Mundus Renatus: An ISOT Sufficient Velocity Mapgame (Rebooted!)

Apologies for the long delay and not being able to cover everything
No, you're fine! The turn turned out wonderfully.
I love how you added more dimension and flashpoints to it all. The Armenians Successors/Warlord states and the SAR are both vilotile enough that it could lead to some interesting wars. Most of Anatolian besides the southern coast (Which is Greek) is majority Armenian, so it would probably be very unruly for a while.

My only real criticism is a single line "The abrupt change in the landscape is regarded with deeper interest however." In this world, Terrain is not carried over, only Humans structures and tech are, the states conform or put it "laid on top of" existing terrain. Haida is an exception, mainly because the whole Island got carried over, and is in the ocean, not placed on any existing land mass.

The misses are understandable, although saddening. The five powers (The Forktails, Iceland, the Hemuaney, Goryeo and Japan) would probably be really quite in terms of geopolitics for the first few years. The most I'd expect out of them is to continue to build their society and expand into other Atlantic isles, Scandinavia, East Asia respectively (While rumors of a great Mainland very similar to their old home spreads for the Forktails).

I'd expect a ship from either side of the Atlantic to be blow very off course and land in the Canary Isles, which is when the really enter the story. Iceland and the Haida/Prussia would probably come into contact fairly soon.
In terms of the Neanderthal Empire, they'd probably be the best at expanding their borders at this point, and they'd be smart enough not to piss of the Ethiopians, which would probably entail accepting missionary work.

Overall, great job @the atom ! Thanks you so much for contributing, and thanks you twice if you decide to join in a bit more!
One finale note, do you need me to work on the map or have you already edited it? Either one is fine, but doing it yourself would probably reflect your vison more.
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Year 1 AS, January 1st-December 31st
Part 3 to this Saga is finally out! Took me a bit, because it's a little long, and has two extra ISOTS.
Anyways, here's the map and rightup, hope y'all enjoy!


Nation Name: North Sea Empire

Government: Thalassocratic State

ISOTed from: Nine Denmarks

Technology level: Medieval

Year ISOTed from: 1120 AD

Territory ISOTed: Most excpet Icelandic and Southern Engladn Territories

Religions: Christianity

Languages: Old Norse

Brief history: This state dominates Northern Europe thanks to its access to the strategic English Channel and the three gates to the Baltic Sea: the Skagerrak, Kattegat, and the Danish Straits. This Norse-led state has been busy Christianizing, but its future remains uncertain due to local forces in Norway and southern England threatening the splintering of the empire. But even if the state would shrink into Denmark and northern England, it'd still be a formidable force in European trade and an important ally in the task of converting the heathen peoples of the Baltic Sea into Christians.


Nation Name: The European Council State

Commonly known as: The ECS, Germany

Government: Socialist Republic

Capital: Berlin

ISOTed from: 10 Germanies

Technology level: 1930s

Year ISOTed from: 1930 AD

Territory ISOTed: Core German Speaking Areas


Languages: German, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian

Brief history: The leadership of the Spartacist faction within ECS politics is dead-set on exporting this revolution to the rest of Europe. Developments in the USRE coincide with ECS aims to create a People's Liberation Army capable of taking control of the entirety of Poland, the nascent Prussian autocracy calling itself Germany, the vaguely collectivist Ukrainian People's Republic, and Lithuania. Following the rise of the Spartacists following Germany's surrender in the Great War, the bourgeois forces of the German state were defeated. Since then, there has been a cascade of efforts made by European communists to fortify the only state which is Hegellianistically prepared for communism. Unlike the USRE, which is led by the triumvirate of Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev, the ECS has been able to transform its strong and untattered industrial economy into an archipelago of worker oases which provide arms and goods that fortify the Marxist world against further League of Nation incursions. These Western forces have successfully occupied the Rhineland and Austria, meanwhile the ECS has successfully welcomed the revolutionary states of Czechia, Carpathia, and Hungary into its bounds. Decreed since 1926, all official communique and documentation of the Communist International is handled in Esperanto. The West prepares for another conflict, supporting Poland with guarantees of protection in the face of the obvious threat of invasion from the Bolshevists on either flank. War brews.


Nation Name: Middle Francia

Commonly known as: Francia, Lotharingia, Burgundy

Government: Monarchy

Capital: Aachen

ISOTed from: Original Timeline

Technology level: Medieval

Year ISOTed from: 844 AD

Territory ISOTed: Most, minus territories past the Alps.


Religions: Catholism, Germanic Religions

Languages: Old Franconian, Old Dutch, Old Frisian, Old French, Old Occitan, Old Low German, Old High German, Gallo-Italic

Brief history: Middle Francia was a short-lived Frankish kingdom which was created in 843 by the Treaty of Verdun after an intermittent civil war between the grandsons of Charlemagne resulted in division of the united empire. Middle Francia was allocated to emperor Lothair I, the eldest son and successor of emperor Louis the Pious. His realm contained the imperial cities of Aachen (the residence of Charlemagne) and Pavia, but lacked any geographic or cultural cohesion, which prevented it from surviving and forming a nucleus of a larger state, as was the case with West Francia (which became the Kingdom of France) and East Francia (which became the Kingdom of Germany).

