Mortal Empires Clan Angrund: There are grudges to be settled.

Well then.

That worked out a lot better than I expected.

Whee, maxed out Ironbreaker armor!
Well, I fucked up strategically.

Hopefully the Empire can hold for long enough I can get the backup army I forgot about up there AND get Belegar's force rebuilt.

Damnit. And the Varg have more fucking stacks.

Why are there so many evil vikings
Well, less evil vikings, and the North is holding, if barely.

Thankfully reinforcements from the land of the dead march up!

If I had remembered them, maybe Belegar wouldn't have to rebuild his stack...
Well, I have 2 stacks of troops in the north.

That should be enough.

Thus, I think I'll work on another few stacks, on the grounds of good gods Chaos can get nasty.
Little by little, I march up.

Little by little, my works begin.

And soon, I might be able to get in a goddamn fight if Chaos didn't keep running away! I only have stubby little dwarf legs!
And Wave 2 begins.

This time, though, I have troops ready to oppose them.

There's gonna be a lot less loss now!
And the final force of Chaos comes, somewhat gimped due to the game being very strange.

Seriously, game, the fuck did you do?

Now the battles will be easier!
Well, I suppose it's fair to gimp myself, at least.

Even if it was by accident.

Damnit. This is going to be annoying.
Well, this is just annoying.

Here I was hoping for a climatic battle, and it's just kind of sad overall.

Chaos, really? Archaon better put up one hell of a badass fight.
Well, that was pathetic aside from Kholek.

This is why the Suneater is my favorite Legendary Lord in terms of personal power, even if Archaon is the best for making Chosen yet more bullshite.

Oh well. Hopefully the Everchosen will at least be interesting.

Probably not, but I can hope!
One Legendary Lord remains, unless there's another stack waiting in the wastes.

The Ever-Chosen was a horrific foe, but he died, and I did not.

So, Slaanesh's Scion... You are the last hope of the Ruinous Powers.

If you served the god of Hope, I might be worried there.
Another long ride is over, ladies and gents.

It is not the Age of Peace, that is sure, but all of Chaos's material forces amount to a single, bestial Lord.

And given I have literally spent 100 turns past the Chaos Invasion hunting down the Warherd at times... Yeah, it ends here.

If you want more TWW from me, here: Let's Play - TWW2: Walk Like A (Zombie) Egyptian.
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