How to survive the multiverse by dying multiple times every day!(Desolate Era/Re:zero/Multiverse)
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Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse.

When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over.

But death is just the beginning of his journey.

Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity.
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I swear to god, when my parents named me Tereda Chouju I don't think this is what they meant!

Yes, certainly, fulfill my wish for an abundantly long life by making me float through outer space dying over and over.

What kind of sick joke is this? I was having a nice nap, and all of a sudden everything is exploding!

The worlds greatest superhero somehow snapped and blew up the world!

Again, this is really extremely horrible and it just won't end.

Oh, cool, I just died again. So wonderful.

First the explosions of the planet stopped killing me instantly. Which made me suffer, but not for long as the vacuum of space shredded me in an agonizing way.

Oh cool, there we are again!

Sitting up from my bed, I don't bother to do anything, because I know what's coming.

I look out the window to see a kneeling alexandria staring at the big golden idiot who keeps killing us all.

"You needed worthy opponents." He said, whatever the hell that means.

Following which eidolon the 2nd greatest hero fell to the ground in absolute despair.

Then hundreds of capes from all over were portaled in.

Then thousands.

Countless of them swarmed Sion and then everything exploded after a bright gold beam hit the surface of the planet.

The shockwave slightly bumped me as if I was lightly punched by an out of shape toddler.

That obviously would have shredded someone without an 11.46 times resistance to it from dying 52 fucking times to the same damn thing!

A few moments later I was floating in outer space again.

Well, cold doesn't really kill me anymore and neither does heat.

That's right, fucking sun boiling me my ass on one side while outerspace freezes my front.

The radiation, decompression, or asphyxiation gets me every time though.

An hour passed and I still hadn't exploded, imploded, or suffocated.

Well, it's been an hour so even if I died I would be in outer space this time.

2 more hours passed and I felt like I needed to take a breath.

30 minutes later, and that was my end.

Floating in space.

3 hours… boring.

Wow. dead.

I think it was the radiation this time.

Okay what's that over there?

A book was floating in the air and it was hurtling towards me at great speeds.

It smacked me in the head and-

Did I just die from a book slamming into my face?

I really fucking did.

On the four hour mark, every time, I just got fucking smacked in the face by a book.

Which doesn't make sense because the book should be getting closer each time or I should miss it due to being reset at a nearer and nearer time.

I frowned as the book hit me again at the same immense velocity.

4 hours later- ow my nose!

Well, at least I didn't die this time.

Well, let's see the title of this sturdy fucker.
'Time-Space Divine Death Law?'

I tried to speak the name out loud, but there is no air, so-

I shrugged.

The more I read, the more interest I had for it.

'I, Eternal Emperor, Heaven-Chaser Star-Devourer, Have reached the end of my journey. Though I feel there must be at least one realm above the eternal Emperor realm above this one. I shall cast this manual between chaosworlds and hope it finds a worthy successor. This is one of 108 inheritances I shall throw to the eternal winds between realms. This can only be used by someone with at least initial understanding of the dao's of Death, Time, and space. One must restart their cultivation entirely to use this as well. Good luck, this is one of many cultivation techniques I wish I had when I had started.'

Many crazy ass diagrams and body positions as well as weird words in strange poems followed.

I followed along as best I could.

10 hours passed, and I still didn't feel chi.

I didn't sleep for a long time and eventually I died of sleep deprivation for the first time.

Wow, what an amazing milestone.

I scoffed and continued to try to use my only hope.

I did it! I sensed chi! Now draw it in like-

I died? How did i die? What the fuck.

I drew in chi and- I got the sense that I did something wrong that time and my body bulged and-

Okay, don't do it that way clearly.

I tried multiple methods until one worked.

Why does in the palm of the asura mean pull it in through your fucking thumb?!

I continued to do this for about an hour and then-

I died again.

What did I do this time?

Okay so apparently my stomach is not my dantian.

I was turning my stomach into a bomb.

When I tried to break through my stomach just exploded and all the chi blew me to bits.

Okay, wow I actually saw that strange organ this time, but it's immaterial.

It's like my dantian is there and not.

Okay, this time I needed a lot less chi.

Okay. good, a bunch of gunk spewed out of my body then it evaporated and burned away.

Why the fuck do I hear thunder? We're in the middle of spa-

I died again.

But hey!

I was still at the start of stage 1 Houtian.

I can progress faster and- oh fuck, what's that rumbling?!

This time I glimpsed an electric discharge and died just as fast.

This repeated.

I died, fried crispy 3 times.

I survived the first bolt, only for the sky of what the fuck space to shoot another one at me.


It kept zapping me.

Subjective hours later, I could finally survive the 3rd bolt. I was nice and crispy, but still alive.

Then a portal opened and swallowed me whole.

The portal went on for a while.

I died mid-flight through my electrical burns.

I woke up again, I was in the sparkly rainbow colored corridor flying forward.

Thank god I was out of that eternal space of lightning and such.

All of a sudden I was spat out.

I stumbled forwards into a guy in a tracksuit pointing at a child in front of a moving carriage that looked medieval. He flew into the way of the carriage and was splattered.

"OH SHIT!" I shouted, as the carriage stopped.

A guard in medieval armor ran to the scene.

He rolled in front of the carriage and saved the kid.

I was frozen as a beautiful woman in an elegant red dress and blonde hair done up in a fancy style approached me with rage on her face.

"Listen I didn't mean to push the guy I-"

"HOW DARE YOU DIRTY MY CARRIAGE WITH PEASANT BLOOD!" She put her hand forward and shouted, "Fura!"

I died again to a whirlwind of green shining energy. It was as if I was in a whirlwind of cutting blades.

I was spat out of the portal.

It hadn't been an hour but I was here all the same.

I sighed and looked around.

No sign of the tracksuit guy, but I saw the same scene of the guard saving the child.

The carriage went on by, and I decided I needed info. I saw a sign that said 'Tavern' in front of it.

The letters were weird but for some reason I knew they meant tavern.

"When in shitty fantasy rome. Do as the shitty fantasy romans do."

So then, Tereda Chouju began his journey. Not quite from zero, but it was pretty damn close.
The tavern's wooden doors creaked as I pushed them open, the smell of ale and roasted meat hitting me like a wall. It was dimly lit, with rough-hewn tables and benches filled with boisterous patrons.

My pajama pants and t-shirt definitely stood out amongst the leather jerkins and roughspun garments.

Ignoring the stares that felt like hot pokers on my back, I shuffled towards a dimly lit corner table, hoping to disappear into the shadows.

The tavern buzzed with life, a cacophony of clinking mugs, raucous laughter, and conversations about topics I didn't quite understand.

Rough-looking men with weather-beaten faces and calloused hands nursed their drinks, while women with bright smiles and even brighter dresses flitted between tables, refilling mugs and exchanging banter.

As I settled onto the hard bench, snippets of conversations began to filter through the background noise.

"-was a curse, some say the Witch's Cult was involved." a gruff voice muttered, followed by a nervous chuckle.

"-is utter nonsense, just a bad illness, nothing more." another countered, but his voice lacked conviction.

"-royal selection, can you believe it? Five candidates, each one more ambitious than the last!" a woman with a shrill voice declared, drawing nods and murmurs of agreement from her companions.

Slowly, a picture began to form.

The kingdom was in turmoil, the royal family wiped out by a mysterious illness, and now five contenders were vying for the vacant throne.

Each name was accompanied by whispers of alliances, betrayals, and hidden agendas.

Emilia, the half-elf, too naive but seeking equality.

Priscilla Barielle, arrogant and ruthless, but with powerful backers

Crusch Karsten, a skilled military leader, but cold and calculating

Anastasia Hoshin, a cunning businesswoman with a mysterious past

Why were none of them talking about the fifth?

The names swirled in my head, each a piece of a puzzle.

This royal was a powder keg ready to explode.

Well, It seemed I, in my ridiculous pajamas, was caught right in the middle of a regime change.

After about thirty minutes, a burly barmaid with arms thicker than my thighs approached my table, her face like thunder.

"You gonna order something, or just take up space?" she growled.

"Uh, actually..." I stammered, suddenly aware of the emptiness of my pockets. "Just enjoying the atmosphere."

Her lips curled into a sneer. "Atmosphere don't pay the bills. Out!"

With a rough shove, I was ejected back onto the cobblestone street. Great. No information, no money, and still wearing pajamas.

I needed a change of clothes, and fast.

Spotting a clothesline strung between two buildings, I quickly scanned the surroundings before snatching a set of clothes.

A fine tunic and trousers, much better than these damn pajamas.

As I slipped them on, a voice boomed behind me.

"Thief! You dare steal from me?"

Turning, I came face-to-face with a fuming nobleman, his hand gripping the hilt of a jeweled sword. Before I could even explain, the world dissolved into a whirlwind of pain as the blade sliced through me.

And then, I was back.

Sprawled on the ground, staring at the passing carriage.

But something was different.

I was no longer in pajamas. I was wearing the nobleman's fine clothes.

A strange sense of understanding washed over me.

My resets weren't just resetting time; they were resetting me to my best possible state.

that 'best possible state' thankfully included being pristine- no blood, no grime, no lingering evidence of my previous deaths.

The carriage continued its journey, the blonde noblewoman's gaze sweeping over me without a flicker of recognition.

This time, I wouldn't be caught off guard. This time, I wouldn't die.

This time, I wouldn't waste my opportunity. Knowledge was power, and I needed to learn everything I could about this world, this royal selection, and the forces at play.

First things first, I needed a plan. And perhaps, a drink.

Despite the reset, my throat felt parched, likely a phantom sensation from the many times I'd died from dehydration in that endless void.

First, I needed money.

I frowned, time to piss off the crowd and get killed again.

