Mundus Renatus: An ISOT Sufficient Velocity Mapgame (Rebooted!)

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Hello there folks of this forum website we happen to call SufficientVelocity!
I've decided to try and reboot my first post on the forum, sense it didn't go much of anywhere.
Mundus Renatus is a mapgame where players write out the history of a world where various pieces of our world, and alternate world, and fiction all clash together. I hope you all enjoy!
Across the various worlds of the multiverse, one of them will become the hub of new societies, new civilization, new history...
What is this special world? Well, it's a small, oceanic rocky planet, teeming with life. An alternate Earth, a Virgin Earth, without Homo Sapiens, or other hominids and sapients for that matter. Without creatures that change the planet to it's whim like in other universes, this Earth is a much more beautiful, but dangerous, place.

Several animals, both familiar and foreign, roam the various landscapes of Earth by the equivalent of the year 2023 AD. Woolly Mammoths roam the Northern Tundras of Eurasia and North America, Dodo Birds live peacefully on their islands in the Indian Ocean, Lions roam the plains as much of the world resembles the African Safari. Irish Elk, Eurasian Wolves, Tasmanian Tigers, Ground Sloths, Black Rhinos, Sabretooths, Passenger Pigeons, Pyrenean Ibex, even the Great Terror Birds, and many more still exist and live there lives in the various ecosystems of this world.

However, this world is about see a massive change. Bat-Like Interdimensional entities with powerful abilities and all the time they can get. These semi-lovecraftian entities (literal Alien-Spaces-Bats) have decided to run an experiment. They will take this one Virgin Earth out of countless worlds just like it, and place various societies, civilizations, and entities on it, just to see what will happen. Why? Because they want to.

How will the world change? How will cultures interact? What new religions, societies, and technongly be created?
Join us, as a new history forms...


Hello there folks of this forum website we happen to call SufficientVelocity!
I've decided to try and reboot my first post on the forum, sense it didn't go much of anywhere.
Inspired by @ScottishMongol & KitFisto1997's Mapgames, @CubicAppalac 's Cubics Across the Multiverse, and @Gian [IEPH] 's Nova Mundi, Mundus Renatus is a mapgame where players write out the history of a world where various pieces of our world, and alternate worlds, and fiction all clash together. I hope you all enjoy!
There are a few thing of note before we start.

Template for Nations and Entities:

Nation Name:
Commonly known as:
ISOTed from:
ISOTed to (Only use if you are displacing a nation):
Technology level:
Year ISOTed from:
Special traits:
Territory ISOTed:
Brief history:

Entity/Character Name:
Type of Entity:
ISOTed from:



These are the words and phrase that you should use when writing your various submissions.

1. Virglands: "Virglands" or "The Virglands" are the slang and eventually official in-universe term used to describe areas of the world that haven't been colonized by people yet.

2. Colonies: Colonies strictly refer to areas of the Virgin Earth that being actively settled by a state/nation.

3. Claimed: Claimed territory is any part of the Virglands that a nation claims, but isn't actively settling at the moment. It may get absorbed by other states before it's ever reached by the Original claimer.

4. After-Shift: # AS., or After the Shift, is the term used to describe history Post coming to the Virgin Earth.


The Rules:

1. One Turn is equal to 1 in-game year

2. Edited maps should be uploaded Every turn or so (One in-game Year)

3. The maximum size of a nation is slightly bigger then Texas (When it was Independent, not the current state borders). Industrial/Post-1800 Nations is to be slightly bigger then France. This is not the strictest ruling however, if you want a bigger nation, ask me as the GM first, but keep in mind I don't want anything bigger then say, then say, the Roman Empire.

4. You must make claim and specify the continent(s) you want ISOT to before taking a Turn. Also, everyone's First turn must have atleast one nation/entity from OTL, preferably one that is Pre-1800, (Eventually this limit will be lifted.)

5. In terms of Nation ISOT, techonglocal progress from the Stone Age to around 2023 (January 1st) AD is the norm. Entity Technonglies that are more advanced then OTL are allowed but Must be done carefully. (Especially early game). Magical or Magic-like things aren't allowed early-game.
For example, let's say you ISOT the Millennium Falcon from Stars Wars. Well, it must be crashed in a remote area where either it can't be easily accessed yet or the peoples (Bronze Age for example) there don't understand how it works. In affect, this would allow it to be reversed engineered much later in the game, or have multiple nations race for it and fight a war.

6. Submitting Major Religious Figures, like Jesus, King David, Mouhamad, Buddha, etc, is STRICLY OFF LIMITS since their historical attestation isn't the greatest. Also, we don't need arguments about religion and stuff here. This is a fictional sci-fi mapgame after all.

7. You have 5 ISOTs per turn (Except for the first turn, which will be seen below), up to 4 Nations max with Entities can range from 1-5 depending on what you choose. For this game, OTL up to 2000, most Alternate Histories, and Semi-OC content (What I mean by that is nation from something like your old Imperator: Rome, Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, and Victoria saves) are freely allowed.
As for anything from Fiction (Ex. Purely fictional nations, species, sci-fi technology), "copies" of Nations that are already in the game, or from Alternate-Histories with powerful abilities, ask first before submitting and I will or not allow them.

8. If a submission proves to be problematic, I as the GM have the right to recommend it's changed, or in extreme circumstances, remove it.

9. You can ISOT nations and entities to places other than their OTL locations, but please don't go overboard!

10. Save the edited map as a .png file

11. Try your best to contribute, be a good sport, and have fun!



If you don't know what exactly to submit, I can give some points. These are not rules btw, just pointers if someone needs them.

Try not to submit a United States of America. They're a bit over done in ISOTs in my opinion. This is Just about government and large groups of states (More then 3), so military units and individual states. Separatists and Successors to the United States are highly recommended instead. A similar recommendation goes for Modern Britains and Modern Frances.
Medieval/Iron Age States are some of my favorites to explore in Alternate History, so Medieval/Early Modern Development might be good. A united Medieval Germany, a great Aztec, Carthage getting a second chance, or a Welsh state would be good for example.

I brought up games like Crusader Kings saves a bit ago. Yeah, you can put your countries for Strategy Map games in here, so long as they are not too OP, and they sitll have to follow the Rules every other nations/entities adheres to. Ask me about it if need be,

Anyways, enough talk! Let's get to the good part...
(Ofcourse, I get first claim)
Last edited:
Year 0 AS, January 1st-June 1st

Welcome to the world, circa January 1st, 0 AS (OTL 1/1/2023). Here's the current Nations and Entities that were submitted by yours truly.
I made a few geographic changes, mianly that of North and South America being seperated by Niguargua, the Great Salt Lake being bigger, and Hokkaido and Sakolin Island being fused.
I've submitted 14 overall. Yes, I know that's a lot, but it's mainly to get all my submissions out of the way.
I'm sorry if I overwleamed any writers!