Middle Francia was situated between the realms of East and West Francia, and comprised the Frankish territory between the rivers Rhine and Scheldt, the Frisian coast of the North Sea, the former Kingdom of Burgundy (except for a western portion, later known as Bourgogne) and Provence, as well as parts of northern Italy. Following the 855 partition, 'Middle Francia' became only a geographic term and the bulk of its territory was reorganized as Lotharingia, named after Lothair I's namesake son.


Nation Name: Emirate of Sicily

Commonly known as: Sicily

Government: Monarchy

Capital: Balarm

ISOTed from: Original Timeline

Technology level: Medieval

Year ISOTed from: 966 AD

Territory ISOTed: All


Religions: Islam (official), Chalcedonian Christianity, Judaism

Languages: Sicilian Arabic, Byzantine Greek, Berber languages, Judeo-Arabic

Brief history: Sicily was part of the Byzantine Empire when Muslim forces from Ifriqiya began launching raids in 652. Through a prolonged series of conflicts from 827 to 902, they gradually conquered the entirety of Sicily, with only the stronghold of Rometta, in the far northeast, holding out until 965. Under Muslim rule, the island became increasingly prosperous and cosmopolitan. Trade and agriculture flourished, and Palermo became one of the largest and wealthiest cities in Europe. Sicily became multiconfessional and multilingual, developing a distinct Arab-Byzantine culture that combined elements of its Islamic Arab and Berber migrants with those of the local Greek-Byzantine and Jewish communities. In 965 the Kalbids established the independence of their emirate from the Fatimid Caliphate.


Entity/Character Name: Washington D.C.

Type of Entity: Overgrown Ruined City

ISOTed from: Life After People Head-Canon (Year 2384)

Abilities: I count Wolf/Dog hybrid and Zoo Animal descendants as special

Description: Washington D.C. was the capital city of the United States, a grand monument to the nations achievements. That all changed. A mysterious event caused all Humans on the planet to disappear, and the city was left on it's own, slowly rotting and decaying away.
Now, it's been 375, and the city is starting to resemble Atlantis more then anything. Much of the city is either swampland, beach, or beneath the waves.
The Washington Monument looms over the lush swamp as the most recognizable monument, albeit heavily chipped and damaged from erosion. At the White House and US Capitol Building, the buildings have lost most of their paint, returning to the original grey as it's sandstone slowly turns to mud and water seeps into gaps in the metal sheeting. The dome of the US Capital Building has been destroyed some 125 odd years ago as the Statue of Freedom put too much pressure on it. At the Library of Congress, the building still stands, but nearly all the books within the library have decayed. The dome of the Jefferson Building still stands over the swamp. When the roof of the National Archives clasped, and the Constitution is exposed to the sunlight. Over the next few years the UV rays faded the words from history.


Nation Name: United States of America

Commonly known as: United States, USA

Government: Democratic Republic (De Jure), Military Dictatorship (De Facto)

Capital: Washington D.C

ISOTed from: Last Days of Earth - A The New Order/Fallout Mashup

Technology level: Retro-Future 1950s/2070s

Year ISOTed from: 2075 AD

Territory ISOTed: OTL Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Western Tennessee, Border of Mississippi/Alabama, Part of Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio

Religions: Christianity, N/A

Languages: English (de facto)

Brief history: The defeated United States rises once again to prominence, surpassing the stagnated and collapsing Germany and Japan. The world sees the return of democracy. Or not... The US however, is only democratic on paper. In reality, it's an authoritarian, autocratic, military dictatorship.
American hatred of fascism and far-right grows as far as they becoming tolerant for far-left and socialist ideas. The United States later wages another two wars against the declining Japan in the late 20th century and early 21st century, ending with Japan's total defeat.
In 2066, the Reich invaded England. Being under protection of OFN, the US is immediately involved. The invention of nuclear fusion will change the course of war for the Reich, but OSS saboteurs manage to steal and copy the top-secret project of the Reich: (super) power armor. The US manages to finish the prototype first than the Germans, because the lack of steel Germania currently suffers. Then the first power armor is deployed in front lines of the British Isles, with the US successfully managed to compete Germany's technological superiority. The United States Security Committee (USSEC) operates across the world, maintaining relationship in check with Washington's allies, while preparing contingency plan in case the Final War happened, which would certainly goes nuclear.