With a grimace, I grabbed the coin sack of a noble, and attached it to my hip. I ran, and grabbed another, I dumped the money into my pouch until it was full.

I notice that my clothing had a bunch of straps inside my cloak and tunic for more money I grabbed. So I filled 6 pouches and then strapped them to the cloak and inside my tunic.

By then I was surrounded by guards who were shouting at me, swords drawn.

When I didn't obey and just grinned at them, one of them lunged forward.

Surprisingly, getting cut by aluminum furnishings to death about 50 times does not let normal guards without magic cut you at all.

Or was it chi? Or both? Seriously I have no idea what the powers are here.

They kept attacking until they were panting with exertion.

I knocked the one with the sturdiest looking sword out with my fist that due to impact damage resistance hit as hard as I could without harming me.

Right on the chin, he fell.

I grabbed his sword and strapped it to the space on my belt it seemed to be meant for.

I grinned, but before I could walk off, I heard the words, "El Clarista!" and a blade of light cut me in two.

I was standing this time.

I had the sword of the guard I knocked out and my coin pouches were still here.


I went to the bar to listen more intensely.

I sat down at a more central table this life.

I waved to the bulky barmaid, "Get me some watered ale. Something fruity."

"Something fruity?" the barmaid echoed, her thick brows furrowing in suspicion. "We ain't got nothin' fancy like that here. Ale or nothin', take it or leave it."

"Ale it is then," I conceded, placing a few coins on the table with a flourish. Money talked, even in this rough establishment. "And perhaps some information, if you're willing to share."

Her eyes narrowed, assessing me. The fine clothes and the heavy coin pouch clearly sparked her interest. "Depends on the information you're after," she said cautiously.

"The royal selection," I stated, leaning forward. "Tell me about the candidates. Especially the fifth one. No one seems to be talking about them."

A flicker of surprise crossed her face.

"The fifth one?" the barmaid echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Ain't no fifth one yet, none'n heard a peep about it sides they exist. Heard dat reinhard'n noble fellow be lookin for one'er but nobody knows. just the four noble ladies vying for the crown so far. that Emilia, that Priscilla, that Crusch, and that Hoshin woman. Everyone knows that."

"Is that so?" I replied, schooling my features into a neutral expression. Four candidates and a fifth to be found.

"Tell me more about these four then," I continued, taking another swig of the ale. "Their strengths, weaknesses, anything you've heard."

She frowned. "Nonnuf coin for weaknesses ever. You wanna learnbout weaknesses listen but don't ask. Fuggen off with that suicidal askin'."

I nodded with a grimace. I asked for too much. I passed her a silver this time. "For forgetting I asked about weaknesses."

I then put out 10 more copper coins. "Hows about just what you've heard of the current candidates."

She nodded. "Aye, that it is. Got that Emilia, the half-elf, tryin' to make things fair for everyone. Then there's Priscilla, all high and mighty, thinks the crown belongs to her by right. Crusch, the general, she's all about order and discipline. And Anastasia, the sly one, always wheelin' and dealin'. Whole lot of power at play, that's for sure."

"Interesting," I murmured, taking another sip of the ale. "Seems like a complex situation."

"That it is," the barmaid agreed. "Best to keep your head down and stay out of trouble, that's what I say."

"Wise words," I replied, offering a small smile. And for once, I intended to heed them.

I left another silver and stood up.

I left the tavern and I tried to disappear into the crowd.

Bennetta the Barmaid POV

As the fancy fellow tried to shift into the crowd and fail, I cast a suspicious glance at his retreating back.

With a scowl, I leaned towards a group of shady-looking individuals huddled in a dark corner of the tavern, their faces hidden beneath hooded cloaks.

"That one," I muttered, pointing in the direction the fancypants had gone. "He was askin' 'bout the royal selection, and the fifth candidate. Paid good coin, too."

A low chuckle rippled through the group, followed by a voice like rustling dry leaves. "Interesting. Perhaps our little game is about to get more profitable."
Slipping out of the tavern, I merged with the flow of the marketplace, the press of bodies a welcome anonymity after the scrutiny of the barmaid's gaze.

Still, I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on my back, a phantom itch between my shoulder blades.

Maybe it was just nerves.

Dying repeatedly does tend to leave one a bit jumpy.

Or maybe it was the ale, stronger than I was used to.

Either way, I decided to put some distance between myself and the tavern.

Just to be safe.

As I turned a corner into a quieter side street, a sudden tightness around my neck yanked me back.

A thin wire, nearly invisible against the rough stone wall, had caught me like a snare.

Panic flared as my air supply was cut off, vision blurring, the world tilting sideways.

Then, nothing.

The tavern smells slammed into me again: roasted meat, stale ale, unwashed bodies.

The barmaid stood there, expectant, as if I'd never left.

My hand was half-raised, about to signal her for another drink, when the pieces clicked into place.

The barmaid.

My questions about the royal selection.

Those hooded figures she'd been talking to.

It wasn't paranoia, it was a setup.

Anger simmered, but mostly I felt stupid.

Of course someone would see a well-dressed outsider asking too many questions as an easy mark.

Lesson painfully learned.

I lowered my hand, turning away without a word.

The barmaid's confused face faded behind me as I paid the barman and left.

I pushed back into the crowd.

Time to find a new watering hole, one with less treacherous staff.

And this time, I'd keep my mouth shut and my ears open.

The second tavern was smaller, dingier, and reeked of stale cabbage.

A definite downgrade, but that suited me just fine.

The fewer eyes on my fancy clothes, the better. I snagged a corner stool, nursing a mug of watery ale while trying to tune out the off-key singing from a group of drunkards.

Instead, I focused on the snippets of conversation swirling around me.

This crowd wasn't as interested in the royal selection, which was a relief.

Instead, they talked about more mundane things like crop prices, local gossip, and grumbling about taxes.

Occasionally, though, a tidbit about the wider world would slip through.

"-heard things are tense in Gusteko," a merchant was saying, his voice low. "Gustekoan raiders causing trouble again and Kararagi's pissed."

"Kararagi's even closed its borders," another man added. "Something about a plague, or maybe demons, who knows with those westerners."


It seemed this kingdom wasn't the only one facing troubles.

Knowing the state of neighboring countries could be valuable information, especially if things went sideways here.

After a while, I shifted my focus, straining to catch any mention of swordsmanship schools.

If I was going to survive in this world, I needed more than just information and resets. I needed skills.

"son's training at the academy in the capital," a woman was saying proudly. "Says he'll be a knight someday."

"Bah, knights are all show and no substance," scoffed a grizzled old man. "Real fighters learn on the streets, or from a proper mercenary guild."

That gave me a few leads. A knight academy, a mercenary guild.

I guess these were the places where I could hone my fighting skills and hopefully learn to use this fancy sword I'd acquired.

Finishing my ale, I tossed a few coins on the counter and headed back out into the streets.

It was time to start my training, and maybe, just maybe, turn this endless cycle of death and get the hell back up again into something more.

Looking down at the noble attire I was wearing, I chose to train at the knights academy.

I moved towards the knights training facility after asking where it was from a nearby guard.

I arrived and noticed The Royal Knights Academy was a sprawling complex of stone buildings and training grounds, bustling with activity.

Squires sparred with wooden swords, knights practiced mounted combat, and instructors barked orders with an air of authority.

Feeling like a child playing dress-up amongst seasoned warriors, I approached a group of knights, hoping to inquire about training.

"Excuse me," I began by bowing slightly like the nobles. "I am interested in learning swordsmanship. Would it be possible to receive instruction here?"

One of the knights, a burly man with a thick beard and a scar across his cheek, sized me up with a critical eye.

30 minutes of impressively terribly flailing later.

"Strength seems decent enough," he grunted, "but your form is atrocious. You barely even know how to hold that sword."

Embarrassment flushed through me as I fumbled with the hilt, acutely aware of my lack of skill.

"We offer private instruction," the knight continued, "but it'll cost you. 1 gold coin for an hour."

It was a steep price, but I had the money, and the need was dire.

"I accept," I said, handing over 8 coins.

The next few hours were a blur of grueling exercises, footwork drills, and basic sword techniques.

The knight instructor was merciless, correcting every mistake with a sharp bark and a swift rap on the knuckles.

By the end, I was sweating profusely, my muscles aching, but I had grasped the absolute basics of swordsmanship.

"Here," the instructor said, tossing me a scroll. "A technique for drawing in mana and strengthening the body. Practice it diligently."

I unfurled the scroll, my eyes scanning the unfamiliar symbols and diagrams.

As I deciphered the text, a sense of familiarity washed over me.

This technique, while crude and inefficient, bore a striking resemblance to the initial stages of the Time-Space Divine Death Law.

A daring idea sparked in my mind.

Perhaps I could merge the two techniques, combining the always on mana drawing and cycling aspect of this knightly training with the superior foundation and power of the Time-Space Divine Death Law.

It was a risky gamble, but the potential reward was too tempting to resist.

Closing my eyes, I attempted to weave the two techniques together, guiding the chi according to the principles of the Time-Space Divine Death Law and the constant drawing of the Knight tehcnique.

For a moment, I felt a surge of power, a sense of harmony as it drew in.

It then continued.

then it didn't stop.

I couldn't rotate this chi fast enough!

everything went white.

My power seemed to stutter in confusion for a moment then-

I found myself sprawled on the ground once more, the familiar scene of the carriage incident playing out before me.

Confusion washed over me.

It was morning, barely past 10, yet I distinctly remembered it being at least 4 PM in the afternoon when I attempted the technique merge.

Had my reset somehow gone wrong?

Dismissing the anomaly for now, I focused on the positives.

My money was back, the eight gold coins I'd spent on training returned to my pouch.

The knowledge I had gained, the basic swordsmanship and the flawed mana technique, remained etched in my memory.