Entity Name: Fork-tailed Babbling Jay
Commonly known as: Forktails, Babbling Jays
Type of Entity: Species of Sapient Canary
ISOTed from: Serina: A Natural History of the World of Birds (Rainshadow Desert)
Abilities: Winged flight, basic tool crafting.
Description: The fork-tailed babbling jay (Loquax Philosophus, meaning "Talkative Thinker") is a small magpie-like perching bird, with a handsome orange, black and white plumage and a long, deeply forked tail. This bird is not in any way extraordinary for its appearance. It is a small flying bird of about six ounces - larger than a blackbird but smaller than a crow, but resembling both in general shape. However, they are not only highly intelligent in regards to problem solving and crafting tools to find food, but it is also demonstrably self-aware. This brainy brids learned to kill small herbivores with sharpened spears which are sometimes tipped with venom squeezed from the stingers of insects to provide a faster kill, and utilize sharp stone chips as axes or knives. Initially selecting the sharpest naturally-occurring stone chips they could find, some then learned to chip stones themselves, including flint, to produce the sharpest edges possible for butchering prey. Not only a wide repertoire of distinct calls used to communicate resources and threats, but have developed a proper complex language in order to most effectively communicate complicated ideas between individuals quickly. A vocabulary of thousands of distinct words, a complex language of bird song, the individual components of which are spoken too quickly to be understood by the human ear (Althoguth they can mimic the sounds of other animals, this will come in handy ;)).

Nation Name: Ethiopian Empire
Commonly known as: Ethiopia
Government: Empire
Capital: Negusopolis (Constantinople/Istanbul OTL)
ISOTed from: Now It's Negusopolis
Technology level: 1800
Year ISOTed from: 1678
Territory ISOTed: Most, minus outer Sahara, Middle Eastern, and Italian territories.
Religions: Oriental Chrsitianty
Languages: Ge'ez, Greek, Other
Brief history: Migration Era/Early Dark Ages hijincks in Europe. A minor Ethiopian state becomes an Empire and takes Constantinople. Ethiopian monks convert Sri Lanka to Christianity and a large trading empire emerges from there. Jews are expelled from Ethiopia in several different periods. Many end up in West Africa. Europeans and Sri Lankans establish colonies around the world.

Nation Name: The Armenian Empire
Commonly known as: Armenia
Government: Empire
Capital: Vagharshapat
ISOTed from: The Armenian Empire
Technology level: 1200s
Year ISOTed from: 1215 AD
Territory ISOTed: Central Territroies
Religions: Armenian Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Church of the East, Judaism
Languages: Armenian, Greek, Aramaic, Others
Brief history: Four hundred years after the conquest of Constantinople by Cyril II, the Empire has fallen under the rule of the Empress Heghine. Her reign has been one of excess and conspiracy as her sister Gayane and Chloe plot against her and each other, bringing the Kartashyan Dynasty into disgrace. Heghine's predecessor have been effective in their colonization and conversion of a large swath of Eurasia and the principle minorites of the Greeks and Aramaics, have been mollified by preferntial treatment and respect for their religions. Though the Empire itself is at the height of its power, the machination of its ruling class are a serious problem.

Nation Name: Hemuaney Empire
ISOTed from: @ScottishMongol 's Sticks and Stones
Technology level: Advanced Neolithic
Year ISOTed from: 2019?
Special traits: Populated by Neanderthals instead of Humans
Territory ISOTed: "Ukrainian" territory
Religion: Shamanistic Folk
Brief history: The Neanderthals have yielded plenty of ground to H. sapiens, but they are still a proud race - and one very different from us. Their art is entirely abstract, their language is more sung than spoken. They are patriarchal, compared to the more egalitarian humans - let alone the matriarchal Cro-Magnon, whose history with the Neanderthals is a cycle of wars and alliances forged by bonds of marriage. Still, theirs is an ancient and sophisticated society, with massive cities carved from the hearts of the mountains, supplied with glacial meltwater carried to them by aqueducts.

Nation Name: Kingdom of Soissons
Government: Roman Rump-State
Capital: Noviodunum
ISOTed from: Original Timeline
Technology level: 400s
Year ISOTed from: 464 AD
Territory ISOTed: All
Religions: Christianity, Gallo-Roman paganism and Germanic paganism
Languages: Latin, Gaulish
Brief history: The Kingdom or Domain of Soissons was a rump state of the Western Roman Empire in northern Gaul, between the Somme and the Seine, that lasted for some 25 years during Late Antiquity.
The Kingdom of Soissons began when Emperor Majorian (457–461) appointed Aegidius as magister militum of Roman Gaul. When Majorian was killed on the orders of Ricimer in 461, Aegidius maintained his own rule in the remnants of Roman Gaul. In the chaos of contemporary Gaul, he maintained his power against Franks to his east and Visigoths to his south. Aegidius died in 464 or 465. His son Syagrius succeeded to the rule.

Nation Name: Iceland
Government: Dependency of the Kingdom of Denmark
Capital: Reykjavík
ISOTed from: Original Timeline
Technology level: 1800s
Year ISOTed from: 1814
Religions: Christianity
Languages: Icelandic, Danish
Brief history: Iceland is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic Ocean. Iceland is the most sparsely populated country in Europe. In 1814, following the Napoleonic Wars, Denmark-Norway was broken up into two separate kingdoms via the Treaty of Kiel but Iceland remained a Danish dependency.

Nation Name: Republic of Prussia
Commonly known as: Prussia
Government: Republic
Capital: Twangsta
ISOTed from: What if the Prussians succesfully resisted Germanization?
Technology level: 2000s
Year ISOTed from: 2022
Territory ISOTed: All
Population: 1.29 Million
Religions: Catholicism, Lutheranism, Orthodxy
Languages: Prussian
Brief history: The Teutons have failed: despite their efforts, the Prussians have refused to bow down. The "Prussian" Kingdom and its succesor - The German Empire have been more succesful in germanizing Prussia. The Prussians however, survived through the 19th century. When the Nazi invading Russia and losing severly, the Soviets came to Prussia, libertaing it form the Germans for the first tiem sense the 1500s. German people were forced out of Prussia. An SSR was formed, but it becoem truely indpendant afte the collspae of the Soviet Union.

