttering. "So, the beach today… experiment on my own a bit… then in the old shopping district for the rest… hopefully I can get help from Dante…" you continue. Due to your head being bowed, you could only see your own feet.

This little fact caused you to walk headlong into an explosive blond, causing you to stumble back as you finally look up. You stare at the red eyes of Katsuki Bakugo as he turns around, glaring at you as a scowl covered his face. "What the fuck are you doing Deku!? Watch where your fucking going!" Shouted the blond, turning back around and continuing to walk towards the building.


You barely notice Kacchan's left hand holding a book as he moved it, being covered by his body quickly as his head bowed. You stand confused, watching after the explosive boy as he walked away. Anyone would usually classify that as an overreaction form anybody else, especially for just bumping into them

However, you weren't talking about anybody, you were talking about Katsuki Bakugo, the guy who was likely to rip you a new one for simply breathing wrong around him. From him, that could be described as nothing but a severe underreaction. "What's going on?" You question, continuing to stare on in confusion.

Shaking your head, you walk into the school and heading straight to class, once more distracted by your plans for later. You go through the school day, not completely focused on the lesson at hand.

You're not the only one doing so, but of those who are, you and Bakugo are the only notable ones. For you, its' only unusual due to not having your customary notebook nearby, however Kacchan seemed to be completely absorbed in the book you'd caught a glance of earlier.

The teacher, Mr. Asano, didn't care as usual. The man both new that most of those who were distracted could probably pass without him. And those that couldn't… well the second reason he didn't care was that, for some reason, the school just couldn't fire the man.

The day passed quickly, lessons turning into a blur. You quickly find the last bell of the day ringing, allowing you to quickly pack up and head to the front gate. Taking the turn off down the backstreet, passing under the underpass and walking by the paved road that led to the cliffs.

Finally, you reach the junkyard that was Dagobah beach. Random pieces of junk were stacked into massive piles, covering the majority of the sand from view. The small amount that was left created small tracks through the trash, making it look like a garbage labyrinth from where you are standing. Now that you're here, the question is how to use the six hours you've got here.

[ ] Start clearing the beach, this is your beast chance to build some body strength before the registration. If your lucky, you might even find something useful in all the trash. {Time}

[ ] Experiment with your magic a bit, hopefully you'll discover some off the limits for this.
-[ ] Fire {Time}
--[ ] {Write in}
-[ ] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes

Vote closes Wednesday
Yep, so for example trying a specific thing to create a new spell, or just messing around with fire manipulation etc.
[X] Plan AoM
-[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes
-[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes, 2)
-[X] Experiment with your magic a bit, hopefully you'll discover some off the limits for this.
--[X] Fire {2 hours 30 minutes}
---[X] (Take care not to set the trash on fire)
---[X] Try using multiple flames until you find the limit {1 hour}
---[X] Just mess around {1 hour 30 minutes}
-[X] Start clearing the beach, this is your beast chance to build some body strength before the registration. If your lucky, you might even find something useful in all the trash. {3 hours}

[X] The Mahabharata

I edited the order a bit, and added the other vote. Edit: changed the other vote
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[X] The Ulster Cycle
Gotta love me some good ol' Cu Chulainn

[X] Plan:Stress Testing
-[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes
-[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes
-[X] Experiment with your magic a bit, hopefully you'll discover some off the limits for this.
--[X] Fire {3 hours}
---[X] The amount of control we have over fire, if we can make fire spells detach from our body (i.e. cause Candle to leave our finger), how long we can sustain Candle, and what properties of Candle can we manipulate such as heat, size.
-[X] Start clearing the beach, this is your beast chance to build some body strength before the registration. If your lucky, you might even find something useful in all the trash. {2 hour 30 min}

A bit wordy but I think having specific things to test will go along way to finding out limits and weaknesses, Candle is also a fairly safe spell to test out limits with as it's basic, harmless and unlikely to spiral out of control.
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[X] The Mahabharata
[X] Plan:Stress Testing

As far as mythologies which do King Explosion Murder things...Astras are it!
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ars Longinus on Mar 4, 2020 at 2:44 PM, finished with 11 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] The Mahabharata
    [X] Plan:Stress Testing
    -[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes
    -[X] Experiment with your magic a bit, hopefully you'll discover some off the limits for this.
    --[X] Fire {3 hours}
    ---[X] The amount of control we have over fire, if we can make fire spells detach from our body (i.e. cause Candle to leave our finger), how long we can sustain Candle, and what properties of Candle can we manipulate such as heat, size.
    -[X] Start clearing the beach, this is your beast chance to build some body strength before the registration. If your lucky, you might even find something useful in all the trash. {2 hour 30 min}
    [X] Plan AoM
    -[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes
    -[X] Look through the magic screen, maybe you could achieve a new one? Takes 15 minutes, 2)
    -[X] Experiment with your magic a bit, hopefully you'll discover some off the limits for this.
    --[X] Fire {2 hours 30 minutes}
    ---[X] (Take care not to set the trash on fire)
    ---[X] Try using multiple flames until you find the limit {1 hour}
    ---[X] Just mess around {1 hour 30 minutes}
    -[X] Start clearing the beach, this is your beast chance to build some body strength before the registration. If your lucky, you might even find something useful in all the trash. {3 hours}
    [X] The Ulster Cycle
Registration Troubles: Part 4
Next chapter is up. God it took time to make and decide these menus. Unsurprisingly, the Mahabharata won for Bakugos' book, so that'll be fun.