This time, I wouldn't make the same mistake.

The knight instructor had mentioned my sword was shoddily made while he was training me, so I would start by acquiring a proper weapon and some decent armor.

With the straps and pockets of my noble attire conveniently refilled with coin pouches, I had the means to equip myself properly.

I moved towards the shop I overheard one of the trainees say had the best weapons and armor.

I would take that with a grain of salt, even if the instructor he was in front of seemed to agree.

10 minutes later, I stood in front of a shop.

In the back a strong looking man who looked no older than 30 was hammering at a nearly finished looking chestplate.

Being polite, I waited for him to reach a breaking point and for him to look up at me.

"Aye, thenks four be'en so polite-y your nobleship ser. What'n cane I doe for yeh."

His accent was thick, but I could make it out.

"I was looking for some tough armor with the same amount of straps or more than I have here. I could also use a sword that won't give out on me the moment I try to fight with it."

The man nodded. "That'n I ken do. Dun'che worry. I ken get et dun en bout en owwer."

I nodded, "An hour can be fine. How much would the leather set and the sword be?"

He nodded, "about'n 16 golde.'"

I nodded, "I'll stand and watch as you make them."

I poured out 16 gold and showed it to him.

"You'll get the full amount when it's done."

He nods, "Spousse I shulde' geet tew wurk."

He moved the finished chest-plate aside, and then pulled out some really tough looking leather from a hide I didn't know about.

He placed it on the table, made strange gestures. He muttered something about spirits and then spoke up as his sewing hand glowed.

He spoke up. "What'n kenda 'chantments ye went?"

I grinned, "Surprise me. I got another 16 for the enchanting budget." That would leave me with 10 left after I would have him enchant the armor and sword.

That would be enough for more training and then 2 gold for me to die with. assuming I didn't refill.

An hour passed and it was 11:10.

He began to explain the enchantments on the armor.

He pointed to the red leather upper suit that looked like it wrapped around my whole upper body. "Dis wun er hes de endlays storedge fo them people who wann carry lot eh crap wit em. Comes witt da standard increased protectins o' to awl dengs magic en de- cress weight ferr all yerself. Whol boddeh."

I nodded, Endless storage with magical protections and damage resistance. Decreased weight too. Nice.

I nodded, as I passed him the 32 gold for the set and the sword and he gave me.

The pants gave additional magic protection and defense with two pockets that linked to my endless storage.

The hood and circlet gave the same protections as the rest but increased the speed of knowledge gained and reading speed.

The gloves were linked to the circlet and hood which made my hands quick, and such things relating to the hands easier to learn and bonus protections.

The boots, finally, gave a bonus to learning how to move in battle as well as footwork learning speed.

The sword was just extremely durable to the point where it could cut through normal steel like butter with enough force applied.

"How did you know I needed a learning boost?" I asked, wanting to know the answer.

"Ye hold ye sword lik'n yor holden' et to lern. Lik'n ye just sturt'd lern'n"

Right. So I'm holding it like an amateur who barely trained at all. Got it.

I nodded, and handed him 2 gold for a tip.

I had 8 gold for training- but maybe going to the library to learn stuff wouldn't hurt.

6:30 PM Lugunica Library.
I spent hours in the library and had to pay 50 silver for an hour.

This world's fantasy novels sucked.

I learned a lot about mana and magic, though, not enough to use it.

I reached for a book on world history, which is really what I should have started with.

Then a Shockwave of freezing energy passed through the library.

All the nobles around me looked around for a moment, started shivering for about 30 seconds and then went pale and died of the cold.

It was getting colder by the second.

At this rate, it would be colder than outer-space in about 10 minutes.

I decided to grab all the books on history and put it in my endless storage.

2 minutes and 15 seconds I started hearing explosions and the ground shook.

Then all the books on magic.

Books started falling down and floating around at around 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

Then all the breathing techniques that were guarded on the upper level.

6 minutes had passed and whatever was happening outside was a monumental disaster.

Then those books on magic that were guarded by a noble mage.

7 minutes had passed, and there was a lull in the battle.

I then looted the gold of every patron I saw.

Putting them all in endless storage.

9 minutes had passed and I was shivering.

50 seconds later and an explosion so large that the library seemed like it was being bounced up and down like a ping pong ball.

I continued to grab gold and a few shiny looking platinum coins that I had no idea what they could be for if gold had such amazing buying power.

I had about 90 of them.

9 seconds later I had to sit down.

As my body began to shut down from temperatures that would make pluto blush, I opened my endless storage and counted using the measuring function in my enchanted armor.

92 platinum coins I didn't know anything about.

172 large gold coins.

504 gold coins.

9052 silver coins.

And over 99999 copper coins because the armor stopped counting there.

As my brain failed me, I shrugged internally.

A good haul.

5:30 PM Lugunica Library.
SHIT! Internally I was freaking out. It was 5:30.

Shouldn't it be 10 AM?!
Panic clawed at my throat. 5:30 PM?


The last thing I remembered was the library freezing over, my body shutting down.

I should be back at the carriage incident, 10 AM sharp.

That was how the resets had worked so far. So why...?

Then it hit me.

The Time-Space Divine Death Law.

My attempt to modify it, to incorporate that crude mana technique.

It had backfired spectacularly, but maybe, just maybe, it had also affected the reset somehow.

A crazy, desperate hope bloomed in my chest. If I could control the resets, even a little, it would be a game-changer.

Ignoring the curious glances from other library patrons, I settled into a meditative posture, closing my eyes.

I focused on the familiar pathways of the Time-Space Divine Death Law, I recalled the sensation of the botched merge, the uncontrolled influx of chi.

This time, I would be more careful, more precise.

I visualized the flow of time as a river, picturing myself stepping not just back to a fixed point, but navigating the current, choosing my destination.

It was a monumental task, trying to influence something as fundamental as time itself, but the alternative was unacceptable.

Another death, another blind reset

Sweat beaded on my forehead as I concentrated, The correct flow snapped into place.

The energy was still too much.

I arrived at Houtian rank 2.

The flow increased twice as much and I exploded.

My eyes snapped open.

I looked around.

I was standing on the street where the guard would save the child.

However, It seems I had bought myself some time.

It was 6 AM and the sun had barely risen.

I instinctively knew it was the same day.

I grinned, time for a training montage.

I had immense wealth now, so I might as well buy an amulet enchanted for training speed.

I went to a shop that sold enchanted jewelry.

I then realized it wasn't open, so I went to an open field and trained with my sword.

At this point, after training, yes I was durable, but 2 of 9 Houtian ranks made me barely above peak human.

So I trained and I continued to train.

9AM Luganica field across from the noble shopping district.

Stopping the exercise I realized that the gear I had really heavily affected training to the point I was correcting myself mid-swing.

What if I added even more multipliers.

That enchanted jewelry sounded really nice around now.

The store was open, so I sheathed my very expensive sword, and moved towards the magic item and jewelry shop.

I opened the door, and I heard a male voice, "One moment, customer."

Emerging from a back room, a man appeared, his smile as bright as the polished gemstones adorning his fingers.

He was dressed in flowing robes of a style I didn't recognize, adorned with intricate embroidery and shimmering with faint magical energy.

In fact, one of those rings had what seemed twice as much energy as my houtian 2 explosion contained.

"Welcome," he greeted, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I am Kasimir, purveyor of fine wares and curiosities from across the planes. How may I assist you today?"

I was a bit weirded out but he seemed to be the real deal. "I'm looking for something to enhance my training," I stated, getting straight to the point. "Jewelry, perhaps, enchanted for increased learning speed and skill training."

Kasimir's smile widened. "Ah, a seeker of knowledge and self-improvement. A worthy pursuit indeed. Come, let me show you what I have."

He led me through the shop, which seemed to expand and twist with each step, revealing a seemingly endless array of shelves and display cases filled with objects that defied description.

There were amulets that pulsed with inner light, rings that whispered secrets in unknown tongues, and bracelets that hummed with a power I could barely comprehend.

When the world stopped moving around us, I only had one question.

"What the hell is this place?"

He grinned at me when I asked.

"I am Kasamir." His grin turned strange.

"And I am a wandering bazaar. A purveyor of fine wares and curiosities from across the planes." his strange grin turned into a smile.

"The pendant," Kasimir explained, "works on a different principle from the ones of the waterfall world, as I like to call it. It attunes your body to the flow of physical movements, improving muscle memory and coordination by a factor of three. Your reflexes will sharpen, and learning new techniques will become significantly easier."

"The rings," he started as he waved to the other side display. "Are a set of five, each additively increasing training speed by 10 when all are worn. A multiple of 2 added for each ring worn."

I considered his words carefully. The enchantments were impressive, but I knew from experience that even greater enhancements were possible.

My current attire, when worn together, tripled my learning speed for combat skills and other physical disciplines and I only spent 32 gold on them.

Each ring only cost 20 gold, and the amulet 50.

"I appreciate the craftsmanship," I said, "but I'm looking for something more...potent. Do you have anything that surpasses these enhancements?"

Kasimir stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Perhaps...but such items are rare and come at a premium price. Tell me, what is your budget for this endeavor?"

I reached into my seemingly bottomless coin crevice and pulled out a handful of platinum coins, the ones I had looted from the frozen corpses in the library. "I believe these will suffice," I said with a confident smirk.

A gleam of excitement entered Kasimir's eyes. "Ah, platinum! Holy dragon coins of Lugunica! A currency of connoisseurs and collectors. Now we're talking. Follow me, my friend. I believe I have something that will pique your interest."

"Now, my friend, here is something very good!' He smiled excitedly. "I had found this in the ruins of Turudu on the plane of Mahadan. Very nasty place but the enchanters there are top notch!"

He pulled a cloth off of the three amulets.

