Chapter 14 - Plague Doctor New
SCP Universe, IKEA Store

Two days later...

"...and then Lisa tried teaching her cat to fetch," Emma said, managing a small laugh. "But it just looked at her like she was insane and went back to sleep."

Adrian nodded, letting her chatter fill the silence as they walked through the endless aisles. She'd been telling him stories about her life before the Store, probably to keep her mind off their current situation. The blood had been cleaned from her clothes, but dark circles under her eyes showed she wasn't sleeping well.

"Do you have any pets?" she asked.

"No." Adrian paused. "Unless you count Derflinger."

"I am NOT a pet," the sword grumbled.

Emma smiled slightly. It was good to see her recovering some of her spirit, even if she still flinched whenever they passed Staff members.

They turned down another aisle and Adrian froze. The scent hit him first, hundreds of humans, along with something... different.

Medical supplies. Herbs. Death.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked.

Adrian pointed ahead. In the distance, massive walls rose up, built from shelving units and furniture. But unlike the previous settlements, these walls were covered in artwork. Hundreds of paintings and drawings showed someone in long black robes and a beaked mask.

"Is that... are those plague doctor masks?" Emma squinted at the artwork.

When they got closer, Adrian noticed more details. The walls went for nearly half a mile in each direction. Guards in modified IKEA uniforms patrolled the top, carrying spears with price scanners attached to the ends.

A guard spotted them and raised a hand. "Halt! State your business!"

Emma stepped closer to Adrian as more guards gathered at the wall. Unlike the empty-eyed survivors or frenzied cultists they'd encountered before, these people moved with a lot more energy.

"We're looking for shelter," Adrian called back.

The guards looked at each other, then one yelled back. "Wait there! We'll send someone to check you."

A section of the wall opened, revealing a makeshift gate. Four people in white coats emerged, carrying clipboards and wearing surgical masks. Behind them walked someone much taller, dressed in dark robes with a distinctive plague doctor mask.

Emma grabbed Adrian's arm. "What's with the costumes?"

"Those aren't costumes," Derflinger whispered.

The plague doctor ran towards them, examining both Adrian and Emma from a distance. The white-coated assistants scribbled notes frantically.

"The female carries the Pestilence, as expected. But you..." He pointed at Adrian. "You are completely clean - the first one I've encountered in centuries! Well… besides that fellow." Plague Doctor clasped his gloved hands together.

"The what?" Emma stepped back. "I'm not sick!"

"My dear, you are very ill. All living beings carry the Great Dying within them." The plague doctor bowed slightly. "I am known as SCP-049, though you may call me Plague Doctor. I have dedicated my existence to curing this terrible affliction."

"You said I'm... clean?" Adrian asked carefully.

"Yes!" Plague Doctor nodded his beaked head. "Tell me, what makes you different? Why are you free of the Pestilence while all others suffer?"

Adrian stared at the strange man, unsure how to respond. "I don't know what Pestilence you're talking about."

"Ah, of course! You must be one of Dr. Clef's agents." Plague Doctor stepped closer. "The Foundation has finally sent someone to assist with my research."

Emma looked between them in confusion. "What Foundation? What's going on?"

"My dear, there is no need for concern." Plague Doctor waved at his assistants. "Please, escort this young lady to the medical wing for examination. I must speak with our Foundation contact privately."

Emma grabbed Adrian's arm. "Don't leave me alone with them!"

"She stays with me," Adrian said firmly.

The plague doctor tilted his head. "As you wish. Come, both of you. We have much to discuss, and the Staff are particularly active in this section today."

They followed him through the gate into a massive settlement. Unlike the previous communities, he didn't see any odd behaviour. A lot of people were chatting without any care in the world, and while there were some people in white coats rushing around carrying clipboards and medical supplies, it seemed like a normal community overall.

He did spot some dead Staff members being dragged toward large medical tents.

"Welcome to my laboratory," Plague Doctor announced proudly. "Here, we work tirelessly to cure the advanced Pestilence infecting these poor Store attendants."

Adrian watched as a group of people strapped a Staff member to a table. The creature lay motionless while someone in surgical gear prepared various instruments.

"You... operate on the Staff?" Adrian asked.

"Indeed! They suffer from the most severe cases I've ever encountered." Plague Doctor pulled a massive microscope from his small medical bag. "See for yourself!"

Emma stared at the impossibly large device. "How did that fit in there?"

"Science, my dear. Now then..." The plague doctor turned to Adrian. "Dr. Clef must've sent you to assist with my research. Tell me, what are you specialized in?"

Adrian chose his words carefully. "I think there's been a misunderstanding. I don't know any Dr. Clef."

The plague doctor froze. "But... you're free of the Pestilence. How is that possible unless..." He straightened up. "Unless you've already discovered a cure!"

Before Adrian could respond, alarms blared throughout the settlement. Red lights flashed as people started running.

"Doctor!" Someone shouted from the wall. "The lights are going out in Section 7!"

The plague doctor grabbed medical supplies from his endless bag. "Duty calls! Come, you must show me your cure in action!"

Adrian glanced at Emma, who looked terrified.

He'd have to play along for now, at least until he understood what was happening in this strange community.

"Stay here," Adrian told Emma, pushing her toward a group of medical assistants. "Keep her safe."

A horde of Staff members ran toward the settlement walls, and Adrian counted at least thirty of them at first glance.

Plague Doctor leapt from the wall. He landed among the Staff and touched the nearest one with a gloved hand. The creature dropped instantly, no struggle, no resistance.

Just... dead.

Adrian watched in disbelief as this Plague Doctor moved through the horde. Each touch brought instant death. No visible wounds. The Staff simply collapsed wherever those gloved fingers made contact.

"Come! Show me your cure!" Plague Doctor called out while casually killing three more Staff with quick taps. "We must compare methods!"

Adrian drew Derflinger but kept his distance. Something about this masked figure set off every survival instinct he had. The casual way he dispensed death with a mere touch...

"Partner," Derflinger whispered. "Be careful. Whatever he is, he's not human."

"I noticed." Adrian watched another Staff member fall to Plague Doctor's touch. "What kind of power lets someone kill that easily?"

Plague Doctor turned toward him. "Why do you hesitate? Surely Dr. Clef informed you of my work!"

Five more Staff rushed the walls.

Adrian intercepted them with Derflinger, cutting them down the old-fashioned way.

"Hmm." Plague Doctor tilted his head. "A crude method, but effective. Tell me, does dismemberment play a role in your cure?"

Adrian backed away slightly. "I don't have a cure. I just kill them."

"Nonsense! You must have something special. The Pestilence doesn't exist in you!" Plague Doctor stepped closer. "Perhaps... perhaps I should examine you more closely..."

Those gloved hands reached toward Adrian, and he immediately jumped back. Would that death-touch work on him too?

He wasn't going to find out.

"Stop!" Adrian backed away from those reaching hands. "If you must know, I'm not human. I'm not from this dimension at all."

Plague Doctor paused. "Not from this dimension?"

"I come from a world called Zerus. Maybe that's why I don't have this Pestilence you keep talking about - it doesn't exist where I'm from."

"A different dimension!" Plague Doctor pulled an enormous scanning device from his medical bag. "This explains everything! We must study you immediately. A full dissection should-"

"Wait!" Adrian dodged another grab while he thought on what to do.

He needed something to distract this persistent doctor.

His head throbbed slightly as he forced a paradox onto his Crystalline Minecraft Pearl. A real steak appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he waved it in front of the Plague Doctor.

"Why don't you examine this instead?" Adrian held out the steak. "It's from another dimension too. Should be free of your Pestilence, right?"

Plague Doctor stopped reaching for Adrian and stared at the meat. "From another dimension, you say?" He pulled out a magnifying glass the size of a dinner plate. "Most intriguing! And you can produce more samples?"

"Yes, but they take time to create." Adrian relaxed slightly as the doctor's attention shifted away from dissecting him. "I have other items too, all free of any disease."

"Wonders abound!" Plague Doctor pulled more equipment from his bag. "Come, we must study this in my laboratory. Perhaps comparing clean tissue to infected specimens will yield new insights!"

Adrian followed at a safe distance as Plague Doctor led him through the settlement. People stepped aside respectfully, bowing to the masked figure. Some carried dead Staff members toward a large building marked 'Research Wing'.

"Tell me," Plague Doctor spoke while walking. "In this other dimension of yours, what methods do they use to combat disease?"

"We don't get sick," Adrian explained. "My species adapts and evolves."

"Evolution! Yes, yes, great men of science spoke of such things." Plague Doctor pulled out a notebook and scribbled frantically. "Does the cure not lie in direct treatment, but rather in transformation? We must explore this avenue thoroughly!"

They entered a massive laboratory filled with equipment that couldn't possibly exist in a furniture store. Advanced microscopes lined the walls, and strange machines beeped and whirred. Operating tables filled the center of the room, each spotlessly clean.

"Welcome to my humble workspace!" Plague Doctor spread his arms wide. "Here we shall unlock the secrets of your dimensional specimens. My assistants will handle the preliminary tests while we discuss theory."

Adrian watched the doctor place the steak into a containment chamber. "What exactly is this Pestilence you keep talking about?"

"Ah, the Great Dying! The Scourge that infects all living things!" Plague Doctor tapped his mask excitedly. "It manifests differently in each host, but the symptoms are unmistakable to one who knows what to look for."

"And what symptoms are those?"

"Why, the very essence of mortality itself!" Plague Doctor pulled out more equipment from his endless bag. "Life and death, sickness and health - these are amateur terms. The Pestilence transcends such simple concepts."

Adrian frowned. This doctor wasn't making any sense. But he seemed content to study the steak instead of trying to dissect Adrian, so that was an improvement.

"Partner," Derflinger whispered. "This guy is completely insane."

"I noticed," Adrian muttered back. "But as long as he's focused on the meat instead of me..."

"Indeed!" Plague Doctor exclaimed, making them both jump. "The molecular structure is fascinating! Not a trace of the Pestilence anywhere!"

Adrian watched the doctor work for a few minutes before speaking. "Earlier you called yourself SCP-049. What does that mean?"

"Ah, merely a designation given by the Foundation." Plague Doctor adjusted several dials on his equipment. "They insisted on categorizing everything with numbers."

"And this Foundation... they study unusual things?"

"Yes! Great men of science, working to contain and understand the unexplainable." Plague Doctor pulled out more tools. "Dr. Clef was particularly interested in my research. A brilliant mind, if somewhat... unpredictable."

Adrian remembered the dead Staff members being carried to the research wing. "And these 'cured' patients... what happened to them?"

"Unfortunately, none survived the treatment process." Plague Doctor sighed. "The cure works! The Pestilence is removed! But the subjects... expire shortly after. A minor setback that will be resolved with further experimentation."

"So they threw you in here?"

"Dr. Clef personally escorted me to this facility." Plague Doctor resumed his work. "He said I would find plenty of test subjects among the Staff. And he was right! Such advanced cases of the Pestilence, perfect for refining my methods."

Adrian glanced at the laboratory door. He could hear Emma talking with some of the medical assistants outside.

"Tell me more about this Foundation," Adrian said while watching the doctor work. "What does SCP stand for?"

"Secure, Contain, Protect!" Plague Doctor adjusted a microscope. "A noble mission, studying the unexplainable to protect humanity. Even if they don't understand the true threat of the Pestilence."

"And there are others like you? Other SCPs?"

"Oh yes! Many wonderful specimens." Plague Doctor pulled out more equipment. "A statue that moves when unobserved. A reptile that cannot die. Even a machine that produces infinite pizza! The Foundation keeps careful records of each anomaly."

Adrian leaned against a table. "How many?"

"Thousands! Each given a number for cataloging. I am 049, but the list grows ever longer." The doctor peered through his microscope. "Dr. Bright once mentioned they had passed 6000 entries."

"What happens to these anomalies?"

"The Foundation contains them in special facilities. Studies them. Tries to understand how they work." Plague Doctor looked up. "Some, like myself, assist with research. Others are too dangerous to allow any freedom."

Adrian remembered the cultists, the empty shells, the hedonistic communities. "And this place? This endless store? Is it one of these SCPs?"

"This facility?" Plague Doctor waved dismissively. "Merely a research space provided by Dr. Clef. The Staff make excellent test subjects, and my assistants are eager to learn."

So the doctor was… naive. Interesting. This Dr. Clef clearly took advantage of the Infinite IKEA to get rid of 'SCP-049'.

"And what exactly does the Foundation do with all this research?"

"Protect humanity from threats they don't understand! Although..." Plague Doctor sighed. "They refuse to acknowledge the Pestilence. Focus on lesser concerns while the Great Dying spreads."

Adrian watched the doctor mutter to himself while adjusting equipment. This 'SCP Foundation' sounded dangerous. If they could contain beings like Plague Doctor, what else were they capable of?

"What's the most dangerous anomaly you've encountered?" Adrian asked, watching the doctor examine another slice of steak.

Plague Doctor looked up from his work. "Dangerous? Many pose significant threats. The shy guy that kills whoever sees his face, even if it was through a picture. A jug of milk that kills anyone who tries to open it. But the most concerning..." He lowered his voice. "SCP-343."

"What makes that one so dangerous?"

"He claims to be God." Plague Doctor adjusted his mask. "The Foundation treats him with great respect. Allows him to roam freely. But I saw no trace of the Pestilence in him - just like you! Most peculiar."

