My Brother's too good for you Skanks! Go Away! (Harem Anime Big Sister Quest)

[x]Make a Monster!
-[x] A lizardman

Let's start off with a nice simple one. Your literally bog standard ugly lizard to go out and perform nefarious deeds, only to cause the awakening of yet ANOTHER ally of love/justice/freedom/tacos.
Alright how are votes looking?

Vote Tally : My Brother's too good for you Skanks! Go Away! (Harem Anime Big Sister Quest) | Page 19 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15

[x] Commune with your dark master!
No. of Votes: 24

[x]Make a Monster!
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Shade Spirit
No. of Votes: 5

[x] Go fetch ingredients for an Eldritch ritual!
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Eh you've got nothing, why not try and be not enemies with the landowner's younger brother?
No. of Votes: 2

-[x] A lizardman
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Go fetch ingredients for an Eldrich ritual!
No. of Votes: 1

[x] A spectral lion
No. of Votes: 1

[x] A false water nymph
No. of Votes: 1

[x] A fake water spirit
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] Ask for advice on not awakening Eiko's rage.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] A chain devil
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 42
Dark Master
[x] Laxnee's Dark Master

After the mortal landlady departs you return to your domain. Now is the perfect time to contact you dark master.

Now where was that mirror?


It takes you a surprisingly long amount of time to find you communications mirror. You knew you shouldn't have unpacked something that important when you were still tired and mildly terrified from the day's events.

Ah there it is.

The Mirror itself is ironically completely mundane looking. The forces of evil decided it was a good idea to switch from the huge ornate ones a long time ago, apparently they drew too much attention from heroes or something else like that. You just hope you aren't interrupting the masters 'sulking time' she tends to get testy when you do that.


Thankfully the mirror itself is mostly intact so it took was a flicker of dark magic to make it activate and grant you a vision of your dark lord's silhouette.

Did you bring one of the low quality dark mirrors again?

"Lexnee." Your dark mistress begins "How goes your mission?"

"It goes well" you report to the master "I have found a secure base that the magical girls cannot penatrait!"

"Good" you think your dark mistress is smirking "And have you found a young prince to kidnap yet?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmm" you think for a moment "No……none that I'd survive kidnapping anyway."

"Well hurry up!" The Dark Mistress snaps "Need I remind you the last time you took too long in kidnapping a prince?"

You hate it when she brings that up. It's not your fault a dark dragon matriarch also happened to be going after the same prince you where, it could have happened to anybody!

Still the mistress is a wrathful one so you don't say that out load. "I'll make sure to get on it right away mam."

Before you can say anything else the Dark Mistress speaks. "Speaking of you mission, why does your Wrathful Skull have an icepack on its head?"

"It has a migraine mistress." The artifact groans as if to prove your point. "The landlady of this facility overloaded it?"

"Wait" The mistress's voice is slightly disbelieving "Your landlady is a supernatural being?"

"No" you think back to last night when you first got a scan of Eiko. "She's a mortal."

"A mortal managed to do that to one of the most powerful evil artifacts we have?" You mistress points to the artifact "And your still perfectly fine with her so close by."

"Why not?" you head tilts to the side "She is a reasonable tyrant."

Your mistress groans "You really are a total moron you know that right?.............fine just make sure she doesn't decide to destroy you."

You nod in obedience "Is there anything else you would like me to do my mistress?"

"Yes" she begins "A certain rival of yours has set of shop in the city…………….you remember Tlavera?"

You nod as memories of cruel childhood pranks such the time she threw you into that volcano come back to you.

"Good" the mistress continues "I want you to destroy her."

Yay! Revenge! You've always wanted revenge!

"Yes" You can do that, you can do that indeed.

The mistress grunts moving on to the next topic. "I have one final mission for you."

You tilt your head to the side. "Really what is it?"

"I have received word from your mother………….She wants to know if you've found a boyfriend yet."

Oh my!

You blush "I was still thinking on that. Love is a complicated and dangerous affair."

The mistress grunts "No it isn't, just find a guy you like and kidnap him, how could that be hard in any way?"

"I'm very picky ok" you turn to the side in an attempt to hide your blush. "Besides the only guy I really think I might like so far is guarded by."


A loud explosion off in the distance interrupts you before you can finish your sentence. "Never mind, anyway it's only the first day, just give me time."

"Alright, you have your time." The mistress relents, something you'd never thought you'd see "But I'm not taking the fall if your mother gets impatient."

With that the mirror shuts down and you find yourself alone with your artifacts. Communicating with the master was stressful at the best of times, and even worse when she brings up your mother.

Now……well now you'd better get to organize your things, it took you way too long to find that mirror.


It takes you the rest of the day to get the room organized. Who knew that you could such a slob? Oh well at least now everything's where you know it is.

The landlady returns from anger management late that night. Apparently something caused her to lose it during the class, and well the giant mushroom cloud that was hanging in the sky for most of the day explains the rest. You really don't want to try and pry any more from her, that woman is the most frightening thing you've seen yet in the mortal realm.

Well……….either way it's time for your EVIL rest!

Alight control is swapping back to the older sis, what do you do tomorrow?
[x] Go look for an assistant, managing a building in this nuthouse of a city is stressful enough as is.
[x] Go out relax, you haven't had a day off in a long time.
[x] Take your lil bro shopping, you're running a little low on supplies anyway.
[x] Just hang around with your brother, what could possible happen?
[x] Take your lil bro shopping, you're running a little low on supplies anyway.
-[x] While you're out, find a nice big guard dog. Might do wonders for keeping that "magical girl" away. And for getting people to remember the rent is due.
[x] Take your lil bro shopping, you're running a little low on supplies anyway.
-[x] While you're out, find a nice big guard dog. Might do wonders for keeping that "magical girl" away. And for getting people to remember the rent is due.
[x] Take your lil bro shopping, you're running a little low on supplies anyway.

[x] Take your lil bro shopping, you're running a little low on supplies anyway.
-[x] While you're out, find a nice big guard dog. Might do wonders for keeping that "magical girl" away. And for getting people to remember the rent is due.

The dog would likely make him even more of a chick magnet. They'd think it was cuddly and adorable.