Nation Name: Dominion of Jewish Newfoundland

Commonly known as: Newfoundland

Government: British Dominion

Capital: N/A

ISOTed from: Gallery of Nations 2

Technology level: OTL 1950s/1960s

Year ISOTed from: 1960 AD

Territory ISOTed: All

Brief history: While the new right-authoritarian regime controlling the United Kingdom had no intention of keeping its Jewish population in Britain any longer than necessary, outright killing them was a bit too much for them to stomach (at least, at that point). Thus, the British decided to exile them to one of the least-desirable parts of the British colonial empire that it would not be prohibitively expensive to relocate them to- Newfoundland. The majority of the population of Newfoundland and Labrador were removed themselves and sent to other British colonies elsewhere in the world to boost their Anglo-Saxon population, while the Jewish population of the British Isles and Canada were unceremoniously dumped in Newfoundland and largely ignored save for occasional check-ins to make sure they weren't attempting an uprising or anything. The island was overcrowded, supplies were meager, and Britain had made it clear that, while they weren't going to outright kill them themselves, they didn't particularly care if they starved to death there. Despite this, the Jewish people endured, and over the next few decades tried to make the best of a terrible situation and slowly, reluctantly, managed to turn Newfoundland into a bearable place for them to live. It's 1960 now, and an entire generation of Jewish children have grown up knowing nothing but Newfoundland. The British have continued to largely leave Jewish Newfoundland to its own devices (this is out of apathy, though, not benevolence), save for sending over the occasional camera crew to take pictures of the bustling capital in informally-renamed New Jerusalem (formerly St. John's) so they can go "Look how generous and wonderful and empathetic we are! We could have killed the Jews, but we deported them to this snowy wasteland instead out of the sheer goodness of our hearts (and because the mapmaker decided to play a game of 'pin the Israel on the map' because they had a dream about a fascist Britain deporting its Jewish population to Newfoundland and Labrador), because we're just that nice! On an unrelated note, does anybody know where the Jewish population of occupied Europe went?"

East Asia:

Goryeo and Japan have been doing quite well for themselves compared to the hotbeds of Western Eurasia and North America. Japan has used it's relation with the Medieval Kingdom to continue to rebuild itself, and expand into the frontiers of Taiwan and Northern Hokkaido. Goryeo, meanwhile, has been much more expansionist and has already claimed Manchuria, and much of Northern China/Siberia for itself. They have colonized much of the Machu coast and surrounding islands, with small villages dotting the beaches.

The realization of other people being out there besides just the two is met with great curiosity in both Japan and Goryeo, the Koreans in particular. A strange blend of exported Japanese Fiction and History about the world, mixed with Korean myth and thought have given rise to a renaissance in Goryeo culture. Mythified Sci-Faction tales on par with Jules Verne, a lot relating to the terror and fascination with Nuclear Weapons' (Remember what timeline Japan came from), along with scientific papers and researched being actively translated, and more are all come out of Goryeo.

The Korean State has also seen both the benefits and drawbacks of modern technology first hand, much like the Haida in Britain. The court has access to a very small number of firearms for use by the elite guard, but is already working on replicating them (Mainly 18th-19th century, 20th is WAY TOO costly right now). Various other things like medicines and are very popular among high society, with anything made in Japan quickly becoming a cultural show of wealth. But as much as they would like to say so, Japanese tech isn't only in the Emperor's hands. Criminal organizations like the Yakuza have made their present know in Goryeo, expanding and even absorbing smaller local gangs in return for things like rifles, radios, and various drugs. Larger Syndicates have begun fierce rivalries with the smaller number of Japanese-Run ones, and some of the poorer folk have turned to shady characters to get their hands on the "best" Japan can offer.

Despite this, both states are atleast acquainted, with the Kyoto government still a tad apathetic to most affairs outside their nation itself, and are deadset of rebuilding/expanding their realm into Southern Asia, Siberia, and even North America. Goryeo can have some of the mainland if it wants.

The Atlantic:

Forktail Society is quite and semi-prosperous this year, and much of the former Canary Islands and Madeira, or what they call it, the "Rain-Shadow Isles", has been filled with these new birds. They have adapted well to this new world, although the wolves that "replaced" the circuagodonts and bludgebirds can be a nuance to them. Not too much though, as Forktails have harassed or even hunted these wolves to various corners of their new home.
Various clans of Forktails have minor competition over food, and some free-thinkers have suggested a method of breeding some of their new prey to be food, or what Humans would call "Domesticating".

Their "temple" to the Rain has also finished construction. While puny by any Human standard, it's a place where many Forktails go there to pay tribute to dead loved ones and keep basic records of history through art.
In terms of society, Forktails clans and tribes could be best compared to the Holy Roman Empire: An overall similar culture, but made up of various petty states and clicks that are only united in name. This is best demonstrated with the discovery of a great desert to their direct East.

While some are excited at the opportunity to stretch out further and even decide to explore it, others consider the venture a waste, as they already have enough food to last them years.
It may turn out better then doubters think, however, as their distant neighbors may find them sooner or later...