Adrian frowned. "God? As in..."

"The Abrahamic deity, yes. He creates matter from nothing, walks through walls, knows things he shouldn't." Plague Doctor pulled out more tools. "The Foundation can't contain him. He simply exists wherever he wishes."

"And you believe he's really God?"

"I am a man of science! Such claims require proof." Plague Doctor gestured at his equipment. "But his powers are... considerable. Dr. Clef once told me 343 turned his coffee into a live penguin during a meeting."

Adrian blinked at that.

A being powerful enough that even this mysterious Foundation couldn't control it. And according to the doctor, this god-like entity shared Adrian's immunity to the "Pestilence."

"Did you ever try to... cure him?" Adrian asked carefully.

"Heavens no!" Plague Doctor shook his head vigorously. "Even I know better than to attempt treatment on one such as him. The Foundation would never allow it anyway."

A loud crash echoed from outside the laboratory. Plague Doctor straightened up.

"Ah! More specimens for study. Shall we examine them together? I would love to compare our methods!"

Adrian glanced toward the door. "Actually, I should check on my companion. Make sure she's safe."

"Of course, of course! We can continue our research later." Plague Doctor focused on his equipment again. "This tissue sample will keep me occupied for many days!"

Adrian backed away slowly, keeping his eyes on the doctor until he reached the door. Only when he was outside did he let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"Partner," Derflinger whispered. "We need to be very careful around that one."

"Agreed." Adrian headed toward where he'd left Emma. "A being that kills with a touch, claiming to cure some disease only he can see... and now talk of actual gods?"

"This Foundation place sounds scary too. If they can contain creatures like him..."

Adrian nodded. "We should gather information while we can. But the moment that doctor shows too much interest in dissecting me again..."

"We run?"

"We run."
Chapter 15 - Black Cross New
SCP Universe, IKEA Store

"You sure you'll be okay here?" Adrian asked Emma.

Emma nodded, brushing her brown hair behind her ear. "Yeah. The people here are nice, and that doctor keeps us safe from the Staff. Even if he's..." She shuddered. "Really creepy sometimes."

"He's not so bad once you get used to him." Adrian glanced toward the laboratory where Plague Doctor was still examining samples. "Just don't let him try to 'cure' you."

"I won't." Emma smiled weakly. "The medical assistants already warned me about that. They said as long as we don't show signs of severe 'Pestilence' like the Staff, he leaves us alone."

Adrian leaned against the wall, watching the community go about their day. Unlike the other settlements, these people still had hope.

They hadn't been here long enough to break.

"I'll come back," he said quietly. "Once I find somewhere safe, I'll help evacuate as many people as possible."

Emma looked down at her hands. "What if you don't find anywhere better?"

"I will." Adrian straightened up. "There are surely worlds out there that don't have any major supernatural dangers."

"And if there aren't?"

Adrian didn't answer immediately. The dimensional travel node had fully recovered from the emergency jump that brought them here. He could leave whenever he wanted, but...

But he couldn't just abandon these people forever.

"Listen." Adrian put a hand on Emma's shoulder. "The doctor keeps everyone safe here. You've seen how organized they are, how they help new survivors. This place gives people hope."

Emma kicked at the floor. "I just don't want to be trapped here."

"You won't be." Adrian smiled. "Once I find somewhere better, I'll come back for everyone..."

He trailed off as Plague Doctor left his laboratory, carrying a scanning device.

"Ah! There you are!" The masked figure walked toward them. "I must thank you again for those fascinating specimens. The leather samples show good resistance to the Great Dying!"

Adrian stared at the beaked mask, and fell into deep thought regarding everything he'd learned about the SCP Foundation over the past two days. The organization contained things that could kill you just by thinking about them. Information that could rewrite reality. Ideas that could spread like viruses through entire populations.

Cognitohazards, infohazards, antimemes, memetic kill agents…

He needed more time to prepare before daring to go into that world. The Store might be endless and filled with murderous Staff, but at least the threats here were straightforward - they tried to kill you with their hands, not with reality-bending concepts.

"Actually, Doctor." Adrian cleared his throat. "I wanted to discuss something with you. I'm planning to leave this dimension soon."

The plague doctor tilted his head. "Leave? But we've barely begun our research!"

"I know, I know." Adrian raised his hands. "But I was thinking... some of your lab assistants might benefit from a vacation in another dimension once I find a safe world. One completely free of the Pestilence! And while I'm there, I could collect more samples for your studies."

Emma shot him a confused look, but stayed quiet.

"More samples?" Plague Doctor pulled out a notebook. "From different dimensions? Yes... yes! The comparison potential would be invaluable! But how will you ensure they remain uncontaminated during transport?"

"I have special storage methods," Adrian assured him. "The same way I preserved those leather samples."

"Excellent!" Plague Doctor scribbled in his notebook. "And you'll ensure the samples remain untainted by the Pestilence during transit?"

"Of course." Adrian nodded. "My storage system keeps everything in perfect condition."

The doctor pulled more equipment from his endless medical bag. "We must establish proper documentation protocols. Perhaps a classification system based on dimensional origin..."

Emma tugged at Adrian's sleeve. "Can we talk? Privately?"

"Doctor, if you'll excuse us?" Adrian gestured to Emma. "My companion needs to discuss travel arrangements."

"Yes, yes." Plague Doctor waved them away, absorbed in his notes. "Return when you're ready to establish proper sampling procedures."

They walked to a quiet corner near the medical wing. Emma crossed her arms and frowned at Adrian.

"You're really leaving?"

"I have to." Adrian leaned against the wall. "There are a couple of things I need to do in this Store. Alone. Once I'm done with that, I'll be ready."

"And then what? You'll just... go?"

"Not forever." Adrian shook his head. "Look, I meant what I said about finding somewhere safe. But I need to understand what's out there first."

Emma kicked at the floor. "What if something happens while you're gone? What if the Staff break through, or the doctor decides we're all sick?"

"The settlement is growing stronger every day." Adrian pointed toward the walls where new defenses were being built. "More survivors arrive constantly. They have good leadership, proper organization. The doctor might be obsessed with his cure, but he keeps everyone safe. Not even one person has died here in months."

"I guess..." Emma sighed. "Just... promise you'll come back?"

"I promise." Adrian smiled. "Besides, I told the doctor I'd bring him samples. Can't disappoint my biggest fan, right?"

Emma managed a small laugh. "I guess not."

"If it'll make you feel better..." Adrian looked toward the central meeting area where the settlement's council gathered. "I can help make this place even safer before I go."

He walked toward the collection of makeshift offices where Emil and Zachariah coordinated Black Cross' defense. The name had gained traction because of the Plague Doctor..

Emil looked up from a stack of inventory reports as Adrian entered. "Need something?"

"Actually, I wanted to offer something." Adrian gestured to the walls visible through the window. "You know I'm not exactly normal, right? Like the doctor?"

Zachariah set down his coffee. "We figured as much. The way you fight, how you can produce food from nowhere..."

Adrian pulled out a cobblestone block from his storage, setting it on the desk. Emil tried to pick it up but struggled with its weight.

"Stone barriers," Adrian explained. "Much stronger than furniture. I have enough to fortify all your vulnerable sections."

"The northwest corner needs it most." Zachariah ran his hand over the block's smooth surface. "The shelving units there are getting unstable."

"I can start now if you'd like."

Emil nodded and gathered a construction team. Over the next few hours, Adrian worked alongside the builders, teaching them how to place the blocks.

"What kind of stone is this?" Marcus knocked on the wall, producing an odd sound. "It fits together like puzzle pieces."

Adrian placed another block, watching their faces as it clicked into position. The Minecraft physics made construction simple, even if the blocks looked odd next to the Store's furniture walls. By mid-day, they had reinforced three major sections.

"Amazing progress!" Emil walked along the new walls. "The Staff won't break through these!"

Adrian stared at the stone barriers, deep in thought. Then his eyes widened dramatically as he remembered his other materials. Oak blocks. Coal blocks. 28 coal blocks and 82 oak blocks...

"Hey." Adrian turned to Emil and Zachariah. "I might have another way to help."

"Better than these walls?" Emil raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe even more important." Adrian quickly crafted a torch and pulled it out from his storage. "In this other dimension, these prevent monsters from spawning nearby. They never burn out."

Zachariah stepped closer to stare at the odd-looking torch. "And you think they'll work on the Staff?"

"We've all seen how Staff just appear out of nowhere each day, right?" Adrian created another torch. "With my materials, I can make about a thousand of these."

Emil's eyes widened. "A thousand? That could cover the entire settlement, right?!"

"Wait." Zachariah grabbed Adrian's arm. "If the Staff can't spawn, how will the Store restock? We need supplies."

"We'll avoid placing torches near the food sections." Adrian smiled. "But imagine never having to worry about Staff appearing near the settlement."

Emil started pacing, running his hands through his hair. "Do you understand what this means? We could expand! Take over whole sections of the Store! Create safe zones where people can actually sleep without worrying about Staff breaking in!"

"Get the council." Zachariah was already heading toward the offices. "Everyone needs to hear this. Now!"

Within minutes, the settlement's leaders gathered around a table where Adrian demonstrated the torches. People talked over each other, pointing at maps and arguing about placement strategies.

"This changes everything," John, the head of security, slammed his hand on the table. "We've all seen the corpses of new arrivals outside of our walls. If we can prevent that..."

"First, we need to test if they work," Adrian interrupted, placing a stack of torches on the table. "We should verify they affect the Staff before making big plans."

John nodded and selected an area near the northwest corner. "This spot gets at least three to four new Staff every day. We'll know quickly if something changes."

Someone led Adrian to the northwest corner, and he started placing twenty torches in a grid pattern while guards watched from the walls. The council had people take shifts observing the test area while Adrian spent the time chatting with Emma.

Every few hours, someone would update him on the results.

"Six hours - no Staff."

"Twelve hours - still clear."

"Eighteen hours - one Staff walked through from an unlit area, but none appeared inside the torch grid."

By the next morning, the council had reached a decision. The torches worked. Now they just needed to decide where to place them without disrupting the Store's restocking mechanics.

Six hours later, Adrian sat on top of the stone wall watching people celebrate below. They had gathered in the central area, sharing drinks they'd found in one of the café sections.

"To Adrian!" John raised a cup of coffee. "And to never finding hordes of Staff at our walls again!"

People cheered and clapped.

Even Emma smiled genuinely for the first time since Adrian had met her.

"Most impressive." Plague Doctor walked on top of the rampart towards Adrian. "The Staff will simply come from elsewhere, of course. The Pestilence drives them to spread, to infect, to multiply. But your barriers will redirect their flow. Yes... most efficient."

Adrian just had a strained smile on his face as the Plague Doctor kept ranting about the Pestilence.

Okay. It was time.

He'd done what he could to make Black Cross safer. The stone walls would hold, and the torches would prevent Staff from spawning near the settlement in great numbers. There wasn't much more he could do at this point.

He gathered everyone to say goodbye. Emma hugged him tightly, making him promise three more times that he'd return. John and the other council members gave him maps they'd drawn of nearby sections. Even Plague Doctor offered him an empty specimen jar "for collecting samples."

"Remember," Adrian told Emil. "Just keep them protected from damage and they'll serve you well."

"We will do our best." Emil clasped his shoulder. "Good luck out there."

Adrian waved goodbye and started sprinting down the torch-lit path leading away from Black Cross.

"Finally!" Derflinger spoke up once they were far enough away. "I was getting tired of pretending to be a normal sword around that doctor."

"You didn't like him?" Adrian jumped over a fallen shelf.

"Partner, he kills people by touching them. And did you see how many Staff corpses were in that research wing? He creeps me out!"

"At least he keeps the people there safe."

"True." Derflinger sighed. "So where are we heading? These phones could be anywhere in this endless place."

Adrian slowed to check a map. "One of their scouts had seen a phone, so I'll go there first. It shouldn't take too long to find the rest."

The next three days passed quickly as Adrian kept running through the Infinite IKEA. He passed abandoned camps, cut through Staff that attacked from once the lights went out, and chatted with Derflinger. The next two phones he collected had brought him to 90% attunement with this dimension.

But now… he grabbed the final phone from a service desk. Three hundred miles of running through endless aisles had paid off - he now had the last piece needed for full dimensional attunement.

That was when a faint buzzing sound made him freeze in place.

The noise grew louder. Adrian looked up to see a quad copter drone far in the distance flying his way. A camera swiveled on its underside, and the letters 'SCP' were clearly engraved on the metal frame.

Adrian dove under some desks, pressing himself against the floor.

"Partner?" Derflinger whispered. "What's wrong?"

"Quiet!" Adrian watched the drone come closer. "That's Foundation technology."

"The people who contain anomalies?"

"Yes." Adrian remembered what Plague Doctor had told him about the Foundation's capabilities. "We need to stay hidden from them at all costs."

The drone paused near the service desk.

"Can't you just destroy it?" Derflinger said quietly.

"And alert them something unusual is here? No." Adrian stayed completely still. "Better they think this section is empty."

The drone continued its sweep, buzzing growing fainter as it moved away.

Adrian waited five more minutes before crawling out. "We're lucky I have enhanced hearing, because that could've been bad."

He didn't wait a moment longer and quickly pressed the final phone against his head. Ten minutes later, and his blue eyes glowed softly as he fully attunement to this dimension.

"Time to go," Adrian muttered. "I need to restock in Minecraft, maybe find some new things to adapt."