Nation Name: Southern Autonomous Republic
Commonly known as: S.A.R.
Government: Republic, Speratist State
ISOTed from: An American Spring
Technology level: 1970s-1980s
Year ISOTed from: 1984
Territory ISOTed: All
Religions: Christianity, Southern Baptism, Catholism, Protestantism
Languages: English (De Facto), Spanish, Creole/French
Description: A second American Civil War resembles the OTL Syrian Civil War. Nixon wins the 1960 presidential election as opposed to Kennedy, and ends up being a one-termer, becoming more and more upopular as time went on. This lead him to use his presidential powers to target political enemies on the left and the right, only fueling resentment against the federal government. The South was a powder keg, particularly after the assassinations of civil rights leaders and segregationist politicians. The Second American Civil War began after National Guard troops fired on a group of student demonstrators in Berkeley, California. The California state government demanded that Nixon withdraw all federal troops from the state, to which Nixon refused. Outraged, politicians who opposed Nixon demanded that he resigned, and Nixon also refused. Believing that Nixon had become a tyrant, they proclaimed a new American government, which should replace Nixon's, which had lost all legitimacy. Portions of the military and National Guard defected to the opposition.
In the South, a group of left-wing Southern Democrats, moderate civil rights leaders, and black nationalists aligned to form the Southern Autonomous Republic, an interim government that was dedicated to racial justice and opposing the Nixon government.

Nation Name: Inca Empire
Commonly known as: Inca
Government: Divine, absolute monarchy
Capital: Cusco
ISOTed from: Original Timeline
Technology level: Late Pre-Columbian America
Year ISOTed from: 1526
Territory ISOTed: Inner Territory, "Peruvian" and "Upper Chilean"
Religions: Inca religion
Languages: Quechua, Aymara, Puquina, Jaqi family, Muchik and scores of smaller languages
Brief history: The Inca Empire, called Tawantinsuyu by its subjects, was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. The administrative, political and military center of the empire was in the city of Cusco. The Inca civilization arose from the Peruvian highlands sometime in the early 13th century. The Empire was an amalgamation of languages, cultures and peoples. The components of the empire were not all uniformly loyal, nor were the local cultures all fully integrated. The Inca empire as a whole had an economy based on exchange and taxation of luxury goods and labour.

Nation Name: Empire of Yue
Government: Empire
ISOTed from: To the Strongest
ISOTed to: Ecaudor, South America
Technology level: Rougly 1500s
Year ISOTed from: 915 AD
Territory ISOTed: Central Territory
Religions: Bubbhism
Languages: Yue
Brief history: In East Asia, the Spring and Autumn Period went horribly wrong for the Chinese states and instead of the Qin the semi-Sinitic Baiyue were ascendant in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. The Yue would adopt the Chinese writing system and many of its words but remained a distinct people with a Kra-Dai language. The first Yue Empire dominated the Chinese states for several hundred years, ruling many of them outright for part of that period, but ultimately Tocharian hordes from the west caused the Empire's downfall. In the last hundred years, a new Yue Empire has arisen, though this one is unlikely to ever be as powerful as the first. Yue influence extends deep into the southern islands and snatches of the Yue language as well as their Buddhism can be found in those parts.

Nation Name: Free City of Morebay
Commonly known as: Morebay
Government: American Territory, City State
Capital: Itself
ISOTed from: Morebay Free City - An American Hong Kong in Britain
ISOTed to: Area of New York City, Long Island
Technology level: 2000s
Year ISOTed from: 2003
Territory ISOTed: All
Population: 1.3 Million
Languages: English (Morebay Dilect), Frnech, Marathi
Brief history: After 90 years of American rule, the Free City of Morebay is a highly developed, densely populated city, with large Indian, Jewish and French Communities that fled Britain and France after the Socialist takeovers in both former empires. It acts as a refuge for Political, Religious and other Exiles, as well as for people who couldn't live under Supreme Minister Vaughan's regime any longer. In ten years, the American lease on the Territory will expire, but it doesn't look like they will be giving the Disjointed City back to Britain anytime soon. President Allen's current plan seems to be a Referendum: Stay as an American territory, or become a true City-State in with the USA's protection. Only time will tell what happens...

Nation Name: Dominion of Canada
Commonly known as: Canada
Government: parliamentary democracy
Capital: Charlottetown
ISOTed from: @EBR 's Bring Me Men To Match My Mountains (Emberverse)
Technology level: Neo Medieval, Aporcsomate 1800s??
Year ISOTed from: 2148 (150 C.Y)
Territory ISOTed: Greater New England Area
Population: Roughly 2 million
Religions: Christianty, Anglicanism?
Languages: English
Brief history: Directly descended from the provincial government of Prince Edward Island, the Dominion of Canada rapidly incorporated survivors in other small islands, Newfoundland, Labrador, less populated parts of Quebec, as well as American survivors in the more isolated parts of New England (the largest group of American survivors, a military remnant based around Fort Drum eventually became a protectorate of Canada). There are only about two million Canadians inhabitants in a still mostly rural and agricultural country along the east coast of North America, but Canada has a good militia system and hosts bases of the Royal Navy. Not terribly industrialized, Canada exports large amounts of grain, potatoes, and cattle, as well as salvage from the former megalopolises of the coast- not that there aren't other sources of salvage, but they have more to draw on for especially valuable things. Their size and status as a British Dominion make them a regional power, and Charlottetown is looking west towards its old territories with plenty of promises of support from London.

Nation Name: Japan
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: Kyoto
ISOTed from: 1983: Doomsday
Technology level: Late 1980s-Early 1990s
Year ISOTed from: 2008
Territory ISOTed: Almost all, minus Hokkaido
Religions: Shinto, Buddhism
Languages: Japanese, Ryukyuan, Korean and others
Brief history: The Empire of Japan is a state in Northwest Asia. Once the wealthiest and most developed state in Asia, it was hard hit by Doomsday, mainly due to the trade and military affiliation with the United States. Today, Japan is a nation that has committed itself to self-sufficiency though it has opened up to the world in recent years even joining the League of Nations.