A memory briefly flashes across your mind, something you caught out of the corner of your eye the first time you accessed the magic tab of the menu. Quickly you try focus on an image of yourself. Afterall, the only time you've made the screens forcibly manifest was when looking at a mirror… at yourself. Opening your eyes, your greeted by the a floating screen, hovering in the air before you.


Izuku Midoriya

| Character | Spells | Quests |​

Status: Full Health
Mana: 30/30

Deku: Another pronunciation of Izukus' name, stated to mean useless
Quirkless: A type of human without a quirk

Race: Quirkless Human

Pyromancer: As the son of Hisashi and Inko Midoriya, Izuku gains the natural affinity for Fire Magic.
Analyser: Due to Izukus' pass time of breaking down that which he sees into information, he gains access to the Tactician Skill Tree

School uniform:
A standard uniform used for attendance at school
Bonuses: N/A
All Might bag:
A bag used to contain school materials
Bonuses: N/A


You stare in surprise at the two new tabs that had appeared on the character screen, but ignore it for the moment. Searching the top, you quickly tap the tab that says magic, once more bringing up the screen, appearing almost the exact same as it had the prior morning. There, exactly what you remember, two ability points.

'Most games use ability points to unlock new skills, right?' you think, tapping the text, causing it to react.

| Character | Inventory | Skills | Magic | Index |

Ability Points: 2
| Elemental | Invocation | Ritual |
| Basic | Advanced | Complex |​





| Character | Inventory | Skills | Magic | Index |

Ability Points: 2
Ability points allow the user to immediately activate a new branch of magic.
| Elemental | Invocation | Ritual |
| Basic | Advanced | Complex |​

| Nothingness |

| Character | Inventory | Skills | Magic | Index |

Ability Points: 2
Ability points allow the user to immediately activate a new branch of magic.
| Elemental | Invocation | Ritual |
| Basic | Advanced | Complex |​



| Character | Inventory | Skills | Magic | Index |

Ability Points: 2
Ability points allow the user to immediately activate a new branch of magic.
| Elemental | Invocation | Ritual |​

| Necromancy | Anima Vestra |

| Greek | Roman | Norse | Celtic | Shinto | Hindu | Buddhist | Slavic | Mesoamerican | Abrahamic |


| Character | Inventory | Skills | Magic | Index |

Ability Points: 2
Ability points allow the user to immediately activate a new branch of magic.
| Elemental | Invocation | Ritual |​


| Curses | Wards | Summoning | M.A.D. |

|Divine Script|
| Norse Runes | Celtic Runes | Sanskrit | Hieroglyphs | Ancient Greek | LOCKED | Cuneiform |


Well… there was certainly a long list of options available for you to choose, although the greying on the options that had two levels suggested something. Probably that they would require more than one point to unlock.

[ ] {Choose at most two different magics. If a magic has underlinings in grey, it requires one point to unlock the tree, and a second to unlock a sub-class}

[ ] Continue with the same plan(Plan:Stress Testing)

[ ] Start clearing the beach, this is your beast chance to build some body strength before the registration. If your lucky, you might even find something useful in all the trash. {Time}

[ ] Experiment with your magic a bit, hopefully you'll discover some off the limits for this.
-[ ] {Magic} {Time}
--[ ] {Write in}

Vote closes on Monday
@Ars Longinus: So can we spend the points on Fire then, and if so what sub-class(es) would that get us? I'm thinking either Fire, Fire + Lightning (Fire and Lightning aren't too dissimilar), or Fire + Shinto (because pseudo-divine power is always handy).
@Kkutlord, you've already got fire unlocked, so spending more points on it wouldn't affect anything, There is something you can use second ability points for, but think of it like a storyline locked thing, you can't do it yet.

Oh, and M.A.D.? Means exactly what you think.
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I think we should unlock another basic element or two, so that we can say our Quirk allows us to use various elements through access to some kind of energy, or something like that.

What do you think, guys?
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I think we should unlock another basic element or two, so that we can say our Quirk allows us to use various elements through access to some kind of energy, or something like that.

What do you think, guys?

Hmm, how about snagging Lightning & Energy in that case? If we're gonna claim Izuku's "Quirk" is Energy Manipulation of some kind, then Fire & Lightning seem like reasonable enough starters. Getting Shadow now would be very head-scratching, but if we prove we can manipulate Energy then the weirder stuff will just be written off as advanced techniques.
Oh, just forgot to mention, do remember that you only have 30 Mana at the moment. Also, you might want to look into the old cultural ideas on the elements. It'll be... useful.
i do want to mention that i really want to grab either version of runes and religion celtic/norse becouse i really like those religions basically but for now yeah energy manipulation seems like a good cover
[X] Lightning & Energy

[X] Continue with the same plan(Plan:Stress Testing)
[X] Lightning & Energy

[X] Continue with the same plan(Plan:Stress Testing)

also i really want to spec into the tactition tree after this with the next few point we may get becouse that seems like a really fun time and usefull skill to have available