"Now, the one on the far left is called the 500 hour amulet. It will force your mind and body in whatever you do to yourself, add skill to you as if you were doing it for 500 hours. I can sell this to you for your local platinum currency, the Holy dragon coins. Just 15 of them! A wonderful deal yes?"

I nodded, "what about the middle one?" I asked.

He obliged by explaining. "This is the 1000 hour amulet. The same as the first, but for 1000 hours and for 80 Holy dragon coins."

I nodded, it seemed this was the one for me.

I didn't have enough for the one on the far right. "I wouldn't suppose the third one cost only 92 holy dragon coins?" I asked just in case.

He just shook his head with a smile as the third one disappeared in a puff of smoke.

I nodded, and handed him 80 holy dragon coins.

He handed me the amulet and I put it on. The amulet seemed to sink into my body.

Upon putting it on, I realized my walking and standing was wrong.

I adjusted my body. I begin and continue making minute adjustments for reasons that flooded my mind.

"Ah yes, a doozy the first time! Don't worry! You'll get used to learning fast. Might I recommend this multitasking book for 10 silver?"

I nodded and touched it as I handed some of my mountain of silver to him.

Suddenly the book disappeared in motes of light and I knew how to manage my mind in a way that even if reasons to walk and breathe better.

"Now, a disclaimer. The ring indeed, cannot increase the speed at which you cultivate normally, but you will learn better ways to use the technique. Good yes? Eventually you can modify techniques to be even better at an insane rate." He smiled happily.

"Do you have any extremely top quality cloaks for below 12 Holy coins?" I asked.

"I have exactly what you need!" the shelves shifted around strangely as we arrive at a stand with a scarf with an attached mask.

"This is a wonderful scarf and mask set for enhanced stealth. I guarantee you a level 30 Rogue that has put all his 10 divinity levels into perception would never find you once active. It is completely indestructible! Once worn it will be integrated into your body like the amulet! The mask enables you to go unrecognized, creating a new persona that shifts faces and features for the one viewing. Both are toggleable to be viewed, and used! The mask, when worn, won't be felt or seen just like the cloak and decreases damage taken by slashing and piercing weapons by 90%! Usually the mask would be 12 holy coins and the cloak would be 12 as well! But I like you! So it's a buy one get one free!"

I nodded and handed him my last holy coins.

He clapped, "Do you wish to purchase anything else? Say with large gold coins?"

I shook my head.

He nodded happily. "It was a wonderful time doing business with you. Remember, if you want to come back and hand me more money in exchange for receiving goods, simply stand in front of any magic shop, no matter how dingy, fake, or bad, clap 4 times, say my name, and clap 2 more! Have a wonderful day Tereda Chouju!"

I found myself outside of the shop.

The only evidence I was even there was the strange adjusting of my posture and changes to my breathing.

I turned around and there was an alley there, which had a dingy looking magic shop in the back.

I shrugged.

Strangely, even after surely spending at least an hour in there, the clock in my mind still read 9:02 AM.

I went back to the training ground and swung my sword once.

The moment I did it I realized I was doing it wrong.

I corrected myself and it happened again.

It kept happening until my sword was an absolute blur.

The basic knight style was hammered into me.

Something snapped into place, I was houtian 3 and half way to 4.

I checked my clock and it was noon.

All my enchanted items are either integrated inside of me or as part of clothing.

in case of the mask and cloak, both. I disable the feature randomization of the mask and the stealth of the cloak.

I think I should check out the mercenary guild. I'll try to learn their techniques.
The mercenary guild occupied a sturdy, two-story building on a bustling street lined with shops and taverns.

While not as opulent as the noble district, it exuded an air of professionalism and respectability. Mercenaries, clad in practical leathers and chainmail, mingled with merchants and tradesmen, discussing contracts and exchanging news over tankards of ale.

Pushing open the heavy oak door, I stepped into a spacious hall filled with the murmur of conversations and the clatter of weaponry coming from the training ground.

A large notice board displayed various job postings, ranging from guarding caravans to hunting down bandits.

Mercenaries of all stripes lounged around, some sharpening their blades, others playing cards or sharing stories of their exploits.

Approaching the counter, I saw the woman behind it, a stern-faced individual with a keen eye and a no-nonsense demeanor.

Before approaching her, I thought I should do a little advertisement. "I'm seeking swordsmen willing to share their expertise," I announced, my voice carrying clearly across the hall.

"For each impressive technique I learn to a maximum of 10 per spar, I'll offer one gold coin. For anything new I learn, ten silver, which is limited to 10 gold per spar. As well as for any improvement to my existing skills, one silver each with the same limit per spar."

A ripple of interest spread through the guild as mercenaries turned their attention towards me.

The prospect of earning a decent sum for simply demonstrating their skills was clearly intriguing.

"Think you can handle what we have to offer, fancy pants?" a woman with a mischievous grin and a rapier strapped to her hip challenged.

"I'm here to learn," I replied with a confident smile. "And I'm willing to pay for the privilege."

"She nodded. Alright, then post your mission. I'm sure plenty will take it." She walked away, and I went back to the woman with the stern face at the counter.

"I already have it written up." She said, She reached her hand out and I pulled a pouch with 150 gold in it.

She opened it up, whistled, and asked, "You sure you gonna learn that much?"

I nodded with a grin.

"Well it's your money."

She grabbed a wheel with numbers attached in which pulling it would give a ticket to be in line starting with 1, 2, 3 and so on.

She placed the ticket puller next to where she would place my poster for the job.

Quickly people started pulling tickets.

Sensing it was time to 'get learned' as the memers say, I smiled a wide, unnerving smile as I approached the stage of the training pit.

And so began my training within the mercenary guild, a whirlwind of clanging steel, grunts of exertion, and the satisfying clink of coins being handed out by the desk clerk .

I faced a motley crew of seasoned fighters, each with their own unique approach to combat.

There was the grizzled veteran with bear ears and nose, obviously a bear beastfolk, who favored brute strength and relentless aggression, then I fought a nimble cat beastfolk who danced around me with lightning-fast strikes.

She gave in the towel after the swift movements left her tired.

then the stoic swordsman who relied on precision, not striking until he was sure he would hit but dodging and guarding with parries to try to create an opening.

The 1000-hour amulet was a godsend, allowing me to absorb their techniques at an astonishing rate.

With each spar, my swordsmanship evolved from diverse styles and combat philosophies.

However, as my skills grew, I began to notice the limitations of each individual style.

The brute force approach left me open to counterattacks, the nimble catgirls tyle lacked the power to truly threaten a heavily armored opponent, the stoic swordsman's precision could be disrupted by unpredictable movements.

It was then that I had a revelation.

Instead of simply copying their techniques, I needed to synthesize them, to combine their strengths and discard their weaknesses.

I began to experiment, blending the brute's aggression with the elf's agility, the swordsman's precision with the trickster's unpredictability.

The results were startling. I moved with a fluidity and power that surprised even the most seasoned mercenaries.

My strikes were both precise and unexpected, my defenses impenetrable yet adaptable. I no longer used just a collection of borrowed techniques, I was forging my own unique style, a swordsmanship that couldn't be categorized at all.

By the end of the day, I had spent a small fortune, but it didn't matter, I would get it all back if I died.

I had gained a deeper understanding of combat, and of the flow of movement, too. had everything I needed to survive in this world, to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

I was eager to put my newfound skills to the test.

6:29 PM

I would be proven wrong.

6:30 PM

So very wrong.

A shockwave of cold coming from the slums, much closer this time created a blizzard in an instant.

The mercenaries Immediately bolted in the other direction.

The hardier adventurers made it to the edge of my vision, but the catgirl who I was just sparring with was an ice statue just 10 feet from the building.

I looked around me and a bunch of people were dead and frozen.

A massive white leonine creature rose from the center of the slums.

It's eyes are a blank mask of rage.

If i fought that I would die.

If i ran I would die.

If I stayed still I would die.

I ran forward knowing I would die, but I had to fight it, even just to measure my strength.

I was nothing.

I didn't even get close to its front paw I was planning to slash without freezing.

It got colder as I approached anyway.

I didn't stand a fucking chance in hell.

I felt the tug back to an hour ago, I snatched it and dragged it back to 9AM.

I opened my eyes.

I decided I needed to see Kasimir again.

He wouldn't screw me on information I bought from him, I knew in my heart somehow.

I retraced my steps back to the magic shop where I'd met Kasimir.

The alleyway was still there, the dingy storefront unchanged.

Following the instructions he'd given me, I clapped four times, spoke his name, and clapped twice more.

The world shimmered for a moment, then I found myself standing once more within the expansive, ever-shifting bazaar.

Kasimir materialized before me, a knowing smile on his lips.

"Back so soon, Tereda Chouju?" he chuckled. "Have you come to spend more of your...acquired wealth?"

"Information," I stated, cutting to the chase. "I need to know about the source of that freezing magic, the creature that appeared in the slums."

Kasimir's smile faded, "I know this, but-" he made the universal gesture for give me money.

I obliged and handed him a gold coin.

He nodded, "Ah, the Great Spirit of Fire, Puck," Kasimir said, "A powerful being, once bound by a contract of friendship, now consumed by grief and rage."

"A spirit?" I questioned, surprised. "But the power- it felt like absolute hatred and despair. Something the books in the library stated was almost impossible for a spirit to feel."

"Grief can twist even the purest of hearts," Kasimir explained. "Without his contractor to anchor him, Puck's despair has manifested as a destructive force, an icy blizzard that threatens to engulf the world."

"Is there a way to prevent Puck from reaching this state?" I asked, leaning closer.

He nodded, and then waved a hand for more money.

I handed him another of my restored gold.

Kasimir's gaze flicked to the swirling crystal orb. "The contract is bound to a specific individual. Ensuring their safety might keep the contract intact."