Authors' note about Pluvianism. It won't be relevant for a bit, so let's talk about it's future just so we're prepared. It probably will not emerge for some time, but it's better to prepared.

Pluvianism could be spilt up into two distinct sects as time goes on. Old Pluvianism is not anywhere near a religion in the traditional Human sense of the word. It is more a intellect movement comparable to a group of people dedicated to preserving their History more then anything. This new landscape the Forktails found themselves in left little to none of the Artwork they carved into their worlds trees or other such things, a some Forktails began to treasure historical artifacts, sometihng consider radically wild in a culture that accepts the impermanence of life. The rains washed away the Old World once in their eyes, it could easily happen again. The rains were seen as both a blessing and curse to the Forktials that began creating Old Pluvianism.
New Pluvianism is much more Human influenced. It could be consider a Hodge-podge of different philosophies ranging from Nihilism to Daoism to even Christianity, all with a Forktail twist. Rain and Sky are sort of merged into a single concept: The Skysea. It is somewhat comparable to a mix of God and the Dao in this faith, it is inherently chaotic and difficult to predict. The Pluvianist Forktails see the rain as a sort of sentience, but not a God. It's more a wild animal that was the very first being to be spawned out of the primordial soup of space. Different types of whether are seen as "moods" the Rain/Sky is in. For example, a Massive Thunderstorm or Hurricane is seen as the Skysea being "Angry", while a Sunny sky is seen as the Skysea being "Content", and the Night sky being the Sky-Sea going to sleep like all other creatures observed. The Sun and Moon are said to be the Heart of the Skysea, and depending on which Forktail you ask, the Sun and Moon are the same being, jsut as differant points or "States".

In terms of the actual philosophies and goals of the Plusvists, it's basically a merger of Extensialism and Daoism, refined and reformed for the ways of the Forktail. They seek to live in the moment and be happy and content with the universe, in spite of it's darkness of horror. The family unit or "tribe" is also of great importance to this religion.

Taking directly from the Original Source "The story states that the world was once all desert, with nothing but sand and rock, and that all plants and animals were born one day in an especially intense rainstorm. Though no jay alive now was alive at the time when this was said to have occurred, the story is similar enough to a real, observed process that many accept it as fact. They mostly lack deities in the strict sense, with the possible exception of one, known as the Sky Sea. It refers to the blue-green planet which Serina orbits, usually visible in the sky, believed by some to be a distant pool of water in the heavens and the source of both seasonal rainfall and the large flood believed to have produced all life. The origin of the story likely is unknown, but many babbling jays are now convinced that the planet is in some way responsible for rains, and that it is some sort of sentient being. This belief is likely another superstition originating from some chance freak rainstorm following an especially long drought coinciding with some sort of attempt to ask the planet to share some of its water. Though it rarely responds, any situation in which the rains return coincides with a notable request for water strengthens their beliefs. Belief in the sky sea is not universal, but is the most likely starting point for the formation of a real religion if they will ever have one, and these confirmation biases developed when coincidentally the rains do arrive after the birds try asking for them may be the precursor to blind faith. It is important to note, however, that the single possible deity known to the babbling jay is still a physical object, albeit an unattainably distant one, and therefore still falls into the category of things the jays are able to observe. There are no invisible gods or spirits in the babbling jay's lives watching over them or controlling their world and the babbling jay may simply be less inclined to need to invent such a level of control over their world in order to be content than human beings, or they could be too young of a race to have developed the concept yet. The general philosophy of the babbling jay is of living in the moment, finding food today and not thinking about far in the future or past. They seem to feel that life is inherently chaotic and without purpose except to survive and help your loved ones survive, and they don't seem to require anything more than that to feel fulfilled.")

South America:

The most isolated location in the world, the Yue and the Inca remain blissfully unaware of their distant neighbors. They see themselves as chosen by the heavens over all other peoples, to rule over this land and all others. This leads a very strange mix of cultures between the Inca and Yue as both are seen as the two great Empires of the world, equal in status to Heaven. An increasing number all over Northern Tawantinsuyu are subscribing to a Synchronized form of Buddhism, with an intermingling of both kingdoms High Societies leading to the lines between their courts blurring greatly. Sapa Inca Atahualpa is even considering marrying on of his sons to one of the Yue's daughters in a show of friendship between the two realms.

The Empire of Yue itself has also seen a fascinating with Inca architecture with attempts to replicate it in order to get used to their new lands, and their southern border becoming a melting pot of both cultures.
Still, the common man of Tawantinsuyu is under great pressure form the social changes the Yue and Inca Royalty are bringing. From conflicts between existing Incan Priesthood and Buddhist Monks, to some of the Panaqa fearing irrelevance, this is indeed a time of great change in the Southern continent, for better, and for worse...