He stored his Netherite armor pieces into the Crystalline Minecraft Pearl one by one, but he paused, looking at Derflinger. "We have a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"You won't work properly in Minecraft like this." Adrian gestured to the sword's realistic Netherite body. "The physics are different there. Everything follows strict rules."

"So what are you saying?" Derflinger asked suspiciously.

"I need to store you in my Pearl for a bit." Adrian winced. "It'll convert you into Minecraft format temporarily."

"What?!" Derflinger's voice rose. "You want to turn me into one of those blocky things? No way!"

"It's just for a little while." Adrian tried to sound reassuring. "Once we leave Minecraft, I can convert you back."

"And what if something goes wrong? What if I get stuck as a bunch of cubes?"

Adrian shook his head. "The Pearl can convert things both ways, you know that I've done it with other items."

"Items!" Derflinger snapped. "I'm not some random piece of equipment!"

"You're right, I'm sorry." Adrian sat down next to the sword. "But we need to do this. I can't leave you behind, and you can't function properly in Minecraft as you are now."

Derflinger went quiet for a moment. "Will it hurt?"

"I don't think so." Adrian picked up the sword carefully. "Ready?"

"No," Derflinger grumbled. "But do it anyway. Just... be careful with me in there, okay?"

Adrian stored Derflinger in the Pearl and immediately pulled him back out. The sword popped out in his hand, now pixelated like every Minecraft item.

"That was quick!" Derflinger spoke, sounding surprised. "Did it work?"

"Take a look at yourself."

"I... what happened to my beautiful curves? I'm all squares and straight lines!"

Adrian smiled. "Welcome to Minecraft physics. How do you feel?"

"Fine, actually." Derflinger urged him to test the edge against a nearby shelf, but it didn't fully cut through like the realistic version would. "Didn't feel a thing. One moment I was going in, next moment I'm out looking like this."

"The Crystalline Minecraft Pearl seems to preserve everything exactly as it went in." Adrian patted his chest. "Like a perfect storage space where time stands still."

"Handy trick." Derflinger's voice came clearly from the blocky blade. "Just don't leave me in there too long. I'd hate to miss out on any adventures."

"Yes, of course." Adrian checked his surroundings one last time. No drones in sight. "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be looking like this." Derflinger sighed dramatically.

"Let's go find some new things for you to eat."

Adrian's eyes began glowing bright blue. The air twisted and warped around him as reality bent to accommodate the dimensional jump. Five seconds later, he vanished from the endless Store.

He appeared in a forest clearing about one mile from New Haven. The blocky trees and grass felt jarring after weeks in more realistic worlds. Adrian released his suppression of the Minecraft Physics Integration, and his body shifted to match the world's rules. Even in human form, he now looked like a more detailed version of a Minecraft player.

He pulled out his Netherite armor and equipped it piece by piece. The enchanted metal settled perfectly over his now-cubic frame.

"This feels weird," Derflinger commented from the blocky sword in Adrian's hand. "Everything's so... rigid."

"You get used to it." Adrian started walking toward New Haven.

"The physics here are simple, but they work."

When they reached the settlement's gates, the guards raised their weapons.

"Hold!" One shouted. "Identify yourself!"

"I'm a friend of Sarah and Jason," Adrian called back. "Name's Adrian!"

The guards looked skeptical. "Adrian's not human. He's some kind of monster mob."

Adrian sighed and transformed into his Primal Zerg form. The guards jumped back as he shifted back to human.

"Adrian!" Sarah's voice came from inside the walls. "Let him in!"

The gates opened and Sarah rushed out, stopping abruptly when she saw him. Her cubic eyes widened as she took in his appearance - the more detailed but definitely Minecraft-style body.

"What... how did you..." She walked around him in a circle. "You look like us now! Well, sort of. More detailed, but still..."

"Found a weird mob," Adrian shrugged. "Some modded thing that looked like a realistic Steve. When I killed it, the drop item let me transform into this."

"That's so cool!" Sarah poked his arm. "And weird. Really weird. But cool! Jason! Come look at this!"

Jason jogged over from a nearby farm plot. "No way. Is that really you, Adrian?"

"The one and only." Adrian grinned. "Nice wheat field you've got going."

After catching up briefly with Sarah and Jason about New Haven's expansion, Adrian made his excuses. He needed to check on his old den and plan his next moves.

The mountain den looked exactly as he'd left it. Adrian sat down on a crafting table and pulled out his inventory list.

"Okay, partner." Derflinger spoke from the blocky sword. "What's the plan?"

"First, we need an Enderman." Adrian scratched marks in the stone wall with his nails. "Fresh Ender Pearl means fresh Essence. But they teleport away from projectiles, so my spines won't work."

"Close combat then?"

"Yeah. Need to catch one by surprise." Adrian drew another mark. "Also need more resources. Gold for ingots, golden apples and carrots. We'll need lots of coal and various building blocks too..."

"Why not ask those other guys where to find this stuff?"

Adrian shook his head. "Endermen spawn randomly, and gold ore can be found everywhere deep underground. No point asking for help."

He stood up and transformed into his Primal Zerg form, and kept Derflinger magnetically attached to his scales.

"We'll start with mining," Adrian decided. "Stock up on materials first. Then in a couple of Minecraft days... we hunt."
Chapter 16 - Void Step New
Minecraft Universe, Blocky Planet

The wooden boat barely made a sound as Adrian guided it across the blue sea. He leaned back against the wood, watching the cubic sun climb higher in the sky while Derflinger dozed in his pixelated Netherite form.

Five days of mining, trading, and organizing had done wonders.

The four Shulker Boxes he'd traded more than two stacks of emeralds for had revolutionized his storage system. Each one was nestled safely within his Crystalline Minecraft Pearl with their contents perfectly categorized.

Adrian closed his eyes, mentally reviewing his inventory. The first Shulker Box held his building supplies - 511 cobblestone blocks for defensive walls, 120 dirt blocks for emergency platforms, 51 oak blocks for crafting materials. He'd mined 78 obsidian, enough for multiple Nether portals if needed. The 20 bookshelves and enchanting table would let him enchant equipment anywhere. Five furnaces and an anvil rounded out his crafting capabilities.

The second box made him smile. His precious materials - 165 diamonds, 42 emeralds, enough for extensive trading. Twenty-two blocks of lapis lazuli for enchanting, 41 redstone blocks for mechanisms. The 15 gold blocks, 37 iron blocks, and 61 coal blocks represented hours of careful mining.

His third box focused on brewing potential and combat prep. Twenty-two spider eyes for poison, 60 sugar for speed potions, 50 glass bottles waiting to be filled. The 45 pieces of string could become bows or fishing rods as needed.

The fourth box held his general supplies. One hundred and sixty steaks for food, 64 bone meal and 20 seeds for emergency farming. Sixty-four books and 110 pieces of paper for enchantments and other things, matched with 64 leather. The 124 torches would light any temporary base, while basic tools like shears and a fishing rod gave him options.

Beyond the boxes, his immediate inventory stayed combat-ready. Sixty-four steaks, Golden Apples, and Golden Carrots for healing. Fourteen Ender Pearls for emergency teleports. The buckets of water, lava, and milk could solve many problems.

Besides that, he naturally had his Netherite Armor and Sword at the ready. His bow enchanted with Power V and Infinity along with 120 arrows gave him more ranged options, thought he definitely needed to work on his archery skills in more realistic worlds. Naturally he also had a shield, though he didn't make much use of it.

To top it all off, he kept Louise's wand and 32 TNT in a corner.

A dark shape appeared on the horizon, the edge of a desert biome. Adrian nudged Derflinger who had fallen asleep against the boat's edge.

"Wake up, Derf. We're here."

"Mmm?" Derflinger's voice came from the blocky Netherite sword. "Finally! I hate being on the water. Everything's so... boring."

Adrian guided the boat toward the shore, breaking it down as soon as they reached land. The miniature item disappeared into his inventory as he transformed into his true body.

"Another day of searching?" Derflinger asked from his magnetic hold on Adrian's back.

"Jason swears Endermen spawn more often in deserts at night." Adrian started running across the sand blocks. "And this desert is a mega-biome that goes for thousands of blocks toward Imperial Diamond."

"That big settlement you mentioned?"

"Ten thousand players." Adrian increased his speed. "Biggest one they know of, apparently. But that's not why we're here."

He ran until the sun reached its peak, then built a cobblestone pillar straight up into the air. From this height, he could see for miles in every direction.

"Now we wait." Adrian settled onto the pillar's top. "Night will come soon."

The cubic sun sank below the horizon, and light levels began dropping rapidly across the desert. Adrian scanned the sands below, watching skeletons and zombies spawn in the shadows between dunes.

"You really think this will work?" Derflinger asked.

"Jason hasn't been wrong yet." Adrian kept searching. "He knows more about Minecraft than I do."

A creeper appeared near the pillar's base. Then another. Adrian ignored them, focusing on finding the tall black shape he needed.

"There!" Adrian's voice dropped to a whisper. "Four hundred blocks east."

The Enderman stood motionless between two sand dunes, holding a block of sand in its blocky hands. Purple particles floated around its body as it stared into the distance with glowing purple eyes.

"Ready?" Adrian transformed to human form and grabbed Derflinger from his back.

"Always ready! Just don't let it teleport away."

Adrian destroyed the blocks beneath him one by one, creating a staircase down. The Enderman remained in place, seemingly fascinated by its sand block.

"Remember," Adrian whispered. "Sharpness V should tear through it in two hits. Maybe even one with your fire aspect burning it."

They reached the ground, and Adrian ran closer to the Enderman. At fifty blocks away, he stopped.

"Here we go." Adrian raised his head and stared directly into the Enderman's face.

The Enderman's jaw dropped open in rage, releasing an otherworldly screech that caused him to flinch slightly. Purple particles swirled around its body as it teleported directly in front of Adrian.

"Now!" Adrian swung Derflinger in a horizontal arc.

The enchanted Netherite blade made the Enderman flash red, and flames soon covered it entirely. The creature screamed and tried to teleport away, but Adrian had already brought Derflinger down for a second strike.

The Enderman exploded into pixels, leaving behind a single Ender Pearl.

Adrian transformed instantly into his Primal Zerg form and snatched up the Ender Pearl. The smooth sphere radiated cold energy, completely different from the other Ender Pearls in his inventory. This one was fresh, still containing the Enderman's Essence.

He swallowed it whole.

His enhanced digestive system went to work immediately. The pearl resisted breaking down at first, maintaining its cubic form even as stomach acid bubbled away. Adrian almost felt as if the pearl was trying to teleport away from inside him.

"You okay, partner?" Derflinger asked from his back.

Adrian couldn't answer. The pearl finally cracked, releasing what felt like liquid void into his stomach. It burned cold, spreading through his body like ice in his veins. His stomach churned as it tried to process this alien substance that seemed to exist between dimensions.

This wasn't just DNA or biological material. No, it was something else entirely. Pure dimensional energy extracted from the End itself contained within the Essence. Adrian's body struggled to adapt it, trying to create something that could contain and channel this power, but in the end his organs started shifting, making space for something new.

A new organ began forming below his heart. It grew rapidly, consuming biomass as it took shape. The organ looked like a small purple crystal surrounded by specialized tissue. Every few seconds it would flicker in and out of reality, as if it couldn't decide which dimension to exist in. Small tendrils grew outward from the tissue, connecting to his nervous system. Each connection sent jolts of pain through his body as it adapted to channel the purple energy.

The Void Magic Fragment in his brain responded to the new connections to his nervous system, and the specialized neurons glowed slightly as they attempted something, but it fizzled out.

Adrian triggered the internal crystal, and purple particles immediately poured out of it to surround his body as reality bent around him. He vanished and reappeared thirty blocks away with just a thought.

"Whoa!" Derflinger yelped. "That was different from an Ender Pearl throw!"

Adrian tried again, this time focusing on a distant dune he could see. The teleport worked perfectly.

No projectile needed and no pearl consumed.

He spent the next hour testing his limits. The crystal seemed to fill up with energy out of nowhere, allowing rapid teleports without strain. He could blink to any visible location, or up to thirty-two blocks away even through solid matter. When a skeleton shot at him, his body automatically dissolved into particles to avoid the arrow.

"I'll call it Void Step," Adrian decided.

"Can you reach the End from here?" Derflinger asked.

Adrian focused on the crystal, feeling the connection to something vast and empty beyond normal space. The same space that it drew its power from. "Maybe. The crystal seems to resonate with... something that could be the End. Let me try a few more tests first."

He approached a nearby water source block and reached toward it. The moment his claws touched the water, he flinched hard. The crystal organ pulsed erratically, and purple particles scattered chaotically around him.

"Agh!" Adrian jumped back. "That's unpleasant."

"What happened?"

"Water interferes with the Void Step somehow." Adrian circled the water carefully. "It doesn't just block teleportation - it actively hurts. Like the crystal wants to reject reality wherever water exists."

He tested this theory by walking through a light rain that started falling. The drops stung against his scales, but the pain remained manageable. The crystal adapted somewhat, but Void Step refused to work until he got under cover.

"At least I won't dissolve in the rain." Adrian sighed. "But no teleporting while wet."

He turned his attention back to the distant pull he felt. The crystal resonated with something impossibly far away, yet somehow right next to him. Like a door that existed everywhere at once.

"Here goes nothing."