"Do you know who this contractor is?" I pressed.

He frowned, shaking his head. "The specifics are unknown, but scrying orbs can reveal hidden connections, unveil threads of fate." His shaking head stopped as he smirked.

I studied the collection of glowing orbs. "Could one identify Puck's contractor?"

A sly smile curved Kasimir's lips. "It's possible. However, such insights come at a price."

I reached for my coin pouch, and placed one holy coin down on the table. "I'm willing to pay."

He nodded, and smirked.

He held up 4 fingers.

I placed 3 more Holy coins, the platinum ringing out loudly on the table

A great big smile adorned Kasimir's face.

He got up and moved towards the rack of countless orbs.

He grabbed one and brought it to me.

"Think of anything you want to know about something or someone on this current plane. Ask a question about that, and you'll gain said knowledge from the orb." He finished with a customer service smile that gave me bad vibes.

I ignored that and asked the question internally, wording it just so. "Where is the current contractor of Puck, the great spirit of fire, what is his or her name, and why is she or he there?"

Now there can't be a loophole.

Information flooded my brain.

A thief girl in over her head, stealing something she has no idea can get her killed as fast as lightning.

A girl with white hair and elf ears chasing from behind and failing to catch up.

A white cat, which was somehow the great spirit of fire, floating next to her lazily as she sprinted towards the thief.

She must retrieve her emblem or she will be disqualified as a possible ruler.

The vision ended.

I nodded, and went to use it again but Kasimir hissed. "Re-uses of the orb cost an additional platinum based coin."

I nodded again, slowly this time, my body tense with anti-creep energy.

I placed the coin down, and I asked one last question to the orb.

"What will kill Emilia within the next 12 hours and why?"

Another vision, A woman, absolutely insane and hungering to see the blood coming out of people's entrails.

Her black hair and beauty are a stark contrast to her cruelness and insanity.

She was told to get the emblem by someone.

I can't see who.

She kills Emelia, not to get the amulet, she already had taken it from the corpse of the thief girl.

She just wanted to see the blood of her guts.

The vision freezes as every molecule in her body is frozen.

I gasped "Well, that was fucked up."

Kasimir smiled happily, and spoke "want to spend anything else?"

My grin turns ruthless. "Any good stuff for cultivators?"

He waved his hand as shelves covered in herbs and books, "Anything good would be out of your price range, but these will suffice for now. For anything better- I'm sure you can get more money."

"Got any good hand to hand techniques for cultivators? Sword styles too?"

His smile reached ear to ear. "Indeed."
After a bit of haggling, I ended up leaving with a potion of permanent detect surrounding temperature, which I got for 1 gold. - sue me I was curious.

I also purchased a Mid Earth Grade martial art that uses my whole body called whirlwind body fighting technique which uses rotation to deal critical strikes.

Following which, I bought a High earth grade sword style called Nine-fold slashes technique which emphasizes permutations of nine basic slashes which can be expanded into 95 kinds of slashes and once mastered 380 slashes in different orders for supposedly every situation.

The final thing I bought was information on nobles that could be considered evil enough that they had passed the moral event horizon.

There were 3, but I narrowed it down to the only one who had a vault full of treasure.

6 gold for that info.

The techniques cost 30 platinum for the mid-earth grade one, and 45 platinum for the high earth-grade one.

Did you think I was just going to destroy evil for free?

Maybe after the beast of the end stops going berserk every night.

I decided to train the full body martial art until 1PM and then the sword technique until 5:30.

Then I'd put on my mask and cloak and loot Count Blupson's estate.

For the first 20 minutes I just twirled in the way that the martial art demanded all moves initiated, trying to get a feel for the movement.

Then I started using the strikes for the next 40 minutes.

I rapidly twirled with momentum, I was a whirlwind of kicks and fists and elbows and my knees followed in. This technique even uses my forehead as a weapon. My fore-arms joined in as my shins and feet became even more of a weapon.

The backs of my hands, the fronts of my palms, even my fingers.

All were a dance of violence as I spun I spun-

Something was strange, there was- a formula. A- what is this num-

I snapped out of it just as I was about to see some kind of universal truth. Damn, I really felt like I was about to gain something awesome.

It was 6PM, and I realized that I needed to raid that fucker's mansion before mr. big-cat decides to freeze the city.

I realized my cultivation had gone from halfway to four to the beginning of 5 of the houtian stage.

I would think about this later, I rushed towards the estate of the person I am going to call mr.blup-blup from now on simply because his name is dumb.

Arriving at the estate at exactly 6:05 PM I chug the potion that tasted like cinnamon and sea urchin soaked in mint-fermented egg yolk, ugh. Then I put on my cloak, mask and imaginary sunglasses.

I entered the estate unseen and unnoticed due to the awesome enchantments on the cloak.

I arrived at the big golden vault that was literally made of gold, if I had more time, I'd totally cut it into chunks and shove it into my armor, but I can't due to time constraints.

Simply cutting a door for myself, I walked in.

Gold and platinum all over the floor, shining gemstones and artifacts with enchantments everywhere.

I tested the swords by having one try to cut the other.

Quickly I found the best one, after all I can just come back for more every loop.

81 broken swords later, I grabbed the best one. I tried to cut my sword with it, and surprisingly the noble sword in fact, was good enough to cut my black-smithed sword easily.

I grabbed all the gauntlets and heavy metal boots, followed by some elbow guards with short spikes and sturdy knee guards. 7 of each, I'll find out which was the best by getting them appraised later. Of course, I only grabbed the ones I could put atop my current gear.

6:24 PM I had 6 minutes left, and nobody had found me yet so that's good.

I hoovered up all but a single copper coin, just for the shits and giggles.

Obviously everyone this close to the slums would die like an ice-statue.

I grabbed all the books.


I grabbed the gemstones I ignored.


I decided to grab the breathing techniques, after all, you can never learn enough about how they use mana for martial arts here. I also got 4 movement techniques that seemed promising. I might be able to apply it to apply these abilities to future chi based techniques.

The shockwave of cold blasted outwards around the city. My internal potion granted temperature calculation showed an initial -120 C and it just kept getting colder.

-125 C
-135 C
-140 C

Wow, and that was just the first few seconds after the first minute, it hit -175 C

I decided to walk outside since this estate was just outside the slums.

The moment I arrived outside-

The last thing I noticed was a big -235 C as I was flash-frozen like a raw chicken exposed to liquid nitrogen squared.

I decided to yank the proverbial cord all the back as far as I could. I would arrive at 4:30 AM using 95% of my current Chi.

I decided that was the best idea.

5th lvl Houtian,

3469 platinum/Holy coins.(Nice rule bro? How did this even happen?)

Maxed out the counter on large gold.

Maxed out the counter normal gold.

Silver too.

My copper coins are still stuck at 99999+ too.

I didn't even know a denomination known as Iron Dots existed but I maxed those out too.

This, Too, Was indeed a good haul.

My eyes snapped open, the familiar sensation of temporal displacement fading away. It was 4:30 AM, the city still shrouded in the darkness of early morning.

I had successfully pulled myself back to this point in time, sacrificing a significant portion of my chi to do so.

No time to waste. Today, I would focus on the Nine-fold Slashes Technique, the sword style that had eluded me in the previous loop.

Finding the same secluded patch of grass as before, I began to practice.

The movements were intricate, each slash a precise and deliberate action, building upon the nine core forms to create an endless array of variations.

With each repetition, my understanding deepened, the movements becoming ingrained in my muscle memory.

The 1000-hour amulet worked its magic, accelerating my learning to an astonishing degree. Hours passed like minutes as I immersed myself in the intricacies of the sword style.

By the time the sun began to rise, I had mastered the basic nine slashes and was delving into the more complex permutations.

Stopping at 11AM, I realized I could use 48 of the maximum 390 forms and combinations.

With a happy look on my smiling face, I decided to pay another visit to Kasimir.

He might have something that could further enhance my combat abilities.

Stepping into the familiar alleyway, I performed the ritualistic claps and found myself once more within the ever-shifting expanse of the bazaar.

Kasimir materialized before me, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"Back again, Tereda Chouju?" he chuckled. "Seems like only today, over and over again, that you visited me. Indeed, time loops are amusing to keep track of."

"I guess," I replied, a strange look on my face that I couldn't even comprehend even having made it. "I'm interested in movement techniques. Something to enhance my speed and agility in combat."

"Ah, a wise pursuit," Kasimir nodded. "Tell me, what is your budget for this endeavor?"

I hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Around 120 platinum coins." I didn't want to reveal the true extent of my wealth, but I knew I needed something truly exceptional.

Kasimir's eyes gleamed with interest. "For that price, I can offer you something quite extraordinary. The 'Shadowstep Waltz', a peak earth-grade movement technique said to have been developed by the assassins of the Shadow Plane. It allows the user to manipulate shadows, teleporting short distances and moving with an almost ethereal grace."

I considered his offer, picturing myself flitting through the darkness, utilizing shadows to outmaneuver my opponents. It was tempting, but ultimately, I knew it wouldn't suit my needs.

"While intriguing," I countered, "being limited to shadows would restrict my options in open combat. Do you have something with more versatility, a technique that allows for both speed and agility regardless of the environment?"

A thoughtful expression crossed Kasimir's face as he stroked his beard. "Hmm, a challenge indeed. But I believe I have just the thing."

With a flourish, he gestured for me to follow, leading me deeper into the labyrinthine maze of the bazaar.

The shelves shifted and rearranged themselves as we walked, revealing new and ever more bizarre artifacts.

Finally, we arrived at a display case containing three scrolls, each radiating a distinct aura.

"Here we have three movement techniques of exceptional versatility," Kasimir announced, his voice tinged with pride.