The situation in France continues to get worse for the Gallo-Romans. To many, it seem like God himself has forsaken them. Legions of Horribles, while calmed by the capture of Aurelianum by Potsʉnakwahipʉ, continue to loot and pillage the kingdom, with Haida sea raids continue to plague the state. Syragius is viewed with increasing distain, as his seeming cowardass continues to placate the barbarians to the South, while seemingly little is done about the Sea peoples. Citizens increasingly move away form the countryside and into large settlements and cities for protection, which only adds to the resource strain.

A few Prussians are sympathetic to Gallo-Romans, and use their connection in Haida land to beginning make small supply drops to various cities. Not sanctioned by the Prusiskai government, these humanitarian suppliers, while good intentioned, do little to actually change much as many Prussians can't spare the resources to help their own country, let alone one under constant pillaging. No, the help from Prussians is more indirect, and cause more violence.
Independent Mercenary bands hired by the people of Soissons, ironically most being Frankish, are the ones actually handling raids the Roman army can't spare. A strange mix of Roman sword, and a much smaller set of Commanche matchlock and Prussian rifles are used by these bands to furiously beat back Haida raids, which only leads to more violence as war-bands of vengeful Haida strike where Gaul is weak. This is mostly noticeable in Brittny, as a strange mix of Haida Tribes and Gallo-Romans colonize the Peninsula, both claiming it as their own. Although a few groups of manage to get along, they are the exception, not the rule, at this moment in time.

Mainly while, further south, the raids up north to the Romans proves to be more a distraction from problems in Comancheria proper more then anything. While much has been taken and given to the people, the state is still greatly suffering from the loss of trade. They are also still getting used to it's new terrain. While their north consists of grassland good for their horses and semi-nomadic lifestyle, the south is mountainous and difficult to pass. The Buffalo are also thousands of miles away in their "original" lands, however other furry beasts have come to take their place in society. European Bison and the various types of Mastodon and Rhinos are revered for their furs and tough bones. Some are even in stage of domestication, mainly Aurochs. Meanwhile, remnants of Spanish/Mexican and Americans use the Comanches focus on their north to their advantage. Most of these remnant groups and are either bands of nomads both in and out Comanche territory, or trying to rebuild their societies in the Virglands. Many Mexicans try their luck at colonizing former Aragon, while many Americans hop on boats to Italy.

However, another great shock some of the people of France, as more arrivals come form the depths of the beyond...

Northern Europe:

The arrival of the North Sea Empire is felt near immediately. Haida and Prussian trade vessels now have to go through Denmark for passage, which doesn't prove to be much of an issue. The Norseman are relatively friendly and are willing to trade. Their merchants and government quickly get rich off of their dealings as middle men, but the new looming presence of the Germanic state is greatly felt. While no direct threat of invasion exists yet, this "ECS" remains cold with monarchies at best, and it's great technologies seem almost magical. The border has had a few fortifications and walls built, but nothing too much at the moment. But they are in the same predicament as everyone else, and the Germans are willing to trade food stuffs in exchange for some basic necessities. This also cool the flames separatism in Norway (Southern England was left out of the ISOT), and helped unite the North Sea people.

Iceland took a while to get "noticed" in Europe through the first year, but by the second, it had small colonies in the Faroes and have circumnavigated the Scandinavian coast. News of the "Other Norsemen" was met with surprise and relief. Both states spoke relatively similar languages and had realty similar cultures despite the gap in their origins. Trade and Commerce between the two is quite common, which partly includes the other states. Slowly but surely, the North Sea is becoming a hub of trade and culture.

Prussia has had a little more success with the Green Frontiers program thanks to a small number of Haida and a few willing of their own, but it's still hard encouraging the majority to actually "rough it" out there. State encouragement and funding has convinced some, but not most. Even in spite of growing hardship and the increasing strain on 21st century tech, many young people would rather wait out the storm then risk getting eaten by a pack of wolves.

Most of what Prusiskai has been doing is sending out radio signals, trying to call to anyone that is out there. They get a few response. One of them claims to be Japan, saying that they along with a version of the Goryeo Empire have been placed here, while the other claims to be the "D.C Reclamation Project" under the flag of the U.S.A and S.A.R. While relived that there are more people, this only leaves more questions. What, or who, has been pulling these various nations and peoples across the black oceans of space to this Earth? And, what is the purpose?

Central Europe:

The people of Middle Frankia, somewhat quite after the Treaty of Verdun some 4-5 months ago, wake up to a very concerning site. Their Alpine and Mediterranean territories have been replaced by pristine wilderness, and the Gallo-Romans of times passed on their western border, along with a much more foreign group of what are originally though to be Moorish Horsemen. But the feathered ones are defiantly not Arabs of any kind...
Meanwhile, their Eastern borders is occupied by a Germanic people just as foreign as the Comanche, their cities, strange and bizarre, their tongue so different that only a few words are recognizable.