Adrian gathered power in the crystal and reached for that connection. Purple particles exploded outward from his body as reality twisted violently. The desert vanished, replaced by absolute darkness for a split second.

Then they were somewhere else entirely.

An endless void in every direction. The only solid ground was the pale end stone island they stood upon. Strange chorus plants grew in twisted shapes, reaching toward a sky that didn't exist. Everything had a slightly purple tint from the ambient light that seemed to come from nowhere.

"The End." Adrian breathed deeply, feeling the crystal organ resonating with the very fabric of this dimension. "We made it."

"This place feels wrong." Derflinger's voice was quiet. "Like we're somewhere we were never meant to be."

Adrian walked to the edge of the island and looked down into the infinite nothing below. "No, this feels... right. The crystal belongs here. I can sense the connection now, all Enderman teleportation draws power from this place."

He tested Void Step again. Here in the End, teleportation felt completely natural. Distance seemed meaningless as he blinked rapidly between chorus trees. The crystal drew power directly from the surrounding Void, eliminating any and all strain or limits.

"I wonder..." Adrian focused on a distant floating island barely visible in the void. Purple particles swirled around him as he vanished, reappearing instantly on the far island. "Perfect! Range seems unlimited here as well."

"That's great and all," Derflinger grumbled, "but can we go somewhere less... empty?"

Adrian laughed and prepared to return them to the desert. But first, he harvested several chorus fruits and stored them in his Pearl before focusing on the connection to the overworld.

In moments, they reappeared in the desert.

"That was something else." Derflinger spoke up. "But what happens when we leave Minecraft? Will you still be able to teleport?"

Adrian hadn't considered that. The crystal organ drew power directly from the End's Void. Without that connection... would it work at all?

"The Void Magic Fragment might help." Adrian started running across the sand. "It tries to interface with the crystal, but fails. Maybe because it's incomplete?"

"You mean the piece you got from the Void Mage you killed?"

"Yeah. It's only a quarter of the Void Magic from Brimir, right?" Adrian jumped over a small ravine. "A complete set might let me connect to Void dimensions in other universes."

"If they exist."

"If they exist," Adrian agreed. "For now, let's focus on what we can do here."

Adrian transformed into his human form and climbed the nearest dune. Somewhere out there lay Imperial Diamond.

"Time to test this properly." Adrian focused on the furthest point he could see. Purple particles swirled around him as he vanished, reappearing atop another dune nearly a mile away.

"This is much faster than running!" Derflinger exclaimed from the sword on his back.

Adrian kept teleporting across the landscape. Each jump covered massive distances as he aimed for the highest points he could spot. Dunes gave way to plains, then a savanna biome.

"Look!" Derflinger spoke up after their twentieth teleport. "On the horizon!"

Adrian stopped on a tall acacia tree. Far in the distance, cubic skyscrapers pierced into the clouds. Even from here, he could see the scale was immense, nothing at all like the wooden houses of New Haven.

More teleports brought them closer. The buildings grew larger with each jump until Adrian stood on a hill overlooking Imperial Diamond.

"By the End..." Adrian whispered.

The city was absolutely massive and even with his enhanced vision, he couldn't see where it ended. Large structures of quartz and concrete reached toward the sky, connected by sky bridges made of glass and iron. Streets of stone brick formed perfect grids between the towers, filled with players going about their business.

Different districts showed unique architectural styles. One area featured pagoda-inspired builds with red and gold accent blocks. Another section held Roman-style monuments and coliseums built from granite. The center housed the modern skyscrapers that pushed against the height limit.

"Ten thousand players built this?" Adrian watched redstone-powered minecart systems zoom between stations.

"More arrive every day!" A voice called from below.

Adrian looked down to see a player in Netherite armor waving at him.
Chapter 17 - Infinity New
Minecraft Universe, Blocky Planet

"Welcome to Imperial Diamond!" The player called out again. "I'm Greyvest, but everyone calls me Grey!"

Adrian jumped down from his perch and used a water bucket to soften his fall. The Netherite-clad player stepped back.

"Nice armor." Grey nodded at Adrian's matching Netherite set. "You must be new here. I patrol this sector, and I've never seen you before."

"Just arrived." Adrian glanced back at the city. "The scale is... impressive."

Grey gestured toward the city gates. "We get new players every day, but not many arrive with full Netherite already."

Adrian followed him toward the massive quartz walls. "I've been in this world for a while. Just never made it out this far before."

"Where you from?"

"New Haven."

"Ah, that's very far!" Grey waved to the guards at the gate. "Heard they got hit by raiders recently."

The gates opened wide, powered by redstone machinery.

"Want a tour?" Grey placed down two minecarts on the powered rails leading into the city. "Nothing beats seeing Imperial Diamond for the first time from street level."

Adrian nodded and climbed into one of the carts. The redstone beneath them pulsed, and they shot forward.

"We've got different districts," Grey explained as they zoomed past the outer walls. "Financial, residential, shopping, arena - you name it, we built it."

"How do you keep track of everyone?" Adrian watched a player in diamond armor haggle in a shop over enchanted books.

"Name tags help." Grey pointed up at the floating text above each player's head. "But mostly we've got different guilds and districts. Makes things organized."

Their carts turned onto a wider rail system. More carts joined them from connecting tracks, carrying players between the massive quartz and concrete structures. Signs marked different stations like "Diamond District", "Redstone Quarter", "Trading Plaza."

"Look up there." Grey gestured toward a glass walkway spanning between two skyscrapers. A small purple shape flew past the windows. "That's Whisperlady's dragon. One of the only tamed ones left in the city."

Adrian's eyes locked onto the creature. "Dragon?"

"Yeah, from the Ender Dragon eggs. They can hatch into companions and breathe little purple magic orbs." Grey shrugged. "Status symbol more than anything useful. Most got killed in PvP."

Their carts clattered onto a new track heading toward what looked like a coliseum made of stone bricks and nether quartz.

"This is where we hold our weekly events," Grey explained as the carts slowed to a stop. "PvP tournaments, build competitions, mob arena battles… but the big draw happens every Friday."

Players crowded the entrance, many wearing colorful leather armor with guild emblems. A large board displayed upcoming events in bold text.


Adrian stepped out of his cart. "You fight the Dragon every week?"

"It respawns like clockwork." Grey led him through the crowd. "But the real prize is the egg. Only drops once per kill, and everyone wants one."

Inside the coliseum, wooden stands surrounded a central arena. Target dummies lined one wall while players practiced bow shots. Others sparred with swords on concrete blocks.

A commotion drew Adrian's attention to the far side. Two players squared off in full Netherite, while above them...

"Watch this," Grey pointed upward.

A small purple dragon, no larger than a wolf, circled the arena. Purple particles trailed behind as it swooped down and spat a miniature purple ball at one of the fighters. The orb exploded harmlessly, but the crowd cheered.

Adrian watched the dragon closely. The way it moved, the void energy in the little attack...

"How many eggs are there?"

"Thirty-two total in our territory since people first got stuck here." Grey counted on his fingers. "Maybe five still exist as pets. Rest got destroyed in PvP or stored away in Ender Chests. Nobody wants to risk losing them."

"And the Dragon itself?"

"Nasty piece of work, not at all what you'd expect from Minecraft." Grey shuddered. "Takes coordinated teams with maxed gear just to bring it down."

Adrian nodded slowly. "When's the next raid?"

"Two days." Grey gestured at the event board. "But you'll need those fifteen stacks of emeralds just to enter the stronghold. Council's rules, keeps things a bit more calm and funds the city."

A player in diamond armor rushed past them, shouting about enchanted books for sale in the market district.

"Fifteen stacks..." Adrian glanced at his inventory. Forty-two. Not even close.

"Hey, I know that look." Grey crossed his arms. "Don't even think about sneaking in. We've got guards at every Imperial Diamond Stronghold entrance within fifty thousand blocks. And the End portal room? Obsidian walls twenty blocks thick."

The small dragon above them swooped low, releasing another burst of void energy at a practice dummy. Adrian watched the purple particles dissipate.

"What about the End itself?" Adrian kept his voice casual. "Once you get through a portal, I mean. Ever explored out there?"

"Sure, lots of us have. End cities are great for loot runs." Grey pointed at his Netherite chestplate. "Got my first elytra that way. But the main Dragon island is locked down tight during non-raid days. Force fields or something."

Adrian frowned. That was annoying.

"Look," Grey pulled out a map. "If you want to join a raid properly, I can show you the best emerald trading routes. Maybe hook you up with some villager contacts-"


"Not again," Grey muttered. "Fifth attempt this week."

Above them, Whisperlady's dragon screeched and flew higher, purple particles trailing behind as it fled toward the market district.

"Dragon hunters," Grey explained. "They think killing a tamed dragon might drop another egg. Never works, but they keep trying."

Adrian watched a team using Elytras fly after the fleeing creature. Such a waste. Even if he caught it, a simple pet wouldn't have the Essence he needed if it didn't drop anything...

No, he needed the real thing. The Ender Dragon itself.

"What about Dragon Heads?" Adrian turned back to Grey as the commotion in the market district grew louder. "From End Ships?"

Grey shook his head. "Good luck finding those anymore. Most End Cities within fifty thousand blocks have been stripped clean even if they get restocked every month. Next time is actually also in two days."

"Monthly restocks aren't enough?"

"Not with more than ten thousand players." Grey pulled out a piece of paper and started sketching a rough map. "See, Imperial Diamond claims everything in this 50k block radius. Beyond that? Other major cities, all with their own Ender Dragon Islands."

Adrian studied the map. "So the closest unlooted End Ships would be..."

"Millions of blocks out, probably. Nobody knows whether this world is really infinite, and whether that means the amount of players are also infinite. If there are players literally everywhere… there might not be an unlooted End Ship in existence." Grey erased part of his drawing. "Most people keep Dragon Heads in Ender Chests now. Especially since we discovered they can be useful."

"Useful how?"

"Remember those weird dragon-like mobs that started appearing a few months back?" Grey lowered his voice. "Really rare modded spawns, but they drop these crystalline scales. Combine those with a Dragon Head and you can make either a Helm or Staff."

A player in full diamond armor rushed past, shouting about dragon hunters in the market square.

"What do the Helm and Staff do?"

"The helm makes Endermen completely ignore you unless attacked. Plus night vision and immunity to levitation effects, and it's stronger than Netherite too."

Adrian nodded slowly. "And the staff?"

"Lets you teleport without pearls or any cooldowns, thirty-two blocks max. Also shoots concentrated Dragon breath."

Adrian stared out at the city skyline. With his Void Step, distance meant nothing in the End. No water to block him, no solid matter to navigate around…

Just endless void and scattered islands.

"Hey." Grey waved a hand in front of Adrian's face. "You zoned out there."

"Just thinking." Adrian turned back to his guide. "These End Ships... they appear randomly throughout the End, right?"

"Yeah, attached to End Cities. But like I said, good luck finding-"

"What's the furthest anyone's ever gone?"

Grey scratched his head. "That we know of? Maybe a million blocks? Takes forever even with Elytra. And you need stupid amounts of rockets, food, backup gear..."

Adrian smiled. A million blocks. Such a tiny distance compared to what he could cover. No need for rockets or supplies when he could simply teleport billions, trillions, and even more blocks instantly.

"Thanks for the tour." Adrian stepped away from the coliseum railing. "I should get going."

"Already?" Grey looked surprised. "But we haven't even seen the shopping district! Or the farms! Or-"

"I'll be back in two days." Adrian started walking toward the city gates. "For the Dragon raid."

"But you don't have the emeralds for entry!"

Adrian kept walking. He didn't need emeralds, he would just force his way inside no matter what. Especially not when he could maybe find his own Ender Dragon Island first.

"At least let me show you where to find some good villager trades!" Grey called after him.

But Adrian had already disappeared into the crowd.

No known player had ever explored more than a million blocks out. But what about ten million? A hundred million? A billion?

The End went on forever. And he could cross that forever in moments.

Derflinger shifted slightly on his back. "I know that look. You're planning something crazy."

"Not crazy." Adrian grinned. "Just ambitious."

He waited until he reached the outskirts of Imperial Diamond. The moment no other players were in sight, he focused on the connection to the End.

Purple particles swirled around him as reality twisted. The blocky world vanished, replaced by endless darkness.

He stood on an End island covered in Chorus trees. The pale endstone beneath his feet resonated with the crystal organ inside him. Here in the End, the connection felt stronger than ever.

"So what's the plan?" Derflinger asked from his back. "Just teleport randomly until we find something?"

"No." Adrian stared at the black horizon. "We go where no player has ever gone before."

The crystal organ pulsed with power. Adrian gathered void energy around himself and...


They appeared on another island. The previous one was completely gone, hidden beyond the darkness of the void.

"How far was that?" Derflinger sounded impressed.

"About ten million blocks." Adrian prepared for another jump. "Not nearly far enough."


Another island. More Chorus trees. No cities yet.

"A hundred million now." Adrian prepared himself. "Still too close to civilization."




Each jump took them further into the infinite End. One billion blocks. Ten billion. A hundred billion.

"This is insane!" Derflinger shouted after the twentieth jump. "We must be further than anyone has ever-"

"Wait." Adrian crouched low on the endstone. "Look."

An End City was in front of them. And there, floating beside the highest tower... an End Ship. But he sighed as soon as he spotted the cobblestone bridge leading up to the vessel.

Someone had already been here.