Nation Name: Goryeo Empire
Commonly known as: Goryeo
Government: Absolute Monarchy
ISOTed from: Dharmic Destiny - 12th century Korean Revival (with Complete Lore)
Technology level: 1200s
Year ISOTed from: 1200
Territory ISOTed: All
Religions: Korean Folk Religon
Languages: Korean
Brief history: During the Balhae revival movement, a descendent of Balhae's House of Dae, Prince Yeonrim, establishes the state of Heung Yo on the banks of the Taeja (Taizi) River in 1029. The Liao Empire prepares for an assault on the new state, an assault that would spell the end of the Balhae people. Goryeo also sends several thousand troops and resumes hostilities with Liao after pressure from China. Working in China and Goryeo's favor, the Heung Yo state survives as a monarchy with the House of Dae paying tribute to both Goryeo and China. Goryeo pushes their boundaries firmly towards Mount Baekdu and grows ever closer with the small Balhae state of Heung Yo. A united Korean identity begins to form, as well as a united Korean language. Buddhism in Goryeo also begins to flourish, with the Korean people priding themselves on a 'purer' form of the Dharma, contrary to the Khitans' syncretic style of Buddhism. King Munjong also revives the Northern Expansion Policy, with the aim of restoring the borders of Goguryeo.
On the 200th anniversary of the founding of modern Goryeo in 1118, the monarch is re-elevated to the status of Emperor (Taewang) and hailed as the new Gwanggaeto. Yejong dies in 1120, succeeded by his naïve son Injong. In 1135, the geomancer Myocheong succeeds in sparking a bourgeoise uprising against military domination, moving the primary capital to Seoggyeong and installing the monk-prince Ji In to the throne. Because of Ji In's striking similarity in appearance and voice to his father Yejong, Myocheong allowed some to believe that Yejong had been resurrected young and as the prophesized Maitreya Buddha, with no material attachments or family constraints.
Ji In dies in 1162 as a revered and controversial leader. Despite this, he fostered a strong Korean nationalism centered around the Shambhala concept and Buddhist faith. In Goryeo, the concept of cheonha from the 4th century was revived where it was the master of Northeastern Asia and China was of the Chinese realms, separate but interconnected.While not fully restoring the borders of Goguryeo, Korea became a major power in East Asia once more. Throughout the rest of the 12th century, they allied with the Zubu Confederacy, antagonized the Christian Keraites, and built up relations with Japan, China, the small Jin Kingdom, as well as far away places like Iran, Arabia, Europe, and Malaya. Their fate becomes uncertain with the rise of the Mongols to the northwest…

0 Year After Shift - January 1st to June 1st

Across the world, various peoples, states, empires, wake up to find that the worlds they knew have been sent to the ether.
When the "Shift" happened, initial there was confusion. There was seemingly no indication that any transportation throughout the universes
After the confusion, there was panic. Cut of from trade, and with most states isolated and alone, rioting, protests, unrest, starvation, even civil war in extreme cases as the worst economic crashes ever record hit. The period of time for how long the "After-Shift Trouble" as it's call but historians, varies depending on who you ask. Some say it was 20 years long, others say it lasted up to 50 years.

Whatever the case, the "After-Shift Troubles" is a short, but very formative, time for this world.

The Atlantic:

On what would've been called the "Canary Islands", a new species of Bird has appeared. The Forktailed-Babbling Jay. Despite the name, they are distant descendants of Earth Canaries, and they have been returned to the home of their ancestors...
Chosen for it's high intelligence and pity for it's future extinction, these creatures wake up to find a world more watery and mountainous then what they are used to. Unlike Humans, the Babbling-Jays are not a "supernatural" group (They are superstitious however), so the so-called "Shift" is not an act of God in the traditional sense.

Most Forktails will claim that their creation myth has repeated itself.
A great Rainstorm of the Night, coming from the stars and the heavens, have swept the Desert lands away once again, making way for a new life, with the Forktails alone being the only remnant of the Old World.
Over the After-Shift years, this belief would gradually grow into an Organized Religion, known as "Pluvianism", or the derogatory "Rain-Worship" by Humans.

The time for this religion is not yet upon us, but the first traces of it start when in April/May, various Forktails being contracting a "Temple" to the Rain, Thunder, and Wind. Not necessarily a place of "worship", more of a historical record put into a built form.
The Canary Islands are quickly colonized by the Forktails. Mesolithic Homes are constructed in the trees, fresh sources of meat/food are found. By Springs end, the Forktails are in what in humans terms would be described as "A very lose confederation of tribes". Life is actually better then it was Pre-Shift for these birds then it was before, atleast, for now...

The Mediterranean:

Meanwhile, the Ethiopian and Armenian Empires have had an intense cold war of sorts. The Shift spilt Constantinople in half, with the European, "Negusopolis" based half being Ethiopian, while the Anatolian "Constantinople" remains Armenian. This caused much tension between the two states, as both call the region, and Greece itself, as rightfully belonging to them. The trade and colure being cut off instantly caused recession and tension to build up rabidly with both empires, and now their getting desperate after the Shift.

Although new technongly have begun to help relieve the stress of the Armenian populas, the Kartashyan Dynasty continues it's petty infighting, worrying that their state will fall from grace just as it reached the peak of it's power before the Shift.
It doesn't help that their Persian subjects are growing increasing restless.

The Ethiopian government, meanwhile is considering relocating it's Capital momentarily as they are right on the doorstep of an unfriendly power, however this decision is taking way too long (As the government believes the Armenians techonglocal lack will protect them) to mean much to the public.
One mistake will be all it takes to cause either one to invade the other.

There is another state, nervously anticipating the Armenians and Ethiopians to fight over Constantinople: The Hemuaney Empire. Whether they are just a subset of Humans or a different race altogether is up to interpretation, but the Neanderthals have been left with a massively smaller empire, and two state much more advanced then them. First discovered by an Armenian trader vassal headed for Crimea, they were called the "Browsingers" by their new neighbors. Although trade is now common between the two, the Hemuany's quote on quote "backwardness" and the fact it's smack dab in the middle of the "Ukrainian" breadbasket left it more of a when then if of the Armenians or even the Ethiopians trying to absorb them. Whether by word or by sword is something the Hemuaney are not willing to risk.

The Humans pushed them back one before, they will not be pushed back again.
The Neanderthals are much wiser and intelligent then the Empires would give them credit for. For now, the two Empires are much more focused on the "Matter of Constantinople" then the tribe empire to it's North. As such, new wonders from these states are quickly adopted. Shamans are turned into Diplomats in hopes of convince the Ethiopians and Armenians to leave them alone. Fortifications are all built on the shores of what was "Crimea", in case things get ugly.

Only time will tell what happens now...


In the area of what was France, or "Gaul", now lays the Roman successor sate of Soissons. Just as it's new ruler, Syagrius, was crowned "King of the Romans", the state went to a Europe where the Germanic tribes that sacked Italia no longer prove to be an issue. Seeing a new opportunity on the horizon, Syagrius declares the Shift to be an act of the Divine, who sought to save the Roman state. Declaring the Roman Empire once again, Syagrius makes it his mission to reclaim the whole of the Empire, starting with Gaul. Brittany and the isle of Jersey are quickly captured, although colonization is still underway. The State is planning an expedition to Gibraltar, and later, Rome itself.

Up north, Iceland found itself in an interesting situation. Just as the treaty to spilt the Danish and Norwegian realms into their respective kingdoms was signed, the Icelanders found themselves with a Norway or Denmark. Left to it's own devices, the Icelandic realm quickly set up shop on the uninhabited Faore and Shetland Isles. Expeditions to Orkney and Copenhagen are started as well, set to begin in Summer/Autumn. However, the cold climate of Iceland proved difficult for agricultural use, so fishing and other replenish sources of meat were mostly relied upon in the early After-Shift years. Infact, the climate won't be nice to Iceland for a while, many are considering recolonizing the Scandinavian lands rather then stay in the Icelandic realm.