The European Council State is in a, state, of disarray. The Marxist Nation was in the mists of preparing for War with the countries between the seas with their Soviet comrades, only to find that both have disappeared, and on their border, two Medieval states sit, seemingly just as Confused as they are.
While their Austria and remained Rhineland territories were cleared of all League of Nations occupiers, the ECS takes a significant hit, with all Non-German Councils and a bite of both their Eastern and Rhineland territory lost. Various Officials and Party leaders come together to discuss what to do. The Franks and the Norse/Gauls are much weaker then the Poles, just ripe for liberation. Middle Francia in particular, due to it swath of resources. The remnants of the People's Liberation Army are immediately put to work, plans are formulated to quickly capture major cities and crush "feudalist" opposition.

On March 29th, the People's liberation army sweep through Middle Francia with little to no efforts. Castles and Forts are taken, the Army is crushed under the Red Wave, Aachen is quickly captured, Lothair I is deposed and sent to Germany as a Prisoner, and Middle Francia is officially dissolved on May the 6th. In it's place, the Lotharingian Social Republic or LSR/Lotharingia now stands, it's capital in Verdun.

While defeating and taking over (Sorry, "liberating") a Medieval State is one thing, transforming said state into a formalized Modern Nation is another.
The Comanche have taken advantage of the chaos in Francia, and the south is already suffering greatly from their raiding parties, which proves difficult for the small occupation force, already spread thin trying to maintain their newly taken territory.

The Germans divide up the Region into 3 Council States; The Council of Rhineland, The Council of Burgundy, and The Council of Frisia. While technically united, in practice they are functionally independent from each other to make administrating the region easier, are a somewhere inbetween Puppet-States and Autonomous Regions of the ECS. This isn't intended to be permeant, however, and centralization efforts are being discussed.

Much of the new government that replaced the Nobility and Feudal Lords is bit more divided. While the more Radical "Spartacust" party wish for a full Annexation and spreading of Socialism to the other seemingly backward kingdoms and states, the situation Germany was already struggling, and putting in a whole swath of people with little to no Marxist sympathies could lead to disaster. The Moderate "All-German Communists" party want a gradual transformation of Francish society, and a peaceful, non-militant spread of Socialism to Europe. After all, the Fascists they hated so much were whisked away, surely now they can create the dream of a better world for all the Proletariat. The Internationalists sit on the fence on most issues, acting as a middle ground between the two parties.

Modernization efforts are support by all parties, however, mostly welfare programs and government reforms, such as public health clinics, free schooling, etc. Most Castles and Forts are either torn down and used as building material, or are turned into Military outposts for use by the PLA. The process of allowing a select few Francians into the new mostly German govern (Thee ones that decided to join the revolution, that is) also is used to solidify the international positions of the new state (Or atleast give the appearance of one).

The process of "Modernizing" the region is intended to be just as cultural as it is techonglocal/governmental, and the ECS intend to create sometihng that lasts. A project idea to created a united "Lotharingian identity" is started, beginning with a Cross-Migration policy, giving benefits to peasants who to decide to move across the State (Although encouraged, this policy is not forced).
Their empty homes are converted into farms, townhomes, schools, or other state projects.

A Lotharingian Language is being created by several prominent linguists and a small few of sympathetic Francian Monks. Lotharingian is primly a Standardized/Simplified mix of languages already in the Francia region (Old Franconian, Old Dutch, Old Frisian, Old French, Old German), but borrows a significant chunk from Esperanto as well. This language is still being constructed, but things are going smoothly enough that it could start to be taught through schools in-mass by the end of the decade. (Esperanto itself stopped being prominent After the Shift, mostly being a written, not spoken, language. Most Documents have began switching back to German. A hopeful few still wish it to be a United Language of Socialism, but that dream won't make it far considering the circumstances right now. Still, part of it's legacy lives on.)

The Mediterranean:

Yaqob V sits comfortably in the newly "reunited" Negusoplis, the Armenians utterly crushed under the mighty Ethiopian Empire. With the Armenian's empire in ruins and bound to collapse, the Hemuaney decide to get protection from Ethiopia. Their treaty allows tariff free trade and commerce between both states, and protection from the Armenians should need arise. In exchange, the Hemuaney will accept Tewahedo missionaries in their lands and become a protectorate of the Negusopolis government. Speaking the Neanderthal nation, they are actually the most expansionist power right now, mainly out of survival

But, while conquering their "rightful" territory is one thing, it's another to integrate it. Most of the populas of former Anatolia are Armenians, along with a few Kurds and Greeks, and it's been really difficult to keep the region stable. Most wish to rejoin Armenia, and protests are common in major cities. It would be costly to actually attempt an uprising at the moment, Ethiopia still have the techonglocal advantage and they know fully well the unruliness of their new territory. As such, they keep a tight leash on the territory.