"A hundred trillion blocks." Adrian shook his head. "We're a hundred trillion blocks from Imperial Diamond, and someone still got here first."

"How?" Derflinger asked. "That's... that's impossible!"

"Maybe from another city." Adrian stood up. "Or maybe..."

He stared into the darkness. The End stretched forever in every direction. And if the End was infinite, then the Overworld must be too. Which meant...

"There must be infinite players." Adrian's voice was quiet. "Scattered across an infinite world. And they've all been exploring, building, fighting..."

"So no matter how far we go..."

"We might never find an untouched End Ship." Adrian gathered void energy again. "Unless..."


A quadrillion blocks.


A quintillion.


Numbers beyond human comprehension. Distance that made light years seem tiny.

Each time they appeared on a new island, Adrian searched for End Cities. Some had blocks all over them. Others didn't have that, but the Elytra and Ender Dragon Head had already been taken.

"More." Adrian pushed himself further. "We go until we find one."




The void energy flowed endlessly through him. In this End dimension full of the Void, he had no limits to how far he could travel.

"There has to be one somewhere," Adrian muttered. "In an infinite space..."


Another island. Another looted city.


He had traveled so far that galaxies were like grains of sand in comparison.

"Adrian." Derflinger spoke quietly. "Stop."


"We need to stop."

Adrian prepared another teleport, but Derflinger's words finally registered. He lowered his arms and stared at the empty End Ship before them.

"The chances of finding an untouched ship..." Derflinger sighed. "Even in an infinite space, we'd need infinite time to search."

Adrian sat down on the endstone. "There has to be a way."

"Maybe there is." Derflinger shifted on Adrian's hip. "The Dragon raid is in two days, right? And you plan to join no matter what?"

"Yes." Adrian clenched his fists. "Even if I have to force my way in."

"The End Ships restock that same day." Derflinger said. "And we know exactly where many of them are."

Adrian stood up slowly as he realized what Derflinger meant.

"The raid will take time," Derflinger continued. "They'll be focused on the Dragon. Meanwhile, we could teleport to every known End Ship location and collect the Dragon Heads before anyone else reaches them."

"And then join the Dragon fight..." Adrian smiled. "Get both the heads and a shot at the egg."

"Exactly!" Derflinger exclaimed. "You just need to memorize the locations of a bunch of End Ships."

Adrian gathered void energy around himself. "Then we better start scouting."


He could confidently say that he had traveled further than the length of the observable universe at this point.

Two days. He had two days to learn of as many End Ship locations as he could, plan his route, and prepare for both looting and Dragon-slaying. The corners of his mouth curved into a predatory smile.

He was looking forward to becoming the first Draconic Primal Zerg.
that is some absurd teleport capabilities i have to assume it'll be severely nerfed not in minecraft due to lacking source but still its busted
Yeah, it's pretty much like Hyperspace in Sci-Fi while he's directly inside of a Void(-like) Dimension. Outside such a dimension, but still being connected to a Void dimension, he can teleport pretty freely without much worry about strain, but it's a lot more limited in terms of distance.

If he's not connected to a Void dimension, then he's very limited by Willpower/mana + strain + distance he can travel.
Chapter 18 - Ender Dragon Raid New
Minecraft Universe, Blocky Planet

The portal room in front of him was a fortress within a fortress. Twenty-block-thick obsidian walls surrounded the actual portal chamber. Guard towers dotted each corner, equipped with dispensers full of arrows. Players had to pass through three separate checkpoints just to reach the activation room.

Adrian was crouched invisibly behind all of the players, waiting for the right moment. He had teleported continuously for at least 600k blocks to find a Major City that was far enough that his activities wouldn't be traced to his 'home territory' of Imperial Diamond. This Al-Wahat city wouldn't know what hit them. He had hoped to teleport even further, but there was a pretty sharp limit on how far he could travel while he wasn't in the End dimension that was utterly full of Void Energy, and he hadn't even mentioned how strained he got after teleporting more than 350 miles in rapid succession.

"There must be fifty of them here." Derflinger whispered from his back.

Adrian counted the gathered raiders. All wore enchanted Netherite armor, but a few had elytra's equipped. They spoke rapidly in Arabic, checking potions and comparing enchanted weapons.

"Good thing I spent those emeralds on the Imperial Diamond mob grinders." Adrian touched the hilt of his sword. Sharpness V for direct damage, along with Fire Aspect II for sustained damage. But the new enchants were Looting III for better drops, Mending to keep it repaired, Sweeping Edge III for increasing damage through horizontal strikes by 75%, and Unbreaking III for extra durability..

His armor had been greatly improved too. The basic Protection IV remained, but Unbreaking III and Mending on every piece meant he wouldn't need to worry about durability. His helmet could now let him breathe underwater for a while with Respiration III, while Aqua Affinity would help him break the environment faster if submerged.

A commotion below drew his attention. The raiders were gathering around someone in Netherite armor with gold trims.

"That must be their leader," Derflinger observed.

The man raised his hands, speaking in Arabic. The raiders cheered and began forming into groups.

Adrian adjusted his position again. His boots were probably his favorite upgrade. Protection IV, Unbreaking III and Mending like the rest, but also Feather Falling IV to survive any height, Depth Strider III for water speed, and Frost Walker II to avoid water completely. That last one could be crucial in the future, because getting wet disabled his most important escape technique of Void Step.

"They're opening the first checkpoint," Derflinger warned.

Adrian nodded. The bow across his back had Power V for raw damage, Unbreaking III for durability, while Infinity meant he'd never run out of arrows. He'd considered getting Flame too, but fire could give away his position if he ever wanted to go the sneak archer route.

The raiders moved through the first iron door. Guards were present to make sure everyone had paid the entry fee.

"Remember the plan?" Adrian whispered.

"Let them activate the portal and enter first," Derflinger recited. "Wait thirty seconds for them to spread out. Then follow through and stay invisible until we reach the Dragon."

"And if anyone spots us?"

"We'll kill anyone in our way."

The second checkpoint opened. Adrian could see the End Portal frame now, still empty of Eyes of Ender. His shield had been enchanted as well with a Mending and Unbreaking III combination in case he ever needed it.

He kept his potions in his main inventory as well. Health, Strength, Fire Resistance, Swiftness, more Invisibility backup, Water Breathing just in case, and even some Weakness potions if needed.

And… since he was paying for experience anyway… he had enchanted his fishing rod with Lure III and Luck of the Sea III for better catches, with Mending to keep it working.

He didn't anticipate needing it on the raid, but it could be a nice hobby in the future.

"Final checkpoint," Derflinger warned.

The raiders gathered around the portal frame. Twelve Eyes of Ender appeared, passed carefully from player to player. They began placing them one by one.

Adrian tensed. The void energy inside him responded to the portal's awakening. After billions of blocks traveled, hundreds of End Ships scouted, and every enchantment maximized...

The final Eye clicked into place. Black particles swirled as the portal activated with a loud VWOOOOM.

It was time to killsteal an Ender Dragon.

Adrian abused the fact that he had a 32-block range where he didn't require line-of-sight to teleport straight through the obsidian walls. He landed on the End Portal frame, took one step forward, and let the darkness pull him in.

He now stood on a small obsidian platform packed with Arabic players. Without hesitation, he teleported to the main island at the same time that a deep roar shook the air above him.

The Ender Dragon circled the island. It was massive, at least five times larger than the standard Minecraft version. Purple eyes blazed as it swooped between obsidian towers.

"Time for some shopping." Adrian gathered void energy again. The End Ships were waiting.


The first ship yielded an elytra and dragon head. He stuffed both into his inventory and jumped to the next target.


Another successful grab. The void energy flowed freely here, making each teleport effortless.


By the sixth ship, he had three elytras and five heads. A player in diamond armor reached for the head mounted on the front.

Adrian shifted into his Primal Zerg form. Four spines launched from his back in rapid succession. The player flashed red with each hit, knocked backward by the force, and the final spine finished him off.

More ships. More heads. The stack count grew steadily in his inventory.


Three players stood on the next ship's deck. They froze at the sight of him, eight feet of scaled muscle and Netherite-enhanced claws.

Eight spines flew through the air. Two players dropped instantly.

The third raised his shield as Adrian's claws raked across it. "Wat de fuck?!" The Dutch player stumbled backward.

Adrian teleported behind him. The muscle-mimicking bands under his scales contracted as he opened his jaws. One Netherite-enhanced bite to the back was all it took.

Items scattered across the deck, and he spotted Emeralds and Netherite ingots among them. Adrian scooped them up quickly, smirking slightly at the ease he was going through the players.

He had enhanced his natural weapons with Netherite back in Imperial Diamond during these past two days. Combined with the Minor Adaptation of Muscle Augmentation from the IKEA Staff, his bite force could shred through players.




He encountered more and more players he had to eliminate. By the time he reached ninety-three dragon heads, the remaining ships were picked clean.

"Back to the main event?" Derflinger asked from his back.

Adrian nodded, gathered void energy and focused on the central island while he looked around the looted End Ship.


Adrian appeared on the edge of the central island. Hundreds of players swarmed around the Ender Dragon, but there were only so many that could attack at the same time. The thing was immune to arrows, that was well known. All the healing crystals had been destroyed by now, yet… the massive dragon showed no signs of weakening.

"May God help us!" A player screamed as the Dragon's tail swept through a group. Five players died instantly, and their items scattered all over the endstone.

Firework explosions filled the air as players with elytras chased the beast. Several wielded staffs topped with dragon heads that breathed purple balls that actually managed to harm the Ender Dragon.

"Ya! Already two hundred seventy dead!" Someone shouted from below in Arabic. "We need more people with the dragon staffs!"

Adrian watched a player land to drink a healing potion. Actually, why shouldn't he take advantage of the situation? He teleported behind the unsuspecting raider and sank his claws deep into their back.

The items dropped silently.


Another player, isolated from the group. Dead before they could react.


The Dragon roared and dive-bombed the central platform. "Ahtaris!" Players scattered in panic. Three weren't fast enough and died instantly to the impact.

"This is too easy," Adrian muttered as he picked off another isolated player. The chaos of battle masked his actions completely.

"Ya ikhwan, we need to coordinate!" The raid leader that wore Netherite Armor with gold trims called out. "Form up in teams of-"

Adrian teleported directly above him and smashed his claws against the player twice. A flash of green light surrounded the player as the Totem of Undying activated, restoring him to life. He spun around with his sword raised, but Adrian's third strike caught him before he could defend himself.

"Al-qaid!" Several players rushed to where their leader had fallen. "Someone killed the leader through his totem!"


Adrian appeared in their midst, clawing and biting down on whoever was in reach. Four more dead in seconds.

The Dragon swooped low again. Purple breath scattered players in all directions. "La tastaslem!" Someone shouted. "Keep fighting!"

A player with a dragon staff and helm turned just in time to see Adrian teleport next to them. "Ma hadha-" The words cut off as Netherite-enhanced claws tore through their armor.

"Thanks for the items!" Adrian whispered as he teleported away.

The entire place became immensely chaotic as players realized they were being hunted by some lizard creature that could teleport at will.

"There's something else killing us!" A voice called out in Arabic. "Watch your backs!"

But how could they watch their backs when the massive Ender Dragon demanded their complete attention? Another tail swipe eliminated six more players.

"Three hundred dead!" Someone screamed. "We're being slaughtered!"

Adrian continued his elimination of stragglers. Just the fact he had unlimited teleportation inside of the End made him untouchable. Any player who separated from the group for even a moment became his prey.

The Ender Dragon roared again, and Adrian smiled.

"This is turning out better than I'd hoped," he joked to Derflinger.

The massive dragon's head snapped toward him. Another roar split the air, but this time it was aimed directly at him.

That was a mistake, wasn't it? He shouldn't have taunted fate…

"Oh shit." Adrian barely managed to Void Step away as purple breath scorched the spot he'd been standing.

"The dragon's targeting the creature!" Someone shouted. "Everyone, focus on that thing!"

The remaining two hundred players turned their attention to Adrian. Six dragon head staffs lifted in unison as concentrated breath attacks flew toward him.

Adrian froze for a split second as hundreds of players charged at him from all directions while purple death rained from above. He couldn't fight them all at once, not even with his advantages.

"Switch forms!" Derflinger yelled. "I can absorb the magic!"

He shifted to human form and drew Derflinger just in time to catch the first wave of dragon breath attacks. The magic disappeared into the blade with a sound like water hitting hot metal.

"The creature changed shape!" A player with the nametag 'Deslordo' shouted. "It's a player!"

More dragon breath streaked toward him. Adrian planted his feet and held Derflinger up, absorbing attack after attack. The sword hummed with stored energy. Just as an arrow threatened to nick his ear, his void crystal organ automatically teleported him ten blocks to the left. Three more arrows passed through where he'd been standing.

"Keep firing!" The command came from somewhere behind him. "Don't let him rest!"

Adrian spun around, Derflinger catching a blast of dragon breath from the Ender Dragon. But a sword strike from his blind spot caught him across the back. His Netherite armor absorbed most of the damage, but the hit still stung.

"You okay?" Derflinger asked as they teleported away from the attacker.

"Fine." Adrian drank a healing potion. "But there's too many-"

The Ender Dragon's roar cut him off. The massive beast dive-bombed straight at him, purple breath filling the air. Adrian held Derflinger up, and the sword drank in the magic attack.