"The first, 'Stepping on Air,' allows one to manipulate air currents that exist around them, enhancing agility and evasion based on the movement of the surrounding atmosphere. The greater the wind, the more effortless your movements become."

He pointed to the second scroll. "This one, the 'Ice-Wind Steps,' is particularly potent in colder environments. The user draws upon the chill of the air to enhance their speed and reflexes, becoming a whirlwind of icy precision."

I grimaced at the mention of ice, the memory of Puck's devastating blizzard still fresh in my mind.

Taking that technique felt like accepting defeat, an admittance that I had failed to prevent the disaster puck would create upon release.

"And the third?" I inquired, my gaze falling upon the final scroll, its aura letting off energy that felt like the spell that woman with the carriage used to shred me when I first arrived.

"Ah, the 'Whirlwind Step,'" Kasimir explained with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"This technique allows the user to generate wind currents with their movements, creating a whirlwind of force that enhances both speed and agility. Just as well," he added with a sly smile, "it can be used in concert with the Stepping on Air technique, creating a truly formidable combination. Now, if only a certain customer had a bit more platinum."

His words were a playful jab, a subtle acknowledgment that he knew I possessed more wealth than I had initially let on.

A flush of embarrassment crept up my neck, but I couldn't deny that I would need these techniques, especially with the synergy between Stepping on Air and Whirlwind Step.

With a sigh of resignation, I reached into my coin pouch and retrieved the necessary platinum coins. "Very well, Kasimir," I conceded. "I'll take both the wind based ones."

A wide grin spread across his face as he accepted the payment, his eyes twinkling with delight. "An excellent choice, my friend. These techniques will serve you well on your journey."

I left 400 platinum lighter than I came in with.

About an hour passed as I ran through the streets, alternating each of the two techniques.

I was close to merging them, but-

Suddenly, a commotion broke out nearby. I emerged from another alleyway to see a young girl with silver hair and elf ears chasing after a smaller figure with short blonde hair.

The smaller girl clutched a black emblem in her hand inset with a shining red gem, her eyes wide with panic and excitement.

"Stop, thief!" the silver-haired girl shouted, her voice filled with urgency.

Recognition dawned on me. This was Emilia, one of the royal candidates, and the thief girl must be Felt, the one from the orb vision.

I moved to follow.
Kasimir's shop rules
Kasimir will try to charge you more than what the item is worth every time. remember to try haggling.
You can sell anything you want to kasimir, but it will be a lot lower than you wish in the start.
Kasimir does not like the @$&^&*@$^&* but he thinks their tiering is smart, even if most branches shove the highest tiers into t10.
Items have 16 tiers.
upon purchasing an item or a bundle of items 10 times, kasimir will internally roll a 6-sided die. if he rolls a one all items in the shop will stay the same price. if he rolls a 2, they will double if he rolls a 3, they will triple.
Upon purchasing 25 items, the shop will close for 7 days, or 7 loops if you are in a time-loop and all items below the last tier will be removed from the shelves. All items will triple in price.
You can use any crafting facility, including the equipment merge pot and the item synthesis pot for a fixed price of 1 platinum coin for each use. This will not affect anything in the shop.
Upon entering a higher world, lower world currency is useless and can be exchanged for a 10:1 with 1 being the higher world equivalent.
Buying books on crafting is recommended.
Last edited:
With a burst of speed, I activated the merged Whirlwind Step technique despite not having used it before, my 1000 hour amulet makes it easy to make my stumbling first step into something good.

my body blurred as I weaved through the crowd, closing the distance between myself and the fleeing thief.

The onlookers gasped and stumbled aside as I passed, a whirlwind of motion that seemed to defy the laws of physics by summoning wind around me, which pushed me forward into the path the thief was taking.

In the blink of an eye, I was upon Felt, my hand reaching out to snatch her by the collar of her jacket.

She slipped out of her jacket leaving her in a tube top, but i had enough time to draw my sword and bring it to a few centimeters from her neck.

"Gotcha," I said, a smirk playing on my lips.

She raised her arms in defeat, a look of panic in her eyes.

A few guards approached with a pair of manacles now that they could catch up to the thief running at a fourth the speed of a bullet.

I ignored the blonde thief who was cursing in my general direction, as the half-elf candidate approached me.

I handed her the black token with the red gem, and she looked at me warily. "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't intervened."

I smiled, and nodded, "No problem, it would be pretty horrible if the only reasonable candidate would be knocked from the selection."

Emelia tilted her head, "what? The only reasonable- what do you mean?"

"Let's just say," I began, my voice taking on a serious tone, "that I believe in what you stand for. Equality, though just a start of what you could do, is an ideal worth fighting for."

I paused, my gaze sweeping over the bustling marketplace, the faces of the people who would be caught in the crossfire of the royal selection.

"But the only reasonable-" She started, but I interrupted her.

"From the rumor mill, I have heard these words. Crusch Karsten," I continued, my voice laced with disdain, "is a pragmatic dictator who would rule with an iron fist, sacrificing individual freedoms for the sake of order and efficiency. Priscilla Barielle is an arrogant, self-serving tyrant who cares only for her own power and glory, killing or enslaving anyone in her way or who just disagrees with her. And Anastasia Hoshin is a greedy manipulator who would turn Lugunica into a marketplace where everything, even human and demi human lives, has a price."

I turned back to Emilia, my eyes meeting hers with unwavering conviction. "At least you, Emilia, would be trying for something admirable."

A look of surprise and gratitude spread across Emilia's face. "I...I don't know what to say," she stammered, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Thank you, Sir. Your words mean a lot to me."

"Actions speak louder than words," I replied with a smile. "And I intend to prove my support through my deeds."

My smile turned into a grin and I continued, "I would like to offer my services as a bodyguard."

Emelia paused, and then nodded, "I am Emilia," she introduced herself and paused, though it seems you already know that.", offering a warm smile. "May I know the name of my rescuer?"

"Tereda Chouju," I replied, bowing slightly. "It was an honor to be of service."

I realized this was a necessity after hearing all the rumors. I lived here now, and I didn't want another earth-bet situation- or worse.

That and her spirit would literally kill everyone if she died.

I would still prop her up if that weren't the case though.

She nodded, and opened her mouth seemingly to agree and then-.

A small silver furred cat spirit popped up out of nowhere and said. "Oi Oi! How can you say all that stuff truthfully and mean them even having not met any of the other candidates yourself?! I mean, not that they're not true, but. Well, screw it, I can't look a gift-earthdragon in the mouth. Lia, say yes! He actually means what he's saying and is pretty strong too! Rem and Ram would have a hard time beating him together, I can tell!"

Emelia nodded and she held out her hand. I shook it, and smiled.

Puck held out his tiny paw, and shoving all my absolute terrified fear into the absolute back of my mind, I shook it.

"Now, let's talk about expenses."

After a short negotiation about wages that I didn't actually need, but would make it suspicious if I didn't ask for any, we eventually found our way to a gorgeous blue haired maid standing next to a carraige.

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat, but I calmed down a moment later.

She was beautiful, yes, but now wasn't the time for flirting.

"Mistress Emelia." She said with a deadpan. "You seem to have been kidnapped by a ruffian of some sort. A vagabond in fancy leather armor." I noticed a twinkle of amusement in her eyes.

Before I could give a playful retort, A pink haired maid, with the same bob-cut hairstyle and an aura of sass exited the carriage and immediately spoke in the same deadpan, "Indeed, Mistress Emelia must have been stolen away by some brigand in fancy leather armor." She didn't even look at me the whole time she was speaking.

I shrugged and played along, "Mistress Emelia, I am being courted by two beautiful women who seem to not know how to express their absolute adoration for me, what shall I do?"

The Blue haired one's eyes light up, recognising a challenge. "Indeed, Mistress Emelia, I seem to have been violated by this brigand in fancy leather armor within his own mind, you must avenge my chastity by throwing him into the mabeast forest."

A smirk played at the pink-haired maids lips, she opened her mouth to continue the teasing, but Emelia intervened. She leaned forward to speak. "I would have you nincompoops stop this nonsense! This is my new bodyguard, Sir Tereda Chouju, please treat him nicely."

"Sorry mistress Emelia, it shall not happen again, mistress Emelia."

"Sorry mistress Emelia, it shall not happen again, mistress Emelia."

Emelia nodded, with a satisfied smile and then began to speak again. "Please introduce yourselves."

I went first, "Hi, My name is Tereda Chouju, wanderer, fighter, swordsman, and martial artist. My likes are sushi, a dish from Kararagi, training," Now's the time for flirting, indeed "and cute blue haired maids with a good sense of humor and a kind nature. My dislikes are those who cause harm to others without thinking of the consequences, Nobles who abuse their position, and people or organizations who I consider to be harmful to society. Please take care of me."

The blue haired maid's eyes blinked twice in stunned silence. Her probable sister elbowed her lightly in the ribs with a smirk on her lips. Only then did she speak up. "Oh! Yes, I am Rem, A maid who serves Mistress Emelia in the duties around the house. I am also quite strong so I serve the second purpose of a battle maid. My likes are people who are kind and heroic, my sister Ram, and trying to learn to cook, despite my sister being better. My dislikes are-" she paused, a momentary look of rage on her face, "Certain evil organizations, and people who are prejudiced against the demi-races. Please take care of me." She bowed, and we moved on to the girl with the pink hair.

She glanced at Rem for a moment, seemingly surprised that Rem spoke so much about herself to a new hire who is basically a stranger.

I could tell a conversation went between their eyes.

One ending with Rem blushing pink all the way up from the bottom of her neck.

She retreated to the inside of the carriage, and Ram introduced herself with a smirk.

"I am Ram, I am a maid serving the Roswaal estate where Mistress Emelia is currently based. My likes are my sister, who I absolutely will kill for if anyone hurts her. No one will ever find the body. I dislike a certain evil organization. Please take care of me and Rem, or I will turn you into a blood cloud."