Vagharshapat sits in despair. The Dual-Empresses of Gayanne and Chloe have tried their damnest to keep the Empire together, althoguht this means local Generals and Warlords to have relatively free-reign the their provinces. Meanwhile the Torshiz Rebellion grows ever strong, with most of Iran under their control. Seeking Perisan independence, Gregory II declarers both the Armenian and Aramaic Orthodox Churches to be false, with the Nestorianian Church of the East being the only true servants of Jesus. They declare "The Most Christian State of Persia", with Gregory as it's ruler. Trying their best to crush the uprisings, what's left of the Armenians army is on the verge of mutiny after constant bloody battles. It seems that victory is all but assured for the Persians.

Meanwhile, the Emirate of Sicily wakes up to find an undone world. The current Emir, Ahmad ibn al-Hasan al-Kalbi, declares that Allah has seen favor upon their people, whether Muslim, Christina, or Jew. The loss of trade does deal a blow, however, and scouts are sent out in various directions to see if people are still around. They find some, mainly in Greece. Both the Sicilian and Ethiopian meeting is incredibly confusing for both sides, although no hostility is present.
The world turns ever stranger when a small group, no more then a few dozen, of incredibly malnourished and disheveled people of arrive by boat (A fairly crude one mind you) on the northernwestren tip of island. They speak a Germanic, but strange tonge. What little can be understood about this group is that they claim to be "Americans" fleeing from Barbaric, Feathered Horsemen in Occotania.
The Americans are given shelter, but their group quickly divides. Some in the group do not want to live in a Muslim society, while many other take a more pragmatic approach of "It's better then the Indians". The hard liners end up fleeing back into the ocean a few weeks later, steeling a few boats and some supplies, leaving their fates completly unknown. The remaining Americans have to find a way to integrate into Sicilian society.

North America:

The sun shines on a cool January morning, revealing various newly displaced entities through the continent's eastern seaboard. The swamplands of the Central East Coast of North America have had a once great city given to it. A version of Washington D.C where a mysterious event caused all humans to disappear, leaving the city to decay away. The overgrown ruins don't change that much at first, except for some additional animals. They sit still for a bit...

Meanwhile, the United States of America, panic ensues. Initially thought to be a Nuclear Attack from the Reich (And China), attempts to retaliate from remaining nuclear silos are met with an eerie sight: The entire nuclear payload of the USA has completly disappeared. Worse still, the situation becomes clear when the country west of the Mississippi river has be replaced by untamed wildlands, but their east borders are more confusing. Apparently a Semi-Medieval Canada stretches as far as Ohio, while a Interim Government of another USA sits with most of the South.
All remaining Government officials based themselves out of St. Louis, in what's left of the Plains Commonwealth (Just Missuri0. The Military, already quite powerful before the Shift, assumes near-complete control of the government. Declaring Martial Law, strict rationing is imposed on citizens (As if rationing wasn't already imposed), and the Army quickly establishes itself in every major city. Food Riots and Protests against Government action are common, but violently put down. Various bureaus are ordered to investigate the state of the S.A.R and Canada and see what to do with them.

Jewish Newfoundland is quickly finding itself to be the Switzerland of the Americas, remaining outside and neutral of political affairs and tending to keep to themselves. Canada has attempted, and still is attempting, several times to get the Newfoundlanders to join their alliance with Morebay, which is met with skepticism at best. The people there have suffered much under British rule and hypocrisy, and don't trust that another one would be too much nicer. Still, there is some amount of trade and relations aren't bad despite the cold shoulder. Many Jews from across North America attempt to move or visit Newfoundland, and the place quickly becomes the center of Anglo-Jewish culture and learning in the known world.
Some in the country's are also calling for an expedition to Israel proper, to see what has happened. After all, people seem to exist beyond the continent thanks to radio, so they might as well investigate.

Canada and Morebay have done relatively well for themselves, and the governs have become increasingly interconnected and blurred. The signifanct French Minority of the Free City has begun to mix with the local Quebecois/Acadian population. Long Island is "gifted" to Morebay by Charlottetown, which puts Morebay in the still lucrative Salvage business of former New York. Canada proper has begun expanding, mainly in the east. Even distant Bermuda have seen a few small fishing settlements dotting them. Colonization of South Pennsylvanian is a bit slower, but still under way. Industrialization is a strange, but extremely effective, mix of wind, water, animal, and carbon power technologies form both states, but this has some social strings attached.

The Wealthy Morebayers in Canada are quickly become even richer off of exploitation, and are assimilating parts of the Canadian upper class into themselves. 15 hour work days are common, children as young as 13 can be seen in factories and other dangerous work, accidents are a fact of life, and pay is little. Morebay City itslef has also seen something similar. Canadian "Guest Workers" are seen as a better alternative then native residents as they don't ask about pay as much, and many poor Morebayers find themselves out of work. Unions have an increasingly greater presence in the "Free City" however, made up of both "Guest Worker" and Resident alike, demanding better working hours and better wages.
If has yet to be seen if this will go anywhere, as Charlottetown is increasingly concerned with it's Southern borders rather then it's internal struggles, especially with their newest neighbor, and attempts to fortify the Ohio border are getting bigger and better. They would rather survive with their remaining territories intact and expand quietly (While keeping a friendly face) while the American South eats itself alive.