But the Dragon's wing clipped him during the pass. The impact sent Adrian flying, and only the fact that he was innately more durable than the standard player kept him from dying on the spot. He slammed into an obsidian pillar and fell twenty blocks before managing to teleport to safety.

"He survived that?" A player exclaimed.

Another healing potion and golden apple rapidly restored him to peak health, but that had been too close. He needed to thin out these numbers.

More arrows came flying his way, and one more automatic teleport kept them from hitting him. But this time he appeared right in the middle of a group of sword-wielders.

"Got him!" One slashed at Adrian's face.

Adrian took advantage of the fact that he wasn't fully aligned with Minecraft logic to parry the strike with Derflinger and kick the attacker away. But someone else struck him from behind, and a third player managed to slash his leg before he could teleport again.

The Ender Dragon wheeled around for another pass. The six dragon staff wielders lined up their shots.

"This is getting annoying!" Adrian teleported rapidly between positions, trying to avoid being surrounded again. He was taking serious damage, and just one more direct strike like that from the Ender Dragon...

"Behind you!" Derflinger warned.

Adrian spun just in time to block an axe strike that would have taken his head off. The impact numbed his arms, but he managed to teleport away before the follow-up attack landed.

"He keeps disappearing!" A frustrated voice called out. "Spread out! Don't let him-"

Adrian teleported behind the speaker and spewed sticky cobwebs all around him. The player struggled to move as Adrian's Netherite sword cut into him three times.

An arrow whistled towards his chestplate, triggering an automatic teleport. He appeared next to another group and immediately sprayed more webs. "I can't move!" One screamed before Adrian's blade found him.

Adrian's entire body caught fire when someone's enchanted sword struck him. He teleported away and quickly downed a Fire Resistance potion, following it with Strength and Swiftness potions.

"He's using potions!"

"Don't let him-"

Adrian cut the warning short, his enhanced strength letting him kill the speaker in two quick strikes. The movements felt more natural now, each swing leading smoothly into the next.

Purple breath from the Ender Dragon filled the air. Adrian raised Derflinger, absorbing the magic while teleporting sideways to dodge more arrows.

"Your left!" Derflinger warned.

Adrian spun and parried an axe strike. The impact made his arms shake, but he managed to counter-attack. His Fire Aspect II sword set the axe-wielder on fire.


More cobwebs trapped another group. Adrian's sword found gaps in their armor as they struggled to break free. But someone managed a lucky hit just before he teleported away.

He drank a healing potion and kept moving. The Ender Dragon roared overhead, diving toward the platform again.

"The staffs!" Derflinger reminded him. "Take out the staff users first!"

Adrian nodded and teleported behind one of the dragon staff wielders. Two quick strikes ended them. Another teleport brought him to the second staff user, who managed to block his first attack before succumbing to the second.

A beam of concentrated dragon breath managed to pierce his leg before he could react, and three players rushed him with axes raised.

Adrian sprayed webs in a wide arc, catching all three. His blade enchanted with Sweeping Edge III made short work of them.

"Four more staff users!" Derflinger called out.

Purple breath from both the Dragon and the staffs filled the air. Adrian absorbed what he could with Derflinger while teleporting frantically to avoid the rest.

A sword caught him across the back. Another managed to hit his arm. The wounds burned from Fire Aspect enchantments, but his potion kept him from taking extra damage.

"You're slowly getting better," Derflinger commented as Adrian eliminated another staff wielder.

He was right. Adrian's strikes flowed more naturally now. He found himself predicting enemy movements, reading their stances, striking at exactly the right moment.

The Ender Dragon's roar shook the island. Adrian teleported just as massive claws raked through where he'd been standing. He spun around and sprayed webs at the remaining players surrounding him, buying himself time to drink another healing potion.

"Only about fifty left!" Someone shouted in panic. "How is he doing this?"

Adrian's answer was another spray of cobwebs from the small breathing hole in his Netherite Helmet. The Swiftness potion let him sprint between trapped players and quickly slice them up. He then narrowed his eyes at an archer on top of one of the remaining obsidian towers, and Void Stepped behind him. Two stabs with his sword took care of that little problem…

"Oh my Allah, he killed Ahmed! " A player wearing a Netherite helmet with a green trim yelled at him from the ground. "You bastard!"

The Ender Dragon roared again, but the players were utterly focused on Adrian now. He could see the fear in how they moved, backing away whenever he looked in their direction.

"Thirty left!" The same player shouted. "We need to-"

Adrian teleported right next to him and struck twice with his sword. The player's green-trimmed helmet dropped to the ground.

The remaining players instantly backed away. Twenty-nine of them wore elytras, and they all exchanged glances.

"We need to get out of here!" One of them activated his elytra. "This is suicide!"

"He's right!" Another player shot off a firework rocket and took to the sky. "Live to fight another day!"

The players with elytras launched into the air one after another, shooting firework rockets to gain altitude. They flew deeper into the End, leaving behind a single player who stood frozen in place.

"Um." The player raised his hands. "Peace?"

Adrian tilted his head, and replied in English. "You don't have an elytra?"

"No..." The player was surprised to hear another language but slowly shuffled backward. "I... I spent all my emeralds on potions."

"That's rough, buddy." Adrian teleported right next to him and stabbed twice.

The massive Ender Dragon roared on the other side of the island.

"Just you and me now," Adrian called up to the beast. He had expected this outcome from the start, because trying to steal an egg from hundreds of players would have been messy. At least this way he'd earned quite a few bonus items from the kills.

He watched the Ender Dragon fly towards him. Arrows would be useless against those scales, and even the concentrated breath attacks from dragon staffs didn't work all that well.

He'd have to get up close and personal.

"At least you can teleport," Derflinger spoke from his hand. "Unlike those players who had to rely on elytras and firework rockets."

"True." Adrian drank another Strength potion. "But this might take forever."

The Dragon dove toward him, purple breath streaming from its mouth. Adrian teleported behind one of the obsidian towers and waited for it to pass.

"You know what would make this easier?" Derflinger asked as they dodged another breath attack. "If you had an elytra."

"I have three in my inventory."

"...why aren't you wearing one?"

Adrian paused mid-teleport. "I completely forgot about that."


"Look, I've been busy killing people!" Adrian equipped an elytra. "Happy now?"

The Dragon roared and swooped low. Adrian teleported on top of a nearby tower and jumped at it, piercing down twice with his sword before teleporting away. The beast barely seemed to notice.

"This is going to take forever," Adrian muttered as he shot a firework rocket to gain altitude. "Watching paint dry in slow motion might be quicker."

"At least the view is nice?" Derflinger offered.

Adrian teleported to dodge more purple breath. "Yeah, endless void. Really scenic."

"Better than that IKEA store."

"Fair point."

Another diving attack forced Adrian to teleport again. He managed to land three hits this time before the Dragon's tail nearly took his head off.

"You know what would make this go faster?" Derflinger asked after ten minutes of hit-and-run attacks.


"If you'd remembered to use those dragon staffs we looted while it's not in sword range."

Adrian froze mid-swing. "...I hate you sometimes."

"Love you too, partner."

Adrian quickly equipped one of the dragon staffs he'd looted. It felt odd to have a… stick with an Ender Dragon Head on top of it while fighting the Ender Dragon, but he could sense the void energy stored within it.

"How on Zerus did I not decide to use this sooner?" He teleported to dodge another breath attack.

"Because you were too busy playing stabby-stabby with the raiders?" Derflinger suggested from his back.

The Dragon wheeled around for another pass. Adrian raised the staff and fired a concentrated blast of purple energy. The attack connected, and the beast actually flinched.

"Now we're getting somewhere!" Adrian shot another firework rocket to maintain altitude. "Maybe this won't take until next Tuesday after all."

He teleported to another obsidian tower and fired three more blasts. The Dragon roared in what sounded like actual pain this time.

"You're hurting it!" Derflinger called out. "Keep going!"

Adrian fired continuously while teleporting between positions. The Dragon tried to dodge, but Adrian's ability to instantly appear anywhere made tracking its movements simple.

"This is much better than swinging a sword around like an idiot." Adrian landed on another tower. "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"I wanted to see how long it would take you to figure it out yourself."

"...I'm going to throw you into the void."

"No you won't." Derflinger sounded smug. "I'm too useful."

The Dragon dove at Adrian again, but this time he stood his ground until the last second. He absorbed the breath attack with Derflinger while firing back with the staff.

"Okay, maybe I won't throw you into the void." Adrian teleported away from another tail swipe. "But I might leave you in a chest somewhere."

"You'd miss my witty commentary."

"What I'm missing is peace and quiet!" Adrian fired another blast at the Dragon. "Now shut up and let me focus on not dying!"

The battle continued for another twenty minutes. Adrian kept teleporting and firing, slowly wearing down the massive beast. Its health seemed to be represented by its scales, and they were cracking more and more.

"Almost there!" Derflinger encouraged as Adrian landed another beam. "Just a bit more!"

The Dragon wheeled around for what would probably be its final attack. Adrian raised both the staff and Derflinger, ready to end this.

"You know, I just remembered something that would make this even easier." Derflinger stated.

"What now?"

"You have a dragon helm that is stronger than Netherite in your inventory."

Adrian facepalmed.

"I swear, when this is over-" Adrian quickly equipped the dragon helm. The moment it settled on his head, he felt the void energy inside resonate with his own.

"Less threatening, more fighting!" Derflinger reminded him as purple breath filled the air.

The helm's enhanced protection made Adrian confident enough to stand his ground longer. He absorbed the breath with Derflinger while returning fire with the staff. Each blast connected solidly with the Dragon's cracked scales until the beast let out one final deafening roar. It exploded into countless experience orbs that filled the air like a green waterfall. Adrian had never seen so many, and after he had collected all of it, he could tell by some innate Minecraft instinct that he had absorbed exactly 5,000,000 XP.

Enough to take him from level 0 to level 430. No wonder so many players risked their monthly respawn for this, it would save so much time standing under mob grinders that it was almost unbelievable…

"Well, that was dramatic." Adrian walked over to where the Dragon had died. A black egg with purple spots sat on a bedrock pedestal. He quickly snatched it up and stored it in his inventory.

"Time for cleanup?" Derflinger asked.

Adrian nodded and began teleporting around the island. He gathered every dropped item, every block of value. By the time he finished, he had stripped the place clean of items he felt were worth storing in his inventory.

Most players were smart and kept their valuables safe in Ender Chests. But he had still gotten stacks of Netherite ingots, Emeralds, Ender Pearls and Golden Apples. He didn't care all that much for the weapons and armor since he had his own set that would fully repair themselves thanks to all of the experience he had gotten.

"Now for the main event?" Derflinger seemed excited about Adrian consuming the Dragon's Essence.

But he hesitated.

Something felt off about absorbing such powerful Essence in this blocky world. When he'd consumed the Spider Essence, it had resulted in Minecraft web blocks when the silk hit any surface. The Architect Leviathan Essence had given him a Crystalline Minecraft Pearl that followed Minecraft's rigid rules. Both were perfectly usable, but…

"I think we should wait a bit," Adrian spoke slowly. "Everything in Minecraft follows specific rules. Blocks must be cubic, items stack in specific numbers, even damage primarily follows a mathematical formula."


"What if consuming the Ender Dragon Essence here forces it to conform to these rules?" Adrian paced across the endstone in thought.

"But it was still incredibly powerful!"

"Yes, but imagine if I absorb this Essence somewhere more... flexible after I use paradox to make the Egg and Heads realistic." Adrian gestured at the cubic world around them. "Like in the IKEA dimension. Somewhere the Essence can express itself in a more natural and organic manner instead of being forced into Minecraft's framework."

"Because the Ender Dragon Essence might be the most powerful I've found so far," Adrian continued. "I don't want to risk it becoming just another set of Minecraft mechanics. We need a world where physics and biology work properly."

"That... actually makes sense." Derflinger sounded impressed. "You're learning to think things through."

"Don't sound so surprised." Adrian's eyes began to glow a bright blue. "Now let's get out of here."

He focused on the IKEA store. That would be a good place to absorb the Essence, and if he built a little platform in the air, nobody could disturb him either. Once he was finished with the absorption, he could jump towards a new world. Maybe it'd be a safe one for the people in the Infinite Store?

"Ready?" Adrian asked.

"As long as we don't have to fight any more Staff creatures."

"No promises."
Chapter 19 - Primal Void Dragon New
SCP Universe, IKEA Store

The dimensional jump dumped Adrian and Derflinger onto the infinite floor of the IKEA store. Adrian immediately began stacking up and constructing a platform out of various blocks high above the shelves.

"This should be high enough," Adrian said as he placed the final cobblestone block. The platform was nearly one hundred feet wide, giving him plenty of space to work with.

"Ready to start?" Derflinger asked from his back.

Adrian nodded and focused on the egg first. He placed the same 1 egg in each crafting slot of his Crystalline Pearl, forcing reality to resolve the paradox. His body began tearing itself apart as the egg transformed, becoming perfectly spherical and emanating a slight purple glow.

"One down," Adrian gasped, consuming a Golden Apple to heal the damage. "Ninety-three heads to go."

He converted three of the female Ender Dragon heads at a time before letting the Golden Apple's regenerative effects restore him. The heads grew massive as they escaped Minecraft's constraints, each one nearly as large as his current body.

"These are going to take forever to digest," Adrian commented as he finished converting the last head. Blood dripped from his nose, and his limbs trembled from the strain.

"At least you won't go hungry for a while," Derflinger said.