The Prussians found themselves having to build farmsteads and expand current ones so that the country would not strive itself, but it was a bit easier to handle then expect. Claiming the the former territory of the kingdoms that stole their name sake, the Prussians began expansion both north and south. These are little more then lines on a map and small farms at the edges of the frontier at the moment. But they're no one who could challenge them, atleast, what they think...

South America:

The great empire of the Inca would've seen their eventual conquers, the Spanish, arrive this day. They did not come, however, for they could not, as the Inca went from one world to another. What was found instead was strange beasts roaming their lands, and a new, very confused neighborhood to it's direct north.
The Yue, suddenly going form East Asia to South America was a bit of a shock. Towns and Cities conformed to the new terrain, too naturally. Even something as small as the grass (The ones untouched by man, anyway) was changed. Eve more so their new neighbor, completly unlike the Koreans and Hans they were used to back home.

Luckily, the two states of the Yue and Inca managed relatively peaceful relations. Trade between the two grew rabidly, which brought with it changes in languages and religion.
The Inca language began to transcribed into Han characters for ease of communication between merchants, various new foods and crop were exchanged, even Buddhist and Tawantinsuyu began to mix in a sense. Granted, these new developments aren't instantaneous, and there isn't a blended culture yet. But the seeds of cooperation have been planted.
Plus, the Terror Birds are real tasty!

North America:

The Shift was noticed rather quickly by the S.A.R., perhaps being the first. The intense fighting on the border between Nixon's Union and American Opposition suddenly disappearing sent chills down everyone's spine. But those chills gave way to relief, then hope. At last, the tyranical Nixonian America and the Theocrats were wiped away by an act of God. A new beginning for the American Experiment, truly democratic, truly free.
Alas, most realized the road to getting there would be filled with strife and conflict. What would this new America even be like, and how can they avoid the mistakes of the old?

The current government actually has little to no interest in actually colonizing the Virglands at the moment, in order to "Maintain and Strengthen the only remnant of American Democracy".
This hasn't stop the induvial people though. Criminals, Nixonian and Fundamentalist remnants, and Adventure-seekers from going into the border forests.

A Constitutional Convention was created in Charleston before moving to New Orleans. The actual details of this new Constitution are still being debated up, although it will be officially complete by the end of the year.
There was constant debate about whether to change the name of the "nation" to the United States or something else, but ultimatly the name "Southern American Republic" was chosen.
This name is most likely temporary, and a name will put up to a vote sometime between next year and the new decade.
(Author's Note. I will let other people come up with the new name)

Meanwhile, after multiple serves of the coast, the S.A.R. discovers people when a ship sailed off course right into New Jersey, but not one they are familiar with.

Just up north, The Free City of Morebay was now truly free from both the Americans and British; free to be utterly confused that is. Finding themselves smack dab in a skeletal version of New York City, with various groups of scavengers attempting to find various artifacts and metals, many of these men and women scattered at the site of this new, nay... old, Metropolis. For the Morebayers had discovered Canada, but not the Canada they knew. This was a Canada from an alternate 2148 where the technological comforts they were used to vanished at the dawn of the next Millennium, leading to a New Middle Ages, but one which bounced back to "Modernity" in strange ways.

Cut off from the Second Empire of Britain, the Canadians found themselves in a strange position indeed. The high Technology of old had returned, but not in the way anyone expected.
An interest of technongly was extremely common, the Canadians fascinated by the relics of past, while the Morebayers to take great interest in the inventive use of animal labor for machines, along with wind and water power. Amittably, the Canadians are barely an industrial state, even by the standards of their former world, so the "new" tech is more of an exotic wonder then anything at the moment.

Still, the problem of food quickly becomes apparent. Canada may be an exporter of grains and cow, but keeping an extra 1 million people afloat is a more monumental task that can turn sour if the wrong choice is made.

This, inevitably leads to a mass exodus of Morebayers out into Greater Canada. Ambitious/Rich folk come into the New England territories to "re-industrialized" the region, while their Poor Counterparts try to "rough it" out of the hustle and bustle of city. Empty homes and apartments are gradually filled by Canadian migrates fascinated by the "old" city.
Infact, due to common cultural heritage (Even if the language gap was a little wider then expected), along with the aforementioned "Thanks for trying to help us not starve", the Morebayers found themselves gradually integrated into Canada proper, and they were actually all the happier for it. While still fairly independent government wise, Morebay has come to rely on Canadian grain to keep itself afloat.

East Asia:

The Japanese were probably the least economically effect by the event out of anyone. Already isolationist and self-sufficient after Doomsday, things were relatively clam, enough so that people had more time to process what actually happened. The government, seeing the opportunity, quickly got a hold of the remain Kuril Islands, setting up a small outpost on Eastern Taiwan, and claiming the entirety of Sakolin Island, now directly connected to Hokkaido.

Wonders about whether they were alone quickly came of a halt when a Goryeo merchant ship washed ashore Kyushu. The appearance of a medieval Korea was meet with indifference from the Japanese government, and fascination from the Japanese public. While the Kyoto state was willing to trade with kingdom to their west, this was much more beneficial for the Goryeo kingdom then it was Japan. Strange and powerful weapons were exchange for raw martials mainly, as the event had cleared destroyed Japanese areas near entire of radioactivity, allow for a much more swift rebuilding, especially of places like former Tokyo. Both Korean and Japanese Merchants began setting up trading companies across both states, creating a strange acquittanceship between the Japanese and Goryeon realms.

As Winter turns to Spring, and Spring turns to Summer, who knows what will happen now...
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Sorry, not really, as I don't really know where to even start on something like this, so I can I just be a observer for now.
It's so good to see another person join the map gaming community, even on other sites. I will be watching this game with some interest, and may even join.

Anyways, I hope this game becomes popular enough.
It's so good to see another person join the map gaming community, even on other sites. I will be watching this game with some interest, and may even join.

Anyways, I hope this game becomes popular enough.
Thanks for the kind remarks! I hope it gets more traction for sure! Hopefully it's not too long until that point lol.
Not sure if I'll be submitting again, but I'll put down a wish-list of ISOTs other players or myself could do in the future.