Menawhile, the USA looks at the Canadians and Morebayers with a werid sort of contempt and pity. While the more patriotic dream of taking back their "Rightful" territories, most view it as a waste of time, not because they couldn't be easily beaten, but because it would be far to consuming to integrate a people who view the Untied States as, at best, a deeply foreign nation, especially with the current state the country is in. The Canadians would be much more useful as a puppet under their "protection".
On the otherside, St. Louis finds the Sothern American Republic to "have potential" and much more in line with their values (Ignore the significant portion of the population that is either quietly or openly racist), but sees it as weak and ineffective. The racial tensions are clear signs to St. Louis that this S.A.R needs it's Nazist and Fascist elements stamped out. A delegation of various officials and officers are sent to the S.A.R's "Capital" in Atlanta to discuss political matters. The meeting is... interesting. The USA claims that the only way to stamp out Favism and "Neo-Segreaitonism" is allow their delegates to enter the constitutional convention, Unite with them and put these obviously German whites under Uncle Sam's boot. The Southern Americans Republic declare that they'll "Think about it".

Atlanta looks upon this "Other United States" with both intrigue and suspicion. Their culture is incredibly strange, Socialistic 1950s? While they are progressive and do somewhat align with the views of the Liberal Government, it is also incredibly Militaristic and Near-Dictatorial. It reminds them more of the Soviet Union then of an bastion of America Freedom, despite their claims.

The discovery of Washington DC, by some Canadian/Morebayer merchants who stumbled upon the site on their semi-regular trips down South only adds more fuel to the fires of tension. While relations are still cold between both governments, the U.S.A and S.A.R. decide to make a joint colony in the region and sends a group of officials, scientists, and news-anchors/reporters to journey to the D.C Ruins to see what should be done with it. They find a beachy swampland, with many buildings outright hazardous for humans to even explore. The discover of the Constitution being nothing more then moldy brown paper with no letters sends the most patriotic to tears. It is soon clear to everyone: It will take a lot to make D.C a proud city again.

The D.C Reclamation Project seems to exist in spite of all the tensions and struggles of both Americas. A consturction effort that can united both peoples in this time of hardship. The hopers and dreamers of both Americas mange of set up a small outpost on the edge of the city border. The "2nd-Chance Outpost" is little more then shanty log cabins, a small radio tower, and a dream. This optimism fuels the tiny colony despite it's hardship, and the few dozen people there, both U.S.A and S.A.R, have formed a comradery that doesn't exist in much of the world right now, and are determined to make this work.
Unfortunately, outside of Washington itself, the project is little more then a farce, a mere distraction from problems at home.

The mysterious politicking and the joint-D.C reclamation continues to fuel the flames of the Anger of Southern Whites. A few even start openly advocating for Segregation policies back, declaring that the USA and SAR are a cabal that plan on destroying American values, and that God has sent them to here to show the evils of leftism and weakness of Old America. The star on the flag of the Other USA is hollow! That must mean something!

The breaking point is reached when a Southerner, inspired by the works of the Unabomber, manages of find high-grade explosives and destroy a small but sitll significant part of Charleston, that leaves hundreds dead. The Charleston Bombings cause Mississippi and Arkansas, already planning to succeed, use the backlash as an opportunity to sperate and declare themselves the "True States of the Americas".
The Third American Civil War begins.

Next year is approaching soon, perhaps a new set of entities will shake up this world even more...
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Oh shit well who wants to put another usa in North America one more socialist and liberal then the others to help them fight off the succetioners
Oh shit well who wants to put another usa in North America one more socialist and liberal then the others to help them fight off the succetioners

In terms of more USAs, I recommend trying to avoid "Three Italies Syndrome" and not have too many copies of the same nation.

However, I do still allow it (So long as it isn't too much. Up to like 4-5 is enough). And a Socialist USA Succesor State sounds pretty rad for an ISOT game (My end goal was to write both American States uniting by the end of the game, regardless of how rock the road there is)!

Your best bet would probably be either be the Worker's States of America from RvBOMally's Nation of Sunlight, or the United Socialist States of America from Void-Wolf's A Last-Minute Reversal. Limited to Appalachia or the Great Lakes if you want them involved in the Civil War, and allowing people the chance to submit more stuff in North America (I really wanted to put Taiwan in California).
Sorry for Necro but have you officially given up on this? It seemed interesting to me
Not officially, no. I'd love for it to be revived or do another reboot of the concept that's less slap-a-dash on my part! But for now, it's on "stand-by" until I get back to it or the player gets to their turn.
Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed reading this little project I had.
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