She enters the carriage leaving me stunned.

"What just happened?" I asked.

Emelia pouted and said, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

Puck then popped into existence behind her and immediately went into what was extreme distraction mode. "Hey Lia, we should-"

A large ice construct appeared behind her. It was in the form of a thumbs up.

It evaporated a moment later.
Interlude 1
Stepping into the carriage, I felt Ram's gaze upon me, sharp and scrutinizing.

It was as if she were trying to dissect my very soul, to uncover every secret and hidden motive. I met her gaze unflinchingly, a calm confidence emanating from my core. Let her analyze all she wanted; I had nothing to hide.

The carriage lurched into motion, rumbling over the cobblestones as we left the bustling city behind. Ahead lay a long journey, 36 hours to reach Margrave Roswaal's manor.

With a sigh, I settled into a comfortable position and closed my eyes, entering the meditative state of the Time-Space Divine Death Law.

The world around me faded as I sank deeper into my cultivation, the gentle sway of the carriage becoming a soothing rhythm.

I focused on the flow of chi within my body, refining it, strengthening it, preparing myself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hours melted away as I delved deeper into the mysteries of the Time-Space Divine Death Law, my mind expanding, my understanding deepening with every breath. I could only hope that our journey would be swift and uneventful, allowing me to fully immerse myself in my cultivation and emerge stronger on the other side.

Rem POV​

Mistress Emilia's new bodyguard- Sir Tereda Chouju.

His name echoed in my mind, each syllable a brushstroke painting a vivid picture of the man who had so effortlessly captured my attention.

His mere presence exuded an aura of quiet strength.

Even seated within the confines of the carriage, his posture was impeccable, his every movement deliberate and controlled.

A battle maid's instincts screamed within me, recognizing a fellow warrior, someone accustomed to facing danger and reacting with swift precision.

His words, his genuine belief in Mistress Emilia's ideals, resonated deeply within me.

He spoke of equality and justice with a conviction that I had rarely encountered, especially amongst humans.

His eyes, when they met mine, held a warmth and admiration that sent shivers down my spine.

Oh, Rem, you utter fool! I berated myself internally. To blurt out your entire life story to a complete stranger! What must he think of you now?

In my eagerness to impress him, I had revealed far too much. My insecurities, my past, my unwavering devotion to Ram. it all spilled out in a torrent of words, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable.

He probably thinks you're nothing but a lovesick maid, behaving like a silly noble's daughter, I lamented. A far cry from the composed and capable image I strive to maintain despite my sister's superiority.

After all, I was a battle maid of the Roswaal mansion, trained to protect my charge. My duty was to Mistress Emilia, to ensure her safety and support her ambitions.

And yet, I thought with a sigh, I instead allowed myself to become flustered and tongue-tied like a child with her first infatuation.

Perhaps it was the loneliness, the lingering ache of being one of the last of my kind, that made me so susceptible to his smiling appearance and ability to keep up with my banter.

Or perhaps, it was simply his genuine nature, his unwavering conviction, and the way his eyes seemed to see right through me, recognizing the strength and vulnerability that lay beneath my stoic facade.

Whatever the reason, I could not deny the effect he had on me. Sir Tereda Chouju had awakened something within me, a longing for connection, for understanding, for maybe even a relationship where he would hold me and-

NO! Bad Rem! Professionalism!

As the carriage rumbled towards our destination, I found myself hoping, against all reason and logic, that this chance encounter would blossom into something more.

I shook my head, and opened my eyes, only to see Ram's smirking face inches from mine.

"EEP! Ram! Don't do that!"


A sigh escaped my lips as I observed Rem from the corner of my eye, her cheeks still flushed a delicate shade of pink.

Honestly, I thought with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, why must she react so strongly to a handsome face?

I understood the appeal, of course. The man, Sir Tereda Chouju, was undeniably attractive. His features were sharp and well-defined, bearing the exotic allure of Kararagian descent.

The fine leather armor he wore spoke of wealth and status, while his easy smile and quick wit hinted at a charming personality.

He had seamlessly joined in our playful banter, demonstrating a sharp intellect and a surprising understanding of the plight of demi-humans.

His declaration of support for Mistress Emilia's ideals was sincere, devoid of the patronizing tone so often adopted by humans when addressing those they deemed "lesser."

As I considered his qualities, a realization dawned upon me. He might actually be a good catch, I mused, a flicker of approval warming my usually stoic demeanor.

If I weren't already devoted to Lord Roswaal, I might even be tempted myself.

Rem, ever since the incident that took our village and my horn, had carried a heavy burden of guilt and loneliness.

She deserved happiness, someone who would cherish her for her strength, her loyalty, and her kind heart.

Perhaps- Sir Tereda could be that someone.

A small smile played upon my lips as I envisioned the possibilities.

Rem, finding love and companionship with a man who seemed to possess both the strength to protect her and the compassion to understand her.

It was a pleasing thought, one that brought a glimmer of hope to my usually pragmatic outlook.

Yes, this unexpected encounter might just be a blessing in disguise.

A chance for Rem to find the happiness she so richly deserved. And I, as her sister, would do everything in my power to ensure that this opportunity did not slip away.

The carriage stopped, and I thought to myself-

If this wasn't an opportunity, but something more nefarious, I would ensure his death wasn't painless.

Tereda Chouju POV.
The carriage stopped in front of the manor, and my eyes snapped open.

What the hell was that horrible shiver down my spine?
As we finally arrived at the Roswaal manor, a sprawling estate nestled amidst a large yard surrounding which is rolling hills and verdant forests, I felt a strange sense of foreboding every time I looked into the forest.

Stepping out of the carriage, I was greeted by a tall, slender man with an unsettling smile and mismatched eyes, one blue and one yellow. He wore the flamboyant attire of a nobleman, his every gesture exuding an air of calculated eccentricity.

"Welcoooome to the Roswaal manooor~, Sir Tereda Choujuuu~," he greeted me with a theatrical bow~. "I am Roswaal L Matheeeeers~, Margrave of this domaaaain~ and Emilia's sponsooor~ in the royal selectio-oon~."

"It is an honor to meet you, Lord Roswaal," I replied, returning the bow with a respectful nod.

I definitely need to ignore his eccentric speech. Don't fucking laugh. Don't. He's a noble, he's also a mage who can flash fry me in a moment, don't!

"I have heeard much about your skillls~," Roswaal continued, his eyes glinting with amusemeeent~. "And I must confeeeess~, I am cuuuurious~ to witness them firsthand~."

Before I could inquire further, he clapped his hands twice, and two figures emerged from the shadows of the manor. Rem and Ram, their expressions stoic and their eyes filled with a quiet determination.

"As a test of your abilitieees~," Roswaal announced, "I propooose~ a small…demonstratiooon~. A duel against my esteemed maidsss~, Rem and Ram~. Do you acceeeept~?"

A challenge. It wasn't entirely unexpected, considering the importance of my role as Emilia's bodyguard. But facing both of them at once, especially after witnessing their prowess during the attack in the capital, was a daunting prospect.

"I accept," I replied, drawing my newly acquired sword, its polished surface gleaming in the afternoon sun. "However, I would like to request a…modification to the terms of the duel."

Roswaal raised an eyebrow, his smile widening with intrigue. "Ohhh~? And what modificatiooon~ would that bee~?"

"A weapons-only duel," I stated firmly. "First blood drawn decides the victor. Emilia can heal the loser afterwards."

A flicker of surprise crossed Roswaal's face, quickly replaced by a look of amusement. "Interesting~. Very well~, I accept your teeerms~. Rem, Ram, you heard the man~. Weapooons only~, first bloooood~. Let's see what our esteemed guest is truly capable oooof~."

The maids nodded in unison, their eyes locking onto me with a predatory focus.

Rem drew her morningstar, its spiked ball glinting menacingly, while Ram materialized a pair of daggers about the length of her fore-arm wind blades twirling around them for a moment, only for her a moment later to stop channeling wind from her gate with a sheepish expression.

the air around them crackling with barely restrained energy.

with a synchronized burst of speed, Rem lunged forward, her morningstar a blur of motion.

I parried the initial strike, but then the chain snaked out, the spiked ball at its end seemingly defying the laws of physics.

It whipped around my guard, aiming for my back, forcing me to twist my body into a contorted position to avoid the blow.

I retaliated with a quick thrust, but Rem effortlessly parried it with the shaft of her morningstar.

The chain retracted and then shot out again, this time aiming for my legs.

I leaped back, barely avoiding the spiked ball as it slammed into the ground where I had been standing a moment before.

The chain became an extension of her will, a whip-like weapon with unpredictable reach and deadly accuracy.

It lashed out from unexpected angles, forcing me to constantly adjust my footing and adapt my defenses.

The spiked ball at its end danced around me like a malevolent and angry ghost, seeking any opening to draw blood.

Ram, meanwhile, used the distraction to her advantage.

Her daggers flashed in and out of my peripheral vision, as I had to dodge her at the same time, her movements were quick and silent as a shadow, every time I dodged she would move to my blind-spot.

I managed to block a few of her strikes, but her agility and precision were remarkable.

A few hits almost nicked me and I suppressed my panic.

I couldn't afford to be hit at all, so I needed to take her out first,

I found myself caught in a whirlwind, constantly on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the onslaught.

The 1000-hour amulet had granted me knowledge and technique- maybe if I cultivated for a few more days this would be easy but I don't feel like dying or going back.

I couldn't stop Rem's chain as it extended once more, this time wrapping around my ankle with even more surprising speed.

I stumbled, losing my balance, and she yanked on the chain, pulling me towards her. However, the honed reflexes and enhanced awareness granted by my cultivation and stolen skills allowed me to react instantly.