-The Barbary Coast Late 1600s-Early 1700s
-Central Mesoamerica 1518 X Vienna & Surrounding Area (April 2nd 1945) to area of Veracruz
-Some form of China between 300 AD - 1400 AD
-Some form of the Ancient-Medieval British Islands
-Germanic Peoples (Maybe Visagoths?) to area of Aragon/Eastern Iberia
-OTL Modern Pyongyang to Klondike Island
-Some form of Thailand
-Confederation of the Rhine
-Some small technonglies from Fallout and Star Wars
-Horse Tribes
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One effect I'd love to see explored more is the Forktailed Babbling-Jays and what they build in this world. I am fascinated by Non-Human/Non-Humanoid Intelligence and Serina is one of the best Spec. Evo projects out there, so I want to pay a tribute to it.
I also wanted to put the Spider-Civilization from Children of Time to Sri Lanka, but I haven't read the book :(
Sapient Elephants are also Really cool.
Not sure if I want more Non-Humans (Mainly Humanoid ones as well) in this besides those and few other expectation however, as I want it to be sort of special.
Also! When people decide to claim turns, here's the major plot threads to keep in mind:

1. The Ethiopians and Armenians are gonna wage a war over Greece at some point. Who comes out on top or if there's even a victor will be left up to the other players. But expect an eternal rivalry (Think England and France OTL)
2. The S.A.R. not really knowing what it is or should be other then a "Freer, More Democratic, Second United States". Even the name hasn't been fully decided. The course of where it goes will be gradual and decided by multiple parties, both in-game and here on the forums.
3. Prussia being the "big-fish" in Northern Europe, atleast for now.
4. The formation of a Yue/Inca alliance that will dominates Western South America.
5. Countries like The Forktail Tribes, Canada/Morebay, Iceland, Goryeo, and Japan, Sossions, and the Hemuany don't have a concrete story yet besides general stuff, like Canada and Morebay fusing into a Neo-British state, Iceland colonizing Scandinavia and possibly parts of Canada, and the Hemauny defending themselves from the Armenian/Ethiopians.
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I think I'll claim a turn. What's the deadline?
I'd say a similar system to Scottish Mongols games. 10 Total Days to write/submit. 3 Days to Check in, One Week After to Submit (Extension Requests are allowed if need be).
And thanks for being the first person to submit! What continent(s) do you want to submit to btw?
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I'd say a similar system to Scottish Mongols games. 10 Total Days to write/submit. 3 Days to Check in, One Week After to Submit (Extension Requests are allowed if need be).
And thanks for being the first person to submit! What continent(s) do you want to submit to btw?
I was thinking of doing Commancheria in Occitania, Haida Gwaii somewhere in the British Isles and maybe one other.
Quick question, how is Constantinople divided? Are the Amharic and Armenian cities next to each other in their entirety, or is the area split between them?
I'm going to claim another turn once Atom finishes their's. I'm currently in Disneyland though, so it will take two or three days (At the time of posting this) for me to actually get started.
In the meantime I'll pick out my lucky 3 to ISOT to this Earth.
Game Rules Update
Update! Ruling's change a bit! You will now have 5 ISOTs instead of 3 (Up to 4 Nations max though, Entities can range from 1-5 depending on what you choose), and turns will be One Year instead of 6 months.
This ruling will be in effect after @the atom finishes their turn.

Along with this, me or perhaps another player will put in a "State of the World" every 10 turns, a decade in-game. These are general descriptions and plot-summaries for the game and story in order to catch people up with what's happening.
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Apologies for the delay btw, I wasn't able to update my vyvanse prescription until a couple days ago and we've been flat-out at work
The P.S Years: What Earth was like Before the Shift
Have you ever wondered Why the Virgin Earth is a Virgin Earth? I have!
ISOT mapgames are mainly about Nation-building and History first, not about the reason why Humans never evolved on their various Formerly Primeval Worlds, and that's okay! I have always been curious about what events or divergence points could've caused Homo-Sapiens and their various Hominid Cousins to never come about though. So this.

Unlike other Virgin Earths, which state or atleast heavily imply that the Homo genus never existed, in this world, Humans did exist at a point. But they never got to build any societies, or get past the Paleolithic. The Toba eruption, mainly it's catastrophe theory, is an event that supposedly caused a genetic-bottleneck in Humans. Whether it acutlly did or did not do that in our timeline doesn't matter. In this world, it's slightly more powerful, and causes a bit more damage...

P.S History (Prior-Shift) of Earth:

Roughly 74,000 years before the event of the game, the Toba super-volanco eruptions with explosive power. The result? Only a few hundred humans left instead of the supposed couple thousand of our world. This may have not broken the back of Humanity, but an old and well-known threat will ultimately spell the doom of this worlds original Mankind. A Multitude of plagues hit the survivors, but there is one that seals the fate of Homo Sapiens.
This particular virus caused infertilely among both sexes, and was extremely transmissible. This leads to a extinction roughly 2 to 3 generations after. While it would be nice to believe that these people died in peace, the last human dies of the cold and agonizing starvation, scared and alone.

As for the other Hominid species, they are also affected by the plague, but they're fates are a tad more vague then the Humans. Maybe they killed each, maybe the virus affected them just the same as their cousins, maybe they simply perished from some other natural phenomena, or a mix of factors.
Whatever the case, the virus naturally died out on it's own (It could only affect the Homo Genus) and the Earth continued indifferently on as it always has, Mankind or not. By this world's 2023 AD (OTL Calendar), our interdimensional friends found it, and decide to give Humanity another chance...

Author's Note:
I was wondering if I should have Wild Hominids in this world, descendants of surviving members of the Homo genus that interbred and basically are Monkeys again, or have all Hominids go extinct. I may leave up to vote or retcon later, depending of players or readers want, but right now there are no more Pre-ISOT Hominids on Earth at the moment.

This won't affect the game too much in the early phase, but maybe once societies settle down, they find evidence of this Earth's original Humans and a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories about what happened and a more minor group of Doomdayers to them pop up, like "We're actually Millions of year into the future and Modern Society was wiped out by Aliens!" kinda stuff. Might be a cool Sidestory.
I hope I made the Virgin Earth itself a lil' more interesting!
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Year 0 AS, June 1st-December 31st
When do you think you'll be done btw?
Right now!

Nation Name: Comancheria
Government: Tribal
Capital: N/A
ISOTed from: Original Timeline
ISOTed to: Southern France
Technology level: Mix of early 19th century European and Native American
Year ISOTed from: August 8, 1840
Territory ISOTed: All
Population: ~20 000
Religions: Various spiritual traditions
Languages: Comanche, Kiowa, Spanish
Brief history: For the past century, the Comanche have stood as one of the last remaining bulwarks against European expansion in North America. Their unparalleled mastery of mounted warfare has led them to victory over Spaniard, Mexican and Apache alike. The frontier against the Europeans has not only been halted, but steadily rolled back as settlers and indigenous people alike flee their terror. Now they are on the eve of their long, final struggle against white encroachment. While Sam Houston has largely managed to keep the peace for several years, his departure has resulted in a sharp change of tone from their government. The most recent effort to achieve peace on the part of the Comanche was met with an act of unforgivable treachery. Now, Chief Buffalo Hump, known to his people as Potsʉnakwahipʉ, leads a massive force towards Texas with the intent of making them pay in blood.