Adrian approached the first head and sank his teeth into the scales, swallowing down with each bite. After ten minutes, he had fully stuffed the head into his stomach.

"This might be a good time to tell me stories about your past wielders," Adrian suggested as he settled in for what would be a very long process. "We've got about two weeks of this ahead of us."

"Well, there was this one wielder back in Germania..." Derflinger began as Adrian's body started processing the first head's Essence. "She used me to fight manticores in-"

Adrian exhaled a ragged breath as the first changes began. The Ender Dragon's DNA started merging with his own Primal Zerg genetic structure, causing his scales to darken from their usual green to a deep obsidian black. The transformation wasn't just cosmetic… his scales became denser, stronger, as void energy began infusing into their molecular structure. Each scale now contained microscopic chambers that could store and channel void energy, making them far more resistant to damage than before and capable of warding off fire and lava.

"You okay there, partner?" Derflinger asked with concern.

"It feels... different from other Essences," Adrian managed to say through gritted teeth. His spine was elongating, vertebrae splitting and reforming as new neural clusters developed along his back. These clusters would serve as secondary processing centers for handling the vast amount of void energy his body would eventually channel. "Keep talking. It helps distract from the pain."

"Right, so this vampire hunter..." Derflinger continued his tale while Adrian's body underwent more changes. The first head's DNA was restructuring his skeletal system, making his bones hollow yet incredibly dense. New cavities formed within them, creating a network that would help further distribute void energy throughout his body. His muscle fibers began breaking down and rebuilding themselves with enhanced protein structures that could handle the strain of his eventual larger size.

By the time Derflinger finished his first story, Adrian had grown nearly two feet longer. His neck had extended slightly, and the first hints of wing buds had appeared along his shoulders. The void energy from the head had permanently altered his cellular structure, making his body more capable of channeling and storing magical energy.

"Ready for the second head?" Derflinger asked after Adrian's body had fully processed the first one.

Adrian nodded weakly. The… evolution was exhausting, but he could already feel how much stronger he was becoming. He dragged himself over to the next head and began consuming it while Derflinger launched into another tale about a knight who had used him to slay a dragon.

The irony wasn't lost on either of them.

Within three days Adrian had consumed ten more heads. Each one brought new changes, building upon what came before. The wing buds expanded into proper wings, spreading outward as new bones and muscles formed. The membrane between the wing fingers started as thin and delicate but quickly strengthened as specialized cells produced an incredibly resilient tissue that took full advantage of void energy. His chest inflated to accommodate the massive flight muscles needed to power these new appendages, and his heart split into four chambers to handle the increased blood flow his larger body would require.

"You're starting to look more dragon than lizard now," Derflinger commented as Adrian flexed his wings, and the force of the air current buffeted the sword. He had kept Adrian entertained with stories ranging from epic battles to embarrassing mishaps of past wielders, helping distract him from the constant pain of transformation.

Adrian's neck had lengthened considerably, and the original enhanced photoreceptors that allowed him to see in near-darkness remained, but they merged with new void-sensitive cells. These specialized cells arranged themselves in a unique layered structure of which the outer layer maintained his night vision capabilities while deeper tissues responded to void energy emissions. His pupils mutated to process both visible light and void signatures simultaneously, creating a dual-spectrum vision system that overlaid both types of information into a single cohesive image.

The adaptation changed his irises from blue to deep purple, with microscopic crystalline structures forming throughout the eye tissue. These crystals acted as natural amplifiers for void energy detection, allowing him to perceive the faintest traces void energy use in magic or beings.

"I need... more heads," Adrian growled, his voice deeper than before. The hunger for evolution drove him forward despite the exhaustion. His digestive system had adapted to break down the heads more efficiently, but each one still took hours to fully process.

By the end of the first week, Adrian had consumed forty heads. He now stood twice his original height, and his wingspan stretched wider than a small airplane. The void energy saturating his cells had begun affecting his existing adaptations. His heat regulation system merged with the void energy network, allowing him to survive in even more extreme environments. His enhanced senses became attuned to the void itself, letting him detect spatial disturbances through subtle humming in the Void Crystal organ responsible for his Void Step.

"The Staff creatures haven't bothered us up here," Derflinger noted during one of Adrian's rest periods. "Maybe they can sense what you're becoming."

Adrian snorted in agreement, purple energy crackling around his nostrils. The transformation had reached his respiratory system, creating specialized organs that could produce and expel concentrated void energy. This would eventually become his breath weapon, but for now it appeared as occasional bursts of energy when he exhaled.

The second week brought even more dramatic changes as Adrian consumed the remaining heads. His skeleton finished reconstructing itself with void-infused bones stronger than steel. His muscles became dense enough to crack concrete just by flexing, yet remained incredibly efficient thanks to the void energy flowing through them. The spines along his back developed into proper spikes that could channel and store even more void energy, creating a reservoir he could draw from in combat.

"Last head," Adrian announced on the fourteenth day. He had grown to nearly full size now. Only the dragon egg remained after this, which should complete his transformation.

"Make it count," Derflinger encouraged from where he lay nearby. "You've come too far to mess it up now."

Adrian consumed the final head, and the changes began immediately. The void energy concentrated in his claws and teeth, creating microscopic spatial distortions around them. When he scratched the cobblestone platform, his claws didn't just cut through the block… they partially phased through it, bypassing a portion of the material's structural integrity. The effect consumed stored void energy with each use, but the results were devastating.

"Now that's interesting," Adrian rumbled, examining his claws. He could feel the void energy flowing into the bone and keratin structure from the void energy network all throughout his body. The metal he had consumed in the past, particularly the Netherite, were still incorporated into the molecular matrix, creating weapons that could shred through almost any defense.

"Ready for the egg?" Derflinger asked.

Adrian turned toward the spherical object that was still emanating purple light. This would be the keystone of this large-scale evolution, containing the core genetic material needed to fully stabilize his Essence. He opened his jaws, now large enough to swallow a car whole, and consumed the egg in a single bite.

The reaction was immediate and overwhelming. The egg's shell dissolved in his stomach, releasing pure void energy that flooded every cell in his body. His muscles seized as new neural pathways formed, creating a dedicated network for channeling and controlling void energy. The secondary processing clusters along his spine lit up with purple light as they integrated with this network.

"Jeez..." Derflinger whispered as Adrian's body underwent its final changes. The sword watched in amazement as Adrian's scales became even darker, absorbing light itself. They developed an iridescent quality that shifted between black and deep purple depending on how the light struck them.

Adrian roared as his throat transformed one last time. The sound contained subsonic frequencies that could disorient and nauseate anyone who heard it. The specialized organs in his chest cavity that produced his void breath weapon finally reached maturity, allowing him to project concentrated streams of void magic that would corrode both matter and space itself.

When the transformation finally ended, Adrian stood at his full height of ten feet at the shoulder. His body stretched thirty-five feet from nose to tail tip, and his wingspan reached fifty-five feet when fully extended. He had retained the best aspects of his Primal Zerg heritage while gaining the power and majesty of a realistic Ender Dragon.

He was now a Primal Void Dragon.

"How do you feel?" Derflinger asked after several minutes of silence.

Adrian had the draconic equivalent of a smirk on his face. "Complete."

"Let's test the human form," Adrian continued, still with a slight smirk on his lips. The change began as usual, scales shrinking and reforming into skin, wings folding into nothing, tail disappearing...

Something felt very wrong.

Adrian's smirk vanished and he blinked as the transformation completed, immediately noticing the different center of gravity. He grabbed a mirror from the cobblestone platform and froze at the reflection.

Long black hair framed a delicate face with deep purple eyes. The muscular male body he was used to had been replaced by a slender female that stood 5'9". He glanced down at his chest and immediately looked away.

"Well..." Derflinger broke the awkward silence. "This is unexpected."

"Shut up." Adrian's voice came out higher pitched than before. He grimaced as he held up a stranf of black hair that reached down to his mid-back. "This has to be from the egg, right? That damn Ender Dragon must've been female, and considering I took in so much Essence to undergo a complete Evolution, those genetic markers must've affected the human form in turn."

Derflinger made a sound suspiciously like suppressed laughter. "At least you're still wearing clothes?"

Adrian looked down at the tight black shirt that showed off way too much cleavage and the form-fitting pants that hugged curves he definitely didn't have before. "This isn't funny!"

"You have to admit it's a little funny." Derflinger wasn't even trying to hide his amusement anymore. "The big bad Void Dragon turns into a beauty!"

Adrian grabbed Derflinger and pointed him at the mirror. "Look at me! How am I supposed to blend in looking like this?"

"I am looking," Derflinger replied smugly. "And I'd say blending in won't be your biggest problem anymore."

Adrian dropped the sword with an exasperated groan. "I need to figure out how to fix this."

"Why fix what isn't broken?" Derflinger asked from the floor. "You're a Primal Zerg, right? You've told me you didn't even have a concept of gender before consuming the original Adrian."

Adrian stared at his D-cup breasts and sighed deeply. "That's not the point-"

"The point is you're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be," Derflinger cut in. "Make a new identity. And if you really want your old appearance back, just find some shapeshifter to consume in another world. Having a female form could be useful."

"Useful how?" Adrian crossed his arms, immediately regretting the action as it made his chest situation even more obvious.

"Well..." Derflinger's tone became suggestive. "People tend to underestimate beautiful women. And you are quite the beauty now-"

"I need clothes." Adrian marched toward the platform edge. "These were made for a male body, and they're about to fall apart."

"I'm not complaining about the view!"

Adrian ignored the perverted sword and jumped down to the store below. The clothing section wasn't extensive, but anything would be better than what he currently wore. The shirt had ridden up to expose his stomach, and the buttons strained against his chest.

"You know," Derflinger called from above. "You'll need a new name for this form!"

Adrian paused while rifling through a rack of shirts. The sword had a point. He couldn't exactly introduce himself as Adrian while looking like this.

"How about... Ariana?" He suggested after a moment.

"Keeping it similar to Adrian. Smart!" Derflinger yelled back. "Now hurry up and find something that fits properly. Not that I mind the current outfit-"

"Just shut up already," Ariana grumbled as she picked out some black cargo pants and a plain dark purple t-shirt that actually fit her new body. She changed quickly, glad to be out of the too-tight clothes that had been practically bursting at the seams.

She looked up at the platform, ready to Void Step back up... and nothing happened. The required void energy wasn't there. She reached for it again, but found nothing to grasp.

"Great." Ariana transformed back into her true form, immediately feeling the network of void energy stored throughout her body. The microscopic chambers in her scales held a large portion, while her bone network and spinal spikes contained the rest. These structures didn't transfer to her human form at all - or rather, only the bone network carried over, but there was too little space in her human body compared to her true form, and thus the amount of void energy transferred was not enough to use Void Step when she already didn't have all that much in her true form.

But… she did notice something odd in her storage. Void energy was trickling in from out of nowhere, appearing in small amounts throughout her body. This wasn't from the Ender Dragon, that beast drew power directly from the End Dimension's Void.


The Void Magic Fragment she had taken from Louise... it must be generating this energy. The specialized neural structures she had developed weren't producing it directly. No, this energy seemed to be generated within her soul, then distributed at least in part to her physical storage systems.

"At least I won't run dry," she muttered, shifting back to human form. "But I still want to find a shapeshifter somewhere."

"Still bothered by the gender swap?" Derflinger asked from above.

"Yes." Ariana stacked up by placing cobblestone blocks under her feet. "I got used to being male. And..." She hesitated before continuing. "I still find women attractive. Men do nothing for me."

"So you're a lesbian dragon now?"

"I'm serious!" Ariana pulled herself onto the platform. "Doesn't that mean I'm still male inside? I could probably force another large-scale evolution by consuming enough essence from some male creature, but..." She shook her head. "This Void Dragon form is too valuable to undo just because of one annoying side effect. Unless it was a very powerful male creature, it wouldn't be worth it."

"There are infinite worlds out there," Derflinger reminded her. "We'll find a shapeshifter eventually."

"I'll add it to the list," Ariana nodded. "Right besides finding a safe world for the IKEA people." She pulled out her Dragon Helm and focused on using paradox to convert it. The strain hit her, but nowhere near as badly as before. Her enhanced durability seemed to handle the process much better now.

"That wasn't so bad." She grabbed her Netherite armor pieces and converted them one by one. The process left her slightly winded, but nothing like the bleeding and tearing she used to experience. When she touched the complete set, the armor split apart and reconnected around her body, automatically adjusting to her new proportions.

"Ready to try a new world?" Derflinger asked as she picked him up.

"More than ready." Ariana's purple eyes began glowing bright blue. Reality twisted around them for five seconds before depositing them in a nighttime forest.

The sight took her breath away.

Bioluminescent plants surrounded them, pulsing with beautiful blue and purple light. She looked up through the canopy and froze. An enormous blue gas giant dominated the night sky, filling nearly a quarter of the visible space above.

"This is incredible," Ariana whispered as she walked through the glowing forest. Strange six-legged creatures scattered at her approach, and spiral-shaped plants retracted into the ground. The remnant memories from Adrian identified this place immediately as Pandora from the Avatar movie.

Ten minutes passed as she wandered around enjoying the sights of the alien ecosystem. Then she felt the first tickle in her throat. The air was becoming harder to breathe, and she knew why after thinking on it. The atmosphere here was toxic to humans, high in carbon dioxide and other compounds. She had thought her current adaptations would be enough, but it seemed they weren't able to handle this mixture of air.