With a swift twist of my body, I spun in mid-air, using the momentum to unravel the chain from my ankle.

In the same motion, I activated the Whirlwind Step technique, the wind swirling around me as I propelled myself towards Ram.

My blade flashed, a silver streak against the backdrop of the setting sun, and a thin line of red appeared on her cheek.

"Ram, youuu~ are ouut~," Roswaal's sing-song voice echoed across the courtyard, a hint of surprise tinging his usual amusement.

Ram touched her cheek, her eyes widening slightly as she examined the blood on her fingertips.

She then bowed her head in acknowledgment of defeat, a flicker of respect replacing the playful glint in her eyes.

I couldn't afford to celebrate, however.

Rem, fueled by a mix of determination and probably a hint of anger, intensified her movements.

The morningstar became a blur, the chain snaking and lashing out with even greater ferocity.

I parried and dodged, relying on the skills I had barely earned to keep up with her relentless assault.

The courtyard floor was scarred with the marks of our battle, the air thick with the smell of sweat and adrenaline.

Rem was like a whirlwind, her attacks coming from all angles, the chain extending and retracting with unpredictable speed. I felt like a leaf caught in a storm, tossed and turned by a hurricane of force and precision.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a sense of calm settled over me.

My stolen skills, combined with the foundation laid by the Time-Space Divine Death Law, allowed me to analyze her movements, searching for a weakness, a flaw in her seemingly impenetrable defense.

Time seemed to slow and then I saw it.

Seemingly a slight hesitation appeared, a momentary lapse in concentration maybe?

As she retracted her chain for another attack an opening appeared that I had been waiting for.

With a burst of speed, I lunged forward, my sword aimed at the gap in her defenses.

She reacted instantly, attempting to parry, but it was too late. The tip of my blade grazed her arm, drawing a thin line of blood.

Silence descended upon the courtyard as Rem froze, her eyes widening in surprise.

The morningstar clattered to the ground, the chain falling limp at her side.

"Rem, youuu~ are also ouuut~," Roswaal announced, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and genuine intrigue. "It seems our guest is more capable than he appears~."

I sheath my sword, my body trembling with exhaustion. The fight had been grueling, pushing me to my limits, but I had emerged victorious.

As I met Rem's gaze, her expression of shock flickered into something unexpected- in her eyesI saw not anger or resentment, but- respect. and- Wait? Was that lust? I hope that's adoration and not lust I'm seeing.

Actually, she's pretty cute.

I wouldn't mind dating her.

"That was...interesting," I said, sheathing my sword and addressing the maids, who were tending to their minor wounds with Emilia's healing magic. "But I feel like I haven't truly seen your full capabilities."

Rem and Ram exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. "What do you mean?" Rem asked cautiously.

"I want to face you again," I declared, my voice filled with a newfound determination. "This time, no restrictions. Magic, weapons, full power. Let's see what you're truly capable of."

A flicker of excitement ignited in Rem's eyes, while Ram's lips curved into a sly smile. "Are you sure about that?" Ram questioned, her voice laced with a hint of challenge. "We O- we are not known for holding back."

"Bring it on," I replied with a grin, my heart pounding with anticipation.

Roswaal, who had been observing the exchange with an amused glint in his mismatched eyes, clapped his hands together. "Exceelleeeent~! A true test of skill and powweeeer~! Let the secoouond round staarrt~!"

The courtyard once again became an arena, the atmosphere crackling with anticipation.

This time, the maids held nothing back. Rem's morningstar whirled around her like a miniature storm, the chain extending and retracting with lightning speed, spikes of ice being shot at me at the same time as it twirled.

I darted forward, as fast as I could. Rem could barely react as her right cheek was cut.

But while I wasn't paying attention to Ram, a swift slice hit my left arm.

My eyes widened.

Ram is the victoor~" Roswaal's singsong voice announced, a hint of genuine surprise replacing his usual amusement.

I stumbled back, clutching my bleeding arm, my gaze locked on Ram. She stood there, her expression a mixture of triumph and concern.

"You fought well," she admitted, her voice surprisingly gentle. "But you were too focused on Rem. Never underestimate your opponent, no matter how small the threat may seem."

I nodded, accepting her words with a grimace. She was right. I had allowed my focus to narrow, underestimating Ram's speed and skill. It was a valuable lesson, one that I would not soon forget.

"Indeed," I replied, my voice strained from exertion. "I seem to have much to learn."

Roswaal approached, his mismatched eyes gleaming with newfound respect. "You have impressed me, Sir Tereda," he declared. "Your skills are remarkable, even without the full extent of your…unique abilities."

He paused, his smile turning sly. "Therefore, I believe an- renegotiation of your compensation is in order, a much higher salaaryy~."

I frowned, This was suspicious. Yeah, I did pretty well, but an increase from the already insane 50 large gold a week? I know that I have platinum but that's not normal level of expense for a common bodyguard.

"I am grateful for your offer, Lord Roswaal," I replied with a respectful bow, hiding my apprehension behind a neutral expression.

"Excellent!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Then it is settled. You shall receive double your initial agreed upon wage, as well as access to the entire mantiiiooon~ grouunds~."

Okay seriously something is up. Double the initial insane amount? He clearly wants something from me.

He turned towards the maids, who were now fully healed thanks to Emilia's magic. "Rem, Ram, please escort Sir Tereda to his quarters. He must be weary after his…exertions."

The maids nodded and led me towards the manor, their earlier animosity replaced by a grudging respect. As we walked, I couldn't help but wonder about Roswaal's true intentions. His offer was absolutely way too generous.

What did he hope to gain from investing so heavily in a stranger like me?

A few hours later,
Later that evening, after a long soak in a steaming bath to soothe my aching muscles, My armor was cleaned and polished by one of the maids, and lay neatly folded on the bed.

I slipped it on, the familiar weight settling comfortably on my shoulders. However, as I examined my reflection in the mirror, I realized that the armor, while impressive, wasn't exactly suitable for a formal dinner with a nobility.

That's when I remembered the secondary function of the enchanted mask I had acquired from Kasimir. With a thought, I activated its transformation ability, picturing a formal attire befitting a man of Kararagian descent(AKA fantasy west japan).

The armor shimmered and shifted, the leather plates morphing into a sleek, dark blue Hakima, the traditional formal wear of Kararagian nobility.

The intricate gold embroidery remained, adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble.

My boots transformed into matching leather shoes, and a silken sash appeared around my waist, completing the transformation.

Satisfied with my new appearance, I exited my room and made my way towards the dining hall. As I approached, I encountered Ram, her arms crossed and a smirk playing on her lips.

"You clean up well, Sir Tereda," she remarked, her eyes scanning my transformed attire with a hint of approval. "Though I must admit, I preferred the rugged look of your armor."

"One must adapt to the occasion," I replied with a playful smile. "Besides, I wouldn't want to offend Lord Roswaal with my lack of decorum."

Ram chuckled. "Indeed. He is rather particular about such things." She gestured towards the dining hall. "Shall we?"

I nodded, and we entered the grand hall together. The long table was already set, laden with an array of delectable dishes and fine silverware. Emilia and Roswaal were engaged in a lively conversation, their voices echoing through the spacious room.

As we approached, Roswaal turned his attention towards us, his mismatched eyes widening in surprise. "Myyy wooord~," he exclaimed, his voice lilting like a whimsical melody, "Sir Tereda~, you loook...daaashing~! I must saay~, I am impreessed~ by your…adaptabiiiility~."

Emilia's eyes widened slightly as she took in my transformed appearance, her expression a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "Wow, Tereda," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine surprise. "You look...different! That outfit is really interesting. Is it from Kararagi?"

I chuckled, amused by her innocent observation. "It is," I confirmed. "It's called a Hakima, a type of formal wear worn by Kararagian nobility."

"It suits you," she said with a bright smile. "You look very…distinguished."

I returned her smile, my heart warming at her genuine compliment.

As the dinner went on, Emilia went on about her life in Ellior forrest.

Rem was obviously trying to impress me with ever more elaborate ways of trying to pour wine and putting interesting flourishes on plates being put in front of me and the others.

She also kept glancing at me to see if I was impressed. This, eventually caused her to spill a plate of mashed peas and potatoes with some kind of sauce on my 'Hakima'.

"I-I'm so sorry, Sir Tereda!" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "I-I don't know what came over me."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I gently took the pitcher from her grasp. "No harm done," I assured her, my voice soft and reassuring. "Accidents happen."

"But...but I'm supposed to be a maid," she protested, her voice thick with shame. "I should be more...competent."

"You are competent, Rem," I said, my gaze meeting hers with unwavering sincerity. "In fact, you're one of the most capable people I've ever met."

A flicker of hope ignited in her eyes, replacing the self-doubt that had clouded her expression. " really think so?"

"I know so," I affirmed, offering her a warm smile. "And don't ever let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise."

A soft sigh escaped her lips, and her shoulders relaxed slightly, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. "Thank you, Sir Tereda," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "That...that means a lot to me."

I nodded with a smile, "In fact, would you like to go on a date with me to the nearby town at some point this week?" I glanced to roswaal and Emilia, "If that's alright."

"Indeeeed~ that is fiene~ you can of couuuurse~ your duties do not staaart~ until Emelia is in an insecure locaaaatioon.~"

I nodded and smiled, turning to rem who was beet red. "Idefinitellywouldlovetodothatwithyousir Tereda!"

Taking a deep breath, she panics and darts towards her room.

It's been a long day. A huge carriage ride and a fight just as we arrived.

I checked what time it was with my parahuman power, and it was already 9:47 PM.

I smiled, and went to my quarters.

A/N Amazing how close you can get to a cute Oni maid when your scent doesn't scream "I killed your entire family and clansmen!"
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