Nation Name: Haida
Government: Tribal
Capital: N/A
ISOTed from: Original Timeline
ISOTed to: Celtic Sea
Technology level: Native American, some 18th century European technology
Year ISOTed from: 1795
Territory ISOTed: Entire Haida Gwaii archipelago
Population: ~10 000
Religions: Various spiritual traditions
Languages: Haida
Brief history: For the last several centuries the Haida have been the masters of the Pacific Northwestern coasts. Their skills as artists, traders and raiders have made them both respected and feared among the neighboring coastal peoples. They derive their power from the great cedars which grow on their islands, allowing them to fashion great ocean-going canoes with which they are able to move vast quantities of goods and warriors with ease. The recent arrival of the Europeans has begun to erode this dominance, but the Haida have been able to maintain their respect, through force when necessary.

The Mediterranean

The decision to invade Armenia proves to be a relatively straightforward one. Since the arrival, the Empire has suffered greatly from both the loss of trade with most of the outside world, and its Asian and Levantine territories. The great commerce houses of Alexandria and Avalites are in utter turmoil and the middle classes are quickly descending into pauperism. To make matters even more straightforward, the Armenians themselves have proven to be hostile and accommodating neighbors. What little communication that has been received from distant Vagharshapat has been little more than a string of insults. Their Empress, apparently blissfully unaware of her nation's glaring weakness, demands the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Elect of God surrender the patriarchate of Hellas in its entirety!

Left with no other choice, Yaqob V issues an ultimatum demanding control of Armenian Constantinople and Jerusalem as well as recognition of the supremacy of the Tewahedo, alongside a punishing indemnity. This ultimatum is predictably dismissed, and the Negus Nagast orders an invasion of Armenia with the aim of restoring control over Anatolia and the Levant. The affair could hardly be more one-sided. While the Strategos of Bithynia, Hraztan of Nicea had perhaps a more realistic outlook of his prospects than perhaps anyone else in the empire, his entreaties to the capital had not been taken particularly seriously. The Empress Heghine was more absorbed with her father-in-law's attempt to undermine her legitimacy with a chariot riot, and as a result Hraztan was left with little in the way of reinforcements from the rest of the empire.

The Chewa had already been on high alert since the beginning of the dislocation and so the Ethiopian assault on Armenia strikes like lightning. Armenian Constantinople falls in less than a day. Nicea falls within the week, and Antioch surrenders without a fight shortly thereafter. The Armenians attempt to offer major resistance south of Jerusalem and west of Ancyra, but the themata shatter in the face of linear musketry each time. The Imperial navy sweeps the mediterranean with little opposition and captures every major city on the coasts within a matter of months. The Empress launches a massive army from Armenia with the goal of recapturing Edessa, but the result is brutally one-sided and she is sent fleeing in disarray to the capital.

The treaty imposed upon her court is nothing less than total humiliation. Syria and the Levant are to be ceded to Ethiopia, along with all Anatolian territories outside of Armenia proper. The court is forced to pay an extortionate sum of silver, and the Armenian orthodox church is to recognize the supremacy of the Tewahedo in Negusopolis. Heghine's already fragile position is shattered, and before the ink is dried on the Treaty of Mosul she is finally deposed in a palace coup led by General Hrazten and her sisters Gayanne and Chloe. The sisters jointly ascend the throne as Co-Empresseses, and Heghine is blinded and forced into exile.

Neither sister is allowed to enjoy the fruit of triumph for very long however. Word is received that Pope Gregory II has raised the banner of rebellion in Torshiz, and the long-disloyal Persians have quickly begun to join him.


While the much vaunted Green Frontier program had a promising start, the Prusiskai government has since begun to face a lack of willing volunteers. Few young people relish the notion of abandoning urban 21st century comforts for a harsh frontier lifestyle, even in the face of growing hardship. The nation's impromptu fishing fleet has fared somewhat better, but the converted boats are inefficient, and are already beginning to suffer a growing list of maintenance problems as parts and fuel become harder to come by, even with the bans on personal vehicles.

Shortage comes to define Prussian life as the nation's supply chain begins to fail but the populace braves the storm with a grim sense of stoicism, implicitly confident that someone, somewhere has a plan.


Potsʉnakwahipʉ and his band abruptly halt their advance on the town of Linnville as the landscape shifts before them. Though it is hard to make out details in the breaking dawn, it is clear that something is very wrong. The lights of the town had abruptly changed, as had the horizon before them. The shores of the Gulf of Mexico had vanished as well, replaced by forests and gently rolling hills. As they approach the town, it is clear it is not Linnville. The party halts, and several reconnaissance groups are dispatched to observe the town and the surrounding area.

While the region is indeed still inhabited by whites, the similarities with Texas end there. They speak a tongue that some of better traveled members of the band recognize as a dialect of Latin, and, save for their large structures and metal implements, possess few of the accouterments that they have typically associated with Americans or Mexicans, firearms being the most glaring exception. Potsʉnakwahipʉ and his allies retreat to their territory to better assess their situation, where they learn that the entire area surrounding their homeland has indeed been similarly altered, although no other peoples appear to be present.

Meanwhile news of horsemen on the kingdom's southern border is received with some concern in Soissons. Imperator Syragius dispatches a small force south to reinforce some of the southern border towns and the garrison at Adevacus is mobilized. While these people are emphatically not Franks, the Gallo-Romans are wary of barbarians as a general rule. Nonetheless, these strange, feather-wearing folk are only sighted in pairs or small groups, and not regarded as an urgent threat. The abrupt change in the landscape is regarded with deeper interest however. Vast grasslands roll as far as the eye can see, densely populated by large, furry beasts. It is not long before local hunters begin to take advantage of this bounty.

First contact is made on the high seas with two new groups of people as well. A number of small, ornate rowing vessels are observed in the English channel, crewed by strange people who speak a language resembling nothing ever encountered in or around Gaul. Initial interactions are peaceful at first, but these strangers eventually begin seizing Gallo-Roman boats and several minor raids take place near the coastline. The numbers of raiders are small and the damage is fairly light, but their great canoes lend them astonishing reach and mobility, and some mount strange flame projecting devices on their prows that frustrate attempts to confront them even when they are caught. While some minor reshuffling of local garrisons occurs, the threat is not taken as a grave concern at first. Not until a monastery is brutally sacked, and the monks slain or hauled away as captives.

This precipitates a pattern of attacks on churches and monasteries, as they are evidently recognized as easy sources of plunder. A more serious attempt is made to reinforce the coasts, but these attempts are soundly evaded by the attackers for the most part and they grow increasingly bold after defeating a small militia force near Rotomagus.

Meanwhile the grand council In Penateka territory dramatically expands, with representatives from every tribe in Comancheria now in attendance. While the threat of American expansion had thankfully ceased to be a concern, the trade networks on which all the tribes depended were now severed. As well, the various rivers have abruptly ceased flowing and are now starting to dry up, while new ones have begun to thunder across the plains from the south and east, causing great havoc. The northern Taibo meanwhile are weak, but wealthy in horses and cattle, and have already begun to encroach onto Comanche hunting grounds. The council agrees to use them to make up for the loss in trade and plunder.