"I need to find something to eat," she told Derflinger as another cough escaped her lips. "And fast."


Adrian being stuck as a woman in human form will be temporary for just this visit to Avatar, he'll find a solution in the next world through either a shapeshifter or a powerful male creature he'll consume.

Name: Adrian/Ariana

Current World: Avatar (James Cameron)

Race: Primal Zerg (Void Dragon)

Appearance: Adrian's evolution has resulted in a very large western dragon body, approximately 35 feet long with a 55-foot wingspan, and standing about 10 feet tall at the shoulder. His body is covered in tough, overlapping black and dark purple scales. Large, dark wings allow for powerful flight. He has sharp, black spikes running along his back and down his thick, muscular tail, which ends in a broad, sharp, spade-like tip. His head is draconic, with strong jaws and teeth, and his eyes are a deep glowing purple.

BASE ATTRIBUTES - True Form (summary of adaptations)

1. Strength: Immensely powerful. Can crush metal with ease, tear through enchanted Netherite plating with his claws and teeth, and lift several tens of tons.

2. Agility: Surprisingly agile for his size. Ground speed remains impressive despite increased mass (70-80 mph in short bursts, 40-50 mph sustained run). Flight capabilities are exceptional: cruise speed of 300-400 mph, capable of reaching 600-700 mph during sprints, and diving speeds approaching 800-900 mph (Mach 1) that can break the sound barrier. The 55-foot wingspan combined with void-enhanced flight muscles allows for remarkable maneuverability, including near-instant direction changes, complex aerial maneuvers, and precision hovering. Can perform barrel rolls, power dives, and tight corkscrews even at high speeds. The void energy network throughout his body helps counteract g-forces during extreme maneuvers.

3. Constitution: Extremely durable. His Void Dragon Scales provide exceptional protection against most forms of attack, including piercing, slashing, and blunt force trauma. He's highly resistant to fire and has increased resistance to other environmental hazards. While not invulnerable, he can withstand significant punishment before showing signs of serious injury. Small arms fire would be largely ineffective, and even larger caliber weapons would struggle to penetrate his scales.

4. Intelligence: Above average human intellect.

5. Senses: Drastically enhanced. His Void Dragon Eyes grant exceptional night vision and the ability to perceive Void energy. His Void-Attuned Senses provide an incredible range of smell and hearing, and his ability to sense Void fluctuations gives him a form of spatial awareness.

BASE ATTRIBUTES - Human Form (summary of adaptations)

1. Strength: Significantly enhanced, but far below his dragon form. He can easily overpower multiple ordinary humans, bend steel bars, and punch through brick walls. He can lift several tons.

2. Agility: Very agile. He can achieve explosive sprint speeds of 30-35 mph and maintain a sustained running speed of around 20-25 mph. His reflexes and coordination are significantly enhanced, allowing him to react quickly and perform acrobatic maneuvers.

3. Constitution: Highly durable, but significantly less so than his dragon form. He can withstand impacts that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human, and his bones and tissues are much denser and tougher. He's resistant to small arms fire, but vulnerable to larger caliber weapons and sustained attacks.

4. Intelligence: Above average human intellect.

5. Senses: Drastically enhanced. His Void Dragon Eyes grant exceptional night vision and the ability to perceive Void energy. His Void-Attuned Senses provide an incredible range of smell and hearing, and his ability to sense Void fluctuations gives him a form of spatial awareness.

Through age and experience, adaptations can be "compressed" or "optimized", potentially combining compatible ones to free up slots. New slots can be gained through increased complexity of his soul.

Minor Adaptations (Can have many):
1. Extreme Environment Adaptation (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - Can function effectively in extreme temperatures ranging from -100°F to 400°F. Adaptation to sudden temperature changes takes minutes. This adaptation also grants limited resistance to other environmental hazards, such as high pressure or toxic atmospheres (though not complete immunity)

2. Void Dragon Eyes (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - Can see clearly in near-total darkness, approximately six times better than human night vision. These eyes can also perceive traces of Void magic and beings, seeing residual energy trails, distortions, or the faint outlines of creatures connected to the Void.

3. Void-Attuned Senses (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - Adrian possesses a suite of incredibly heightened senses. He can track scents up to several days old and detect specific chemical compounds across a range of two miles. His hearing extends beyond the human range (both higher and lower frequencies), allowing him to detect sounds up to a mile away. He has a heightened sense of the Void itself, allowing him to detect fluctuations, tears, or weaknesses in reality from spatial manipulation through subtle "humming" in his void-attuned organs.

4. Void-Infused Claws/Teeth (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - Claws and teeth are made of ultra-dense biological material enhanced with consumed metals and infused with Void magic. Can tear through steel with ease. Void energy can be directed into his claws and teeth to produce a localized spatial distortion to partially bypass a portion of the target's defenses, increasing penetration.

5. Muscle Augmentation (SCP 3008-2) - Localized "bands" of muscle-mimicking skin that augments existing muscle groups. Grants increased strength to the point he can push through Netherite with a gentle push of his claws.

6. Void Dragon Physique (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - This adaptation represents the seamless integration of the Ender Dragon's various physical attributes into Adrian's body. His skeletal structure is incredibly dense, providing increased resistance to blunt force trauma. Specialized muscle fibers within his wings and chest, perfectly adapted for flight, grant exceptional stamina, power, and maneuverability. His scales are capable of withstanding Netherite weapons with ease, deflect arrows, and have great resistance to fire damage.

7. Void Energy Storage (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon): Adrian's body has developed specialized structures for storing and channeling Void energy. These include microscopic chambers within his scales, a network within his hollow bones, his spinal spikes, and secondary neural clusters along his spine. This stored energy can be used to enhance his Void-related abilities and potentially provides a buffer against Void energy depletion.

8. Subsonic Roar (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - His throat can produce a powerful, low-frequency roar that can disorient and unsettle opponents, inducing nausea, dizziness, and a general feeling of unease.

Medium Adaptations (Can have 10):
1. Rapid Regeneration - Can heal minor wounds in minutes, major wounds in hours. Requires significant biomass consumption. Limb regeneration possible but takes days.

2. Advanced Digestive System - Can process and extract essence from consumed biomass in hours rather than days. Allows for quick energy replenishment and faster adaptation to new essences. Limited by the complexity of the essence being processed.

3. Poison Glands - Hemotoxin/neurotoxin mix. In humans: severe pain and weakening muscles within 2 minutes, potentially lethal in under 20 minutes without treatment. Larger creatures: progressive weakening over 5-10 minutes, death in 30-60 minutes depending on size. Stores 5-6 doses, replenishes over 12 hours.

4. Spines Launcher - Can launch up to 12 spines in rapid succession. Spines regrow over 6 hours (2 per hour). Spines can pierce very thick steel armor at close range (under 100 feet). Accuracy decreases significantly at longer ranges.

5. (SUPPRESSED) Minecraft Physics Integration (Minecraft mobs) - Body partially adapted to function within Minecraft's rigid physics system. Allows proper interaction with blocks, grid-based movement, and compatibility with the world's healing mechanics. Scales and muscles can align to cubic patterns when needed while maintaining organic flexibility.

6. Webbing Glands (Minecraft Spider) - Can spray sticky webs from specialized glands in the mouth. Webs function identically to Minecraft cobwebs, significantly slowing movement of creatures caught within them.

7. Void Magic Fragment (1/4 Familiar of Zero) - Grants affinity to distort fundamental forces of reality, but it feels incomplete, as if it's only a portion of a greater whole. Currently expresses itself as crude explosive force due to lack of understanding. Future possibilities unknown, but clearly limited by the fragmentary nature of the absorbed power.
  1. This fragment also produces a certain amount of Void Energy, a finite resource that fuels certain Void-related abilities, every day. This is stored within the Soul.
  2. All four fragments combined can allow Adrian to connect to a pre-existing Void-like Dimension (if it exists in the universe) to instead use its energy. Unless he is directly in that dimension, there is a capacity limit of how much Void Magic can be channelled at once.
8. Void Step (Minecraft Enderman) - Grants the ability to temporarily phase through the Void for instantaneous travel. When teleporting, Adrian's body briefly dissolves into purple particles before reforming at the destination. Water causes severe pain and disrupts teleportation.
  1. Connected to Void Dimension: Unrestricted teleportation within 32 blocks without line of sight, or to any visible location regardless of distance. Defensive teleportation triggers automatically against incoming projectiles. Can freely travel to and from the End dimension at will. No strain or cooldown between teleports due to constant connection to the Void. If directly inside of a Void Dimension, there are zero limits to how far Adrian can teleport.
  2. No connection to Void Dimension: Teleportation becomes severely limited to line of sight within 50 feet. Each teleport costs a certain amount of Void Energy that increases with distance travelled, and has an increasing strain cost per teleport.
9. Void Dragon Breath (Minecraft Realistic Ender Dragon) - Spews void magic that causes whatever is hit and a small radius around it to be damaged. Whatever place is hit will be stained by the void magic and continuously deal void magic damage.

10. Empty Slot

Major Adaptations (Can have 5):
1. Crystalline Minecraft Pearl (Minecraft Architect Leviathan) - Developed specialized organ that functions as a biological crafting table and inventory system. Contains a crystalline pearl that can store (36-slots, variable stack size) and combine materials according to Minecraft's crafting rules. Produces miniaturized items that are spat out. Items maintain Minecraft properties in other worlds, and follow the same rules. Processing time varies with complexity (seconds to minutes). Non-Minecraft items put inside are converted to Minecraft items. By introducing a paradox of placing 1 item inside all 9 crafting slots, it becomes a real-world equivalent, but it strains Adrian greatly.
  1. Inventory:
    1. Shulker Box 1 (Blocks/Crafting)
      1. 511 cobblestone, 120 dirt, 51 oak blocks, 78 obsidian, 20 bookshelves, 5 furnaces, 1 enchanting table, 1 anvil, 1 brewing stand
    2. Shulker Box 2 (Valuables)
      1. 165 diamonds, 42 emeralds, 22 lapis blocks, 41 redstone blocks, 27 gold blocks, 52 iron blocks, 61 coal blocks, 31 Netherite ingots
    3. Shulker Box 3 (Potion Supplies/Combat)
      1. 22 spider eyes, 60 sugar, 50 glass bottles, 45 string, 4 Health Potions, 2 Strength Potions, 2 Fire Resistance Potions, 2 Swiftness Potions, 2 Invisibility Potions, 2, Water Breathing Potions, 2 Weakness Potions, 6 Dragon Staffs, 3 Elytras, 313 firework rockets
    4. Shulker Box 4 (General Supplies)
      1. 160 steaks, 64 bone meal, 20 seeds, 64 books, 64 leather, 124 torches, 110 paper, 202 gunpowder, 1 flint and steel, 1 shears, 1 fishing rod (Lure III, Unbreaking III, Luck of the Sea III, Mending), 4 chests
    5. 64 steaks, 64 Golden Apples, 64 Golden Carrots
    6. 16 Ender Pearls, 1 water bucket, 1 lava bucket, 3 milk buckets, 1 boat
    7. Enchanted Netherite Sword (Sharpness V, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Sweeping Edge III, Unbreaking III, Mending)
    8. Enchanted Bow (Power V, Infinity, Unbreaking III, 64 arrows
    9. Dragon Helm (Protection higher than maxed Netherite, night vision, immunity to levitation effects, Endermen ignore you unless attacked)
    10. Enchanted Netherite Helmet (Unbreaking III, Respiration III, Mending, Protection IV, Aqua Affinity)
    11. Enchanted Netherite Chestplate (Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending)
    12. Enchanted Netherite Leggings (Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending)
    13. Enchanted Netherite Boots (Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III, Frost Walker II)
    14. Enchanted Shield (Unbreaking III, Mending)
    15. Potions: 2 Health Potions, 2 Strength Potions, 1 Fire Resistance Potion, 1 Swiftness Potion, 1 Invisibility Potion
    16. Louise's wand, 32 TNT, 1 redstone torch
2. Empty Slot
3. Empty Slot
4. Empty Slot
5. Empty Slot

1. Human Form (Familiar of Zero)
  1. Male: 6'4 feet tall. Short black hair and deep purple eyes. Handsome and muscular.
  2. Female: 5'9 feet tall. Long black hair (down to mid-back) and deep purple eyes. Beautiful and slender. D-cup breasts.
  3. Most adaptations are carried over in some manner, but usually in a weaker form. If the adaptation would be visibly non-human, it doesn't transfer.
Dimensional Travel Node - A crystalline blue-tinted node (golf ball sized) integrated into the brain stem. Allows for dimensional travel. Stores energy converted from consumed biomass, 2 dimensional jumps when fully charged. 1 jump worth of energy per 48 hours of regular feeding. Emergency jump possible at half charge, but causes unconsciousness and node strain that disables dimensional travel for 2 weeks. Requires specific materials from each new world to establish stable connection points. Once a world is attuned, can return using only energy reserves.

1. Bright blue eye glow when actively traveling between dimensions
2. Subtle blue eye glow when scanning materials for dimensional attunement

Attuned Worlds:
1. Starcraft (0%)
2. Minecraft (100%)
3. Familiar of Zero (100%)
4. SCP Universe (100%)
5. Avatar - Pandora (0%)

1. Adept Tracker
2. Apprentice Primal Fighter
3. Novice Swordsman
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