Attacks on the Gallo-Romans begin immediately, and with much greater intensity than had ever been directed against the Texans. While they initially took the form of small war parties looting villages of their cattle and other various goods of passable quality (swords become a popular item) the raids become much bolder as serious resistance initially fails to materialize and tribes that had previously shown little interest in the raids are drawn in by economic prospects. By the end of the second month of attacks, more than a dozen villages and towns have been razed, and the city of Aurelianum is under a loose siege by Potsʉnakwahipʉ himself.

After several desultory attempts to meet the Comanche in the field are scattered, Syragius offers to placate Potsʉnakwahipʉ with regular tribute and land in the areas already depopulated by their attacks, including overlordship of the city of Aurelianum. He agrees, though attacks by other war parties do not cease and Syragius is forced to make further concessions to them as well. This frees up his remaining forces to confront the sea raiders in the north, but they fail to gain more success than previously.

The British Isles

The people of Haida Gwaii awake one morning to an alarming sight: Land on the horizon. Several expeditions reveal the existence of two new land masses in immediate proximity, both utterly foreign and devoid of people but rich with game. Reacting with their typical opportunism, the thousands of Haida begin venturing from their islands, seeking to explore and exploit these foreign lands. Many northern Haida resettle altogether on the northern and eastern shorelines, while large numbers of southerners strike out towards the great peninsula in the south.

It is not long before the Haida encounter foreign ships, evidently Gadáang fishermen of some sort. The explorers are wary at first, reluctant to provoke unnecessary confrontation with the Europeans. It is eventually noticed that these Gadáang are not Russian, British or American however. Their sailing vessels are not much larger than their own canoes, if that, and their sails are noticeably cruder. It is not long before opportunistic war parties decide to push their luck, and several successful captures are made. Word spreads among the explorers, and soon larger and more ambitious raids are mounted; first against ships and then against their settlements. Lacking guns of any kind and no naval presence to speak of, the coastal whites prove to be easy pickings for ambitious war bands.

These raids eventually draw more attention on Haida Gwaii itself when a raid on a Gadáang temple produces a number of white slaves and an astonishing quantity of gold, along with a number of other valuable goods. Soon the various tribes begin directing more of their attention towards this far away land, eager to get in on the action before their competitors do.

Their world is abruptly altered yet again when a strange metal ship is encountered by a war canoe fleet on its way back from a successful raid. Propelled by no oars or sails and adorned with blinking lights, it is obviously not of any Gallo-Roman design. It is crewed, to their dismay, by yet more whites, and they wisely decide to peacefully engage with these strangers and see if they have anything worth trading. Happily the captain of the ship speaks some English, and both parties are able to have productive, if halting negotiations. While the nation 'Prusiskai' is completely unknown to them, the captain of their vessel appears to have a vague knowledge of the Haida (although he is greatly mystified at how they came to arrive in European waters).

A small, if productive trading relationship soon ensues between Prussia and the Haida. There is great demand for fish and meats in the former homeland, as well as a minor market for artistic wares. Many young men venture west to join Prussian fishing companies, while others take up the Prussian government's offers to settle as farmers in their frontier projects.

The fruits of this relationship are quickly made evident to the Haida in ways that the Prussian government is barely made aware of. Many modern amenities quickly make their way onto the islands through trade and gold. Some are relatively benign, like radios, medicines, cameras, tools and textiles. Others are more illicit. Modern firearms make their way into Haida hands through desperate reservists and organized criminals, while less advantageous goods like alcohol and narcotics spread to the islands as well.

Politically, the island remains fragmented and disorganized, but the Kunghit tribe quickly rises to prominence, absorbing several of its neighbors through diplomacy as well as warfare.

North America

While the liberals have held the initiative in the initial months of the convention, the conservative majority has begun to make its presence felt. The proposed constitution is regarded to be unacceptably radical by the white population, who overwhelmingly support the reinstitution and codification of segregation laws that had been largely suspended up to this point. However while the governors and their delegates howl about integrationist radicalism, they are uniformly unwilling to explicitly advocate the return of segregation. The black population, along with their white allies, are both highly organized and heavily armed. What remains of the various state militias and national guards are either heavily outgunned or under their control, and the remaining U.S. army units are, while not radically liberal, are generally unsympathetic to the segregationist cause and even less willing to tolerate their belligerence. And belligerence there is.

Frustrated by a lack of progress at the convention, mobs of outraged citizens regularly hold violent demonstrations outside of state legislatures, black businesses and civil rights headquarters. The dramatic economic contraction caused by the total loss of outside trade adds fuel to the fire as well, and southern whites increasingly tie desegregation with their woes.

This fails to produce meaningful movement at the political level however. The provisional government refuses to accept most of the amendments put forward by the state delegates, correctly recognizing the various states rights proposals as covert attempts to leave the possibility open for the reintroduction of segregation in the future. In an effort to tip the convention in its favor, the provisional government hastily organizes several referendums on the statehood of various black majority regions. The deadline of the convention is extended into the following year under the pretext of this reorganization, and the situation reaches a boiling point. Several white protests are put down with live gunfire, and the state governments of Mississippi and Arkansas begin covertly drawing up plans for succession.

Canada observes the situation in the south with a great deal of trepidation. The governor general fears the majority of former Americans may choose to return to the fold, despite the fact that little or no such desire actually exists. Most of those living in the former American territories regard the rump U.S. as a deeply alien and unstable place, but the dominion government begins to expand police presence as a preemptive measure.

A formal alliance is established with Morebay, and economic ties are deepened to the benefit of both governments. Social relations between the two nations prove to be somewhat more strained however. Morebay entrepreneurs come to be an exploitative presence in Canadian territory, while Canadian 'guest workers' become an increasingly common sight in the city itself, taking degrading work for incredibly menial pay.

South America

As the relationship between the Yue and the Tawantinsuyu deepens, many among the panaqa fear that it is becoming somewhat less than equal. The Sapa Inka spends a growing amount of time in Yue high society, while their merchants and priests enjoy increasingly favorable privileges in the empire itself. The Inka rules disputes in their favor more often than not and the increasing penetration of Buddhist missionaries is regarded with trepidation by both the priesthood and the common man, as is the Inka's patronage of Buddhist temples and shrines. The intrusion of a money based economy also proves to be increasingly disruptive to the socio economic balance of Incan society, although it greatly strengthens royal power. The Inka is not blind to this discontent however. He is generous with his governing officials as well as the poor, preventing discontent from meaningfully percolating into the hierarchy of Incan society or from expanding too greatly among the lower classes
Apologies for the long delay and not being able to cover everything